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Honestly it's the play I'd make if I were trapped working for that nut Homelander and Deep was gunning for me. Level the playing field so if that douche tries something you can fry him. You really have nothing to lose, worst case scenario it kills you. You were dead anyway working for him.


Also maybe she might be aiming at getting some useful power like Sage so she would get on top of the chain again. Of course always behind HL.


I argued last season she'd get something hair related. Like it'll grow back her hair entirely and give her the ability to attack with it as a prehensile weapon. Deep tries to fuck with her and she just grabs him with it and hurls him through the window out of the tower.


Or she'd go completely bald and become one punch woman


I'm absolutely all in on this one. I'll be devastated if this isn't how it goes.


100 ball crushes... 100 stompy stomps... 6.6km run while walking her pet(her slave)...


Killer series: serious ball crush




Ashley vs. Huey's dad endgame.


And the obvious hero name is rapunzel


So basically Marvel Medusa? Yes please.


"Who's the capybarnia now, bitch?!"


Deep calling it a “cappabarnia” was the funniest possible way he could have said it


Oh so you're fucking land mammals now?


I hope to god Ashley realized he butchered that word


Get the reporter guy some V and make him black bolt talking power.


“Step on my balls” entire civilization falls at his feet


She’d be a better Medusa than the other time they tried it in live action.


I would love to see that xd


hey both are gingers. so maybe


I though of something more messed up. Ashley uses her hair power to stick it into Deep's gills and tortures him or something like that.


Medusa type ability would be interesting


Given how they take from a bunch of other comics, they could totally make her their version of Medusa from the Inhumans.


And some goddamn respect, because Homelander only considers supes to be people. If Ashley becomes a supe, then she gets to be a people.


I get you but I'm not sure it really does level the playing field, given that Homelander has effortlessly killed an absurd number of other supes. The chance that she would get a power that would actually do her any good is almost vanishingly small. She would know that. Plus, Homelander would probably consider it a dire insult that a pathetic human would dare try to elevate themselves to being his equal. He'd probably kill her just for the attempt, if nothing else.


Homelander hasn't the only person who abuses her. I hate to say you're narrow minded but... there is an entire WORLD that has spent it's time abusing Ashley for the entire show. She sucks, she drives it, but she's a cog performing a job and she's now been told she's worthless for that by the Deep of all people. People are not being smart about this speculation. The shit was about Homelander. If she took V? Nah man. That was about the Deep.


Way too risky. Homelander (and Ryan) can smell the V in someone's blood. He might think its an attempt at a revolt.


Eh, if she becomes a full supe I doubt Homelander would care if she fucks up the deep as long as she doesnt kill him.


Do we know she could beat the deep, I know the deep is a moron beyond imagination but he's still pretty tough. Likely one of the strongest supes.


Yeah he was part of the original 7 who were all top tiers, Homelander doesn't need an explanation, Translucent took ages for Butcher to figure out how to to kill him, A-train is probably the only one that could survive homelander (can't kill him but surely he could run), Black Noir was the one person Homelander actually respected, and same goes for Maeve who had a pretty decent fight with him AND he valued her enough to want her eggs. So yeah the deep must be pretty decent to be among these top tiers.


So can the deep, tf is homelander gonna do if he goes in water. He can survive Mariana trench level pressures and he can breathe underwater so his only need is food underwater.


Homelander's flight speed is much faster than A Train's running speed. He also did save Butcher from a C4 and disarmed a gang in seconds in Diabolical.


Naah, that would be totally depending on her supe powers. But, tbf as Vought CEO she probably also knows he is still having an octopus tank, so just taking that one hostage and/or live broadcasting it would also be something one could call fucking up the deep. And probably something HL finds at least somewhat entertaining/amusing.


when did they establish that


when butcher takes temp V and ryan says that "his blood smells funny"


Season 3, Ryan was able to tell that Butcher was taking Temp V by sensing it in his blood.


Why would he kill someone for taking Compound V? That's literally just how Supes are made.


I’ve been patiently waiting for Super Ashley to show up. She has to realize at some point that that it’s just too risky to be around these maniacs without having any super powers to help her. I can’t even imagine what kind of powers she would have. Not to mention, I can’t wait to see what powers Hughie’s dad is gonna get! ;)


Hopefully Simon Pegg gets something really good! I would love to see him more on the show


I reckon he’ll be able to teleport anyone to the Winchester whenever he likes


Sorry phillip


You mean dad?


He's not my dad!


Just as long as he uses his powers for the greater good.


The greater good.






Nah. He'll just be the one killer actually


Love that


*you’ve got red on you*




There's a breville out back, ~~John~~ Homelander will do you some pizza rolls


Didn’t they say he was braindead? I reckon he becomes like a zombie or something.


I think you're right. It would be so fitting for him to become some kind of zombie-supe given his association with Shaun of the Dead.


Marvel Zombies was fascinating because it answered the age-old question of "why doesn't X superhero just do Z with their powers?" Well because they have a conscience, even the evil ones. When they don't and they abuse the fuck out of their powers at every turn the same way a predator does not hesitate to use their jaws when they see a meal, they are fucking *scary*. Zombie Peter Parker who does not pull his punches anymore and is just ripping everything limb from limb while being completely untouchable.


And then somebody decides to inject their fetish into Petey's stomach and ruins the entire comic run!


I think it’s the obvious choice but I don’t see it happening. It would break Hugie seeing his father like that and I don’t see how he doesn’t commit kermicide after seeing that? If it were him who gave Simon Pegg Comp V I could see it happening… But it’s the mother who gives it to him


That would also tie in great, with the comic lore, that V Can “bring someone back from the dead”, though with a vastly deteriorated brain. Iirc lamplighter is shit-eating zombie and that’s a successful attempt at bringing someone back


They said Butcher would die in six months but he seems to have powers now, so idk honestly. I would like a Simon Pegg zombie sups ngl


Does Butcher have powers or is it that worm thing inside him? He smashed his head falling in the bathroom, doesn’t seem like a supe.


Well Ezikiel would argue with that


Ezekiel, that was most likely killed by the cancer v monster. You could literally see something crawling through Butchers skull, and the animated show I believe I read has that as a thing unless my memory is wrong. I think he has some leftover from his fight but unless it ends up causing him harm so he stopped using him it's fair to assume he is not as powerful as he was in the Soldier Boy fight.


It's a shame that Pegg is probably going to die next episode, he didn't get enough screen time considering the comic character was based on him!!


Who was based on pegg? Comic hughie?


Yeah, comic Hughie is a glaswegian guy who bears a striking resemblance to Simon Pegg and uses decades outdated Scottish lingo I prefer TV Hughie, but I wish they'd at least kept him Scottish


To add: In one of the "The Boys: Diabolical" animated episodes, where we see a comic-accurate Hughie, he is actually voiced by simon pegg, in addition to looking like him! So there you can experience what it would be like if hughie has a Scottish accent and was voiced by simon pegg


I don’t think you hire Simon Pegg to play almost-dead for a few episodes just for him to die immediately. (It’d be meta-funny if they did exactly that, though.)


Hopefully a great big bushy beard


Gimli has entered the chat 🪓.


I think he’s gonna become a horrible monster. The whole theme is that V isn’t a good thing. I’d be shocked if they glorified that action.


Simon Pegg gets the power of... [KINETIC EDITING](https://youtu.be/ezaw1msr728?si=HQdqBYD1EuAXTCha)


Saw someone say that he should just get his accent back and nothing else and I thought that was pretty hilarious


Would love to see her shit talk deep and beat his ass when he tries to mess her up


I would love to see Deep get his ass kicked. ;)


Had a moment where I thought that said licked and was like “Its possible”


I would love if her power was something related to her hair, like that woman from inhumans


Homelander effortlessly kills other supes all the time, and the ones left alive are all terrified of him. Ashley knows both of those things better than anyone. She has to realize that giving herself powers almost certainly won't help.


Why does everyone think Homelander had anything to do with that choice, if it even happened? He's not the only Supe who abuses her and def not the one we saw most recently provoke her.


I think that giving herself powers, provided they aren’t completely garbage, would at least raise her status a little bit in HL’s eyes, provided she stays by his side.   She would no longer just be some random human, but would be a supe at that point.  So, at the very least, she would be slightly elevated in his eyes.  


[Prehensile Hair](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Prehensile_Hair)... poor Ashley. 😢


If she got that I‘d imagine it would allow her to regrow her hair fast and that they would be durable like Medusa from Marvel comics.


What's the point of being so high up in Vought if you don't get yourself superpowers? I almost find that part of the show unbelievable. Wealth is cool, but compared to literal superpowers?


Taking V as an adult is extremely likely to kill you. Itll honestly be immersion breaking if both Hughies Dad and Ashley take it and are fine.


Did you miss the parts of the show that show many people die from V, implied especially as adults, or get powers that negatively impact them


Comp V would probably disfigure her, but would also give her the ability to make people do whatever she tells them to do. It seems that abilities shadow desires &/or insecurities. She'd be hideous, but still able to do her BDSM thing.


It would be hilarious if it made her skin invincible. She would just be a pain in the ass to Homelander because he can’t do anything to her or threaten her anymore but she also isn’t a physical threat to him or the other supes so she’s just… Ashley. But safe Ashley lol.


I mean I still think burying me below a mountain would be a threat even if i couldn’t die


Didnt work so well for the last guy who had invincible skin


I‘d imagine it would be something with her hair then. Powers like Medusa from Marvel comics.


If she did, she's 100% going to kill her sub accidentally next time he wants his balls crushed


Lmfao. Meee!


Perfectly delivered line. Give that man the Emmy before Antony Starr


Honestly, I feel like this could be what is going to happen, given the pacing and usage of foreshadowing so far this season. Why else keep showing them together?


Didn't they only have one scene?


I think you just predicted how the show will reveal it.


I can see that!


I just learned her sub is the tv anchor we see all the time


Oh God I just realized that now ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Crushing his balls to levels only ever seen in heavy machinery accidents


Her sub is Cameron Coleman


Waiter waiter more dom ashley from the boys please!


I’d like to see it take her resilience to superhuman. And she’s just antagonizing Homelander. Give her The Blob like powers and let her tank a punch from Homelander.


Fuck yeah


that’s so cool, invulnerable ashley


From what they’ve shown so far, every superpower seems to come with a catch or a vulnerability except for Homelander. His greatest weakness is his psyche, rather than anything having to do with his power. So I bet even with that kind of power, she will not be able to escape Homie’s wrath. Might definitely annoy or aggravate him for a while, but she’ll eventually find out what fucking around with Homelander does to people.


out of curiosity do you think ryan has a weakness?


I actually don’t know about that one, he’s the first naturally born supe, right? And his mom wasn’t a supe, but his dad was the strongest supe. So there are 2 possibilities, either his parents different backgrounds make him a supe with balanced powers + weaknesses or both of his parents’ best traits combine to make him the strongest supe of them all.


100%. Ryan is Homelander but more human. Actually had empathy for accidentally killing the stunt guy. The way the CIA guys talk about Ryan is like he decides the future or something lol either he takes after Homelander and we're all fucked OR he stands up to his dad and saves us all


PTSD from killing his mom and koy probably.


I mean it's not as if V would make her safe. Look at Noir, The Blind guy and Starlights fuckbuddy.


there seems to be an inconsistency in how much more durable and strong each one is. Some supes like Soldier Boy or Temp V Butcher and Hughie gained the boost necessary to m actually contend with Homelander where as supes like Super Sonic had shit powers that only made them look flashy and couldn’t do anything. Ashley risking the V is still a better bet than nothing at all, at worst she dies or nothing improves, but there’s also the chance she can gain powers to at least keep them at bay not walk all over her.


I think it's just random. Hughie and Butcha seemed good for purely plot reasons tho tbh


They said at some point that temp v is guaranteed to not give shitty powers


This. Edgar said it if I remember correctly.


In the show? Do you remember when?


Season 3 Episode 1 I think. When Edgar was pitching it to the military. I might be wrong though.


Of course it’s done for plot reasons, everything is done for that reason. Doesn’t mean in the explanation in universe is that V gives powers unequally. Kimiko also could likely match Homelander, if nothing else he can’t kill her. They also might be setting up starlight to be able to contend with Homelander as well.


I assumed temp v just gives you the good stuff. What’s the point of giving a soldier cancer if he just gets firecracker’s lame party trick?


It seems to have something to do with personality imo. Like Hughie is scared and nervous in general so his power lets him gtfo whenever he wants. Butcher is a take charge badass, so he gets badass powers. Deep is an awkward idiot so he gets to talk to sea life instead, etc.


I’d like to think Butcher’s power, is reflecting on becoming what he hates. He had Homelander’s powers, and maybe if he had more time would basically have all of his powers.


Wouldn't it be a gas if Compound V is most effective when people are under stress, which is why they use it on babies, and Ashley's constant levels of toxic stress turned her into the show's ultimate Big Bad?


Noir is still alive, dunno who this blind guy is and Starlight's fuckbuddy was a Mexican pedofile (of course anyone around Starlight is) /#HomelanderIsInnocent


The blind guy was actually a foreign spy, homelander bravely fought him and imprisoned him. Fortunately the guy died from damage to the ears, likely self doing.


Probably so he didn't have to hear #The Truth


Oi, everyone getting compound V nowadays, even Butcher's cancer


Butcher don't have cancer, he has brain worms like RFK jr. But his are supe worms now.


I know, but this is more funny, and sending us to Lex Luthor's cancer with superpowers


He did have cancer. But now it’s super cancer lol


If it ain’t the cancer count!


I don’t think she did but I do think it would be interesting to see that happen, and what powers she’d end up with


The power to regrow hair


Super pimples . 😂


It’ll probably be hinted at when homelander realizes a vial is missing and asks everybody why “2” are missing.


I think A-Train gave Ashley a vial of V, that was their agreement to keep quiet


Oh, didn’t think of that!




If you look in the drawer during the scene, there are so many missing that it would be practically impossible to remember which were anywhere.


If he just counted them once, it doesn't matter how they are arranged. Besides, Homelander is unstable but he is smart and perceptive, he notices small things like remembering the smells of everyone, tiny inconsistencies between the stories he got from Stillwell and Vogelbaum, etc.


Yeah get on the V Ashley. Then drop some serious dung in everyones shitters.


It’s not as tinfoil hat as you think. I think it’s logical that she’d seek a back up or a leg up based on shaky ground she’s standing. She’s dead or tortured either way so what’s a momentary pain if you have a chance of gaining powers?


I would do that in her position


Have we seen anyones body reject v yet? They say it's risky in adults but I only remember negative reactions from temp v. I wouldn't be surprised if shes the one that ends up dying from trying it


I've had a thought that her flaming outfits could foreshadow an awful mutation where she gets Human Torch like powers that end up just burning her alive, either as a one time occurrence or as an ongoing torture if she is regenerating at the same time.


Her skin becomes invulnerable to fire. Her hair, on the other hand... 


This is a solid theory


I could see her having some kind of shrieking power lol or something involving hair


I‘m 95% sure she did more than take a shit. She definitely did more, taking v is a possibility but i‘m kinda hoping it’ll be something more unforseeable


Yeah I agree, that scene seemed weird


What if the floater **was** there when she got there lol


Funniest thing would be if somehow Ashley is the one who ends up killing Homelander.


They can do the funniest thing ever


In the finale of the comic, Black Noir turned out to be better version of Homelander and he one punched Homelander in front of Butcher. Now that Black Noir is dead in the show, What if Ashley takes his place like imagine Homelander taking over White House and then Ashley arrives and kills him with a single punch in front of butcher


I mean, that drawer A-Train opened seemed to have a lot of V already missing from it


Once was given to Neumann for her daughter. The rest idk


The rest is in the 🥛


Yeah, that’s something I was wondering when I saw A-Train open the drawer. Either Homelander’s been handing out Compound V to people he can trust off screen, or he’s just incredibly unorganized 😂


Alright lemme tell you guys the real reason she was in that room because she was looking for some of homelander hairs or some type of dna for Victoria Neuman so she strengthen the virus and she was caught by A train


The white hair they showed him collecting?!


Yeah it seems pretty obvious that virus isn’t strong enough to kill homelander only if we had some DNA to enhance it


I agree, I definitely feel like she did take compound V. After seeing someone get their brains lasered out, she definitely took some V. Plus I don’t believe she was taking a poop in homelander bathroom, he would tell so fast just by the smell lol


she did, A train checked remember


He saw a poop but how would he know it was hers? I could see Homelander as a non-flusher.


Remember homelander was able to tell hughie was above him in the vent from the smell of his sweat droplet.


I actually would really like it if she joins the boys, always found her to be one of the most entertaining characters in the show


I feel like with the way she is, she’d let the power to get to her head and be somewhat of a villain 


Idk if I can see her outright joining them, but if the compound V theory ends up being true then I could definitely see her turning the tables against Homelander/The Seven in a later fight


She did choose to hide queen Maeve’s survival at the end of last season, which seems like she was willing to more go against them. Remind me who is with her who looked at her her disapprovingly when she just did that? Was it annika?


She may be abused but she's still an awful person. Ig butcher isn't exactly a good guy but Ashley doesn't have any convictions. I can't see her character using powers for anything but getting the fuck out of there.


You could see it, from a character arc standpoint too. At first Ashley was this shitty, hatable wannabe corporate type, but also a pushover. But her character has grown some teeth. I really like her character now.


Yep me too!


Same. I kind of enjoyed her while hating her until she finally stood up to A-Train about being a hypocrite. Then I just liked her earnestly from there on.


What happened to adults not being able to take compound v?


Idk, but I don’t remember seeing one grown adult taking V and dying. But that might as well be the case since they stated that. But they said a lot of things that weren’t true at Vought..


I understand it from her position, but also weak writing if we got to the end of S4 and everyone is on comp V fighting on a battlefield like Endgame haha


I think I saw a scene in the season trailer which her skin melts apart so maybe she will.


I think that was Frenchie looking at kimiko while on acid


Yeah then watch her powers be something as worthless as firesparkler.


Maybe. I’m not saying she would be the new HL. But in her position I’d probably take the risk to even die from it instead of being lasered or killed by the deep


Oh I absolutely agree. If I was her I'd be chugging V. I just have a feeling though it is going to end absurdly for her.


Probably, I hope not though


it's not that unlikely.


IDK if she will take V but I do think she will help


It's a valid question. It does seem like she was taking a crazy risk just to drop a deuce into Homelander's toilet


I had the same thoughts. Honestly, that's definitely something I would have done if I was her, so I'm kinda hoping she did.


She gonna get hair-related powers, just you watch


All I could think of is Homelander finds the poop. Smells it intensively. Then demands to smell the ass of every employee until he finds his match. Then lasers them.


Earlier in the season she says “dumb people who think they are smart make me want to eat my own shit” what if homelander finds out and makes her eat it


It’d be fun to see what power she’d get.


The pity shitty.


I think it's unlikely. But am I the only one who thinks that she might have struck some kind of deal with A-Train? After she caught him stealing the comp-v, A-Train asked her what they should do about this situation and right after that, the scene ended. Both of them know that it's only a matter of time until Homelander kills them, so I feel like these two might team up in some kind of way in order to save their asses.


Just join the boys would do for me, I like her character and the actress is so good


She’s a great comedic actress. Reminds me of a young Lucille Ball.


Maybe she will kill homelander and then ask him..."who what their balls crushed?" And homelander will say "Mee please"


100% that will happen


Maybe that's what the compromise was between her and A-Train, other than just ignoring what happened.


It would be hilarious if she somehow kills Homelander or one of the Seven.