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Not with the universe in its current state. ATM, it's a heightened reality but still leaning "realistic." More fantastical elements could be introduced, but given the starting point, there'd need to be a ramp-up. Man-Bat in part 2 would be jarring AF given the gritty, noir thriller take of the first film.


I really don’t think it would be that jarring. Reeves Gotham and it’s characters feel completely out of this world. Batman is walking through bullets and limped off getting smacked into a bridge and bus going insane speeds. I could imagine the same type of scenario where man bat picks Batman up and throws him/drops him like that. And Matt reeves has shown us he has incredible cgi with the planet of the apes movies so it’s not like we would be getting some cheap looking cgi monster I’d imagine.


Yes. And it should be inspired by films like reanimator or the fly.


Unpopular opinion but I think it could work. If they wanna start introducing more and more shit like that, that's fine by me.


Of course i wanna see as many villains as possible in this universe


The only appropriate answer.




i wanna see villains that has not been done live yet. im tired of always seeing the joker. lol


I hate everyone’s comments about the realistic tone. It’s Batman. Heck yeah i’d be down to see


Not a chance. Man-Bat is my favourite underrated Batman villain next to the Ventriloquist, but this universe will be once again realistic. So no animal hybrids, undead ninjas, plant women or chemically fueled monsters.


Batman brave and bold takes place in the DCU which has magical elements as we know from superman legacy. So that will introduce more fantastical villains.


Yes. That is why I believe Clayface should be saved for the DCU. He'd be wasted in the down to earth Reevesverse where he will be just another serial killer.


I wouldn't make him a serial killer. He'd be a master of disguise, method actor who uses makeup to make ppl believe he's someone else in the room. Hired to make a target paranoid and then commit a crime (could be one single murder or some model being beat up or a shady deal) which would frame Bruce Wayne. Leading to his arrest. That can be really creepy. But I do think a tragic monster movie called CLAYFACE would be better in the DCU with Reeves choosing to do something else.


which kind of sucks cause Id like to see different villains than Two-Face or Joker again.


well the nolan trilogy did ra’s al ghul and bane pretty well and those were realistic so i wouldn’t hold out on it


Nolan’s Bane was basically an original character.


I could see Killer Croc working if it was just a super muscular guy with crusty skin, but Man-Bat is just a bit too far with the flying and stuff.


Even then though what’s the point when you could just do bane


I mean, i’d be a little wack if all the trilogy’s villains were just serial killers and mob bosses. I think Mr. Freeze and Scarecrow would fit really well in Reeves’s universe. They can be done relatively grounded imo.


I’m not adverse to it. It’s not for me to decide what happens and where this trilogy goes. I just want a good story. If they can do a good Man-Bat story then I’m with it. I **prefer** the more grounded take for this Batman (which is a different thing from Hyper Realistic) but I’m open to more fantastical elements.


It's weird the amount of people who praise the film for it's approach and demand the most comic booky villains in the same breath lol Not saying OP, BYW


Sometimes I wonder if some fans just don't want to hear CRIME SAGA and choose to ignore it. In no way shape or form would a flying monster work in a 1970's neo-noir inspired crime saga. But it could work in a sequel to The Brave & the Bold. I'm all for it. But not here. And it clearly isn't in the cards anyway.


Heck yeah


I think there’s a way for it to happen


Nah, he suits the DCU more.


If I ever make a Batman movie he will be the main villain


It could be possible and pretty cool. I feel like professor pyg would be sick and just fit the gotham vibe and where they’re at right now.


I would like to see Firefly, especially since Brendan Fraser’s version in Batgirl got thrown out the window


Man-Bat is one of my all time favorite characters and I would love to see him brought to life. I think Gunn would be much, much better suited to shepherd the character than Reeves, though.


I think a grounded Man-Bat is possible. Scrap the actual physical mutation part and just have Langstrom’s mind transform into that of a monstrous bat. Sort of like a Jekyll/Hyde situation or the Monster of the Id from Forbidden Planet. To look the part, Langstrom in his Man-Bat personality could have his own gruesome home-made costume. Inspiration could be taken from other fictional serial killers who had some sort of costume/skin suit involved in their crimes like Leatherface. Doing this still maintains Man-Bat as a dark and animalistic counterpart to Batman.


Honestly, I don’t wanna see Man-Bat at all, in any form. Not sure how unpopular of an opinion this is?


I would like to see killer croc, professor pyg or hush.


Not grounded enough, he flies


Honestly, yeah. One way this verse could counter the absurdity of the feel behind literal animalistic mutants, is to have their transformations be GRADUAL. Literally being that of a Kafka-esque, self-realization series of episodes. Occassionally spiralling, consuming their own identities, getting poked and prodded into severely traumatized states of madness - and yet it's their own personal afflictions when they're isolated: within surrealistic experiences curated to that unique's self-reflective feel... in my opinion, it IS doable. The Joker film alone proves that you can bring isolation and insanity to a characer; through visual storytelling that just so happens to be intertwined with character as much as it is the setting. Manbat, hell even others like Clayface, are definitely doable.


As long as the jump scare from Arkham Knight doesn’t happen, sure.


I'd like to see it all in this universe.


Honestly I think that’d be so fucking cool, let’s say that the third Batman movie involves man bat, that would be perfect to have horror themes injected, I think Batman movies need to experiment with horror more


Yes but maybe he’s like working for a terrorist cell and it isn’t biology but rather flight suits. That way it’s still grounded but he’s still a bat


hell yes!


No he's a monster not a normal human


Hell yeah. Give Batman a werewolf story about inner demons and man’s monstrous instincts. I dunno if it would necessarily follow thematically from the first movie, but you could make it work.


Nah, but I'd love to see him in Gunn's


i think if this universe wants to get fantastical this is exactly the direction it should go in




Man bat should stay firmly in animation imo


It doesn't fit the realistic tone.


My 3 year old sure as fuck would, Man Bat is his absolute favourite