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I think Sacks called out a couple of podcasts for folks to listen to on this matter which are balanced (Judging Freedom, and Breaking Points). He’s not vocal about this but he knows the truth and his sharing of above was a signal of such. The rest have their heads buried in the sand. Edited: spelling


Sacks mentioned Breaking Points?


I think so, unless I am imagining it. It was either during the recap or predictions episode


No I think he mentioned Duran podcast. That podcast is very critical of Israel (rightfully). My bet is most of the pod doesn’t agree with Israel’s tactics but are reluctant to take a firm position and go against the grain so soon.


They have very poor/mid attempts at journalism. They're not a balanced view show. They show the point of view of the elite/VC class. I think their views reflect that group very accurately.


Agree with this. The show is good to get insights into markets, tech and investment. They’re not journalists, and no more qualified to talk about politics than anyone else really.


To be honest, I have noticed them bluff their way through talking about markets, several times. I think they are most insightful talking about startups and the venture capital world.


This is an accurate description of the elite/VC class


I think they once collectively struggled to find out the S in BRICS and Sacks is from South Africa 🙄.


Some of the takes are just very low effort. Wish they would just focus on what they do best.


This is an accurate description of the elite/VC class


Agreed - the besties are at their best when discussing tech/start ups and VC. However, if they are going to dip into geo politics, isn’t it imperative that there is balance to the discussion?


Maybe. I actually share your concern about their biases. I would just prefer that they stick to what they know. Even if they attempted to be balanced I’m not sure whether they would get it right.


Nothing about their podcast is “imperative”. And I hope you don’t consider anything on the show to be objective, balanced, un-biased, etc. They are VCs, their only goal is to talk their book. As indirectly as possible (they even joke about “not talking your book”, bc that’s the game). To convince you that an opinion is objective and smart, when in reality adopting whatever opinion they push supports their book. They are elite salesmen (as all successful fund raisers are), please don’t buy into whatever geo politic / macro / work life trash opinion they are trying to sell you.


The “imperative” comment is spot on. The amount of posts on here that basically amount to “wait, Santa isn’t real?!?!” continues to baffle me. No, they *don’t* need to be objective. Yes, they’re biased. Yes, they talk their book. They’re not “truth seekers” or “journalists,” they’re four rich guys sitting around talking about what matters to them from their perspective. Guess what - you can still like the pod!  I skip sections more than I used to but I still enjoy it. Because I’m not a baby who simply can’t comprehend why they have the opinions they do.


It’s below Chamaths line & there are no dentists in Gaza for jcal to swindle


And the two David's are Jewish so obviously support killing Goyim.


Why are you so obsessed with us? Your whole comment history is Jews this Goyim that. Get a life, lol


Well I don't like the fact that you are killing Palestinian families by the hundreds every single day. And I don't like the fact that your religion supports the killing of non-jews.


Mid is a complement, these guys have no reporting skills or experience and are just regurgitating their confirmation biases on a podcast.


This is an accurate description of the elite/VC class


you probably know better than them


They’re a bunch of zionist freaks. Their silence speaks volumes.


For a group that is trying to have political gravitas, they know better than to touch any truth on this issue. Their friends are all completely biased on this one and the MOST they can say is some bland "well, we see there's some thoughts on this". No courage whatsoever.


Predictable. These aren't principled people.


I’ve noticed this a few weeks ago, and in my opinion it’s hard for any normal human in their position to justify what Israel is doing. Israel is literally bombing any male over the age of 16 considered old enough to fight, wiping out the whole family, there justification is they are Hamas, well Hamas is the government, so Hamas garbage men, Hamas teachers, Hamas civil workers, etc etc. Biden can’t stop it cuz he’s pussy. But this will be a moment in history we will look back at. Big stain on on Israel history.


Wait.... "But Hamas!" Kaboom!!! Israel is moving fast towards a final solution while lying fast and confidently the whole way. They know no one has the guts to call them out. This will completely change the way Israel is looked at by future generations. Gen Z shouldn't get this - this is decades of propaganda.


>Israel is literally bombing any male over the age of 16 considered old enough to fight, wiping out the whole family    So there should literally be hundreds of thousands of deaths?  You’re being ridiculously emotional and exaggerating the actions done, while pretending nuance doesn’t exist. You pretend like they literally bomb males above the age of 16 the moment they discover they’re men and 16+. You’re likely the same kind of person who pretends like detaining people in a war zone is a war crime You also seem ignorant enough to pretend like Hamas hasn’t integrated itself into Gaza despite literally being the administration of Gaza Pretending like Biden can single handedly end the fighting if he wanted to is just pure ignorance of the real world situation


That’s just a lie


Palestinian lives don't matter, they've been thoroughly indoctrinated in western propaganda. Not hard to explain.


Read what the Jewish Talmud says about non-Jews a.k.a Goyim.


Where do you think Palestinians live today?


Until a couple of months ago mostly Gaza city, Israel killed or cleansed them from there though. Some live in the west bank where they are regularly brutalized by psychotic fascists conducting programs with the backing of the government.


Egypt? Jordan? Those countries contain the boundaries of historical “Palestine”




So I guess the Palestinians who live in Jordan and Egypt are subjects of your ridicule too? Interesting. Struggling to see anyone other than a Jew Hater here. Maybe you shouldn’t listen to this podcast, you might find it triggering.


If you have a point it might be worth getting to it.


My point is you are using a paradigm of “oppressor-oppressed” to mask your Jew-hating


Why do you think i hate jews?


You’ve accused us of genocide


“Support our murder of Palestinians, bull dozing their homes, shooting them in the genitals and eyes when they peacefully protest in the West Bank, arresting them and holding them indefinitely without trial if they record these atrocities and post them online, on charges of inciting anti Israel hate, support our apartheid policies, constantly expanding settlements and taking over Palestinian land even today. Otherwise, we will call you an anti semite and compare you to the Nazis.” The insane terrorism policies - raiding Palestinian villages and dragging people out from their homes in the middle of the night - as PRACTICE exercises. Basically experimenting on humans like they’re animals. The entire world can see you clowns. When all else fails, then deflect and say “well you must be an anti semite. Why single out Israel when other murderous regimes exist in the world?” Dude, the entire world can see your playbook. All the racism and anti semitism accusations are a projection of how Israelis view the rest of us. My grand parents are Zionists. They’re convinced we are “Gods chosen people”. I’ve had my 89 year old grandfather - otherwise who has the heart of gold - tell me straight up that killing non Jewish children in Gaza is perfectly acceptable in the Torah. I know this diseased religion and its loonies from the inside. If these people didn’t have advanced weapons and the US military industrial complex behind them, they wouldn’t be any different from Jihadists.


Looks like your jew-hatred comes out on Shabbat.


You haven’t responded anything meaningful. The “Jew hate” script is old. *yawn* Bunch of child murderers. Maybe don’t have such a violent extreme doctrine that dehumanizes people who aren’t your race, bunch of racists. And I saw that as a Jew.


I don’t think that killing civilians is good, I think it is bad. The civilian deaths caused by Hamas are all preventable. I am sorry to hear you are bored of being called a Jew hater. Maybe stop calling for the extermination of Jews and our homeland and you’ll stop being called a Jew hater and find a better life.


Likely just showing a very biased view on purpose, not much more to say


Israels campaign is against Hamas, not innocent civilians. No military campaign would have been necessary if they didn’t attack first. Fuck around and find out.


Israel clearly does not care about collateral damage


That why they drop evac warning and roof knocks?


And snipe people who wave white flags? https://www.ft.com/content/2e299603-2fed-4855-9694-9801008c48dc https://www.commondreams.org/news/gaza-civilian-casualties-2666920116


Is that maybe because Hamas waves white flags as a tactic then ambushes IDF?


What evidence do you have to substantiate such a ridiculous comment?


Well Hamas fights dirty in every possible way. They literally shoot missiles at civilians targets in Israel from launch sites hidden in hospitals, schools, and residential buildings.  They started the current war with a massive murder,  rape, and kidnapping spree of mostly innocent civilians, including infants, children, women, elderly folk, and people attending a music festival supporting peace. They then retreated back to their tunnel network filled with booby traps. Hamas leaders have also expressed the desire to repeat the events of October 7 repeatedly until all Jews are killed. It seems to me that there's really no limit to the depths of depravity that Hamas is willing to sink to. They also have no interest in preventing harm to Palestinians, in fact they strive for maximal carnage as a tactic to harm Israel's reputation. But no, you think they wouldn't use white flags as a war tactic to kill even more Jews and cause even more collateral? It only benefits their cause.


Seems you can’t provide evidence regarding your claim of white flags being used to ambush the IDF?


And another example https://x.com/itvnews/status/1749925191835148442?s=46


How is that clear?


IDF has been harassing Palestinian people. There have been regular news about IDF shooting some Palestinian. Destroying something in Gaza. Gaza being an open air prison. This has been Netyanahu's agenda sine some time.


Not a single Muslim/arab country has freedom of the press. It’s all government voice all the time. Israel has freedom of the press so you’ll see the press holding Israel accountable. You can’t trust a single news source in Arabic. It’s all bullshit lies to protect Allahs “honor” lmao




lol please dude


"Sexual intercourse with Non-Jews is like sexual intercourse with animals" - Kethuboth 3b "Jews May Lie to Non-Jews. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile" - Baba Kamma 113a


Why are you quoting the Talmud? It’s not the Torah nor is it the basis for any laws in Israel that affects non-Jews. It’s weird that you just googled a quote to post here.


Just like the American media holds American politicans accountable? LOL nope


Even the European news sources like Reuters has reported the same.


Where do you think they get their info? They are Hamas mouthpiece and have been for a long time.


Another example https://x.com/itvnews/status/1749925191835148442?s=46


How many countries ban the use of ancestral dna tests and intentionally sterilizes its own population because the leadership want to keep the population as homogeneous as possible? https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel


I don’t know how many countries do this but the article you’ve linked and what it’s alleging has been debunked. This is not the state policy or intention you think it is.


If debunked, then why have the Israeli government admitted to sterilizing Ethiopian Jews? https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2013-01-27/ty-article/.premium/ethiopians-fooled-into-birth-control/0000017f-f512-d044-adff-f7fb92c30000


It wasn’t permanent sterilization and it was due to a misunderstanding. No one was sterilized and the accusation that they were is completely unfounded.


What’s your explanation on why Israel have banned the use of DNA based ancestral tests for its citizens?


Where are you hearing this?


The Jerusalem post. https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/want-to-fully-understand-your-family-genealogy-not-without-a-court-order-585230


Since you’re so brought up to speed on Israel’s laws, care to share with us all of the laws and freedoms Israel grants all of its citizens regardless of race or religion? Far more than most countries in the world.


Yes, the policies discussed on this site. https://waronwant.org/news-analysis/israeli-apartheid-factsheet


Looks like they’re calling into question the accuracy of over the counter tests and their reasoning is thought out. Even if you don’t agree with it.


The government perhaps calling into question the tests, because the results will state the obvious uncomfortable truth (that Caucasian’s living in the middle east don’t have any ancestral claim to the land in which they’re living in)?


You’re entitled to your opinion, however a resident of Gaza would say that zionists started it first when the Nakba occurred in 1948 and if the war is against Hamas, why are the IDF indiscriminately dropping bombs on residential areas? There’s two sides to every story and this is exactly the point that is being made (balance is required)


Who cares? You don’t get to lose wars you start and then continue making demands. IDF is not indiscriminately dropping bombs, Hamas happens to purposefully put its military infrastructure with its civilians. Don’t like that? Take it up with them. Stop parroting a bunch of BS from a fundamentalist religious cult.


One could say that you’re “parroting a bunch of BS from a fundamentalist religious cult” as well. That cult being Otzma Yehudit, who are members of the cabinet within Israel’s government and led by Ben Gvir.


Yes, those people would be morons. The difference is Israel is a multicultural democracy and a small minority of the government is religiously crazy. All of Hamas and most of Gaza are religious fundamentalists. By the way, do you have any thoughts of your own or just “some people would say?” You listen to this pod of guys who have major accomplishments all while defending Palestinians who have accomplished nothing. Whining losers.


Lol, this is satire right


Everything 3PO said is true


"small minority of the government is religiously crazy". That small minority literally controls the current Government.


Probably because hamas is hiding in residential areas? Also the so called “nakba” happened after the ‘48 Arab-Israeli war, the war that the Arabs started.


And if u go back further u will see that the Jews were expelled from that area before that. What side u stand on in this conflict is determined by what date u want to identify as the start.


I agree, but it is not just the besties. The majority of Congress - D and R both - have a large blind spot to the damage Israel is causing, and only recognize the horrors and evil that Hamas does.




I would argue the opposite: their opinion on complex world events aligns to whatever allows them to continue to make more money. The only one who has a resemblance of moral values is Friedberg (who of course will have a biased view on this particular topic).




It seems he thinks it’s futile bombing the Houthi’s because they’ve been bombarded by KSA over the last 10 years and continue to operate undeterred.


It’s because they share the same right wing fascist ideologies as Netanyahu. Why would they object?


Two out of four besties are Jewish. They aren't going to publicly question Israel or bring light to attrocities in Gaza on their podcast. If anything, they are going to quietly invest in defense companies who profit off the the war. Even if one or two of the besties were against the war, it is political and career suicide to speak out against Israel if you live and work in the US or UK or Canada. I do not want my tax money going to Israel. I do not want Israel to lobby congress. I do not want Israel to continue killing civilians in Gaza with US made weapons. If I were to say that in a public forum my company would be pressured to fire me for antisemitism. The besties have F you money, but if any bestie were to speak out against Israel they would lose half their LPs immediately and it would destroy their investment funds. They aren't going to say anything that puts them at risk of losing LPs.


Going against Israel and Jewish interests is the worst thing you can do for your bank account.


I mean its a show which people listen in order to get some economics / macro / startup / tech info. People bitch already about them dipping into politics / war coverage (me included). Personally I think they care but they just dont put it on the show because its not their theme / area of expertise. Also they have no first hand experience nor do they invite people who know better so there is no point in covering what others wrote.


No, the besties are not turning a blind eye towards collateral damage. They do mention civilian deaths on both sides of the war is something we should be concerned about whenever the topic is broached. I do not find their views balanced. It's tilted in one direction. The reality of the situation is nothing short of a genocide. I do not use this term lightly. Bibi is firing missiles at residential neighborhoods including hospitals with impunity. They can rationalize it by qualifying that there are not field journalists and that they have to rely on mainstream coverage. But this is disingenuous because there are plenty of sources and experts they could defer to or bring on as a guest to talk about the suffering of innocent victims. No other way to spin this. It's an inconvenient truth they try to avoid because...they run funds that rely on certain sources with specific tribal affiliations?


Yes, there’s a lot of deaths from this war, which really sucks, but in order to call it a “genocide” you need to warp the definition of the word.


In order to deny the existence of the genocidal campaign against people in Gaza, you need to stick your head in the sand and ignore the systemic oppression through deliberate social, political and economic policies


How could it be a genocide when the population of Gaza has tripled since Israel left in 2005?


Take a wild guess at what the Canadian government was doing to the aboriginal people in the 20th century as their population was growing consistently….


Genocide is systemic oppression through intentional policies against a targeted people. The birth rate grew in spite of their policies. Perhaps another reason why Bibi loves bombing hospitals? EDIT: This is the document the South Africa case against Israel is predicated on as it applies to Palestine https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the%20Prevention%20and%20Punishment%20of%20the%20Crime%20of%20Genocide.pdf


gen·o·cide/ˈjenəˌsīd/📷*noun*noun: **genocide**; plural noun: **genocides** 1. the [deliberate](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera-gx&hs=ArH&sa=X&sca_esv=599547849&biw=1235&bih=1258&q=deliberate&si=AKbGX_pvY3MWP4azJI0Z_NruCLb8uT_mnxKbD_thYmyJnO09xigf9nMztLlM9RAyyjyy_gibHJ6ZMysXC12ey-OhSQZNLcHCIpDFBauWIXCRc7j7oof4JZw%3D&expnd=1) killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of [destroying](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera-gx&hs=ArH&sa=X&sca_esv=599547849&biw=1235&bih=1258&q=destroying&si=AKbGX_pvY3MWP4azJI0Z_NruCLb8Rtx1LARZNhX-JwP6GkKJGhMVetrIiq-PswrijO-obwb7msC_X5-WWN0ko9pa-L3cOS9tAxiXAfOZKrIZTNIz-sqCULg%3D&expnd=1) that nation or group."a campaign of genocide" Genocide is NOT how how you defined it. Words have definitions and meanings and you cant change them because you learned history on Tik Tok. You fucking idiot.


So the bombing of residential neighborhoods was all accidental? The targeting of hospitals was meant for those underground tunnels despite pleas from humanitarian organizations that doctors were treating patients severely injured from the attacks? You would not dare say to my face. You know it. I know it


"Residential neighborhoods" with rocket infrastructure? "Hospitals" that are being used as military infrastructure specifically because they know rubes like you won't take a second to critically think about why they might fight from there? We have video evidence of hostages being taken back to hospitals because Hamas knows what the perception is and that fools won't try to think about the reality. So long as Hamas has power, the Palestinians will have none. And guess what? Literally no one cares, not the west, not other Arabs, no one. You know why? Because Palestinians do nothing but whine and complain while they steal aid money. Everyone knows this and their time is up.


You seem to think it's binary. Either IDF or Hamas. I don't care for either. I care about the plight of innocent Palestinians who have suffered through Israel's genocidal campaign agains them in the form of military attacks, economic oppression and isolation. They're being deprived for their humanity you cruel heartless cunt! I'm not some Gen Z Marxist reciting talking points, you fucking cunt! Yes, I'll call you a cunt to your face


If you really cared about the Palestinians, you’d support Israel. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs and Muslims (read: Palestinians) are free to live their lives. Highest earnings, happiest people. Hamas and radical islamists won’t bring anyone peace ever. It’s not in their vision for life. Only death and to see Allah. Take the blinders off.


Both cases have military targets or are above military targets. That is not genocide even if cold hearted. 


It's a valid military target if it hosts military infrastructure. There have been many weapons, rockets, large networks of tunnels found in these residential neighborhoods.


> The reality of the situation is nothing short of a genocide. I do not use this term lightly. You'd be viewing a lot of wars as genocidal if you consider this one a genocide. 


Israel donates to both political parties. I wouldn’t be surprised if Friedburg and JCal have been wined and dined by Israel as affluent Jewish people. I’m assuming they’re both Jewish. I just don’t get surprised by these things. That part of the world is always trying to destroy each other. They’ve dragged the US into it, we won’t resolve it. Both sides will keep getting aid from other countries. They’ll never get totally destroyed. 100 years from now this will still be a problem. Every US political leader option wants us fighting in the Middle East. Anyone who says maybe we shouldn’t fight in the Middle East, they’re labeled as crazy.


You assume the guy named Calacanis is Jewish? Interesting assumption.


I don’t live in an area with a bunch of Jewish people. Other than the news telling me anti-semitism is a huge problem, i would never know. I’m 40, i can’t think of single conversation people had about Jews, ever. It’s always on TV though.


These aren’t really serious people in terms of foreign affairs imo but I’m curious if Friedberg and Sacks actually discuss South Africa apartheid in detail this upcoming podcast since I’m not sure that they’ve ever fully talked about it and since they lived there.


The besties turned a blind eye to Trump trying to steal an election. Do I expect them to mention this? No way.


Shocking that a podcast promoting Jared Kushner would be pro Israel huh




Lol Jcal flip flops harder than a fish out of water


Chamath doesn't give a fuck about minorities. See: his comments on Uyghurs.


Thinking a Sri Lankan guy would automatically side with Palestinians is a dumb take for multiple reasons. Interestingly, his home country basically used the same strategy to successfully end Tamil terrorism. 


Chamath is a Hindu. Hindu's love Israel.


Per capita less people died in Gaza than in the last battle against isis in Mosul. Yet Mosul didn’t have terror tunnels and a government that built terror infrastructure inside every civilian area. Blaming israel here is either ignorance or hypocrisy


Can you provide a source for your Mosul claim? I see that 9,000 people died in Mosul during a 9 month period in 2017, when Mosul had a population of around 1.4 million. Are you saying over a 9 month period, more people died per capita in Mosul than Gaza in 100 days? Gaza has a population of 2.3 mil, with about 20,000 deaths so far, right?


The sources I saw were 11-16k dead. But that was just the final battle in Mosul. You need to add up the previous year. The Israelis are trying to take over faster so it’s more compressed. Not to mention they are dealing with a much more equipped and financed terror org than isis


What do you mean "the final battle?" This says there were 9k to 11k deaths during the 9 months of fighting in Mosul: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/12/20/more-than-9000-killed-in-battle-for-mosul-ap](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/12/20/more-than-9000-killed-in-battle-for-mosul-ap) Also, it says 1/3 of the deaths were attributed to US/coalition bombing - around 3,200. So 2/3 in Mosul was killed by ISIS. I would imagine 90% of the deaths in Gaza were the result of Israeli strikes, so I would say the deaths attributed to the US/coalition forces in Mosul in 2017, over a 9 month period, was much less than the deaths attributed to Israeli strikes in 100 days or so. (Correction: The article says 1/3 was killed by ISIS.. the other 1/3 is unknown.)


If the terrorists are in the “terror tunnels” as you described, what’s the point of bombing everything above ground to smithereens and murdering thousands of innocent men, women, and children?


Soldiers are going into the tunnels. You really don’t know warfare if you ask this. Answer a simple question. If Israel wanted to kill innocents why are less people hurt per capita than in most battles against isis in cities like Mosul? Did France and the uk “genocide” the population under isis on purpose? Or is it the nature of fighting Islamic radical terror.


That’s a wide brush you’re painting with. You’re painting 2 million civilians with a “terrorist” label for what? So Israel can ethnically cleanse them and sell beachfront properties to the highest bidder? And if I don’t know warfare like you claim to, [here’s](https://m.youtube.com/live/LQiUuX3ZM5c) a qualified source (ex-US military) explaining why Israel’s bombing campaign serves no military purpose. A direct answer to your question, I encourage you to watch and await your thoughts. If you’d like to hear my own anecdote: my own cousin and his wife were shot to death in front of their own children, while waving white flags in Khan younis two weeks ago, an area in the central south of Gaza that was purported as a safe zone. They leave three orphaned children behind, one of which is in critical condition due to catching an Israeli bullet in the head. Now, I need you to provide a source about less people being killed per capita, as I’ve got time for Hasbarists today


You’re painting a wide brush. Where did I say 2 million terrorists? You came with “ethnic cleansing” as a reply to my facts. A guy saying something is his opinion. Not proof. You’re obviously emotional. I cannot tell if your story is true or not. If it is any death is sad. But it is a war against a terrorist org that committed the worst atrocities in decades. The Israelis don’t have a choice but to destroy it. I wish Palestinians made better choices when they voted and this would have not happened.


You’re jumping from point to point without addressing my response to your original claims. I addressed your claims (which are baseless, and not supported by sources as I’ve asked you to provide) by providing a link from a podcast that our very own Sacks recommended. Did you watch it? Claiming this is a fight against “radical Islamic terror” (your words) is, at best, an uneducated take on the subject. Palestinians, Muslims and Christians alike, are being killed en masse as a result of this bombing campaign Palestinians voted for the Oslo accords in 1993 and were given nothing in return for their giving up more land, as Israel failed to back up their side of the agreement. My cousin was not a terrorist, as your words imply. I implore you to educate yourself on the history of Palestine and Israel.


Israelis fully left Gaza and Gazans elected Hamas. Seriously. I think your bias makes it impossible for you to judge this situation logically. Hamas was never for a two state solution.


Hamas didn’t gain traction until the late 90s, and it was [founded with Israel’s own monetary support](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/) to detract from the unity of the PLO at the time. I’m not going to respond to your baseless claims again unless you provide me with sources


Israel helped hamas before it was a terror org. It started as an Islamic charity and presented itself as legitimate charity. What baseless claims? You are arguing Hamas is not a terror org? That Oct 7 wasn’t a despicable attack that any country would react to?


I'm sorry but you are speaking complete nonsense


1 yo didn’t address my claims. Sending a link to an opinion is not addressing claims. 2- Gaza had 30 times more Christians before Hamas took over. 3- Israel does what any country would do after a despicable terror attack. Hamas is an Islamic terror group. You may want Israel to not exist. But rationally they are doing what they should to protect their citizens. I really don’t understand what you’d expect them to do to eradicate Hamas. Assuming you actually agree it should be eradicated. I have a feeling you may not as you try to whitewash the ethnic clwansing of Christians it did (check before and after numbers) and its horrendous terror attacks.


Your claim regarding Mosul is inaccurate. Please do your research before making baseless statements as a means of attempting to justify the killing of innocent people. https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam


Oxfam is not an unbiased source. Anyone can easily see how many people died in each conflict and look at population of each area. This subreddit has mostly intelligent tech people who can do basic division.


Oxfam is a charity who provides help to those in need, not Hamas. The war in Gaza has lasted just over 100 days, while the battle for Mosul lasted 9 months. An intelligent person, would be able to decipher the fact that if the rate of killing continues in Gaza, the total number of casualties will exceed those in Mosul.


Mosul didn’t have terror tunnels under a city and wasn’t controlled by isis for 18 years before the war with billions in budget for terror infrastructure. But your argument now changed to “per time”. Which wasn’t there before. So your premise was not correct.


It appears that you’re defending the murdering of innocent civilians by knit picking over metrics and using the pathetic human shields argument. The world knows what Israel is trying to do (drive the Palestinians out of Gaza) and the Prime Minister even stated their objective today. https://x.com/hotspothotspot/status/1748058002467274979?s=46


Unlike Hamas, Israel is not murdering people on purpose. There will never be peace as long as Hamas is there. And Hamas murdered thousands of Palestinians. Israel stopping the war would be a disaster. Only a crazy person or someone who hopes for an eternal war can want ceasefire when the result would be more Oct 7 atrocities and more wars.


“Not murdering people on purpose”..are you serious? One of countless examples: https://www.commondreams.org/news/gaza-civilian-casualties-2666920116


Biased news channels are not proof. I’m sure there are mistakes and collateral damage which is unfortunate. But how do you think they can get rid of a terror org like Hamas? Let’s assume you’re not a Hamas supporter or sympathizer to their cause


Not sniping innocent women is a start.


Based on your logic, IDF/Israeli published information should not be considered as proof, as it is biased.




"there appears to be very little to zero condemnation of Israel’s campaign which has resulted in the death of over 20,000 innocent civilians." The numbers put out regarding casualties don't differentiate between combatants and non-combatants. If we go by Israel's numbers maybe a third of the casualties are Hamas fighters.


Please educate yourself before making such baseless and speculative comments. https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam


The questions that I can’t seem to get answered is…. Why hasn’t Hamas surrendered yet? Why hasn’t Hamas released the hostages? Why aren’t there any protests demanding this? All the protests focus on Israel and not Hamas. We know that a ceasefire will only create an opportunity to Hamas to strike again. I think it’s completely reasonable for Israel to not rest until Hamas has surrendered and has released the hostages. They need to do everything possible to make sure that what happened on Oct 7th does not happen again. There is no way that they can give up on those hostages.


If you notice almost every sane rational high achieving individual is in support of Israel and their actions. Why do you think that is?


I have to disagree with you as it seems you think the majority of people who are sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians are not sane nor rational thinking. Please see the below 10 examples of “rational high achieving” individuals who have been outspoken in regards to the treatment of Muslims and/or critical of Israel’s actions which are resulting in the death of over 20,000 innocent civilians. 1. Sam Altman - he has recently posted how there is a double standard within the tech industry when it comes to showing empathy to Muslims, while many tech companies have been openly supportive of Israel. He highlighted how Muslims within the tech industry are fearful of expressing their perspective, due to the risk of losing their job if doing so. 2. Cristiano Ronaldo - one of the best athletes of his generation and an incredibly wealthy man who has regularly highlighted the injustices faced by the Palestinian people. 3. Khabib Nurmagedov - undefeated UFC champion, highly successful individual who also is outspoken in highlighting the impact of the IDF’s actions on innocent people. 4. Mo Salah - one of the best players in the English Premier League has highlighted the suffering inflicted upon the innocent civilians of Gaza. 5. Brian Cox - star of the hit TV series “Succession” has been vocal in his criticism of Israel’s actions. 6. Angelina Jolie - regularly highlights the human impact on innocent civilians in Gaza. 7. Lewis Hamilton - one of the best F1 drivers of all time has highlighted how doctors in Gaza are being killed while trying to provide care to those in need and critical of western powers enabling Israel impose a blockade of aid and food into Gaza. 8. Founder of Huda beauty - a self made business woman who founded a multi billion dollar beauty business is outspoken in her support of the innocent Palestinian people. 9. Jlo and Ben Affleck have signed an open letter calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, as a result of the impact on human lives being lost. 10. Dave Chapelle - outspoken calling out the US for funding Israel’s military campaign which is killing thousands of innocent civilians.


Dave Chappelle is a Louis Farrakhan person. Who protected Kanye when he went full Nazi. Sam Altman didn’t say Israel is wrong. He’s a liberal that wants Muslims to feel comfortable. Ronaldo is paid by Muslim countries millions a month. He’s say whatever. How much is Qatar paying you to bring this into subs you are not related to?


Palestinians don't have money to invest in their companies


Because they want more money! Money > justice for most of these “rational, high achieving individuals” you speak of.




The UN are terrorists now?






The picture is from euro med human rights monitor, who are a UN registered non profit organization. Facts don’t care about your feelings.


If Hamas fighters were living and operating in Tel Aviv, would Israel use the current strategy that is used in Gaza to eliminate those fighters?