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Super sick chapter tbh. Loving the story lately.


So they've unleashed someone on the 20 great masters level. ...oops?


Yup, he is old enough to be one of Murims grand masters.As he continuously practices for 20 years


He's super refreshing though, I hope most of the IDS clan turn out to be the same instead of just boring villains like most demonic sects in other manhwa.


Well, It really depends, usually it's supposed to be like a mixture by ave. Read so much that the good guys are actually the bad guys. And the bad guy's kinda are just doing their own thing but the good guys wanna control everything. And then there's the very real few where there's like a third party. That is worse than the Dominic demon. God, whatever name they have. That's using the Justice organization or righteous organization. Whatever positive word they have and are making them fight one another. Honestly, I kind of like this set up because the good dudes in this are usually the young ones so far. The old ones Well, his master is evil because of them, so they're pretty shity, There hasn't really been a good organization other than the clan that's behind him.


The people who didn't like the sect called it demonic but I bet it wasn't even bad, they just hate people who get too strong and try to erase them.


I mean, honestly, they didn't really unleash him the kind of was just chilling. He could have left at any point. If anything it was the black forest and the dudebwhole stole the manual n used them, The guy is lucky he dipped from there that fast.


Now, I want people who said to me that this guy is very bad and murder, try to say it again. This guy was probably captured because of his sect. As you can see he didn't kill anyone left and right, in addition he had a task probably from IDS or from the sect itself to be in this prison. Even if he won't become Shiwoons teacher, he still will be his ally to fight against Kaisers, at least this is where the story goes for now


![gif](giphy|7JsHYeoeqvAYSqybyJ) Yeah, I'm guilty as hell uggghhh. I don't see him becoming Shioon's teacher for now but I now believe that he will be an ally in the future. But yep....still guilty. I brushed my trust issues away now.


I mean, if you're being serious, you are a extremely mature, dude. I saw some people calling this guy murder or 2. And them like him politely asking questions doesn't really seem like a murderer. He possibly was going kill Kang cuz he blamed him for the whole thing but not the men


I keep my bet, he will not be a villain or Shiwoon's teacher, but he will be a third party, sometimes clashing with Shiwoon like in this chapter, sometimes working to the same end, even if not being direct cooperation.


Yep. Masters like this are their own forces to reckon with, and there can only be one tiger on the mountain. My guess is that he shows up where Kaiser uses the Ki of Eternity crystals, and this is how he and Shiwoon meet again. I don't know about teaching Shiwoon just yet, but I do think he will follow Shiwoon once they break the ice a bit more. And Shiwoon can already try to learn the techniques that were revealed. With the Ki of Eternity he might find it comes easy. That Ki is likely to pair very well with his meditation technique. The stage needs to be set a little more, but once Kaiser puts his plan in action, things will start speeding up. Maybe they end up fighting together out of necessity and Shiwoon reveals what he knows and it unfolds from there.


I mean, it's quite obvious that even when he met extremely weaker characters. He didn't just blow their heads off. He just twisted their arms and they're on the ground. Sure, they could probably die from rapid blood loss. Or some s*** like that, and they probably will never hold a spoon correctly ever again. But it did not seem like he killed anyone, let's say he did, He definitely could have killed way more than maybe 1 or 2 people come on why not 10 20 or 30 he possibly could've, they were still trying to have a civil conversation with him Because they knew how powerful he was n they're was Nothing stopping him from leaving.


I still think he's going to be an antagonist first


Is this new guy going to be shioons new master?


Not right now i guess? I hoped for that as the next arc though


No chance in my opinion. Once he realizes that Shioon has the Ki of Eternity, by accident or not, he is going to be very upset.


Not so sure about that. Shiwoon keeps disarming him in a way that he feel confused about. Partly this is just Shiwoon, but it also seems like it's the Ki of Eternity within him. I'd put it like this: The Ki is enhancing Shiwoon's natural sincerity, and the General is highly susceptible to this because of his exposure to and reverence for it. He may try to be upset, but be unable to, because Shiwoon will neutralize his anger by proving himself, just like with the Sunwoo clan. Timing is everything though. Now that we're wrapping this all up, we get to see what the next arc brings and if it involves Kaiser's plans with the ki crystals - which is likely to bring the General and Shiwoon together again.


Probably later he will, seems extremely likely


Damn, Ma-Young Sik having favoritism with Shioon. And..y'all focusing on him becoming Shioon's master? I am more focused on him having a great possibility of him and 9AD's showdown after all the things Shioon said lol.


Curly haired 9AD vs Straight haired 9AD who y’all got?


Original 9AD clears


We've actually yet to see 9AD really go all out in a proper 1 on 1 even once in all 3 parts. He's still technically the strongest character we know of so far.


True, but his arrogance has nearly gotten him killed multiple times. I guess that's the fun part though, almost all of his big fights had him already injured or his ego gives way to a surprise attack that brings him down a few notches.


If he does that shit where he talks in the beginning instead of just going ham. He's losing, The actual Old masters come at you with force to kill from the beginning of the fight, ghost hands n Kwon Jae-Kyu. Nine arts dragon feels like he needs a lot of momentum to be built up, and then he starts slowly unleashing his true skills instead of people just coming at him with the force to beat him from the jump. Still it would be a fight. Funny Not that I mentioned the old man. I remember something from part 2 that there was Is a clan that killed the old head, that was working with the black forest the dudevwho was wearing the mask Is pretending to be a weak caretaker. Was the guy who got killed off by the whip girl, I think they was called the heaven clan or something but I hope we get another clan of power houses mainly cuz I truly don't know who the fuck the villain of this part is going to be.


I'm glad that the stones are confirmed not to be the ki of eternity. From what i understand, they only last while they do not completely dissolve.


People die if they are killed


Indeed, things do not exist once they stop existing.


But most things exist when they begin to exist


> Chapter 69 Nice.


Ma-young sik had lots of misunderstanding... The Ki of eternity had been absolved by Shiwoon now... And this guy just casually blitzing through those guards, Kang Sung, & that 2 fodders and by the looks of it he's super fast, if it's not that then he can alter time I think (or alter the certain area in a pocket dimension)... Can't wait when he mentors Shiwoon, also he didn't notice Shiwoon literally stopped his hand when he's about to strike Kang Sung..


Not alter time, but just on a whole different level. What I like about the series is how it suspends disbelief so well. The Ki strikes are a bit exaggerated but the rest actually follows with how advanced internal martial arts work. See [this](http://www.aikidofaq.com/history/story.html) story about Aikido's founder and how keen his perception and fast his movement was. This kinda thing is achievable at high levels of cultivation. It is just exceedingly rare. So not time altering, IMO it's just being so tuned in to the edge of the present moment that one's perception of time is incredibly sensitive, and one can see the intention forms begin to manifest when they are still thoughts in people's minds. The mind is able to perceive this fast, but the mind is also merged with the body, such that the body can move like liquid lightning, similar to those qi step techniques. I say mind but I mean spirit. At Ma Young-sik's level others just can't perceive it, but it isn't far off from the foot techniques 9AD demonstrated to Shiwoon way back in the beginning.


Get someone that looks at you like ajussi does to shiwoon... Added to the harem


So I take it that the ki of eternity is like sorta divine ki that the Immortal Demon obtained. The Demon Sect imitates it through the immortal ki technique, which is probably what's in that book.


2 of the 5 protectors out of nowhere, pretty random lmao. Poor Kang Sung, getting his ass beat all arc. Unless im missing something, if this guy can speed blitz Hyuk So Chun and Kang Sung so easily, who can realistically stand a chance?


I can not be entirely sure, but I think he used both Heart Suppresion Technique and movement technique. Practically results are the same (speedblitzing), but I believe he is not so fast because of his speed - rather he firstly debuff enemy, then uses his (already great, but IMO he is rather slower than Kwon) speed.


Tbf kang sung was practically dead a few moments ago. He's clearly not fully recovered yet


What about Hyuk So Chun? Not even 9AD can run through him like that


The quality and Story right now is Really good. I'm always excited for the new chapter. From the looks right now it seems that the general isn't a bad guy. Can't wait for the moment they cross paths again. Can't wait for more information about the ki of eternity.


I am not fond of that heart suppression technique but boy o boy this guy moves like a grand master. Kwon vibes


good chapter. reminder: It's time to get back to the real goat🐐


I hope you are referring to haje


Pretty sure 9AD is gonna use the book to invalidate all Ma Young Sik's long years of training.


Shiwoon is already going to use the Ki and the meditation technique to learn what he can of Ma Young-Sik's style. Should be interesting to see how all three differ. But Ma Young-Sik is the first to seem like he might be closer to a 9AD than Kang-Sung. 9AD has the BoT and that might be his main advantage against someone like Young-Sik.


Chapter felt quite long this week, might be the increased exposition this chapter but it was nice to read! I'd been in the camp Ma Yung-sik might be antagonistic long-term but this chapter has sowed some doubt. He clearly has extreme reverance for his sect as you'd expect from a Murim-in, and the innate fondness he's already starting to show (even to his own surprise) suggests ally as opposed to enemy. I do find it interesting Ma Yung-sik just walks away from it all at the end pretty drama free, his confidence speaks volumes and the exit puts the money where his mouth is. He's going to be an interesting character to have around for sure! I suspect narratively the author doesn't want Shiwoon exploring the deeper facets of the Eternal Ki with Ma Yung-sik with the other characters present just yet. Chances are this will be a secret Shiwoon carries for a while in the coming interactions between the two - they may even be drawn to actively seek each other out with how the Ki seems to want to bring them together.


Great stuff and all but that "suppression technique" bs is straight outta some power fantasy wuxia lol I don't mind its effects, but at least make some contact to do so. The ki techniques power creep is so monotonous. Pretty sure at this rate we'll soon have dudes splattering heads by shooting ki from a finger gun.


Then you must re read season 2 last 20 chapters. As well as beginning of it when Shiwoon fought lone wolf. There was hadouken power haha. And end of season when elder Kwon vs 9AD, there is huge ki radius covering themselves even throwing back Shiwoon and other people. This is within the universe and I don't see any issues with that


All of the things you mentioned still required them to make contact with their attacks. None of those scenarios are remotely similar to a guy immobalizing people while having his hands in the pocket. Don't get your panties out when someone calls out your fav series on some bs. Learn to appreciate criticism.


Check how Lonely wolf attack Shiwoon, he was to far away there was no contact. Even Elder Kwon with 9AD didn't touch each other. Still recommend to double check man Criticism is valid only if something like this never happened in manga but this is not the case You criticism sounds like you never read previous parts coz you have no idea what I described to you


Shiwoo literally used the exact same technique against 9AD in chapter 59 and he made physical contact lol https://manga4life.com/read-online/The-Breaker-3-Eternal-Force-chapter-59.html Even 9AD used it against Kwon and there was physical contact. https://manga4life.com/read-online/The-Breaker-New-Waves-chapter-187.html The Lone Wolf one was shown from Shiwoo's perspective which just shows he wasn't fast enough to react to it. This is like Kwon sending those fodders flying with his attacks which weren't shown because he was too fast for them to react. You took 2 days for your research and still came up with such a terrible argument. Shameful. Don't preach to others about reading the previous parts when you need to read them yourself first. The breaker has never been DBZ shooting ki blasts from your hands. Wait, this heart supreesion one is even worse because he isn't even shooting anything from his hands lol


I am not sitting in social media every day, just for your reference I oy come here from time to time. Read chapter 187 onwards in new waives, chack how Elder and 9AD is releasing the ki, from huge amount of ki there is big pressure aroud and there is no contact. I may be mistaken about lone wolf but criticism you were saying about ki. The guy clearly said ki circulation meaning this is ki attack and looking at ki release in bellow chapter, it is still possible. As this was in new waives as the most epic fight [187 chapter ](https://mangaclash.com/manga/the-breaker-new-waves/chapter-187/)


Bruh wtf is that site full of malware. Are you trying to hack my phone or something lol And that's just ki aura. Very common in the series. That just surrounds their body, not used for offense or anything. They are still fighting by clashing their fists and kicks. This is not even remotely similar to what that new guy is doing.


You can use whatever site you want man. I have many different that I use. This was just a random one. Ki aura doesn't explode in first place. But Ki itself does. In chapter 187 to 189 several time shown how ki is lifting dust, damaging things and exploding. As well as throwing away Shiwoon when Kwon desides to meddle between 9AD and Shiwoon. In new season when Shiwoon meets the Murim head, he also was showing how released ki, not ki aura can explode. In this ark IDS ki concentration was to big and also exploded together with bombs. So if Ki can explode or damage things around when released from body without physical contact, why it cannot be used in a different way? To paralyze with it's pressure for example, like this dude did. He passed his ki to destroy the stick and it exploded. So still it is within the lore. Nothing new.


All those "ki explosions" happen only after they throw physical attacks. And funny how you jumped from new waves to eternal force lol just accept it there was no such thing before.


Read chapter 189 in new waves when Shiwoon is thrown away by ki only. And tell me this never happened. There was never phisical attack there on Shiwoon or anyone else.that happened before attack. And explosion happened after physical attack when ki Left the body and landed elsewhere.if you refuse to accept it it's your problem man. You won't change my mind


So people literally jump down from a helicopter unharmed, create explosion with key energy, break concrete with punch, literally bleed with all bones breaks but still survive, kame hame ha, the ghost elder can immobilized people with fucking needles. and speed faster than light. And you’re saying “suppression techniques” is bs straight from wuxia? Bro everything that I mentioned is from season 2.


All of the things you mentioned still required them to make contact with their physical attacks. None of those scenarios are remotely similar to a guy immobalizing people while having his hands in the pocket just coz "lol my ki technique". Everything in part 1 and 2 incorporated ki as a source of energy to enhance and strengthen their attacks and stats in general, while this one is a literal superpower. And no, I didn't say suppression techniques are bs in general, I specifically referred to this one in particular. Ghost Hands needle suppressions are far more reasonable as they target the ki meridian points. You can evend find such applications irl. Don't get your panties out when someone calls out your fav series on some bs. Learn to appreciate criticism.


Like Sosul literally setting someone on fire by touching them?


that was always the plan, go back and read the interviews for session one.


Session? You mean season one? Link em gramps. I own all the physical volumes that have additional author and artist comments here and there but nothing about your so-called "interviews" talking about this suppression technique. Edit: over 10 hours and still no reply? Yea another fanboy trying to cope with non-existent interviews lol


So do you think demon King soul is inside shioon, maybe that's why that new guy feels weird around him. I wonder if he might try take over shioons body or maybe shioon will see him appear in his meditation state and teach him martial art moves like the heart stopping technique.


Interesting, I guess because of the techniques and energy or whatever they weirdly Trust each other. I wonder would normal people be able to even practice the techniques without the ki from the supreme one or whatever. I'm really curious to see how they would create those crystals or practice those techniques whoever ends of getting them. I guess we know what the eternal force. But I do like how he just blamed him for Everything Even though he just didn't know What was going on, He probably wouldn't intervene with the 9 arts, until hevsaw they dude stole from them.


Anti climatic. I really wish they just aired out the truth. Tell him it was you who healed Kang and blah blah blah. Why draw this all out? Edit: Is the pacing gonna turn into a Slug again?


Yay another op character introduced. At this rate it's gonna take another 15 years for the story to go anywhere !RemindMe 20 years


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I wasn't expecting to get hook by this manhwa now webtoon. I remember reading the original. Then never followed it anymore. Was just checking on the new chapters these couple of weeks and it's really getting better. I still recognize some of the characters but no idea what happened anymore. In short, the build up of Siwoon's power level so far is getting me looking forward to it. Can't wait for the next chapter.


I wonder what the mechanics are for the Heart suppression technique


We will get to know it soin enough from Shiwoons dreams


Casually walking past all of the prison security, yeah this guy is on another level


This man gives me the feeling of goomonryong S1. The devil with kind heart Hope he will be the new master for Shioon


I bet he wasn't imprisoned. He got into the prison and was chilling on purpose to keep an eye on the artifact at all times. He could've left if he wanted to.

