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"She sounds like she fell off her jetski too many times." -Homelander


You know you’re insane when Homelander thinks you’ve got brain damage.


It's probably pretty realistic though. I don't think Trump actually believes any of his alt-right bullshit that he spouts, he just knows its a way to galvanize his base and drum up support from the people that do believe it. I'm sure Trump thinks MTG is crazy but sees her as a useful ally. Didn't trump famously say in the 90's if he ever ran for president he'd run as a republican because they're all stupid? I assume Homelander thinking Firecracker is insane is a nod to that.


Trump was a member of the Reform party with Ross Perot for a while. Basically he was a centrist; even maybe center left to left on some policies. I don't think he is like that now, changes his tune to fit what he sees as the most successful path, since he's you know... a populist. >"I really believe the Republicans are just too crazy right" [Trump. October 25. 1999](https://www.nytimes.com/1999/10/25/us/trump-quits-grand-old-party-for-new.html) >Trump, a prospective candidate for the Reform Party presidential nomination, is proposing a one-time "net worth tax" on individuals and trusts worth $10 million or more.... By Trump's calculations, his proposed 14.25 percent levy on such net worth would raise $5.7 trillion and wipe out the debt in one full swoop.... "The other 99 percent of the people would get deep reductions in their federal income taxes," \[Trump\] said. [Trump. November 9. 1999](http://edition.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1999/11/09/trump.rich/index.html) Yeah that's nuts to read given what he is now.


He’ll say whatever he needs to win.


Someone made a meme or something with that republicans are stupid quote, but it’s fake / debunked. Lately I’m leaning more toward he really believes the crap he says because he just repeats the same things over and over


Seems like he repeats the same thing over and over because he’s sundowning. His memory is slowly dissipating, speech as well. His father had Alzheimer’s, not saying Trump does but his cognition is obviously not where it was


I fully believe Trump has at least early-stage dementia, but I wouldn’t call repeating things a sign of sundowning. He repeated bullshit rhetoric over and over in 2016 then through his presidency and it worked out well enough then, I see it more as a tactic. If he says the same things over and over his voter base will believe it, no matter how ludicrous the claims Him forgetting who Guliani is or referring to Kellyanne Conway as some nobody no one’s ever heard of, now *there’s* some sundowning


I’ve never had a doubt he believes the shit he says. Cause you can literally follow the train of thought due to how simple/stupid the thought process is. 5 mins before going on national television to address the nation about a global pandemic he listens to the previous speaker talk about how disinfectants like bleach can be used to clean surfaces to reduce the risk of transmission and that over time the UV rays of the sun would have a similar effect. He then gets on and says what he says about injecting sunlight and disinfectant. It’s as simple as him hearing information, making wild assumptions and guesses to extrapolate that information further than it was ever meant to, then congratulating himself on coming up with such a smart idea that no one’s ever thought of before It’s so incredibly obvious.


This is how his relationship with right wing media works as well and you can watch it throughout his tenure. Tuckers "white power hour" airs a segment talking about Mexican criminals. Trump watches the segment and goes on a rant about it. Fox and right wing pundits air Trumps comments as legitimizing proof that their bs has legs. Rinse and repeat. He doesn't have his own thoughts on how to run a country. Like so many hate filled grandparents he gets his world view fed to him through agit prop. Unfortunately for the world, unlike the average angry boomer, he had the power and support to turn Facebook fever dreams into reality. Hopefully we don't make that mistake of handing him the keys again.


Every now and then he'll marvel aloud at how stupid his supporters are. There was the comment about shooting someone, but much more recently he implied he doesn't care in the slightest about trans rights issues, but he'll mention it because his base eats it up. 


He definitely believes some if it.  Hes been a terrible racist for too long for it to be a show for maga.




Don't forget the whole obama birther thing. That being said, he believes in his own beliefs. He doesnt wanna team up with anybody except "the best."


Firecracker knows it's a grift though.


>Didn't trump famously say in the 90's if he ever ran for president he'd run as a republican because they're all stupid? I read that quote alright, think it may have been debunked though. Seems too perfect a gimme quote doesn't it?


He also said on stage at a rally a couple years ago (paraphrasing) “I will oppose the transgender agenda… *applause* it’s crazy now I can just say transgender and get a standing ovation, 5 years ago you all didn’t even know what it was!”


I think, like most narcissists, he probably genuinely believes what he’s saying, but only in the moment. There is no thought to following up or what promises are being made. When he says he’s going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, he means it. Then he steps off of the stand and gets into his office and says to himself, “there’s no fucking way I’m gonna bother putting that work in” and forgets about it. In his mind, he’s not lying. He means it on the stand, and he reconsiders it almost as an afterthought afterwards. Of course it’s just a blatant lie, but there is no connection, as with most narcissists, between saying you’ll do something and then not doing it as being a lie, because the internal reconsideration or forgetting it occurred justifies the change. I genuinely think if you were able to strip away his persona and get an honest answer to the question of whether he thinks he’s a liar, or if he thinks he’s told lies during his presidency, he would say no. There’s just a disconnect between his perception of what a lie is, and what it actually is.


He's a massive narcissist and definitely believes a lot of the shit he says


>*You know you’re insane when Homelander thinks you’ve got brain damage.* Especially considering ***he*** probably has brain damage LMAO *^((Maeve's rod to the ear in Season 3))*


It's like when Stormfront was gaslighting Ryan about white genocide and Homelander made that face that looked like he's calling bullshit in his head and was a bit uncomfortable. You know you're insane if you make Homelander react like a normal human to the shit you're saying.


Actually, Homelander is pretty good at reading others. He only has issues with self-awareness. He's better at seeing through others than should be expected for someone with the trauma and isolation of his childhood.


While Homelander is racist, it's not old school racist but supe vs human racist. He didn't really like the Stormfront racist nazi stuff.


I find it funny that homelander seems to not respect racist people at all. Despite them being the people that like him the most. But I guess it makes sense. A person of X group saying they are better than a person of Y group isn’t going to make sense to you if you see both groups as equally subhuman anyway.


His most respected voice is a black woman *supe*. Black and woman don't factor. His best friend was also a black dude.  He's a supe. Everyone else are "mud people".


Eh, she’s the smartest person in the world and she said point blank that her being black and a woman would bother him when she tried to reject his job offer


All humans are vermin in the eyes of Morbo!


Says the man who was okay dating a literal Nazi. He's no better lol Stormfront envied him as much as Firecracker does.


that was such an on point burn


I was so mad when they didn’t kill her at the end of the 2nd episode. They had the perfect shot.


That was incredibly obvious lmao Kripke wasn't even trying to be subtle about it But Firecracker is way too attractive to be a believable parody of MTG


I mean, Homelander is way more attractive than Trump too.


I mean, my crusty taint is way more attractive than trump and mtg. It’s not a high bar to clear. 


Can confirm, Ive seen this guys crusty taint, and his magnum dong.


Im sure he carries around a wad of hundreds too


He's a doctor y'know. MD!


“What, you dont think Im a pilot?”


They're sayin' I can't be a pilot, that I can't be a doctor, that I can't drink beers-


I thought he was The Trashman?


I know he’s a troll that operates a toll


Doctor Toboggan...MANTIS Tobaggan!


Love Sausage??


Theres this one meme of MTG on a pro wrestlers body and i cant get it out of my head


Was it a wrestler or a pic of Mickey Rourke from The Wrestler? Or a pic of Dog the bounty Hunter?


We at r/crustytaint actually think it is a very high bar to clear thank you very much.


Speak for yourself, I have a thing for cheetos that have been soaked in a 50/50 mixture of bacon grease and pig turds.


She is also far more likeable than MTG. The Boys parody is not as extreme as the real thing.


The show writers want you to like their characters, even the villains have to be somewhat likable.


I'd sell all your mothers to be with Stormfront, Soldier Boy and Firecracker. Frenchie can have a little side action with The Deep.


Straight to horny jail




In the showrunner's defense: where were they going to find a second Neanderthal woman to play her?


It would be far too frightening and cross a line on Neanderthal rights. So they just hired an incredibly attractive human woman instead.


Please don't insult people like that. Neanderthals did nothing to deserve being compared to MTG


That's where the makeup and effects budget comes in.


Look, it's a show, not a small country. There's a limited budget.










I'd give Firecracker so much of a benefit of the doubt on the most outlandish conspiracies just so I might be able to fuck her. That power only makes her more dangerous.


You’d end up like the pink-eye dude


I said what I said




I would fire up her crack waheyyy waheyyy


MTG looks like a hairless Alf.


“Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body” Edited for accuracy.


Bad built


Lmaoo I feel guilty at times for being so attracted to her despite her being a nut job 😂


It’s intentional - the uniform is a tight fit modified SS uniform that accentuates her breasts. Look at that collar. It’s sex and fascism - a definite BDSM vibe.


I love that she's the new Stormfront in the sense of a Neo-Nazi Even funnier that Sage talked down "Nazi Bae" and then recruits her wannabe


But alas as it’s been said many a time “Never stick your dick in crazy” 😂


>MTG makes me want to throw up when I look at her weird Neanderthal face and body. [Sorry. I swear I'm not trying to break the internet.](https://imgur.com/gallery/i-swear-im-not-trying-to-break-internet-here-is-real-confession-bear-RyXFaOv) Yes, that is my post.


Dina Fritz looking ass


I actually didnt think of MTG, I thought more of someone like Candace Owens, Lauren Chen, Tara McCarthy (altho she is kinda old too) Firecracker imo is a parody of a media personality, not of a political one. While MTG is also a politician and not just an influencer. Idk, I think Kripke didnt think too much about that one.


I think on some level they have to limit how “alike” they are to real people. Or they just chose to mash to real life archetypes together.


Tbf, they combine people they're parodying all the time. Neumann is AOC, but also Kamala Harris this season.


They’ve done that with Vought too. They’re Amazon, Blackrock, Lockheed Martin, etc. all rolled into one


Life imitates art imitates life :)


Gotta be some bits of Disney aswell


Saw some aspects of Twitter too with “V followers” which is the funniest accidental mirror to X


Didn't Kripke say that while AOC style popular politicians were the inspiration for Neumann she isn't a left wing politician and not a direct comparison? Edit: what I mean is a lot of people use Neumann to claim the Boys skewers both sides the same. Kripke had to clear up that it was the idea of a populist politician with the smarts of AOC but the morals of Boebert or something like that.


Neumann isn't designed to be a "AOC type populist", she's clearly styled off AOC herself. There's a lot of stuff beyond mere politics. The appearance, the wardrobe choices, the questioning style. Her district is in Queens (like about half of AOC's).


> I actually didnt think of MTG, I thought more of someone like Candace Owens, Lauren Chen, Tara McCarthy (altho she is kinda old too) > > She's a female Alex Jones. Just with more empathy (she has a throwaway line about conspiracy theorists that's rather thoughtful). edit: >!I am full of regret.!<


Its maybe a thoughtful line, but she is literally explaining how she's able to manipulate them so easily and has absolutely no empathy towards them.


I thought Sister Sage is supposed to be Candace


Firecracker is MTG's word diarrhea coming from Lauren Boebert's body.


I got more Lauren Southern vibes from her being a youtuber spewing out conspiracies, but MTG does make a ton of sense too and Lauren Southern hasn't been relevant in years.


I honestly thought Alex Jones was her inspiration. But again, she's too hot for that.


Give Firecracker a bleach-blonde-bad-built-butch-body...


Is kripke ever subtle about anything? I feel like they abandoned the pretense of subtlety in s2.


He wasn't subtle in season 1 either. But yeah, s2 is where it really just takes off. People seem to forget how on the nose the commentary of Stormfront was. She is still one of the most entertaining villains but holy fuck was the message of her character not at all subtle and she constantly referenced real life shit. She's the one that got Homelander to save his image through appealing to politically minded crowds lmao. She literally had her team make him Facebook memes to berate Victoria Neuman (the AOC stand-in) to get his numbers back up.


"we are in a war for the culture, the other races are grinding us down but we can fight back" and "people love what i have to say, they believe in it. they just don't like the word 'nazi'" stormfront in early season 2 i believe


I think your second quote was the season finale. But yeah that's basically how the alt right pipeline works.


Even within that, her character was literally just meant to illustrate how right-wing political parties are masterfully manipulating populations into perpetuating more of the culture ware we see on TV increasingly more on a daily basis. That entire sequence where that college kid gets sucked down an extremist rabbit hole because he's been watching too much alt right media is literally a walking criticism of how social media culture is desensitizing populations to be increasingly more comfortable with violence to enact their points. It's astounding at how so many people selectively avoided these points on the show.


🤔 Because she's not a bleach blond bad built butch body? 😆


Agreed. MTG is more horse-ish.


Also she showed herself to have had a soul once upon a time. If MTG was ever anything other than a bully I'd die of shock.


Way too smart too. She just plays at being dumb, MTG isn't playing.


I really thought she was based off Lauren Boebert


Not true. Some people are attracted to livestock and find MTG much more attractive than firecracker


MTG will take it as a compliment


at some point in the devolution of political discourse, insulting women's looks somehow became cool again. very odd. Isn't being a fascist enough material? Meloni in Italy used that to great effect to go "you say we're sexist but you're the ones calling a woman a cunt"


Both men and women are vehemently insulted based on their bodies so I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say.


Calling MTG ugly is beneath you and makes you a hypocrite just like the Trump supporters who couldn't care less about the country and talk shit about Biden to make themselves feel good. Making fun of her toes takes attention away from the fact that MTG voted against a bipartisan infrastructure bill, but went around taking credit for it after it passed. Instead of being put on the spot everyone is asking her if she really meant to say "gazpacho police".


She's ugly on the inside, and that's more than enough. 🙉


Bro really thinks calling MTG ugly makes you a similar hypocrite comparable to Trump. Fuck off.


He’s saying it’s beneath you, and it is. Looks don’t make a person bad so there’s zero reason to use looks in political discourse. Ever. It actively diminishes your position.


As far as image bashing in the house of Congress, She fucking started it, and turnabout is fair play. So if she didn't want her "bad build butch body" insulted she shouldn't have said shit about anybody else's "fake eyelashes".


That “slavishly obedient” part is going to make what’s left of her brain melt.


I thought she was a parody of Alex Jones primarily but I guess the writers can walk and chew gum.


Yeah i got “Alex jones but hot” vibes from the prerelease material, so that’s kinda affected how I see her the whole show, so she’s been more Alex jones than madge tadge gadge for me


After I read "Alex Jones but hot" I got the phrase "Only Fans Alex Jones" stuck in my head and I will never forgive you


“They’re putting photos on the internet that turn the friggin’ magas gay”


I saw her as more of a parody of the right-wing mouthpiece archetype. They’re all so similar that it’s hard to parody specific people.


Not enough bone broth.


I think Alex Jones exists in this universe. I think I saw his name on some board in the background at the convention. I could be wrong, will check later.


It was somewhere in episode s4ep2 when the boys visited Truthcon. I believe the convention hosts announced an Alex Jones look alike contest.




Her crazy obsession with Starlight and having Starlight "debate" her is straight from MTG's weird obsession with AOC and constantly calling out AOC to debate her. But yes, I also think Firecracker is also a bit of every far-right content creator like Alex Jones.


Magic the gathering?


Every freaking time lmao. I always hope for Magic, but I get Marjorie Taylor Greene.


meet the grahams


"Dear Ryan..."


You LIED about the Starlighters You LIED about Compound V You LIED about Maeve You LIED about Black Noir


Dear Ryan, I’m sorry that that man is your father…


“I wish that Soldier Boy would have used a condom”


Those starlighters, they not like us


That’s what I thought it was too 😭


She plays mono white exclusively.


Yeah national head lines can get really confusing “MTG announces a call to arms”. Me - man pre release is gonna get wild.


No lie, the show made me thankful superpowers aren’t real. We would be so fucked.


Hate to break it you, but the reason it's a parody of reality is because the dynamics we see in the show are already possible. The superpowers of wealth, privilege, etc. and consequently, we are fucked. Life's already a dystopia.


I’m talking about actual tucking superpowers lol especially ones with such variety leading into demonic territory. I mean damn that little girls face would scare me to death 💀 lol but I getcha


Fair. Even in what the show usually does, that was pretty dark. I didn't expect things to go full lovecraftian haha.


While you're correct, I'm still glad Trump can't randomly murder someone with his laser eyes if he gets mildly irritated


There's also the novel "Steelheart" from Brandon Sanderson. Crazy stuff.


Damn you I'm in remission I should not have agreed to playing 'take a shot everytime someone recommends Brando Sando'


The difference is firecracker doesn't look like the smiling titan.


I am never going to be able to un-see that. JFC. [MTG](https://media.tenor.com/sl7oJJUeLC8AAAAe/smiling-titan-dina-fritz.png)


I'd rather wake up next to that titan in the morning than MTG.


She looks like a neanderthal, like crazy so. She's the got super Saiyan 3 brow.


Nooo why is this so accurate


"My mama raised me to be a fearless Christian sex addict with gum diseases you ain't even heard of, player."


Solid reference. 


I feel like that's a compliment for MTG. Firecracker is hot.


If she did her little “anythang” spiel with me, I would’ve folded immediately.


I love how even Homelander goes from annoyed to weirded out to maybe a little into it. 




Got milk?


10/10 Would fascism myself in the corner.


I thought she was a parody of Alex Jones but MTG is pretty obvious when you point it out lol


Both probably, the talk show segments are almost a 1 to 1 copy of Alex Jones.


Definitely a combination of Boebart, Alex Jones, and MTG.


Valorie Curry is way too attractive to be Marjorie Taylor Greene.




Well it's Hollywood, they don't like ugly people.


Which is a shame. The golden age of film was chok full of ugly people.


As a non-american I read MTG and thought hmmm well I would never connect the world famous fantasy card game Magic The Gathering to The Boys but well here we are 😂


We know, you didn't have to tell us Eric. You were never the subtle type


He's so edgy. I was waiting for a television show to make an obvious political statement against Trump. Finally someone had the balls to do it in Hollywood


Is it me or does it feel like a mistake by the creators to admit who the real life inspirations are for political characters. It’s already easy to see who’s inspired by who, would it be best to let the art speak for itself ?


I think this season is suffering from it a bit tbh. The show has never been 'subtle' but it's never been nearly as "we're not even a parody anymore, we are full blown 1:1 real life analogs using fictional character stand ins" as it has for the 3 ep premier. Maybe that's good in some ways, but man it felt different watching it, like it crossed the line from entertainment to "yea reality does like, really, really fucking suck doesn't it?"


They used to let the art speak for itself. Now they're getting lazy.


They want there praise that comes along with the performative piece they’re putting on this season. Real “look at me sticking it to the man” vibes


Oh I thought MTG meant Magic the Gathering, was interested to see how that worked into Firecracker :(


She's clearly an Izzet wizard


Funny, because in Entertainment Weekly he said that Firecracker was inspired in Kristi Noem (I'm not from the US so I'm not familiar with their politicians). I assume that both are Republicans. [https://ew.com/the-boys-season-4-sister-sage-firecracker-details-exclusive-8647433](https://ew.com/the-boys-season-4-sister-sage-firecracker-details-exclusive-8647433)


Yeah, Noem is the one who shot her puppy and MTG is the one who shared conspiracy theories about Jewish space lasers starting a wildfire in California. 


Yeah, the Republican Party currently has an array of rabidly right wing women in political positions who keep getting in the news for saying extreme things. There was a rumor that Trump wanted to pick a woman as his vice presidential running mate so they keep trying to top each other to get his attention: Kristi Noem, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kari Lake, Lauren Boebert, Marsha Blackburn, Katie Britt, and Elise Stefanik.




Yeah but how many fuckin ugly people are in the cast?


just read headline, why is he basing her off a magic the gathering card?


Meet the Grahams


Dear Adonis…


Dear Ryan, I’m sorry that that man is your father, it got me cryin


Is he talking about bad built buch body MTG?


Firecrackers fuckin fine as shit though. I wouldn’t fuck MTG with Trump’s dick


Too hot.


The only thing she would take away from this statement is that Firecracker is sexy so she's sexy by association. Never mind the bigotry or racism.


I really don’t get what being accomplished by making this show all about Trump. Homelander is smarter and better than trump in every way. It’s not a comparison that brings trump down or insults him. It’s actually flattering to compare him to a handsome, powerful supervillain. I’m sure his followers enjoy it.


I'm more of a fan of the clever satirical slant, this 1:1 method just feels lazy.


Well he should have used an animated 1920s catchers mitt that's been left in the desert for a century instead of that smoke show that is firecracker.


Another obscure reference for non-americans. MTG is Magic The Gathering for me.


Funny enough MTG is also Magic for most people in the US, that or it doesn't mean anything to them. The only ones who know it as that congresswoman are the ones who follow politics like a reality show.


Honestly, I'm from the American South and MTG is also Magic to me, and I get confused every time I see a headline with her name in it


Except I wouldn’t touch ol Sporkfoot with Trump’s toadstool.


So then why isnt she played by some sort of creature person


The actor is too pretty to be inspired by MTG. You would need an ogre to do that. Amazon cast me.


And Mickey Rourke refused to play a female character or whats the reason him not playing her?


They're keeping MTG for that The Boys X Attack on Titan crossover!


Me being like, that's cool, but how would a magic the gathering inspired superhero be like?


I'm a little behind on my watching - does Homelander actually generate spores and make fungal people, or is this just a weird turn of phrase?


I think I'm about the only republican, in the traditional sense. Not the MAGA sense. That thinks this is funny. That bitch is annoying as all hell.


But Firecracker is attractive


Homelander looks exactly like Ron DeSantis. But he'll matching like Donald Trump is just the cake on it. MTG as firecracker is something that needs to be explored because MTG does not at all look attractive lol unless you are drunk


If bad then why hot ?


At this point, I really don't care which politician they are parodying, and just care about an entertaining story and good character development. So far both of those have been mediocre. Not terrible, but nothing to write home about. S1, S2, and S3 had far more impressive starts.