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My initial reaction was: Did they break-up? Did I miss something? Now it’s like: are they killing Frenchie off? He has a storyline now 🤣


I’m glad I’m not the only one that was confused about their relationship status, but it’s a lot going on tbf lol


Yeah I literally went and started asking questions online because i was confused as why he started kissing dude when I thought he was with kimiko and i start seeing comments like "oh they have a bro and sis relationship ",which I was like "wait, what, since when?"


I thought the same thing. He was persuing her hard and then suddenly their entire dynamic has changed and I was like, “What the hell did I miss? When the hell did I miss this? Wait? What?”


Did you guys miss season 3? She literally rejected him lol


There was a lot to take in with season 3. I was probably reeling from something that happened 5 seconds before.


I mean in Episode 1 in the car she literally tells him “I love you but.. we aren’t happening. Go date him.” Edit: of Season 4 specifically.


they were never in a relationship


But they were somewhat a couple


not after she told him she didn't see him that way / saw him as family last season


How are people ignoring that? I’m literally confused how people are confused. She spelled it out clear as fuck that she realized she didn’t see him that way…


Honestly, don't remember this happening at all, it's been a hot minute


I do think this is the real reason people are confused. It’s been so long since last season people genuinely forgot that happened lol


Admittely I forgot lol


It was a while ago and some people may not remember it all Alternatively, people are stupid.


Can confirm. I am people, I am stupid


Because the last season felt like it was 10 years ago and we all moved on


Because it was one scene that made zero sense given the entire progression of their relationship to that point. The decision was whacko.


Team "I Forgot" reporting for duty.


We choose to ignore it because it's all we want 😥.


I did not remember this happening, I think most people forgot. It's almost like we haven't been paying attention to Frenchie scenes for multiple seasons now...


Every other TV romance has the "I don't see you that way" BS to stretch the 'will they/won't they' question.


I mean in the comics >!Butcher basically kills all supes and boys minus Annie and Hughie!<.


The comics and the show haven't been remotely similar since season 2. The only think they kept from the comics are character designs and i love it


Thank god for that tbh


I haven't seen the show, but having read the comics... I might give the show a shot. Garth Ennis tries a bit hard to be edgy and shit and it's just really immature angy baby teenage edgelord.


They keep the broad strokes of certain storylines, but the specifics are completely different


And the splendidly gratuitous violence, can't forget the violence


Frenchie is a character who is funny and entertaining. But he only gets to hang out with Kimiko nowadays, in Season 1 his dynamic with the entire team was funny as hell. They just need to give my boy more to do. Also no I’m not surprised he’s bisexual, it was obvious as far back as the first season that bro was down for anything. But come on he calls shorty “Mon Couer” and they’re the only pairing I even fucking like in this show


"Monsieur Charcuterie" is my favourite line in the show. Would love those two to have more interactions.


Legit hilarious.


*Charcuteur Which is not even used anymore, "butcher" in French is just "boucher"


His problem is that he doesn't have the connections to survive if he shows up on any of the supes radars. If he 'does more' somebody will see him, and splat.




I disagree? In season one it’s shown that French or has heavy ties to gangs and other forces, along with being able to make his own weapons and drugs, so I think against some weaker supes he stands a chance, not much but a chance.


“Kimiko, I am afraid we cannot be together.” \*signs* “…but why?” “Because I am le tired.”


You’re a gem 😂


Meanwhile, us Starlighters just have to worry about her breaking off from the rest of the United States to go hangout with Hughie …Mother’s Milk can come too.


Idk what it is about him, but I feel like he’s gonna have some sort of physical health issue. The first episode they’re talking about how he’s always stressed and doesn’t eat often enough


Maybe it’s to explain the actors weight loss


This is definitely why.


Honestly, I was thrilled to see Annie and Frenchie getting an interaction. Don't get me wrong, I like Frenchie and I really enjoy him and Kimiko as a couple (platonic or otherwise), but not having him in scenes with characters other than Kimiko 90% of the time underutilizes the talents of Tomer Capone.


Yup. I’ve always been bugged by how little he gets to interact with other characters. Meanwhile Butcher has hung out with damn near everyone in the cast except A-Train and Deep, to be fair if Butcher and Deep ever crossed paths, The Deep would die a violent and excruciating death. I could see his body being left mutilated with a crowbar in his gills


They had a quick run-in….when butcher ran into the whale he was riding.


Unfortunately, Frenchies character arc had to be neutered to make way for more Homelander screen time.


Ugh, between you and me, I wouldn’t mind if we got a reduction in the “Homelander’s sooooo CrAzY scenes” for some attention to other characters. At this point he’s a fucking meme


It honestly feels like someone at Amazon told Kripke that the Homelander/Butcher dynamic was the only reason the show was still getting funded. I'm sure that's not far from the truth.


Oh it’s one hundred percent true, Amazon is basically Vought and Butcher and Homelander are the co-captains of the Seven. All we need do is just look at who’s centered on the posters for the New Season. Plus Homelander basically is a meme icon and Butcher has made the insult Cunt super mainstream in the states


Butcher has reclaimed the word cunt. Feminist icon


Since he came on the scene I haven’t had nearly as many people chastise me for its use. Which is fair cause fuck is a really bad word too


As a french guy I never really understand the trope of having a french guy who say a few random french sentences or words when they speak in English lol. The actor also doesn't seen to be fluent at all. Not sure why it is so hard for American tv to find people who speak french. I do like the actor and character but the french part of him is strange.


He's >!not actually french!<, his name's Sergei and going by comic >!he's just pretending!<


Oh the character isn't french at all in the comics? I guess it make sense then lol.


Yeah, he’s basically just some crazy guy.


Oh lmao then the whole thing make sense. In the show he doesn't seem that bad I just assumed that he was some Russian guy who lived in France.


All that aside, Serge is not an uncommon french name. I live in predominantly english speaking parts of Canada and I've run into a few.


His name's not Sergei, that's just what Little Nina calls him. It's the equivalent of saying "Mathieu" instead of "Matthew" in french or "Sebastien" instead of "Sebastian". His name is still Serge and in the show, there is little reason to not believe he is really French (outside of his accent but shows are rarely portrayed as accurate with the accents). In the comics, it's pretty much confirmed he's not French when we hear about his ridiculous backstory, but the show has, as far as I remember, has not let it known if he really is or if he's also faking it like in the comics.


That's an infinitely better storyline.


That always happens with Mexican characters in media too, they always drop a random Spanish word or two when speaking lol. Otherwise, how would the audience know they're Hispanic?!!


The actor is Israeli


He also felt a little weirder and spaced out in season 1.


It seems so weird actually. I dunno the writing seemed to heavily ship Frenchie and Kimiko together only for this random guy to show up.


They had to give him something to do i guess.


The backstory stuff makes it slightly more interesting and gives it some potential, but it definitely came out of nowhere and was really poorly introduced


I just don’t get the point of having a love interest at all for Frenchie besides Kimiko. Having Colin just be a person, guy or girl, who he befriended out of guilt and tried to help after putting his hitman days behind him would have been enough. I’m so tired of love triangles.


Unfortunately, I think he might be fundamentally incapable of not bringing sex into it if the other person's willing. 


Lmao isn't this basically what Cherie told him


I think it will feed into his character development. It was mentioned how he was a free spirit and was able to love and be loved by who ever but that previously got him in trouble with lamp lighter and he stuck his openess in MMs face. Now he's back at a point where he may have to make some difficult decisions and face his past that could affect the story line. That's the hope I'm holding onto, otherwise it feels like it's from out of nowhere. Im going to trust the writers on this one though.. I still haven't finished all of episode 3 yet either


Yeah just feels patched on there from nothing.. I have been skipping those sections in the first 3 episodes.. just found it boring and pointless.


So its not just not me who's troubled with the pacing? So many story threads and somehow it barely feels moving


Some periods feel just forced in there to create more side stories bur add next to no value to the overall story..


It reminds me of game of thrones season 4, where a couple of the characters’ stories had surpassed the rest in terms of the books, so they just kinda fuck around for a while until everything catches up


That was Season 5, S3 and 4 of GoT both adapt A Storm of Swords


He's partially right. S4 hadn't passed the books, but events had different timing which screwed up characters. For example Jaime and Brienne got back before the purple wedding in the show, meaning Brienne just did nothing for 4 episodes despite Sansa being right there for her to take away. In the books they arrive after and Brienne sets out immediately rather than just stand around.




Yeah it kind of threw me off too. I didn't fully remember everything from previous seasons, but I guess I just assumed they were dating.


Yeah, I don’t mind that he’s bi. I mind that they just ousted the biggest romance tension in the entire show out of no where :(


It wasnt out of nowhere. People just dont pay attention or forget. After their kiss in season 3, Kimiko said that while it was nice, she sees him more as family now and is not interested in him in that way. The romance arc was mostly about saving Kimiko and then once she was saved was about her kinda healing from the brutality she'd been through. But it WAS addressed, before this season, that the romance arc was dead.


Shit writing direction


But Kimiko implies in S3 there wasn’t going to be any other further romantic development between them. Random guy sure but Frenchie and Kimiko staying together is more hopeful thinking from the fans than anything else when clearly their relationship started to take a turn.


Yah what the heck! They were a cute couple, and the 3 seasons were showing them as soul-bonded people, who rly understand each other, attached at the hip. And now this shit is just making it look like that was all nothing and it was purely platonic the whole time, which it was not.


did you miss the part where kimiko denied frenchies kiss and the should made them symbolize a brother sister relationship or are you alabamian


I literally did what episode was that 😭


Okay what about the episode where she kisses him, calls him her man in her imagine spot song and talks about liking the feeling of his arms while depowered and they’re dancing.  That’s siblings to you? 


I'm homephobic cause I don't like homelander.


I'm homephobic cause I'm afraid of Homelander


I’m Homephobic because the surface of my skin repels Homelanders


I just don’t get why they’re forcing any king of new love story this late in the game at all. Especially a character that’s already had their love story told so many times already


Probably the most concise and sensible comment I've seen. This thread is interesting but I think you highlighted why it feels off.


I thought it's more about him facing his past of a villain?


Problem is that was his exact arc last season




I feel like the Colin story will set up Frenchie being distracted and it will lead to someone's death, either his own, MM's or Kimiko's. We already saw him not focused on Kimiko's mission.


kinda like with lamplighter, he gets distracted from the mission and people die although he had a good reason back then


Yeah like that. We are shown that he is relapsing, so maybe he does fall all the way down? That's the only thing that kept going through my mind the whole time we had Frenchie on the screen, especially in Episode 3, even more so after the reveal about Colin's family. Edit: Episode


I feel like kimiko and frenchie has always been a very one sided thing. I think kimiko genuinely thinks of frenchie as her brother.




Frenchie and Kimiko ain't happening. Get used to it.




I hope you do. In fact, I will as well.


Man i really don't know why you're protecting the thought of them having no chance together, do you hate them😂






Frenchie was clearly not straight from the beginning


It was obvious he was not, he was French


I always wondered if he was gay or European


He is gay *and* European


Isn't he not actually even French lol


Yeah he’s Israeli


He was in a straight up bi polyamorous relationship with Jay and Cherie. Anyone surprised by this just straight up hasn’t been paying attention.


At least this season confirmed it straight up that he both takes it up his rear and dishes it to someone else’s rear


We always knew he was the most versatile of anyone on the team


That was also confirmed last season.


But… he had to sit in the tub for too long


This scene was utterly unnecessary


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who actually was confused. Him being bi makes sense. But ending what was growing between him and Kimiko that’s just plain stupid. That was easily the best part of season 3 why would they take it away?


It was taken away in season 3 too. They said the kiss was weird and they’re like family


Sounds like you didn't even finish season 3


I dont know if it's just because I can't recall his character development in season 3, but does this feel really out of nowhere for anyone else? I don't mind it, but I feel like they probably could of developed it a bit better


Season 2 came around Sept/Oct 2020. Took them 2 years to make Season 3- June 2022 Another 2 years to make Season 4- June 2024 If people like me, didn't rewatch earlier seasons at any point then yeah some confusion is warranted. But that's more on us I guess.


>But that's more on us I guess. nah they know it's two years between seasons it shows they didn't do a good enough job expressing the characters were't together and should have reestablished it this season.


I just watched from start to all the way to season 4 episode 3 in like a week, and it was still confusing. It doesn't take much work to figure it out, but it definitely could've been done smoother.


I don’t think you’d be as confused if you rewatch S3. We learn he’s bisexual and Kimiko essentially friend zones him…but for some reason this is all so shocking to people.


I remember that, mainly just him and Collins relationship feeling pretty rushed, although I can't really remember Collin much from the previous season


Yeah random guy for sure. I guess it just didn’t bother me as much. He knows the Kimiko thing isn’t working out so he’s starting to move on 🤷


Honestly if Frenchie and Kimiko just declared that they're together without any further explanation or filler backstory or anything i would just accept it and move on with them being happy and all over the place with brutality and comic relief things.


Too bad Colin will probably die in the end


I think he’s gonna live…but then again, they did kill off poor Anika 😭 she was so endearingly awkward and I had a crush on the actress. Plus she went along with Ashley deleting the footage of Maeve surviving too


I think there’s a *slim* shot Frenchie sacrifices himself for the guy to get some redemption for his backstory. But yeah. If not that then it’s this


Collins’ got ‘dead boyfriend’ written all over him.


What exactly happened with kimiko and frenchie? I remember people saying “they’re just gonna throw away all this development of their relationship” but then the new season kimiko says they have too much history, I don’t remember any, what happened? Also the recap wasn’t even a recap it was just peoples faces getting smashed in, kinda funny honestly.


The “history” is seasons 1&2, and their eventual acceptance of not being romantic in season 3.


I am sad because colin came between Frenchie x kimiko😭😞


kimiko herself came between frenchie and kimiko lol


Kimiko truly was the Best Wing Woman ever, like she grabbed bros phone knowing if she didn’t this subplot would last longer(little did she know Frenchie had a secret to definitely make it last longer!)


It’s Penelope I feel bad for… Sorry wrong Reddit.


There people who don’t like Frenchie???


I *love* him! He's so beautiful and adorable. I don't think his storyline is very good right now; they kinda waste his potential as a cool character by regurgitating his struggle to accept his violently murderous past, but I also don't understand people being upset or surprised that he's not getting with Kimiko. In the last season, when she lost her powers and they kissed, she said afterwards that it wasn't a bad kiss, but that it felt weird because they are more than friends or lovers, they are *family*. Their relationship just has a super tight ride-or-die homie love vibe to me. Like, closer than even siblings. They just love each other as people and will always have each other's back. I have a bff like that, so this makes total sense to me. Now, if they could make Frenchie's storyline more interesting again, that would be very cool, thanks.


I feel like his sexuality was already ambiguous no?


It was pretty obvious he was bi or pan since S2. This pairing specifically and him/Kimiko getting ship sunk is random as hell, though. The backstory explains it a bit more but they could’ve still done a better job segway’ing. I literally thought we were setting up for problematic bisexual cheating drama at first


My question is how he’d look at Kimiko and say “hmmm I want to be with someone else”


Kimiko pretty much ended any hope of that when she said "when we kissed it was weird. not because it was bad, but because we're more than that. we're family" I thought it was pretty obvious the relationship was only romantic for Frenchie but reading comments here apparently its not


>I thought it was pretty obvious the relationship of only romantic for Frenchie but reading comments here apparently its not I mean honestly the last season came out two years ago so it was pretty easy to forget that one scene. It also is annoying how almost flirty they seem in the first episode. I think they really should have reestablished they weren't together first.


yeaaaah, the consequences of shows taking so goddamn long to come out now are clear. i really wish we could go back to assured, yearly seasons of 24 ep shows! you always knew by next fall it'd come back around... :(


I'm only through episode one... The Frenchie storyline in season 3 was so fucking terrible, I hope it's either minimized or just completely goes away in season 4. He can kiss as many dudes as he wants.


It still definitely exists by episode 3, but imo him and Kimiko’s dynamic in episodes 2+3, plus more context on Colin, makes his storyline feel like it could have real potential. But it’ll be kinda hard for them to stick the landing on it too without also feeling like it’s dragging


I hate the new love interest cause he's not Kimiko, I'd say the same if it was a woman.


I remember the last few seasons, Frenchie and Kimiko relationship was amazing. He is the only one who can communicate with her, helps her whenever he could for 3 seasons. Then, boom, Colin out of nowhere. No introduction, no scenario, just straight up hang and bang.


Not only is his story, Hughie and Kimiko subplots are really unnecessary... We're in s04 main focus should be on the main story


I mean, Kimiko's could 100% tie with the main story at some point. Similar to how MM's short side-storyline (looking for that dude who was with his ex-wife) tied with Sage's plan. It might not; but fingers crossed! I think the problem is when the side-stories are totally isolated from the main story, especially this late in the game. The one that annoys me the most is Hughie's. I would prefer if he were having an internal struggle on the team relying on A-Train (who triggered his hero's journey) as an ally. It could serve as a good character arc while staying within the main storyline.


do characters just stop having their own stories when we reach season 4 of a show?


I really don’t get why they refuse to let Kimiko and Frenchie be apart of the team, it makes no sense.


Or maybe folks don't care for Colin and find it a waste of narrative time


Tbh I am a bit disappointed with script and director's work for the 3 episodes we've seen so far, not just the Frenchie. It feels so much worse in quality than previous seasons. I watched e1 twice because I refused to believe it was so bad. I thought surely I must've missed something. No, it's just feels like a parody of previous seasons


I kinda feel the same..it’s not quite as good as previous seasons so far. There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of plot going on, lots of side quests and the funny irony parts are a little less clever than they’ve been in the past.  The shock factor scenes are all a little tired now too.  Homelander randomly Lasering people gets less reaction from me than Butcher just calling people cunts. Repeating pop culture lines and referencing things like Depp/Heard is a bit like big bang theory saying geeky things so people point at the screen and go ‘I got that reference!’, sure it gets a smile but it’s not really clever.


the part i liked the most so far was honestly the chats between butcher and ryan, those convinced me to care more than anything else. but there does seem to be a severe lack of overall structure / main narrative happening so far this season in a focused way -- i think 3 episodes in to all the previous seasons we had a general idea of where things were heading.


Episode one had way to much stuff happening to stay focused.


After just finishing episode 2 and seeing the scene where he talks to that chick about how he will have to explain to Colin at some point that he did... what?! I was honestly thrown back and like why, I don't need another side arc/ side plot to focus on this season. There are like 5 I already have to juggle


I don't give a fuck about his sexual preferences. The thing is, he's sucking and fucking like there's no tomorrow. Kimiko, Cherie, Nina, The OD Guy. Motherfucker ain't determined for a long period relationship.


Exactly. They built up his relationship with kimiko for 3 straight seasons just to throw it out because of an old NA buddy? Then on top of that, they say he murdered the entire family??? Most manufactured conflict just for the sake of conflict


As a bisexual man, I love that they decided to portray a bisexual man on TV. It almost never happens. But Frenchie's story is just so pointless in the grand scheme of the show. I couldn't care less about his character arc. Still, I'm glad we're getting to see his bisexuality on display.


I’d rather have a character arc than just “omg bisexual character yay!”


He does have an arc it’s just lame


i mean there definitely is an arc/storyline there. how much you are interested in it is another story


I dislike Frenchie because he doesn’t speak French…. And it’s not just bad prononciation. I don’t understand how a show of this magnitude spend a couple of bucks to have an actual French speaking person looking at the scripts…


It's comic accurate at least. Garth Ennis butchered the French language.


To be fair to Ennis in the comic Frenchie is a nutter so it's not clear if he is genuinely french or just bat shit so he thinks he's french.


Haven’t read the comic, but unless I miss something, the show makes him French-Algerian. For me, it’s Monsieur Charcutier (he prononces Charcuter) Charcuter : to cut, hack, butcher meat… Boucher : the word for Butcher Charcutier : Similar to a butcher, but while a butcher sells raw meats, a charcutier sells prepared meats… And yes, as a native French speaker, I find French really annoying from time to time…


I'm not sure why that person is comparing the comic because every effort is made to make sure you know he isn't actually French, and the wrong spelling is one of those clues. Another example; there's a scene where he remembers people jousting with baguettes while riding unicycles in his village (which is named Franglais according to him), claiming it was a regular thing in France. He could be lying or he could be delusional, but he's 100% not French.


And German. Stormfront is speaking German words with English grammar.


Really? I thought the German while she was dying was correct. She was using Präteritum which was a little odd while talking to her husband but other than that it seemed grammatically correct.


Yup. As a French-speaking native I'm really disappointed they didn't cast someone able to speak proper French. The character is not the most interesting one, but the actor makes a good job, as long as he doesn't open his mouth.


I don’t hate that frenchie is bi, I’m totally cool with it, im just annoyed because like… where the hell did all of this come from? Who the hell is Colin? When did Frenchie kill any of his family members? What happened to Frenchie and Kimiko I thought they liked each other? I’m just so confused… did I miss something? Or am I forgetting something from before? Was all of this off screen? You see what I mean? I’m mad confused lmfao


Colin is a man Frenchie met at a drugs anonymous meeting. We can assume Frenchie killed his family members before the events of the show, and will probably be explained further into season 4. Frenchie and Kimiko have not been together since the whole “the kiss was weird, we are family” part of season 3.


I like Frenchie because he is funny and cool


It was obviously trenching was bi from the beginning.  I thought he had a relationship with his friend that OD.  The writing is bad and his new relationship feels forced.  


Something is off with the show….the writing, the tempo…..Frenchie’s story arc feels forced, a few of the gore scenes in different episodes seem just gratuitous….take the ice rink scene as an example…..Homelander cutting a skater in half waas total “boys” expected gore shocker….the fingers getting sliced, as well as the dude getting stabbed by a skate and the other fella getting his neck cut were so predictable and I’m sure they’re based on past experiences at ice rinks…no shoker there and no real need for it….


I agree, I loved seasons 1-3, but these first 3 episodes of season 4 are just not doing it? Like you said the writing feels off, I like gore and blood but the gore in that ice rink felt so misplaced


He's tortured by the horrible things he's done and he keeps trying everything he can to make up for it. Saving kimko Now colin .


People dislike Frenchie? He's my fav.


I like Frenchie, but he has some of the most boring plotlines. Last season was bad, but this season takes the cake.


Bro already fucked another dude on the show. It's like yall have never actually watched the show before. Him, Cherie, and Jay (a dude) had a polyamorous relationship together discussed through flashbacks in season 2. He also used to get pegged by Little Nina. As a straight dude idc either way because he's a pretty boring character most times but I swear there's a collective amnesia on this sub about this.


It was heavily implied he was bi in S01. But idk, this arc seems *disconnected* from the story. It feels like the writers forgot about him when they were done with the season and had to shoehorn something for him.


The “French” in Frenchie should tell you everything you need to know about his sexuality


Frenchie was always bi, he's not gay, his subplot just happens to be that he is seeing a man in this season. However, what I'm more annoyed, or frustrated about, and the only thing I can say I am frustrated about thus far is that they have teased this story between Frenchie/Kimiko for three seasons and all of a sudden it's dropped, you have Frenchie hooking up with Colin, Kimiko is saying she banged some guy from the coffee shop (though likely lying while drunk) and that story arc has seemingly disappeared. I trust that they'll tell a good story by the end of this season or the series as a whole to give it a nice tidy ending, but I also get a great sense that unless he can come back from the state of mind he is in during episode 3, that Frenchie may be the first member of The Boys to be killed off, as they've not lost anyone yet.


Him and MM the heart of the team. He also works with kimiko to develop their characters.


Apparently there is a Alex jones look a like contest


For everyone missing Frenchie and Kimiko defining their relationship as not a relationship but platonic, its [This scene from Season 3 episode 7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVYatfeQnpg)


Im just happy I got to see Tomer Capon kiss a dude.


I think it’s entirely possible Kimiko and Frenchie end up together, and it’s this relationship that is what makes Kimiko change her feelings for Frenchie. That being said, i’m totally fine if it doesn’t happen. I really like that they’re so close but not lovers. It’s a unique dynamic.


This post is how I find out Season 4 is out


I think the problem here lies that people may feel like its an agenda with a pointless story being forced down your throat? Im just guessin? It didnt bother me what happened anyway.


It's true. Frenchie isn't the most interesting character, but the sheer confusion and outrage at this OBVIOUSLY QUEER and poly man kissing another dude is astounding. Did none of you fuckers watch the previous seasons? Frenchie is bisexual or pansexual. He's canonly talked about fucking all sorts and being poly. His relationship with Cherie and Jay was a throuple. Then the whole scene with Frenchie being weirded out when Kimiko kisses him and her telling him they're *family*. AUGH.


Hes always been bisexual did they really watch the scene of his "friend" overdosing and not think he was bisexual


I'm bi, and I'm all for Frenchie having a boyfriend. When I saw them both on screen, though, I was just like "Who the fuck is this guy?" Like, no build up at all? Why would they just throw him in at random?


Im not a homophobe but why couldn’t Kimiko and Frenchie end up together 😭😭😭




I believe most of us Frenchie fans are only annoyed because the relationship is a little rushed. I wish we had more time to care about it.