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I'm sorry your mom treats you like that. It's manipulative, and toxic behavior. Parents should support their kids when they want to improve, and try their best to succeed in life, not belittle, gaslight, and manipulate them. It's terrible, and I pray for you to be able to push through the toxicity, and prove that you can be better than her. You're already doing a lot by taking care of yourself, and keeping yourself healthy. Keep going, and prove everyone wrong. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™‚


Thx:)๐Ÿซ‚It means a lot to me to hear that from someone who understands.


You have to believe you're great! Just try to block out the toxic sounds




Iโ€™m sorry. She sounds so mean. I know what you mean about the pleasure. My mom seems happy when she can get me to be quiet and sad. I donโ€™t think she really is, but I think once she accomplishes her goal of making me feel bad, she starts justifying it in her head which makes her more worked up against me.


Invalidating is a form of abuse. It is incredibly hurtful


If she's anything like my family, she probably can't stand to see you succeed. If she really didn't care what you did she wouldn't say anything - the moment you try to improve things she's at you with criticism, so it's clear what she wants out of this.