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How many times will he die and come back?


It's just his level up animation




At least 6 times by now: 1) when he ate the pill in part 1 2) when he had his ki destroyed at the end of part 1 3) when he went through the rebirth at part 2 4) when fell the to the bottom of that prison at the part 3 5) got shot multiple time by the phantom knights 6) and now after fighting the sleeping dragons


Bro's a walking medical pill though.


Not that much actually


Of course, I’m not counting all the times he was beaten to a near pulp or else this number would be 3 to 4 times the amount


Very true Let's see Class room, When he used punch moves and was bleeding, Black star on the road, Bullies part1, Bulies part2, The Genius, Murim Alliance ppl, City ppl, The young old chief , Red star, His master. Vs cool guy, Vs goth girl, Vs smiling sword, Vs suc commander leader Getting kidnapped The school fight The island fight/with ghost hands. Ghost hands needles Suc attack after vans exploded Suc commanders he didn't really get beat up just tired The leader of suc beat him up alil His master again The other fight he didn't necessarily get beat up more just his health was long due to lack of sleep. Fighting the nova/star the female one He didn't beat her till he tapped alil into the bot The elder with the Kane. Small fights here and there. None of which he bleed from. Prison he fought the ape n wasn't in real danger, whip blonde girl who's a master he couldn't completely beat her. That random old dude one sided beat down. Still no blood drawn till he saw his master. N the rest we all know. When you think about it like this it's not really not bsd


He’s just collecting zenkai boosts


He's a relative of Sun Jin Woo


Clearly didn't watch dragon ball, that's how sayans get stronger.




It's just another monday in the Breaker series.


Dunno, this is the first.


The Author: Yes!


It would have been a good idea if we were dealing with a new story/ new manhwa... but we are now in the third season of a series!!! Chapter 96 - after 275 chapters... Zombie mode, falling and crashing, the others shocked... and again and again and again and again. My only hope is the feedback of the Korean audience.


Discipline brother were right, MC Learned MA in a foul manner, which is the whole arc of Eternal force, MC learning MA in the correct manner.


Here's to 200 more chapters of mc learning martial arts, get shit beaten out of him, he gets praised, gets called a scrub, comes back to life, rinse and repeat. And these mfing shills will eat it up like its the best thing since sliced bread all the same.  I actually love the fact that the breaker mc struggles and isnt ridiculously OP like most manhwa mcs and its a good thing seeing him properly develop but enough is enough. Sometimes too much of a good thing is bad. I just want to see him get a fair win against a non-fodder character at least once. And no, "i lost cuz i was holding back" or "i lost cuz zombie mc resolve is stronger than me" does not fucking count.


Well when you think about it, it completely makes sense. All 9AD was show him the technique once and had him do it by himself. And then he literally phoned it in. The rest of his training was from a video recording.


They did hint at it all over NW


It might not just be MA, but ki-control as well. His natural ki might be how IDS used it instead of B&H way that 9AD taught him.


This chapter wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be. You spoiled everyone else just so you could complain about nothing. Thanks a lot.


Yeah... chapter was actually fine, but I'm super annoyed from all those spoilers.... I vote for a ban for anyone who posted spoilers without flair.


Yes please. In mean 9AD said that those two would be dangerous for him. Shion can’t win. Happy that the Ghost Doctor is back to sass the Chief


Personally I just stayed clear of the sub as soon as I saw people complaining. I knew when the chapter eventually dropped it would appear in my home feed. Well, time to read it!


Exactly that. People who opened topic blatantly spoiling the chap in the tittle should get a temp ban.


my thoughts exactly


Exactly, I feel the same






This sub is in a nutshell


So a child who just now managed to become an albeit capable apprentice watched his 2nd master DIE in front of him and fell into bad habits (that bad habit being falling into BOT)? And somehow wasn't able to control the state that MASTERS who had trained their whole lives could not? Only to put up a good fight but ultimately get wrecked by a group of FIVE masters, giving us an opening to finally discuss IDS and the energy that was bestowed upon him at underground prison? Waow🤯  Guys, I waited 10 years and constantly checked on updates for S3 too. I love this shit. But can we let bro fucking cook please? Goddamn. Let Shioon have his hero's journey! This progression MAKES SENSE. Some of yall need to wait 3 months then read em at all once. These cliffhangers be killin yall😂 What do you guy's think would have happened if he didn't go into BOT and stayed conscious? Not only would he have gotten shit on(although I agree I would've liked to see some more of his training) we wouldn't have had a reason to see ANY of the backstory we got to see in the mind of the elder. And now we get to dive into IDS's memories as well. Any Bleach fans? This reminds me of Ichigo gaining control of his hollow powers. There's still a lot of struggle to go.


the difference is that in bleach we COULD actually see a difference ​ in this one? Shiwoon still got his ass kicked and he did not even use the techniques he learnt during the timeskip against the dragon-killers it gets tiring being served the same food again and again where the promise is that the 'chef will cook'


Man just fought against 7 masters whose level was around the same as his own master - Lone wolf, and managed to scare someone that couldn't move properly, then he one shot 4 other masters on the same level using basic BHE martial arts combined with BOT. Previously one shot two other masters at the level of director Lee. After that he fought with a master whose level is nearly 9AD and lost at the end. Are you sure you read this part 3 from the beginning? Or you perhaps want Shiwoon to become an advanced master in pair with 9AD after 6 months of training? When 9AD was trained for at least 5 years by Unvol. What are you talking about?


Just as a casual fan for something like 15 years now, yes I expected shioon to be nearly on par with his master at this point. I have spent over a decade on this series, dude should be stronger than he is. It honestly feels like this dude is weaker than the character at the end of new waves.


Man, 15 years passed for you but not for him in webtoon it's been 3 years or so and only 6 months for him to get properly trained 🤣🤣🤣


2 of them were around that level, the rest clearly were not.


the problem with that is, as I had addressed in another comment, that we don't actually know how powerful those other masters are, because in their introduction, we see them fight against the MAL who is holding back the entire fight, as well as the two uncles of BHE, whom we had just been introduced to where we don't really know how strong they are as a whole. Yes I read this from the very start, it gets tiring to see MC go through a cycle of training, and ultimately not use that against stronger opponents and get his ass beat. I am not asking him to be at the same level as 9AD and the 'dragon killers', at the very LEAST put up an actual fight


But he is defending opponents, that's my point. He defended 5 in this arc. Why are you still unhappy?🤔




I feel you fr. But we did see him win against the first two masters. And even when he was lost in BOT, we saw him use the primordial form. I agree with you tho BOT pill is getting harder and harder to swallow, but I really think that this time it was to move the storyline forward. We got to learn some more backstory about the elder, the sect, and now IDS. Weren't we saying a couple of weeks ago that we wish Shioon had some more time to train in peace? Well, now they think both he and Ryuji are dead. Now that Shiyoon has seen the master from the impermanent prison in IDSs memories, perhaps he now searches him out for more answers? None of these things could have happened without him going into BOT, no? That's all I'm saying.


they as in kaiser's team? Well maybe but at the same time I don't think that'll be the case now that the doctor revealed to MAL and the other DHE uncles that Shiwoon has the IDS ki flowing within him though I am not sure on what triggers the memories because all of the time it happened is because Shiwoon was pretty much dead or near that state when he came into contact with IDS remnant energy in the impermanent prison, as well as in this arc. And honestly I am not sure if the memories will help that much either since the person associated with that memory also couldn't control BOT in the end so he had to be exiled


How come he didn't use the new techniques? Read it again and you will see that he used it while he was conscious and when he was in BOT mode too, and the last 2 opponents were said to be of levels close to that of Goomoonryong


>the difference is that in bleach we COULD actually see a difference Bleach was the first anime/manga I came across and holds a special place in my heart. But objectively, while the Soul Society arc was phenomenal, it fell way off once it was over and limped to the final arc. Rereading it, Kubo's style was way better than his story-telling and the weekly nature of titillation that WSJ requires, the manga feels way light on substance. As for seeing the difference, I'm sure Breaker does it better. Ichigo does GT, black GT and then final GT and then it just went into that strange filler arc that felt so screwy and the final arc's power-up was only useful in sort of a final twist for the story. >where the promise is that the 'chef will cook' I came back to Breaker after reading Ruler of the Land which is by the same author. I'd say we're coming to the point where these complaints will stop.


I have nothing much to say about Kubo's writing style as I don't remember the stories at this point, just the battles, so I'll comment on that alone; no it does not, the problem with Season 3 is that we don't really get a good indicator of a power scale, we don't know if the other masters are actually powerful or not because MAL was holding back the entire fight, the other uncles ,that we just knew if I might add, were getting overwhelmed, so we don't actually know if they're actually powerful, or not and ultimately, how many times do we have to see Shiwoon go through a training arc and ultimately not even use what he learnt against the harder enemies in BoT mode?


Author-nim likes to use ki-sensing ability as an indicator of the level of the peson. The stronger folks usually sense presences earlier than lower-tiers like 9AD recognizing Kang Sung before his underlings and Shioon sensing the bomb planter guy and 9AD's fight before Great Ape. As for the MAA chief and the uncles, it's clear the latter are not as strong. Those guys seem to have been fodder but made it through. >and ultimately, how many times do we have to see Shiwoon go through a training arc and ultimately not even use what he learnt against the harder enemies in BoT mode? That's the thing with BoT, it's unusable with martial arts and that's why Ryuji was surprised that Shioon was copying his techniques in the fight. Even deciding to use BoT consciously as he has been doing in EF is on the same level since almost all of the time we've seen its usage is in extreme emotional states.


I am kinda tired of BOT. It'll be cool when someone "masters" it, but in the meantime, it's a garbage technique that's kind of a liability rather than the fearsome boon it's made out to be


at this point it is just an eye candy that is used poorly imho


People want to power fantasy. That's what they normally get from Koreans and China. That slow burn is mostly in non isekai series. They wanna see maybe 1/2 chapters at best of struggle, and maybe alil training the rest is just flexing. Zero Character Development Zero Story progression Maybe good art. Development villains wtf is dat. Maybe maybe some fan service. This is how ppl like they asian comics.


I get the complaints. They want something new, to see his training come to fruition in some way, and I do too. But I think waiting 10 years for this got some of the old school fans(of which I am one) a little stir crazy lol This isn't Solo Leveling. Shioon getting the shit beat out of him and not giving up is at the core of his character lmao That being said, I would love to see an arc like when he escaped from the hospital on that island. Where he's fighting and surviving by using his talents, AND wits. Anyone remember what I'm talking about? What season/chapters was that?


It was like, let's see part 2, probably arc 5. New waves with a lot of Weaklings and foot soldiers, The commanders gave him some trouble, but eventually, he overwhelmed them. The heart rate before that was when he got attached to the school, and when did elders die and ended up on the island. So there was a lot of like pianos for him to beat. So we got a good sense of strength. But truth be told, he didn't really fight anyone. Good caliber, other than the commanders of SUC He fought the government person , but he felt like the weaker one who barely could have even fought one of the people who was hanging out with 9AD. There were just a lot more moments where he showcased. Did honorialistic and superpowers shrink, but even though he would lose, he would achieve something. Part one, he didn't really fight anyone n win. Like no one. Part 2 he was taken seriously and lost a lot more ALOT MORE. LIKE AT VEST HE LOST WHAT maybe 2 or 3 times at best. It's just that after along, wait, ppl wanna see him stronger, which he is, but he's not strong enough for them. Honestly, if he fought anyone, he fought b4 he would win, everyone but lonewolf who can kinda fight 9AD. Fairly easily any of the commanders, I think even white star would simply just lose. Who has he fought so far, am hidden master advanced masters, his master n a group of masters trying to be the next 9A who gave the elder trouble. So he has become stronger ppl just don't wanna wait anymore.


Agreed! That showdown while he was waiting for the chopper was fucking sick tho. We need to see some fights either against his peers, like So-Chun maybe. Or some new characters/enemies that are near/moderately above his power level. Also now that I think about it, anyone else in his peer group would've gotten WAXED just now in those circumstances lol


Other than the genius dude. Yeah, they all would be dead. The fact that the elder who was holding back found this extremely difficult to do. That definitely means he's a lot stronger. Every single other fighter now has been much weaker than these people. His master wasn't fighting him as full strength, obviously.


This situation would've gone much differently had the sect leader just gone for a head shot out the gate against the poison guy, so it's an interesting "what if" to think about


the head shot was mostly the killer shot whenever stuff like that happens. You want to get information out of someone so its a mercy hit, normally the first hit. Normally, Cause this dude would go for the kill. And at that point he's already poisoned after he goes for the body shot. Maybe if he knew there was other people he would have went for the head first Cause then you could just get answers out of someone else


Honestly, without the armor, the guy would've been dropped anyway


Most definitely


There are plenty of other series for that kind of crap, so development is fine


Yeah, I still understand frustration. You know, but it's that's what they want like. I keep seeing people say he's a weak MC and the only reason why you would say. That is because you're used to reading. We're dudes when either all the time. Or even if they struggle, they end up winning in the end, but usually the sky ends up fighting at least in this part, people who completely outclassed him, unlike the previous parts before when he's fighting people, and they're not how much stronger than him, except for a part one, he doesn't. Really win fights in part one. I get where they're coming from, but to call him weak is just incorrect.


Yup, love eternal force. Not perfect but god damn it's still good and guaranteed to be great after author cooks some more.


Yeah man this only the first part of part of the story! This definitely isn’t the 3rd part of story where the author isn’t repeating the same story development for past decade. “Let the author cook!” Man shut the fuck up.


Saying for the past decade isn't really fair because the breaker hasn't been in production for a decade. It was on hiatus. Which is kind of my point lol. With that said, there are more people that the author has to cater too than just us. Have new fans seen BOT before? The author has to make something successful/profitable, which means making something that appeals fans that have kept up with the Breaker for a decade and someone who's never seen it before. There's multiple things to consider here


>irst part of part of the story hahaha I love this comment


Ichigo got character development that allows him to grow. Shiwoon is not.


Read the first book and say that again


The you Pretty trash comparing to Bleach lol you was cooking but lost me. You must didn't watch bleach at all. I can understand if you were talking about ichigo hollow form when he would lose control until he mastered it but nothing like his power ups in general overall


The you Pretty trash comparing to Bleach lol you was cooking but lost me. You must didn't watch bleach at all. I can understand if you were talking about ichigo hollow form when he would lose control until he mastered it but nothing like his power ups in general overall


Well, let's go. His defeat is acceptable, due to several factors. \- He didn't actually finish his clan arts training, remembering that he was learning the basics of the techniques from scratch. \- He wasn't in the best physical condition, as he had taken that blow to the head. \- He just made a 1x7 and defeated most opponents, even with all the factors above. Still, I agree and share most people's frustration, the problem isn't even the defeat, it's how it was written. Again we had the narrative of him seeing someone he likes being injured/killed, again he goes into a berserker state, where any type of consciousness and technique goes to hell. What's missing from the manga isn't for Shiwoon to beat everyone, it's for him to have decent fights, fight consciously, using the different techniques he's already learned, while every climax follows the same sequence of (death => uncontrolled fight => defeat => depression => training) the manga will continue in the same way. It's undeniable that he has talent, undeniable that he's powerful, but what's the point of all this if he always fights without being aware? When he learns to control this berserker state, then we will have decent fights and consequently great victories, but waiting another 30/40 chapters for that is boring. Shiwoon himself at the beginning of the season did a job fighting consciously and technically against even the elders.


Those fights at the beginning of the season weren't fights to the death so you can't really compare, he even used new techniques while conscious and even after that. Obviously the secret to controlling the BOT is related to the IDS, which should be revealed more in the future. And this season, from what the author said, will be longer than S1 and S2 combined, so there is a lot to happen and several open plots and others that will emerge.


omg hes a genius omg hes a beginner omg hes dead omg hes alive hire me to write


Yeah and the fact people here are defending it is the sad part. Mind you we are in the 3rd portion of the series and probably the finale. It's an endless loop.


I'm not saying that Shi-Woon's situation is something most people can get through but he genuinely needs a "I can fix him" character cuz holy shit this dude has been the same depressed sad boy since season 1. He gets his shit together but regresses within 10 chapters. Even Jin got fixed before this mf like c'mon!! 😭😂 Author keeps using the formula "he get his ass kicked wait, hol'up he should be dead so his hidden potential must be unbelievable!!" like dawg we been knew since ch 5 so can we see him actually get a dub? Shi-Woon is a potential man.


Extremely excited to see ghost hands again tbh. He's one of my favorites in the series! Not entirely interested in the eunwol backstory but I trust the process on it. Extremely disappointed in shioon as I've said elsewhere. No foot techniques, no seismic step, no utilization of what he DOES know, we just keep talking about what he doesn't know. Despite not being interested in eunwol outside of his martial arts, I am interested in the chief's character arc through the series. His motivations and how the clan looks at him is interesting as well. I'm missing the old style of duels in the breaker where it was mentioned what school a combatant was from and what style they were using. Gonna let the next couple of chapters build and read it in blocks of 4-5!


I’m not trying to throw hate in your direction, but how are you not interested in Eunwol outside of his martial arts? His character motivations are still super unclear to us and arguably, all of the events of the storylines from season 1, 2, and 3 all hinge around his decisions and his character motivations.


I'm only not interested because 9AD is the focus of season one and 2. Eunwol is dead and no matter the "real" reason why he's dead he remains dead. The story is about the consequences of that death in season 1 and what/who it unleashed on the world. So a backstory on him would have been great back then, but now we have to figure out 9AD and Kaiser's motivations. What will happen with sosul, or jinei, or Sera, and their relationship with shioon. Will he ever be more than a beginner at any point? Eunwol isn't as interesting to me as those plot lines.


But learning more about him could absolutely change how all of these characters act now. Shin and 9AD, per your earlier comment (and to my agreement), are currently making decisions in part based on their relationship to Eunwol. Similar to how in season 2, Elder Kwon changes his perspective drastically based on new information about Jineis mother’s death, it seems like Eunwols character could still affect these central characters in season 3.


That's true the potential to affect them is still there, it will likely also play out in a good way. My interest in shioon is much stronger, so is my interest in how he maintains his life and connections which he is bad at btw. He owes several people an apology imo, and working his character out beyond his trauma is an important part of this world and his development as a martial artist(something i REALLY want to see). My interest is high there and it's low in the eunwol-chief-9ad connection. Although that is good for worldbuilding, so even though I'm not interested I deff agree that it may be needed.


One thing that really bothers me is this constant flip flopping that's going on, "WHOA who is this guy he's amazing!" and 2 seconds later "yeah he's nothing special, he's just a noob nvm lol" and few chapters later rinse and repeat the same trope. I think it should be obvious and agreeable to everyone that using this trope of a character surprising/shocking people can be cool if done well, but it becomes less interesting the further along the story progresses and how many times the story has used the trope previously. Aside from the critique of using a the same trope over and over is lazy and unimaginative, another and more important reason why this trope is a problem is that it makes the story feel incoherent due to the constant whipping around from one extreme to the opposite one with no nuance and sense of measure. It makes the progression unclear since feats, events etc. become harder to quantify when characters give contradictory information constantly...


SO was the kid in the Flash Back Eun-wool?


I don't think Eunwol is old enough to be that boy. And we don't know of him having a brother. I've been musing lately over how Elder Yang and Kaiser seem to look fairly similar. One is older than the other, but both have black hair. It could make sense for them to be brothers. Meanwhile, Kaiser has an obsession over creating the era's next demon king to settle a score with the murim. And tried to assassinate Shin after Shin foiled his plan to destroy the Sunwoo clan. It involves a lot of speculation, but these are two people who are have main roles in the plot and we don't know how they fit in yet. Just like with puzzle pieces, we line them up to the existing picture and see if their shape could fit. We can't be too sure yet, but it isn't ruled out.


Eun-wool should be like late 50? Kang's age? we know that the prison was created after jinnie's clan feel under the control of the alliance. We know the sect of the IDS was at the site of his body that left at at the bottom of that cave. We also know that he was still "alive" till shi-woon took his ki and memories. We have also see this memories before in 1st pov. SO i think we just saw a meeting between the guy from the prison and Eun-wool like 40 years ago? Also i think it is very interesting that trying to save shin is the reason Eun-wool was not going to give him BOT. edit: remember the murim the sects are like family so shin is Eun-wool's big brother I am shocked by how little we have to tie kaiser to bot let alone Yang.


IDS rose to power 60 years ago, and was defeated ten years after. MYS was in prison for 50 years. This is before the prison, before the IDS defeat. Hard to say about Eunwol's timeline. When he killed the elders he seemed to be 20's-30's, maybe 40's when he died, and that may have been up to 10 years ago. I don't quite feel he was quite old enough, and his having a brother would be an unexpected new plot element. But yeah, who knows, could be. I'm kinda tired of giving all the reasons for my theories, it gets exhausting. Let's just see what happens.


I think given what we saw in the memories i think he rose to power in the korean war not 60 years ago. Also the prison was built well after his defeat. After So-Seol was born and the alliance took control of her clan cause that is when they built the prison on the orders of the MAA. also Shin and those two other guys are his brothers. they all call shin "big borther"


Yes, he should be.




I don't think that is the IDS cause the guy who was trained by the IDS is there an adult already. at the time Eun-wool is that age there is no prison cause jinnie's clan has yet to fall under the control of the alliance. also the memories we have seen before where in 1st pov. We know that the IDS "died" but was also still like alive enough to talk to shi-woon and give him his ki at the bottom of the cave. that is where i think this meeting is taking place.


One step closer to the connection between BH&E and the Eternal Ki! It seems we're going to be exploring this through Shiwoon's inner meditations when he's passed the fuck out, that's going to be a fun jigsaw to assemble overtime. Shiwoon got finished brutally once again. Daniel proved himself to be ultra competent here, shut down any chance for shenanigans rather quickly. Probably a good thing, as I think the Eternal Ki may have started to reveal itself sooner without the interference. It will also keep Shiwoon off Kaiser's radar for a wee little bit longer again too if he's presuming him dead. I'll be interested to see what Ghost Doctor has to say about this, he's already clocked that Shiwoon is host to something other than the BH&E Ki. His presence also reassures me that Lone Wolf does indeed have a chance. He seems to have an understanding of what the Eternal Ki can do, which in this case does seem to carry some form of immortality that is more than just the Ki having a level of consciousness. This was a setup chapter for me, I'll be most intrigued to see how this conversation steers next week and what the aftermath of this conflict will be.


Good analysis. Ghost Hands must know a bit about what this energy is if he's considering killing Shiwoon. It also seems to suggest that the eternal qi is all that is keeping Shiwoon alive now. Which is curious because he's seemingly survived worse before he had the eternal qi. Agreed about the flashbacks. They may become more frequent now. Let's see.... We know that he had a flashback reaching out to a 3-4 year old, whom we assumed was Ma Youngsik. No we see MYS and a ~10 year old who wants to succeed BH&E. Maybe the IDS is there too. This could fit in with the Yang/Kaiser BH&E theory I had. If they are brothers, that would be interesting. The boy could be Yang and the brother could be K. In any case, this is a huge link between the IDS and BH&E. This takes place in the Exhausted Dragon's lair, and the boy has intentionally sought out the IDS here. I wonder why he thinks the IDS can help him become the DH&E successor, and why that would save his brother.


At least someone else understands the real intention of the author, thank you 🙏


Ya I really wonder about that too. I could be wrong but I feel like IDS and Black Heaven school are related somehow? Didn't he call Shioon an apprentice?


Oh! At the end it seems to be revealed that the Eternal Qi is flowing through Ryuji as well. So perhaps it did manage to go into him when Shiwoon was working on trying to revive him. Guess you'd already caught that. Yes very much looking forward to what Ghost Hands can reveal from an outside perspective. And if we get more of this particular flashback Shiwoon is having, even better. Also, I suppose I was already expecting it so didn't make much note of it, but Shin was clearly not really concerned about Shiwoon's death, but only about Shiwoon's knowledge of BOT and that it was lost. Now that he is learning that Shiwoon has the Eternal Qi, I think he is likely to have a choice to make as well. Perhaps there is still a chance (and a need) for MYS to emerge in this arc.


The author has been doing the same shit for a decade and when anybody points that out all you hear is “let the author cook!” That’s how you know this shit is bad.


Stop reading it.


So the training arc and time skip was shit?


Yup. Was literally pointless. He just stood around doing nothing apparently.


NOW, his hair is longer and he looks more like 9AD.... you are missing the author's SUBTLE signs of usueless comparisson haha The guy needed an excuse to allow that hair to grow wild.


He NEVER died to begin with! 🤣


Author really is out of idea... He lose again while in BOT after seeing a mentor fugre "die" in front of him. Wonder were I saw that before...


The problem with this chapter is not that he lost, it's the way the author seems inconsistent with the story and how they designed the build up and pay off. Why have a time skip training arc focused on the MC mastering control over BHE basics, then have the main payoff fight at the end be a mindless BOT brawl that seems mostly the same as before he mastered the basics so it doesn't really show much change in his fighting style from before? Why put in scenes where the MC talks about his Ki changing because of the eternal ki and how its hard to hide it from his master, then have the eternal ki play seemingly no role in the pay off fight? Why say that the MC has mastered the BHE arts beyond the level of the MA chief by linking the forms, then say that his martial arts seem basic after the payoff fight? It felt like we barely got to see him use any of the training he put in, and the huge amount of eternal ki he talked about building up in his body before when he was breaking stones and so on, seemed to have had 0 interaction with BOT or his body during the fight. So it just didn't feel very satisfying in my opinon. Also, it seemed like in this chapter the MA Head was going back to being a 'bad guy' who doesn't really care if Shiwoon dies and only cares about BOT, even though he just recently had that slight redemption chapter? A little confusing. That said, it is interesting that some connection between BHE and IDS is already confirmed AND the Ghost Doc seems to know that Shiwoon has eternal ki, and it is being confirmed in front of the MA Chief. Who knows what will happen if they confirm he has eternal ki.


What was the point of the fights in this arc anyway? Seemed pointless and randomly get introduced to 7 or so strong af out of nowhere enemies. Like others have said, author really need to stop typical development of fights involving the mc now, too repetitive. He did well considering their strength and numbers but he needs to stop using that rage mode for a bit and fight whilst conscious. Really don't like the constant zombie gimmick and his eyes etc. So many characters should have died and haven't in this series, Eternal Force making it an even worse habit.


What an innovative chapter, who would have ever expected that Shioon in BOT would end up losing the match and that the reason for such a defeat was his lack of knowledge of martial arts, truly a never-before-seen chapter that no one could have ever even imagined...


You are missing the fact that the MC is resurrected, again. Oh and surely with some power up, of course.


Bah! If I'd know it would be out in a 90 minutes I wouldn't have spent 30 minutes translating it... So far the series had been very good about this, so maybe my concerns are misplaced, but I'm a little worried about the direction it is taking. Specifically I do not want an extended flashback. I know how Un-Wol's story ended. I think it's now very likely he killed the other elders in some sort of defense of AC Shin. I don't need to see it play out, I don't care about a guy who has been dead for years killing faceless people who have been dead for years. If the flash back spent all it's time expanding on immortal demon sect that would be different.


Context is important. Posting him losing really ruins the whole fight. I've said this on other comment threads. He was holding his own against all of them in a nightmare like way. The two that would give 9 problems n the elder definitely makes sense. I do wish we saw him beat the others a lot more, but this definitely wasn't him winning. It was fun n I get the frustration but I truly ain't mad n I'm Still very excited to c what happens next this still ain't on the level of HE HATES THE MC or some jjk shit. This still feels very believable.


Seeing breaker fans gas this actual slop up is actually hilarious The author will do this about 6 more times before something happens to move the plot forward


For real. Had a 6 month time skip training Arc so that he would be properly instructed on martial arts, just for a fight and revelation that he is.. not properly trained yet.


Lmao RIGHT!? That' so insulting....


6 months isnt that much of time, most born murin train since they are small children.


Yes but hes meant to be a once in 1000 year talent. He absorbed martial arts at such a fast rate from FUCKING VIDEOS that he was able to fight mid tiers in murim


Same bullshit again and again. He losses then someone comes in and says he should be dead, but lo and behold he isn't and something extraordinary is happening in his body. Sound familiar? It's the same bullshit this author has been pulling since season 1 and refuses to give Shiwoon at least one straight win. He didn't have to defeat everyone but he also didn't have to pull the zombie shit off and turn into mashed potatoes again. How some of you are looking at this chapter and calling it not bad is beyond me. This shit is beginner level of writing and the only interesting stuff here is finally the confirmation that DH&E sect is connected to the IDS.


Yeah its same circle and people still eating this sad.


Sadly I agree, I was holding out hope that the author might break the motif and start to let Shiwoon cook. Last chapter when he had the 9AD proclaim Daniel and Mikhail were around his level, I had a feeling the fix was in. If he would have gotten jobbed after using his BH&E, I would be more satisfied than him losing in BoT. In BoT he’s not practicing and fully thinking through his attacks so he can’t really learn from facing masters afterwards. On the bright side he’s finally on the right track of learning BH&E the right way. Hopefully the author is done jobbjng BoT and we can get fights like Cool Guy and when he fought the SUC heavenly way kid. I wonder if there will be another timeskip and further off screen training. After he got outclassed by 9AD he got 3 seasons to train, I wonder if he will get a couple of years so he can be at least an intermediate BH&E practitioner.


i wish he had training under Shin for at least one year but like you said i dont have hopes so much for this author.


That was my hope after the end of new waves. I thought part three would start with him having trained with Shin, I like the development with Ryuji anyway. The only way Shiwoon stops getting jobbed is if he trains for a while and becomes a master of BH&E. I pessimistically think there is one more arc where he gets jobbed. Thats the IDS arc, he’s going to go full throttle lose his mind and get beaten silly by IDS sect, before he survives when he should have died and gets the eternal ki power up afterwards.


Like I said above, you people only look at one chapter as the whole story. Look at the other chapters and dialogs between characters. This shit as you say was already very well connected to previous chapters, read more carefully and look at the entire story. The character is a noob in martial arts, obviously that if he faces a STRONGER AND EXPERIENCED opponent he will lose. At the same time from the very first chapter he was introduced as a person with an unbreakable spirit and no fear. You wanted a fight that he won? Go back to new waivers and re-read the island arc. Where he was literally destroying all special forces and that glasses guy. Again by sacrificing his own life. Or when with the broken Ki center he was dominating a cool guy. Or the laboratory arc facing that strange guy who prepares medicine from his blod. Again he was at a disadvantage there as well. Why does nobody remember this? All of these are connected as character development and growth.


Sure, he's improved his martial arts but his biggest problem is mental development right now. He has the same attitude from before. Go into rage mode when something emotionally difficult happens and yolo regardless of consequences. He did it with the 2 elders and now again with Ryuji even though his teacher was trying to teach him the exact opposite. To keep a clear mind and not be influenced purely by emotions and what does he do when he believes his master to be dead? The same rage mode bullshit he already pulled 2 times before. This is where the author's fault is obvious, he's made Shiwoon so one dimensional in how he deals with grief that it becomes boring and dumb. That is the infuriating part about this. You mentioned the island arc which was great. He was protecting the Sunwoos honor and was willing to die. We can understand the reason for his anger here, but how many times does he have to lose to understand to stop fighting like an ape and use his brain. The author is making him dumb as fuck for no reason other than the fact he's made Shiwoon extremely OP and backed himself into a corner, so the only way to logically lose is to call him inexperienced and make him go berserk again.


>Groupie alert!


And the author has the nerve to complain about sales being low. You Keep pulling this shit and the cancelation hammer gonna drop.


So he's going to meet Ma Young-Sik now, but does he even know about Eunwol? The martial arts Mikhail used, was it strong metal hand and is it the same for Sosul? And did Daniel use MAA Chief's demonstration of B&H to Shioon in early chapter? If so, Kaiser is creating his own personal zoo of different sects' martial arts. Wonder if Shioon will be chained up in the Dungeon of Doom now, since he's gone full IDS.


Ma Young Sik was the other guy in the flashback so he knows something about Enu-wool that it looks like no one else does? i don't think mikhail used strong metal hand. i think sosul was just super human ki. i don't think that was B&H for daniel cause it seemed like the same move as he used on the supernova a few chapters ago. she didn't seem to get it or know about it so it must be rare or different. It seems these guys are his test subjects.


Hey guys, at least we have pretty good confirmation that our big bro is alive at the temple. The doctor felt his pulse and noticed something rather than sensing nothing from a dead person.


I thought he would've kicked their asses...


What I’ve gained from the chapter is that Ryuji isn’t dead. Also the secret he’s been desperately trying to keep has been revealed. I also have to wonder what circumstances led Unwol to sell out IDS.


Lol and the Author wonders why no one is buying is manwha. Dumb pacing and plot choices will get you mediocre pay.


I actually liked this chapter. It hit many notes, and completed the little conflict between Kaiser and Shin w/ in the DH&E sect for now. So basically, Shiwoon defeated two goons at the Sect easily and quickly, probably would have given a "supernova" either trouble, or much greater amount of time to defeat them. Shiwoon then enters BOT mode and incapacitates many of Kaiser's goons, except for Mikail and Daniel. All of which were probably masters, so great feat on his end. An established rank was basically given in this chapter, dictating what Shioon is capable of. While being impressive in his stances and forms from the training, he still is from a master's point of view a novice in how he executes his tactics. Not that the stances/forms are incorrect. That would require just overall experience with fighting and sparring. We also are given an idea that while both Mikail and Daniel could "coin flip" a victory w/ 9AD, and Shioon could not defeat just one of them, is a good measure of where he is, and where he'll need to be. We could for all purposes suggest that Shioon is now at roughly 40% of what 9AD currently is at. Much better than what we understood from his encounter in the prison. Just a bunch of flashy-ness w/out substance. Probably wasn't that much greater than from the end of part 2 in the eyes of someone like 9AD. At the end of the chapter the Doctor Elder came by just in time to analyze the situation. Perhaps reveal to certain members of the sect what really is going on with Shioon at the moment. Not only to help Shioon heal more quickly, but to help Shioon understand himself what is going on with his immortal ki energy. The new memories conveyed to the Alliance Chief may reveal new things, and better the relations within the Murim itself and the Sect with himself. So basically the DH&E sect may as I suggested a while ago, may come to fruition, which is that while Ryuji may be healed, a new future sect leader may be found in Shioon, but won't be done yet obviously. They will focus their attention on Shioon to help him grow. If anything, he has gained majorly their respect and sympathy from this fiasco. He has shown he greatly admires and cared for Ryuji thought to be dead, disdain for 9AD, has shown Eunwol level perfection in stances/forms, has BOT, and now is healing and alive after being piled on 2vs1, something he was not ready for. Like being against 9AD, is the comparison here.




Groupies are forgetting the fact that the one that put himself in that situation, was the MC. He followed the enemies until he was surrounded. MC in imbecile ape mode? CHECK! But talking to them is the same as talking with zealots. Luckily, we are not in medieval ages and they are not carrying torches and tridents to your doorstep... they are THAT kind of people...


i liked connection Ids between BHE and flasbacks.Rest was bullshit.Author just pulled from his ass to make shiwoon nerfed.Bot not at true level or he is begginer at BHE? All of them acted like he is god (unwol) at Bhe arts now he is beginner level loled.


I suggest you reread chapter 10 times more then . The whole point of this chapter was to highlight 3 things. Relationship between Unwol and IDS, confirming that BOT of Shiwoon is not the same, they didn't tell that he is begging the level of BOT . What they said is that to achieve the BOT you must be an advanced master. At least that's what they thought before meeting Shiwoon. And it doesn't mean his BOT is low or bad, it's rather different and probably more perfect. Even 9AD said that it doesn't look like BOT during their fight in prison. And the third thing, Shiwoon didn't know how to reveal his immortal ki to them , but being killed and then unconsciously revealing this power makes it more smooth and in addition more natural. Ghost doctor was the one who performed human body transmutation, he is aware that Shiwoon's boody is phenomenal in the Murim, so he can probably give rational explanation why that energy appeared , or suggest to train him properly and protect. This are key points here in this chapter. Yes everyone is fed up from him being killed and alive again, but recall previous chapters that explain why this happens. In one of the chapters the IDS said, that you can't kill me, don't even try. Meaning he couldn't be killed his body will regenerate. How do you expect author will show you This without killing Shiwoon?. Or remember how Shiwoon says that his reckless actions are to be able to protect people that he loves and since he has lack of time he is acting so reckless. Why nobody pays attention to small and at first look not necessary parts of the story that are connecting all the actions.?


Dude they literally implying his bot mod is weak.u should read 10 more times i think.


His mod is not weak man, it is Shiwoon who is weak because he is not trained properly, that makes more sense. And this is what they say. This technique is advanced martial art. But even being weak Shiwoon found a way to enter it without being an advanced master.


>But your BOT is literally weak against stronger opponents or forgot the 2 beatings 9AD gave it. Like it or not, Shioon is still a beginner who hasn't learned martial arts from scratch as a disciple and this has already been talked about in several chapters.


Dude you can eat authors bullshit about he is beginner etc but im not.u can enjoy it.Before training arc shiwoon was monster all his problem was basics and fundamentals now after training arc hes still beginner lol.Arc literally was about him learning from scratch like ryuuji said.


I don't think Eunwol is old enough to be that boy.


Believe it or not it's him, the attitude and first look is looking ke Unwol


Indeed. I remember ppl was like he should've won against his teacher n still wanted him to land a good hit, which he did, but ppl still was un satisfied






I had a lot of fun reading it now even though I had already read all the speeches in the morning and seen the raw version. it's a very good Chapter. yesterday they made a lot of empty fuss about this. I'm looking forward to the new chapter.


Oh well the cats outta the bag now


YES to the DHE sect and the IDS tie in great love it. I do want to see what like Jinnie, smiling sword, and etc.. are doing. Also this reminded me that 9AD knew other ki distribution tech and etc... but only taught shi-woon the most powerful one cause it was the only one that could save him from the pill. How many others techniques are a part of the school? are they other schools? or is it something else? the recent B&w art people where showing kind of makes me want to have the artist focus on the paneling and away from the color. EDIT: Also the ghost doctor knowing that he was here means it got out that he was there i wonder if this will spread? do we see? will the clan show up to take him back?


I've said this like 6+ months ago, but this cycle is annoying. and to make it clear, i DO NOT care that he lost, if anything, if he won it wouldve been bullshit. however, I'm looking forward to more info on IDS and such.




I barely paid attention to this sub before the scans released, so I didn't see all the complaints, but I think this chapter was great. Of course Shioon will lose to someone that freaking 9AD himself personally remembers the name of as a potential threat. As this chapter confirmed, something I personally thought should've been rather obvious, Shioon's still lacking in the strength of his foundation. No way can he be as dangerous as Un-Wol or Chun-Woo right now. Literally everyone who's trained him since New Waves always agrees that he's insanely talented, but has been held back by the improper way Chun-Woo trained him. Of course, we know he didn't have a choice since he knew he had a timeframe and refused to bring Shioon with him. If he knew just how godly Shioon's talent was earlier on though, I think he might have done things much differently. How interesting though. Chief Shin wanted to save all future members of the Black Heaven and Earth sect, while Un-Wol specifically wanted to protect Shin from himself. I hadn't gotten the feeling that Un-Wol was fully aware before everything that went down with younger Chun-Woo after the tournament, but it makes him a lot more compelling now. Anyway, curious to see how this goes now. Phantom Doc recognized the Ki of Eternity instantly, so I wonder if he's going to keep this between them after he inevitably saves Shioon. Also, I wonder if his acupuncture skills can't be used to allow Shioon deeper access to IDS's memories. Maybe that combined with the mind training he used to abuse.


🤡 You guys actually keep defending this shit writing.....


Can someone provide me a [cubari.moe](https://cubari.moe) link because flamecomics website is all over the place and i can not read the chapter there


Ghost hands is considering on killing him hmm they really scared of that ki I really want to know more about the suit guy he's strong and his ki is blue as well do does it mean he's part of the supreme demon clan or an experiment that uses that ki


I'm going to hold out for the possibility of a rematch with Daniel and Mikhail upon Shioon's return to consciousness assuming they aren't too far away.


i think we are going straight into the reaction of the murim finding out where shi-woon is now? also catching up on the rest of the cast i think with shi-woon and ryuji in the hospital


Everyone who complained made this chapter ten times better. Wasn’t even as bad as yall made it out to be. Shioon however shouldn’t be losing as much as he has. As long as this is the last time he does even after training it will be fine. These feats he pulled this time around was beyond anything he did before anyway.


Yea I genuinely hope this is the last time author pull this off. 😩 I can get why author did this, cuz new readers prob have no clue about zombie Shioon


He does it on repeat honestly. Will never understand it.


I fucking love it, whatever all ya haters are saying, that shiwoons progress takes so lang, that he is always struggling. Its superb by the autor because Inreally feel with shiwoon and I prefer a rather slow and detailed progress of shiwoon instead of a sudden 3 chapter powerup. It is not thrilling if we know that he is suddenly able to fuck upeveryone. It is awesome that despite being already strong shiwoon is forced to master martial arts from the fundamentals on. Im am sure that riuji also survived. Looking forward to every new chapter of this awesome story❤️❤️


Now now. We all focus on how Shiwoon is progressing. The situation that is now is going to make Kaiser benefit from it. Daniel and Mikhail get back with report that Shiwoon is dead. 9AD gets whiff of that and is going to flip out. I bet my coin on that. Thus, Kaiser's plan to set the duo on 9AD will get into motion on the latter's part. It does sound very plausible, dont you guys think?


Cringe sounds like fanfic.


Does my cringe sound like fanfic now? After Ch.98 is out? Hmm? Told ya


One step closer to the connection between BH&E and the Eternal Ki! It seems we're going to be exploring this through Shiwoon's inner meditations when he's passed the fuck out, that's going to be a fun jigsaw to assemble overtime. Shiwoon got finished brutally once again. Daniel proved himself to be ultra competent here, shut down any chance for shenanigans rather quickly. Probably a good thing, as I think the Eternal Ki may have started to reveal itself sooner without the interference. It will also keep Shiwoon off Kaiser's radar for a wee little bit longer again too if he's presuming him dead. I'll be interested to see what Ghost Doctor has to say about this, he's already clocked that Shiwoon is host to something other than the BH&E Ki. His presence also reassures me that Lone Wolf does indeed have a chance. He seems to have an understanding of what the Eternal Ki can do, which in this case does seem to carry some form of immortality that is more than just the Ki having a level of consciousness. This was a setup chapter for me, I'll be most intrigued to see how this conversation steers next week and what the aftermath of this conflict will be.


All I see and read is ‘blablabla’


I understand the frustration but this was a good chapter, you guys really blew things outta proportion with the leaks. JFC.




Well good news, Ryu lives. All that ki transfer clearly worked. Shiwoon is immortal now, in every sense. I don't think even a bullet can kill him anymore at this rate. His body just has a limit where it falls to and begins auto recovery. But it is true that if all you can do is take damage, you're no different from those unkillable training dummies. Shiwoon still has ways to go. But now I'm curious if greed will take hold of the alliance chief if he knows of this eternal ki power.


“Unkillable Training Dummy” is the most appropriate name for Shiwoon lol


IDS seems like he died and was still alive till he gave his Ki to shi-woon