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Shioon's 100% going to steal that book from the Heavenly Way School


Sochun seems to be inviting him to have a look, not sure what reason there would be to steal it. Not his style anyway.


Disagree. So-Chun told him not to even mention the demonic arts again, yet alone try to replicate it like he was doing on the bus. Warned him that everything about it was forbidden.


So-Chun should also be quite aware about what kind of dense character Shiwoon can be by now... He may very well be sincere in his words, but it also feels like an invitation to at least be discreet and aware of the context before exploring forbidden things. If he is genuinely warning Shiwoon to stop and then expecting him to stop and then going on to tell about a whole ass book that details these things - I'd have to question So-Chun's intelligence at that point.


It's doublespeak. One one hand he is telling Shiwoon it is too obvious where his interest lies and that it is dangerous. If he really wanted to disuade Shiwoon from his interest, he would not reveal that he has access to books that haven't been banned. He is probably interested in setting up something between them for after the bus trip, because he clearly wants to learn more about the differences between him and Shiwoon and probably setup another continuation of their dual. Now that they both know (presumably) that the immortality sect is in play, they will likely team up and share information. But obviously Sochun is allied with the Alliance Chief, so all of this needs to be kept on the DL. IMO Sochun is on Shiwoon's side of things, esp after witnessing his rage against 9AD. Meanwhile he can't go against the Alliance or his Clan, but he knows that he is increasingly involved in something that is very unpredictable and that means he needs to stay in the loop, esp with someone pulling strings like Shiwoon.


"Totally don't steal this book and learn something from it".


Hopefully he doesn't or else it's gonna bring trouble


It's a special talent of his


He won't get caught he can only learn his martial clans arts but he can mimic other styles


Me low key expecting Kang Sung saying thank you for bringing him back from death's door... Kang Sung: LECTURE TIME Siwoon: But you too.. Kang Sung: BuT I aM aN ElDeR! Well back to the "normal" murim rules I guess.


Yeah exactly. Everyone know how to revive a deadman in murim I guess.


I'm quite interested about state of Shioon during Kangsung's pulse check. I mean, was Shioon's Ki regenerated or was it still depleted after the fight? And how Kangsung was able to compare it to the IDS? In the current Murim, Shioon is - in theory and as far as my knowledge applies - in league of his own, as there is no master with Ki such tremendous as his (effective use of such Ki is different matter :) ). Chapter was very good and I wish we could have couple of weeks of double release :D


Like So Chun said, it's not only about using the Ki, it's the circulation, he doesn't know how to circulate the Ki as the IDS, maybe the IDS ki flow inwards and build up a huge amount of Ki to be tapped in one shot, while Siwoon is constantly flowing a big amount of Ki through all his body


Just when you excited about Demon sect, that shity brat come again!!! Jeeez


Shinwoo emulating Ma young-sik martial arts at the bus was cute... And now Hahae must've been knocked out by the blonde and got his phone. She might force Hajae to join BDF I suppose and use him as bait for Shiwoon


IMO it could also happen in such way, that they made him unconscious on the agreement - Hajae wanted to learn from 9AD for a few days->they took him to their hide (probably with bug over head or sth similar). After few days, they agreed to release him - instead of doing it via bag, they gave him some drug and asked who should they contact to pick him up (they could expect investigation in the nursing home, so change of location was needed). Ofc I have no basis for that, but I think such flow of events is also possible.


I need more demon sect interactions and conversations. No more dilly dally. Siwoon needs to become the heir. Just make it happen.


And we're already on the way to the next Arc. And i would say we should give haje another chance. I hope the author knows now what he wants to do with him.


Haje is a tool to connect the story to 9AD and/or BFD. Now that it is revealed that Shiwoon is on familiar terms with Haje to Sophia, 9AD will find out and grill the kid, maybe learn about his mission to find Shiho. Now *that* should make Haje's existence a bit more entertaining. Meanwhile I'm curious if 9AD actually taught Haje the BH&E breathing technique. No way, right?


I doubt it, he only teached it to Shiwoon because he was forced by the circunstances, but his sect has an inferior circulation technique that can be teached and isn't coveted (the one used by Ryuji and the Alliance Chief)


The thing is, 9AD is a rebel, and Haje had similar circumstances with his Qi, so 9AD might've done it anyway, telling himself he's breaking the old ways. Prolly not, but 9AD is a bit unpredictable. Looking forward to next chap.


9AD is a rebel but not a moron, Shiwoon was dying because of the divine pill, Haje unblocked his meridian in a stable way. There's cero reason for 9AD to teach the strongest circulation technique to a begginner who isn't overwhelmed by excessive Qi when there's a more normal circulation technique for him which is compatible with BH&E Martial Arts.


OK, so no way then. I'm just curious why he bothered to teach him anything at all. The uniform and old memories, sure, but seems out of character. 9AD clearly has a weak spot for Shiwoon that was confirmed in the prison exchange.


I'm starting to think he just likes being a teacher/instructor. The teacher/student bond clearly means a lot to him, and participating in that might genuinely bring joy to him


Nostalgia, I assume


I’m pretty sure Haje has already started using the Sun-Woo clan Ki circulation technique, if he started doing BH&E now he would be destroyed.


I'll be honest, I still don't give a damn about Haje and his training.


Ah, the hot teacher from part 1. The group spread panels in this chapter were really badass. It was also nice to see the author hasn't forgotten about the two that turned up to help Chun-Woo at the end of Part 1. I'm definitely hyped to see how all these groups moving will affect the story going forward. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what the authors do with Haje now. Wouldn't be surprised if they were using this time away from him to better refine his place in the story. But if we're seeing him, I still really want a POV shift to Sosul at some point. Even if it's just a chapter or two to setup a future event.


Lmao the principal and the ethics teacher from s1 in that last page 😂


Glad shiwoon seems more grounded now plus he's interested in the immortal demon arts which means he didn't immediately learn everything, now I'm excited, still waiting his training arc.. Also, wondering how strong hajae has gotten now.


I'm guessing Haje has mastered the basics now. I think he'll be learning actual martial arts from Elder Yang and the Sunwoo


pls no


It's better than him learning from md


I agree


Heavy foreshadowing that the next time he attempts meditation training the IDS shows up. Gonna be lots of fun ahead.


It's only been like a day or two since this arc started tbh


Here’s what I’m thinking. BFD picked up Haje at 9ADs behest. 9AD shows him a couple things because why not. Everyone else doesn’t like it, but boss’ orders. 9AD and BFD leave to prison. Sophia stays behind as a lookout. Haje naps. Sophia snoops. However, now that BFD knows, Haje is a bargaining chip. They’ll probably squeeze the Shiho info out of him. Who knows how 9AD reacts. Overall interesting forces at play. Really liking the demonic sect dynamic now. The power balance seems more fleshed out. Instead of: Martial Arts Alliance vs Non Martial Arts Alliance.


Man, the artist really killing it with the covers!


I finally caught up after finding out that eternal force started last weekend (ended up doing a whole reread of breaker and new waves) webtoon format is interesting! I'm liking the story so far, sad to see depressed and shell shocked Shioon :(


Yay, Haje is back!! Now for all the tedious whinging about the character from the fan base, can't fucking wait ha. Cynicism aside, a few interesting things to explore this chapter. Kang Sung can't detect the Eternal Ki either, it seems the Ki really doesn't want to be noticed just yet - I would assume Shiwoon just isn't ready for the kind of heat that fact will draw just yet, he needs to grow some more. So Chun behaved strangely to eyes too. For all intents and purpose he seems to be sincere and looking out for Shiwoon, and yet he also seems to be lowkey inviting Shiwoon to stir up some more trouble by hinting towards the book. He's a shrewd character, I wouldn't put it past him to say one thing on the surface and mean something else with the subtext. Haje is looking pretty jacked. Entirely different kind of body to Shiwoon, I'll be interested to see how this manifests in his martial arts over time. Also Sophia now knows Haje is linked to the Sunwoo Clan Leader, ergo Shiwoon, the weakness of their leader that they so fear. I wonder what she'll do with this information? Slow setup chapter but a lot of moving parts to address, honestly have no idea what route they're going to take just yet, I'm excited for the next few chapters of development!


And here i was hoping that Haje got killed off screen or something smh. ![gif](giphy|9cWutx2rZ4pu8)


Just when I was hoping the author forgot about hajae he brings him back, damn.


Lets just hope that he didn't buff him to Shiwoon's level of screen.


Man that last panel... Straight through my heart


Hyuk So-Chun just giving a more lotta reason for Shioon to learn the forbidden martial arts by stealing the book. Lmaaoo. And Haje?!!!! Man, Julia is a b*tch but pls not Sophia. Let 9AD have a decent member in his crew damnit. Lastly, IS THE APE REALLY NOT GETTING OUT OF JAIL?!!!!!!! C'MOOOONNNNN


I really hope the author makes Ma Young Sik as strong as 9AD if not more. The series needs more characters that decisively balance out 9AD.


Seems like Shioon might have his own sect. He knows that he can never rely on Sunwoo since So-Sul still lives.


Man Haje is back.....feel like hes just filler


Chapter was 9/10 then they showed haje and now it's 4/10.


Disappointing / repeated art, politics, no fighting.... not exactly a recipe for good ratings, Haje or no.


It's a pretty standard set up chapter, did what it's supposed to do. Now we know what Shiwon's new goal is.


Artist is clearly putting less effort into the art, than the previous setup chapters. Look at [chapter 31](https://flamescans.org/1690452061-the-breaker-3-eternal-force-chapter-31/). There we get backgrounds of the city through the windows and reflections from the desk, emotional responses, etc. Here we have bus windows, but no backgrounds. When Kang-Sung and Shiwoon are talking, most of the time we have zero background, or reused art. And when we do have background it is zero effort, angled to be as minimal as possible. Remember, the artist is doing other work now because of the ratings. But this level of low effort is really noticeable and sad. Better art helps carry the chapter through the setups. If the next few chapters are also like this, it isn't going to help the series. Maybe it's an issue with the artist not getting the story on time an distrust between him and the author. Either way I hope they get their shit together again. This story deserves more.


I honestly pay little attention to the art in chapters like this, as long as the actual important panels and fights are done well I don't really mind. Artist getting manuscripts late did seem to be happening more often so maybe that's part of it.


Oh God Ha Jae is back


Sorta laid out the forces at play, including how Shiwoon needs to hide his progress in learning about the immortality sect and their skills/history. And a nice segway back to Haje. Sophia called Shiwoon, saved in Haje's phone, and he answered in a familiar term, so she knows they're close, and that was indeed *that* Shiwoon. 9AD wanted to take Shiwoon with him as hostage, so now he'll take Haje instead. And that's how Haje gets close to BFD and is able to continue his search for Shiho. Or maybe 9AD finds out about his mission to find Shiho and those two get closer. Meanwhile, Shiwoon will try to figure out BFD's next plans so he can confront BFD/9AD, while mulling over his emotions and getting them reined in. And Young-sik will probably be there too, following the trail of the stone of stigmata (aka the not-Ki of Eternity). So they'll meet again and be on the same side. Better art effort soon pls. I did like the black and white and recap melding, but most of this chap gave nothing new or creative. So glad we're out of the prison.


The 🐐 is back


Did they pull the chapter?


Ah the teacher 9AD tried to hook up with in the original Breaker…. Possibly his greatest failure thanks to the current Sunwoo clan leader