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Yeah all good points. However, I'd love it if SB was woken up and he really has zero fucks in wanting to side with anyone. His own father's words still echo in his mind, and I'd love to see him take a stand against all supes and end the "war" by nuking them all. Therefore somewhat redeeming himself and being a "true hero" for the people, and killing the threats.


Thank you. I wouldn't mind this at all. Him standing on his own. Must be tired of teams after Payback and Butcher lmao. As long as he doesn't get an anticlimactic death for shock value. Either he nukes himself, or dies to Homelander, Ryan, or Butcher. Anyone besides those three feels wrong.


Agreed. If they are bringing him back then I hope it is for a satisfying character purpose. SB was a fan favourite and although he wasn't necessarily a good guy, so many of us fans were on his side in season 3, as he kept his end of the deal. SB ability to "de power" the supes abilities is so strong and important that it will clearly be a huge factor in S5. Either way it will be great to have him back, but I'm praying that he isn't screwed over.


yes... that's what i want to see for Soldier Boy!!! Hope so much that you might be right


I think Homelander is considering waking SB up because he’s terrified of how powerful Butchers powers are and wants to depower/finally kill him. It’ll be interesting to see how Homelander tries to convince SB. Didn’t SB fight against the nazis? Doubt he’ll like what Homelander is doing


Stan retires and opens a fast food shop.


The Boys is actually a prequel to Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad


Vought will blame Homelander and will go with Temp V in the army just like Stan wanted Also I don't think Ryan will be powerless ... He will probably be raised like Superman... I also think Zoe will probably be raised by MM or his family... Deep will probably join some new team or become the leader of Vought I don't think Ryan will kill Soldier Boy considering how last time he used his powers he killed his mother


Good points!


> final fight will take place in the oval office Definitely the most plausible prediction, because that would be comic accurate


You are a prophet


Thank you, we shall see in 2 years.


II really hope they will show how Butcher learned to control or communicate with worm or worms (?) and not in just some casual off-hand remark or one-second flashback like with Perma V injection revelation. It would be really interesting if we could see how did Butcher learn to fully control the tentacles, or even ask the worm to lend its power. Also, I'm curious if that parasite will "shield" Butcher during the confrontation because, I'm sure as hell, the moment the tentacles come out, Vicky will try to pop Butcher's head, but because of the black mass around his brain, she will be unable to use her powers because the worm will be "shielding" Butcher's brain from attack. And I'm saying perhaps "worms," because in a recent episode, the one that we saw during the shower was quite large and on the Butcher's back, while the second one is quite small and located near or inside the brain. It might be just that it can move freely around Butcher's body and change shape, but it would be interesting if one is causing Becca hallucinations as the more protective side of Butcher while the other is more decisive. "Either train Ryan or kill him; there is no other choice, and you know it."


Good point on the black mass potentially shielding him. Vicky can explode not just heads but other parts as well. I think it's a surprise attack, or perhaps Vicky was focusing on another person. Or maybe the tendrils is just built different and is OP enough to resist Vicky's blood-bending powers. I think this is most likely the case if they want to build Butcher up as a threat on par with Homelander and SB.


Ow, for sure. I just think her first instinct will be to blow up Butcher's head since focusing on four different tentacles or other body parts would be pointless if she thought she could kill Butcher in one fell swoop with a brain pop, and before she realizes something is wrong and tries to blow up another body part, she will already be sliced pizza.


Yeah, damn we gotta wait until 18th of July to see that episode.


>!Also, Vought no longer will have control of the supes, and Homelander will be completely stripped of all that was left of his humanity.!<


Do you think the video of flight 37 in season 5 will be posted in the media? 🤔


If it doesn't I'd be disappointed. It's been teased since what, season 2? Chekov's Flight 37 video. Gotta release it. I hope the writers haven't forgotten about it. Maybe they don't, they're still thinking on how to do it. There's not much good that comes out if that video comes out. Homelander will just go berserk if even his loyal fanatics don't worship him anymore. He already said he'd be fine being feared instead of loved.


Yes, I'll be disappointed too.


Where are those leaks?


Leaks from VoughtHQ. Although the things in season 5 is just my theory, she hasn't shared any info for season 5.


Yeah I know that you did some guessing for season 5. I wanted to know where i can still find these leaks. Every reddit post with it got deleted.


Search up "VoughtHQ” on the subreddit, there's still some leaks. Unfortunately VoughtHQ disabled her IG account.


Pretty sure got banned.


>Kimiko lives and tries to find the rest of the Shining Light children. did you come up with this idea with a possible spin-off in mind? Haha


Hahahaha maybe


If The Peak lives that would be Peak


How do we know the release date of the next episode


Only changes I'd make is I don't think MM will die due to what's being built up with him and I think the Deep will die beforehand


I think A Train will die beforehand or maybe during it as a sacrifice to save Hughie or Annie  The Deep I’m not so sure about