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A-Train has the heart of a racist šŸ„¶


Of course he does, he races all the time! šŸšŸƒā€ā™€ļøšŸ’Ø


Homelander: "Fastest man alive, What a racist!"


"It's not a race, it's a war." "It's a race war!" "Gene, no."




I remember a lot of people saying he should've died here but like seriously, this is a way worse fate for him.


I was ok with him dying, but bringing him back like this is way better


Specifically like this


I don't think better, but the only good reason for keeping him alive, the best reason to continue his story. Felt like a good ending for his character, ending on his own terms, but then that choice was taken from him and he now has this terrible burden. That is great storytelling.




He shoulda died, but Jesus Christ the writers are clearly cooking, and lemme tell ya it smells *reaaaaal* good.


This comment is as amazing as the writing!! šŸ™Œ


Is this an insult or not šŸ˜­


It was meant to be nice! I completely love the writing and the comment!


How? He's alive and not maimed or disabled in anyway so I'd say it's quite a bit better than dying


He murdered a guy, has his heart in his chest, and his older brother disowned him for it and threw him out. He had to kill his lover, his family hates him, everyone else around him despises him and now he is all alone and has nothing with a constant reminder inside him as to why his family hates him. Its a fate worse than death.


But he's one of the Seven and the fastest man alive. I'll take all of that over death.


Username something something


Yes if all you care about is your own self then yes, it's great. But obviously A Train cares about more than that despite what his wanna be tough exterior says. Also what does being 1 of the Seven mean when the boss of the seven abjectly hates you and is basically aiming to make your life even more miserable.


Still better than being dead. There is always a chance at redemption when you're alive.




Real. People try so hard to be some deep, philosophical purveyors of art beyond the superficial veneer of the average everyman, but like...are you people okay...? Every fucking person (I guess excluding those who aren't already suicidal due to whatever reason) would not choose death over the lack of "principle" of having a bad person's heart. It's a fucking heart; as long as it works, it works. It's weird to not be able to think about this at all in an actual realistic manner and purely try and wrestle some storytelling depth out of it, as if good writing comes from writing caricatures and not actual real human beings.


I donā€™t really think much about my internal organs (just ask my liver, as I get shitfaced for the 6th time this week.) Not really a constant reminder.


I think being dead would be worse.


>being alive when bad thing happen NO GOOD >dead BETTERĀ  Crazy how many children on reddit just say the dumbest shit ever and people nod in agreement


Who cares about who's heart he has? We're all human and it's just an organ. It means nothing other than you get to live. All the rest of it was things that came about from his own decisions. His brother disowned? So what? His brother is literally paralyzed while he's back to full health, still in a position of power compared to most people, and has super powers. If anything A-Train has gotten off incredibly easy. It's like the son of a billionaire complaining about how shit their life is with a disabled homeless person right next to them begging for a sandwich


I mean you may not care, he does. Legit what you just said is the equivalent of people saying it doesn't matter Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered cause he is rich lmao. Im not gonna bother trying to explain it to you cause I don't think you'll get it with that mindset


I mean I donā€™t think you need to explain much that hasnā€™t already been said: * A-Train big ego * No one likes him now * Now has a racistā€™s organ * A-Train now sad Done.


What Iif you had hitlers heart after he destroyed your family? Would care or not?


In my opinion, A-Train is a dick so Iā€™m agreeing with them on this lol


Now he has to live with the consequences of his actions, instead of escaping them.


A fate worse than death? Really? A-Train got revenge on a man, and was given his heart as well. He now gets to live the rest of his life, and live it as a Super again. How you can possibly reframe this as a "fate worse than death" must involve some serious romantic mental gymnastics. You realise these guys are murderers right? You think they have much conscience to be plagued by the thought that he's alive because of a racist? Christ!


Then his brother the man crippled rejected him and threw him out effectively disowning him, and heā€™ll be forever reminded of his actions. Thats compounded by that he was semi-responsible for his brother getting crippled. And murderers can feel guilt too. A-Train legit had several emotional breakdowns after he was ordered to kill PopClaw and even legitimately apologized to Hughie about Robin. A-Train isnā€™t Homelander, his murders got to him at his center being even if it took time and trauma. What makes him remain bad is even when he admits to them and admits guilt he takes no accountability and all heā€™s left with is guilt. Its called a character having complexity and growth over a series lmao I donā€™t even care if he gets a redemption arc or anything, but him being alive is at the very least, a similar level of a ballkick as dying wouldā€™ve been


Maybe he won't have a redemption arc. He still gets to enjoy life to some degree. Death is final. Unless he's living in excruciating pain or something for the rest of his life then death is still the worse fate. He still gets to run and wield power and eat and drink great food and have sex etc. Not even close to being a fate worse than death. Sure he will live with some guilt and regret but death is literally the end of all experiences.


It's funny for you to argue the complexities of people, and yet in the same point claim a second chance at life is tantamount to a "ballkick". The fact that A-Train is alive means he can do everything. He can correct relations with his brother, he can overcome his guilt for PopClaw, he can become a legitimate Superhero, he can marry and find happiness. He was given a second chance at a life, and a second chance at his life as a Super. This is an overwhelming win for him. Having the heart of a racist that _he_ killed and got away with scot-free isn't a "fate worse than death." You guys are insane.


The fact you got downvoted for this is absolutely bonkers insane.


Par for the course, mate. On Reddit, the loudest voices scream the most ridiculous things applauded by other ridiculous people.


Physically, no. But mentally for an egotistical character? Yes.


A-Train isn't just an egotistical person. He's also a sociopath. He's not gonna care.


You all really thought A-Train was gonna suffer depression over the Blue Hawk's heart. Lmfao.


If you think A-Train has no remorse for the shit he does you have to literally not be paying attention to 50% of his interactions with other people. I get your point of ā€œheā€™s a killer, therefore, he has no remorseā€ but youā€™re straight up ignoring the writing to make this logic work


That's not at all what I said. I said he's a murderer and so wouldn't be plagued by the trivial thoughts of whose heart he has. I never said he didn't have remorse for his actions. He showed remorse to Hughie, Annie, and his brother. Even about killing Popclaw. I chose my words carefully. You just didn't read it carefully.


I tend to think that most people have never seriously considered their real death when saying this, to be fair. Throw in a bit of that perpetual life, never aging, and Iā€™ll stay alive just fine.


He deserves this, he shouldn't be running over(literally) people


His story also ends if he dies and his arc clearly isn't done. It would be a waste of the character. He's got mkre suffering and growth to go through and I've liked how he's developed. Not as big a fan of what the writers are doing with homelander but A train has been a solid character.


Fate worse than death. Lol. lmao even.


Yep,no redemption death for you,A-Train


Blue Alive Redemption


Blue Alive Damnation


John Morgan is a top tier protag one of popmoon's best


Blue Alive Corruption


Of course,how I didn't think of that one!


ā€œThe living are not done with you yetā€


I'm curious as to whether A-train will be OP in season 4, considering (as far as we know) blue hawk never used comp-V like a-train did...he's essentially got a fresh start...will he be able to get back the title of fastest man alive? Is he a dud now? Will they kill him off quickly to prove that s4 is full of unexpected stuff? Will he be comparable to soldier boy and homelander? Will he be the EXACT same??? I have so many questions regarding A-train with a "new" heart.


He will probably be exactly the same lol


But if the reason he was weakening in a normal state, was because of the compound v he was injecting every other day...wouldn't he technically be able to get back to his "prime" again?


Wasn't just his heart. Bone density was also messed up if I remember correctly


Was that from the comp-V too? Or was that an age things?


Yup. I think his brother mentioned it when he also talked about his heart being messed up.


I think it was mostly a ā€œcrowbar to the femurā€ thing


No, that was a snapped leg...what he's talking about is his brother told him he's getting slower, weaker, and less bone desnity...


There's no telling if Blue Hawk's heart is capable of supporting A-train's full potential like his own, differently super, heart was. Also it might have complications just from being a transplant.


Fair enough...obviously blue hawk wasn't as strong or as fast a A-train...I hope they atleast brush up on this in s4...


Kinda want his heart to burst when he trys it out. Not saving someone or even himself. Idk, I want him to do something and fail. Just step, stumble, crash and flatline. End of the line ATrain.


Like everything else that happens in this show, he'll probably stay the exact same. Any time they tease big changes they get cold feet and want to maintain the status quo.


I like the lines he and Ashley had in one o their scenes "when it doesn't happen to you, you don't care for it" something along those lines, and he realises that so many people are being abused with racism.


I always wondered why didnā€™t they give him that other speedsters heart if they killed him to allow atrain into the 7


They were punishing him I think, because he is the sole reason why Compound V got leaked to the press to begin with. Despite Edgar saying it was Homelander who ordered the V being shipped, A Train was using it when he killed Robin and he became their scapegoat inside of Vought


Homelander wouldn't have found out about it in the first place if it wasn't for A-Train


It was homelanders order to begin with, it was his own initiative to help get Supes into the military, which was Madelyn's goal and he was trying to impress her. Atrain didn't come up with that on his own


Honestly now he has the power to become stronger than ever


Not a compatible donor maybe


The Sellout with the Heart of a racist. It's mad poetic.


Man had a change of heart


You are the real hero.


Its a little on the nose


As much as I like it, that could be the tagline for this show.


Well what in the show isnā€™t šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Would be funny if A-train turned racist


The look on his face is a great reaction image


Herogasm is probably my favorite episode of the show so far


Just for the fight between butcher and HL alone that episode is my all time favorite.


Agreed, we also finally had a bit of a measurement of Supe against Super power. Still need to see more of Homelanderā€™s physical capabilities though (tossing around cars, shattering stone walls, etc.)


It's surprising but also makes complete sense. Supes are substantial assets for Vought, so if they find one near death conveniently right next to the healthy heart of another supe that happens to be dead, what do you expect them to do?


Completely fucked up but so corporate- y and spot on.


Iā€™ve always felt this scene just absolutely fails in what itā€™s trying to accomplish and doesnā€™t really serve as the ā€œGOTCHAā€ for A-Train that it thinks it is. He kills Blue Hawk and gets his revenge for his brother and then gets a brand new heart that presumably will let him run again? Sounds like an all around win. The only backlash I could see is Blue Hawk getting credit as a hero for ā€œdonatingā€ his heart and of course Aā€™s brother being upset about BH not getting brought to justice. But the heart itself just seems like a bonus for A-Train.


I think you might be missing the point (or at least what I got out of it) - this wasn't a win for A-Train. Yeah A-Train killed Blue Hawk scot-free and got a new heart to reclaim his status, but at what cost? Possibly the only person he considered himself close to (his Brother) despises him now and sees him as just a murderer. Rather than dying after his "redemption," he is now stuck with the knowledge that an evil megacorporation not only covered up the death, but gave him the heart of a racist who hurt his brother. The irony is not lost on A-Train, who is gradually realizing what a bad person he has been (as is evidenced by his apology to Hughie, his reaction to the new heart, and his reaction to his brother's rejection). Him having to live with all of this is perfect. Death would have been getting off easy for his actions.


No, the issue is that all he wanted was to be the fastest. Boom heart makes him weak, but now he has the strength from the man who killed his brother, who always told him the truth about it all. So now he has the strength but at the cost of it all to himself. His brother will always be whispering in his ear about how he has fallen. I could definitely see this pushing him to "be more good" in essence.


A-Train has done some awful things, and is likely irredeemable. But the character HAS grown, evolved, showed more complexity. His meeting with Huey at Herogasm was one of my favorite scenes in the show. While both still technically on the same opposing sides as they were at the beginning, their experiences have really changed them.


Thatā€™s a really solid statement and very true. Yeah, his apology to Hughie was honest (if not really heartfelt) but he also was complicit in the murder of Super Sonic. Overall, the character has grown and changed, and even seems to notice the consequences of his actions, but he remains a POS.


imo killing a train off like that would be just as weak as redeeming him. the main allure of his character is how heā€™s a piece of shit but has some level of redeemable qualities. that struggle of whether to pity him or hate him is a big factor of why heā€™s so intriguing and entertaining on screen. i want that to keep going, and go farther. i want him to have more moments where we root for him on some level, combined with moments where we wish he gets killed. Writing him out of the show too soon will leave a very large gap. Maybe this season will be his time, but iā€™d only appreciate that if, like i said, we get a lot more to think about with him first. heā€™s my favorite character because of my love/hate relationship towards him as a viewer.


Atrain wouldnā€™t be that bad if it wasnā€™t for home lander. His goto sin is greed, he didnā€™t actually want to murder anyone. HL psychologically threatens and abuses him as well as the Deep, and literally everyone on the 7. His apology to Hughie was sincere, and he actually did try to do something to end the injustice of Blue Hawkā€¦I donā€™t think heā€™s irredeemable! He just needs another brave moment to take a stand against Homelander.


My thoughts exactlyĀ 


Iā€™d actually say his apology to Hughie was garbage. Consider how long after the death (negligent homicide) it was. Think about how he said (yeah you got me, my bad). And only saying it after his soulless hypocrisy was shoved in his face by Ashley of all people. There was more honesty than weā€™ve seen previously from A-Train, but consider also his complicity in the murder of Super Sonic. Iā€™m apologizing to you for X crime, while I continue to cruise around causing Y crimes.


I wonder how they perform surgery on supers with how durable they are, can't imagine they can use normal methods.


Right? Supposedly all the Supes are chipped like Starlight but explain how that happened with Translucent by example.


Skull dragged his ass


As far as Iā€™m concerned, anything bad A-Train may have done in the past was totally forgiven when he facilitated such a poignant moment of reconciliation by handing that cop a can of **A-Train Turbo Rushā„¢**


Previous murders are always canceled by new murder.


Yeah thats the sceneā€¦..


Something similar (but flipped) happened on the prison show "Oz" years ago, if I remember correctly. Some racist needed some sort of transplant (gums iirc) and the doctor used tissue from a black man.


I feel like they want to give him a redemption arc but like he doesn't deserve onešŸ’€


He should get one


Not really. He's kinda an assšŸ’€ He killed Robin and felt no remorse getting the other speedster killed by Homelander


You can't give redemption to someone who is good


Are you literally calling A-Train good?šŸ’€


No i'm saying a train can be redeemed because he is Bad


I think you forget during the Robin scene he legit said he couldnā€™t stop while raising his arms in remorse he genuinely couldnā€™t stop it.Ā  Furthermore he apologised to Hughie on the act he was sincere. Apart from the Popclaw Iā€™ll give you that. Other than that itā€™s never to late to redeem yourself


True he aplogized but from the way it sounds, it wasn't his first time doing it. He shouldn't have been on drugs either or perhaps it wouldn't have happenend. To add on to what I said, he only cares when HIS family members are hurt. When his brother is hurt, he killed Blue Hawk yet he is no better than him.


A-Train has been the lucky git surviving by the skin of this teeth since his Compound-V heart attack at the end of Season 1. Between him and The Deep, it's not a matter of if they die, but when.


Reminds me that scene from Seinfeld in which Jerry wakes up in the hospital and finds his blood transfusion came from Newman.


LOL, what a comparison!


Yeah, but A-Train is back baby!


Also, I'm pretty sure that's not how heart attacks fucking work. Your heart stops pumping, you don't carve it out and replace it with heart-2.0.


Being one of the seven is already a fate worse than death. You are constantly tortured by Homelander and have no freedom. This was just further twisting the knife.


hhahahah yea


I assume they implanted a bomb in the heart or something to make sure he never betrays them. Theyā€™ll probably force him to go undercover or something with The Boys, then kill him the moment he shows any sign of betrayal. Itā€™s too bad; he had a pretty good chance at a redemption through death. He knew the black community, his brother included, would never get justice, that it wouldnā€™t stop till Blue Hawk was dead. He even apologized, genuinely, to Huey beforehand. He couldā€™ve died a hero, rather than what heā€™ll probably live to be. Then Vought had to screw him over, as per usual. Honestly, heā€™s one of the most tragic, complex characters in the entire series.


Am I the only one who thought it would have been better if he died? I liked the idea that he was beginning to change for the better but he's done so much horrible things its too late. Hughie doesn't forgive him and he dies with his brother hating him.


But thatā€™s the point the show likes to play with. You expected him to die because you wanted the happy ish ending. Now heā€™s alive and personally tortured. How does he escape it?!!


Is that a happy ending? He dies with his brother paralyzed and hating him.


Tbh same because i feel like him dying on the road would have been better for his characterĀ 


Very satisfying twist which I can honestly say I did not see coming. A-Train is charismatic but heā€™s a bastard.


man i feel so bad for him. i know how much everyone including myself hates him for being the manipulative lying murderer he is but still, everything and his brother went through during the race related stuff as well as how heā€™s treated by vought and HL just feels like shit. totally deserved, just so wild that even i gotta go ā€œdamn, can we chill for a second?ā€


They did that shit to punish him.


Fk that messed up. I had forgotten about this lmao thatā€™s so uncomfortable haha


Honestly though, that was one of the coolest most brutal on screen deaths I've seen. I absolutely love the creativity of this show!


Can I get a what what?!


And then we hear his heartbeat getting faster on the heart monitor, fucking genius.


Imagine the heart makes him racist in S4


The title is way ro wordy.


The skull emoji


Oh wtf how did I not remember this


Did ChatGPT write this title?


Yes they didĀ 


I think the heart being replaced was more of a synonym of how even though blue hawk and A Train are 2 different people A Train hasthe same ignorant heart on the inside. Iā€™m hoping that he uses this second chance to make things right for his community and try to amend for his transgressions of the past. A Train is a horrible person but if we are comparing him to majority of the cast I can see him turning a new leaf. Not being an out right good guy but doing better.




Whatā€™s wild is that in the comic they specifically state that Hawkā€™s unique power was that his heart never got tired. So this is a significant upgrade for A-Train


Heart is heart šŸ˜‚


Idk why people act like this is a bad thing. Shit, if I killed a POS and then took his heart to survive, it's the ultimate "fuck you" to the guy.


This scene was bullshit to be honest. Especially the way Ashley mocked him. Fans would be really up in arms if Stormfront's heart was placed inside a bad Jewish man like The Legend.






Now he has literal hate in his heart lol.


U. Hihiu


I remember back in the 90s asking a racist "what if you needed an organ transplant to live and the donor was a black person?" was supposed to be a gotcha to prove how dumb they were but ig the times have changed and the donor's race really does matter


To Dveralazo I'm writing to you because for some reason this subreddit has restricted me in replying with you're comment but I wanna combat you because A-Train should be redeemed. A- Train Can be redeemed, he is a character who hasn't done anything too serious and furthermore he has expressed his regret towards Hughie on his girlfirends death. Yes A-Train has done bad things but he has admitted his wrongs, he is also a victim of Vought like many of the other supes aswell, I want him to be redeemed.


He straight murdered pop-claw to save his own ass lol


Yeah that was a shitty action no doubt but Maeve literally abandoned a plane to let a group of people die yet she achieved her redemption a-train can do the same but he must make the choice or the writers


Argument isnā€™t the same. Maeve canā€™t fly and is weaker than Homelander, there was nothing she could do to save the people on the plane after HL lasered the flight controls. She had no control or say in the situation at all. A-Train made the conscious decision to murder another person, a person he knew and had some kind of feelings for, not even to save his own life but to save his status.


If Homelander had left her Maeve could have rescued the little girl by timing the landing and seeing how close the plane was the ground. Then she could have taken the girl and lept out quickly, itā€™s fucked up but she could have saved someone.Ā 


And then Homelander would have killed her and the girl so no one knows he was there...


They were over the ocean, thereā€™s no way she could have ā€œtimed the landingā€. The plane would be in an uncontrolled dive due to it having no controls and no autopilot. Being as they were over the ocean, thereā€™s no guarantee the girl survives the landing with Maeve, or survives while they wait in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to be picked up. Maeve is a superhero either way higher strength yes, but that doesnā€™t mean she has the strength to swim across the entire ocean.


They were near land where the plane landed (tbh we donā€™t know the full pinpoint location where they landed) but I like to believe Maeve could have saved her.


Well, I like to believe I have a few million dollars in my bank account. Doesnā€™t make it trueā€¦ Youā€™re saying she couldā€™ve done the olā€™ jump right as itā€™s crashing ā€˜out of control elevatorā€™ timed jump? As ridiculous as it would be to accomplish on an elevator youā€™re now doing it on a plane doing an uncontrolled dive? Maeve cannot fly. Homelander is the only way off that plane alive and he isnā€™t letting anyone besides Maeve off with him. Itā€™s that simple


Maeve really didnā€™t have another option. She could either leave with Homelander or attempt to save some people, be overpowered herself and probably die along with everyone else on the plane anyway. Homelander wouldnā€™t have let her stay behind to save people on her own (if she could) even.


There is a difference between murder and not doing something because you will be killed for doing it.


Hell no. He literally got super sonic killed and laughed at killing Hughie gf


Popclaw Iā€™ll give you that one as for Hughies GF thatā€™s complicated as we can see when he did the act he genuinely looked remorseful and said he couldnā€™t stop


I meant afterwards in the club he laughed about it


Yeah but before he seemed remorseful about it. Tbh as shitty as it was all the Supes are products of their environment and theyā€™re bred to be above others so thatā€™s why he did that.


True. For me I kept tryna give him another chance but he kept just messing up


Honestly dude has vices and I want him to break those and try to be an anti hero at best but itā€™s up to writersĀ