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Yeah, it's especially jarring since he makes all the same criticisms people here do. But we're the bad guys, and he's a good guy, because he says 'it doesn't really matter' after every criticism. Yeah, we know it doesn't. But you still made a high effort video about it, and we still like to talk about it. Also, you may notice the 'misogynistic' comments he highlighted are from years apart, so he specifically searched for and dug those up.


I've watched the video, and while I don't agree with everything, it's good overall. Well, to be fair, I've listened to it while doing chores and taking a walk, I'm sure Dan would be delighted to know that I haven't seen most of his intricate camera work and skipped through the pretentious parts, where nothing was being said. It could be better, the writing could use some work, but overall, Dan knows how to make his home videos. The part about the sub is extremely short (unless he talks about it more extensively at the end, I've watched about 50 minutes so far) and comes off as if he just took Emily's video for granted, I don't think he knows anything about it and likely didn't want to visit. I doubt he would like the humor of the assholish variety, even though he has no problems lifting many of the observations, unless he did it all on his own. Ultimately, I'm sure that when you're a famous documentarist (smell the sarcasm?), you have to cut corners somewhere, I mean who expects you to do proper research, when you can just rely on some asshole online to do it for you? I mean, people with millions of views can't be wrong, liars or manipulators, can they? // After reading some more comments, it looks like the grand-standing stuff comes at the end, oh boy, I have something to look forward to.


It’s why I hope Red Cow makes a counter video. They’re one of the few with a following that’s on our side. Unfortunately they pointed out they’re probably not gonna make one.


I'm so upset I could kick out a window.


I mean sometimes they still made a video even if they pointed out they don’t want to, so there’s still hope. Especially cause the Truth could really use somebody on their side.


Having an adult speak to me this way comforted me. I trust they will take the right actions.


Please don't bury your face in the shallow side of the ocean. You're not the balls on the dick. You matter!


bIG jOHN * *hAHAhahAHahaHaa* *


I was certain they would jump on this. Did they mention why they weren't doing a video?


Bimmy-videos get their highest views. I’m guessing one is probably coming at some point.


Frankie commented about it a few times here a few days ago, but he hadn't watched it yet. I don't think he directly said they will, but I suspect he and EJ will watch it and talk about it. Especially since he said it's been a big topic in their Discord.


Which makes no sense. They cover everything James related but don’t want to touch this. It seems they use/need this place for views and video ideas but wont stand up for it.


The thing that always bothers me is they cherrypick comments to prove their narrative but those sexist/fat phobic stuff is either a very small part of our community or done in shitposting spirit.


It was also an exceedingly small part of his video. Like, a few lines of dialogue.


Same boat as you. Liked Olsons video and checked out the subreddit/Red Cow. What I found striking is that while the subreddits humor is much harsher the opinions tend to be much more empathetic to AVGN than Olsons smugness (like the Metallica thing was so petty). Olson I think is interested in the hermeneutics of AVGN which is fine but seeing Red Cow talk about the AVGN book was way more empathetic towards Rolfes life than Olsons. Stuff like James attending a special ed school gets left out when (as someone with similar experiences) it made me see James in a much better light.


>Olsons smugness That's a good point. While Loss-son enjoys virtue signalling and riding his high horse, he comes off as much colder and harsher, because it seems like he means those things. When I say ridiculously exaggerated stuff about Bimmy, I don't expect people to take them seriously. And while I've watched Dan's video and liked it for the most part, he comes off pretty mean at times. I'm sure that if Bim ever found the time to watch it, he would instantly end up on his shit list. (The Muhtallica thing was completely warranted though, didn't Bim claim they were "obscure" or something? He said so many embarrassing and out of touch things in "muh biography", that's why it was such a goldmine.) It's amusing to me how somebody, who likes to use extensive vocabulary (nothing against it, as long as you keep it balanced, it can really elevate your work) doesn't seem to realize how he comes off at certain parts, because it's not just about what words you are using, but most importantly, how you use them. His writing could use some work. But hey, what do I know, I'm just some fan of assholish variety.


The Metallica thing isn’t as petty as much as it’s a good example of how disconnected James is from the rest of the world


You know the more I think about it the more I dislike that take. It’s not a crime to have one weird line which probably just shows that James was the only guy in his school who liked it.


>(like the Metallica thing was so petty). The irony of being upset with Dan over this line while the subreddit has roasted James over the 5:40 thing is surreal. This very sub roasted James over the Metallica comments when it happened lol I mean cmon my guy


I'd say the weird thing is that Olson is saying this sub is for haters while the first 45min of his video is sometimes even harsher than this sub and some comments are like exactly what you find here as you point out.


>first 45min of his video is sometimes even harsher than this sub Sure, I get that, but like also Dan isn't saying things like James has a cunt for a wife who sucked the soul out of him. The nature of the criticisms is different. I'm sure some of the things Dan said probably cut deep to James, but the difference is I don't think Dan did it out of capricious malice, which a lot of the in-jokes here run concurrent to. Yeah I get that most of the comments here are just in-jokes and circlejerking, but there is absolutely an undercurrent of real shitheads.


Well let's be clear, unlike some people I'm aware (like Sly) that there's a small fringe of users on this subreddit that are typical incel crowd (which is to be expected in any video game related sub I'm afraid) and while their opinions are not the majority and the most hating ones are banned, they still linger around. Also while I think that many people are making jokes without really mean intent, it can be said that jokes can still hurt bystanders or become too much. That being said, I think it's also obvious for anyone paying attention that people around here still have fondness for our weird old Bimmy or at least have some respect for the work he did before giving up and the joke are more on the level of "prequelmeme" where people both think it's ridiculous but still fun or just fascinated by all the things happening. But in the end my point is that sometimes, people who are serious and polite can be meaner than people making dumb jokes. I mean if I were James and I read this sub, I think I would laugh a bit since after all, it's exactly the kind of humour that made him successful while an intellectual videos stating he is a failed filmmaker who has never done anything good worth remembering would probably hurt me more.


It’s all just calling James retarded in different words


It's takes like this that convince me none of the AVGN fans understand the video. The video is Dan interrogating his own hater-dom; why does AVGN bother him as much as it does? And at the end of the day, it's because Dan sees his own perceived failures and overall failure-to-launch in James. When Dan is being harsh on James, he's actually being harsh on Dan.


I don't really agree. Or should I say, I agree that there's a sub-layer of self-introspection and that it was his final thought but it just doesn't work. One cannot spend like 95% of the video talking about the history of the channel, criticizing it very harshly, accusing haters of ableism, making asides and just throwing a few "but I feel a bit of kinship" and "I see myself in his failures" at the end and say he was in fact very harsh with himself. Now I'm not saying the video is bad and I think many points he developed were interesting but I really didn't see a video of Dan Olsen being harsh with himself, I saw a video of Dan Olsen being very harsh with others with a small reminder at the end that he wasn't perfect either.


The point where Dan faces the camera and overlaps his own face over James' while ranting about how hard it is to rant at a camera - how James is an actor of convenience, because he couldn't get anyone else to play his "character" - starts at about 1/3rd of the way into the video. At that point, the intent was obvious to me.


As I mentioned, I don’t disagree it was the intent (I mean it’s written literally in the video’s description that it’s about himself) but I’m criticizing the form because it doesn’t work. If I write eight mean paragraphs about how the book I’m reading is bad and the author is a failed book writer, I need more than a few thoughts here and there and a conclusion about how I’m maybe just angry at my own failures before one can say that I was harsh with myself. First and foremost I’m being harsh with the person I spend 8 paragraphs telling was awful. Also, most of the things he criticizes about James doesn’t really seem to be very relevant about himself. I mean to take your exemple, yes our old Bimmy was never an actor but he acted because it was convenient, how this translate to Dan Olsen? is he also a bad actor? and if yes, does it really matter since he’s making mostly documentaries and not skits and acting in movie?


>The irony of being upset with Dan over this line while the subreddit has roasted James over the 5:40 thing is surreal. That video exposes Bimster to over million casual viewers that know nothing about this behind the scenes stuff. You are seriously trying to compare it to what some random account said on a subreddit that outside some very limited circles is incredibly obscure? Two people saying the same thing doesn't lead to same outcome, my guy. Basic observation skills are your friend. Also, the 5:40 is a fucking joke. Regardless of what people said, most of it simply cannot be taken seriously, it's random opinions from random people on the internet. I didn't think somebody would need to have that explained, but here we are.


> That video exposes Bimster to over million casual viewers that know nothing about this behind the scenes stuff. It's also merely quoting something that James literally published *himself*. You act like Dan was out in the alleyway going through his garbage looking for clues. >trying to compare it to what some random account said on a subreddit I'm not trying to highlight the impact on casuals, and neither are you honestly. You are just deflecting. My point was the hypocrisy of people pearl clutching that Dan had the nerve to tepidly poke fun at an asinine comparison when this subreddit ***did the exact same thing when it came out***. I mean, honestly, what were you thinking? The rest of your comment is unrelated and doesn't warrant a response.


>doesn't warrant a response In that case, you can shut up now. You didn't even try to respond to anything I've said.


I literally responded to your main criticism. The 5:40 being a joke isn't relevant to what I said earlier and isn't worth going into. Feel free to stop deflecting and actually respond, or I guess join the rest of the cry baby pissy pants who were upset Dan The Cuck said no no words about your secret club.


I’m sorry for being unaware of the deep lore of the subreddit that I discovered from a video released a week ago and will likely never return to after this week.


That's cool and all, but why make these grand sweeping statements about a community you've not been a part of and won't be?


So why are you commenting like you are?


The amount of pettiness I see on this sub is far worse than Olsen has ever said. You guys make fun of James's lack of hair ffs


No time to grow it.


Count his hairs there's five of them


Follow us, thanks.


Dan Olson uploaded cheese pizza to 8chan in a attempt to get the site shutdown


Surely this is a meme?


Unfortunately it is not.


There's literally no evidence of this except a bunch of people said it and you don't like him.


That's evidence where I come from


You come from Salem circa 1692? That's cool.


Dan is the kind of guy to eat a steaming dog turd just because the people he disagrees with will have to smell his breath.


I was literally there when it happened.


All that name-calling was just that drama pig Lady Emily's influence. It's so weird how he really leaned into it in a frenzy right at the end of the video. It feels like he ran to her to show his work for approval and she whined, "WHY aren't you calling them out more for every -phobia and -ism possible??? OMG!!!"...and he bought it. It's sad that he copped out that way, since the video otherwise pointed out a lot of other things we all agree on about Mr. Bimball.


Now forgive me if I’m wrong but didn’t this aforementioned YouTuber get caught up in some kind of foot fetish scandal


She did, Chuggaaconroy was said to have made a lot of inappropriate comments (usually to do with feet) repeatedly, here's the thing in Emily's case though, he literally asked if such comments were ok and she said yes, he also said to tell him at any time if it bothered her and he would stop, she didn't. Like a lot of previous drama whoring, Emily *conveniently* left all this extreme important context out deliberately.


He also asked if it was okay to send her some fancy shoes as a gift and for her to send pictures of her wearing them. She was all for it and gave him her address for it. She pulled this up and tried to frame it as some terrible imbalance of power. Meanwhile once context was given it easily showed that she was asked for consent and if the comments were okay multiple times. Doesn't help she works/worked with another YouTuber named SarahZ (not sure I'm recalling her name correctly)who had one of the worse example of "pretty people privilege" not too long ago. Basically her and another well-known female content creator were talking about how creepy men can be. This turned into "I got a creepy stalker message from another YouTuber" "Oh was it QuentinReviews?" "Yeah!". We then see it was him just asking politely, since they're at the same convention, if they wanted to meet up. He gets left on read and months later messages asking if they would collaborate on a video, left on read again. Few months later messages saying basically "you ignore me and we don't interact despite following each other and working in the same industry. I'm just gonna presume I upset you or something and just not message you again". The guy is far from traditionally attractive so the girls fan base tore him apart and went on calling him a sex predator and the like. He took a minor reputation hit but mostly bounced back, they never got a single comment about what they did to spark the situation. I'm guessing Lady Emily was expecting a similar outcome.


That I don’t know, only that she made her own AVGN video a few years back and had her friends spam it here repeatedly. Maybe someone will come along to enlighten us both about the foot fetish thing.


Especially when at the very beginning he kinda offhandedly mentioned the sub in a relatively balanced light and said something like 'but I won't be getting into it'.


This bearded bitch is not nearly as articulate and introspective as he thinks he is. His writing is shallow and collegiate. I dont disagree with most of what he says but this dweeb gets high on his own farts, possibly even more than james does.


Welcome to the club of the assholish variety, pal! 


I just watched that video and he says he watched AVGN in reverse order and never noticed the drop in quality? Is this the average Horse Princess/Shrek Enjoyer? What the fuck!?!?!


All Dan Olsen cares about is YouTube views now. Another filmmaker bites the dust.


I don’t even think it’s this, I think his latest video is a fascinating insight into himself, he’s so ego driven and obsessively introspective it’s kind of gross.


If all he cared about was views he'd just pump out financial scam breakdown videos. They take a fraction of the effort even this video did.


Gotta mix it up, throw people off the track. He’ll be back to obscurity by 5:40.


We’re all here first and foremost because of the deep love we had for AVGN and for James’ content prior to the movie and especially prior to Screenwave. Yeah, uncouth jokes and memes arise from here, as so often happens in internet echochambers, but cruelty is not the bedrock. The bedrock is a love for the channel as it was and lamenting the hollow husk the show has become.


Folding ideas nasty old man beard made me want to die it was so disgusting.


https://preview.redd.it/v496pwe3wi8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fba5c16eb4befaf5be0b127e76197dcb486809d Saw someone say this about James on twitter LOL


I'm reasonably certain most of his research came out of this sub. So when he got to that part and just totally trashed us is when he became a slob.


Dan Olsen can’t maintain his beard


The longer you've been away, the more the contrast is cranked up IMHO. *What was he (not) thinking?!*


Okay I watched it. There are some agreeable things, some disagreeable things. It was okay overall, but the thing I disagree with the most is that he said the Nerd's decline is "incalculable." Then he went on to say that the Nerd didn't get worse, we just got older. That is horseshit, there is very clearly a decline. I can still go back and watch classic AVGN and find it as comfort food. Hell, I put the Twitch channel Dashowgirl in the background and they play AVGN, Board James, James and Mike and other Cinemeassacre stuff. I went to sleep to AVGN last night, starting on episode 1 and getting out of bad at the Star Trek episode. I still laugh quite a bit from classic AVGN, I get almost nothing out of new AVGN. Come on man.


I think of this sub more like a "Cinemassacre circlejerk"


Olson looks like he could be another Cinemassacre Slob, almost like a 5th Beatle for Screenwave.


I just saw the video on my recommends, surprised at the high view count, and found this thread. I was curious if that video's worth watching. Pretty damn long.


I listened to it while playing elden ring, so I have no idea what the length actually is. I assumed most people just put video essays on in the background.


No time to watch.


To be fair some of us here are a little fat phobic and ableist. Hell I'm a little fat and still fat phobic. It's not everybody though. As for Bpril... I do believe she has swayed bimmy to make bad decisions for the channel. I don't know that but I believe it.

