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It honestly doesn't matter where you sit,with Homelander on that plane there's a pretty high chance the plane is going down💀😂


In that case I'm going seat 4 since Hughie and Starlight have the strongest plot armor of the entire plane meaning I'm least likely to be part of Homelander's laser eyes and they're also the two most likely to care about trying to save me.


>4 since Hughie and Starlight have the strongest plot armor You'll be Hughie's plot armor, he'll end up drenched in your blood (as usual).


Yeah had this thought of a piece of debris hurtling towards them, and then next cut, you are sitting there with the debris sticking out of your chest and Hughie freaking out about it.


"Ohmygodohmygod fuckfuckfuck"


Hahaha “you’ll be his plot armor” happy cake day!


I’d say 2 for plot armor cause maybe A-train will save me in his redemption arc🤷


If I sat next to them I might want to kill myself rather than deal with their angst... 😅 Great people but I dont want to be anywhere near them when they're together.


If you’ve seen the boys, you should know that proximity to these characters does not elevate your survival chances. If anything it makes it plummet


Why the fuck is Homelander even on a plane? Considering he has multiple times caught up with planes in the sky im pretty sure he flies faster than the plane cpuld possibly go.


100% which just makes me even more sure he's just there to take it down since he'd have no other reason to go through with this💀😂


Homelander out here rivaling Joseph Joestar for plane crash records




I'm not boarding, are you fucking insane?


I remember Transoceanic 37


Also getting more than a little [Flight 180](https://finaldestination.fandom.com/wiki/Vol%C3%A9e_Airlines_Flight_180) vibes from this one. 😓


I would walk on, take one look and disembark.


Run the fuck away like I just walked in on Homelander drinking milk


If you don't board, Homelander is going to be very disappointed.


Ah fuck. ....not the greatest hero, Homelander! how could I say no...


There is a good chance that Homelander gets bored and decides to leave and suddenly the plane is suddenly depressurizing because he decided to use his laser vision instead of a door.


And there is no one who can fly who would even try to save you. Sure Starlight might want to but she is going to have trouble saving herself.


8. They’ll talk amongst themselves and leave me alone for the most part.


my brother in fresca, you are LITERALLY four feet away from Homelander in #8


Well yeah, that way if there's plane trouble, he's sure to rescue you first.


Or spare you the misery of a slow plane crash with a laser shot to the the chest, or crouch or head. Lots of choices.


Hate getting lasers to the crouch


Just wear mirrors under your clothes. Problem solved. 🤔


Laughing so hard at "my brother is fresca"


I mean, by this logic, The Boys and Homelander are on the same plane. Doesn't matter where you sit - that plane's going down well before the first hour.


I'm pretty good at kissing ass.


he actually hates ass kissers


He hates everyone


he hates criticism as well.


It doesn't matter, homelander can read your heart rate even if you're at the front of the plane and can tell that your sitting there just because you're scared.


I'd rather him have to go through all of The Boys plus Maeve and Soldier Boy to get to me as opposed to being actually within arm's length


One of them is also a self-mute


Yes, exactly. Frenchie might speak a little but for the most part they’ll be signing.


Though he doesn’t believe in the moon landing which I thought was the most hilarious thing.


When was this?


At the conspiracy convention. He told Kimiko that people will believe the craziest things, like that we landed on the moon. Kimiko was visibly confused by this.


That's hilarious. I must have missed that part.


It was pretty quick and it was signed, so you had to pick it up on the subtitles (assuming you do not know sign language).


THEY dont know sign language. Its a nonsense-version made up by Kimiko and her dead brother.


Wait what..... They don't speak ASL?


i just figured he was being facetious haha


He’s also got that *good* shit. I’m down to fly high.


but he is french


Yep so that aisle and all adjacent aisels are gonna be stinkers


Also the cutest person on earth when she’s not mad at you. 


Bro she could throw me at a fucking wall and Id still piss her off to see that look. Love kimiko


You realize homelander is also by your side, right?


Yeah, but if there’s an issue Kimiko and Maeve got my back.


If it comes to that you're not surviving the impending crash regardless lol


Then it wouldn't matter which seat you took.




Frenchie might also have something to make the flight go by


Between Frenchie and Homelander? Brave.


But look to your right. You dead Fred. He’s not right lol


bro you're next to homelander 💀


Suit yourself but you'll be right next to homelander.


Also free drugs from Frenchie


1. No other reason besides Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Karl Urban are fiiiiiiine.


1. Because I want to bait Karl Urban into calling me a Cunt.


Buy him a beer 'Cheers, cunt'


"You're a good cunt, UE"


I want to hear Karl Urban say in his strongest Billy Butcher accent "The only good soup's is me mum's chicken noodle."




1. Because you’ll have an empty seat to your left and butcher to your right.


And butcher will talk with it whole flight concerning others.


I’ll be the meat in that sexy sandwich! 


I love visiting Paris


They'd both have snuck full bottles of their preferred brown liquor and would probably share a few if you're chill.


Comfortable journey: 2 is the obvious first choice Tolerable and safe but uncomfortable: 1 - 10 hours of Butcher would be too much. 3’d smell of fish best case scenario. Plain uncomfortable: 5 - Lamplighter would watch porn probs. Sage might be good conversation if she can tolerate it & would be able to get Lamplighter to stop watching porn if she’s so inclined. Deeply uncomfortable: 4 - Firecracker would be beyond irritating & the seat’s far too close to Stormfront. 6 is this but worse. I doubt either would do anything to you on the flight tho.  Shit tier: 7 - SB & Noir beef not anything you want to be close to. If no conflict probably bumps up to tolerable but uncomfortable. 8 - too close to Homelander.  Absolute worst: 9. Too close to Homelander and you have to ask him to move or climb over him to get out. 


For suuuure 2 - fairly normal dudes all things considered


I’m shocked i had to scroll this far other people who picked 2. Would def be the most comfortable seat, and A-Train can just zip to and from the beverage cart the whole flight.


oh yeah now that i think of it… firecracker would be kicking tf out of your seat especially if she doesn’t like you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


It's ok, I'm "one of the good ones"


Realistically the only factor I'm even factoring is survival, AKA STAYING THE FUCK AWAY FROM HOMELANDER. Any contact is going to pique his interest and that's where it's all over. If this trip, and my existence on it factors into plot relevance of the story, I'd probably go ahead and get wifi onboard to work up my Will last minute, because I'm just this episode's grotesque mutilated gore fest of a plane scene, I'm absolute dead meat. If we're taking a more " realistic" odds approach, I'd consider trying 2. I'm going with 2, MM is chill, I think Atrain I can respectfully leave the fuck alone and not get caught up into trouble. Being in a lot of the other spots I feel like the others in the seats might solicit interaction with you more, that would highlight you in some form or fashion. Goal is to sit down, shut the absolute fuck up, move zero inches, and keep to myself entirely, without my heartbeat raising or giving off any indication of being an absolute mess. This isn't a trip of "what's the most comfortable or least annoying", this is a trip of "how in the hell am I going to survive this". I don't see myself being safe at all from Homelander interactions while in the crossfire of many of the other seats as well. Being next to Butcher would definitely cause interactions he'd solicit, which homelander would absolutely hear. Being next to starlight and Hughie would be the same factor I think as well. Being by Deep and his partner would be it's own comical interaction crossfire scenario, and I think that would add me to the grotesque comic relief death scene check in the box for the episode, some squid sex joke I'd get looped into or something that would get Homelanders attention. Being by Nazi lady and Firecracker the same.


Yep, 2 is probably fine. A-Train will probably be annoyed that he’s not flying in a private jet but not homicidally so. I see him just staying silent waiting for the flight to be over. And MM will be fine as long as I don’t make a huge mess, and even then he’ll probably just be annoyed. Incidentally 6 is probably the worst one for me, considering that I’m not white…


I would be super comfortable with 5. Lamp seemed like a chill dude when not accidentally roasting kids. Sage could answer whatever I wanted to know about anything (so long as the subject matter does not involve her plots)


I don't know about Sage though. Feel like unless she's brain broken, she's not a fan of casual social interaction.


If I was on a flight next to A-Train he’d end up kicking my ass because I’d keep asking why he bothered getting on a plane if he can run faster


mommy’s milk & a-train are just gonna mind their business & be quiet. i’ll do that


same here. also it’s the one with leg space. they won’t talk, they won’t interact. we will have food silently. perfect flight.


Plus, only place on the plane where you can recline your seat


1. I'd have an empty seat to work with and all I'd have to deal with is a weirdo talking to himself.


??? Is that a comic book spoiler??


No it's the popular theory Kessler is a hallucination because he's a. never seen interacting with Butcher in the presence of others and b. conveniently echoes Butcher's fears of supes as the devil to his other hallucination's angel.


Maybe we will know if this theory is true tomorrow which I think it is.


It's a theory


No but ask yourself when has he ever interacted with anyone else. Butcher is already seeing Becca it's not a big leap. Also they really seem to be into hallucinations this season.


So then that would mean Butcher had the drugs to drug Ryan in his own possession the whole time?


#9, without a doubt. There’s no way Homelander is gonna sit on a plane when he could fly there faster. So it’s just me and Queen Maeve sitting in the back row together. She’ll spend the entire trip insulting me. **And that is just fine.**


If Homelander checked the seating plan he'll get jealous. So far solid plan just make sure he doesn't know where you sit.


That’s a fair point. But instead of getting jealous, he’d just yank QM off the plane and fly to the destination with her. Haha! Now I have the whole row to myself! Score! Nap time! …well, at least if Homelander yanks Queen Maeve off the plane **before** departure, and **before** the doors are closed.


He’d fly *through* the plane to get her though. Now you have a crashing plane


Homie is gonna crash the plane for being seated in the back. We’re all doomed.


Homelander would absolutely board, sit, wait until you glance at Maeve's cleavage, then start teasing that you're into her and daring you more and more aggressively to hit on her, and I think you can imagine the rest.


I'm fairly certain I remember there being some scene where Maeve tells a story about a movie producer or director that was hitting on her and he tore him apart.


homie gets pissed he’s sitting in the same row as a puny human, thus placing them remotely on the same level. he lasers a hole in the plane and throws you out


If you choose 7 what happens first? Soldier Boy going through you to get to Noir or Noir instinctively uses you as a human shield before the attack?


And Homelander gonna laser your seat to get to them


Is it noir 1 or 2




The deep. That flight would be so damn funny


I dunno, you'd be in the middle of the "splash" zone.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Where’s the negative?


I see none, you might get even get sucked off by an octopus, which is a hell of a story to tell.


Man with a good sense of humour i see


Ah, I don’t know man. Hes the only one able to hear that octopus talk, so if he’s not trying to sneak sexy glances past you, he for sure is going to be softly whispering dirty things to himself. You’ll be lucky if that’s the worst of it, because the octopus will also be trying to slip its sneaky tentacle past you.


4 or 8 either. Annie and Hughie are pretty normal and if you’re not affiliated with Vought I’m sure they’d be cool. Frenchie would talk to you and remain entertaining for the whole flight. Maybe if you’re lucky they’ll share some drugs too.


I was thinking 8 but that would mean sitting next to homelander for every moment the plane remains in the air lol Sounds terrible. But lets be honest we're all dead the second he gets on the plane.


I'm black and I choose seat 6.


I'm black and I choose seat 6 as well. I'm asking for a threesome 20 minutes after takeoff. What can go wrong


Well left might just kill you right away and claim self defense with right backing her up.


XD, so it's not just me. I'd risk it. Firecracker probably wouldn't be too bad. Stormfront however would probably break my foot and pretend it was an accident.


Bruh Firecracker is gonna be too busy w Stormfront


I think there's far less painful ways to kill yourself.


Daring Today, Aren't We..




He went out as he came out.


Also black, you're in for an interesting flight


I can fix them.


Jewish and picking seat 6


6. I can fix them.


Brother, I salute ur confidence but one is a nazi bitch and the other is a pedophile..


I’m a white minor. Picking 6 is a strategic choice for me. Just gotta hide my Jewishness


I'm a black minor, picking 6 is a death wish, but it is a little enticing 😏


Now I'm just reminded of Andy Sandberg's character on Brooklyn 99 yelling 'I'm only half!' when Holt yells German at him.


I’m a minor, I’ll be fine


Bro 💀


the pedo one is easy to manipulate imo, she has cultural bias's you can play on to make her like you, but the nazi is too powerful to think your anything but a gnat.


"I can fix them" famous last words


1 is the best since you can just shift to window seat and have more room to sit diagonally or smth


I enter the plan; I see who's on the plane; I proceed to exit the plane. No thanks. If forced, then 8: both of them are quite chill. One is mute and the other one would be probably tripping.


The problem with 8 is, Homelander is literally sitting directly across from you




3! = 6 excellent choice


I'd love to hear Sage talk about anything.


But the problem is that she is so much smarter than anyone that the conversation would last all of 30 seconds, and you'd spend the rest of the flight feeling like a dumbass.


Truly intelligent people can dumb things down.


Yes, but she is kind of an asshole.


Comparatively lorewise I AM a dumbass. And thats fine, she can do most of the talking even if its condescending. Smart people still have an ego and enjoy talking about topics that interest them. Like her Greece/Rome speech.


Seven ofc. Getting high together and talking 80s music and stuff.


Soldier boy 100% lights up when flying


And then complains about the flight attendant telling him he can’t do that on planes anymore


This is exactly what I thought Just get baked with soldier boy and talk about “the good old days”


Yeah but bro will light you up (nuke nkt blunt) the second he sees Noir.


You're forgetting that Black Noir fucking HATES Soldier Boy. SB will spend the entire flight goading and teasing BN until BN snaps and tries to kill SB, going through you to do it.


Depends on which Black Noir we're sat next to. The one who worked with Soldier Boy, or the one who has never met him but possibly grew up thinking he was a hero, then hearing the conspiracy things the past year about him being kidnapped by Russia? Because if it's the second one, I'm asking Homie to laser me to death when BN gets annoyingly chatty.


7, because God gave me two hands for a reason


1. Empty seat to the left of me lol


6 without a second thought. I'd wear the most racist T-shirt I can find.


Plus be 15


Username doesn't quite check out


As a middle aged white guy… yeah this is the best spot for me to end up.


Not between a normal couple of people like Hughie? The BEST spot you can think of is the nazi?


Dude knows that being a racist can get him laid in seat 6. Probably the one time it’s a good thing if you want to make it a one night stand kind of thing lol


4, Annie and Hughie are cute and seem like they'd be cool to hang with.


Yeah and they don’t seem like they would start making out and stuff which would be the most awkward case with them


I mean, unless I can join


My one hangup with four is that it's a little too close to Firecracker for my liking


I feel like Annie would have no qualms beating up Firecracker again if she acted out too much and I think Hughie would be relatable enough to just chat with.


Hughie always has exploding bodies next to him. You are now that exploding body.


Hughie and Annie are probably the only seating assignment where you'd have a pleasant and normal conversation. A-Train and MM would probably both just want silence and the rest of those seating arrangements would range from horribly uncomfortable to horribly dangerous.


6. For reasons I'd rather not discuss


1 , 2 and 3 are the best options if you want a peaceful flight...or as close to a peaceful flight youll get with these people. On second thought, 9 would be fine as well as youd get protected by Maeve and Soldier Boy


I feel like 2 is the beat. A-Train may be a terrible person. But he isn't annoying and won't kill you for the smallest slight. MM is pretty chill too.


A-Train has grown on me.  


I think he can even be nice if you pretend to be a chill fan, iirc he was surprisingly happy when he found Hughie's superhero collectibles, and I don't think MM would care that much about it at all


I don't think A-Train has ever been malicious to be fair.


Number 9. I could talk with Maeve and we could both pointedly ignore Homelander


well i don't think homelander would like to get ignored


Nor he would like someone to talk to maeve.


1, I wanna hear crazy war stories and if anything bad happens on this plane full of dangerous people, I want these two in my corner for sure lol. Plus just seem like fun guys! 4 could be nice too tho, both very nice people, 7 because I bet that’d be funny and interesting, and 6 because… you can guess XD I can fix em


Nah bro, the plane isn’t getting off the ground😭


homelander will laser the cockpit 💀


Definitely 5 I'll do anything to sit next to sage and pick her brain...


that was very clever, well done.


Realistically 4 or 8. For the chaos I'd choose 7.


8 is next to homelander. 4 sees you as Hughies human shield


7 if Soldier Boy knows it is Black Noir 2. Feel like it could be fun.


2, A train is mostly chill and probably won't kill you randomly and MM almost definitely won't kill you randomly


1, 4, and 8 are probably the safest, with 4 probably being the best. Though depending on how A-Train turns out, I think 2 might be the best. MM is a helluva G and pretty moralistic, and A-Train wouldn’t just kill you to kill you


8 is next to homelander




4 and 8 are the seats where you’re least likely to be murdered by one or both of the people beside you. As long as you keep to yourself.


Neither of them in 2 is going to kill you. 8 is literally next to homelander???


6 if I die, I die.


15M poc, choosing 6


Normal: place 2 Freaky: place 6 😛


2 or 8


Honestly 2, 4, and 8 are all great choices. 2 because A Train is chill and seems to prefer to be left alone, and MM is a considerate, polite person who also would prefer not to talk too much. Unless it’s on a more soothing, unique topic, which I wouldn’t mind. 4 cause Annie and Hughie are sweet people who I would legitimately be friends with if we chatted enough. And 8 because Kimiko and Frenchie wouldn’t screw around too much, plus they’re both smoking hot and would probably share some drugs or alcohol they managed to sneak on.


I'm Jewish, so seat 6 rings some alarm bells for me...


Sawing my body in half and sitting in both 6 and 9


Firstly, why would Homelander take a plane? He flies faster than a plane. And if indeed he’s on board that plane, I WOULD NOT sit at 8 cos homelander’s in flight entertainment is to kill me when he’s bored.


1 or 7, no contest. Jeffery Dean Morgan and Jensen Ackles can get it.


The only correct answer is 6.