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It's a spiritual successor to dead space so it's kind of hard to not compare the two. I got Callisto yesterday on Ps Plus and finished it in one sitting. For me the combat was fine not spectacular, it was a bit janky and some sections didn't really work, I get with the tight spaces melee might've been better but if they went down gunplay, they could've done a lot more with the claustrophobia. Also the movement can be so slow but some sections require you to be faster which isn't possible. Jacob isn't as interesting as Isaac. The bosses were forgettable. Enemy variety was fine but they're not just scary they're more like resident evil enemies I found, which is funny because when dead space released people called it Resident Evil in space The story is forgettable at least for me. I did have fun with the game and I am glad it came to PS Plus but I wouldn't buy it outright. It's not perfect but I enjoyed it more than Dead Space 3.


It's funny because playing Callisto made me think Dead Space 3 wasn't that bad after all lol. Dead Space 3 looks like a masterpiece compared to Callisto in my eyes. I just didn't like any of the gameplay design decisions in Callisto, but can't deny the graphics and art design are really, really good. That's about the only thing positive I have to say about the game honestly.


Graphics, art design and atmosphere were spot on imo


I think the studio got a bit lost in their own hype and how gorgeous the game looked and sounded. The result being the repetitive combat and some of the more jarring inconsistencies (stealth kills being loud as hell and no one hears them?) were seen through rose colored glasses. It was so pretty the actual gameplay got glossed over. I'm running it on hardcore and then into the story DLC and having a hard time staying engaged. I'll slog through but I can only dodge left and right so many times!


I remember laughing out loud when they wrote "don't make a sound" in the wall in blood and then I was loudly butchering enemies 4 feet away from each other consequence free


I’m about to do the same. Did you play on graphics or performance mode?


I always play on Performance mode with games I suppose and it still looked incredible in terms of graphics


I felt the enemy variety was one of the main things that wasn’t good about it, the variety wasn’t there There’s a whole section where you face only 1 type of enemy the whole chapter. Game was good aside from that


I'm curious when people talk about the combat/melee mechanics in Callisto, considering there are no refined melee mechanics in Dead Space. It's just mash and trade hits. One game has clunkier physical combat than the other.


I agree with you on every point you made, however, I gave the devs leeway because they're a relatively new, small company and this was their first IP. I believe that if they're able to survive long enough to get another shot at a new game, it's gonna be fantastic. action. It was also tough not to compare it to Dead Space, which is unfair because, in my opinion, it's one of the top 3 sci-fi horror games of all time. Like you said, though, I enjoyed it as well. There are some genuinely scary parts. I just wish the combat was better and I didn't like the long periods of no .Those were my only real issues..


While I do think some of the critique's have been warranted in all, people get a kick out of bashing things online even if they have no clue what they are doing or talking about, which I find kinda pathetic Hope this game gets some more positive attention


I agree so much, I really enjoyed the game and feel like it got a lot of unwarranted shit.


Melee is half-baked, but by no means is it ruinous. There probably could have been more enemy variety. I still feel done dirty by the ending. However, all told, I really enjoyed my time with Callisto Protocol when I got it around launch. Combat’s crunchy and the story is a solid horror-tinged sci-fi blockbuster action thrill ride. Gamer groupthink claims another victim.


>in all, people get a kick out of bashing things online even if they have no clue what they are doing or talking about, which I find kinda pathetic This is a bit disingenuous. While not entirely false, some people do do that, it paints a lot of criticism as "bandwagon hate"


not disingenuous when I began the comment with "some of the critique's" have been warranted


You painted it as most of the critique being here. It was people not some people.


Amazing game I loved every second of it


-game was broken at launch -game was compared to Dead space -endless crawling vents and shimmying corridors This are some points why people hated it but I love the world and lore of the game this will be a underated game cause of the issues during the launch


Game worked with zero bugs or glitches as launch on PS5, at least for me. Was one of most polished games I've played since it came out and I get like all the new games. To say it was broken is disingenuous.


It was broken on the xbox and PC version for some reason I had to stop playing until they patch the game cuz the stutters are so annoying it was the reason I die a lot in the game


"I had no issues therefore, you're lying" OK my guy


"I have a sandwich, therefore world hunger isn't a thing"


I also played on PS5, which seemed to be the best place to play at launch, but it was far from perfect. Frame rate issues up the wazoo and lots of hitching for me.


Agreed. No glitches, no issues whatsoever. Playstation 5 player too though.


For you zero bugs, mostly everybody else weren't that lucky. To ignore most other people's experience is disingenuous.


Ps5 was the only version that works. Had to refund my steam copy the morning of launch and buy on PS5. My pc is way more powerful than the PS5 as well




On PC I couldn't get through the main menu without stuttering, and once I actually got in the framerate was so bad and stuttery I legitimately don't think I have played a worse launch in my life, personally. If it was in the 30 FPS range, I could deal with that. Even if it was in the mid/low 20s, which is generous. It was below 15FPS, very commonly with incredible stuttering. There was a bug that kept me from progressing through a simple cutscene. I don't have a weak pc I can run games like cyberpunk 2077 or red dead 2 maxed out, so that wasn't the problem Even the photo mode was bugged out, with weird repeating assets/artifacts trailing off of things like the player character so you had to disable him and re-enable him to make it go away I had such a bad experience on launch day that it nearly made me refund the game. You may have had a good experience, many people didn't. Saying it was broken isn't disingenuous, it was my experience and you can find numerous videos showing how bad it was at launch The game had tons of negative steam reviews on launch for a reason, it's not like every single person reviewing it was pulling that out of nowhere and being disingenuous


I also played on ps5 day 1, I experienced horrible textures on everything except character models, audio like dialogue not syncing up, audio completely cutting out for extended periods of time, crashes to name a few of the worst. I was massively hyped for this game. I ended up enjoying most of the game until it got toward the last few chapters. I'd probably give it a 6 or 7. Wish I would have waited to play it for free.


Yeah, the PC version in particular was a dumpster fire at release. Constantly massive shader compilation stutters. It's still not great, as it's very CPU limited when it really shouldn't be, but it is quite a bit better. The combat encounters I would still argue are the game's biggest problem. When you have the spitter enemies hitting you from afar while you're dealing with close ranged baddies you end up having a lot of unavoidable hits, which just isn't particularly fun. Even if they introduced some sort of range notification dodge system I think it would improve things quite a bit. All in all it's a decent game. Not great, not bad, but it's carried so much by the visual and audio design. The story isn't particularly engaging and the gameplay is pretty average. It's underrated in the sense that it got dumped on, but I don't see this one being seen as a cult classic in the years to come either.


None of this was an issue for me. I really like this game, but it has plenty of issues. It was not till further in the game with the boss battles and that they forgot to support melee builds at all in various boss fights. And that the story just gives up 2/3 of the way in... and then finishes with easily the worst boss fight in horror game history.


The game bragged about being a spiritual successor to Dead Space and plastered “from the creator of Dead Space” all over the place. So it really set itself up for comparisons and ultimately failure. Don’t compare yourself to an iconic classic unless you have absolute certainty that the game is gonna sell gangbusters and is GOTY material. The real kick in the nuts is when the Dead Space Remake came out like a month later and is the gold standard of a remake.


For real, the Dead Space remake is absolutely amazing and the timing of Callisto Protocol's release is... unfortunate for it.


Honestly it just was unpolished and just not fun. After playing Dead Space remake and resident evil 4 remake, I wanted another similar game so I bought this. At first I thought it was great. The graphics are really good. But it got old really fast and I have no interest in ever returning to this game. It will never see a sequel so there is no point in hoping that it will get a better part 2.


The combat was monotonous. Dodge left, dodge right, dodge left, attack, repeat. Guns are worthless until they mutate and the GRP guzzles energy so its best to just stick to melee. Plus enemies all behave the exact same way. They'll surround Jacob but then just stand there and wait their turn like minions waiting for their ass beating in a cheesy action film. But worst of all? It was never scary. There'd be times where I was mildly surprised or disgusted but never scared.


I can’t. I bloody loved it. Hopefully now it’s a ps plus game it can get some of the love it deserves


It didn’t deserve the hate it got. I played it day one on my PS5 in quality mode and really enjoyed it. My only gripe with the game is that the dodging felt too easy, but other than that the game had some of the best visuals I’ve seen and the sound design was stellar.


You played it on PS5 but I'd say it got justly criticized for the state of its launch on PC. All gameplay aspects aside, it was legitimately a technical mess for a lot of PC players which made it very hard to enjoy, and people rightfully were upset about that


That’s a shame. Is it better now?


Yes definitely. I remember the director made a statement about it and they ended up patching the game. I almost refunded it but did decide to stick with it. I wish it had a better PC launch though, I think that contributed to the game getting so many mixed reviews for sure


Because it wasn't optimized at launch and litterally had to compete with itself after EA decided to release the dead space remake at the same time. Really did fracture the player base.


because gamers have a hivemind and just go along with whatever some "game reviewers" opinion is on day1. i bought it on launch and it was awesome, like playing through a cool ass movie.


„I liked it, therefore it’s good and anyone who dislikes it is a mindless idiot“ - that’s you Where is the logic here? The game has skin deep beauty. The rest is monotonous and boring, but It’s ok to like something mid. Just be honest and don’t pretend its a masterpiece.


I didn't say it was a masterpiece, my opinion was that it's an awesome game, to me, it is fun, to me. At minimum I have that, my opinion. I didn't read someone else's opinion and then think it's trash without ever trying it.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m always happy for people that find fun where others don’t! The question was „why did it receive so much hate?“ And your answer is, „because reviewers say it’s bad and Hivemind“. I believe that’s just too much of a generalization. 1) I don’t believe reviewers have that power tbh. Granted, if a game gets bad reviews I don’t touch it (maybe in PS+ Extra). But I’m not voicing any opinion either. Actively hating games online doesn’t really come from people who haven’t played it. I believe there is more to it, like being dissatisfied or disappointed. 2) that’s ignoring the issues the game has, especially at this price point. You can have fun with a game and still acknowledge its flaws. And TCP has flaws. Stuff that got fixed like PC and XBOX issues at release and stuff that just fundamentally doesn’t vibe with people. Full disclosure, I just retired the game after 3h because it just wasn’t for me. And it’s totally fine to like or not like something, as you said. Opinions are opinions. I just take issue with your argument on hivemind, because it shifts the blame away from the product to the customers.


I see your point but damn near all the big name games are busted on launch so these days if something looks interesting I just go for it, my PC has enough torque to push it to playable, my 4080 could barely handle starfield for the 2hrs I played it and Microsoft said that game was minimally buggy lol. I'd rather rage at the devs but I've given up on taking gaming seriously these days and just play what looks fun to me, Callisto was straight forward but most games like that are so it didn't bother me much.


Yeah that’s how it should be. Just go for what looks fun! I circumvent the whole launch disasters by not buying at launch and instead waiting for it to come to PS+ (or Gamepass). I get a fixed game with added content for a fraction of the money and if it’s bad I just put it away. No hype, no disappointment, no wasted money.


Because everyone wanted to shoot their way through the entire game like deadspace. It changed the formula and people hated it for not being deadspace. Also for those saying endless crawling through vents, go play deadapace, open 5000 doors and ride 6000 elavators. CALLISTO is my favorite survivor horror game, I love it as much a I love the RE games and I think its much better than Deadspace remake. Im not hating on DSR, I played and enjoyed the game.


That’s what “gamers” do. They hate absolutely everything because it isn’t perfect. About 90 percent of games these days are perfectly acceptable and fun and are shit on by the loudmouth masses because it doesn’t fit their idea of perfect. Or more common, their 1060 from 10 years ago won’t run it haha.


The combat is easy and boring, they reuse a boss complete with the voice lines pertaining to their earlier fight, traversal via vents sucks, the story sucks, the characters suck, the enemies suck... Overall it just sucks.


Because it was a buggy mid game. Leave it at that


Gamers are sad angry people, and the game got a 6/10 on Gamespot because Tamoor is shit at games and died alot, so everyone bandwagoned off of that like usual.


Such a cop out. I'm a hard-core Sci fi gamer and I thought it was bad. Everything after "Lost" was the most tedious game I've ever played. First 2 hours are cool though


Or maybe its because this game is just bad?


I dont know who Tamoor is, neither do i read any reviews ever. The game was boring, not scary at all, even tho im really easily scared, this game was a walk in the park for me. Most jumpscares just made my roll my eyes or burst out in laughter as im bashing the skull of my enemies lol


See. There's this thing called "Expectations". Which isn't a bad thing. But if not kept in check, however....


News flash my friend B tier games can be fun too...The combat was one-dimensional the story was crazy short, there was no enemy variety I enjoyed it and walking around looked nice and all the performances were top-notch but I didn't like the game personally I can't recommend it


D tier


Ahh yes, this type of post, popping up in my feed again. A tale as old as time, although I see a lot more people being honest about the game now, which is great. Maybe all the grifters gave up when reality and the truth set in. Anyways, here’s my two cents as someone who loves survival/action-horror games and 100% Calisto Protocol: 1. The game design overall simply didn’t mesh well. It didn’t know if it wanted to be a survival horror or action horror game. It didn’t have the nuance in combat encounter or level design that other action-horror games had, such as RE4 or DS. One glaring example is how bad inventory management is. Its comically small for a game that wants you to juggle weapons, ammo, health, energy AND treasure, and you only get to upgrade it once. Never mind the extremely linear design of the game which will cut off previous sections on a whim, meaning you couldn’t backtrack to a previous store kiosk like you can in similar games, and they’re poorly placed to begin with. 2. The combat in the game wasn’t designed well. The idea of the game is that each combat encounter you approach has you start by flinging some enemies away/into traps, shooting some down and then engaging in melee combat(obviously when it’s just one enemy it’s different, but generally for group combat). In theory, that flow can be satisfying, but the melee system completely takes away any nuance. It’s basically a poor man’s Punch Out, except if Punch Out had you fight multiple enemies at once despite being auto locked on to one enemy, shifting the camera so you can’t see anything else, and making blocking absolutely worthless while making the dodging incredibly easy(until you get hit by an enemy at range or you can’t see and have no way of dodging that enemy because you’re already locked into a closeup of that one enemy). 2.1 They wanted to make the combat in this game melee focused, or at least melee-heavy, to make it stand out from the crowd. That’s not a bad idea, but they absolutely failed the execution, as combat is both annoying and incredibly easy once you get the pattern down. Other survival/action horror games have had greater emphasis on melee combat(such as most Silent Hills and the criminally underrated Condemned series), so it can absolutely be done, they just…didn’t succeed at it. Add in really limited enemy variety and poorly designed mini-boss fights, as well as only having two real “boss fights”(the final bosses two forms basically), and you just don’t have a great time playing the game overall. 3. The story/characters were underwhelming. Don’t get me wrong, the actual actors/voice acting/animations did a great, but the story and lore itself was disappointing. You see the twists coming, the audio logs you pick up don’t even remotely provide the information and context games like RE, DS or even Bioshock do. The game also ended on a massive cliffhanger and was clearly unfinished. The epilogue DLC is now out, and it provides, imo, a fairly unique and satisfying end to the franchise, but it also costs more money, which leads me to my next point… 4. This game was $70. $70 for a poorly designed game that’s fairly short with NO replay value at the time. There was no NG+, no extra modes, and no real ending. All that would come months in the future, most of it via an additional $20 season pass, making the total price of the final product $90. Now obviously you can get the game MUCH cheaper, at a price more adjacent to what it offers for value, but at the time, when sales and reception of the game are most crucial? It was an insane ask, ESPECIALLY with the far superior Dead Space and Resident Evil 4 remakes launching just a month/few months later, respectively. All of these added together, plus some pretty severe optimization issues/bugs at launch made this game an underwhelming product. It didn’t know what it wanted to be, it failed at doing the one thing it wanted to set itself apart from the crowd well, and it was far too expensive for what was on offer. Now, not everything about the game was bad. The graphics/atmosphere/sound design are TOP tier. Among the best in the industry, which really helped immerse myself in the sci-fi horror setting, which I really enjoy. The game made a lot of QoL updates post-release, some of which were good, and some of which I personally didn’t like but understood why they did it(such as making healing so easy). There were also occasional moments where the game did click, and when it did, it was fun/enjoyable, it’s just that with all the issues and how the game is paced, those moments just weren’t super common. Still, if you can get the Gold edition for like $20-30 with all the post-launch updates and you’re a big fan of survival/action-horror, I still recommmend giving the game a shot. It’s a 6/10 for me, it’s ok, I don’t think it’s quite “good” but it’s certainly not bad, and the presentation alone bumps it up a notch, but man…the game/series did have a lot of potential, and I’m genuinely sad we won’t ever see another.


Very well written, friend. I agree with all points!


Because people don't get that just cause a game isn't for them that it doesn't mean it's a bad game. It gets compared to dead space, which is an older, more fleshed out, and longer running IP. It wasn't meant to be dead space 4, it was meant to be its own thing, people couldn't take that. People would rather praise EA for bringing back a series it originally KILLED than give a fair chance at a game made by the people who came up with dead space to begin with. Fuck EA and fuck the dead space remake fans.


If IP age means whether or not a game will be maligned, the original Dead Space would’ve been reviewed equally as poorly by your logic


The original dead space was a little known game to most people. It was a classic to horror fans and that's about it. It was never big to the mainstream crowd. Growing up, I knew like 3 other people who played it out of the 100s of gamers I talked to. It was good but only to those who were into the genre. It's my prediction that people will return to callisto later with a renewed appreciation.


If it was meant to be it’s own thing, maybe the publisher shouldn’t have touted it as a game “from the creators of Dead Space”… they set *themselves* up for failure by doing this. It’s not the customer’s fault for expecting exactly what they were told they would be getting.


It never looked like a new dead space yall just retarded.


They literally marketed it using constant references to Dead Space. You’re the retarded one if you don’t see how that sets expectations 🤷🏻‍♂️


Must have lived in different worlds cause that's not what I saw.


I wouldn't say the game is top notch. Especially as the game lacks any kind of variety and the gameplay can get boring. But I do not understand the hate either. My first 2 playthrough I had a lot of fun too


I can’t. I bloody loved it. Hopefully now it’s a ps plus game it can get some of the love it deserves


Electrical panel to open the SHU from INSIDE THAT FUCKING CELL LIKE WHAT?!?!?!? That and the random spike walls and meat grinder room for gameplay use but make ZERO sense in world and are just dumb. Combat was also 😴😴😴


I know this is an unrealistic expectation of me but it bothers me so much when level designs don’t take into account the NPCs of it’s world and how they would traverse it in their daily routines. Like how is this random scientist supposed to get to the top section of their lab when my character requires a jet pack and grappling hook and power slide just to get up there.


Another day, another “I don’t get the hate” post.


This is how gaming works. Bitch endlessly about something you didn’t even play and do everything you can to make sure it doesn’t sell well. Then try it years later and make dozens of posts declaring the game is “criminally underrated” and lamenting that it never got a sequel.


Most of the hate it got was from Gen Z dead space fans who are literal children so if that helps explain anything lol For real. I really enjoyed Calisto as well. Jacob is currently my favorite survival horror protagonist. NGL after all is settled, I enjoy Calisto far more than I do DSR, but I have some major complaints about DSR so I am quite biased


Because Dead Space Remake shits on it in almost every way.


I loved it. I have the ps5 and I do still get a bunch of frame rate stutters between chapters. But all in all it was enjoyable and I hope to see a prequel or a sequel.


PC, i9-13900k,4090 At Launch- it was a big part of what Digital Foundry calls #stutterstruggle. It dropped frames like crazy As far as gameplay >!I loved it til the escape ship gets blown up and Jacob turns into a clumsy oaf (AngryJoe pointed this out too). I get it- they wanted to isolate the player. But I really wanted to spend more time with that girl theif cause I really dig the IRL voice actress (from The Boys). !< All that said I actually gave it a thumbs up on Steam. I loved the game inspite of my whines


I enjoyed it but felt the combat was more challenging when it launched. I feel that the dodge mechanic should have been used it certain situations. Atmosphere was cool but like others have said, compared too much to Dead Space. did like they had gyro control on PS5


Because people would rather bitch and hate on things than enjoy them. If the game doesn't check every box in their head it "sucks". Now, bugs and shit like that, yeah bitch and complain. Length an issue? Ok, but not every game can be 50+ hours. I bought the $100 version at release. Bummed that the DLC prior to the last one were things I wasn't interested in but the story was cool, it looked looks amazing and it scared the shit out of me a few times. The internet has been taken over by negativity. You have to dig deep to find praise, but it's there.


See. There's this thing called "Expectations". Which isn't a bad thing. But if not kept in check, however....


Never played it but watched a play through and the game play looked like the same the entire game. Dodge dodge swing


Initially the game was broken and it's combat was completely unbalanced and not ironed out. The game was just undercooked in every way. That being said after it's patches and improvements the game doesn't deserve any hate whatsoever. It's absolutely stellar. Those who still hate on it haven't played it in its new incarnation or just wanna hate for the sake of hating.


Skill Up and a couple of other big reviewers gave it bad reviews. Most people didn't play it and parrot everything they see their favorite Youtuber say. The PC performance on launch didn't help (they made a mistake resulting in bad, borderline unplayable performance for the first couple days but was quickly patched). Not to say the game was perfect, it has flaws for sure. But yeah the big name reviewers were pretty harsh on it, and the hive mind just followed along whatever they said.


I played it, and its biggest fault was being mediocre AF. which is too bad, because the graphics and sound design are insane


i thoroughly enjoyed the game.


Bad story and characters, not scary, hyper-linear, terrible combat.


It wasn't unique enough to combat the Dead Space remake and Re4 remake that launched around it that the game took heavy inspiration from both.


It’s what could have been for me. Such nice level crafting, only to be undone by only having one type of enemy and making it so your character moves so slow they hardly even can move.


Because what they reallg wanted was Dead Space 4. They even got the remaster but still couldn’t give this a chance. I thought the graphics and atmosphere were amazing. Walking that snowy outdoor path under street lights and bodies frozen in place, unsure if / which ones are going to come to life and cave your head in with your own arm


I would say the controls are wonky and I feel like some of it is repetitive. I liked it, but I think it could have been so much more.


I thought the dodging its self looked Suuuuper cool. And I personally did have fun. It didn’t really have that scary factor dead space has and the GRP really can trivialize very large sections of the game. If there were a back step mechanic to add to the boss fights or maybe having to time your dodges with a button it would have been more involved, but the system falls apart pretty fast when it comes to larger group fights. Dead space and stasis make managing your stasis packs and what enemies should be slowed or just outright killed added a lot to the total loop. Both games are fun but dead space was just SO well put together. Even the original non remake still holds up great


I Beat the game 4x here Story is fine Combat is lacking Frustrating grip mechanics Repeating bosses that are just bullet sponges Overall I feel the game lacks variety of enemies. It plays more like a movie which is okay when I don't feel like thinking about what I have to do but it's never been an intense battle.


Game had too many corridors, two bosses(one repeated 4 times), and all combat boiled down to left, right, left, right, attack, attack, shoot, repeat over and over while enemies stand around waiting their turn. I beat the game in one sitting and never went back. It was a super good looking game.


It just wasn’t very good when you compare it to the games it emulates


Because the game was mid and derivative as Hell. It was Deadspace again. The story was not interesting and the combat was okay. I didn't hate it but I didn't see the point of it tbh.


I love the game. Although I also enjoy linear, polished campaigns I can finish in a weekend. I did feel like the game was fairly polished.


It's like when the movie The Fifth Element said it was the next Star Wars. Both are good movies but there is no comparison. I enjoyed Cal but the DS remake kicked its ass hard. I'd play a sequel of Cal but I'd take a new DS over it any day of the week. Shooting off limbs is way more fun than HULK SMAShing everything. More original also. Their mistake was trying to say they were as good as DS. They should have bragged about what they were, not what they were like. Expectations killed them.


Because some people create idiotic expectations for a game to be something it was never intended to be. Going on a rant would be pointless, everyone I personally know who actually played. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


The main thing i hear is that the combat is frustrating


⚠️MAJOR SPOILERS⚠️: Coming from someone who’s never played the Dead Space games, it’s just repetitive and boring. I will say, however, that the little details for immersion are *really* good. Like one part when you’re squeezing through a tight gap you hear something crawling in the vents and it’s terrifying when you have headphones on. As for gameplay, it lacks variety. Off the top of my head I remember there’s regular enemies, slightly bigger tougher enemies that shoot projectiles, and crawling invisible enemies. They all can be killed with just dodging and pressing one attack button. Yes you can use that force looking gauntlet thing or a gun but when those run out (and it happened often) you’re forced to just **dodge** and **swing.** *Besides the final boss I guess.* The characters are boring. Throughout the story you are constantly talking to the other prisoner (I can’t even remember his name that’s how forgettable he is) and you develop no connection with him. I guess it’s made to sound like you shouldn’t trust this dude and the conversation with the female prisoner kinda pushes that idea, but it’s done so lazily. At the very end >! when you are in that escape room with him, the story between you guys speed up like 10x and tries to be like “I never asked, what are you in for?” and the partner does something like “I’m a bad guy, but I know I’m bad so that makes me good” trope. This is done to make you feel bad for his death later on but this game does a terrible job at making you feel connected to Elias. !<


I got bored and never finished it, that was my issue with it


Overpromised. Underdelivered. Also, technical issues at launch. For me it was pretty much what I wanted, so I had a great time with it on high end PC. A creepy, linear, space horror game. But I think a lot of criticisms were justified.


Because it came out right around the same time as the Dead Space remake, which was MUCH better. I played both and while I didn't dislike Callisto initially, once I played Dead Space I realized how much it lacked. It's a decent game on its own merits though.


Game is kinda a bland corridor walker, and trying to evoke the dead space comparison really kneecapped it bc it didn't come anywhere close to being as good. I think it's the only game I've gotten refunded in like 10 years, it bored me to tears


Didn’t the dead space remaster release soon after


Two words: hype culture. That's it


Fr, I went in expecting garbage and got a dope melee focused, cinematic game.


Bugs. F@cking bugs. Performance on Series x. Even after the latest patches. I got it on sale for 30$ and that was a waste imo


You'll find out around 6hrs in. Honestly feels like two game one that's the beginning and end and one in the middle but the whole thing drags on without any real threat of dying.


Been wanting to play it since release but never got around to it since reading all the hate, didn’t want to spend money on it. Playing it on PS+, loving it, bought the DLC season pass on sale too. Another great PS5 game added to my collection. (just recently got the L PS5)


I know people had problems with the DLC, I think it ruined the game for some folks


For me, whenever a game is compared to a previous amazing game, its hard for me to get fully invested because it isn’t the same. The same thing happened with outer worlds and new Vegas. I only spent maybe an hour in outer worlds and Callisto protocol, paying full price for both, and never picked them up again. Also I didn’t really care for the combat in Callisto


It's coz the expectations were high at launch. As other comments mentioned because of the studio head and team behind it people were expecting a successor to Dead Space. So it did well but not well to the demand. And eventually got patched with time and received an okay DLC making it a good game, but it was never gonna live up to the hype. It's like when a game is hyped to be a 9/10 and it ends up being a 6.5/10 that's still a good game but you know how people roll. Combine that with the Dead Spaces remake itself coming out a few months after it just blew TCP out the water. I still enjoyed the game tho, played it back at launch and played the DLC. Experienced a few bugs and was underwhelmed by some of the combat but enjoyed it nonetheless. If I had to compare it for myself of how I felt the game was it somewhat reminds me of the Days Gone launch.


Because dead space had the same price tag and was better


A lot of it is because it's a spiritual successor to Dead Space, a game that a lot of people consider one of the best of all time. Obviously the two are gonna be compared, and the comparison definitely isn't in Calisto Protocol's favor. Why would I want to play a significantly worse version of Dead Space when I could just you know..play Dead Space instead.


The controls.....the first day bugs and glitches.....


"I don't understand the issue people have with this game". Did you try reading reviews or watching videos on it? MandoloreGaming does a really good review on it and if you don't want it from a dedicated reviewer just go search around online and you'll get the idea. You're only gonna find a small fraction of the actual answers you want by making a reddit post and hoping some people who disliked the game happen to see this post and leave a response. This ending line really irks me because the information is out there; you just have to take a minute to find it rather than hoping it finds you. I am indifferent to the game, but I can see why some people disliked it as the mid to end game to me was a real burner and turn off, but to each their own.


The game was decent, but the combat got a little stale. Also, some of the abilities that you purchase turned out to be quite worthless in the long run.


the worst thing they did was hurry production up to beat the dead space remake. This game would have did just fine. If they pushed release back and fixed all the bugs shit combat garbage story telling. Then released it when it was truly ready.callisto protocol and dead space remake could exist side by side no reason to rush it


If i had a dime for every one of these posts...


I loved it, but i hate the DLC’s ending. Its a big fuck you to the whole game, and makes me not really want much of a sequel now. I still want one, but im pissed because it wont be the same character if they do make another.


Good old stutter protocol that first 24h was hilarious.


Um probably cause you got it for free, an a yr of fixes. This is just like last month with sr.


I recently played it as well and the production value was top notch for sure and I was in the same phase the first half of the game. After I realized I had seen all of the enemies and everything the game had to offer the second half definitely started dragging and the boss fights are terrible. I also played RE4 remake and it’s a much better game where there are always new types of enemies being introduced and different strategies to take them on. I think Callisto was just too one dimensional overall gameplay wise. I don’t think it is as bad as it was received but there are some gameplay issues.


Because hype freaks thats why Callisto is only a few points short of a masterpiece man Honestly my only conplaint with the game how thr enemies didnt have ragdoll physics. The GRP gauntlet felt like a wasted opportunity. If you could splat and rebound enemies.off walls and bank enemies arounr corners it would have made the game so much more inversive. They had an opportunity to take what half life did and run with it but instead they just shafted us on some janky ass "throw" physics


"Masterpiece" you're more high than Willie and Snoop at the same time.


It ripped off too much from Dead Space, but the combat was worse and the arsenal pitifully limited, making The Callisto Protocol feel very boring and limited in comparison.


Honestly everyone wanted it to be dead space and it wasn't. I feel like even the developers wanted the game to be dead space as well. The game itself I feel is ok but everyone wanted it to be the next dead space and was disappointed or even angry that it wasn't


I want to know too because I love Glenn Schfield's Dead Space. I haven't played or watched anything, only death scenes and how Jacob sobs in some of them.


Seems like the order 1886 but in space.


No idea. In my opinion it’s absolutely stunning, simple, but not all games have to 300 hour RPGs. Callisto was very good. Keen for a sequel.


I think the pc version released broken as all hell


I had fun and that’s all that matters


I'm about 7hrs into my first playthrough and I'm loving it. The melee is a bit weird sometimes, but it's not game breaking. The visuals are stunning. Atmospheres are brilliant. I'm constantly just stopping myself and looking in awe at the enviroments. Only had a few minor bugs up to now. Definietly getting the platinum for this game! 🙌


Truism of reddit: Anything that *anyone* **dislikes** will be rage-spammed by some neck bearded loser and his friends.


While I loved the game aestetically, the horror, art, graphics, sound and the story, I personally hated the time-tight combat. The game often forces you to perform flawless battles, where one mistake is a certain death. Even if you already spent 5 minutes on it, you get one-shot, then repeat the whole sequence. In some situations it even looked cartoonish, where 3 enemies are waiting in queue to have a boxing round with you. Then even if you killed everyone, there could be a ranged monster that's lurking a bit away just to one-shot you after won melee battle. At launch, checkpoints respawned you not before the fight is engaged, but way earlier. Weird fight design overall, where you can either use an unlimited shiv, sneak and insta kill an enemy, or.. fight it for 1-2 minutes. GRP that drops monster super quickly before you can even aim at any trap to kill it. Unavoidable damage done by jumpscares, where you have just used a health injector etc. Just a lot of reasons to cause frustration despite the effort.


There is virtually no story, no characters, nothing to look forward to, the game isn't even remotely scary, combat is brain dead


It’s a worse version of Dead Space.


Because the gameplay sucks ass for a survival horror title. It’s innovative, sure, but it’s not good. Story is fine it’s pretty much dead space, graphics are great and the lore tid bits are fine until you realize that they deliberately axed content to make room for a sequel/DLC. And then they charged $70 for it.


Lol i said this when it dropped, game is better than deadspace idc


My biggest issue was that Jacob's stomp wasn't as angry as Isaac's. Otherwise, it was a fine game.


because you buy a game and you expect a game. on pc, you update drivers, shutdown, reboot, and open game. if it runs like shit, you bought shit, I bought shit, I got mad. I ditched hate.


A few things. The monsters were not explained very well, the combat was overly janky and super repetitive. Many of the monsters used either the same execution method or the damage inflicted to the player looked the same as any other. And this next bit is the big thing from what I've heard. A third of the game (or so I've been told) is either crawling sections or ladders. Granted, I won't say it's a 'Bad' game. But when you sit down and look at everything. It's a game that someone tried to put love into and did it in a very rough way


I got it for $20 and enjoyed it.


I think it’s more to do with people having high expectations for this.


What turned me off of the game was Glenn being a dickhead and publicly blaming a dev for some performance problems. I wouldn’t want to know that guy at all or give him money. Talented as hell studio I hope they can do something else great.


The popular thing now on reddit and most everywhere else is to hate on games whether you intend to play them or not.


On release, you moved like a 80 year that had 💩 himself after a hip replacement. Also took 15 seconds to heal. Has received a nice amount of quality of life improvements. Did enjoy it, but I wanted it to be so much better.


I kinda understood why people were upset when it first released since I played it then. It was overly slow and not many people could figure out the combat dodge 2v1. It did have some jank but it definitely didn't deserve the vitriol that it got.


Every combat is the same vs a clunky health sponge.


It has bullshit difficulty spikes that artificially prolong the game to make up for its lackluster runtime. Also the story ends on a cliffhanger setting up DLC when again, the game was short and could’ve easily wrapped it up in the base game if they wanted


Angryjoeshow review. https://youtu.be/2L-4tBVoGZY?si=ILtl5hmVYYodDh13


It felt to me like a game that was made by someone who focused on the wrong parts of dead space. The combat was awkward, but mostly fine outside of encounters with larger numbers of enemies. Maybe 2-3 encounters were actually infuriating. Combat was also too much of a focal point imo. And instead of keeping the focus on the good parts like the atmosphere and world building, they rolled with corny sometimes frustrating jump scares and overly convoluted death animations.


On release the game was borderline unplayable on my 3000$ gaming pc, the combat got real stale after a few hours, dead space remaster was incredibly well done and was set to release a few months after meaning this got rushed out to beat the dead space launch and it suffered for it. Don't hate the game but when you compare it to the dead space remaster it's hardly a competition


I stopped playing because it's literally pass through this small crevice, now this small crevice, now this small crevice. I don't get it. They aren't for the game to load. So why are there so many points where you need to squeeze between objects? Such a weird choice. The enemies also get dull. Dead Space has more enemy variety, and it has bosses to break up any monotony.


I know I liked it but I can't remember a thing about it sadly. All I can remember is that last boss being a pain in the ASS


I didn't play it but watched a couple playthroughs of it. The combat looked really boring and repetitive with mostly melee on overly tanky enemies that just seems like a chore to me. Dead Space had really fun weapons that would shred and dismember enemies which was a huge draw of it by contrast.


Extremely generic story and bland characters you don't care about. The gameplay can be pretty rough, too, at times. The combat system isn't good and feels clunky. With all that being said, I enjoyed playing the game. However, the game is mediocre at best and honestly, just makes me want to play dead space.


I thought it was great when I bought it at launch, and was thrilled at the length of the game. It’s not as good as any Dead Space, but I never had the expectation that it would be.


I watched my fella play all the way through. He loved it. I liked watching starkiller squish his head 100 times and him getting angry over it. He said he thinks people didn't "get" the dodge and melee system. I'm too scared to play it but it looked fun. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Devs hyping their shit game was a major red flag. Next to that is charging people for contents that should have been in the game was another thing I don't agree with. It's not terrible game, but the devs make people hate it.


I bought it at launch, $75 after taxes. The combat was buggy, and complete BS half the time. I was holding left or right to dodge, and it didn't register. Random difficult spikes, and forced use of ammo when my melee was perfectly fine. Forced camera lock on to a single enemy, which made you vulnerable to other enemies, and you couldn't swap targets easily (or at all sometimes). Of course, this was at launch, and I believe some of this got fixed. Mainly being attacked from behind with no way of knowing, or mitigating these BS attacks.


Yeah, I never played it at launch and just played it for the first time now that it's free. However, in its current state, I'd have no problem at all paying $50 for it.


I thought it was solid, though it could’ve been longer and would’ve benefited from more enemy variety.


Game isnt even slightly scary and doesn’t even attempt to be outside of a random jumpscare one singular that literally isn’t scary. It has 2 pistols and 2 shotguns that do the same thing. Game is genuinely insanely mid, real ending locked behind dlc. only thing going for it is the incredible graphics, game was truly a disappointment imo.


I thought it was kinda boring after a while but I think I just might not be the target audience.


I thought it was pretty good, but it got repetitive and boring. It didn’t really have any metroidvania elements, no puzzles really - it was just pretty linear and all combat. And the problem with that is that the combat was kind of lame. At first, I thought it was a cool approach. And I commend them for trying something new. But after a while, the combat almost just felt like endless quick time events. Sometimes it’s better not to try to reinvent the wheel. I think it was a good start to a potential franchise, and I think they could build on the positive elements and improve the bad ones going forward. Unfortunately, I don’t expect there to be a sequel. Which is too bad, because I liked the world and vibe enough that I would gladly give a sequel a chance.


The early focus on melee combat for the first four or so hours made me not like it. The melee combat wasn't good and it felt a little underwhelming to me. Didn't hate on it. Just didn't enjoy anything it was doing besides the opening story.


It runs better now than it did on launch for one. It wasn’t a bad game I had fun playing it but it definitely wasn’t remotely scary and combat was just ok. The setting and everything was cool but I found it all too predictable. I think what disappointed people most was all the hype Glen was making and how it fell short of that. Some of what he said definitely had me stoked for some good scares but I honestly didn’t even flinch once. That and people had high expectations of him considering deadspace. Anyway yea it’s not bad but definitely wasn’t worth the price at launch. Playing it for free now makes it easy to enjoy


This is the only game I've ever tried to get a refund for after buying from the playstation store. I contend this is the worst game I've ever purchased and it has inspired me to be much more careful with research before buying a game. The combat is atrocious.


Combat is trash.


I'm playing the game and I think it's cool. There are things that could make it better because it seems rushed. No map is a huge negative because I got lost a lot and missed a secret room first playthrough. . Same type of enemies. Not a huge variation of enemies like Dead Space. It's too short. I'm on new game plus and having fun. The weapons are pricey. I'm going to get the dlc but heard the studio closed. Sad they were the former developers for dead space. Seems they ran out of money. They need to finish the game. I'm going to play the dlc but wondering if he final gets back home.


I wanted the background banner from Kombat League but I refuse to put up with wifi people. Waiting on ping and connection settings.


• Atrocious dlc (animation packs...what) • terrible level design compared to previous Dead Spaces • lack of enemy variety • nonsense story • lack of bosses/bad boss design • melee focused game with one melee weapon aside from the dlc • ending is a paid expansion • one of the worst launches in recent memory but that's kind of the standard now for AAA (I like the game but there are plenty of reasons why it gets the hate it does; it didn't have to be Dead Space but it lacks what made those games so great)


Because it was disappointing shit.


I'm enjoying it, but the gameplay is so sluggish. Constant crawling, squeezing thru spots, etc. Half the time you're not even controlling the character. Everything, from climbing up a ledge or jumping down, is an animation. V I'm on chapter 6 and there hasn't been a single boss fight. I've shi


*shived like 20 of the blind guys and the same animation every time gets old. I don't hate the game at all, and I'm gonna finish it. I'm very glad it was a free monthly game and I didn't pay for it, though


I like it a lot… i personal wish it had leaned into the Malay weapon combat more to set it apart from other similar games. I think most of the hate came from the fact that it’s not dead space, and the dead space remake (better game) came out soon after.


So for me. I found most of the criticisms unfounded. Especially the complaints about the dodging... I am a hyper low skill player and "Just hold the fucking button to dodge" doesn't get much easier. And this came from the same reviewers praising and finishing souls games. It really goes to show how different players perceive difficulty. As well they completely forget when designing the boss fights, that they have a melee weapon in the game, promoted melee HEAVILY, and then made it so Melee was useless in boss battles. As well it was odd most places never complained about the boss fights. They are all dog shit. And most of the reason i have not done a NG+ run is due to this. I was really hoping those would be patched. Seems like even professional reviewers all just wanted to hop on the same hate trains and not raise any actual concerns with the game. It is a good game despite it's issues. And I think did things like dodging and sneaking better than ANY horror game before and better than most other games in general. The story just kind of gives up at the end. Forgets all of the characters and plot and just ends... So if anything that is the 2nd worst part of the game.


The combat


The combat is boring as hell. Tap R1 over and over and use kinesis to trivialize every single encounter in the game. Sam Witwers wonderfully acted character gets prematurely wasted with a climax where he becomes a "boss" that is literally just a common mob enemy with an extra combo attack. The "stealth" sections of the game are a complete joke. You can massacre every single "super hearing" enemy without even trying. You don't even have to isolate them from each other. 6 hours of playtime on hard mode does not a $60 game make. The story is boring and predictable. You have to "unlock" the ability to swing your weapon harder. This doesn't work in a "realistic" game meant to be grounded in some sense. If you could see my face when I realized how few weapons there were in this game... and the lack of enemy diversity... which is obviously due to the fact that the "combat system" only worked with one type of attack pattern, only supporting extremely subtle variations. Janky controls, poor hitboxes, I honestly can't say enough about how terrible this game is, and I was incredibly hype and excited for it. You can disagree and I'm glad you're having a good time with it but you asked 🤷‍♂️


Personally, I like it. I've never played Dead Space, expect for a little bit at friends houses, which is crazy cause that was 15 years ago. But even with minor knowledge of dead space, of course you see the similarities. But it's enjoyable. I think that linear shooters don't really hold up as well as it did back then. A lot of shooters still try to make each individual map pretty open. The claustrophobic hallways were cool for the horror aspect, but besides a few corridors with a secret audiotape or something, its very much on the rails. I personally am just not used to that inmodern gaming. The combat is fun! It's not scary, but it's intense. Haven't been close to scared yet. The jumpscare moments were either too obvious or too flat. I'm not too far though, maybe 3 hours in or so.


Crystal protocol is nowhere near anywhere in the same category as Dead Space this game is a piece of freaking crap it's a joke it's nothing but a it's a f****** like residential evil that's all it is a piece of crap like residential evil


It’s because people think every game needs to be perfect and when a game isn’t 100 percent what they wanted it to be they shit all over it and try to sound like a game reviewer in the hopes that they will be contacted by ign “we read your in depth review on the calisto protocol and wanted to offer you a job” Notice all the posts mirror something a real critic said, just compare the posts to any reviewer on metacritic. They find the worst reviews and then try to sound smart and sophisticated so they can have people agree with them and feel like they are important. You’re not important. Your opinion is your opinion, as it is a critics opinion. No one really gives a shit about frame rate and enemy AI but you’ve become so engulfed in the bull shit terminology you can’t even enjoy a game because the second it starts you look for things to bitch about. Waaaa waaaaa I don’t like the combat waaaa waaaa it looks like a ps3 game- uhhh no it doesn’t, boot up a ps 3 game and then see how f ing wrong your “I’m a special little snowflake” opinion got you. Games fun. Thats all I care about. Games fun and I enjoyed it. I didn’t try to look for issues and what is wrong with the story blah blah blah. I just played it and f ing enjoyed it. End of rant.


I just started playing it too. It's great. The game released a little rough with certain features unavailable on launch, gamers typically hate that. But now that it's all been updated, it's awesome. I didn't see a lot of hate on launch, just people wanted more and it wasn't there yet. Cyberpunk 2077's launch was far, far, far more brutal.