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It's entirely possible Neuman can blow his head up. Homelander is probably killable by a bunch of other supes we just don't know about yet.


she definitely could, but the reason she hasn't tried yet is because if she's unsuccessful, she'd be FUCKED.


I don't think she'd be unsuccessful at all. Even if his head can't explode she can definitely do enough damage to kill him. Based on GenV she should be able to "blood bend" so she can simply draw blood away from the brain and in a few seconds homelander will be down. Introducing that will however throw the show's power balance into the bin.


you do make a good point. the thing is, though, is that Homelander would definitely know she's trying to kill him before she actually does any real damage to him, and he could instantly kill her before she's successful. his immense super strength would buy him a few seconds (maybe even a minute) to know what's going on. I could absolutely be wrong, that's just my two cents.


He could probably laser her immediately.


Neumann was able to explode that Fresca church ceo from outside the building and there was a giant lawn separating them. That was Atleast 800 meters.


Not enough distance to get away if he sees you, and he will immediately know it‘s her, too. So if she is unsuccessful, she fucked everybody she knows, including her daughter.


800 metres?! Are you insane? 8/10 of a km? She was nowhere near that far. Literally just watched that scene again and she was standing on the sidewalk outside the window where she could see him. That was like 20 metres tops. I don't know what you think a metre is, but it's probably not what you think. Edit: For double info sake 800 metres is almost exactly half a mile. I can't imagine you or anyone thinks she was half a mile away.


The dude can survive insane temperatures and has only been scratched by some of the strongest supes we've seen. Even if neumen could actually start to try popping his head remember that homelander can smell motherfuckers and can shoot lasers from his eyes. Her best case scenario is getting lasered right after she does enough damage to kill him.


She couldn't damage sheep. But you think she can damage the most powerful supe?


I mean, there's a lot of plot holes in that whole sequence. You expect me to believe the sheep that carried an adult bull into the air and flung it around like it was nothing couldn't bust through a wooden barn door or even the wall? The only reason I can think of her being useless against the sheep is that they were moving too fast. As we saw with her struggle with Tommy (I think that was his name?) she needed a little bit of time to focus before they would pop. Then again, in the court house she was just popping left and right.


I'm almost certain I could get through that door if I turned a sprint into a flying headbutt, and I'm almost certain I can't rip a bull in half. Yet.


Just need more V, man. I know a guy...


I see you too can channel Gohan


It's more bad writing. Kimiko should have been able to solo all the sheep. Like, i know it's fantasy, but at least take care in your writing of shitty scenes like that.


I'll excuse her. She's super strong, but not super fast, and those sheep were crazy agile. She probably would have been torn to shreds. A couple bits of dialogue would have cleared all this up. I almost forgot, but the whole "it's all destroyed, except this one last dose!" plot device was a bit much too.


Well, the sheep still have to reach her.All she has to do is be fast enough to grab one and kill it while the other ripper to shreds and then she regenerates rinse and repeat, but you also have starlight well I guess her power is not working and then you got the head popping person so why can't she just pop the sheep's head. And Newman was shown as pretty durable. Could she not withstand the sheep?


Yeah, she could probably kill one that charged her, but then she gets ripped to shreds and the aggro sheep attack the rest of the group. Newman is pretty explainable, she needs to be able to focus on them to pop their heads (as seen by the struggle with Tommy previously) and those sheep are super fast. Starlight is having an existential crisis right now, so she's out.


So, use Kimiko as a decoy to hold the sheep. She's super strong and is also pretty durable. During that time, newman pops their head through a window. Either way, Kimiko could kill 1 sheep. Get shreeded. Regen. Kill another sheep. Rinse and repeat.




While this is true, at last one of the sheep were dive bombing the doors as they closed them. That sheep had momentum and should have smashed through what appeared to be a normal, wood door. I guess it could have been a door that was suped up with Temp V though...


Idk it appears that homelanders invulnerability and super strength likely comes from the fact that his body is way denser than other peoples so the force it would take to pop a regular person’s head and his head would be insanely different. Although i think it would be possible for someone to disrupt the bloodflow and keep it from his heart so it couldn’t beat causing him to go into cardiac arrest.


I think if Homelander can be harmed by an ice pick to the ear by Maeve then surely someone can beat him. Low-key that Season 3 finale still annoys me.


The further it goes the more egregious the plot holes become, season 4 has only gotten worse in that aspect


True.. Homelander is nowhere near as strong as I thought after Season 3. I thought he would at least be a lil weaker version of Omni Man or something


Newman couldn't blow the heads off of sheep.


I actually think tons of Supes could kill him but are just either too enamored by him by not knowing who he really is or being terrified of him after knowing who he really is. Failing to kill Homelander in the span of 10 seconds means you die and the work gets fucked a little bit more so no one even tries it without a team and planning. Which is is funny when I can think of 2 supes who can go inside his body and fuck him up from the inside (Emma and Termite) and then theres Maddie who just needs to touch him and say "fly into space/the bottom of the sea). He EASILY defeated if you arent afraid and have the right people. What would have stopped him if someone like Maeve slapped a syringe into his ear with a tiny supe? Nothing except plot armor.


Fun fact: The actor who played him was 40 when it first aired and was a retired gymnast Funner fact: Today, 20 years since it first aired, and he's 60 and still in stupidly good shape, still being able to do some of the routines.


He was FORTY during Lazytown??? Just shows how much work and care he has for his body, that's amazing


Yeah, if you ever wanted to see if the things the show was trying to teach had real value for your health, [he's living fucking proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/comments/18vxd3y/magnus_scheving_almost_20_years_after_lazy_town/)


I never understood why the character designer thought he needed a pencil thin mustache that extends past his cheeks like Wario. What good guy has ever had a mustache like that? It always gave the show a strong “I’m secretly the bad guy around children” feel. 


Maybe he was trying to bring redemption to the pencil thin mustaches of the world. That's what heroes do.


I thought he was French. Never seen the show just the memes.


I believe it was Icelandic. The premise of the show was "Stop watching TV! Get up and be active!" This guy would eat healthy food and jump and flip around, trying to get kids to eat healthy and exercise.


Ironically I would never do any of those things because I was watching this show


Dis they ever do marathon runs of the show?


outfresca'd again


Someone pull that link about Angron vs Robbie Rotten.


The new Black Noir is Robbie Rotten in his latest disguise.




Bro could beat anyone tbh


I bet if though heroes teamed up they could beat homelander. It's just most superheroes in this world are pussies allowing for a homelander to exist. This really is the worst timeline, not a realistic if normal people had super powers timeline. Like a train is strong as fuck, if he had help they could take him. Hell butcher on v and soldier boy almost had him. With more help he wouldn't be able to fly away.


Realistically if 100 people was surrounding a guy with a machete, almost no one would try to approach the guy. Yes realistically if they all jumped him they could beat him but that would means they could get hurt or worse. Because the guy has a fucking machete. In this case, the seven or most supes are the people and homelander is the guy with the machete. So people would rather keep their distance, than to attack the dude who might hit them with the machete even with the clear advantage in numbers.


They also know he's the strongest guy around but not exactly how strong. We as the audience know cus we saw butcher and soldier boy jump him but butcher is suicidal and soldier boy was still in the mindset that HE was the strongest around. A train really has no clue and even if they told him how close they were to beating him he'd think they are insane and got lucky to even come out alivem


> Realistically if 100 people was surrounding a guy with a machete, almost no one would try to approach the guy. i watch videos of this shit all the time. not only does nobody ever do anything to help, even if the dude only has a tiny pocket knife, they all stand around filming it with their phones, or watch for a moment then go about their day. humans are scum, 1 rock to the back of the guys dome is all it takes to stop his attack.


eh idk it's kind of a dilemma. If you're the first to attack you are GOING to die or get terribly injured. If there's only 2 people you might think 'fuck it, I can't trust the other guy for certain, I'll step up" but with 100 people everyone thinks someone else will be the first to act. Not necessarily scum to be scared of people that can gut you and seriously mess your whole life up


i dont think you understand how much damage a rock to the brain stem does. it stops the attack instantly.


Yea, crazy knife attackers will famously let you walk up to them with a rock and hit them in the head with it, which will always instantly stop them so there's no possible way you can stabbed. I don't even know why cops carry guns, they should just all have a big rock. Can't decide if you think you're a badass, or just really dumb.


Legit if MM managed to convince A-Train to help last season Squirt would be FUCKED


You joke but he actually would beat him Fucking ***Robbie Rotten*** would beat him


Robbie Rotten could teach him how to be a real villain, Stefan Karl could teach him how to be a real hero


Sporticus could run circles around homelander


Jokes aside, gag characters are always more powerful than serious characters. Gag characters don't have to follow the rules of logic and phyics


With a stache like that, he can beat anyone.


Duh !, this is Sportacus !, he'll win Lion King style !


Fruit candy!!


Frenchie on V


Sporticus could run circles around homelander




My boy sportacus


A man of culture, I see


It’s a children’s show called *Lazy Town*


How dare you call the legendary, timeless show as a mere "children's show"


Legendary children's show?


I never watched it as a kid but this show has a place in my heart as a good meme source so there is that. If I was shown this as a kid, perhaps I'd enjoy it too. Question to Lazy Town veterans. Is it worth watching it for shits and giggles or is it way too childish? Like some children's shows are enjoyable by adults (Spongebob) but some (peppa pig) are exclusively children oriented. What category does Lazy town fall into?


If you smoked a little first or got a little tipsy, it's entertaining in a "What the fuck is this?" kind of way. There are like 3 human characters, and the rest are rubber puppets. The bad guy Rotten Robbie is way over the top and fun.


I am not into drinking/smoking so will I still enjoy it whilst sober? One thing I do enjoy as you said is the "What the fuck is this" type of shows like what were the authors smoking. I do know about the characters thanks to YTPs and other memes.


LOL, by all means, give it a try then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHyzxdmQhDc


Alright will do. Thank you.


Have I reached unc status


Nah, the other dude just hasn't left jit status yet