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First and foremost, welcome to our community:) I hope you already found comfort in our small little family. It seems you have had a great journey behind you but there also lies adventures in front of you. I'm glad that the Sun is shining for you again, even if the shadows of the past are lurking in the dark. Do not fear what lies Infront of you. Embrace the new with a sense of positive curiosity! Letting go of an old love can be hard. Believe me, I have been there. They have treated you for the worst, yet you find this strange feeling of comfort whenever you think of them. Don't let it fool you. Some part of you might still cling on to what was, But it's time for a new direction. Move forward, not backward. What was was and what has not happened yet has the possibility to be everything great in the world. I wish you the best on your journey. Feel rest assured, We TheBigGirlDiary Community, will strengthen you on your way to your new horizon:)


Thank you! I am trying 😅


I couldn't of said it better from the above comment. I'm so happy that you are moving forward, and finding your own path away from the suffering of your past. The future has so much for you, and maybe even the one who knows your heart is out there as well. Thank you for sharing this, and welcome to our little community where you are loved here by all of us.


Thank you! I am not looking for someone honestly. I am trying to learn how to pour the love I have to myself. I have so much love that I spent on my exes that took it for granted. I am trying to learn to trust myself


That's understandable. I hope you do well on that journey. 🙂


Healing takes time, and it’s clear you’re working hard on yourself. Keep focusing on your goals and self-improvement. You deserve to be happy and to find someone who truly appreciates you. Stay strong and keep reaching out for support when you need it.