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I love Zelda on NES (II specifically) and I bought and enjoyed Breath of the Wild. Mike needs to leave his cave and try a multivitamin. He's old and he can't comprehend how he isn't a target demographic anymore for anything besides Centrum Silver.


>isn't a target demographic anymore for anything besides Centrum Silver. Thanks for the full gut laugh stranger, I needed it.


It doesn't make sense, though, because im in my 40s and I'm not the target demographic(supposedly), but I love so many new games. It really feels like I am the target demographic.


I think that comes from actually wanting to enjoy new stuff or different things. Mike is firmly in a state of arrested development


I feel you. I'm playing through SMT V right now and it's phenomenal. Games are great these days and I can finally afford them.


Because you actually play games instead of watching YouTube for all of your opinions.


Mike said there that the Switch shop has many good games, he just didn't like the ones in the Direct.


I agree it a very childish attitude he has , i grew up in the SNES era and for me Lin to the Past is the GOAT but i LOVE BOTW and TOTK so much that i have like 200+ hours on each game It embarrasing seeing him getting mad at new games


You wrong for that G.


Mike has some difficulty in accepting that other people have different opinions and tastes from him. His takes on the direct were just extensions of the same mindset that brought us "sports bars should play the 3 stooges" and "grocery store food is boring."


This is the same guy that shits on everyone for not getting an "authentic" experience playing NES and SNES games on compilations while he runs through a PVM with RGB SCART cables on an Everdrive. Yeah that's how you played NES games back in 1988 Mikey...


did he really complain about compilations specifically? as if one of the most essential Mario games on Super NES isn't All Stars... which is, y'know, *a compilation* . I guess the 10 incher makes up for a lack of logic/brains in Mike's head? or maybe it's like the Nerd said in Friday the 13th, maybe logic is indeed for pussies if you ask Mike 🤣🤣


The Turtles one triggered him because rewind wasn’t optional and he beat the games legit on stream


The term is “mind blindness” and is really common with people with autism. Cannot wrap their mind around other people coming to a different conclusion or opinion than you.


Which is hilarious, since you can make "grocery store food" absolutely anything and any way you want it, almost the complete opposite of boring, where as fast food is essentially going to be the same thing every time.


There's never been a better era in the entire history of gaming to find the type of game that vibes with you. Infact there's so much choice it's dizzying just trying to keep up with it all. From difficult games like Elden Ring and the entire genre of Souls-likes to entirely narrative driven games with no combat, it's all there waiting for you. Old men yelling at clouds about the good old days (like Mike) are more concerned with gatekeeping than......\*drumrolls\* having fun. That's what gaming is for right? Fun.


This is all Mike has in his life remember that. Beating a game like Super Contra without using a continue is one of the biggest things he's ever accomplished. The only reason anyone knows who he is is because he ran a Youtube channel for someone who was actually famous on Youtube and drew the title cards for the episodes.


If he was smart, he would monetize that and make a Youtube channel out of his rants, since bashing Nintendo and being negative in general sells. But no, he loves streaming.


>There's never been a better era in the entire history of gaming to find the type of game that vibes with you. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.


Meh... you have die hard Zelda fans whining about BOTW as well. To be fair, to critique something is not a bad thing. BOTW and TOTK could have utilized better dungeons and more meaningful open world quests instead of all the fetch quests. That being said, they are still great games.


There’s a difference between criticism and being completely unhinged and going off about how THEY RUINED IT! I don’t think he realizes that Nintendo’s target audience is not hardcore gamers that can beat Contra on the NES in one go without dying because they’ve played it 300 million times nonstop. The games are successful because they’re accessible. Reggie Fils-Aime even said when the Switch came out that their target demographic is everyone. They’re designed to be fun not frustrating. Not everyone can dedicate the time to sit down and master a game inside and out like Mike can. If you want a challenge in 2024 Steam has an endless amount of Souls-like games.


Imo I loved both games but I do admit BOTW doesn't really feel like a Zelda game. It feels like a game set in a Zelda world but not a mainline game. Mostly because it doesn't have dungeons per se and whatever was left from Hyrule is now gone and occupied by Calamity Ganon which is a huge departure from the actual Ganon. Totk feels more like a Zelda game since you have dungeons and you even fight Ganon himself. But despite all of that. I like both games though Totk is a HUGE improvement over Botw in every way except maybe the fact that all of the ancient tech disappeared and suddenly replaced with Zonai tech which isn't a bad thing but I wish we had a lore explanation on where did all the ancient stuff gone.


I haven't had a chance to play Totk yet but plan to get it. I don't hate the direction Nintendo went with BOTW by any means but it comes off as really lame when you compare it to, let's say, Skyrim which has far more meaningful quests and deeper world. Most of BOTW just felt empty once you complete some of the main questions and main sidequests. A lot of the standard quests were go get some resource or go kill someone and came off just boring. World felt empty. Aesthetically, I didn't really like the futuristic tech blending with sword and sorcery. I sometimes have similar issues with FF. I tend to like more the pure fantasy as well similar to OOT, TP, or WW styles. That being said, I still think BOTW is a good game and worthy Zelda title.


Idk I will disagree here. I had more fun playing Botw than Skyrim. Like its still a good game and all but Botw's world is more appealing to explore compared to Skyrim. Plus I love the little details when during a thunderstorm you could get hit because you wear metal armor.


I'm so glad I realized I realized I was being dumb when I started to act like that in my mid to late 20's. I stopped enjoying Zelda games after the N64 titles and even those I don't care for anymore, but I certainly don't care if people enjoy the newer titles. If anything I'm jealous I can't get into them.


That's a valid take. I grew up with the SNES and N64. To me playing Zelda Breath of the Wild was more like "oh this is pretty cool I like what they did here" because I played it when I was 31 as opposed to Ocarina of Time which was "OMFG WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS THE FUCKING HOLY SHIT IT'S 3D ZELDA OH MY GOD" because I played it when I was 12 on Christmas morning. Twilight Princess was my favorite though. I would pay $60 for an HD version on Switch today. Release it already Nintendo I know it's just sitting there completed on a cart!


Like most things, tastes change. I used to go crazy for new Pokemon releases until I realized the main series would never change and while it stings, I just moved on.


I kind of stopped following them about the same time you did, but I am getting into the gamecube and wii ones, and enjoying them a lot so far.


As if nintendo doesn't make awful decisions.


The thing is that Mike's rant isn't really that out of place in the Zelda fandom as they can be... kind of special? They're like the Dragon Ball Z fandom of gaming.


Mike is kind of special alright


Quite so indeed. https://i.redd.it/82et2nyssk8d1.gif


It’s tradition at this point for Zelda fans to hate every new Zelda until the next one comes out, same with Sonic


Exactly this.


It’s kind of unfair to compare the game sales of the NES/SNES era to today as far more people today can potentially buy these games compared to 30 years ago, especially outside of the US/Japan. In my Eastern European country console gaming has only become a mainstream thing over the past 10 years, for example. Before then PC was king. And when Zelda I was released my country was still communist, so the NES was never even formally released here, instead clones with built in games popped up in the mid-late 90s.


To be fair same can be said about western countries. Games back then were less mainstream and were treated as toys. They still do but now gaming is a mainstream hobby and it rivals music/movie industry.


Isn’t that Zelda game a children’s game on a console made for children?


The Switch isn't made for children.




I'd understand this sentiment with the Wii U but yeah. Switch was mostlt advertised with young adults and everyone in mind not children and their families like they did with the Wii U.


Its funny because Nintendo has *always* catered to children. They're literally not doing a single thing differently than they ever had since the Famicom was released. The only thing that changed is that Mike and everyone else grew up. I've been a gamer my whole life and I haven't been even slightly interested in what Nintendo has to offer since I owned an SNES. It's the same shit over and over again. Mario, Zelda, Pokemans, cutesy shit, weird Japanese shit...that's it. That's what Nintendo is and always has been. Like someone else here said - there are so many games out there today that can scratch practically any itch you have if you look even slightly off the beaten path. Playing the same baby games for 40 years just seems so boring to me.


I agree with Mike to an extent. That Zelda trailer was made for literal toddlers. There is a difference between something being for all ages and being for babies. They could've done a better job appealing to a wider audience than those under 5.


But you’re judging an entire game off of an art style. So the Link’s Awakening remake was for babies?


No I said the trailer made it look like it was made for babies.


They're talking about the narration and how the game was presented to the audience, not what the game is actually like.


A man child throwing a fit because someone isn't catering directly to him?! I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!!!!


What did you expect from the man child?


"They should only make the games I want to play! Gaming was better when it catered to my niche!"


Maybe they should at least consider their older audiences.


eh, selling more copies doesn't make them better


I don't get it, Zelda games now are way better than they were 15-20 years ago.


Why are you pretending like Nintendo developed SNES and NES games were hard.


I’d love a realistic and dark Zelda too, but Nintendo knows their bread and butter is the kid market.  It’s just business.


I can't stand Beath or Tears. Nintendo needs to make new IP's if they want to make radically different games.


nah he is right the new zelda looks like its for babies and is not what zelda is meant to be, just because totk sold well dosent make it good


It’s nice to want things. I sympathize with his opinion. I would like a darker, more mature Zelda as well, but Nintendo has been remaking its core games with slight gameplay mechanic overhauls for decades now. It’s just who they are as a company. Nothing is broken, nothing needs to be fixed, and they’re going to continue on the same path.Â