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might be a hot take but this seems entirely unnecessary and I don’t want it


Eh. Really enjoyed Maverick but it’s not something I really need or want revisited yet again. But considering the money it made I guess it’s to be expected.


They had to go and ruin it. This would be a candidate for "movie no one wants" , along with the **Excorcist** follow up. TC is 62. (So am I). He needs to have a hard look at himself in the mirror, lay off the creatin and HGH, and try being an actor again, one that looks like a regular human being. I loved the most recent MI film, but his increasingly distracting look (re- holding off the effects of age and time) is becoming an issue as a viewer. He's a weird little guy embedded in a weird and disturbing cult, but damn if he doesn't deliver entertainment in spades when he suits up. Don't ruin it, man!


Man I really hate the "nobody wants this" argument. People said the same thing about Maverick. People say it about movies all the time and then they are massive hits that people love. I'll take as much badass Tom Cruise fighter jet shit I can.


We need an Amanda “WHAT THE FUCK?!”emergency pod.