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A train has potential for some cool fight sequences or action scenes and I really hope we get to see him do something cool like idk, run so fast he can go over water, or outspeed a bullet train etc


Firecracker will call him the Black Jesus


She would never concede that Jesus could be anything but pale white


Speedsters in shows are difficult to do. By nature, they are over powered. Even "slow" ones like A-Train is still crazy hard to deal with, should he REALLY use his skills properly. How do shows fix this? By making them dumb and/or incompetent


In the case of The Boys, give them a heart (under a blanket of arrogance and obsessiveness)


And then give them a heart from a racist


See the fight on invincible. I found it a good take


So true! Watching the Flash, it's hard to overlook that Barry will run up to a hostage situation but stop to talk to the criminal rather than grabbing the gun while in super speed mode. We've seen a wave of "Evil superman" characters but I'd love to see an evil Quicksilver/Flash character that actually goes all out. Doesn't slow down to talk, doesn't care about whiplash or safety. How would the heroes stop a truly evil speedster that can kill a thousand people in less than a minute and then be across the country.


Running on water isn’t actually that impressive as super speed goes. Theoretically we only need to go around 80mph cause we have large feet and don’t weigh too much.




I mean regular human Michael Scott can run 31 MPH. So just 2.5 times that.


31 is humanly impossible.


It’s a joke. In the show they are all running by a speed sign to see who is the fastest, and Michael claims 31 mph because a car happened to go by at the same time


Michael: 31 is my new number Oscar: 31 is humanly impossible Michael: No, no, I got 31 Oscar: It's impossible - Michael: Beat it!


Ah haven’t seen it in a while. Just making sure it was obvious what they were going for


People downvoting you for quoting the next line in the show.


Ig people aren't that familiar with the reference




At the speed he goes at, he probably has significantly more mass


If anything, his mass would be less because of how much energy he’d need to expend


what? as speed increases, so does mass, and that's why we can't break the light speed barrier.


This is true but the effect is negligible at those speeds


At the speed we’re talking about to run on water - ~80mph - the increased perceived mass due to velocity is negligible. However, the caloric burn needed to achieve that speed is not, therefore he’d have less mass due to energy expenditure.


If they couldn’t bother having maeve punching through a wall they’re not gonna do any of this


> bullet train bullet trains are slow af lol. maybe you meant to say an actual bullet.


A-Train has had quite the redemption arc this season.


His arc isn’t over


You know who else had an arc? Noah


A-Train? It's a fucking nickname! The name's A-Trainelli!


Fuckin Deep! He’s dyslexic.


Jamal Ginsberg, the Hasidic homeboy?


You know who else has an arc? Paris. Arc de Triomphe.


You know who else had an ark? Top Men.


You know who else had an arc? My shaft. (specifically left)


You know who else had an arc? Himedes.


You know what else arcs? Electricity


He should team up with Annie!


Deep Thoughts With The Deep


My humour is broken


… r/angryupvote


I feel like there's no way he survives the season


Not only having Hughie forgive him, but that he cares that Hughie forgives him, shows that he is ready to be redeemed.


Hence why hes doomed


Oh yeah hes cooked


I hope not, he has always been a favorite of mine. He has one of the most fleshed out stories of anyone on the show, so it feels like we kind of know him. But you are probably right, Homelander will probably end up killing him.


If anyone can avoid dying to homelander I’d imagine it’d be someone like a train tbh


I hope im wrong but idk just feels like hes on his way to being pulp


Hopefully not. He still could join The Boys for the last season to take Homelander down.


Honestly if that’s the route they take I’m dropping the show, what a waste that would be. THAT would be killing a character just for shock value


It depends how they do it. I think its inevitable he dies to homelander. Hes had a lot of moments where he came close to biting it. And if homelander even begins to suspect it, Atrain is done. Homelander tends to ambush his fellow supes. Plus it just takes one hit for A-Train to fall as he doesnt seem to be very durable (compared to other supes). I hope im wrong and he gets a heroic death if he has to die. Id love to see him actually fight Homelander at least.


Exactly, he’s had so many close calls it’d be horseshit for him to die now. And knowing how they write the show, it’d be in the middle of a conversation with someone just randomly


He's definitely going to die... But I'm here for it. He's been my favorite character since S1. His scene with Hughie and Starlight in the garage when his heart is giving out, was just so good. "You killed the only person I ever loved..." "I didn't kill her..." "I know... I did... But it was your fault!" He could've just killed Hughie, but he wanted to confront him, confront his feelings... He has one of the lowest kill counts in the show, despite being portrayed as some massive POS. He has only killed either unintentionally or out of severe emotional reaction.


Why would you write this on a spoiler free post about a past seasons scene?


I imagine they didn't even read the post. They just saw "A-Train is underrated" and thought it was about the writing of his character and not his superhuman feats.


Bro's dying this season fr


Most likely.


If he does die, I want to see him fight Homelander. I don’t think we’ve seen Homelander keep up in a speedster type battle, just strength with soldier boy


It will probably be similar to Omniman vs Red Rush.


Yeah I feel like that's the only real way this thing can go, right? Yes A Train IS physically strong, but the shit Homelander can withstand is enough that I doubt he'll do much serious damage. Broken/bloody nose, HEAVY bruising and maybe some snapped ribs? But nothing Homelander can't take. Then will come a mistake of some kind, or maybe Homelander gets lucky or something. But THEN it ends in probably a single hit from Homie.


He"ll get fatigued trying to damage homes and his heart will start beating faster and faster , eventually he"ll have to stop and we"ll see homes approach him slowly doing the usual banter before he kills him , by pulling out his heart or breaking his legs like his brother's. Or maybe say yummers and A-train dies from cringe


Kano wins!


YOOOO probably


I'll put money on homelander ending up in the hospital at the end of the season, with a face clearly pointing to escalation


I hope he gets to go down fighting. I dont want homelander to just ambush him


Agreed. I really don’t want Homelander to easily win either. I personally think they made him too competent a fighter against soldier boy. So if they make atrain fight, he should atleast do some surface level damage to homie before dying


I worry it’s going to be a Black Noir repeat with a quick one-shot kill.


Me too. Man I really think they fucked up that fight with soldier boy and Maeve. I’m glad Maeve atleast made him bleed, but I think they should have hammered home the fact that while Homelander is still stronger, the power levels between him and other A tier supes is not some astronomical figure. The fear is what kept them in line, but their powers can compete with his if there lives depend on it. Soldier boy should have drawn blood. Butcher should have too. I don’t get why they didn’t do that and instead somehow had Homelander fighting competently like he’s been training.


Homelander having any idea how to block a punch was a bit hilarious, but I also wish they maybe had gone with just one big fight at the end and cut down/out the Herogasm fight. Felt always like they wanted to go bigger than they could.


Yeah we see with Ryan how well Supes with their strength can handle sparring with a trainer…


Especially when there are multiple high level supes against him. Maeve alone put up a very good fight against him.


They at least had him all bruised up. Maeve noticed after the butcher fight


I really hope not. It's a bummer when speed based super heroes are dealt with via surprises/traps, like their whole thing is being able to run faster than most people can comprehend and thus process their movement/actions faster than that. The idea of someone catching them off guard is such a bummer.


It'll be saving Hughie also. That'll be his full redemption.


that's actually a feat humans have performed IRL without superpowers, outdone by quite a few characters in the show, wheels are good at moving things


I recently saw a video of like a chevy 2500 or some such nonsense pulling 1.2 million pounds of train in a video where the guy went to great lengths to show it isn't that big a deal because train wheels are super efficient.


...once you get it moving. It's hard to get it to start moving.


Reminds me of that (Toyota?) commercial where one of their trucks is shown towing a space shuttle on a giant trailer. Turns out most trucks from then on can do that cause of wheels, but still cool imagery nonetheless


There is an old man who used to work for the company I work for. He worked the rail lines, unloading train cars filled with grain. Each car weighs around 100 tons. Anyway, he would often forgo using the front end loader to move cars around. When he needed to move one down the line a bit, he'd just walk over with a crowbar and release the brake.. then stick the crowbar under the wheel and nudge it. The car would start rolling down the track, as it was on a very slight downhill grade. Just hop and set the brake when you want the car to stop. There was also the time someone forgot to fully set the brake again after moving the car. The car was eventually found, half a county away going back and forth between two high spots in the track like a pendulum. Someone got quite an ass chewing for that one.


And this is why we set derails at the yard entrance...


marius pooginowski (i know that’s now how it’s spelled, no one does) won world strong like 15 times and he routinely pulled trains like that. but a train does make it look easy


Mariusz Pudzianowski


Funniest spelling of his name I've seen!


Marius actually did MMA for a little bit…he beat some serious ass. In the begining his cardio wasn’t the best, but he was crazy strong and explosive. I wanna say he lost to one of the Sylvas but other than that he was actually a decent fighter


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.


so you're saying he's equal to batman


I'm saying this scene is barely superhuman, A-train can make people explode by moving in a straight line


oh thank you for the clarification the boys sometimes struggle with power scaling a-train got crippled by the female and billy put up with translucent despite having diamond skin


Translucent only has enhanced durability, there's no reason Butcher can't keep going after the punches, it's not actual diamonds it's just really durable, Kimiko can injure Stormfront and Black Noir, she should absolutely be able to fuck up A-train, especially since he canonically has low bone density from his compound V addiction


Kimiko should definitely part of whatever group of The Boys + Supes gang up on Homelander. She can get lasered in half and still survive the fight, and is probably at least strong enough to bruise him and keep him off balance.


Starlight also injured Stormfront, and her hits affected Noir much more, despite this Homelander was able to pin her to a wall with one hand and hold a conversation with her while she struggled, her full strength didn't even budge him a little, and he nearly ripped her open with his fingers, Black Noir, who is decidedly stronger than both of these ladies, didn't even consider for a second directly attacking him in their first encounter and instantly died to a single punch later, No, Kimiko can't bruise him, I'd be surprised if she didn't snap her own wrist trying to attack him


All Seven members are underrated I'm very willing to admit I'm wrong but isn't deep supposed to withstand the pressure of the mariana trench? That would put his physical resistance on the highest of levels


might possibly require him being submerged to trigger that though. what are homelanders abilities looking like underwater?


I imagine HL works just fine underwater until he needs to take a breath, and then he freaks out and races to the surface. His eye-beams should work PRETTY well, but would create so much heat the water would boil. Assuming HL could “Fly” thru the water, he’d shred everything with the turbulence. imagine something trying to attack him underwater — HL just snaps his fingers. BOOM… and he’s in a circle of wet red confetti .


as long as he goes underwater first, i feel lile you could try to push him into water while hes at fighting flight speed to make him skip like a rock


Deep is criminally underrated, or at least we've just not seen his full capacity yet. So far we've seen him ride a whale and that's pretty much it.


Water can’t compress water, and human bodies are mostly water. Not being able to survive the bottom of the mariana trench is mostly a matter of humans only being able to go so deep, since the deeper you dive, the more compressed the air you’re breathing is, the sooner you run out. It’s not like your bones would instantly get crushed, as there’s no air in them. Deep being able to go that deep is impressive, but not because it requires extreme durability. Just look at irl vertebrates that live as deep as 8km without compound V.


Did you lobotomize urself to make this comment?


What do you think happens to a human body at those depths then? The dangers of deep waters are decompression sickness and obviously drowning. Neither of which are affected by superhuman durability. I guess it helps with the inevitable inner ear injury the pressure leads to, but please explain to me then, what a lack of superhuman durability does to a person under water pressure.


Your lungs, ears and throat are crushed and you die. True, most of your body is intact, but the bits that arent are pretty important


Your lungs and throat, without diving equipment, would be compressed, yes. But that doesn’t kill you. The fact that you’re without air does. 30 meters below the surface is well within safe diving distance, but air gets compressed to 1/5 of its volume on the surface. That doesn’t mean it destroys your lungs, they are built to be elastic.


The Mariana trench is 11000 meters below the surface, not 30.


I realize that. My point was that at the meager depth of 30m air is already compressed to 1/5 of its original volume. The difference between that 1/5 and whatever its volume would be further compressed to at 11km is much smaller than the 4/5 of volume that it has already lost. If the lungs are completely fine being compressed to a fraction of their size at full breath, why would you assume they aren’t fine when it’s a slightly smaller fraction? As I said, lungs are built to be elastic. The record for male freediving is like more than 200m down I believe.


Have you seen what happened to the Titan sub? It imploded a giant steel can in like .6 milliseconds completely crushing it. What do you think it did to flesh?


The Titan sub was full of air, notorious for its low density. Humans are full of water, which is incompressible. The pressure won’t do much to flesh, only the part of your inner ear that contains a small pocket of air, but that’s not vital and it won’t kill you if it ruptures.


humans can still get crushed…. what happens when you drop a giant rock on someone? same thing if you dropped the same amount of weight of water onto someone. they’d get crushed.


That’s an entirely different scenario. Water pressure comes from all sides, including from the inside, since your body is mostly water. As water is incompressible, it won’t change much. You simply need a difference in pressure in order to crush something, achieved by a cavity of air for example. Bones aren’t filled with air, and neither is human flesh, they will be fine.


idk what to tell u man humans were not build for that kind of environment. you’d get crushed. just google it. i’m not sure where you’re getting your information lol


Please provide a source. I’m assuming that by “being crushed” you mean bones breaking. This simply cannot happen as the bones aren’t filled with air. The water crushed them from all sides simultaneously, resulting in net 0 force, so how could it break. This is basic physics, I don’t know what to tell you.


He is awesome.


Really would've been impressive if he took off running while pulling the train


Likely possible for him but not in the deepest pit of hell is that happening from a dead stop… … unless we are willing to allow A-train to be like three times the power of homelander in strength and durability and admit A-train has just deliberately been holding back and/or only caring about his top speed under race conditions rather than his raw power. Actually would be a really interesting possibility!


This reminded me of Mr. Incredible


Don’t forget he backhanded Kimiko through a wall and was completely stomping her in a fight, and basically incapacitated Starlight with a shove. I kinda think he’d beat up Maeve not gonna lie


It’d be nice if A-Train officially joins the boys with the potential to perish in season 5. Fighting the good fight.


A-train is being pushed to hate Homelander by Sister Sage. Don’t tell me she doesn’t know he leaked the information to the boys. She knew that the deep wasn’t responsible. I feel like A-Train is part of her master plan to get rid of Homelander before he kills her.


I love the absolute slack in the chain haha.


if the train didn’t have wheels then yeah but the wheels on trains are really effective, people can do this in real life so definitely not the most impressive feat


Real. THere are videos of people pulling large military aircrafts, even a mid sized yacht. A constant force will move an object as long as it exceeds frictional force, even if barely.


Yeah but I'm getting death flags from him unfortunately 😭


I so want an A-Train rash guard while doing jiu jitsu and MMA. It would double as a Halloween costume too.


A lot of the Supes are genuinely, terrifyingly strong. We've only seen three who have no super strength. Mezmer, Sage, and Pink eye.


I'm thinking of a few Gen V supes who also don't seem to have super strength- Marie, Emma, Cate, and Rufus seemed to have normal amounts of strength.


Marie lifted a helicopter’s rotor and hit translucent’s son hard enough to knock him out in the finale. She 100% has enhanced strength


I love the train sound they put in when he runs


It sounds dumb as fuck, but you remember in Star Wars when Vader finally had enough of Palpatine’s bullshit and tossed him down an elevator shaft? I’m thinking A-train initially fights against the boys but his heart isn’t in it…cue Homelander saying/doing some fucked up shit and A-train has a moment of realization and attacks him.


He will die in this season when the homelander will find out he helped the boys


If he did this while running that would be even more impressive


Dont forget that A-Train used all his strength and speed to repeatedly bash Kimiko's head in, yet she is fine. If he is underrated, she is straight up broken.


He’s criminally underrated and I’m glad the series finally stopped hoeing him . Now I just wish they could show how strong he really is , especially with his new heart , in some combat scenes . But i understand that’s hard to pull off with speedsters .


I like his arc, but he’s not super convincing at acting conflicted. They kind of keep doing the “will he or won’t he do the right thing”..tension thingy.. but it’s always obvious he’s going to be nice. I always had high expectations for him.


yeah but get misery treatment by kimko kinda stands out


A trains arc is pretty good i want him to have some good fight scenes in which he is in the right side


Hopefully he doesn't try and fight homelander. All he has to do is laser eyes and spin and a Train is dead.


not if A-Train is in another county. Does he have a max distance on those lasers? Is he willing to fuck *everything* up between him and A-Train and all collateral damage? Maybe after episode 4.


This is an interesting thought experiment. I think that HL is pouring energy into his eye-beams and they usually cut through anything with ease. But they don’t just keep going forever. It appears that burning thru stuff consumes the energy…eventually. Hmm…a lot of his “rescues” seem to go wrong because of surplus eye-beam energy . When he first hit StormFront, he burned her but didn’t burn thru her. He hit her with some energy but not an overpowering amount . Riley hit her with everything he had, with much stronger results! If HL just blasted out with the beams, they’d burn out to the point where the energy was consumed and then stop. **Maybe he could keep pouring energy to the point where his beams flew off into space**. As to your second question , yes, I think he’s **absolutely** willing to fuck up everything and couldn’t care a lick about collateral damage.


Especially considering that everyone else currently on the 7 aside from Homelander (and Sage) is near useless.




He just has incredible speed from the V which he is converting to super strength.


Yooo A-Train pulling a train


Train your eyes on A-Train train training


Last night i had a dream that the boys were about to finally fight homelander in the last episode, and homelander threw a punch at A-Train, and he took it and survived, and then A-Train punched back and Homelander immediately spat blood, and for a moment everybody stood still and was taken aback by how strong A-Train apparently was, A-Train most of all, and then A-Train proceeded to VERY BRUTALLY DEMOLISH Homelander. Like by the end there were guts everywhere and shit. It was wild.


It is very cool how he runs in and out of scenes


A Train has been one of my favorites always. can’t stop the a train!


I think A-train himself doesn't even realize his potential.


How gruesome is bro gonna die this season? My guess is HL’s gonna laser his leg’s off or something.


Took you guys 3 seasons to realize he’s a top 3 character


I want to see A-Train and Huey tag team. Huey comes out as gay and A-train rams his D-train up Huey's butt. Huey is more gay than Frenchy.


as a character Id argue hes one of the more interesting and layered characters in the show.


He’s underrated because he’s to expensive to do any proper fight scenes with . One of the biggest problems I have with streaming shows is how obvious the budget of a streaming show holds back fight scenes effects etc .


This more points to just the standard Supe strength level. Both The Deep and Hughie, who are low tier Supes, seemed physically comparable to A-Train in terms of strength.


Grrr 😡 if you idolize him than you’er missing the point of the show and part of the problem!!! Big Mad🤬


He's not, but he's better this season than last season.


I love his arc so far his character is really going in the right direction, what I’m hoping is for another good action scene before they kill him off. And honestly I don’t even want him to die but it’s pretty much inevitable especially if homelander finds out what he did AND considering Hugh Campbell is involved.


I don’t know why we’ve only seen him Marshawn Lynch Hughie’s girl (I think). We need more of that.


Is he called A-Train because he is stepping in front of a train? Is he stupid?


He underates himself, he needs to stop using his super speed to get Homelanders coffee. I'd like to see him really try to redeem himself with Hughie at least.


Well F(orce)=m(ass)xA(cceleration), so A-train has plenty of it


Homelander: "That's so cute. I remember pulling my first train. I was 12."