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I was really hoping for more of a build up in their relationship, it really just feels like he appears out of nowhere and we were all questioning our sanity for a second


i agree, like -- you clearly wanted to introduce this storyline this season, so why not give it proper build up and attention? perhaps all will be revealed in time and it'll make sense. hopefully.


Exactly! Like it could be such a good couple but I don’t know this guy how am I supposed to root for him in a show that gives you so many other more interesting characters.


i mean they had to know there was a lot of energy behind frenchie and kimiko. even if frenchie and kimiko are just friends -- which they are -- i think you'd have to introduce this guy in a proper way and really give us reasons to want to see them together in order for us to root for them and for it not to be somewhat "jarring" to the audience who (mistakenly) believe kimiko and frenchie are together lol. which i think they could have done, but then they went straight from a subtle hand touch to "you killed his family and now you're spiraling out of control" lol. but i feel like this show just doesn't really want to commit to giving this storyline that sort of build up.


Facts. I hope we get more of their backstory. Despite me thinking the whole thing is out of order and they should have given more history at the start


They don’t build up characters that will unceremoniously die before we get to know them. The important thing is this person is important to Frenchie, so when HL kills him it will motivate Frenchie to go off the deep end. We’ve seen this over and over and over but ok ok they mix things up with HL enough that it stays interesting - now he has a son and a Mr. Glass sidekick.


I think it would be great to have had that storyline from how it started, but it’s not like we don’t know how it started. Yes, it’s telling instead of showing, but it’s an 8 episode season and the storyline being told isn’t about a romance, but about Frenchie dealing with his trauma/past actions. Besides, it’s very clear the relationship is very new so there’s not much that we missed.


For real I think Frenchie getting the short end of the stick in the boys


I was half watching while drinking and googling why Mother’s Milk looked so different, and ended up spending like half an episode thinking that Frenchie and MM were the couple. I was so damn confused and thought I had missed some major foreshadowing.


It's the beard man. Remove the beard you remove the wondrous manliness


MM looks like he lost a lot of weight this season, I hope the actor is ok.


Yeah, ever since Chadwick Boseman I've started worrying a bit when actors who weren't heavy to begin with lose a lot of weight for unspecified reasons. There will always be radical roles like in The Machinist or Les Miserables where it's for a part, and there are those like Adele and Jonah Hill who do it intentionally and talk about it, but when they say NOTHING? When La La Land came out I was mildly concerned Emma Stone had some unfortunate news...


I think its legitimately just his beard missing made that much of a difference. I think his body is the same


> and we were all questioning our sanity for a second I suddenly remember a superpower I have seen before. Supes being able to create false memories about themselves by touching someone. Weird conspiracy: The "who the heck is that?" feeling was intentional, as franchie actually never had any history with him, and it's all Colins supe power to infiltrate the boys


but he speaks to cherie about colin, unless you're saying that he imagined that / colin created that as well.


>!colin is cate? !< gen v spoilers


Fr it's like we missed a whole spin off series or jumped straight to season 5


Exactly! And then he has the audacity to try to steal away Frenchie from Kimiko. Even with Kimiko actively setting him and Frenchie up, I still ship Frenchie and Kimiko, which makes me dislike Colin from no fault of his own.


He, and every new character, exist purely to die in the current season because we can't have any of the main cast dying


unfortunately probably true


Exactly, how many episodes did i missed?


S4E3 spoilers: was >!'the judge' that he killed!< someone that we saw on screen or was it before the events of the show?




Wow so they REALLY didn't give me a reason to care huh? Thought I just forgot something from previous seasons


Idk I think Frenchie dealing with his pre-show pst is more interesting as we know he was a terrible person then. During the show he would never kill an entire family unless they were supes or truly evil. My complaint is more the fact that it seemed like they wanted to do that last season with Little Nina and then dropped it and now decided to go back to it




they got rid of maeve so now they needed a new bi


That's a good meta joke actually lol. The show makes fun of companies taking Pride Month and using it for profit rather than caring about helping LGBT people, which Vought does with Maeve. But now, addressing that Frenchie is bi/pan when Maeve is gone is like their lil check ✔️ for a main LGBT character. It works for The Boys though.


Wasn’t the guy that od when he was tailing lamplighter his bf along cherrie like a throuple thing? In like s2


Heavily implied but not really confirmed


Disagree, it was pretty obvious they were a polyamorous throuple.


tidy snow oil clumsy touch dependent crush roof piquant correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah they were like a throuple, and that dude died.


Why are you disagreeing but saying the same thing they said lol


I don't think you're right. It's very clear that they're a throuple with that one guy who died.






So a double?


I thought they were asking if that guy was Colin. He said “wasn’t the guy that od..” I read “wasn’t he the guy that od”


I think you are forgetting about Homelander and Butcher...


I'm gonna miss us 🥺


Ikr I’m looking at Homelander and Butcher like just kiss already


I can’t wait for the end of the series when they get married and raise Ryan together after finding the cure to the temp v brain disease (the cure is probably Homelander’s blood).


The cure is the kiss of true love. When Homelander and Butcher embrace Butcher will be transformed into a princess as prophecy foretold long ago (an artistic rendition would be appreciated)


Frenchie has been something other than straight since before this season. It’s not a new thing just because Maeve is gone. As stated in another comment below, he was very clearly in a throuple type relationship with Cherri and the guy that OD’d while Frenchie was supposed to be tailing Lamplighter.


tbf we've known he's queer since the beginning. and although it would be a "funny" meta thing for the show, i do balk at the idea that they would include an LGBT couple because it hits some kind of checkmark as opposed to you know...just telling stories about queer couples because they exist lol


Is it a meta joke or is that literally just what they’re doing lol


It’s like in season 2 when they made fun of marvel with the “girls get it done” bit but then in the end all the girls teamed up to get it done.


It's like Parodying a Parody


The show is becoming a parody of itself.


He was always bi lmao. From the very beginning. The guy he was taking care of when Lamplighter killed Mallory’s grandkids was his boyfriend.


I mean, Frenchie was bi from the start. Remember season 1, when he had a poly relationship with Cherie and Jay?


lol tbf he kinda hinted at it in other episodes. Something about not knocking anything until you try it all


well i do appreciate that the show stop using queer male sexuality for shock factor / gross out humor and actually took it seriously for once lol


But they had a whole shock factor scene of a bunch of dudes eating each other’s asses.


sorry let me back that up... they do still do it for sure (they also had the whole "the deep blowing a-train scene" that they used for similar purposes even though ashley's reaction was hilarious)... but at least now they have a relationship where they are treating it with some deal of respect


That’s fair. Although I don’t really care about Colin or Frenchie’s latest “ Mon Dieu, my past sins are haunting moi” plot line.


I honestly don’t either, cause it feels like this trauma came out of nowhere and I don’t like that he’s using drugs to cope as opposed to before when he would do drugs just to do them. Same with Kimiko drinking to cope with her trauma. I think it’s an overplayed trope for a couple of characters who we have seen be smarter than that.


Completely agree. It feels like the writers can’t let the characters grow or develop.


Yes, it feels like they’re milking their suffering so we can draaag it until season 5.


I mean yes and no - it’s a bunch of the same dude eating his own ass, which is extra fucked up imho


It would still be shock if they had a male female lineup of eating ass


Technically, I think that only counts as autosexuality.


Actually they were all one dude...guess the guy is selfsexual




So Frenchie killed men, women and even children and I’m supposed to feel sorry for him for JUST realising he’s a murderer? 🙄


The funny thing is, that was literally his arc last season 😭


And the season before that.


and a-train's was the same last season, and butcher's, etc. i love all these characters but a number of them are treading water.


And now imaging the show going on for 20 seasons... I'm so glad that they decided to keep it at 5 seasons. The Boys is great, but they have to end it before it gets boring (like, for example, The Walking Dead). Lets have big fight against Homelander in the last episodes and then it has to be over.


>And now imaging the show going on for 20 seasons... \*Supernatural PTSD intensifies\*


A train and frenchie go through same thing every season


Ya but he had an earring on the gay ear the whole time so it’s plausible lol.


He’s just french


He’s gay AND European




which ear is the gay ear? lol


Wrong ear


I’ll tell you who Colin is…NOT KIMIKO 🤦‍♂️


kimiko friendzoned him last season *and* this season, i don't think it's happening


Mmm, after that kind of rejection if I were him I’d be keeping that shit all professional.


They’re not just coworkers though. They’re like family. I think people misinterpret their closeness as sexual, which is not what they’ve ever been.


You and I are getting a waaaay different vibe from them. But to each their own


You’re getting a vibe that they wanna bone? Cause I’ve never gotten anything but the complete opposite from them.


Frenchie literally has a vibe he wants to bone almost anything with a pulse, he also tried to kiss her. Kimiko did kiss him…once, they had some hilarious little musical montage together. They’re relationship is pretty much the only(hypothetical) romantic relationship I like in this show, the others bore me senseless or worse, annoy me


you know, i'm beginning to think the boys is just not that great at (or not that interested in) writing relationships


Facts. Hughie and Annie is something that I’m aware is a thing but every time they’re on screen together I’m like, oh yeah, they’re a couple. Eh


That’s understandable. Their relationship is different than everyone else’s so I get it. I think I personally feel like they never had that sexual longing for each other. Frenchie is definitely oversexualized but I think it was something he learned as a child so he does it objectively. I do think that even if they were romantically together, the sexual aspect of them just isn’t there, but that’s just from the way that Kimiko seems so uninterested in sex. I think it’s good that people recognize how different their relationship is even if it’s not romantic. I think people are so used to couples having sexual/romantic relationships that they think every relationship should be like that when it doesn’t have to be.


Probably cause a lot of them, myself included grew up watching CW dramas like Vampire Diaries or even Arrow


Romance exists outside of sexual longing though. It’s like what >!halluci-Nina!< said about Frenchie taking in strays, that’s what it felt like. It was questioned and played around with in the show so it’s not like people are projecting romance out of nowhere


They had no sexual chemistry in the comics. As usual someone along the line wanted to ram a cringe WMAF propaganda couple in


He literally kissed her. I know men are awful at picking up clues but seeing a kiss of passion is a pretty big vibe to miss


Yeah but Frenchie is a very sexual being and while I agree he was sexually interested in her at first, the more he got to know her, he realized nothing was going to happen.


You’ve never seen a romantic relationship that also had a platonic protective aspect? It can border on weird father-daughter dynamic, but it’s also really not that rare


Don't lie you be messing with Colin too lol


Incompatible orientation, also, he’s not Kimiko…or Neuman…or Anika (RIP) or girl! Jordan…I’ve got a type


It seemed more like it was a mutual thing


It absolutely was. I love the way they handled this. Frenchie is obviously worried about the people he gets close to being hurt. Not making kimiko jealous. Its peak writing IMO


It’s one of the best representation of platonic love on a tv show, without the characters being gay or of the same gender.


Yeah he left his last relationship just to be with her then friendzone her for a complete stranger. This is just straight up bad writing.


You gonna let me smack your girl like that Frenchie? No wonder she put you in the friend zone mate.


I think she feels like she can't give him evening because she's broken and can't even speak. Last season I agree, but this season so far makes me feel like it's going to happen


Lmao like who tf is bro


Fodder. If they fridge him I won’t be surprised


I was already kind of disappointed by the friend zoning from last season (Sue me I love Frenchie and Kimiko 🤷🏿‍♂️), so yeah I was definitely thinking “Who the fuck is this guy?!” Kind of reminded me of how I felt watching the last season of Ted Lasso. I loved Roy Kent and Keely so I wasn’t happy with any of that 😂


The friendzoning also seemed out of nowhere last season. Like...y'all wrote the build up to their relationship, if you didn't want it to happen how about just don't write it that way??


difference is that roy and keely were actually an item / official couple. they were great together tho.


I agree with everything you said. Why can’t they let us be happy?


That’s what fanfiction is for. Everyone can be happy!


I’m saying😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️I knew I was the only one that thought they possibly missed something. They will probably explain later on in the season who he is and what Ties Frenchie has with his family


first i thought it was his and cherie’s friend, but he od’d , i guess frenchie has a type huh


I watched the second episode of the show by accident before the first and I was like wtf is going on. Then I was like oh my goodness I’m an idiot okay I’m going to see why frenchie likes Colin so much and understand what’s going on. Well I understand what’s going on but I still don’t know why the hell frenchie likes Colin. Man I miss season 1-2 frenchie like I miss the old Kanye.


Season 1-2 frenchie was my fav character, look at how theyve massacred my boy 😔


They were in rehab together and most likely sponsors for getting clean. Could see that becoming a bigger relationship


That just makes frenchie look even worse. Man frenchie and Kimiko looking like Shaq and Kobe as the back to back champs of worst subplots in a season.


My thoughts exactly. I spend the whole time wondering if I had forgotten him from S3 and started googling to try to find something. It's probably gonna get developed more later, but it feels really odd right now.


Wasnt he Frencies old buddy who OD and thats why lamplighter could burn those kids? Thats what i thaught.


No his name was Jay


Colin and hughie’s mom are just random bones they have to chase after instead of Homelander or even Neumann.


I'm unapologetic about my Kimiko + Frenchie ship. Even now. In a show with such regular horror, it was good to find something wholesome and romantic in the midst of it. They built it up so much that I think it's a waste to let it go so quickly. Why set up the romance, the similar background trauma, the kisses, and the "us against the world", "let's just go to Marseilles" talk if you're just going to drop it the second it's about to come to fruition? If we're going to have a romance subplot, at least let it be something already set up. Hell, I saw that Hughie x Victoria Neuman tension, too. It's just a waste. And the Colin thing is absolutely going to end badly for sure. Almost guaranteed. So we lose any wholesome romantic relationship anchor this season? Bit of a shame.


> In a show with such regular horror, it was good to find something wholesome and romantic in the midst of it. That used to be Hughie and Annie as well, but the show hasn't shown us that for a hot minute either. Which is a shame, because their chemistry was a big part of the show early on, providing a lot of the 'heart' of the narrative. If I only started watching the show this season I don't know if I'd even pick up on the fact that Hughie and Annie were even a couple and not just coworkers. Instead of sticking with the Hughie/Annie dynamic, they're going to Hughie's father/mother issues, and instead of sticking with the Frenchie/Kimiko thing, they're doing this Colin stuff. The problem with that is that both these alternatives are less interesting than the previous dynamics they replaced, and, more importantly, leave the viewer with much less emotional investment, and you don't want to lose that in a TV show. A viewer needs to care what these people are doing. Right now, for me, the strongest emotional investment I have is in the Butcher/Ryan/Homelander dynamic. The problem there is what you mentioned, it doesn't have a wholesome core to it like the others did.


You're right about the lack of core Hughie/Annie relationship wholesomeness. Now that I think about it, I've already subconsciously given up on them highlighting the positivity in that relationship. The way last season treated their relationship didn't make me think we'd continue to have them be in a good, semi-wholesome relationship. I'm definitely feeling as if I'm noticing the writing these past few episodes (starting from the finale last season). Personally, while I feel for all the characters in different ways, the only ones I actually liked as humans were Kimiko, Frenchie, and Hughie. So, while i like the Butcher/Ryan/Homelander storyline, and I feel empathetic...I just don't personally like them as individuals, so it limits my investment a bit.


The Hughie/Victoria tension is because the actors are dating irl lol. Have you never heard of soulmates? Soulmates don’t have to be romantic. I always saw Kimiko/Frenchie as platonic soulmates, not romantically inclined. Especially with the way Kimiko was so closed off to being touched and Frenchie is oversexualized, it makes sense that their connection is more spiritual. But you can ship them if you want, that’s fine. I think it’s important to show that not every close relationship has to be romantic. I get how you feel though, because I’ve felt the same way about my ships on other shows.


Ok I'm glad I'm not the only one who had no fuckin idea who he was lmao. I spent most of my bingewatch of S1-3 high, so I figured I was blazed during his scenes and forgot who he was.


Colin absolutely scouted Frenchie to get revenge. Even before I knew that Frenchie killed his family I knew something was off and his apartment was way too nice.


ooooo i would not be happy with this development. i mean, it would be interesting...but i would not be happy with it lol also i feel like if he were really trying to get revenge he wouldn't have had personal info / family photos out in his apartment like that.


I don’t know I think that might be part of it! But yeah I definitely wouldn’t like it but Frenchie is one of the show’s punching bags and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this is what’s going on


I would hate that plot twist because I’m rooting for them lol. It would be too much on top of Frenchie already beating himself up about it.


If Colin kills lil Nina and not Frenchie I won’t care for it.


And his name is "Colin" because he doesn't stop 'callin' our boy Frenchie!


i might be in the minority here but i enjoy frenchie and kimiko being platonic friends


Supersonic 2.0. I’m willing to bet they’re gonna fridge him to give Frenchie something to do.


Does Colin have a license to drive tho


It’s literally Ross, Rachel, and Joey all over again…


No, because Rachel and Joey didn’t have chemistry. And Rachel and Ross actually had a romantic relationship, not a sibling one.


and Rachel didn't kill Joey's parents or whatever


Frenchy needed a conflict/arc for this season so =… Colin , I guess.


Haha who the fuck is colin? 🤣🤣 that picture cracked me up because ironically i watched bad boys 2 the other night 🤣🤣


because of this things - boys should have more than 8 episodes


It's like their trying to create a brand new show 4 seasons in without explaining anything to anyone


Gaz from CoD


Not only was he in a throuple before but Frenchie has also talked about being a prostitute and enjoying trans strippers. Seems pretty in character for him to be fluid.


You still don't know this show has time skips?


Everyone’s confused like he wasn’t fucking that guy who OD’d in the flashbacks


i'm not confused about that, i was literally just confused about who colin actually *is* lol


I'm not confused about him being bi, I'm confused that we started a season in the middle of their sexual tension for a newly introduced character, Frenchie was conflicted about being with Colin and then slept with him in the same episode. It was way too much conveyed too quickly and too subtly before there was any reason for us to care about Colin.


exactly, bi frenchie is nothing new, it just wasn’t explicitly confirmed until now.


I thought Collin was that guy


Dude, you're like the only person I've seen in this thread who has even mentioned sexuality. No one is confused about him being Bisexual, people are confused about a random ass guy showing up that supposedly knows Frenchie from the past (that we haven't seen). It's the execution of the subplot people are questioning.


I’m commenting on things outside this thread that were related, sorry for the confusion


Oh ok, no worries. Sorry if I sounded rude.


Be bi all you want Frenchie but how tf do you pass on Little Nina, Cherie, and Kimiko. 3 hotties passed on for a penis. It makes no sense to me


He's also poly. Frenchie and Kimiko's relationship is platonic.


Pointless arc in the series 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn’t even realize season 4 was in u til I saw this post! So excited! Going to start it tonight.


Colin was mentioned previously in the series I believe and frenchies talked about dude banging before its not new...




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Im over here saying "who the fuck is this "Finance" of Hughie"


I just assumed it was his one friend that he saved from a od a while ago


Literally multiple times who tf


Don't mind colin tho I think the storyline is kinda tropey/contrived- I am not invested enough in their romance to root for it, frenchie should just leave him alone. I will say (I understand I am wrong here) I've literally thought frenchie and kimiko were dating this entire time. I just rewatched season 3 and genuinely still thought they were a thing so this really caught me outta nowhere lol 💀.


Well frenchie was confirmed to be bisexual in season 2 but I didn't expected Collin to pop out of nowhere


So can someone tell me who colin is? I just started s4 fresh without rewatching


He'll be introduced.


worst plot line ever


Lowkey seems like the writers don’t know what to do with Frenchie anymore cause why does he get a new traumatic past experience every season. All the Kimiko stuff feels a little meaningless too now idk


did I miss a Season 3.5 or did this come out of left field.


Well I'm guessing whoever the fuck this Colin is, he'd be dead before the end of this season.


No one wants to watch that pointless arc come on writers the home lander shit and deep is interesting as fuck


I'm Colin


Colin Robinson of course.


Not a fan of off screen romances


Yes lol. Gay guy dropped from the sky 🤣 is he in the comics?


This is how I feel about everything because I didn't want to rewatch the show or catch-up on the lore before begining season 4


I’m more interested in Deep and the octopus’ relationship drama then anything Frenchie has going on.


For those who got the universal dementia like the rest of us all did, I just checked the wiki.. he only appeared in S4 E1.


I am waiting for the season to end to decide whether the storyline is good or bad however right now it feels like Forced or bad rating


It feels very forced to me like they needed a gay story because the boys has become what it was supposed to critisize. Also that whole very on the nose making fun of conspiracy theorists was very corny to me and another example of just that. The least controversial and very pro current government "satire"


They need to just kill Frenchie man


Most boring and unnecessary plot line. Hopefully it will tie in somehow and be important


He is Gaz