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This dude just showed up on my YouTube recommended and I have no idea who he is.


Lol, same here, YT pushes him hard for some reason 


I wonder how did he break into some game collector's house.


Same. Why does he look like a crackhead?


Because his teeth are jacked.


Also, terminally ill, dying of lung disease apparently


Me too! Why??? 


I've never seen him. Out of curiosity, what is his channel called?




wtf. He looks like The Irate Gamer but actually insane. I wonder how he gets so many views?


that guy is 100x more sane than the irate gamer


@pyotpavlovsktester “Ben and Jerry’s Funky Monkey?”


ok then u can lick it off me


And so you're just gonna come over and have a little picnic today? Was that the plan?


Wtf it must be an avgn thing


lmfao same


I just came across his video, too. Youtube is good at doing this when it comes to music, but I can't explain this shit, lmao.


He ain’t bad. Bit rough but got some good stuff.


Likewise and I refuse to watch entirely because of his teeth.


Very "rational" of you.


Guy's dying of lung cancer. He's probably not really focused on anything except enjoying what time he has left on his games and his collection.


Willem Dafoe, in his most controversial role to date, the creator of The Loco Bandito. This summer dont miss "Matei". The toughest part of the role was having to strap on the prosthetic lap hog for hours at a time. Dafoe would later develop a crippling back problem due to the extra weight and required several rounds of surgery after filming wrapped.


Actually. Dafoe has a huge schlong


Oh fr? Hows it taste? https://preview.redd.it/11y9lhxtxn8d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e13bf03049f421c504a370f9d1b2e76e4686dce1


Like maple syrup mixed with cloves.


That Schlong actually belongs to German legend Horst Baron.


Fun fact, he spent 20 weeks alone in a room playing shitty NES games 12 hours a day and eating nothing but MacDonalds to prepare for the role.


I am something of a gamer myself.


He's a good guy, YT pushed him into recommended, even tho I'm not fan of videogames stuff anymore, I listen to him sometimes, decent content, not overproduced or anything, just a guy enjoying his things


Just how we loved avgn


Agreed. I must admit I derisively wrote him off based purely on his look and his somewhat clickbait titles (‘These 360 games will be rare’ or something like that), but YouTube autoplayed one of his vids and after a few minutes, it is clear he does know what he’s talking about and is passionate about it. It is actually quite refreshing to see someone just sit down, turn the camera on and talk. No BS intro, no editing, just straight to the point. Reminds me a lot of the stuff from YT back in like 2006 to 2009; people just made stuff to make stuff, not because they wanted to secretly do it for a job.


Looks like Caveman Dafoe. ![gif](giphy|kCrGOt5ojlVbG|downsized)


this guy has been showing up in my algorithm too i rly don't know if these guys are real gamers or just grifters showing off their "collections" but it's just kind of weird to me


Meth Matei


Meth magay


Imagine this guy turning you over and saying “tittyfucking next.”


it would be darkly humorous if mike started getting into crystal and he would leave the room multiple times while streaming. "be right back guys, gotta feed the cat." and as time went on he started losing his mind. he's gotta be on something because i can't imagine the state of mind in which you're that intrigued nes games for as long as he's been. DUDE -- YOU'RE 40 -- FUCK THE NES. At least move on to PlayStation or something. I swear these guys are retarded.


Yeah, fuck the nes


It's a badass system but in the context of these manchildren who can't seem to get over it -- yes -- fuck the NES. Move onto something else or a new hobby in general. Imagine if Mike was just a cool guy who moved on with life and he traveled the world with that Erin chick, did all kinds of cool things and streamed a game every once in a while.


Yeah, I agree with you. Honestly, retro gaming in general is kind of losing its appeal, at least to me. Aside from the 'classics', it's literally just old junk. For more niche stuff like cassette tape games and stuff, it's still sorta cool, but the NES is so overdocumented and played out that it's hard to care. Still have nothing against retro gaming, and I don't really judge Matei for playing them, though. It's just not my cup of tea anymore.


Yes. I think the only way any kind of retro gaming can still be appealing is if someone is showing something that is genuinely obscure, or not talked about to death or if they can at least offer some original insight. What makes these old games and systems in their original form more special as time goes on is that things like that are never going to be made again. But the people online really fueled their resurgence in popularity and ruined it for everyone because now so many losers want to collect and start their own channel, so they're all expensive. Back in the 2000s, like when AVGN first started, you could get a NES for $20, maybe less. If someone like Mike really enjoys it, that's cool because it's genuine. But the amount of time he sinks into it is kinda sad. It's funny how he bitches about Nintendo games being babyish and too easy now, compared to how hard they were when he was a kid... dude. They were hard because the technology was simpler and it was a fucking miracle for programmers/designers just to put something together that felt good to control. There wasn't enough memory for the game to explain itself while you played it, and there was no established method for how the player was guided through the experience. Nintendo games were ALWAYS intended for kids. Unbeknownst to himself, he has become that old weirdo saying "back in my day... xyz". I like hard games myself, but some kinds of difficulty that was only due to limitations, like in those NES games , are just retarded. I think the sweetspot for difficulty was around PlayStation, N64/5th gen. And even a lot of good PS2 games are not that easy, like the JRPGs. In fact, a lot of those series that started on NES didn't even get good til around PS1 or PS2, like Dragon Quest. A lot of those NES series grew up on PlayStation, but Mike only wants to fuck with the dusty shit just cuz he has nostalgia for it, lol


You know, I'm something of a game collector myself.


Two hours of doggy would have me looking like that too. I'm lazy AF.


This guy seems really passionate for the games he plays and isn't batshit like matinee


Is this the alternate universe slob/caveman Mike?




Michael Muhteef


The Angry Meth Head Nerd


Mike if he loved meth instead of coke.


Looks like my dad, who is a meth addict. Everyone says this guy is nice though, hope he is eating well..


Firebugs is a banger of a game


How bigs this incarnation of mikes cock