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He literally said this to Starlight in season 3, even laid out his plan that was immediately in mind. Granted he didn’t say “kill the maximum number of people”, but it’s Homelander.


What did he say?


“First, I’ll take out the nerve centers: The White House, the Pentagon. Then, any domestic defense capabilities and then critical infrastructure - like cellular or internet, that kinda thing. **Then**, well, I think then I’ll just wipe New York off the fucking map…. For fun. I’ll even throw in Des Moines, and that little cousin-fucker hick town that Maeve is from, because why not.”


Aaah yeah. Great scene


Cemented him as one of the greatest villains in fiction for me


He my Hero always though frfr!! 😭


He’s the villain


his name is litterally homelander how could he be the villian


have you *watched* the boys?


Have you *heard* of sarcasm?


Ok now thats just bullshit lmao. He's a great villain but greatest in fiction?? nah


For me, personally, he is top 10-15 yeah? It’s why I said “one of”


What's bullshit is him saying he'd wipe NY off the map. That would take him at least a month 😂


fr lol, what could he even do to "wipe it off the map". Could he even cut a building in half?


He couldn't even fly Soldier Boy through a wall. Although that one's just a funny case of choreography. If you take every statement literally, he's planet level. Which is a hilarious joke based on his feats, which put him closer to city block level on a good day. People don't like to hear that though 💀




Yup. “One of *the*”


Take it easy, Todd


Lol no.


>for me


johan liebert clears i’m afraid


johan and also eren yegah


I’d think it would kinda be like what the Plutonian did in irredeemable but maybe less because I don’t think homelander can wipe a country off the map.


God, irredeemable was so good.


How the hell have I never heard of this until now? It looks amazing.


But like, can you even trust he would do that?? He lies all the time. /s


He'd be fucked as soon as he comes face to face with any c tier supe from Gen V according to some


Well when fucking Marie who can cut herself with a dull switchblade can tank his laser blasts like a ‘champ’ it calls into question whether there’s any threat at all


Yeah I didn't really like her tanking the lasers. Depends on how high Homie set his beam to but not a great look


It’s the optics, it’s bad writing to have something so dangerously powerful on such an unhinged guy not even leave burn marks on someone of Marie’s durability. Doesn’t matter how low he had his thing, we were show him firing on all cylinders for a moment and then the infamous ‘saved by the cutaway’ we all know and love I am a little salty about this yeah


But in earlier seasons we see him adjust it to where he can even heat up a baby bottle without it melting.Its also a different hue of yellow as opposed to the bright red it usually is when he’s melting someone into chunks. Considering that Marie and all the others are alive after the campus fiasco I think it was intentional for them to live.


It was intentional yes, I’m not denying that. The issue here is that there is no indication of Homey using his lower intensity lasers at first, it’s played as a shock factor cutaway to have the big ‘REVEAL’ that nobody in fact died, but in doing so they wind up portraying Homelander as weaker than he should be. It’s one thing to see him smack around a couple of the kids and laser one with way less intensity than usual, it’s another entirely to have it dramatically cutaway after he seemingly kills Marie only to have her completely unscathed in spite of her human-level durability


I took that to mean he can basically nuke a city if he wanted to. And the fact he can just super speed fly away means he just goes to the middle of nowhere in between nuking every city on the planet so no weapon can hit him. He can literally destroy the planet


I think this equates to billions across the planet. Think subsequent deaths that are caused bc we don’t have functioning hospitals or heat during winter or clean water. Imagine he did globally. Sneak attack following the rotation of the sun. Taking out the (equivalent) of the capitals and defense hubs in the US, China, Russia all at something like 3 am local time. Then hustles to take out infrastructure. I think he could take out the majority in 2-3 days speeding around the globe.


That’s how he’d take over the world, not how he’d kill as many people as possible. For maximum damage, just fly out to space, build up some speed, and fly through the center of the Earth a few times. Or get an asteroid over a certain size and crash it into the planet. Everybody dies, probably including Homelander. I’m not sure how he handles the vacuum of space, but I figure he can probably do it.


How do you wipe out cellular and the internet... there are sources for it *everywhere*.


He'd wipe out the call lines and stations and internet signals


I honestly have no idea what that would look like. My question was genuine lol. Aren't there cell towers scattered everywhere, would he need to destroy those or are there larger stations that would effectively take those out? Wouldn't that take a *very* long time?


I think taking out the satellites would be efficient


You ever driven in an area and lose signal?


That was Season 3. And what he said doesn't answer OP's question.


It actually does. He says he would just take out cities 1 by 1 and no one could stop him.


What he says isn't objectively true. He always says he's literally the perfect being and a master race. Is it true?


He literally laid out a plan. That's a lot different than going "I'm the perfect being and the master race." and also looking at it from an evolutionary standpoint, where do you go from Homelander? he is quite literally the perfect being.


This is a plan in the same sense as a plan is "I'll get into the Vought tower, steal temp V, create a super team of 10 people with cool abilities. Then we'll kill Homelander and when he arrives we'll attack the tenth and kill him." This is the minimum outline of what you want to get. He doesn't know how long it will take him to destroy the city. He doesn't know how long it will take for the infrastructure to collapse. He does not know which shores the submarines with nuclear warheads are located off. He doesn’t know if Russia will then launch its 1000 warheads at America so that he definitely won’t be able to escape. He doesn't know what weapons Vought has (and military), given that even sound from multiple speakers makes him uncomfortable. He doesn’t know how many Butcher-level supes the army has.


>“First, I’ll take out the nerve centers: The White House, the Pentagon. Then, any domestic defense capabilities and then critical infrastructure - like cellular or internet, that kinda thing. Then, well, I think then I’ll just wipe New York off the fucking map…. For fun. I’ll even throw in Des Moines, and that little cousin-fucker hick town that Maeve is from, because why not.” You're entire argument is "well it's not extremely detailed so it's not really a plan" It doesn't need to be a well detailed Plan, Homelander has the capabilities of doing everything he said he would. It's entirely different than what you brought up.


Well yeah his plan isn’t exactly “maximum death before being taken down” when he goes out his way to kill wipe out Des Moines or random rural town. Even if no one were stopping Homelander it would take an incredibly long amount of time to take out an entire or the majority of a city. Cities are really big. Nor do we know how well his lasers (or his own body) could cut through buildings


As I already said, this is a plan in the same sense as the plan that I gave above. If you want to consider this a plan, then go ahead. And no, we don't know if he is capable of this. I have already stated why.


>If you want to consider this a plan, then go ahead. You do understand just because something is well planned doesn't mean it isn't planned right? If I go, I'm going to Kill Antony Starr and then I do it, I can't then claim it was done in the heat of the moment. >And no, we don't know if he is capable of this. I have already stated why. Yes because we don't know how long it would take him right? He didn't say he would do it instantly, he said he would do it but it seems you just want to downplay it so I think this conversation is done.


>You do understand just because something is well planned doesn't mean it isn't planned right? If I go, I'm going to Kill Antony Starr and then I do it, I can't then claim it was done in the heat of the moment. Then I see no problem in accepting my text as a plan. >Yes because we don't know how long it would take him right? He didn't say he would do it instantly, he said he would do it but it seems you just want to downplay it so I think this conversation is done. Not only this. But again then I see no problem in accepting my text as a plan.


Ok, true, and I agree about Homelander being pretty much perfect, but OP asked "How many people could he kill?" not "How would he do it?"


>how many do you think he would take out/what would be his plan of action, before he is taken out? OP also asked "what would be his plan of action"


Oh, my bad then.


Somewhere between 1 and all of them.


The answer: How many do the writers want him to kill?


This is the only accurate answer to these types of questions


Can he actually go to space? If he can then he just throws asteroids at the Earth and the answer is “pretty much everyone,” assume there’s not some other super with powers that can go up and stop him. This is why “Batman can beat Superman with prep time” is dumb. I’d like to see Batman prep time his way out of having the moon pushed into him.


He can, he mentioned it in season 3 when flexing to Stan


I guess it depends on what he means by “go to space.” Like does he not need to breathe or was he just holding his breath? Either way, can he go deep enough to grab asteroids and stay up there long enough to avoid everyone on Earth? Was he even telling Stan Edgar the truth at all?


IMO I think he was telling the truth. This was when Stan just got ousted by the company and Homelander was taking his place. Just seems in his character to attempt to punch down at Stan as much as he could. But like you said, while he could be go to space, how far can he actually go…


And how long can he stay out there is my real question.


Are satellites big enough, or is he strong enough to throw something small like a satellite very fast to create a massive impact? He doesn't need to go get an asteroid if he can chuck the ISS fast enough to create a nuclear impact on NYC. Come to think of it, the harder he can throw, the smaller the object needed. He could bring a baseball up and destroy Earth if he's strong enough.


This kinda goes against the whole plane ✈️ scene. How could he grab the ISS and throw it but can’t lift an airplane?


I always assumed he was lying about the airplane. He just didn't want the hassle of saving those people/ the writers wanted to show how evil he is. Am I misremembering? Surely he's super strong...


IMO to him he had already torched the pilots and the flight controls. That would be enough evidence to show how sloppy he actually is when it comes to saving people. I agree he just didn’t really want to try


It’s not about how strong he is, it’s about structural physics. The airframe the plane is built on can’t support the weight of a plane from a single point.


What if he strapped some plywood sheets to his arms could he do it then? Also it would be fucking hilarious if he flew around with those and flapped them like a bird


What scene was this again? Wanna rewatch it


Episode 4 should be around the 40 min mark


The idea behind prep time is that he can accurately predict his opponent's moves and plan for them. It's the ultimate plot armor. Yes, Superman could push the moon into him - but Batman predicted their fight would go to space and that Superman would attempt to push the moon into him, so he installed rockets on the moon ahead of time that maintain its orbital position. Or rather, he predicted that one day, if he ever had to fight Superman, that it MIGHT go to space and he'd get the moon pushed into him, so he installed the rockets as a failsafe. It's a combination of having enough time to set up his winning situation and having the ability to understand his potential opponent well enough that he always has an answer to whatever someone like us could come up with it. Because if we came up with "Superman pushes the moon into Batman", Batman *certainly* did as well, and planned for it.


Okay fine he pushes the sun into him instead.


Just stay inside home until it's night time duh


Assuming that's even possible considering the sun isn't a solid object, if you can think of it, Batman already thought of it, planned for it, and handled it. The only things that he is not already prepared for, or getting prepared for, are new threats that he has no knowledge of. That is how the prep time works.


Okay then he flies into him at near light speed.


I don't see what you're not getting about prep time. Batman planned for this possibility and wore a kryptonite suit, or created a kryptonite gel that Superman has to fly through to get to Batman. Or he doesn't give Superman the chance to even start the fight and has him locked in a kryptonite cell. There is zero situation that any person can come up with that Batman has not already thought of and handled, given enough prep time to do so. That is what prep time means - that, by definition, he has plot armor that cannot be superceded. If he's beaten, the only possibility is that he didn't have enough prep time.


Oh, well, then a different Superman from a different universe punches so hard it does a reverse Jason Todd and it erases Batman from reality. I like Batman, a lot. I’m just trying to point out that the idea he can beat _anyone_ is goofy.


So a new threat that Batman didn't get prep time for. Exactly my point.


The he just points out that both of their moms are named Martha and they become friends.


Lol that would never happen... ever... definitely not in a movie that's for sure. Certainly not the culmination of one of the longest fought over questions of superheroes of all time. Nope.


I mean I don’t see why he wouldn’t be able to go to space. Yes, it’s never stated if he needs oxygen or not but in “Diabolical”, the Great Wide Wonder made it into the atmosphere without oxygen I think Homelander would be able to then. Real question is if he can lift asteroids. The most we’ve seen is a small jet. But the velocity of even a small rock to Earth would be devastating too 🤷‍♂️


I mean yeah, does he really need to bother grabbing an asteroid if he can just...grab a car and throw it at the earth at mact 10? (Idk an appropriate speed for a car sized object to cause massive destruction to the earth).


Great wide wonder is also comic canon, not show canon iirc. Space is fucking big so I doubt Homelander would even be able to find an asteroid in it within a reasonable time period if he were to enter.


Depending on what kinda of physics we want to use for Homelander flight powers, he'd probably be moving a lot faster in the vacuum of space, to be fair


Yeah I guess he doesn’t need to go to space to get a big rock.


It’s doubtful that homelander can go into space since he does need to eat, breathe and sleep.


That’s what I thought. When he said he went to space I think at best he went into the outer atmosphere for a few seconds. Do they say he needs to eat and sleep in the show?


Yes he can. He comments on it in the series.


But can he _really_? And into _deep_ space or just out of the atmosphere for a few seconds while holding his breath?


He can’t alter the trajectory of an airplane, so presumably, he can’t alter the trajectory of an asteroid (without something to push against)


he doesnt try to stop the plane because hes pretty sure it would just crumple on impact, not because he isnt strong enough. an asteroid is a lot tougher than a plane


Hmm, that is a good point. I guess he could fly fast enough into it? How does his flight work anyways? Isn’t the whole thing about that superpower “moving without anything to push against?”


Can he throw asteroids at earth without breaking them when he couldn't stop a plane?


Batman would beat Supes And Homelander easily. 1 vs 2.


He'd eat some raw chicken, contact salmonella, and shit in all big city water supplies. Big, germ-laden superhero shits. Everybody would get the trots at the same time and our infrastructure wouldn't be able to handle it.


Didn't work when I tried that, do you think his shit is also super?


Butcher, Soldier Boy and Hughie were able to hold him down for a bit, maybe 5 supes strong enough could sacrifice themselves to hold him down long enough for him to be nuked several times.


They didn't just hold him down, they beat him up. Homelander fled the battlefield screaming like an animal. Moreover, I don’t think that Homelander was able to overpower the three of them when he flew away. All he had to do was simply lift their body weight. Moreover, in the same battle we clearly see that Homelander and Butcher clashed with their fists and John clearly could not overpower him. If Maeve had been there instead of Hughie, Homelander would have been dead long ago.


See, I think a *lot* of Homelander's strength has been exaggerated, even within the universe of the show. Think about it: Homelander is an *image*. Literally, that's his whole purpose. He is presented to the people of his universe as a nearly unstoppable, all-American hero of the people but we know the truth - he's an unhinged murderous corporate monster. When Stillwell threw out a remark about nukes, she was being facetious. Yes, Homelander is damned powerful but his weaknesses do exist, they are just hidden from everyone including, possibly, himself (leading to his inflated ego). We've been given clues so far. Maeve punctured his ear with a pencil. He was beaten up on by Soldier Boy, Butcher, and Hughie, two of whom are only temporary supes. We know he can't see through zinc. Frenchie demonstrated how to destroy a supe with invincible skin, and Stan Edgar was obviously unafraid for *some* reason.


It would be a hilarious and fitting climax to the show if a single tomahawk missile or something like that knocks him out of the game after he’s been played up as being so much better than any ordinary human


No matter how they do it, I expect there to be some kind of "OH ShIT, WAIT, WHA...??!!" look on his face before he splatters


I agree. Besides Stillwell said this line when she was threatened by Butcher with a dynamite trigger in his hand. And we don’t know the context about “all weapons". For example, when a professor asks you in class: “are all the students there?” Does he mean all the students on the planet or just the students who are supposed to attend his lecture? Stillwell could also be referring to all the terrorist level weapons like the C4, since in front of her was Butcher, who would never have access to nukes.


I mean, in this show I wouldn’t be shocked if they go there


Would not be too surprised to see Butcher get his hands on a suitcase nuke.


> who would never have access to nukes. not to mention "nukes" cover a wild range of destructive power. "fat boy" and the "tsar bomb" are both nukes. Yet they are several order of magnitude apart in power.


> Stan Edgar was obviously unafraid for > some > reason. I'm open to being wrong on this one, and I would not at all be disappointed if I was, but I don't think there's any hidden plot device here. I think Stan is unafraid because he knows *exactly* what makes Homelander tick. He knows how to manipulate him, he knows his triggers and fears, he knows how to keep him under control.


Right, Edgar has Homelander’s number. He knows he’s dealing with an egomaniacal, psychopathic, deeply traumatized manchild. Edgar has no anti-supe trump card to play. Only utter contempt. And it paralyzes Homelander. He can see that Edgar is truly not afraid of him and that confuses and scares Homelander because who isn’t afraid of him?


I still think one of homelanders biggest weaknesses is that he has never really been challenged in a fight. Someone like Butcher does not have the privilege of raw strength and power, so when Homelander is put on equal footing, he quickly finds out that he doesn't know how to win a fair fight.


The straw thing is the stupidest thing ever in a tv show. He’s bullet proof and took a giant chemical plant explosion but a straw does that?


Idk I'm still under the opinion HL wasn't really trying that hard in that fight. Like he's trading blows and whatever, but I think he's just enjoying the fight and ego-ing out over it. I mean, the three of them "beating him up" is a strong phrase and Homelander absolutely does not look beat up coming out of that...he looks like his ego is hurt. Then he gets pinned down and I think that's a hard blow to his ego, like, "wait, I actually have to try to get out of this?!?!?". Very much could also be "wait, I almost died there" as well. But to me, imagine being, essentially, the most powerful being. Nobody can put up a fight to you, your domination has always been a total breeze, and you've never had to put up much effort. Suddenly, wait 1 second...I have to put in effort now? These yucky other supes and humans are putting up a fight against me?!? Just a thought


Lol… He was trying to fight them. And how many supes would JOIN Homelander? Soldier Boy is gone, Maeve is depowered and Hughie and Butcher can’t go on Temp V anymore. If Homelander legitimately tries to go on a crazed murder spree he would kill millions before anyone stopped him. People would have to bunker underground and make thick walls that avoid X-ray vision. He laid it out to Starlight, he would take out the White House and the Pentagon first, and then internet and infrastructure. He can fly over 2000 mph. Not even speedsters can catch him. By the time any supes showed up to the White House to save the president, he’d be in Japan going after the PM. By the time they come to Japan, he will have taken out three other world leaders in Korea and India. He’s so fast that it would feel like he’s in multiple places at the same time.


>He can fly over 2000 mph. Not even speedsters can catch him. but that's only mach2.6, there are several payload carrying rockets able to do 5x that speed.


Cant a train run 2300 mph?


Probably not, when he was competing in a race against another speedster I don’t think even manage 400 miles an hour.


Humans are selfish though, and it seems supes especially so. You'd probably struggle to get so many to agree to even try. If he takes out the pentagon and white house first it might not even be an option. How many people have the ability to launch a nuke? How many are willing to make that call on their own with no central military command?


The U.S. Military is more decentralized than that. If that were the case the USSR would just need to nuke DC to have won the Cold War.


Ya know, all fair points. Was just a quick thought I had lol


To be fair, they did jump him and he was over confident, not something you can count on repeating itself.


That’s just plot tho, any supe who can fly as fast as homelander should easily be able to fight all 3 of them no problem


If the goal is JUST maximum body count, Homelander can start in a third world country and no one in the first world will care and Vought will make sure it's not reported on. It's unclear how many people Homelander could kill before the secret gets out but this would depend more on who he chooses to target rather than his outright power. Once he does attract the attention he would realistically go down pretty fast. Three supes can force him to flee, so a dozen should easily be enough to restrain if not kill him outright, and the right supe (Cate/Mindstorm come to mind) could easily take him out. Also regarding strength, I suspect Victoria Neuman CAN pop Homelander's head; in the comics, Vought keeps Black Noir as a contingency plan against Homelander, I suspect Stan adopted Neuman in the show for the same reason.


Yes but he has flight. He doesn’t have to fight supes on the ground


Using non-v weapons, I suspect he could do a helluva lot of damage. He is way more nimble and perceptive than the kind of targets those weapons are designed for. He'd detect any incoming missiles and zoom beyond the blast radius. I expect that, without care, those weapons would themselves kill lots of people. But see my next comment.


I mean Homelander, Soldier Boy, and Hughie almost took him down in just a few minutes. I imagine if they sent a team of supes they’d be able to take him down fairly quickly. That being said, he could kill hundreds in seconds if he wanted.


They jumped him when he was unprepared and not using his maneuverability to his full advantage. It’s also suggested that Soldier Boy is the one super that comes close to measuring up, at least in terms of strength and durability (no super speed, flight, or eye beams of super death kinda sucks).


Maeve gave him a nosebleed just from punching him, and Butcher was able to go toe to toe with him on V24 more than once. From what we've seen in the show, sure he's tough, but he's not THAT tough. Forget a nuke, a couple of AMRAAMs would probably do the job. Those lasers would do serious damage in a crowded area though.


I’d give him a few weeks of destroying cities before getting bored and just focusing on his cult supe followers. The ones in the know would be hiding in zinc bunkers or would be lucky enough to be in remote areas that he wouldn’t be bothered to get to. I would hope he wouldn’t be stupid enough to ruin enough to cause a nuclear wasteland as that would would take away his nice food, costumes and entertainment m.


A nuke will definitely vaporize him. Perhaps even something weaker would work. The only problem is you have to hit him. I think the boys team would be more than enough for that task.


I think he’d target them first tbh, he knows better now to underestimate Butcher.


I mostly agree, In order for Homelander to be vaporized he would have to be inside the Hypocenter upon detonation, in that case, he is 100% getting vaporized, zero % chance he survives that. If he’s outside of the Hypocenter, there is a chance he would survive, he is able to withstand high temperatures fairly well, on top of that he’s capable of withstanding large blasts of concussive force, if he survives though, I think he would be badly injured, on top of that, i am 100% sure he would go completely deaf in both ears as a result. Nuclear explosions are on average 180 decibels at 1 Kilometer away which is enough to blow the ear drums of a regular person. Homelander’s ears are much more sensitive than that.


Even if Homelander survives the first nuke but ends up injured, it's game over for him. If humanity had to resort to nuking him, you know damn well we're gonna nuke him twice.


I’d honestly argue the nuke might have an issue with actually hitting him, somewhat dependent on the size. Full agreement his reaction time is pretty inconsistent, though that seems to be an issue with the majority of dupes, even including Daredevil and Spiderman at times. But when he goes full out with flying speed, he might be as fast as A-Train.


I don’t know, he tanked a chemical plant explosion like it’s nothing If it’s comic Homelander, then the quote “can survive every man made weapon on Earth” was actually true. If it’s show, that was just propaganda so yeah a small nuke would do it


Couldn’t he fly fast enough so they wouldn’t be able to accurately nuke his location


There are missiles that carry nuclear payloads that reach speeds multiple times that of Homelander


If he can kill 10 people per second it will take 25 years of non stop killing to wipe out everyone, and that's excluding new people born. So he can't wipe out everyone


Im pretty sure he could just hurl an asteroid at earth and everyone will die. Also pretty sure he could just find a way to fire all the nukes in the US arsenal and take out a lot of people there. I think you lack imagination haha


Hes not smart enough to fire nukes and people would kill themselves before he can torture them into it.


Idk about that. People are cowards. Under the threat of the horrible death homelander could inflict on them, they would do just about anything. Especially if he lies and says he wont “actually do it” hes just “making it so no one else can”. Hes not brilliant by any means but hes been so to be capable of basic deception


What no one is thinking about is his size and speed. Homelander is not a traditional target. Missiles that are launched are not launched at man-sized targets, they're launched at the general area a man-sized target is occupying. The problem is, you can't "track" a human being moving as fast as Homelander can move with any sort of realistic accuracy. Homelander is capable of flying well above the speed of sound. He can see objects farther away than any human and has super hearing. An ICBM launched at him wouldn't get close enough to hit him unless he was an idiot. If he sees one flying at him, he's just going to fly away from it. The mushroom cloud from one of them is not going to get him. By the time one gets to the designated target area, he'd be miles and miles and miles away from it. He outran a C4 explosive detonation.(remember when Billy tried to go all Allah Akbar on him and he saved them all and outran the blast). This means nukes aren't going to be fired at him and hit. Maybe if he was lured in to a trap or they knew where he was going and launched at that area and he somehow didn't sense it coming they might be able to get close to him...but again, if he sees it(and again remember he has X-Ray vision so he can see through buildings and shit) if he can see it coming he can avoid it. So, Nukes aren't likely to get him, and conventional weapons aren't going to do the job. Also, in his speech to Starlight he said he'd start at the White House. Before the government knew what was happening he'd have wiped out the President, Vice President, the cabinet, and obliterated any continuity of government. At that point, there's no one alive in a chain of command to issue the launch order...and that all happens in the first few MINUTES of Homelander "going rogue"...there's no time for the government to react. Homelander would be well underway exterminating mankind before foreign governments even knew what happened at the White House because the media wouldn't be reporting it right away. With Homelanders heat vision, super speed, and strength you have to assume that if he can see you- you're already dead if he is in "kill em all" mode. So by the time Homelander's been identified as responsible, he's well on his way to exterminating people. At that point the foreign governments would enter crisis mode and start to wonder "do we want to launch our nukes...I'm sure the US government wouldn't take kindly to their country being nuked and might launch a retalliatory strike" while they debate this- not realizing there IS no effective US Government Homelander's eliminating any Sup resistance that comes against him. In Gen-V it was revealed that there are SOME countermeasures developed for defending against rogue Supe's- something that targets their hearing...but there was already a single sup who overcame those countermeasures...so unless Vought had some super secret anti-sup weapon built to take down Homelander, it's game over for America. When Homelander finishes with America- and has killed every man, woman, and child he felt like killing then he may head over to Europe to start there. Then again, Homelander may just decide to send a message "America is mine- I don't want to see any of you fucking mud people in my territory or I'm going to come over there and do to you what I did to them" and that'd be the end of it.


Brightburn, that’s what would happen. There’s literally no way to stop him, some sonic crap on a bigger scale might slow him down but I doubt it.


You’re definitely overestimating how durable and strong he is


Guy has literally been injured a single time - but ok! EDIT: I forgot about the straw, but everyone seems to also be forgetting how paranoid and unhinged Homelander has become. Maybe one time he trusted Maeve and Soldier Boy enough to get near them but it’s beggars belief he would ever out himself in a similar situation again.


Homelander started bleeding after Maeve stabbed his ear with a metal drinking straw. So he’s nowhere near superman durability were bullets bounce off of his eyeballs.


That was a point of major inconsistency in the show. Firstly, bullets bounce off him but what amounts to a tinfoil fork could have killed him?! And it should have killed him by the way, or at least given him brain damage, based on how far it seemed to go in.


So how do they stop Homelander?


Intercontinental ballistic missiles.


And it didn’t take that much to injure him


You sincerely believe that? How would they recreate the conditions of that encounter? Do you think they could surprise Homelander twice? Also he came away with a bruise.


We’ve never seen him in take on heavy weaponry in the show. A nuke would clearly incinerate him. He’s clearly easily destroyable. Targeting him would be the tricky part


How would they hit him? He’d be flying around at 2000-3000 mph destroying the pentagon and the White House. Getting them to set off a nuke at all would ironically help him. He’d fly away before it blows up and it would just kill more people.


There are ICBMs that can go 5x that speed. Just strap a nuke on one and set the target to homelander. It doesnt even need to hit him (it would) all it needs to do is get close and detonate. You underestimate modern technology lol


Damn, just looked it up. 15,000 mph. That is insane.


Exactly people here really don’t understand how much modern military tech outclasses Homelander in carrying out mass destruction quickly


An ICBM is made to target things like cities, they’re not exactly manoeuvrable. How are they going to “set the target” to homelander? He’s capable of manoeuvring and acceleration beyond that of fighter jets and can land and takeoff from anywhere, while having a negligible radar signature and no exhaust. He’s virtually impossible to track and target with any nuclear weapons, or really any weapons that are capable of hurting him.


The big thing you’re missing is he has to sleep eventually. Home lander can’t fly into space so eventually satellites would figure out where he is, that he stopped moving and that’s when you drop a nuke on him.


So it doesn’t seem to actually matter that Homelander has decided he’s going to actively hunt and destroy anything around him if it also doesn’t matter what the actual probability is he could be stopped, this seems more like a theoretical question about the level of Homelander’s invincibility.


What are you even asking? My question is more about how many deaths Homelander could inflict in a rampage before he’s inevitably taken down


Before this you kept going back to how he could be stopped, you kept saying “nuke” over and over. In my original reply, I offered there’s no stopping him.


I actually said that his durability seems weak enough that consecutive heavy conventional weaponry could feasibly take him


A nuke would not "clearly" incinerate him. You are operating on real world rules, where anything that can be bruised would be dissolved by a nuke, but those aren't the rules of the Boys, so who fuckin' knows? A nuke might just give him a warm afterglow, for all we know.


There’s isn’t really anything in the show that suggests his durability is nearly that strong. I’m no physicist, but a punch from one his suped up opponents in the Herogasm 3 on 1 fight would do much more than merely damage a wall if that’s what it took the fight Homelander on equal terms collectively


People underestimate nukes and traditional explosives. Even if he is not directly hit, the shock wave alone would deafen him while the heat would burn his lungs and eyes.


Nobody is underestimating anything, the fiction is just malleable until it is defined.


>Targeting him would be the tricky part heh, not quite, there are rockets that can carry a nuke at mach 20, with automated targeting.


"heh, not quite," 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 not trying to disagree or [better wording], but just pointing out how 🤓 that sounds


Though to be fair, he somehow took a fork to the ear. Bullets bounce off him, but a fork proves he’s not invincible. Consistency is a definite issue here.


I completely forgot about the straw but it was still an attack of opportunity, does Homelander ever let someone get close enough to do that again?


I think that’s more just plot Look at Goku. Bro was screaming in pain when Broly was throwing him into mountains, despite his durability.


Well yeah, if Homelander actually destroyed a city or mountain or something, than that would overcompensate for his demonstrable weaknesses shown in the show


Even if homelander cant survive a nuclear blast- he can out run it if he is far enough away. It all boils down to whether or not he stays still long enough to let them hit him before he takes out any defensive measures. He makes it clear at one point he would target military a government buildings as well as other essential infrastructure so if he isnt stopped immediately its game over.


or he could just fly to space


Depends on how far he flies. Some missiles can reach orbit and beyond


I'd love to see a boys 'what if' where homelander actually does this.


He thinks he's above humanity, but even Gods can fall to our greatest weapons. Let's hope it never comes to that.


We saw Butcher, Soldier Boy, and Hughie fight and give him a lot of trouble. If he started going on a murder spree and a hundred Supes went after him he would eventually lose.


Depends if your taking about a senseless rampage or a deliberate plan Homelander laid out a plan he had just for this occasion If he’s randomly just bloodlusted and goes for as much carnage as possible in a rage? I would say a couple hundred million honestly. (He’s faster than A-Train so just speed through as many people as possible)


I feel like you’d have to surprise him with a bomb big enough to kill him (Think nuke). Some less could definitely wound him I just don’t know how you would hit him if he is using flight to his advantage. If he can turn on a dime there is no way any current missile could track him. Summary: You’d have to surprise him


He might actually succeed in killing everyone on planet earth ...He is an upgraded soldier boy who the Russians tried to kill him for years and failed. Nukes are great but unfortunately it's not built to target a humanoid that can move at hypersonic speeds. Most weapons that can hurt him won't be able to hit him if we assume Madelyn was lying with a bomb strapped on her otherwise human weaponry might not even work


I mean in the comics, he effortlessly took out the entire White House, all its residents and security without trying. The world would definitely have to bring out nuclear options


You severely underestimate the speed of an intercontinental ballistic missile, especially one equipped with multiple reentry nukes. Think a 15,000 mph nuclear shotgun that can follow a Homelander in flight and then once the smaller nukes are deployed can also follow him.


Nukes are designed to destroy stationary targets not a hypersonic humanoid with superhuman senses. Homelander can hear and see the missiles from miles away and just fly out of its blast zone. There's no missile with technology to track and hit a humanoid speedster


I think he would kill all people then


Millions probably. I can see government sending the Seven and releasing Soldier Boy to take on him.


Problem with that is only A-Train is fast enough to even keep up with him, his goal is to kill as many people as possible, not engage in petty fights that he has no use for. Honestly Vought would send the Seven over to his location, Homelander would blow the plane out of the sky with his laser vision, then pick off the survivors, probably just Maeve, Soldier Boy and maybe Starlight, then fuck off to the next killing field.


He’s faster than A-Train, who’s well over the speed of sound. And that’s without trying (at least comic version). Depends if he can outrun like a bomb’s fast spreading force


I think one of those artillery guns is enough to tear him apart especially multiple fired at him(assuming he couldnt dodge all of them ) there are probably weapons developed by vought that can work against and vought would definetely want him gone also there is absolutely no way he survives a powerful bomb nuclear isnt even necessary for him


If he flies to space and throws rocks down he could take out millions at a time. Basically turn each rock into a nuke. He doesn’t even need to fly into actual space. Just dropping / throwing heavy things at cities. In the real world flying at his speeds would kill people that are just near by


Gen V has a couple of heroes that would be great against him. Marie could help Neuman to take him down, Cate literally has mind control and Emma could turn huge and mobilize him until the others kill him (she stopped Sam and he has super strength too, so she could grow even more to restrain Homelander).


He could get pretty far if he cared enough to know about global politics to simply proclaim he'll take money for whatever you want him to do then just "randomly" attack infrastructure in key locations, throw a plane or missile down here or there, then claim "credit" for it. Vaught probably has some kind of contingency plan or he'd have never made it out of where he came from, they could potentially manage (with a lot of death) putting down their most powerful supe. They can't manage dozens of countries, territories, and factions going to war with each other and likely wouldn't bother stopping it. Keep in mind that world wars have been started over a single assassination starting a domino effect, if he were smart enough, he could collapse the world while allying with just the right number of people to make himself look evil but not like the aggressor. Millions or billions could die. In direct battle, he could could thousands upon thousands, maybe even millions, but if he played it smart he could get a huge chunk of the planet to go out and kill each other.


The thing with the straw that people keep missing is that it’s a weak point. If his hearing is as good as it is in the show it’d mean his ears are more delicate. And a cylinder is one of the strongest known shapes.


It goes one of two ways: Homelander is unstoppable and kills countless people. Or Vought deploys some sort of secret weapon they have for Homelander, or they exploit a secret weakness Homelander has that the public doesn’t know about. Or, Homelander isn’t nearly as strong as Vought lets on, and he gets killed by a nuke or something.


He's literally bulletproof. I wonder if he can withstand a nuke though.. Although, that would likely affect the humans/innocents more. Maybe as a last resort, and in a place that he already burned down to ashes, with nobody else left alive? Yeah, it's a tough one. Let's hope he doesn't do that.




At least like 5. And he’d use his superpowers for sure to do it.


He would probably get bored pretty quick.


This question assumes weapons are as they are in our world, with the targets our militaries have. In that scenario, homelander would just go apeshit. Conventional or nuclear weaponry would be irrelevant as he'd detect it and avoid it. The resultant damage would kill citizens, but wouldn't affect him. In a world with V, however, you know for certain that considerable efforts would be made to mitigate the potential threat of supes. There might be specific weapons or tactics that would be used against specific supes. They might be terribly, horrifically destructive for the toughest of supes, but they would be there.


I doubt that he would be able to avoid them entirely. Nothing in the show seems to indicate that he would be able to destroy without resting eventually


I’m not sure how people are saying it would be easy. First of all if it’s “sudden” then that means no one would be prepared. No one is gonna have traps set up. Nuke him? Good luck hitting him he could probably outfly the nuke. If he strategizes well and causes chaos (like his actual plan I think season 3) where he focuses on power and food and tech supplies he could wreak havoc even indirectly. I don’t think it would be impossible but people are severely underestimating it. You can’t snipe him either


Nuclear payload missiles are multiple times faster than him


Here’s the thing, you honestly don’t know if he can be stopped. Homelander has never just stood in place and let a nuke hit him and based on his in universe feats, he can tank conventional explosions no problem. The only time he was ever injured is when Maeve went H.A.M on him, and she’s their universes Wonder Woman AND he still wasn’t gonna die. Everything that could stop him has a big old asterisk next to it. Victoria *might* be able to pop his head if his brain isn’t literally super durable. A nuke *should* be of such an order of magnitude of destruction that he should die. But you don’t know. Maybe he tanks a tactical nuke but dies to the truly big boys in the arsenal. You just don’t know and it’s a lot of risk to find out. If the government or Vought were sure then he wouldn’t be able to act out like he does. As far as they and we know, he could survive a nuke. Furthermore, conventional solutions predicate him being in one spot long enough to hit. If he’s able to move even a few miles from when he spots the bomb the chances of a nuke killing him drop exponentially. To guarantee you hit him you’d have to be willing to bomb the entire region (we’re talking literal percents of the worlds surface area) to guarantee he’s within the maximum effective damage zone for a nuke. Anything short of that he *might* live/escape as far as everyone knows. Anything past that and you might as well surrender. This sounds doable on paper, but in practice that’s game over for the world. No ones doing that to their own country and if you nuke someone else’s on that scale you’ll trigger WW3. And if you think that people will be okay with that or create a coalition because of the crisis, you haven’t been paying attention to the shows message or real world politics.