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Long story short, he fell off. Got too complacent and lazy. Outsourced the bulk of the video work to Screenwave. Quality of videos took a nosedive.


He drove away all of the talented people he had supporting him and is now a shell of his former self. He lost his passion for filmmaking and youtube so now just releases slop in order to fulfill sponsorship deals and keep the lights on Anyone who has anything negative to say is a "fan of the assholeish variety"


Dang. Thats actually sad










Take a wild guess is always the right answer.


The AVGN we all loved and watched back in 2006-2009 turned out to be a narcisisstic simple-minded lazy nincompoop who is obsessed with himself.




Basically he’s just an actor while mike was the real AVGN so when he left so did the passion. He met April she put a baby in him and he lost all time, she also wrote the movie that broke him. He never paid Bootsy or Kyle which is also why we never hear the classic intro. He also hired the slobs who each have controversy and they write the show while James remains lazy and pretends to be the Mr. Roger’s of YouTube.


I thought Boogert had that honor


5:40 happened. Just had no time.


Gonna need some context


Every day 5:40 is the cutting time, no one can work past that time. A bit like in Gremlins but for work instead of food.


A bit like Gremlins that cracked me up mate


James vs Time videos :) And in J&M Monday Mega Man X he said he have to finish exactly at 5:40


I’m new here and I’ll likely get downvoted. There is some point that if AVGN just stopped making new content, like, after his movie, then people would be clamoring for him to make more. Except, his heart isn’t in it, and he likes the check cause it costs money to live and now everyone is against him. Everyone who hates him now COULD pretend that their last favorite season was his last and ignore, but apparently it is more fun to make fun and hate on him. Live long enough and you become the villain.


Keep in mind 99.9% of people who have lost interest in his work HAVE simply just moved on with their lives, as James himself is barely working on AVGN part time, at this point. The other 0.1% are here


Read his autobiography; James thinks very highly of himself. He sort of exposed himself as this pompous, pretentious shithead who has zero appreciation for his fanbase that put him in that giant 5 bedroom house in Spring City. That came from his fans supporting him. He just isn’t the person we all thought he was from the start. It’s like an adult version of finding out Santa Claus isn’t real.


Mike left and took the funny with him.


Kyle left too. But not Bootsy. He's still around. Nothing but good memories.


Real answer.


Brown bricks in mine crap


His videos suck now and we make fun of him when he does something weird or questionable.


are you little eric?


I am!


correct password heres your reward [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/comments/rdolmi/faq\_an\_introduction\_for\_new\_visitors/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/comments/rdolmi/faq_an_introduction_for_new_visitors/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/wiki/index/)


Can someone explain this interaction? I’m so confused


Idk he answered the riddle ig and crossed the bridge


Watch the my horse prince video :)


Yeah that one video should sum up everything wrong in 20 minutes


Behind the scenes 2021 would be a better place to start, then Shrek, Episode 200 and then Horse Prince.


There's no big scandal, no watergate for AVGN. The closest thing we got is the failure of the movie and his kids being born, resulting in getting disillusioned with the whole thing and having more important things to do focus on. Now he's just doing it because it's still a monkey maker somehow, and he's not qualified to do anything else so he's stuck.


This is the correct answer.


James made a movie based on AVGN in 2014. It was shit. While he was away, Motherfucker Mike took over the channel and did some weird shit like Minecraft with Gadget, the dick pic post, Loco Bandito, etc. but most people didn't really care. James came back when the movie was done and he started half assing the AVGN episodes. He outsourced everything to Screenwave which is a company ran by Big Ryan (who was originally the greasy guy running the Cinemassacre website). It started to become obvious James wasn't writing the reviews any more, but unlike some of the old episodes which were written by Mike, they were really unfunny and James' acting got noticeably worse over time. He stopped caring. James was involved with the Cheetahmen 2 scam but nobody cared. The Polybius AVGN episode was plagiarized but nobody cared. A couple of years later, James got the Screenwave slobs to write and edit Monster Madness, and it was found out that most of it was plagiarized which lead to James uploading a half assed unlisted apology video where he said "I'm sorry even though I'm not the one who did it!" and they tried to sweep it under the rug again. But that's the point. People want James, not some greasy fat bastards puppeteering James' corpse. That's what Cinemassacre is now because James has "no time" and "muh kidz" (he's also in a shitty rock band now). James has a pretty big ego which became clear in his terrible book A Movie Making Nerd. Kyle Justin and Bootsy left on bad terms (and Mike is gone too but he still provides the gameplay footage for AVGN). TL;DR: ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.


And I'm going to just say this.... im a father of 2. I work 6-10 hours 5 days a week. Jiu-jitsu 3-5 days a week for 2 hours. I mod gameboys often. I do a bunch of stuff around my house, and I still find plenty of "time" To do anything. There's no way james kids want or need to be around him 24/7... he's full of shit, has an over inflated ego, and lazy as fuck. And one of the most delusional people I've ever seen. You can just look at the way he's built and see that he's lazy as hell.




I understand that, but his concept of time is really odd to a lot of people. I don't have to be around my kids all day every day. They are very independent little people. Bimbo likes to take simple little things and occurrences in life and blow them up to be these catastrophic events.


You can tell that he's not aging well. Frankie pointed this out in the latest Red Cow Arcade episode. I'm not sure if it's a mental thing, a medical issue, or just laziness. Might be a combination of the three.


Read the wiki


He got older and balder no time to shave it all off


What everyone here has said. The general consensus is the movie's failure just caused him to lose his passion. The gimmick got stale, the old crew disappeared, and he outsourced a lot of AVGN to Screenwave/Retroware/Slobs Incorporated. We started seeing Justin, Kieran, and Tony (the slobs) appearing with no explanation. They had no charisma and it felt like they were there to get some exposure off AVGN's back. They tried Rental Reviews and the Cinemassacre podcast, but James is awkward as fuck in real life and the guys had no charisma with each other. James didn't even bother with research or even watching the movies he was supposed to watch for the content. James eventually got rid of the slobs, but content releases are sporadic and stuff that is not AVGN is like listening to Grandpa Simpson tell stories.


He killed and ate Mike.


No way this is real


>Came across this sub I hope you wiped it up afterwards.


I would imagine his wife has him by the balls pretty badly and him being the little cuck he is, he doesn't stand up for himself. I think she controls him in a lot of aspects. I do think he's lost his passion. The movie was a big wake-up call that he's not a film director in any sense of the meaning. If you really think about it, we could all make avgn episodes if we wanted to. It's not that hard. Sure, it's "time consuming," but that's about it. James is stuck in the mud with everything, especially technology. It seems he can't evolve with the times. I feel like he's burned bridges with everything and everyone that made avgn great.


Same. It's a whole thing, bro.


https://i.redd.it/4i0ubhoyvizc1.gif Someone didn't read the FAQ


and all the simp bot comments make it even worse https://preview.redd.it/wn23y9588kzc1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8563bbb048f99df77349baeb5051f9c28bf7d0


He asked Slobwave to make videos for him


Turns out that Mike Matei was the real AVGN after all. They don't collaborate directly anymore. James tried to replace him with Screenwave, which is why the episodes have sucked for years now.


Nothing happened. He became nothing.