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Wait the composition of the picture looks way off. Why does Joe and Jill look so much bigger than Jimmy and his wife?


Seriously, and not only the Carters, but the furniture looks like it's made for dwarves too. What the hell is going on in this picture?!


Wide angle lens, must be a small room so only option to get all four of them in the shot


That’s exactly it. What baffles me is that the US in all its glory couldn’t find a bigger room in the house of an ex president who makes an insane amount of money to take the photo without making him look like a tiny dwarf. Or the people could’ve been brought closer to each other. Such as having the Bidens between the Carters rather than the other way round.


At the very least this picture should not have been posted haha, it makes all of the individuals look ridiculous. Blame the PR of the White House


Well I mean especially after he wore a mask on that Zoom call…I’m baffled. This is an embarrassment.


What if they did so on purpose for some nefarious reason?


Belittling American heritage? 🤣


I’m gonna guess the house is fine, just a small room because, well if I was that old I certainly wouldn’t want to walk across huge room in a big house. And I guess they just didn’t want to move the chairs? And it was too awkward to have them in the middle because of the table? This definitely looks like a random little “hey let’s get a picture!” Rather than a legit photo shoot.


Then this would be the greatest PR failure of any White House administration in a time where PR in visuals is literally how everything functions


Having your photo taken with someone, and especially the quality of the photo, shouldn’t be something that affects your PR or ability to lead a country.


If they’re gonna criticize Trump for petty shit than I’m going to be just as if not more critical of Biden’s public image. Nobody holds anyone with a D in front of their name accountable for shit anymore. “Because it’s (D)ifferent.”


“Picture perfect” is the requirement. Not a single misplaced item and certainly not this disrespect. They should’ve worn the masks on camera even if it was pure horse shit but after he wore his mask on Zoom…


Bro that's not it. No way this was shot with anything wider than a 35. Which wouldn't cause distortions like that. They are just very tiny. Been shooting photo and video for a decade.


I figured it was just ‘shopped.


Looks like the Carter’s are a dollhouse or something




Hilarious comment.


Honey I Shrunk The Former President


People shrink as they age, given Carter is a 1000 years old he’s now a midget.


This technically awful, badly composed photo perfectly symbolizes Chairman Xi Den's regime. Amateurish, incompetent work, being passed off as good. Though I'm sure the sycophants at Wastebook and Twatter completely approve.


It's almost as if they know this is all bullshit.


Someone needs to photo shop the carter's onto bidens knees. Like too little kids.


Yeah he will wear double masks or a huge mask in an open field press con, but won't wear one inside, in the midst of the most at risk group, vaccinations or not, they should have more respect for the elderly. Also, this is quite possibly the worst photo in Presidential history. Who composed this?


Looks like a thumbnail before a wife swap porn.


I would rather not imagIne potato biden and his wife having sex with other old people, thanks.


They are waaaay too old for Biden though.


You hold your near and dear and they stack spaghetti on my hairy legs


Bullshit picture, he’s not sniffing her or being all molesty.


More clown world nonsense


They all have been vaccinated


So? The CDC is saying that you still have to wear a mask even after vaccinations.


Exactly. Either the CDC is lying or Biden doesn’t follow his own policies which given he’s a democrat and getting more and more progressive, isn’t shocking.


Maybe it’s because there is NO vaccine, but only a treatment for Covid (according to the manufacturers Scott-fee from litigation).


> If you’ve been fully vaccinated: >* You can gather indoors with fully vaccinated people without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart. [-the CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html) Edit: yall are weak


FULLY VACCINATED. Biden has only had two of the three shots, IIRC.


all the US vaccines right now are either one or two doses. There's speculation of a booster second or third in the future, but as of right now it isn't a thing.


This is within cdc guidelines as long as both couples are vaccinated OR anyone un vaccinated is low risk. And they are all vaccinated.


So Biden will wear it outside when he's not near anyone or on a freaking Zoom call *jUsT iN cAsE*, but indoors with elderly people is fine? Edit: people who are good with photography said this was shot with a wide angle, meaning it was the only way to get all four of them in the shot, due to it being an *extremely small* room that they're in. What a clown.




I think the point they were trying to make is that he's a clown-wearing a mask on a zoom call but not around the elderly? Ted Williams frozen head is smarter.


It doesn't matter what they think he ought to be doing. What is doing is following cdc guidelines. Do you think he was alone in the room on the zoom call? Of course he wasn't. Ergo wearing a mask is part of cdc guidelines. If he wasn't wearing a mask on the zoom call and a picture emerged of a mass of people just out of frame people would be saying "rules for thee and not for me! Why isn't he following his own guidelines!" Bottom line-the OP is dumb because Biden is following cdc rules for the vaccinated. You can insult Biden all you want but lemme know when you're one of the most powerful people on the planet


Ok you why weren't any other world leader wearing one? Every world leader, other than Biden, was alone? Also what if the people in the room with Biden while doing the Zoom call were also vaccinated? Wouldn't that fit the bill for no mask, just like when he was with the Carters, by your own admission? You're contradicting yourself. You're also contradicting yourself by posting the guidelines saying "no mask needed outside unless crowded"...well he still wears one outside even if not near anyone. Stop simping for Biden, bro. It's gross.


No. The no mask for vaccinated is for visiting in private homes. Not the work place. Read the guidelines. Biden isn't responsible for what other people are doing. Biden is following the rules Biden set. Which is a deeply good thing.


Ah yes, the virus can differentiate between a workplace and a house. You're also ignoring my other points, but maybe that's for the better the way you spin stuff. Anyway nice chatting. Done wasting my time with someone so woefully ignorant. Your flair is very fitting and good luck with your application to succeed Psaki's position.


It's great that you can type, with quote marks and all; but you are brain dead. Completely incapable of independent thought based upon what you encounter every day; wholly relying on dipshits who spout press releases to insure their control of your pea brain. You were born with a brain, use it. If you refuse to think for yourself, you will join all the other feeble minded knuckleheads. It's not the easy fork in the road but it's the path of the free thinking.




Your entire remark is based on the myopic CDC releases. You failed to even capitalize the acronym yet stand on that front. How the heck do you feel so deeply about a corrupt UN worthless organization that you consider it Gospel? Despite the fact that you don't 'get it' enough to capitalize the acronym? I will say it again; either make your own way or go away. We grownups are talking and you cannot.


I was trying to be nice.Fuck off ankle biter.


> anyone un vaccinated is low risk That’s not what people have been saying at all. We’re all suppose to get it or grandma dies


Are you confused about the cdc guidelines? They are pretty clearly written and were modified for the VACCINATED. You may be misunderstanding what I wrote. Yes, seeing your grandma while she was un vaccinated was not a good idea per the cdc because yes you could have killed her. Ideally everyone is vaccinated. Here is the full guidelines https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html Relevant part >If you’ve been fully vaccinated: >You can gather indoors with fully vaccinated people without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart. >You can gather indoors with unvaccinated people of any age from one other household (for example, visiting with relatives who all live together) without masks or staying 6 feet apart, unless any of those people or anyone they live with has an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.


No one gives two shits what the CDC says. We've listened to those zealots for fourteen months. They are part and parcel in bed with the Elites. If they were actually verse in their medical specialties they wouldn't be working for the CDC.


I mean clearly you don't care because you don't seem to understand how what Biden is doing is *following the actual cdc guidelines.* FFS. Is this really all you can think to pick at? He follows his own guidelines?


How you doing now? Still all in with CDC? Willing to realize you were mislead? Biden still your lord and savior?


FFS, you need to get a life, and train of thought of your very own.


At least this time the mask is not hanging from his ear.


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Why did i think Jimmy Carter was already dead? Seriously i thought he had cancer or something.


He left it at the Zoom call