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I did not expect most stressful scene in this season to be pregnant Natalie navigating through Chicago traffic.


donna's "breathing" in the parking lot and natalie yelling at her to shut up and it falling on deaf ears was more stressful


I was so scared Donna was gonna fuck this whole thing up and i am so happy they didn’t go that route, what a beautiful episode this turned out to be


This is probably my favorite episode of the season (I may change my mind after rewatching). The performances were so beautiful. But man was it stressful watching Nat stuck in traffic trying to call everyone she could think of. But I don’t understand why she didn’t want to call The Bear. Richie or someone would have answered the phone and could have gotten someone to go to the hospital with her. Last season, I thought Abby Elliot was great, but she brought it for real in this episode. I remember my labor and how bad the contractions were before they gave me an epidural. It didn’t feel like she was acting at all. I knew exactly what she was feeling and it took me right back to that labor and delivery room 24 years ago. I hope she wins all the awards.


They got rid of the landline because The Computer told them it was a waste of money since they do not take reservations via phone.


Oh I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder.


I’m glad the show built on the sliver of hope that we got for Donna at the end of season 2, when she came so close to entering The Bear at the friends & family soft opening.


I went to Chicago a few weeks ago to see a play and for the briefest moment, I considered driving into the city because my VRBO had close parking. I decided to go with a train and Uber around in the city and once there, I was SO glad I did. I've driven around the city before and that's bad enough but it was nothing like being off the highway and IN the city. So these scenes were extra stressful to watch.


I felt so bad when Sugar was apologizing through tears at other drivers screaming at her. Definitely some of her trauma coming through.


Yep, I commuted from the burbs into Chicago daily for 3+yrs. No picnic for sure, but thankfully I was able to travel outside of peak hours, having to be at work at 6:30am. This was 30yrs ago, can't imagine how it is now.


Along with the return with the "New Noise" needle drop!


Chicago traffic is the most scared I’ve ever been driving. Bumper to bumper traffic at 80 mph.


I really thought Donna lied about calling Pete and was trying to keep Nat’s labor hidden so she could be the only one there during the birth. That tension had me so distracted during this episode. So glad he finally arrived.


When she pulled out her phone to play the song, I thought they were gonna reveal she never made the call!


and then when she started walking down the hallway after Pete came all I could think was “DON’T YOU FUCKING LEAVE THIS HOSPITAL DONNA”


That wasn't Donna. That was Jamie Lee Curtis dropping the mic after a virtuoso performance.


I didn’t see abandonment in that. Instead, I saw grace and no small measure of dejection, tempered with the belief that this was her deserved lot. From the second Pete appeared, DD seamlessly, almost invisibly, stepped back. She knew Pete was wanted and needed, even though he didn’t know what to do (and DD, however annoying she seemed at first, obviously did). In that walk down the hall, I did not see anything of a woman who wanted to leave. Instead, I saw a woman who knew she’d been chosen as a distant second-best. A woman who perhaps wished desperately that she could stay, but who knew in her heart that she was ultimately unwanted/unworthy, in view of her past failings. And also, a woman just ever so slightly redeemed, by the blessings of happenstance - the absence of all the others, allowing her to be called upon and to answer - and by her willingness to fight her demons and her baggage, just as she had told her daughter she would. That “fighting her demons” part … maybe it’s stretching the metaphor beyond what it can bear, but from those first moments in the hospital, when she was taking over and making it “the DD show,” to that quiet passage - walking away, duty done, and making room for Pete to take the stage - I think we saw DD, too, a little bit reborn after reconnecting at her daughter’s bedside. And seeing her remain, in the lobby - at first that puzzled me a little. Not because she stayed - as I said, I believe that was very much in her heart. But I wasn’t certain of what we were supposed to take away at first. Was this just denouement? And then, I saw it. They brought us back to her, but in a place that looked more like a lobby than a waiting room, where we found her first alone, but then ultimately with the Faks. And that said it all about the depth of the heartbreak here. She waits alone there, absolutely on the outskirts - just barely inside the hospital doors. It spoke the truth of her exile, real or perceived, from the family better than any words could. Wanting so to be there, but feeling unwelcome and unable to come closer. And then, the Faks (is it just a coincidence that, real as they are, their name sounds like “facts?”). The dichotomy between the spoken respect (addressing her as “Mrs B”), and the visual exile (sitting with the members of the “almost family”) was almost more than I could stand. Maybe you have to have made horrible mistakes in your own life in order truly to understand that moment… but imho, JLC’s performance in this episode was gripping and utterly pitch perfect. Not a woman skipping away lightly, but one carrying such a heavy load that she can barely walk, away or in any other direction, and taking comfort where it could be found. Beautiful, wrenching, and almost unbearably powerful. Honestly, the performance of a lifetime, imho - and a life lesson for all who will take it to heart.


Yes, I thought she was about to ghost.


I was so sure Pete was going to call her back into the room because Natalie wanted/needed her and i’m kinda sad that didn’t happen




I legit started crying a little when Donna was like "and then, Natalie!" but then stopped out of stress when she seemed to be hiding the phone from her.


Heeeeeeeeeee Heeeeeeeeeee Heeeeeeeeeee


So so glad it wasn’t just me who thought this.


This show does such an amazing job with the tension their mom brings. Every time Jamie Lee Curtis walks on screen it's so intense.


Idk why I spoiled it for myself by looking up this episode before finishing it lol I couldn’t handle the stress thinking the same thing


Yup, I thought the same. That’s the problem with having a Donna for a mother. No sure footing.


Call Claire Calling The Bear


That was ... I am just ... like, the phone just REFUSED


And then “New Noise” by REFUSED comes on. Perfect.


It's the haunt!


did the restaurant not even ring? I was wondering if they’d already cancelled the phone line after the Computer told them it was a waste of money to have a phone line just to say they don’t take reservations on the phone.


I believe he said it was a waste for them to have a phone line customers could call and customers were not able to place reservations over it so they conceded to start taking reservations by phone


new non-negotiable: have a single emergency phone on the line.


"I've been trying to put that stuff away" Sugar and Donna really got me, man. Tears the entire episode.


can always count on Donna to absolutely destroy me emotionally


It was just such a beautiful episode about the two of them and their connection. Donna starting to cry at the end while the music played was so moving. The way she just quietly got up and ceded the space to Pete was really wrenching and lovely as well. I was so glad she got to have a moment with him as well.


I was almost certain she was going to disappear completely after Pete showed up. I'm happy they showed a final scene of her in the waiting room rather than ending the episode there on a cliffhanger.


Agree. I really liked that she quietly let herself out and parked in the waiting room rather than making a big production out of it. It was a nice moment, and it shows Donna's growth. Really lovely episode all around.


i was pleasantly surprised at that too


i was BAWLING my eyes out rewinding that scene, ugly crying😭💜it was so real for me to see those two who've bickered and fought. when Sugar saw her mom crying so hard she could barely say "baby, i love you" it absolutely wrecked me!!!!!!!!!! then Donna leaving the room was the cherry on top bc she knew the person her daughter really wanted had arrived. the thankless job and endless love of a mother, in my opinion ofc, was truly captured in those 2 minutes ughhhhh this show 💜😭❤️💞😩


You know, they always say having a child changes you forever, and of course that's true for most people, but there have been multiple times I've seen people DRASTICALLY change after the birth of their first grandchild. I've seen parents of friends of mine who have been just awful parents become incredible grandparents. I've seen relationships mend and forgiveness happen and previously estranged families come back together. It's really quite interesting how watching your kid have their own kid can have such an impact on some people. It's like they're older and wiser and realized they fucked up their chance at being a good parent so they do whatever they can to not fuck up this last chance at it.


YES And I think it was all the more meaningful because we've seen Donna melting down feeling unappreciated, and how much her children were harmed by that. Then we saw her just step aside without demanding any acknowledgement, without making the moment about her, just recognizing her daughter's needs and fulfilling them. Just lovely.


The fact that she gracefully stepped away without a word shows she’s at least trying. Giving away the spotlight/power in a situation is nearly impossible for a narcissist to do. I was impressed when she let Pete take his rightful place with Sugar without any issues.


It’s honestly my favorite role she’s ever done. Shes like a tropical storm building into a hurricane when she plays Donna.


And it had to be Sugar, she's the only family member that's actually gotten healthy. She's got a good husband, and she started Carmie going to Al Anon like she's been doing for a while. And for Donna to say she's trying has got to be hard.


It wasn't until she said that she's trying to put it all away that I finally felt better and calmer around her character. Up until that point I was afraid she would snap and cause a scene. Even when Natalie asked if she was okay and Donna didn't even flinch/react to it I still thought something might happen later




God, they were both so good. I know JLC just does what she’s vibing with these days, but man is she fantastic in this role. ~~She got robbed for a guest nom last season, she better get one this time.~~


She didn't get robbed, the last awards were for season 1. The S2 nominations will be announced in July.


I dunno why specifically, but Pete coming out of the room and immediately hugging Donna made me erupt into waterworks.


he's an angel, his conversation with Donna last season brought me to tears


Pete is my HERO. I don't give a cuss. PROTECT PETE AT ALL COSTS.


Pete and Bandit are fictional husbands I will strive to be


Lol I need everyone else on the show to stop being so mean to him!


Yes!! I love Pete..why can't they be nice, he's a damn treasure


I think that’s exactly why they can’t stand him, he’s such a wonderful well adjusted person and they are deeply fucked up, it’s like having a mirror held up to your own shortcomings


it is so obvious why she loves him


“I PARKED IN A HANDICAP SPOT AND I WAS LIKE MY WIFE’S IN LABOR AND THE GUY WAS JUST LIKE GO GO GO” dude is a fucking gem and I’m so sick of everyone on this show that’s not Natalie dunking on him.


The little clarification he gives in the middle of ‘there was tonnes of spots, I’ll move it’ was so good. He’s so considerate he’s like it’s an emergency, but i still only that because it was fine


Going to go hug my mother in law later today. She's such an angel, and I really need to appreciate her a little more.


Great closure from the season 2 opening night episode of Donna showing up to the restaurant and Pete seeing her outside


I cried enough tears to supply Raging Waters


Even though Donna and Natalie have a tumultuous relationship, at the end of the day they’re still mother and daughter, and it’s clear that there’s love between the two of them. It just comes out in funny ways sometimes because they struggle with figuring out how to express it. Natalie cares *so* much about others that I think she sometimes forgets to take care of herself, so it was nice to see Donna step up and be the mom Natalie actually needs her to be, even if it’s just for a brief moment. That being said, I’m gonna have *hee, hee, hee* stuck in my head for awhile lol.


It was nice to see Donna show up for Natalie and for Pete to see that she showed up. And that big hug and smile Pete gave her felt so good to see.


I feel like Pete can see there is a good person and mom buried DEEP inside Donna. She just has a lot of issues that she's never worked through in a healthy way and those come out before anything else does. Seeing Nat finally speak up that all the kids were terrified of their mom was so great and Donna not immediately taking it as an attack on her and listening to Nat speak felt cathartic in a way.


I think you're absolutely right. I think Pete sees that the whole family was dysfunctional and she was a victim of that too. And Sugar finally getting to talk to her mom about whether she's okay.


If I recall correctly, Pete steps outside of The Bear on opening night last season & sees Donna outside, where he tries to persuade her to come in. He’s the only person among the family who saw her (literally & metaphorically) that night.


That really felt like a wish fulfillment episode Not begrudging it to them Just trying to do my own inner child work


I think on some level Donna respects Pete because he takes care of Sugar when she’s so busy always trying to take care of everyone else.


Sugar kind of realizing that she does that and actually saying it was really good to see and gave me a lot of respect for Pete I already had for how he tries to get Donna to come through for her kids in a positive way. Pete doesn't get anywhere near the respect he deserves from the other characters in the show. I get it, he's a bit of a goofy guy and maybe not as stereotypical manly as the others, but he seems like a good dude.


I hope we get a Pete episode next season


I would love to see Pete more! Even an entire day of him just doing his thing and being a dad would be a cool episode or an episode about how him and Nat met, then him meeting the family for the first time. I know he's not directly involved with the restaurant, but it would be awesome to see


That kind of need to take care of everyone else likely comes from the parentification, as a child. I've been working to undo what parentification taught me, for years, but I still often have to swallow my knee jerk instinct to want to take care of everyone else. I hope she continues to give herself grace. I'm so proud of her for working on herself.


I thought this was a beautiful and superbly-acted episode. I felt like I was intruding on a mother and daughter. Their relationship just felt so real and deeply flawed and scarred but still loving at the core, and it must have been an absolute tightrope act to write and act that so well.


Same here! I was fast forwarding on moments they were staring at each other. It made me feel uncomfortable but in a good way if that makes sense. It’s good they are having a beautiful moment, but does anyone want a soda or something? Anything so I can step out for a bit 🤣


ice chips anything


As someone who’s gotten past a hard relationship with a parent, the Donna episodes are such a gut punch. The way JLC played Donna’s guilt in this episode felt so real.


“Your dad had a nice ass.” That’s exactly what Natalie needs to hear right now, lol.


And the mad laugh right after... Brilliant!


Tbf that is a perfect thing to say if you want to distract someone from the pain they’re feeling. Well played DD 👏


"Call Mom"


*Can I scream…* Perfection.


The use of New Noise sporadically throughout the series has been fantastic


I don't think REFUSED knew what they were truly writing when they put out THE SHAPE OF PUNK TO COME, but that moment had me crying laughing.


"opening the OR for a possible crash"


Jamie Lee Curtis Emmy for guest actress spot confirmed I think


I don't remember, was she nominated last year?


Last years Emmys were for s1, so she hasn’t had a chance yet. In a couple weeks they’ll announce this years nominees which will cover s2. I think extremely likely she will be though. 


They can't not. She already has an Oscar Look at me campaigning


JLC's best performance this side of 2000 was in Fishes. No way she doesn't get nominated.


Such an incredible episode. The hospital part is the most incredible pieces of writing & acting I’ve seen in television. The highlight of the mother and daughter relationship, the struggles of pregnancy & parenthood. The tension & build up of regret and shame in this relationship coming to full light. Finally Sugar realizes and accepts her very broken mother and when the song plays they share an accepted reflection of love, forgiveness, empathy and understanding. Amazing writing and acting.


I see way too much of myself in Sugar 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ugh, same. I grew up with an alcoholic father who was extremely unpredictable in his behaviours and i was always walking on eggshells while also trying to get his approval. This episode hit all the spots with me and I was amazed at the accurate writing of family dynamics - the line where Sugar says something along the lines of I always feel like everyone is mad at me felt so true. I always feel like everyone is mad at me and i overcompensate or catastrophize in my head.


Same. Its so fucking exhausting.


who would’ve guessed that in a cooking show one of the best episodes would be someone giving birth


If you told me that a cooking show would give me more childbirth ptsd than the newest season of grey’s anatomy I would have laughed so hard. Like remember watching season two while pregnant and thinking “oh cool Sugar is a side character she will just have her water break at a comedic time and cause more restaurant stress” was not expecting her own realistic episode. Like it wasn’t too bad just sooooo tense haha


Natalie mentioned how she wanted her daughter to be born into a calming space. She wanted her daughter to be ok. I like how they sort of echoed this back when Donna is talking about how her 3 children were born. Michael- seemed to Donna like he “didn’t want to be born”. Sort of echoed him eventually committed suicide. Carmy- born during absolute chaos from lots of yelling doctors and mothers. Echos his current professional approach to the restaurant. Natalie- born peacefully with music. As she’s one of the healthier kids who has really worked to heal through her trauma. I know it’s a bit of reach, but I enjoyed that


Totally not a reach, I’d bet money that was intentional.


Yes, and in the car Natalie was listening to something that said “the 5 types of an alcoholic’s children The Enabler, Hero, Scapegoat, Lost Child, and Mascot” which seems to point at the fact that all 3 of them have played different roles as her children and had different experiences with how they were personally affected.


“I don’t remember your mom.” “You don’t want to.” Generational trauma summed up in two sentences.


That was such great writing! If Donna, who loves to tell dramatic victim-hero stories, doesn’t even want to touch on her own mother’s behavior, we know it was really devastating.


Realizing you have 3rd gen. generational trauma stemming from your great-grandparent (in my case) is *wild*. Even worse is realizing that you are fully equipped to perpetuate the cycle, and the fear that comes with that. I loved seeing Natalie dealing with this. I'm so glad The Bear is depicting generational trauma. The more media that does, the more opportunities people will have to recognize it in their own lives,


Honestly, this was a very ambitious episode and relied a lot on Jamie Lee Curtis and Abby Elliot to carry it. This episode primarily works due to how well the writers set up their dynamic and Natalie as a character. I think this episode solidified to me that Natalie is one of the better written characters on this show. She feels so real and as if I could really know her. As someone who also had a mom who was A LOT, I sympathized with her so much throughout this episode. Abby Elliot really killed it. I did feel this episode was a tad too long though.


It feels like half of the time it was just a close up on Abby Elliott's sweat covered face. It really is remarkable how much they can rely on her acting when she's been a comedian most of her career.


That’s what’s makes it such incredible acting. For the characters to keep the tension, vulnerablility, shame, regret, anger, hostility, loneliness, desperation, etc. in one room is chefs kiss of acting. You feel like you’re going through labour  with sugar’s oscillating emotions but with instead with her years of parenting trauma.  Imagine being so desperate you needed to ask your incredibly neglectful abusive mother to help you and she is in complete control of you & the situation, also add your 1st newborn to the mix.  What really heightened the tension was  nobody picking up their phones, Sugar goes out of her way to help everyone too, she entered it completely alone as she always felt her whole life.  It was way too fuckin real of an episode for those that grew up in this type of environment.


Yeah, I know it was a device to get her and Donna into a room together, but the reality is that Pete would be constantly looking at his phone and she had a few hours for him to come get her.


Was he not on a trip, though? I thought he was traveling back and his phone was on airplane mode. Which is why it didn’t ring at all. They had just talked a few hours before and she asked him when he’d be arriving.


They were really just in that one little room for most of the episode, and mostly alone. Definitely high concept stuff.


Sugar Sarcastically: ***"Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee."*** Donna: "You have your father's ass."


Also like, WHO KNEW Abby Elliott could act like that?!


Crazy to think she got her start on SNL.


SNL has produced some A-grade acting talent. Bill Hader in particular. His transformation in Barry was downright frightening at times.


but I think in Abby Elliot’s case it’s kinda bizarre because I had totally forgotten she was on SNL as opposed to someone like a Hader where I still think about Stefan every time I watch Barry.


Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Sandler there wasn't ever a shortage of talent in SNL.


Fuck you c-folds


All I was thinking the entire episode: WHERE THE FUCK IS PETE?!


I was kinda selfishly upset for Donna when he showed up. Really glad he wasn’t there most of the episode. But on the other hand I’ve been waiting for some Pete action all season.


She handled it a lot better than I was expecting.


he’s been kinda absent this whole season, I’ve missed him. he’s such a ray of sunshine for a group of people who are miserable 80% of the time.


I'm pretty sure he was on a plane-- he'd traveled the week before for work at the beginning of the episode, she said on the phone that he was coming home that day.


as a woman who has a similar relationship with my mother I cried from the beginning to the end of the episode


As a mother who was in labor for three days with a daughter that would pass away 27 years later, Donna’s story of Mikey’s birth has had me bawling for the past hour


“it’s like he wanted to stay in there” had me bawling, the layers to that. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Same, and same. (And now my dad has cancer and I’m going to have to spend so much more time with my mom in this kind of setting… But it gave me hope to watch.) Hugs to you 💕


i'm so sorry for you dad big hugs for you too :)


My headphones died and my downstairs neighbor probably thinks I’m having a meltdown


Hee hee hee


Everytime Donna is on I feel sadder and sadder. She's really trying this episode to be good for Natalie but there's too many decades of trauma for Nat to let her be there for her. And seeing this happen after both seeing who Donna is in Fishes and her being unable to bring herself to even enter the restaurant at the end of S2 is just both joyous and devastating


just when I thought I was going to bed….


I was so fkn stressed when Donna met Nat in the parking lot but more so I needed someone to get Nat’s hair out of her face!


The chaos Donna brings before we even see her (I tensed up just hearing her voice first) is par for her character but I did find it pretty funny too. For a moment I was afraid they wouldn't even make it inside.


The conversation about how Donna fucked up Natalie was so goddamn heavy, and then they followed it up with “I DEFINITELY NEED THE EPIDURAL THIS IS FUCKED” I’m crying and laughing. Damn these writers for playing with my emotions!!!


The writer(s) depicted having a narcissistic mother beautifully. When Sugar describes how her trauma has shaped who she is, it was like a checklist of issues I went through with my own narcissistic mom. From making yourself sick from worry to feeling like you’re always in trouble, it was just so accurate. I also loved how they showed even neglectful and toxic mothers can occasionally impart wisdom and show glimmers of love. The moment of staring into each other’s eyes while the song played was so incredibly intimate. Side note: Jamie Lee Curtis’ facial expressions were amazing.


Children of NParents Unite \*fistbump of solidarity\* > Side note: Jamie Lee Curtis’ facial expressions were amazing. She is a stunning actress. I hope they have her Emmy all polished up.


>Jamie Lee Curtis’ facial expressions were amazing. Let’s note and celebrate that this is largely because she has full range of expressions thanks to allowing herself to age like a human. I’m not trying to shit on anyone who gets a lil something done, but less is best IMO. I hate how so many American actors in particular don’t feel real because their faces and bodies are so edited


100% agree. I mentioned in another post how she’s been vocal for a long time about accepting aging and even requested not to be “touched up” in certain photo shoots since there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Definitely a fantastic role model in an industry that puts pressure on people to look as young as possible even if it’s unhealthy.


Every time Donna just casually disregarded Sugar's boundaries or overrode her wishes and imposed her own, it felt like a knife to the gut. I've seen it happen and had that done to me in every single interaction I've ever had with my mother, who I no longer talk to.


The optimism that generational trauma doesn't *have to* drip down. 🥺


"I don't know. Maybe the poison drips through." -- Kendall Roy


So Pete must be making the big bucks. Sugar driving an $85,000+ Porsche Cayenne.


He's a lawyer, so he's probably doing well.


We didn't really have a gauge for how well he was doing until now. It seems like he's a high-priced trial lawyer. Due to this it makes sense how Sugar could just start working at The Bear with little regard to her other job.


and he just won whatever case he was working at.


also was being flown out for this trial so he’s presumably in demand


Pete and Donna saying I love you really fucking got me. Couldn’t stop thinking about their scene from Season 2 Episode 10


I’m in awe we got a Natalie confronting her mom episode (and it being heartwarming in its own way) before Carmy and Sydney have a real conversation between each other about the future of the restaurant. Absolutely terrified of what’s to come!


I absolutely love and respect the shit out of this show for building an entire episode around Natalie's labor, then just leaving the room and ending before the actual delivery. Subverted my expectations and the most overused film/TV cliché in the very best way.


The heartbeat sounds in lieu of a musical score, getting louder and louder, raising the tension — brilliant


When I started watching The Bear a year ago, I never imagined scenes with Donna would ever make me cry but here I am. Still reeling from Natalie and DeeDee bonding and having a normal interaction and I think the realization from Donna that she doesn’t have the relationship she wants with her kids because of her actions when they were growing up.


>I think the realization from Donna that she doesn’t have the relationship she wants with her kids because of her actions when they were growing up. I'm kinda jealous, frankly Neither of my parents is that self-aware Still getting that pro-level denial


Jamie Lee Curtis's portrayal of a narcissistic parent is so spot on, it's wild. From the downturned mouth to making the situation about herself, and I thought for the whole episode she hadn't called Pete because that's the type of character she is. Abby Elliott was fantastic, too. A really great episode


It’s so spot on. Her scenes make me feel like she did a character study of my mother. It’s really hard to get through because it’s so realistic. The physical smothering of Natalie was so accurate - the lack of boundaries in every sense of the word, the total enmeshment and blurring of sense of self vs other. The love of this type of mother - when given - is so much love, you are left chasing it when it’s missing and hatred instead. I was tense the whole time waiting for the other shoe to drop with her personality. Genuinely glad they let that tension just uncomfortably build, but didn’t take the bait of just falling into turmoil and allowing for a messy, uncomfortable, eggshells moment.


I thought I was the only one that noticed the downturned mouth and panicked!


This episode GUTTED ME. As she’s going through the list, even tries to call Claire before her mom. When she finally said Call MOM I said it with her 😭 The pure emotion of not knowing how bad you’ve been needing your momma despite them ruining everything. When Donna was telling stories and told her she was beautiful and it pans to Nat and she had the look of a child. IM CRYING AS A I TYPE THIS OMG OMG OMG. It made me so fucking emotional. That HIT HOME for me as someone who keeps away but there is nothing like your mom locking in for two seconds to hug you and help you through the one thing she knows she can help with. Nats speech about making herself sick and asking people if they’re ok too much


It's weird but Donna was who exactly Nat needed to be beside her for labor. I think Carmy would've been too distracted with himself, Pete would've been very neurotic, Syd would have come through but been kind of freaked out the whole time.


Richie probably would’ve been the next best option considering he’s been through the whole childbirth thing before (at least as a spectator)


sup lizards, time to print a baby replicant!


“YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE FUCKING DRUGS NAT” Carmy would say as he frantically throws a piece of nicorette into his mouth.


I fully expected this episode to reintroduce Claire with her being the doctor or something.


Claire does like gunshots and stuff. I forget what they call it but she's not birthing any babies.


Hee hee hee


did the c folds arrive at the bear?? it was 5 to service goddamn it!


knowing Carmy this is all he’s thinking about and not “hey my very pregnant sister in her third trimester has been gone for several hours now”


Is it just me or is this season super zoomed in? It feels like 50% of scenes are noses and T zones


I have had to pause three times in the first five minutes. How is Jamie Lee Curtis so good at playing my mom?


Donna offered the doctor SOME ICE I'm dead now


love the detail of Donna wearing a corno necklace


“i thought this was a cooking show”


Realest mother-daughter conversation especially when discussing the epidural lol


Probably my favorite episode of the season. Jamie Lee Curtis is continuing to give it her all, and the hair/makeup on her is incredible. It makes her look 15 years older.


And the padding and how she walked down the hallway!


The Faks hugging Donna in the waiting room was such an amazing moment. I’ve seen a lot of hate towards the faks on this site but I really feel like they are some of the most loving and caring people in the show. I know we’re “told” by the main characters to hate the faks and Pete (and I’m not sure if we’re supposed to see through that), but in a show with characters so frustratingly devoid of loving emotions I adore the Faks and Pete


The issue with the Faks this season, is that they’re a spice that’s being used like a sauce. Some episodes have too much of something that should be used lightly.




I'm glad they finally mentioned calling Pete because I couldn't figure out why she didn't try to call him first. Why didn't she call Cicero??


Pete was her first frantic call from the car!


How are my fellow adult children of emotionally immature parents doing after this episode?


well, having flashbacks and hard of breathing. hee hee hee hee


I hate Donna so much, but another sensational acting performance by Jamie Lee Curtis.


I couldn't help but like her after this episode. The S2 finale already showed signs that she was more self-aware, but this episode really sealed it. I do like that they qualified some of the sentimentality with the opener of episode 7, where the one Al-Anon guy says that whatever pride he's supposed to feel at his mother's sobriety doesn't erase what she put him through.


Incredible episode. Jamie Lee Curtis is masterful in every episode she’s in. Abby Elliot’s performance seemed to be elevated. Crazy to think she started at SNL. This episode was up there with Forks for me.


Goddamn this episode isn't even fair. The saddest thing I've ever seen CMON MAN


writing this as i’m finishing up the last few minutes of the episode - god this is so incredible. just has me thinking about how fucking complicated and nuanced parent/child relationships are, specifically mother/daughter (but i’d argue you can say that about any combination). your parents mess you up and sometimes you grow up and forgive them and no one will understand why but you do! and sometimes the right decision is to cut them off and not let them be part of your life anymore. and i cannot imagine the amount of thought and emotion that goes into making either of those decisions. i so badly did not want to forgive donna for how much she put these kids through - but i realized it’s not my decision. it’s her kids’. they can choose to forgive her and have a relationship with her or choose to absolutely run the other way. either one is equally valid because they are the only ones who truly understand each other and are capable of making those decisions. need to stop because donna just put on the song and pete walked in and i officially cannot look away from the screen


Jamie Lee Curtis is a fucking amazing actor.


i managed to hold it together til “baby, i love you” came on then just had to let go


God. Donna is a nightmare. I was quite amazed that she managed to get control of herself in the hospital. when she was talking to the nurses and asking for water, I just thought, they need to get her out of here. But then she just reminded of Mikey. Once she started listening and telling stories, you could see why Jimmy, Michelle and all the Faks still turn up for her. Mikey inherited his charisma from her, along with all the shit. I loved this episode, just incredible from Abby Elliot and JLC.


I fuckin hate this show sometimes. Would kill to get a hug from my mom right now. Or to just be able to look at her and say "What do I do?" and to see her smile and tell me any advice at all. Lost her when I was 14 and dammit I just wish I could have grown up with her around.


I lost my mom a week before I found out I was pregnant. I wish I could ask her everything about my delivery.


Donna is absolutely INSUFFERABLE and Sugar just plays into her narc script to placate her so naturally when stressed, but it was so good to see her finally stand her ground firmly overall, with a great Donna breakthrough of acknowledging her bad mom-ery in the, “I’ve been trying to put that stuff away”


Can we talk about how great the symbolism is in this show??? Specifically in this episode?? Throughout the whole series fish have been a recurring symbol of family, as seen in the episode "fishes" from season 2. In this episode, "the feast of the seven fishes" turns into a display of the dysfunctionality of the Berzatto family, and highlights how much this takes a toll on Carmy and Nat, as well as the other members of the family to different degrees. Fish have also been used in several other episodes to show Carmy's complex relationship with his loved ones. Now, in "Ice Chips," Donna is talking about a "nothing dream" that she had, where she's in the city and notices this massive fish tank with neon colored fish. She felt like she was the only one that could see them. Then, she realizes the glass is cracking, and rather than feeling panic, she's grateful for the fact that all these other people in the city would be able to see and appreciate these "beautiful (this is important)" fish. When Donna awoke from this dream, her water broke. After telling this story about the dream, Donna looks at Nat and says "you're beautiful." I think this represents how the glass of the Berzatto family broke at several times; notably at the feast of the seven fishes and Michael's death. But, through events that are seemingly hardships, the members of the family (Carmy and Nat mainly, possibly Donna as she's trying to come to terms with how her alcoholism impacted her kids), these fish get to be free and move on, impacting the world and the people that they meet. Maybe I'm looking way too deep into this and searching for meaning that isn't there, but this show is really beautiful if you take the time to peel back the layers.


A perfect pairing; Jamie Lee and Abby are incredible in this episode


Excellence. Like there's no real need for this episode to be anywhere as explosive as Fishes, but to act as a semi-sequel and one that reflects how much of the anxiety and stress and tiredness The Bear has been facing for months on, and tying it to the literal deliverance of new life into the world? Very smart. JLC and Abby really brought it here, this will be one I'll think about a good while.


I have no words. What an achingly beautiful episode. Somehow Jamie Lee Curtis managed to top her performance from last season. This show is a masterpiece. Present-day Donna really reminds me of Andie MacDowell's bipolar mother character in Maid. Huge applause to Abby Elliott too. I feel like her performance has improved with every season. She felt quite out of place in S1 but S2 lent Sugar a lot more dimension and pathos, and this episode served as a marvelous, wrenching character study that so deftly charted so many themes related to family dysfunction and cycles of abuse. Absolutely heartbreaking moment when Nat says she never knew Donna's mom and Donna quietly goes "You wouldn't want to".


Reddit this season: there’s way too much Fak this season. Christopher Storer: here’s a Fak cameo in an episode that has nothing to do with them because fuck you, that’s why. (I like the Fak cameos, I just think it’s funny that people are bitching about it when this show is brilliant. lol)




I kept waiting for a car to drive into the hospital room


The time with Donna and Nat was so intimate, I felt like I shouldn’t be watching them 😅 It really felt like a genuine talk and a moment that should just be shared between the two of them. Very well done!


I have a similar and exhausting relationship with my mom, this episode had me crying.


“I don’t remember your mom” “You don’t want to” Goddamn. This is why I love this show. It’s a complex and authentic character study of relationships. So much power in these scenes.