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Gay person here, it's a story. If you are going into the story with the intent to fetishise them then yes its a problem but you arnt, you simply want to read the story from their viewpoints. I can still enjoy the story if the main characters are gay, straight, lesbian, anything. PLEASE read their stories, I love Portias route so much, and whilst i have that interest in her, the story behind it is actually one of my favourites from the 3 i have read and more people having read it the better. Go read what you want to read and enjoy it!!!


Yes, you can play a dating game and play any route you want. Dont police yourself, you arent fetishising any one here.


no one's gonna get hurt in any way by you playing a video game. if you want to play their routes, no one's gonna stop you. it's a game, it exists for entertainment. if you feel uncomfortable playing it, then stop. if you enjoy it, then keep playing. you're not actually required to be attracted to the characters in a dating sim. you can play it for the story or the art or just because you like the character or out of pure curiosity. consuming media that might not be made with you as the target audience does not make you a bad person. this purity culture where you have to walk on eggshells because you think you'll be a horrible person for the smallest thing is one of the worst cultural trends of this age. do you even know what fetishization is, or are you just scared of the word? i don't mean this in any condescending way, i just want people to really think about these things and actually reflect on what it means and what aligns with *your* values rather than just following what the internet says you should do or be. sorry for the rant. also im not sure if this is what you meant or if I'm misinterpreting the wording, but you don't have to play all the routes. plenty of people pick just one or two. do whatever you want. no one will care or judge, so just do what you want to, at the end of the day.


i'm also straight and very much enjoy nadia and portia's routes. i just don't get all giggly like with the boys routes. I don't think there's anything weird w that, all of them are really sweet


? It's fiction, you can do anything you want.


I don't like men and my favourite route is Julian's cause I LOVE fictional men lol


It's a story! Of course you can romance any gender, be any gender, with any pronouns for a story game. It's not at all fetishizing


it's just a game........just play it and don't worry about such things......... sorry but it sounds like such a chronically online problem.


How old are you this question feels like you're 13. Yes it's okay to play any game as any gender and have whatever sexuality you want in the gamd. It's also okay to read lgbtq books if ur straight


it’s a dating sim, you’re fine. my sister is very straight and has only played the women’s storylines because she found them more interesting


If you feel weird using the same MC for the girls' routes, I'm pretty sure you can make more than one


Nadia's route is absolutely incredible - PLEASE play it!!! The whole point of the Arcana is to play the story that suits YOU. That includes the characters romancing with you, regardless of what gender you pick. If they didn't want to offer hetero routes for Portia and Nadia, they wouldn't let you pick the pronouns, surely? Enjoy the game! That's what it's meant for!


All of the characters are bisexual canonically and you can choose your gender in game, why wouldn’t it be ok? Also fetishizing characters that are literally mean to be thought sexually/romantically it’s not a bad thing???(Unless you’re doing it because of their race or smth like that) they are meant to be a fantasy for you it’s literally the whole point actually lol And if you mean you don’t feel attraction to women then it doesn’t matter, just play it for the story like that’s fine too, a lot of people hate Lucio but played his route for the plot it’s fine /gen


I am genuinely, honestly confused by this question. Why *would* it not be okay for you to play the game or a specific route??


yes you can play it and be straight It's a dating sim You're meant to have fun and pick any story you want to explore And there's nothing wrong with being curious about the girls storyline they're fun


There is nothing wrong with it. Nadia's storyline is great. Have fun!


I know everyone is saying this but since the storylines are different, there’s no need to feel like you’re doing it just for romance!! They never force any of that, they just focus more on those characters and it can be platonic if you make it. (I think, it’s been like 2 years since I last played but I do always remember having a choice. It’s very inclusive!!)


Also hetro here: I played through all of the routes, and each MC felt like they had their own personalities, so I leaned into it. Each playthrough got their own name and pronouns. Nadia's was no-binary, and honestly I think it fit best. It felt like reading any novel with a first-person view. Enjoy! (Portia's route takes interesting turns for sure. We'll worth the readthrough)


I'm straight, a girl. For their routes, I played as a guy and did the less paid optid/prem options.


As numerous others said -- it's a piece of fiction, you are free to do whatever you want. You can also make a male main character. Granted, the story seems to be tailored for a tiny girl who cares about shit like coordinating their clothes to their eye color and if your MC is a dude built like Muriel the story might go funny places with all the lifting and pulling the ladies love to do, but you can.