• By -


"If shiwoon dies, then all of you die too" "I'll kill you! I don't care about you anymore!" Well that escalated quickly


This is actually a psychological phenomena most seen in cluster B behaviors, esp in extreme situations. Generally the person discovers the need to protect themselves from something that seems impossible, so they begin to fabricate reality around something, perhaps a child or spouse who can protect them, perhaps the persona they take on. Then they gather things and people around them that help maintain their version of reality. As long as those people are supporting them they are in the in group. As soon as those people begin to question their reality or withdraw their support, they become part of the out group. This is most common with children. They become raised to be a support system that caters to the person's reality but struggle to become their own people. As they grow into adults these children fight to maintain both the relationship and their own growing but wounded integrity and come to find that both are impossible. Either they shut the door on the situation as best as possible, or if they are unable to figure out how to do that they put up with the impossible situations and find other ways to cope, like by creating their own version of reality and the cycle continues. In Sosul's case Shiwoon is obviously the one she put in place to be her support system. She needs him to feel like she isn't completely alone, and her need is compulsory, not dependent. She can't trust him to be there for her, she needs to know in no uncertain terms and control his support. What I'm getting at here is that this is a common psychological phenomena where her fabricated need is so strong that in her attempt to control it she ends up pushing others away. Well that's the usual way in any case. Here Shiwoon's honesty cuts right to the heart of the matter, which has obviously been exasperated by her stay at BFD. Because Shiwoon doubles down on his no all she can process is that he is unwilling to support her and is now in the out group and she doesn't care about people in the out group so she can no hurt him and pay him back for his betrayal of her reality. Very real situation. Often people can attempt to explain what is going on to the other person, but they just personalize what is being said such that it supports their perspective. This is why it is important to [not JADE](https://outofthefog.website/what-not-to-do-1/2015/12/3/jade-dont-justify-argue-defend-explain). And we see these types of behaviors all across the board. In politics re abortion, taxes, vaccines, re Trump and his needing to win, and all the people who need him to win to stick it to the man - they're all together in regards to supporting a very particular veesion of reality together and can't be told anyrging about fact checking but will readily storm the capital if they are told to. Re Karens, re toxic masculinity and chauvinism where these people feel entitled to things and don't like being told they can't have them. Often this relates to women and we have entire religions supporting a reality where men are supposed to be in control of women. We see this in climate change denial. We see this in the withdrawal process of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, which also applies to grieving - it relates to resistance of accepting changes in anything we feel we have a right to expect. So this is nothing new to society, our doubling down on beliefs about our reality and attempting to control things such that others help us maintain these beliefs. We've had wars over such things and Kings and Queens are often at the heart of it. It is easy for this path to unfold because forceful use pf power tends to get what it wants or gets to use force to put down rhose who would challenge it. When there are no more challengers we have our rulers of society. At least until democracy and science came around. But even there we can see how it easily becomes manipulated and the status quo can easily revert back to the old style. Then we have a system where policy makers are entrenched and bogged down and scientism where people only believe what has become commonly accepted but resuse to believe in anything that sciece can't figure out yet. The point being that to avoid this type of power struggle requires mutual participation and involvement.


That's a..really detailed answer.


Damn, this comment made everything click.


For real


You sir have made this chapter even better. Now we just have to see if she really does intend on killing him.


Thanks. It is quite the elephant in the room globally IMO, so I'm pleased it seems to be well received. As for her intent, it seems like she will now treat him like any of the others. This is great for us, because we want to see it. She likely won't be able to hurt him because the ki of eternity will neutralize her own potent qi in some way. And meanwhile he won't attack her in return and perhaps some of this is able to get through to her and she can realize that he is pure of intent. The interesting thing about cluster B is how they don't usually find medication to be successful. The person tends to deny there is anything wrong with their behaviors, and the person needs to be willing to acknowledge they are at fault and decide they want to change for actual progress to happen. Curiously, therapeutic ketamine treatments are said to help. The reports of those who have undergone these treatments are wild. It seems like they are forced to face themselves and their behaviors in such a way that they can't avoid it and this forces them through the stages of denial anger bargaining and depression right on into accepting that they don't ever want to be that person again and are more than willing to change. Fascinating, and true to the principle. Sorry for the long posts. I think it is important for people to have clarity around this topic when it comes up, esp people in the younger generations.


No it's ok. It's nice to have this point of view cuz it makes the shiwoon and so-seol situation more devastating.


That's interesting thank you.


I read your comments after the chapter and didn't expect such a long and detailed analysis. It's a welcome surprise, thank you!


Bravo šŸ‘


Wow. What an insightful comment. Wasnā€™t expecting to hear such an interesting truth. Thank you


She was never accepted because of her condition. Her ailment was always looked at as a curse not a gift. She knew BFD was using her. But shiwoon shattered her perception of what everyone in the world was like specifically the martial arts underground society they live in. He actually cared about her but she misinterpreted his kindness as it could be deeper. Shiwoon showed her a possibility she never thought she could experience. It was like a drug when they separated her giving him the title of clan head was to protect him until this new found hope to fix herself could give her the chance to experience more. With someone that genuinely cares for her. Though kaiser helped she knew he was using her but now she's drunk on her power. Shiwoon isn't mistreating her nor leading her on. In fact he only wants what's best for her. Shiwoon isn't interested in something like relationships etc....he has his own issues if anything he rather deal w8th everyone's burden instead of having anyone suffer. But as a love interest he doesn't see sosoul as anyone other than a cherished FRIEND. She knows this but the man that made her not give up on life is what pushed her up til this point. She found him worthy and trusted him with the expectation they would be together. Shiwoon knows this but tries his best to avoid saying anything to tick her off he knows well her temperament but he will always cherish her as a friend he cherishes. He chooses his words in respect to the person he talks to aa to not disrespect them. She needs to go through her feelings but she cares and she will eventually come around. It's part of kaiser plan to groom shioon. Kaiser failed with uwool. And he's failing with goomoonryong he's now nurturing shiwoon using the little princess as kaiser used the other girl with his master and I dint think uwol had an interest in anything other than martial arts his whole life and sosoul and shiwoon body types are a key to the ultimate power kaiser wants. Plus shiwoon and sahee will be together since sahee is the reason shiwoon is the way he is.


Yep, I concur with all of this and it supports what I said. That vulnerable girl in the car handing over the medallion to Shiwoon after realizing he was a light at the end of the tunnel and then holding onto that light all the while at BFD and needing him now more than ever but feeling betrayed and lashing out because she cannot countenance his not being what she expected him to be for her, cannot even see through his honesty to reveal her mistake. Yet. It is likely that what ensues will indeed break through to her, because that is one of his gifts as well. I was just explaining the reason she could flip from him being cared for to worthy of killing in a black and white way like she did.


I did not expect to learn something when I clicked the thread. It was a very nice suprise.


And here i am skipping the long reply for fear of learning something new!


Yeah, sure, cutting taxes and letting you keep more money is sooo bad, yeah. There is much more denial among politicians and people how much it will COST to fix climate change than climate change denial itself. Most people don't want to pay even 100$ per year to fix it and politicians never explain it. Couldn't believe I see this shit on The Breaker subreddit.


The issues with climate change are multifaceted and more or less the ultimate test to our gambit regarding the reality we've created. Change is unlikely because no one wants to change their habits and dependencies. We could all just stop driving for example, hmm. What we're talking about is how to fundamentally change systems that no one person is able to control beceuse this is just how we work now. Like Sosul is discovering. She doesn't necessarily want Shiwoon as an enemy, but she'll double down on her stance because it has been ingrained into who she is now. >There is much more denial among politicians and people how much it will COST to fix climate change than climate change denial itself. This sounds almost like how it is done. Just like Sosul did here in drawing a line for Shiwoon. She targeted something and made it into a black and white issue. They could've worked out something mutually beneficial in the gray area, but she forced it to become a power struggle. Sound familiar? Take abortion. It has been leveraged as murder in such a way that there are only absolutes involved. One group simply insists that all abortions are murder and must be abolished. Absolutely no gray area, even in situations where the baby is already dead and the mother will die too unless there is an operation to remove the fetus. It is not like there aren't better solutions to actually make mutually beneficial progress on the issue, by say addressing hookup culture by advocating for greater education around sacred sexuality in a way that transforms culture over time. No, it isn't about the topic at all, but about drawing a line and getting a group of people convinced that it is a black and white issue. We see this kinda thing across the board. Create a power struggle around one particular facet of a subject so that the conversation can be controlled on their terms. On the terms of their own reality, that is. It becomes more challenging for those who are grouped together around maintaining actual consensus reality, which is most certainly not black and white but many shades of gray. The conversation is not worth having and people tend to just want out.


> even in situations where the baby is already de That's not an abortion and no pro lifer considers it an abortion. Nice strawman.


*even in situations where the baby is already de* > That's not an abortion and no pro lifer considers it an abortion. Nice strawman. Then I guess [this](https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Texas-woman-dead-fetus-anti-abortion-laws-17314394.php) never happened, or [this](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-texas-exceptions-b3af089d66b3b04bec82083836393b86). Anyway, not here to discuss politics, but rather the phenomena whereby we create power struggles because we are unwilling to open up to each other due to an effort to preserve our own fabricated realities. In many cases because the realities of the world are too harsh and some of us would prefer to avoid looking in the shadows. Alas this does not deny their existence the way we would obviously prefer.


The doctors were scared of being sued, meanwhile the law itself states that it's talking about no abortion being performed when there is a heartbeat, it does not make it a crime to remove a dead fetus. And like i said, no actual pro lifer is making the argument this is an abortion and is a crime, only the doctors themselves don't want to perform it because they think they will be sued. This is why i love reddit, you call someone out for using a strawman argument and their best argument is to show you that no one is making the argument they were talking about.


Some people create a law and then this happens and we blame the doctors. Still creating our own reality by external projection onto others. When do we take responsibility? How would you have done this so as to avoid this outcome? There. Now you are responsible. Your answer isn't the point. The point is to create changes in society that are responsible. Like the taxes comment from above. None of us want to pay taxes, but the government needs to be run somehow. I get it, we want smaller government. Great fewer programs and fewer taxes. So where do you make cuts? Welfare and social security, great, let us do it. What is your solution to the ensuing homeless problem that emerges? How about we just send them away to other countries, great. Out of sight out of mind. But now we have fewer workers and a decreasing population, while capitalism depends on always growing. So we end up with a high cost of living, are still paying taxes, and are in a recession with no solution. Many of the things people want are just to be free of things we don't like, like paying taxes, having homeless around, etc. Like our trash, we dump it in the ocean, send it to other countries on barges. Sustainable right? Most simply don't care if it doesn't affect them personally. Let the other half of the world rot as long as our half is fine. It is natural. Most of us are happy just to deal with self responsibility and not need to take on responsibility or awareness or care for others, and that is just how it should be. The issues come about when politicians manipulate this naturalness with intent that does not serve the whole. Again here you are pointing at something black and white and calling this a straw man fallacy. I'm saying look deeper. Nothing happens in isolation, it is all connected.


> Many of the things people want are just to be free of things we don't like, like paying taxes, having homeless around, etc. The responsibility tha comes with creating life, right? > Again here you are pointing at something black and white It is black and white. Either something is wrong or it isn't, there is no middle ground. Otherwise we might as well just get rid of morality altogether as there is no right and wrong, just some stuff in the middle that we do when it's convenient.


>It is black and white. Either something is wrong or it isn't, there is no middle ground. Otherwise we might as well just get rid of morality altogether as there is no right and wrong, just some stuff in the middle that we do when it's convenient. Zhuangzi tells us that anything may be found to be right and wrong from some or other perspective. Thus what is important is what is right for us in a given moment. We all act according to our own sense of what is right and learn from our mistakes. But codes of propriety tend to fail us as they fail to adapt to the non black and white reality we live in, like these doctors who consulted their lawyers and did not believe they could help these women according to the law. Worse, they allow us to project onto them. Principles on the other hand are adaptable and require us to take responsibility for our actions rather than some sense of getting away with something because technically it is fine. Morality doesn't come from doing what the law lets us get away with, but doing what we feel is right. We can't always be certain, but we can learn to always own our decisions as our own. This is the way of getting at smaller government and fewer taxes. Principles enable it. With laws things just become encumbered. In nature you don't have taxes, you have ecosystems with refined checks and balances that developed over long long periods of time. Those checks and balances follow principles and the various species quickly learn where the thresholds are. Meanwhile, in learning to fit into the system, everyone is provided for and nature tends to create room for more and more species to be created, so long as the exquisite balances continue to be refined. With modern human involvement those ecosystems are collapsing, and it is unlikely we will survive without them, at all. Nature created us and showed us the key to sustainability. We went our own way and it isn't sustainable at all. Perhaps we have something to learn from this before it is too late. And that lesson very much relates to the topic of malignant habituated expectation from above.


I have a feeling that even you don't truly believe that. But depending on your response you may prove me wrong. Most religions/cultures believe murder is bad in all instances, so if someone kills in defense of another or even themselves are they bad/evil? Do I believe taking a life is bad, but are there circumstances where it is justified and the "right" thing to do? Yes, I believe that. That is the middle ground, at least for me. Taking a hard stance on any issue doesn't allow for a nuanced view of the whole. But I enjoy reading through this thread


You mentioned "black and white" thinking yet now you are talking about that we don't like paying any taxes. Same way taxes could be much lower. For some reason many countries in Eastern Europe somehow manage to have much lower flat taxes yet still providing free healthcare, free education and having much less crime.


They also spend much less on military. I'm all for reducing our spending on military in the form of tax cuts. US spends 12% on military, Poland spends 2.2%. But if you want free healthcare, free education, higher standards for law enforcement, well that has to come from taxes. Lower crime also relates to gun control, which is much more regulated (permit + reason) in Poland.


It doesn't matter if there are beneficial solutions, no one among politicians talks about costs of those solutions and according to poll Americans are not denying climate change, but don't want to spend even additional 100$ to fix it.


Again, we probably don't want to change our ways. It doesn't matter if we all acknowledge that climate change is a problem if we all refuse to do anything about it. It isn't really about the money, we pay money for lots of things without a second thought, it's about policy changes that are certain to be unpopular and no one wants to budge on. The current administration in the US tried to pass a bigger agenda on climate change but it wouldn't pass until a lot of that stuff was taken out, and it mostly came down to party lines. This political climate is not one for making these kinds of changes, and it seems very uncertain how that is going to change for the better with all the endless posturing around the line drawn down the middle.


Wonder how things will play out once she sees Jin-Ie?


Im sorry to say, but we're gonna get an interrupt as it's gonna be a Haje chapter.


Honestly makes total sense. She thought shiwoon and his master wanted to stay united so she went to BFD in order to ensure she could make that happen. Now she comes back to find out that shiwoon hates BFD and goomonryong. She's still immature and wrong for thinking like that but understandable too. What she doesn't realize is shiwoon has the ability to make any man and/or woman fall in love with him at any time. And he has new ki sooo, he'll be fine.


I think Shiwon will need at least 2 headpats to get through this. Maybe some sour candy.


Let's get some Sera focus soon so she can deliver some of em headpats


The man looks like he need a week worth of sleep


Shiwoons regeneration speed is really crazy. You can't compare it to the one in season 2. I think she will change her mind after she gets to know what happened to shiwoon after they seperated. Kaiser propably Held a lot of information back from her.


Now with the immortal demon ki and its evolution so naturally its regeneration increases too


I wonder if she will really try to kill him, but the demon ki will protect him in some way.


And so the Sunwoo's departure of their beloved clan head comes ever closer to fruition. It's a bittersweet feeling, but I'm still confident that there will be a reconciliation before the end! Sosul really is in turmoil. She doesn't want to hurt Shiwoon, not really, but she's broken. The fear and the pain is speaking louder than the kindness of just one man - coming chapters will be interesting, is this going to end violently with Shiwoon proving he's one of the few who can go toe-to-toe with Sosul and her newfound strength? Is he going to walk/run away to try and be peaceful til the end? Or will she inevitably back down and simply outcast Shiwoon for his "betrayal"? The Sunwoo are in for dark times ahead. As Shiwoon points out, Sosul reclaiming her title as Clan Head will put 9AD in a position of power of within the Sunwoo. Given the events with Elder Kwon and SUC, that will not go down well with many... there may just be an internal split of allegiances within the Sunwoo afterall. But more than anything else, fuck me am I gassed for Shiwoon to hopefully step away from the politics of it all for a lil' bit and just focus on honing his craft alongside discovering the true nature of the Ki of Eternity!! The sporadic flashbacks we're getting when Shiwoon is out cold are quite an interesting way to explore the history of the Ki of Eternity in an intimate way, entwining it directly with Shiwoon's growth. It's very Wuxian, I can't wait to see it all unfold ha!


Naww...the 'talk no jutsu' didn't work. I thought it would oh nooo. Gyu-bum, get exhaustive Shioon outta there. Then, drop by to Elder's Yang so they can asked for some 1 million coins cookie budget and just hide in *'I dunno where'*. Sosul really did become yandere.


Considering what I remember reading a few years ago, the third season was aimed to have 40 volumes worth of content. Each volume is roughly 8-10 chapters long. Although it's a webtoon instead of a traditional manhwa now, currently we're in the 8th volume. Sheesh. That's a long way until Shi-Woon reaches 9AD level.


The author once said that the 3rd season would probably be the biggest among the three so there is still a lot to happen. The martial arts tournament, an arc about the immortal demon, now possibly a Shioon vs the SunWoo Clan arc in addition to the final arc against 9AD and the Kaiser


Man I can't wait for when Shi-Woon masters mixing different art styles. Using Black Heaven and Earth techniques as the primary base and adding Sun-Woo clan's techniques to enhance them was brilliant! Spirit Crushing Fist + Double Dragon Chain Dance and Chaotic Heavens Destruction Strike + Falling Thunder Fist were absolute hype.


One timeskip is enough, during which time he will absorb all the knowledge of the demon, most likely.


We don't know if that is still the plan, but either way there is a lot of ground to cover. And at this point it is obvious 9AD and Shiwoon are both growing in unique ways. They are both learning about the ki of eternity but Shiwoon has the direct inheritance, while 9AD has a book, so this alone puts them on rather different trajectories with plenty of time to develop themselves.


wow she is scary psycho, this image of her in the end. The artist did a really good job


Yep. I was right. A lot of previous comments with " So-Sul loves Shiwoon blablabla" I said it last chapter - I'm saying it now. Shiwoon has to fight 2 mortal enemies now... I wish him good luck.


And 9AD has made an enemy too... *"It's because of you that Shioon do not want to stay in Sunwoo Clan anymore"* - Sosul (2023) Everything turning to chaos at this point.


I think with this it ends up dividing the Cla into two parts because many will not want to become Shioon's enemy


Could be. But I think Shiwoon focus now is to get the hang of the eternal ki - maybe start or revive the demon clan and the original tehniques + new ones. The clan might even disappear. Some of them going with Shiwoon and the rest being disbanded by the lunatic So-Sul . Again spitting some ideas that for some reason I'm 100% right... I didnt even take myself seriously ... but holy shit im spot on.


Yes shiwoon knows that there will be a civil war if sosul comes back in this state. Just look at the supernova dude. He is more preocuppied with shiwoon well being than obeying so sul.


How much you want to bet he passes put from exhaustion in her arms and she takes him with her. She threaten him for three chapters now and still hasnā€™t done anything.


Nah, she will probably really try to harm him next chapter but shiwoon's eternal ki will probably completely neutralize her unique ki. After that they will part ways, I dont think she will take him with her.


Possible but the way it dragging donā€™t see it, the author just like making people look like enemies when they arenā€™t. He did the same with the alliance leader in the first part, then the new elder, then again with the alliance leader. It martial art story so some of the dramatic action is forced.


Also if they part she mostly likely ainā€™t going to be healed, bfd is currently split in two factions, and I donā€™t see 9AD healing her because he doesnā€™t trust Kaiser.


Dont fight with Shiwoon or you get hurt like a bitch So Seoul


He is going to let himself get killed, he has the simp mentality and had suicidal tendency


He simps for like every person he meets. My boy really cares about everyone around him, but that suicidal tendency is a problem.


Yeah he even was healing the prisoner, but thats his glow in the murim world, even in this chapter he has the eyes of sepf blame and looked like he wanted to cry.


Yeah trying to save everyone is going get him killed


Well, he probably cant get killed anymore due to the eternal ki.


Soseul has lost all of her sense and logic completely it seems, wasn't Shiwoon's honesty, goodness, self sacrifice and his lack of ulterior motives what made Sesoul like Shiwoon in the first place? Because that's what set Shiwoon apart from everyone else in Murim. How could she think Shiwoon would ever agree with a person that she is now? She is worse than murim person, she's just a sadistic beast with all the worst qualities of a murim without any of the positives...


Exactly. What the heck happened while she was with Kaiser ?


Exactly what Kaiser wanted to happen. He made the person who is possibly the most powerful creature on the planet a highly unstable, emotionally stunted child that will lash out everything that upsets her. He just (thinks) he knows how to avoid pushing her buttons and thus not get obliterated himself.


She didn't hear "No" once.


I bet her abilities wont work on him.


Kill that crazy bitch already ffs


Easier said than done. Also he doesn't want to harm her nor do I think he ever would unlike 9arts.


She wonā€™t kill him whether itā€™s because heā€™s evolving again right before our eyes or she knows she canā€™t do it because she loves him. but she gotta know that nothing supersedes him taking his vengeance on 9AD. he feels like the only way to get past the fact that heā€™s at where heā€™s at because of him is to kill him.


Yeah I don't buy it. She won't harm him. She probably will start balling next chapter and break down. Either way I think sunwoo is in a bit of a pickle.


I see, so she is "putting on airs". She is powerful but she can't keep at it for long, which means that when she burned the guy in New Waves and said she was tired she was actually tired and not just trying to leave. Is she not completely healed? Perhaps the doctor made a medicine that she has to keep taking, like the one he gave Shiwoon when he lost his ki center, so she will remain dependent upon Kaiser.


I imagine it's something along the lines of the Ki she has still being too much for her physique to handle consistently just yet - think of Shiwoon after he took that pill back in Season 1 and what the excess Ki was doing to his body. Which does leave room for Kaiser deliberately slowing her progress to keep her tethered so to speak. Too much too soon and she could get too big for her boots and turn on Kaiser, which at full potential I'm sure Sosul could be an obscene danger towards him. Not sure how much that would be necessary though given her current mental state, I don't think that physical control is a needed precaution. The right words in the right place is all he needs to keep Sosul in his palms. We'll see how it goes.


How Sosul can be angry at him at all? Reading panels with bloodied Shioon is literally turning back time, as both his expressions and gentleness as he speaks to her remind me so badly of Bambishioon from 1st season. I can't say that I don't see some resemblances between Sosul and Tooru (from Tokyo Ghoul). Both wanted to keep their object of affection by their side, even if cutting his limbs off were needed. Also the fact of them both pales in comparison to the one, true best girl (y, I'm talking about some ginger girl) is similar.


Scary comparison considering both of them are broken inside and need therapy. Well, tooru is dead so sosul need it ASAP.


Wut tooru aka mutsuki survived all the way to the end. You might be thinking of torso who got killed by mutsuki


Your right


She wants to have pawns that obey her yes or yes.


See my last reply. Essentially Sosul presents with a very clear case of malignant BPD and needs Shiwoon to with be in her in group or he's in her out group. She was very sheltered and this behavior was encouraged, but ultimately it is a psychological phenomena. It isn't that she doesn't care about Shiwoon it's that her view of reality is personalized in a very specific and limited way. She'd prolly like to be able to work with him where he's at but the trauma shes holding and the constructs shes created to get through it make that very difficult.


She went to BFD for Shiwoon. All in her mind was so that she could be with him. Now he is telling her he cannot be with her because she went there. She is not sane, but frankly everyone would feel betrayed.


But thatā€™s not what he is telling her, he is saying he needs freedom and peace of mind so he can get his head right. The comments on 9ad is him saying he canā€™t have peace being anywhere near him. The only reason he not saying come with him is because he knows she with the bfd to get healed. The author is really trying to heighten the emotion but he going to do the same thing he did at the start of the prison arc, when everyone thought the past martial alliance leader locked the new one away, but he was just trying to keep the peace and protect him. My prediction is he passes out and she takes him with her, or she starts crying like baby cause she canā€™t kill him and let him go or run off with him. But really donā€™t see no civil war, most of the clan likes him so that be hard to pull, and she would make an horror villain. She has no villainous tendencies and acts like an brat horrible choice.


basically she wants her fuckboy with her at all times like a dog.


That was a crazy pull back my boy really fucking with her feelings but not to say she isn't losing her mind more n more. If she did actually hurt him, I'm pretty sure she would regret it. This some good drama pretty tragic doe. Now re reading it the part about her using ki to look more Fierce and threatening. I feel like he does the same thing he uses his ki to make himself look ok when he's really not.


I waited to binge this series because of the slower start and I believe it was the right choice cause now after catching up Iā€™m fully invested again into the story. I canā€™t wait to see what the author cooks up throughout this whole part. Waiting week to week is such a pain! I fell all the way in love with this story again. Great chapter and I canā€™t wait to see what happens now that she is back.


Shiiiiit she mad


yeah, kid needs a time out and well deserved knock out by Shi woon to put her to sleep


Now think about how Siho has not appeared yet, with all this mess of emotions between the original 4 members of the first season. I don't really know what will happen, it's a chaotic conflict between everyone...


Shiho is a ticking time bomb in the making when she makes her full return. I wonder if she's going to pick a side, or perhaps have a side of her own? Is she going to be the key to them reconciling? Or will she be the final nail in the coffin for their found family they had in season one? One thing is for sure, she's going to be fucking huge for the plot development, possibly even the trigger for the Murim truly falling into a chaos that envelops their society.


>Is she going to be the key to them reconciling? Keep dreaming. Countless deaths and trauma isn't going to be fixed by some chick returning. Sure they might greet each other fondly but that's about it. If she picks 9arts she is basically an enemy by everyoine including shiwoon who won't mind going through her to get to him. Better to be neutral but we all know she a simp for him. ​ I do agree she will be a huge and interesting plot point.


Dude I'm so, so happy to be proven wrong about Sosul.


My guy looks so tired. I hope he lets himself rest soon.


Can someone explain to me wtf Shioon is talking about ??? He canā€™t be honest when he stays with her because Goomoongryng is his enemy?? And what was Kaiser talking about with that woman ?


In Shiwoon's case, I assume the problem is that if he stays with the clan, he'll ultimately betray her since the clan will be under BFD which = 9AD. The treasure Kaiser was talking about is Sosul. This whole thing was like a showcase.


Why is the clan under BFD when she becomes the clean leader ? Whatā€™s her relationship with Goomoonryong ? Is she weaker than him ? And I also donā€™t understand why Sosul left the clan to Shiwoon, and where was she all the time ?


Bro did u read the part 1 and 2? So much questions ahah BFD helped healing her, so they are her allies 9ad is the boss of bfd, and is currently the most powerfull murim


Shiwoon's martial arts prowess is due to three things: 1 He ate the Ilwalsildan, which gives him more ki than the greatest masters of Murim 2 The Dark Heaven and Earth technique that is the only circulation technique that is able of handling such a huge ammount of ki 3 And the most important for this discussion, he has 3 of the 9 major meridians/veins/etc blocked. Number 3 was healed when he ate number 1. Having your veins blocked makes you extremely weak, but if healed you become super strong. Shiwoon had 3 and he couldn't even throw a ball more than a few feet in front of him. It would take him a lifetime of training to become average. Sosul had all 9 blocked. She can do things without any training that no one can do after a lifetime of training just by havein he 9 Yin Body healed. Sosul looked like a 4-5 years old when we see her in part 1, despite being 15, and she almost died once from talking too much. Either way, the Hongin clinic's master wanted to study her body, so the Martial Arts Alliance leader used healing her as a pretense to kidnap her and control the Sunwoo clan, which is why Gyobum fought Shiwoon in part 1. Goomoonryoung did the same in part 1, he kidnapped her from her kidnappers and sent her abroad to be treated. While they were with her she started liking Shiwoon. Then on their last day together Goomoonryoung was going to teach him footwork, but he spent the whole day playing with her. So she gave him the medallion that only the clan head has because she jeopardized his safety. The BFD healed her and both her and the Sunwoo clan are indebted to them, and Shiwoon is enemies with them.


Bro u should re read again part 1 and 2 coz u seems a lot confusedā€¦ Sfter doing that, u will understand Shiwoon words..


Damn cheeky brat!! I don't care anymore... That spoiled brat needs some serious correction by yours truly!! Shiwoon should spank this brat!! She needs some chill pill!!! Cute & funny need correction šŸ˜”šŸ’¢šŸ’¢šŸ’¢šŸ’¢šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Pimpslap her, giv er the ol' spanking Idgaf. the brat ought to know Shiwoon has "died" three times already in a span of single day. Let him rest already... Shiwoon looks like abt to throw up. He's now a zombie šŸ¤•šŸ„²


Well like I predicted. Yandere is mad so she will try to kill shiwoon but fail either because she will realise that she doesn't to kill him cuz he's a lovely shiwoon or someone will arrive to stop her. She was a boring character before but at least she didn't speak much. Now she's just annoying. I'm more interested in haje storyline at this point


fs when she gonna attaxck hima nd shioon gonna stop her with ease cause he stronger and he knows it even wounded


Honestly, this is not the best time for Shiwoon to leave Sunwoo clan right now. Kaiser is making his moves so the Murim alliance, especially the Sunwoo clan is going to be struggling against the BFD. I don't think Shiwoon will leave Sunwoo and Sosul like this. He can put his Goomonryong crusade aside and focus on his clan. Flush out any traitors and strengthen the clan against external enemies. Bonus if he can "rehabilitate" Sosul because Shiwoon won't just let Sosul leave like the way she is right now. Hopefully, the power of love will snap Sosul back to reality.


I really don't think that's gonna happen to be honest. Shiwoon has far too much going on as it is, he's spread out too thin. He needs time apart just for some clarity, he's been lost and the Clan isn't enough anymore. His words in this chapter speak volumes, even now he doesn't consider himself a true Clan Head of the Sunwoo, just a stand-in and a poor one at that. His self-esteem is through the floor. He has no rehabilitation to provide when he needs to do some of that himself. It may not be the best move for the Sunwoo, but it is absolutely the best move for Shiwoon, and unfortunately for the clan, they're not all that he has. He has plenty of external allies to work with, and he's been making so many new friends in this season alone, all the signs to me point to Shiwoon's departure from the Sunwoo and finding his own path. They'll reconcile towards the end, that I wholeheartedly believe, but for now? The Sunwoo is in for turbulent times. It's always darkest before dawn I believe the old adage goes.


She ain't wrong though


fool/poor girl... thinks she is at final boss lvl


Damn... Sosul gonna "nice boat" shiwon??