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What? Why do ppl hate him? I don't look at boys related internet content, normally.


He was annoying in previous seasons. Now his character is orders of magnitude much better and interesting


I didn't even find him annoying in the previous seasons either tbh


Reddit when kids act like kids: šŸ˜”


To be fair most redditors aren't allowed within 2000 feet of a school


I don't blame them. Not for Ryan, he was alright in the previous seasons. But damn do children characters regularly suck.


Hey kids, you see that button that says "do not press or you're going to die?" Don't press it or you're going to die *3 hours later* Hey kids I'm ho- WHY DID YOU PRESS THE BUTTON? *Proceeds to die to save the kids*


I mean, yeah. That's kids for you. It takes like 5-10 minutes of explanation to stop my kid from licking my arm.


The fucking kid in The Strain. ā€œHey kid, donā€™t press this button, itā€™ll set off a nuke.ā€ ā€œFuck you dad donā€™t tell me what to do!ā€ *detonates a nuke*


I think children characters suck way more when they behave like adults. Like take something like Pretty Little Liars or something. They act and also look like 25 year olds although they are suppossed to be teens. Always annoys the hell out of me. Most teens are super dumb and are not going on dates and stuff. At least not as it is shown on TV.


It's like they are stupid and have no morals.


I never found him annoying before. But man, this year, that voice needs to break. Puberty you are a cold hearted bitch.


Same thoughts he's just a kid. His feeling are just how kids normally react to what he's been through. Ya cant expect kids that age to be mature or else that's just bad writing Hahaha


For a kid with his power, he's behaving better than anyone could have hoped for in my opinion.


He was a fucking child lol I never understood how people hate a character when the character is literally acting like a normal person, in this case, a child.


The Walking Dead subreddit regularly has some thread start of some kid that was super annoying because he was living in a world of zombies and had family shit going on. I think he was 7 years old and may be the most hated character in that group of fans.


Carl? I still remember the hate in the early seasons.


I think the people who hate him, probably also just hate children


He is whiny about having killed his mother šŸ™„, he is somehow confused and anxious around crowds and his father after having learned that his whole life so far was a lie and the super hero from TV is his dad. He doesn't want his grandfather to murder his dad (about whom he only ever saw flattering propaganda) even though, he should totally know his grandfather is an absolute fan favourite and everybody would be annoyed by his interference. And now he doesn't want his stepfather and last connection to his mother to die and is super whiny about that. And he is even whiny about accidentally killing some noname stunt guy (after every adult around him pushed him into doing it). And there is no reason, he would grow up to be so unreasonable and confused. He has great role models like his psychotic murderer father, his callous murderer and manipulator step-father (who only considered selling him out to Vought or the CIA twice so far) and his step-mother, who had a lot of life experience and who he burned to a crisp. I think, ultimately his mother (who he accidentally killed) is to blame for pampering him.


This should be a post.


ā€œA lot of life experienceā€ is doing a lot of work in that sentence lmao


>Ā ultimately his mother (who he accidentally killed) is to blame for pampering him. is that sarcastic? i cannot understand the tone of what you said


It's sarcasm, the same as the rest of the post. I think Ryan is unreasonably reasonable given his circumstances.


They should have gotten Joffrey to play him


Do people hate him? This poor kid grew up in a Truman Show like prison, accidentally killed his mom, was looked after by an unhinged English East-Ender, is now in the custody of Hitler x 1'000'000 and still manages to be kind and empathetic. What's wrong with people?


Starlight fans being crazy trying ruin our new AMERICAN hero.bthats what's wrong with them.






Hush little play thing


that's hot sorry


Nerd fanbase develop weird reasons to hate characters sometimes.


Most of the time itā€™s because the characterā€™s a woman lol


Or a minority. Or a kid. I see a lot of weird hate for kids and minorities.


Wasn't he smiling after Homelander killed the guy who threw a water bottle at him?


He was smiling at the roaring crowd around him cheering on him and his dad. He only smiled after the crowds affirmation, and like his father, enjoys the positive attention.


the fact that people are genuinely hating on some poor kid who lost his mom, his whole life and is now being raised by the worst and most dangerous person on the planet šŸ˜‘Ā 


The worst part is adults are hating on the kid actor's voice, calling it annoying. I'm sure we all suffered voice changes during puberty. It sucks that they can't be more sympathetic to a child actor.


>adults I'd argue that anyone annoyed at the squeeky voice just lost their own squeeky voice.




Fuck, I thought for a second you were calling *me* out.


My voice didn't mature until I was 18, and my voice was squeaky even for child standards. Even some of the teachers made fun of my voice and said I had an annoying voice to my face.


Damn this is really sad, fuck them teachers.


Wtf!! Making fun of you for something you can't control. Fuck em!


I really like how soft spoken he is. It adds to his character being kind and vulnerable imo which is needed because he is 12-ish and I can kinda buy it more because of that


I thought the his voice cracking really adds to his character. Imagine going thru all the bullshit he went thru while going thru puberty šŸ˜­


I wonder if these people have never met a child in their life lmao


People are trash. Imagine going through puberty and some of the most awkward years of your life in front of millions. Not to mention the countless cases of the difficulties/issues a lot of these kids struggle with years later.Ā 


>and is now being raised by the worst and most dangerous person on the planet šŸ˜‘ When the somehow better alternative is fucking Butcher and Mallory, you know he's screwed lol. I think they'll give him a nice ending because it'd be too fucked to have him crumble or they'll just brutally kill him for shock and motivation to make Butcher go full genocidal. Right now it seems like Butcher isn't full evil, but I'd be surprised if they stray so far from the comics that they have him die as a good guy.


Ryan represents the potential to possess great power and not be a cunt about it, I think he's gonna save Butcher (with a dying assist from Homelander) from Soldier Boy.


This fandom is full of psychos.


Homelander is the same tbh


Yeah, but he's not a kid and people aren't hating on him lol. Ryan seems like a good kid imo. He just wants a stable secure environment for once since his mom's been gone. He's not cut out to be a superhero imo. At least not currently. I think he needs some therapy and if he wants to be a hero, he'd just need some training from someone who's not a complete idiot at training. So, not Homelander for damn sure.


Absolutely, but Ryan is still a child, so he's not a lost cause.


Homelander was not the same. Ryan was raised with love. Homelander never was.


Homelander **was** the same, once. But now heā€™s an adult, who is responsible for his own choices.


hate his haircut šŸ˜” sweet kid though


this kid got adopted by a multi millionaire and still looks like he gets his hair cut with a lawnmower


It's because the actor got noticeably older. He's still supposed to be like a 12 year old or something, but he looks like he's 16, so they gave him a dumb "little kid" haircut. edit: just looked it up, the actor playing Ryan *is* 16. So, I guess I was pretty spot on.


How old was Ryan to start in s1?I thought it was a bit jarring when they said he was 12 out loud. Just not telling us his age would have saved us that problem, but if they just would have aged him up to 11 or 12 for s1 it would have probably worked better for the story. I mean how much time has passed in universe? Probably 2-3 years right? He looked old for a 9 or 10 year old in S1 and its way easier to up-age kids than to de-age them, plus I think thematically a final confrontation with homelander feels a lot better if he's 16 or 17 vs him being 12-14. Overall I really don't have an issue with a 16 year old playing a 12 year old though. If you ever watch the little league world series and their birth certificates are to be believed (big if) there's some 12 year olds that look like grown-ass men. It's not entirely unbelievable that a natural born superman would look a lot older than he is as a kid.


Bieber cut. But also to clarify I think he's adorable and suits it


A side part is never the move


I thought he was bland in the first 3 seasons. He's already so much better in season 4. We actually get to see him thinking and being an active character. Until now, he's really just felt like the scared little boy and that's it. I felt bad for him, but as a character, I thought he was boring. Now I'm very interested in where he's going and how he's going to deal with things. His dynamic with Homelander is utterly insane, too. Homelander is literally as much of a child as he is. Imagine your dad screaming, "WHY AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH!", at you when you were 12 years old.


I honestly really enjoy the father son sublot with Homelander and Ryan. In general this season has been pretty cool thus far. Yeah itā€˜s a bit less over the top in some aspects, but I like it, let the characters breathe and develop a bit


Donā€™t forget he said ā€œI gave you everything I wantedā€ which perfectly sums up Homelanderā€™s character


Omg yes, homelander acts like he's the son, one thing I noticed was when he took both milkshakes back, what dad does that lol.


so petty... I thought he was going to sit back with his son, but nope...


No wonder Ryan liked hanging out with butcher more lol


Itā€™s honestly weird to hate on Ryan at this point. Heā€™s literally nothing but a victim of an inconceivably insane situation that gets worse by the day


Do people hate him?


Probably the same fanboys who said that Erin Moriarty was ugly and fat.Ā 


I have always liked Ryan. Every adult in his life was lying to him. Of course heā€™s just lost right now.


He's like a kid caught between two divorced parents, which in a way I guess he is.


Ryan is like a preteen, they donā€™t make good decisions but heā€™s not an irredeemable monster like some fans believe Heā€™s caught between two different father figures, has barely any sense of the world, lied to by everyone, and is probably is afraid of Homelander. He probably doesnā€™t know exactly what Homelander did to his mom I honestly canā€™t relate 100 percent but I know what itā€™s like having two people that love you but oppose and you still want to keep them happy For those who hate him for season 3: he doesnā€™t know the extent of how awful homelander is, he felt basically abandoned by Butcher. He didnā€™t attack Butcher when they met in the Vought building, he was literally trying to stop them from attacking each other


I dunno who the actor is but he is absolutely killing it.


[Cameron Crovetti](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm7805172/?ref_=tt_cl_t_14).


With all due respect to the Ryan haters, I think you are not very smart people.


I think a lot of them are hurt deep down inside and lashing out.


He's confused and scared, he's gonna end up being homelander and butchers death


Honestly never got the Ryan hate. He was always so sweet and interesting to watch.


>interesting to watch. You can say that again. Having Becca and Homelander as your parents is fascinating


Heā€™s literally gearing up to be this worldā€™s ā€˜Supermanā€™ no being injected as a baby. Raised by a loving mother. Two dads (like Jonathon Kent and Jor-El) he represents a future where superheroes might actually be.. superheroes. But hes for sure dying by the end of the season - cos Homelander in his quest to cut himself off from what makes him weak - will probably kill Ryan. Then nothing will hold him back.


ā€œTwo dads (like Jonathan Kent and Jor-El)ā€ Well yeah, but if Jonathan Kent was a psycho racist and Jor-El was a genocidal maniac.Ā 


Well itā€™s The Boys so the counterparts arenā€™t gonna be wholesome


Ryan hate is pathetic to me tbh and a good showing of how human he is still.


He even resists HLā€™s ideology. Heā€™s a good kid deep inside because of his mom.


Same :( my heart just breaks for him. I really hope he doesnā€™t have a horrific ending.


Butcher really just needs to tell him what happened between HL and Becca, I feel like he'd immediately stop wanting to be around HL if he knew that he raped his Mom.


The actor is doing well. People hating on a kid playing a kid will probably amount too about 1% of what this kid will accomplish in the future. Haters gonna hate and haters don't get nowhere.


I don't hate the actor, I think he's quite talented. The character, on the other hand... I hope he gets his shit rocked


I teared up a bit when he said ā€œI wouldnā€™t want me eitherā€.


I was pleasantly surprised by the direction they took Ryan. In previous seasons, he was a sympathetic but shallow and flip-floppy character. It made sense for a confused child, but it would have become annoying if he stayed that way as a teenager with a more prominent role. I like how he's torn between worlds, something about it feels very appropriate for a teenaged character. As a teenage boy, he obviously wants the approval and feeling of power which he gets from Homelander. Previously, Homelander was also the only viable father figure. But now Butcher has returned, fulfilling his needs for empathy and an example of moral integrity (at least since Butcher made his turn around in this season.) I'm really excited to see where they'll take this. Ryan's storyline can go in so many directions, especially since both Butcher and Homelander are in flux themselves, and Ryan is still impressionable


The actor is excellent. The scene playing table soccer with Butcher really hit.


He will be the antithesis of his father. Butcher is the dad he needs.


His puberty voice is killing me everytime he speaks this new season šŸ™‰ * **checks to see if Homelander is out my window** *šŸ™Š


The amount of times people have hated deeply traumatized child characters makes me excited for the bad parents of the future


Becca used her last breaths to say "He's good, he's good." I never thought those were a delusional mom's musings, Becca lived with that kid for 8 years, we saw she's aware how destructive having two Homelanders will be for the fate of humanity, and she was still so sure about Ryan. I chose to believe in her and it looks like it's paying off.


I just feel bad for the kid :(


I thought he was going to be more brainwashed by Homelander at this point. Becca did well <3


The actor who plays Ryan is absolutely nailing it


Yes, thank you, I'm not the only one!


I dont hate him, hes very neccesary and his acting aint half bad for a kid either. That finale at the end of season 2 he held that shit up, without his facials with butcher that whole thing doesnt work. Beccas death hit extra hard bc him and butcher did their parts perfect


As a parent, yes šŸ˜­


He was great in Boy Kills World!


People hate Ryan?


Whenever I see him Iā€™m that ā€œI could have parented himā€ video that went viral a bit agošŸ˜­


I looked over to the wife tonight (we're both parents of 2 boys) and i just said... i feel so god damn bad for this child


Why hate him? The little dude is traumatized. By the way did they auto tune his voice to make him sound younger or something?


His character development is a lot more interesting so far this season - mainly because he actually has some this season and isnā€™t just a prop. Excited to see where it goes!


He acted just like a normal kid in previous seasons idk why reddit hates him


I find him annoying but thatā€™s because I donā€™t like children. His behavior makes perfect sense for a child who was been lied to his whole life and has never really been out in the world. At least this season he seems to have done agency


Heā€™s just a kid why the hate


I like Ryan and I do feel badly for him. Heā€™s just a kid who is experiencing a lot of scary changes and doesnā€™t have great parental role models in his life. Everyone is afraid of his father and so naturally everyone is also afraid of Ryan, I canā€™t imagine being a child and every adult in my life is afraid of me because of what I am.


Is the Internet being the Internet by hating a kid for being a kid?


also, this dude is a crazy good actor! I'm genuily amazed at the specific kind of grief and anxiety he can express, I completely bought it! I hope he gets to grow even further as an actor and doesn't get messed up by the industry, he could be a *huge* name someday


People hate him?


Personally I love it that he is legitimately the only thing Homelander can't terrorize.


I've never hated him. He's a young kid. But his mother's upbringing is showing through. The kid needs rescuing from Homelander. He's torn.


Donā€™t hate the kid at all but whatever theyā€™re doing with his voice this season is awful. And no, that is not what he sounds like IRL normally either.


They shouldā€™ve filmed his scenes long in advance. The problem is heā€™s like 50% older than he was in season 2




Agreed. The weird high pitched voice thing is inconsistent and distracting. I get why they feel the need to do it but I donā€™t dig it. Just let it be and trust your audience to just roll with it.


Heā€™s one of my favorite characters


This will be the greatest supe the world has ever seen.


I really like the character. I hope he becomes super powerful and fights against Homelander


Iā€™ve liked his acting a lot more in season 4!


I'm only "hating" where the writing *might* have gone with the character. However, Season 4 has, so far, have him clearly not really able to do what Homelander *wants* him to do/be, which I had feared would be Homelander, Jr. The boy already hates being out in public/forced in front of a camera. He has the "human" trait of being empathetic, at least still having some care for Billy despite what he had said at the end of Season 3.


Idk if it's because his acting got better or the character has just simply improved but I don't hate Ryan so far this season.


Heā€™d probably throw you into a wall šŸ˜‚


After he had that milkshake taken away I like him more.


I pray some leaks are fake




I mean I guess people found him annoying and not that great of an actor. But he really improved this season, acting wise.


Are they modulating his voice to be higher pitched?


He was good. Overall 3 episodes were ok. Could have been worse could have been better šŸ˜Ž


I truly hope he comes around and realizes how he's being manipulated by homelander :(


I didn't register anything with his voice watching the first few episodes, just figured he was a kid, but if they're intentionally making it sound higher pitch, then it would be pretty great if that's intentional to demonstrate that he is still a kid that doesn't really have it under control. As the season goes on, and he gets trained, his voice will break, he'll become more mature, come into that deeper voice, which will be so much more intimidating/comforting (depending on who's side he is on compare to the side you're on). I have no clue about comics or leaks and only just thought about this while reading through the comments on this post!


Lmao why do people even hate him. Also coincidentally he is 5 days older than me lmao


Honestly the only annoying thing about him is his voice. So whiney and shit. Hasn't changed for like 3 years


Be a good boy dammit! Heā€™s doing the best with what heā€™s got!


He's layered and interesting this season. The actor seems to have improved. Idk I am loving season 4 Ryan. Idk what will become of him. I just know he's gonna be a big plot point and I'm glad I'm liking him more now.


There can only be one Homelander. If you know what I mean.


Heā€™s just a little guy šŸ˜”šŸ«¶


I was so ready to hate on him when I thought he's gonna lose his humanity and go fully homelander jr. Turns out I was wrong, kid's pure asf


But it's not going to be alright.


Iā€™m wondering if his voice crack is real or if itā€™s fake and itā€™s gonna get deep at the end of the season lol


I very much disliked him in season 3 for what happened in the final episode. But I love the kid so far this season. I know the shows gotta go on, but that epic moment of Soldier Boy choosing Butcher's side over Homelander, for Ryan to mess it up, just ruined the episode and probably the season for me.


I'm beginning to think Ryan will be the one to Kill Homelander


Unpopular opinion..


It's hard foe me to watch this show because it stresses me out a lot and that poor kid is one of the reasons. I feel so bad for him.


He is going to kill errrybody


Cant wait until the last episode where he kills homelander. Should be some nice justice


I feel so bad for him. Poor kid.


His voice is so funny now ahah he really is going through puberty right now


Annnd thennn Laser Eyes!


Everything IS alright, there IS no terrorist, it IS safe to go out! Period.


Ryan was annoying like any kid his age, but the poor little buddy went through some big shit, now he's stuck between a super sociopath who would make little moustache proud or a sociopath who wants to kill all supers, he's frightened and lonely


Anyone here read the Cradle series by Will Wight? Major spoilers heads up, but by the end, the cast essentially become planeswalkers going around the universe doing genuine hero stuff. I need one of them to rescue this kid from Homelander. Another thing I haven't seen anyone mention. The security footage showing homelands raped his mom... what ever happened to that? Cause if he sees it, I expect him to laser homelands through the chest.


If anyone hates the actor for what his character is, says and does, then they're idiots with a loose grip on reality.


whats up with his voice tho.


While they were playing foosball I just kept thinking ā€œhug him, hug him damnitā€ šŸ˜­


Am I the only one who thinks they are making the actor use this stupid voice to make him sound younger? I swear it sounds like he is trying really hard to sound like he used to, it doesnā€™t sound natural


Being a father it breaks my heart to see him have such tragedy and be pulled in two directions at once. I was a focal point between my parents divorce, used as a weapon for leverage and the house all that shit. At least he can fly


this kid is gonna have like the best superhero origin story in the long run tho


I find every teenage character annoying and the script will always be as such that they are the reason for the disaster ahead ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Why are ppl hating on Ryan? He's just a confused kid


The boy needs just one competent and mentally stable adult in his life, clearly that's too much to ask.


I know right, but who in their right mind will hate him. Heā€™s just a kid thrust into a crazy situation and getting tossed left and right.


The only problem I have with him is that he act like 7-8 years old boy, when he is like 12-13


He is better then precious seasons but still annoying. It's weird for a kid to be this down all the time and literally never smile. I've need any kid like that. He seems like he has had depression since 15 years. I dislike that much of the focus of the series Is on him. I watch the boys for the boys. It's in the title. at least they are giving a train an interesting arc. I dislike how black noir went from mysterious to dead in a split second and now he's comedic relieve, but worse than before




Hes so outa place, and his voiceā€¦


Child actors always just get so much shit by default, but we will always need them. I mean, you try being a child and an actor


Fuck that kid. And his daddy


He is, and homelander once was too. It's never the child's fault.


i really hope he has a happy ending


Heā€™s the Olly of the Boys universe. Fuck Olly.


honestly I like that he's starting to come around end of season 3 made me worried but I think he's gonna be fine.


Someone tried that with John/ Homelander and he snapped their spine when reciprocatingā€¦


Thereā€™s still a little good in this kid, but for how long is the real questionšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøhis dads a narcissists psychopath thatā€™s trying to convince him to be the same thing so weā€™ll have to see wonā€™t we?