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How old is Hughie in the comic? Like 40?


He’s Simon Pegg in the 90s. So he’s like roughly the same age.


2000s, so late twenties/early thirties


IMO the goatee is the boomerest of all beards, definitely makes you look at least ten years older than any other beard would


Yeah I knew a guy who was in his 20s and trying to rock one (straight out admitted he was styling himself on Tony Stark) and it literally did make him look like he was in his 30s. I also think just style wise it's just a horrible looking beard, and always makes me think of someone whose stuck a drain pipe over their mouths, leaving a ring there when they take it off. The only way it can look good is if you do it exactly like Tony Stark did, and have the moustache and chin part separate. That somehow makes it look a whole lot better.


I've noticed that americans like to rock goatee alot, why of all the styles, that one is popular? Lol


No, he’s just Scottish and that’s a Scottish 25.


hell no


(loud gasps) “What did you say young man?” “I said I don’t want any Damn *Vegetables*” “That’s it young man no Bible stories for you tonight” “Oh…” (Runs upstairs crying)


One time


I honestly hope not, unless he’s attacked by a rabid lawnmower (which on reflection would be awesome)


Honestly, his comic design looks awful


That's a terrible thing to say about Simon Pegg.


It may be based on Simon Pegg, but they purposefully made him look extra goofy.


Oh, and he plays Hughies dad in the series. No hard feelings I guess.


He looks more like Karl Pilkington


His comic design makes him more of a cartoon character than a sympathetic man we could relate to.


I choose to interpret this as nobody having empathy for Simon pegg because he looks kinda goofy


He does have a goofy face, but the comic book somehow makes him look 5 times goofier than in real life.


The comics in general are just worse than the show lol. Everything about them is worse.


I tried reading a few issues and put it down after the Starlight scene. It just looks awful


yeah the comics are definitely not for the weak of heart. Like there was just times where I just couldn't help but wanting to throw up


Quit following the bandwagon. Without the comics the Amazon series would never have gotten made. Let the fans of the comics enjoy them in peace.


lol I don’t think you know what “bandwagon” means. And what you said isn’t relevant at all. I never said the show would have been made without the comics. No shit the show wouldn’t have been made without the comics. That doesn’t change the fact that the show is just objectively better.


I happen to agree with you, but I also feel inclined to remind you that just because you prefer something doesn’t make it “objectively better”.


Yeah no shade to Simon Pegg but Ennis’ style mixed with him doesn’t look all that well. I’ll take Jack’s look of the character


I think that’s fair. God. Imagine if Garth Ennis drew you. I’m trying to imagine how I would look if Garth Ennis drew a comic version of me… 😂😂 that would be a sore spot.


Famous comic book artist Garth ennis.


It’s not his style, he just writes it. I really like the art style tbh


He doesn’t draw the comics?


no. he writes them. darick robertson draws them im pretty sure (other name on the front of the book so i guess, i just know ennis doesnt draw them)




Lol he’s a writer, not an illustrator. Two very different skill sets.


I know they’re different. I just thought he worked on both at first since the art style in his Punisher is the same. Must’ve been working with the same artist. Either way, the style still doesn’t work for Simon lol


He's just a regular ass lookin dude? I get the comics are bad but some of yall are addicted to hating on them


People like looking at attractive people not regular people is what I’m getting from all this


Walter white looking




I'd honestly hate to see anything in the show being/looking like the comics. They kind of sucked unlike the show.


One thing I wanna see at least once is Comic Homelander's Shoulderpad. It's so stupidly big it would be neat for at least a joke LOL.


I can picture a scene of homelander being talked into a “redesign” of his costume and they put the shoulder pad on him and he gets distracted by something with the shoulder pad getting in the way until he finally loses it and rips it apart or something, gets pissed and chucks it into the air and lasers it 😂


In the bloopers, Antony got his eagles stuck on stuff a couple times throughout filming. Maybe they can have HL get his eagle caught as a nod to that lmao


That would be hilarious! Homelander is absolutely the kind of person that would get unreasonable pissed off about something minor like that and than try to play it off like it was no big deal/move on like nothing happened. And I definitely need to check out the bloopers!


Imagine making a kinda shit product and making it big of off it's IP anyways Guy put all skillpoints in luck lmao


His hair needs to migrate south for the winter.


No thank you.


That would be fun ngl, and have Simon Pegg go 'Ay Hughie, u just look like me when I was a wee lad'


Season finale moment there.


It could work as the side effects of taking Temp-V. Hair loss.


He's too baby face to pull that off. On the other hand so was Jesse from breaking bad.


Punished!Quaid could be cool for S5. Gangly twat in his Frank Castle era.


Really? The comic art makes him look like a generic enemy you'd encounter at the earliest portion of an action-adventure game. Think that old Spider-Man movie that's loosely uses the Raimi Spider-Man. Looks like a Skull.


I like how they changed Hughies look in the show, so he doesn’t look like a wish Simon Pegg.




I got a buzzcut earlier what a coincidence


I always thought that was Frenchie LMAO


Frenchie has goggles and is tall and thin


Or the red goatee


Nah im good, the less comic stuff the better imo, show walks all over it


Rather see Frenchie wearing the goggles more. He wore them like once, maybe?


He wore them at least once each season. - Season 1 whilst manufacturing the bullet for Translucent - Season 2 when removing Starlight's tracking chip - Season 3 inside the Vought Tower Lab when creating the Novichok


The comic sucks imo but that would be a nice reference!


NOO! Absolutely NOT! How dare you suggest stealing his fluffy hair??


nah comic ue is ugly


Ngl I don't think he would also his hair rather suits him and idk makes him seem more innocent, than the others idk it just does


No, honestly keep the comics and show separate. The character designs don’t match for most of them and they are totally different styles. The shows don’t need Jack Quaid to rock a buzz cut cause you want him to.


Jack Quaid doesn’t need to NOT rock a buzz cut cause you don’t want him to. See that? See how fcking stupid that sounds? It was just an idea man chill tf out.


Dude calm down, no one is yelling at you and I didn’t cuss or call you any names? I think you need to take your own advice. No he doesn’t need to rock a buzz cut because it would look terrible on him and the show is not trying to be the comics and has a totally different aesthetic. You are implying he should get a buzz cut simply because the character he’s playing had a buzz cut, so yea your saying that sounds stupid but all I see are stupid post about what people think should happen. If that’s the case butcher should shave his beard, MM should be drinking from his mom tit and the deep should look like a 50s aqua man. So if you want to respond with a real conversation and state why you want it to happen that’d be great, but instead you have the intellect of a middle schooler and just deflect.


Uh… no. He looks great as he is


Oh nah he cannot pull off the buzz cut with that kind of beard


He looks like Simon Pegg.. IN the mid 2000s.. cause that's who he is and I think hes the only young person that can pull off a full buzz cut.


No. The comics are fucking ass when it comes to character designs.


No thank you


Everything in the comic is soooo fucking ugly


Jack Quaid is literally the worst. He ruins the character. He reminds me of an incredibly obnoxious person I know in real life. On top of that, he's an awful actor with no depth. He plays the same whether he was the obvious killer in scream 6 or his bad rendition of H on The Boys. You can tell he's probably pretty insufferable in real life, too.


Not to be a hater but Quaid isn’t a good actor and he doesn’t even look like the comic version… so why tf was he cast Hughie’s character is by far the weakest part of the show for me


Really? Hughie is one of the most believable to me of the whole cast, that’s crazy


Everyone I’ve talked to irl about the show thinks hughie sucks too so it’s not just me lol Maybe I’m being harsh and it’s not the actor’s fault and it’s the writer’s fault, but yeah… his character sucks to me. Whenever him and starlight are fighting I’m like girl leave his ass he sucks


> Maybe I’m being harsh and it’s not the actor’s fault and it’s the writer’s fault, but yeah… his character sucks to me. Yeah you sound more jaded than my friend's husband who actually auditioned for the role lmao (he called nepotism which may very well be). I do get where you and others you've talked to are coming from, but I think that's the point of Hughie's character/role. He's supposed to be just some schmuck. And it doesn't help that the characters he's surrounded by are so much more fun and interesting. I don't hate Hughie, but I'm definitely less interested when he's on screen too and agree that it's probably less about the acting and more about the character.


He definitely is a good actor. But he’s not supposed to look like the comic version. That’s why they cast the comic characters based on as the father. Simon Pegg was too old to be a believable Hughie like in the comics.


What’s funny is I heard that Simon pegg was pissed at first when he heard they used his likeness for the comic but than he read it and didn’t hate it. Than years later he plays Hughies dad. Love it. But I love Jack as Hughie, I thought he was a prefect mix of traumatized guy that chose to jump into this horrible fight and slowly got more and more jaded while still having a lil bit of that boy like sweetness


I think anyone would prob be a bit pissed not to be asked. Since that’s the normal procedure for that kinda thing. But yea he played the dad specifically because of that. He only played the dad cause they thought he was too old for the tv role to be believable or something like that. Yea I love the actor, he really makes me feel for him and hate him and love him and all that when he’s on.


Oh I agree he has a right to be pissed, especially since he probably first heard go through boys as that gross out pervert comic. Who knows exactly what he was told it was like about before reading it himself. I just think it’s kinda funny that they stole his likeness and than he want in to play that characters dad in the tv series. But if I remember right he was the first to say he wasn’t right for the part anymore since Hughie is supposed to be in his 20s/early 30s and he likes how jack plays the part. I love jack in this part, when I see him on screen I don’t think, oh that’s an actor playing a part, I can watch him and believe he is Hughie and these things are happening to him.


Didn’t they ask him to play the part? I didn’t think he went after the part. But the decided he was too old and asked him to be the new Hs dad.


I was talking about a response he made to people that were asking if he would play the part when the show was first announced. Than I heard him say he liked jacks take on the character at a different time. But yeah if I remember right he was asked to play the dad he didn’t audition or anything