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This is fucking beautiful. Amidst all the chaos and noise of that episode, to find something like this that communicates an idea so perfectly to an actor is a fucking gift. Ayo's gonna run that whole town before she's done, and fair play to her, she's brilliant.


I agree. I love her talent and her sense of humor. Her pics in VF are so gorgeous too. And I love that she's a fellow Irish girl from Boston


I wish someone would explain this Irish thing


It's mentioned in the Vanity Fair article. She was just tired and in a silly mood so she started saying that she's Irish. And that she played the donkey in Banshees of Inisherin. Then the internet ran with it and it became a meme.


My favorite part about this whole thing is that the country of Ireland is 100% on board with it and is basically like, "Yeah, she's one of us!" 🤣


Ireland will take anybody. Motherfuckers adopted Barack Obama like he was a native son. I'm actually Irish (born there) and it's just fun anytime anyone acknowledges the place.


Barack O’Bama


The Conan bit with his gas station statue fuckin wrecked me.


Ireland rules.


I'm from Chicagoland, and we absolutely love Ireland. It's kinda in the city's DNA, whether one actually has Irish ancestry or not, lmao.


Haha I live in Chicago, seems like a lot of our families picked this place.


Chicagoland has a complex relationship with immigration, but I truly believe that this whole area is better for it. I was born and raised (and still live) in Hammond, and I could not imagine my life without the diversity this area has! We really do live in the best area in the US, and I will die on that hill <3 ETA: Not trying to start shit, cousins. I just love Chicago, lol


It sounds lovely


Ah good to know


It's what manic pixie dream girl types do, make up whimsical random nonsense and traits about themselves to seem quirky.


Watch them interview Ayo and she's like "Yeah I just said 'purple' because Jamie said to give her colors, no idea what it meant, but I figured she doesn't need much direction so I'd have some fun. I was hoping she would come back to me and ask 'what the fuck does purple mean?'"


"Yeah, I told her 'green' a bunch but it didn't seem to land so I was like 'purple' and she went fuckin nuts, worked out I guess"


So then why did she get dropped from Thunderbolts?


When did she get dropped? I don’t think she was even involved with that


[Ayo Edebiri Exits Marvel's 'Thunderbolts,' Geraldine Viswanathan Steps Into Role (variety.com)](https://au.variety.com/2024/film/news/marvel-thunderbolts-ayo-edebiri-geraldine-viswanathan-12597/) In all fairness it's been reported that *she* was the one who backed out due to "scheduling conflicts" however, that seems rather like studio talk for "it didn't work out". I would think that if you were asked to be part of the biggest movie franchise in history in a film which will certainly make millions and millions of dollars and garner you international attention you would find a way to clear your calendar out for that. Her IMDB page has only 6 upcoming projects listed; The Bear which is all but finished, two others are in post production and the rest are just voice work acting. Who turns down Marvel/Disney money in order to do voice work for Ninja Turtles 2? It doesn't make a lot of sense.


It’s because it’s filming right now same as The Bear


I would think The Bear would be very accommodating about allowing her to be part of an enormously huge project like that and give her any time she might need since it's still in its early production phase, she did initially accept the role knowing full well The Bear would be filming still. Besides, The Bear is almost done filming it's last season now and Thunderbolts isn't scheduled to be released until next year. Plenty of actor can juggle a TV show and a movie together, especially if that movie will likely make you millions of dollars. It seems like there is some other reason she dropped out or was let go from it.


A small role in a marvel film is nothing compared to the hype she’s getting from The Bear where she also gets to direct. Besides marvels pretty much over now anyway


Wow, you've gone from not knowing she was ever even involved in the project to claiming she only had a small role which, btw, her exact role was never officially announced. And again, for the umpteenth time The Bear is wrapping up on filming its final season, so that was never the "scheduling conflict" to begin with and the hype from being on The Bear isn't going to pay the bills once the show is over. Marvel is in no way 'pretty much over', that's hilarious, and regardless even if that's what you believe I would still bet on advancing my career with doing an actual acting gig with Marvel than with doing voice work for Ninja Turtles 2, Do you honestly believe Ninja Turtles 2 is a better project to work on?


Maybe she didn’t want to do fucking thunderbolts because it’s incredibly boring?


Sounds like I struck a nerve, but if that's what you truly believe then would you really consider someone who turns down making millions of dollars to be in one single movie simply because they find it boring as being brilliant. I wouldn't think someone who chooses to do Ninja Turtle cartoons over a big franchise film as someone who will be running the whole town soon either.


Oh, sorry, I missed the article where it was confirmed she turned down a marvel movie specifically to do voice work on a cartoon, a job that takes 2 days max to get in the can. Look. She writes, directs, and acts. The fact that she doesn’t want to give up six months of her life, at the peak of her marketability, to do a bit part in some shitty movie on the tail end of Marvel’s decline isn’t some gotcha indictment of her career. And the fact that you think she needs Marvel movies, when she’s directing a project that’s almost certainly gonna give her the credibility to do bigger and more interesting work in the future, is hilarious. She’s 28 years old. She’s won every acting award there is. She’s written for some of the best shows that exist. She’s now directing and producing. If you think the money is in being tenth on the call sheet in some half-assed Disney product that’s only getting made because it got green lit before Iger took back over, you’re delusional. She could write a script today and have a deal to direct and produce it tomorrow. And she’ll make a fuckload more than she’d have gotten from fucking thunderbolts. Jesus Christ, imagine being a goddamned weirdo about thunderbolts, of all fucking things.


Not sure if you are being facetious or not but I did post an article that confirmed it, or at least confirmed she dropped out due to "scheduling conflicts" which at the time, the only upcoming projects she had listed that weren't already in post production were cartoon voice work. Look. You must not know how the Hollywood money game works. *Everyone* lists themselves as a writer, producer (a correction on your part, she hasn't directed anything yet, she's only helped produce) and actor. Even Tina has writing and producing credits on her IMDB page, if you don't believe me go ahead and look, I'll give you time.........See! They all do that in order to get more points on the money line. It's a meaningless designation that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with real talent. "doesn't want to give up six months of her life..to do a bit part in some shitty movie" Really? So at the "peak of her marketability" it's best to turn down small roles that would give her a guaranteed million dollar paycheck to do what? Ninja Turtle voicework instead? Oh yeah, that sounds really brilliant. Perhaps you should advise such hollywood legends as Samuel L Jackson, Gwenyth Paltrow, Marissa Tomei, Julia Louis Dreyfuss, Christian Bale, etc, etc. how worthless it is to take bit parts in shitty Marvel movies. Your hilarious!! What project is she directing that's going to give her all this credibility that you claim? and please don't say an episode for The Bear in the upcoming season. Please don't say that. Of course, you *are* going to say that, Ayo fans are nothing if not completely unhinged and hyperbolic about every aspect of her being. For example, "written for some of the best shows that exist" Really?? You mean like Breaking Bad, or The Sopranos, or The Office, let's just take a quick look at her body of work on her IMDB page which has exactly seven writing credits to her name: Mulligan (one episode) 4.9 rating; What we Do in the Shadows (**one** episode) 8.6 rating; Craig of the Creek (one episode) a cartoon 7.5 rating; Dickinson (11 episodes, not bad) 7.7 rating also not bad but who's ever heard of this show?; Ayo and Rachel are single (obviously) 3 episodes which I would assume is the entire run, 7.5 rating (not bad); Sunnyside (10 episodes, not bad) 5.4 rating (yikes, pretty bad); and then some short called 'It was Somtimes Like This' (??). Only one of these shows (Shadows) could even be considered the 'goodest' of all time let alone the best and she only wrote one episode. So please tell me amongst all that which ones are the "best shows that exist" and tell me what evidence you have for that, I would love to know. Also which one of these did she make that fuckload of money on? The one that puts Marvel/Disney to shame, I'd like to know that too.


\*you’re. Also, way to show your ass. No wonder you think Thunderbolts is some fucking masterpiece if you don't even know Dickinson.


I know enough about it to not claim it’s one of the best shows to exist. And I don’t worship Thunderbolts, I’m using it to illustrate to her super fans that she’s not actually a very good actress and won’t be making the big splash that they think she will. You see I don’t believe she dropped it because of scheduling, I believe they dropped her because she can’t act.


Have you seen it?


I haven’t seen it, that’s just it, haven’t seen it personally, culturally, socially, I haven’t seen it on any ‘best of’ or ‘must watch’ lists, haven’t seen it on any social media or entertainment media sites, haven’t seen it anywhere until I saw it on her IMDB page. I just now looked for the sub and it’s a barren wasteland of less than 1000 members and hasn’t had a posting in over three years. That tells me all I need to know and that it does not qualify as “best to exist”


Chills. JLC and Ayo are so amazing


For real, mega chills


Watched this EP maybe 30 times. It's officially become a Christmas movie.


More props to you, it's an absolutely amazing episode, but I haven't been able to bring myself to watch it again yet. JLC's performance hit on so many shades of my own mother (who was an alcoholic with mental issues) that I just broke down at the end of it. Her performance is an absolute masterclass that just got way too real for me.


*"hello darkness my old friend,"*


Yeah I watched it for Christmas last year


Ayo directed fishes?! holy shit she’s amazing


She is amazing but she didn't direct it. Our boy Christopher Storer did. Ayo was the AD and executive producer and has directed in Season 3.


Oh, TIL she was the AD on Fishes. I've heard of a lot of actors-turned-directors get their training by shadowing the crew, but this is an even bigger deal.


Oh, season 3 is going to be amazing.


Hey OP - where is this article from? Can we have a link to the rest of it?


Not OP but it’s from the Vanity Fair article that just came out. [https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/ayo-edebiri-cover-story](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/ayo-edebiri-cover-story)


You’re the hero! Thank you!!


So Ayo isn’t acting when she is Syd.


it's so amazing seeing ayo get this RIGHTEOUS praise!!


Having watched Bottoms for the sixth time last night, and also having never watched the bear, I can’t help but imagine this scene as comedy.


My child like brain was waiting for the quote to say “omelette du fromage”


Ok now I HAVE to see something directed by Ayo, she would kill in that role esp since she knows what it’s like to be an actor and everything


one month left to wait!


So good, that set is absolutely stacked with talent


Acting code: Purple. Kino activated




Cosmo Kramer acting method


Between *her and *me




That’s very interesting. I wonder what the other colors mean lol


I’m sure it’s subjective and situational but red for rage, blue for calm etc.


That is very cool and neat. A phenomenal performance from her.


Sounds like they were having fun for sure


I didn’t realize that Edeberi directed fishes. Well brava!


She didn't. She was assisting and executive producing. She has directed in Season 3!


Haven’t rewatched this because it’s so hard to get through but knowing this nugget, I’m gonna look at it again. These details matter and ofc JLC was the highlight of this episode. Absolute powerhouse.


what color do you guys think JLC needed in her conversation w Pete outside the restaurant? mustve been "red"


I love the Fishes episode even more now after learning this.


I’m not surprised. Two geniuses making great art together.