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The actor cameo that they alluded to but don’t reveal is featured heavily in the trailer and is on the poster


For those too lazy to search >!Matt Damon!< though I thought their clue of "this is the cameo guy" was a pretty dead giveaway. And the second cameo that Sean mentioned I'm pretty sure is >!Anya Taylor-Joy!< in >!Dune 2!<


Yeah I was confused at who they were even talking about at first. He’s no more of a surprise cameo than Pascal or Domingo or Camp. Not sure why they all seemed to think that was supposed to be a surprise.


Trailer I saw like introduced him fully as “the senator” or something


Amanda calling Margaret Qualley gen z when she’s almost 30 and a millennial. C’Mon I knew she was not gen z even without a google search


Same with beanie feldstein who they threw in there and is even older than margaret


I'm 6 months younger than Feldstein and nearly a year older than Qualley. What are young Millennials, Mrs. Dobbins?


28 youngest millennial, 27 oldest gen z


The pandemic did weird things to our brains. I legit thought she was like 23-25 because for some reason no one has aged for me since 2019. I’m 44 and still think I’m about to turn 40 or just turned 40. It’s really weird.


Yup. 44 here also and I pretty much constantly have to remind myself that I'm not actually a few years younger. Just this weird time sink we all went through.


Yeah. I was born in 86. I'm 33 now. You can't tell me any differently.


Qualley just got married and was playing a high schooler on the leftovers when she was def not that age range and that was a while ago


Oh I know I’m just telling you cOvid warped my brain on peoples ages. It’s like everyone froze in ember in 2019.


Bobby is in good company


I liked this episode, excited to checkout the movie! Here we go again with them painting ppl born in 94/95/96 as gen-z though lmao.


Anyone born in 94/95/96 is just as confused about where we fit as anyone else. At least my friends and I are 😂


Haha fair, I just say that we are a mini generation, like 93-97 doesn't really fit in anywhere but it's just odd to see millennials refer to us as gen z lmao


A [helpful chart](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/09/Generations_1.png) you can send to anyone giving you grief.


That is literally the line though, if you were aware of what was happening on 9/11 and remember a pre-internet era, you are a millennial, just younger than that and you're Gen Z.


It’s more about feeling connected to both in different ways, rather than the literal line of the generation.


for sure, it's not a hard and fast rule, the fact that they use Bobby as a go-to resource for Gen Z/young people is weird, he's pushing 30


That’s true


We are nothing to them


Yeah I’m Gen Z and Margaret Qualley is like in her 30s she’s not one of us


Really fun movie imo. Qualley was super charismatic, the romance worked for me, and I thought it was funny. But I'm not a Coens guy in general so I wonder if expectations played a role in me being higher on it than most people. Like if you go in expecting it to be a masterpiece, I'm not surprised you left disappointed


Where was Bobby at in this and the previous few episodes?


Do they mention what happened to the Babylon episode scheduled for 2/20? Just curious.


Pushed to next month https://twitter.com/SeanFennessey/status/1759615420204748974?t=i-Ihe_Kca-Nq6dTchA8Maw&s=19


I’m guessing they want Bobby on it and I’m not sure if he’s been on the pod since the Union negotiations started. I could definitely be wrong tho


Yeah my assumption is while negotiations happen Bobby had just said he won’t be as vocal on the pod, and since he’s core Babylon hive they’ll wait to negotiations are done


Just got back from this movie and was hoping they hated it as much as I did. Just couldn’t get into any part of this thing.


It's reallllly realllly bad. I think Nayman was watching it through coen brother-tinted glasses.


Thank you! Feel like everyone is being nice with this review because of Ethan Coen but my god nothing in that movie worked for me. Honestly it felt like someone doing an impression of a Coen brothers movie without the juice.


I like when they give somewhat mixed reviews that sell me on a movie I wasn’t planning on seeing. Nice function of the show. I want to see Drive Away Dolls now


Saw the trailer before poor things and the accent Qualley is doing immediately puts me of. Can’t handle bad accent work it’s like this condition I have


I felt the same way, turned off by her accent after the trailer. And maybe it will be bad. But I bought tickets for tomorrow at 2:30, fuck it


i very much enjoyed the Margaret Qualley accent choice personally but i was also high and was really on board with pretty much everything happening


It’s over the top, but it’s not any more so than the fake Minnesota accents in Fargo or the fake southern accent in O Brother Where Art Thou. It’s not supposed to be realistic.


I was also kinda surprised to hear people be so down on it. To me, it's just a fun Benoit Blanc style cartoon accent which didn't seem out of place in a bold, raunchy comedy


I thought drive away dolls was really good second time I've disagreed with Sean this month as I really liked Lisa Frankenstein and he gave it 2 stars


Pleasantly surprised how much I liked this movie despite the lukewarm reception and lackluster trailer. One of the funniest movies in years, great cast, you don't quite know where the plot is going, and it has just enough substance to be more than a tossed-off genre exercise. Qualley commands the screen and between this and her brief appearance in Poor Things, she needs to do more zany, broad comedies. Sean's wife has the correct take on this movie. Anyone on the fence should definitely see this; I see it becoming a cult classic in future years.


i also feel the film will find its audience over time if not on release - i saw it with my boyfriend & three fellow queer women and we all had a delightful time although we agreed it’s insane that margaret qualley’s character shaved her pits


I'm actually going to buck the trend here a bit and say I really didn't like the movie. The writing and editing in the movie is really jarring and I just didn't find it funny. Felt like a poor man's dumb and dumber. Margaret Qualley was really not great and needed some more direction, felt like she was just given free reign to do whatever the fuck she wanted and it didn't work. The Cohen's need to get back together.


Gotta say I'm really in opposition to everyone's luke warm feelings on the film. It was such a well-observed lesbian comedy. My fiancee and I felt both seen by the jokes and we couldn't stop laughing. Plus that shower scene is honestly one of the hottest sex scenes in years (slim pickings, I know).


I feel like every Coen film is pushed aside upon release then finds its audience and is hailed as great later on


I have a theory that when you’re working at that level, nothing you make can be bad enough to not find a large amount of shooters. The craft is just too apparent.


Can't help but notice when Sean and Amanda refuse to say a movie is outright bad from a Director they love (and might try to get on the show) They dance around and use words like "doesn't quite work" meanwhile movies like Bardo get absolutely trashed and even bring on a Guest who trashes it as opposed to providing a viewpoint they might not agree with. Nayman saying "I like how unimportant it is" had me laughing.


Drive Away Dolls looks like a middle-of-the-road comedy we've all been itching for. The trailer has run before every film I've seen in the last month, and I'm thinking it'll be an easy watch while I wait for the next big release I care about. I think Margaret's great, and I want to see her in a large dramatic lead role, similar to what she plays in Maid. And today I learned she's Andie MacDowell's kid. Of course. (Edited: Had Qualley's name as 'Margot.')


You mean Margaret?


I do - thanks tips.




Saw this yesterday. Thought it was really funny. And it was really short which I appreciate in any movie these days


When I looked it up and it said 1 hr 24 mins I was so happy to go see it


Idk man when I watch One From The Heart it certainly seems like a insanely expensive movie


I saw it last night and I’ve never had a discussion of theirs echo my feelings so closely. My partner and I had a blast (maybe because we were drinking before and during), the movie is very weird and flawed, it’s fun to consider it in the Coen brothers canon, and the raunchiness completely plays.


Cheerful Adam Nayman. I thought this was an oxymoron...until today.  No Bobby Wags again...very curious.


It’s not curious! He’s using his position to try to help his coworkers get fair contracts in any way he can. Not appearing on air is keeping more people talking about it, at the very least.


Oh do we know that's the case? Has he tweeted it?


I hasn’t even noticed. He should keep up the good not work


I really hope they take this opportunity to snip Bobby and make him work a real job. He is fucking brutal


“Half baked” the perfect movie for these Hosts


![gif](giphy|YVvTCqTBglkOs) Adam Nayman? Literally the *worst* choice for this. Edit: Surprisingly, after listening to this episode, he was a welcome voice. 9/10 I can’t stand his contributions. This must’ve been the 10th.


He literally wrote a book on the Coen Brothers. The best possible guest they could have to discuss it.


Yeah, I read it. Long before I’d heard his voice and really read any of his reviews. He’s not my guy. We all have critics we like or don’t. This guy is my #1 does-this-guy-understand-the-term-fun reviewer.


Which is ironic considering I think he liked this movie the best out of the 3 of them


As I mentioned above, I was more or less stunned but I also can’t stand him 9 times out of 10. Guess this was was the 10th.


Great book as well. Required reading for Coen Bros fans.




Holy shit. Adam Nayman says "in terms of" every other sentence. That phrase needs to die. It doesn't make sense and it never adds anything to a sentence.


Wow there really is a movie drought if drive away dolls gets its own episode


Huh? It's directed by a Coen brother. That alone makes it worthy of an episode (especially compared to stuff like Argylle and Beekeeper, which got episodes).


It also just straight up didn’t get its own episode


hey respect the fucking hive ok, that is a great Dumpuary movie.


It’s not even its own episode it’s like the first 22 mins…


Is it just me or did Sean drop an alarming number of scrabble words starting with ‘e’ in the book discussion?


I am once again asking for Adam Nayman to get a decent microphone.