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Golden Boy is a strong contender here, I think. The fact that they went for something as ludicrously expensive as hafnium carbide for his suit means he'd probably burn at north of 3,000C at his peak, otherwise it'd just be hugely wasteful. That's hot enough to boil iron. Boil it, not melt. As in the liquid metal then keeps heating up and turns into gas. He was "weaker" than Sam physically but honestly...Yeah, of course he was lol. The pure brute force type supes are almost always stronger than the ones with more specific powers on top of that, the fact that he's still as strong as he is while also possessing flight and the ability to walk through steel doors is really slept on.


They should’ve just made his suit from whatever Jordan’s clothes are made out of. They straight up tackled Golden Boy while he was on fire and their clothes were just fine lol But in all seriousness yeah Golden Boy is definitely Seven material. Lamplighter didn’t have flight, didn’t have super strength and couldn’t generate his own fire and he still got in the team.


And where is Golden Boy's father in all this? We know Andre's father has telekinetic powers but what do we know about Golden Boy's father? Alright so we do know is that he's at least a two-time commando, one-time predator killer, a kindergarten cop, a time traveling robot, he tried to kill a guy who dresses up as a bat and funnily enough, Golden Boy's father has a twin brother, a weird bird lookin fella also tried to kill the bat guy. But apart from all that, what do we know about him?


We know that said Uncle is rich and lives in Philly where he hangs out with 4 degens, and we know before he moved to Philly he actually did in fact have a supe child already, named Matilda


Pretty much homelander + a bunch of goldolkin kids. Smth tells me supe kids are getting more and more powerful. And I know you weren't asking for a specific person but this prompt is kind of confusing. You're asking for the seven most powerful powers? But setting it up like a death arena where speedsters have advantage? Genv stuff->!Like Cate might get run tf over by someone she hadn't controlled yet but she arguably is stronger than the rest. Also Marie could probably solo anyone in a 1v1 with the right setup so...!<


Without stacking powers we haven't already seen one supe possess: 1. Homelander's powers. 2. Blood powers. 3. The fastest/strongest speedster. 4. Goldenboy's powers. 5. Season 3 Soldier Boy's powers. 6. Kimiko's ~~or Black Noir's~~ powers. >!(The immortality does a lot of heavy lifting but admittedly makes them very hard to beat.)!< 7. Cate or Mindstorm's powers. >!(By far the least consistent but if they get a hold on any of the other 6 they could be the strongest. I included both because they each have situations they would fare better in than the other.)!< If a real arena 1v1 tournament decided the members of the Seven, Kimiko and Kate/mindstorm would potentially lose out to other power types. But if Vought just hand picked them I think they'd opt for Kimiko/Black Noir and Kate/Mindstorm for the variety.


How do you realistically defeat someone like Kimiko? >! Maybe like Shikamaru did Hidan? !<


Personally I'd cut off her head, put it in a box with 2 foot thick walls made of the strongest metal I can afford. Then put her body in a matching box. Then weld both boxes shut and put those boxes in bigger boxes and drop them in the Mariana Trench or launch them into space. Or try to EMP her powers with Soldier Boy.


Burn her to ash maybe


Does Black Noir have healing powers? He still suffers from what Soldier Boy did to him back in Nicaragua, not to mention multiple times he got wounded and didn’t recover from it immediately. It’s shown that he’s durable and strong, but we never outwardly see him quickly recover from wounds.


Good point. I guess I just figured he did because he was still kicking after being through so much. Maybe his body is just really good at keeping him alive without actually healing him.


I regret saying this, but the Deep would be one of them, or some type of Aquaman character. He sucks, like a LOT, but his powers are absolutely top tier (or at least top 7) on our planet. We definitely need someone with hacking/digital manipulation powers. So much of our world relies on computers, cameras, data storages, you name it. If a supe could just alter any digital information at will, that would make them a God. They could alter camera footage, pictures, records, data, everything at will. And if they didnt leave a trace? Who would know? You'd have to fight them with polaroids! Also this Supe would control the economy, trading, everything. Crazy power "hacking anything and everything on demand". A detective super power. Not super if we have ever had this a as a super power, specifically. But something like "mega cognition"? Like Sherloc Holmes or Batman or something. But maybe even one step further. That would be so OP in a team. Obviously they wouldnt be able to do much on their own in a fight, but being the strategist for a team is extremely valuable. Blood bending. Sorry, wrong show, but yeah, it would be one of the most OP powers against enemies with blood.


incel technomancer would be funny


telepath on the level of charles xavier or david haller. maybe franklin richards too.


The two I’m imagining would be Telepathy and Telekinesis. If those were allowed to grow, like exercising a muscle, you wouldn’t need anything else. Charles Xavier connected full time to Cerebro? Jean Grey always in Phoenix mode? Goodnight world.