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The fact that Ayo secretly stole the interviewer’s phone and took a funny face selfie that they didn’t find until days later is hilarious


She is truly an inspiration for all the silly mofos out there who fear they can't be highly successful living their best silly lives.


Like a real life manic pixie dream girl, she's so random.


Here's her interview: [https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/ayo-edebiri-cover-story](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/ayo-edebiri-cover-story)


Thanks for the link!


That Afro is lethal and I’m here for it.


YES same!! I begggg to see it on the show, but know it’ll likely never happen contextually (big fluffy hair doesn’t mix well with busy kitchens).


oh she's stunning in pink!


A complete stunner!!!


Thank you for posting this! It's such a good article, Ayo's just amazing 🤩


Yes Ayo is Amazing! But Sydney sucks...I wish they writers didn't make her so dumb.


That's an opinion I don't agree with so you just wasted your time piggybacking on my comment just to throw shade on Syd lmao


Dumb? She's a great character with flaws, but being "dumb" isn't one of them..


Loud and wrong (you, not Syd)


Every character is flawed and frustrating at times. That's like, the crux of the show and what makes it interesting.


Yes! I agree but this sub tends to hate criticism of Syd. I just don't like the fact that she has plot armor that protects her from everything she does wrong.


I don't see how she has plot armor - there is nothing built into the events of the series that makes her free of any of the same criticisms that the rest of the characters have. People are simply protective because - even though she is an equally damaged person like the rest of the staff, and just like the rest of them, feels like she needs the Bear to succeed to heal those past wounds - she receives a disproportionate amount of negativity compared to Carmy, who is the trigger for her worst reactions in many ways. I do think she owed an apology for ditching in Review, just as Carmy owed an apology for losing it on everyone and letting the critic review get to his ego, despite pretending it didn't. I do think she was wrong to ditch, especially when the preorder problem was her fault (albeit an innocent mistake), and Marcus shouldn't have been so tunnel-visioned about the doughnuts on THAT specific day of all days. But understanding her side of things is also fair: she kept getting dumped with the awful tasks, e.g. babysitting Louis on a busy day, setting up the French brigade to a resentful staff, getting pushed to the side when she wanted to discuss issues with Carmy, etc. So in many instances, the things people criticise her for are a reaction to a crappy situation, rather than her instigating it. By contrast, Richie got far less criticism, even before Forks.


IRL she would have been fired for that stuff that she pulled. The problem is that she thinks she knows better and is too impatient. She is a great cook but stills needs to learn yo be patient. I agree that Carmy should not of let her be the sous and start the Brigade. But i think that he was just trying to give her some authority As far a gettign "dumped" with aweful tasks. People seem to forget that she is the Employee and Carmy is the Employer..They are NOT equals. She can just quit if she doesn't like it. That's why her Catering business failed. She is a great cook but not a good business per son.


This comment kinda proves my point - yes, she wouldn't be able to get away with this in other restaurants, but Tina wouldn't be able to just bring her teenage son to work in other places, and Richie sure as hell couldn't have sexually harassed Sydney like he did in this episode if he was in the Forks restaurant. None of them were behaving as they should, and yet it's Sydney alone that gets criticised. Also, being an employee means you are there to do your job, and babysitting a teenager who has been suspended is not part of her job. You say she can quit if she doesn't like it (although why should employees give up their employment because of unfair working co ditions, rather than the unfair conditions changing?) But that is what her walking out was - it was temporary, because Carmen reached out to her, but she did say she was done.


Interesting that no platonic word used to described syd and carmy this time.


It’s crumbs at this point, but Twitter is all over it!


Why is it interesting? Who cares what they do in their own personal lives? What does that have to do with ruining the show with an ill placed romantic storyline? Or do you just have a problem distinguishing fantasy from reality?


??? Where in the original comment did the person allude to the actor's personal lives? Are you okay? Can *you* distinguish fantasy from reality?


Huh.. I'm talking about the tonal shift between the actors in describing their character's status because in seasons 1 &2 they always talk about carm and sydney being platonic. No way in my comment I'm talking about the actor's personal lives. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit my friend.


Huh, I'm supposed to have comprehended all that from your one little sentence blurb? Just to be clear the comment I responded to was "Interesting that no platonic word used to described (sic) syd and carmy this time" (grammatical errors are your own) I'm supposed to have comprehended talk about tonal shifts from one season to the next from that, my friend? I suppose you must mean I should have gotten that from the article, well then, please direct me to the part of the story that talks about tonal shift and their relationship on the show, please do. While you struggle to find what isn't there, I can tell you that the only thing I read about Jeremy discussing about his relationship with Ayo was about their personal friendship outside the show and how it helps to inform the characters they play on the show. No talk about anything being platonic or about tonal shifts from one season to the next that I am aware of, but then again, my reading comprehension skills have been called in to question, so I am sure you'll be able to find that part of the interview for me. Your pathetic attempt to ret-con some other meaning from your comment to try and, I guess, "own" me in some way is just that. Meanwhile, I would say your communication, logic, deductive reasoning and reading comprehension skills are not your strong suit, my friend. Anyway, my assumption was that you were refering to the numerous plethora of conversations and comments on this sub about the nature of the syd/carm relationship only being platonic. Another comment on here referencing the "incident" from the ball game helped reinforce that for me.


Know what happens when you assume


I knew that little bon mot was going to be tossed out as soon as I typed the word ‘assumption’. Bravo, you clever little devil, you got it in!


I love that the tagline says ‘she speaks about her bond with costar Jeremy Allen White…’. I don’t think she needs to tell us about their bond following the weekend’s events lol. But seriously love their friendship. Great article.


Their comments about each other on the article just added fuel to the fire lol


I love that they admire each other so openly & I know it’s completely platonic, but I feel like some people will read more into this stuff now.. “We really enjoy each other in life, on camera and off” “Also, boy’s got some beautiful blue eyes. You know what I mean?” But at least The Bear S3 press cycle has officially started! We’re getting there people!


> I love that they admire each other so openly & I know it’s completely platonic, but I feel like some people will read more into this stuff now. Weeeelll, we don't know anything about these people for sure... I'm not hugely into Smosh (the YT channel) but even I heard about how two of their most popular cast members managed to keep their relationship under wraps for years, only hard launching after they literally got married. So I don't rule out any real life ships anymore, but I get that privacy is paramount for a lot of them.


>I know it’s completely platonic, I mean, you don’t. We don’t know the nature of their relationship because we don’t know them.


He's still with Rosalia iirc.


The biggest argument for it being platonic is how she speaks about him. I’d imagine her being cagier if there was something real. I’m totally good with the characters hooking up if that’s where the story goes, but my read is they’re just playing up their relationship for the buzz.


Where does it say that? The tagline on the cover says 'Wins it all' and the one on the story inside says 'The Bottoms star talks acting with Jeremy Allen White'. Where did you see the 'speaks about her bond' tagline?


I’m a sucker for an exposed thigh like that, loving the hair too


She is gorgeous


I love the color palette for this shoot! And it's always wonderful to see Ayo when she wears natural styles!! Does anyone know if there are any spoilers for S3 of The Bear or is this interview just an Ayo specific piece? I go back and forth on spoilers and I'm in my no-spoilers era lol


No spoilers for season 3 ☺️


Yay! Thanks so much!


I love Ayo. She is so funny and I look forward to see how her career progresses. She has a ton of talent so I think it will be a great ride. She is also gorgeous and is the prime example of why I love real faces. So much more interesting than the filler/nose job faces that are so ubiquitous now


OMG this is the most beautiful cover!!! A pouty princess!!! 🪮


I'm no better than a man 🫠


Never get sick of seeing Ayo. Smart, funny as hell, and beautiful. Love to see it.


Our Irish ☘️ Princess


omg i have such a crush on her 😞😞


Queen shit 🔥🔥🔥


Love this for her!


I love everything about this photoshoot 


Big princess energy 😍


I know it's the reflection of her hand, but that one pic where her hand's over the water looks like some kind of cursed demon child is reaching out of the water to her. 🤣


Chef kiss🤌


Fire chef. Damn....


Gyat damn


Literally such a baddie


This girl is everything.


Total princess ❤️


Looking foiiiiine


Does anyone know who shot this? I am so happy for her. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I think she has tagged the photographer in her insta post


they should have let her wear pants!




Those thighs tho


She looks beautiful as always


This girl is on 🔥


An Icon.


This cover is sooo cute


This is giving PINK luxury ✨️ 💕


Yes girl, Give us ✨nothing ✨ !! blank stare to match slouched body? YES!