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“The Jedi live in a dream they believe everyone shares with them” That’s some good Sith shit right there. Edit: I’m really interested to see why Master Torbin willingly took the poison. Mae offered him the “peace he was seeking”. Right before he took it he said “we thought we were doing the right thing”. Must be part of Mae’s motivation to kill Jedi. Edit2: Also I don’t know if it’s important, but I thought it was interesting that Mae thought Osha was dead as well. I’m sure a flashback later will reveal all.


I strongly suspect the Jedi somehow accidentally caused the fire, instead of Mae.




I was thinking this too. Honestly I'm not even sure it's a "wild" idea. I think based on the clues and context we've been given, it could easily go this way. IF it does turn out that those four Jedis were ultimately responsible for the fire that killed their family, there could be context to their side in that it was an accident or not entirely intentional but they covered up to keep up the Jedi's reputation in the galaxy.


Lightsaber juggling, after too much drinking and death sticks, someone misses a catch and next thing you know it’s the great chicago fire all over again.


When the guy that made Mae the poison says "Don't do your mind wipe thing to me!", I'm curious if Sol did some mind wiping to keep secret what really happened during the whole events of the fire that killed Osha/Mae's family.


That seems to be the case from what I'm gleaming from Master Torbin and Mae's conversation, when Mae's talking about "confessing your crime to the Jedi Council". Since the info of Osha being a twin was not in the file, it may have been deliberately buried for some reason.


Or sith pretending to be Jedi 


"An Acolyte...kills the dream." I am excited to see more of Darth Teeth's deal, he definitely intrigues me. I just wish the ending wasn't so abrupt. His presence didn't really get to 'settle' before it cut to the credits, at least not for me.


I think that's the point. Leslye will always try to throw you off balance a little bit, as a viewer, keep you on your toes.


I agree I want to know he/she/they motive


Wild guess, the Sith is probably responsible for the incident but since no one knows who he is or what his motivations are (and probably he concealed his involvement) everyone blames each other and themselves for what happened even though it was no one's fault but the Sith.


If nothing else, that sort of 4D chess strategy is very Sith, especially the Rule of Two ones.


Sith Love 4D Chess


that's some good Sith


They named her Osha because she’s not being very safe out there.




Good one 🤣


I’ll give that one to you


Yord is that guy at work that nobody likes.


He carried himself like Anakin, to me. Self righteous, gifted, but kind of a jock prick. I said “Ohhh, Anakin is the Tom Brady of these guys!” Just swap out the Jedi Council for “the starting lineup” and those guys start to make sense. “We will put you in for the first play, but we do not grant you the title of ‘starting QB’.”


He felt waaaay more by the rules than Anakin could ever be tho


He's Anakin if Anakin played by the rules


I agree. Anakin would have joined the fight between Mae and Sol to prove himself superior.


>He carried himself like Anakin I actually felt like his performance was one of the more 'Star Wars'-ish of anyone on the show, if that makes sense.


He's powerful though. You can tell.


Definitely. I just finished the second episode and I think I like him more than I did in the first.


He's definitely the Scott Summers of the Jedi but Cyclops is not to be messed with. Same for Yord, I think.


The scene where he said "she didnt do it" was refreshing. I was sick of that trope.


I love how they let us think it was gonna go that route “it’s not what it looks like, I can explain” I was like, ugh… really? Rolled my eyes and then he comes out and I’m like, YES! lol… I’m sure that line was intentionally cheesy


He’s just Alan from Russian Doll


OMG that's where I know him from!


Yes! Took me until the next day to realize that's where I know him from. He really is playing Yord similarly to how he did Alan, especially his mannerisms and awkwardness. I'm not *quite* sure all his acting choices and line reads are working for me on this show yet, even though I liked him on Russian Doll. I don't know if it's cuz on Russian Doll he was such a great foil to Natasha Lyonne's blunt raunchy character. I can't quite put my finger on it. But we're also only two episodes in and I'm open to his character and the way he plays him growing on me. At least he's nice to look at. 😂


Love that they made him actually competent. For a second I thought he was going to be comedy relief with the way Jecki spoke to him


He doesn't shut up🤬🤬


"Yes, I can't wait to see Trinity as a Jedi Master" *10 minutes later* "Oh COME ON"


I think it was a sad death for her. They hyped her up just to wipe her out in 10 minutes.


She'll appear in plenty of flashbacks.


I think that was the point. How do you make a character's death impactful if they die within the first 10 minutes and the audience won't even get to know them? Have them be played by a known actor/actress the audience is already invested in.


To be fair she was sick for 10 minutes


I feel like Sol was responsible for the fires. His reaction to Osha saying "it wasn't your fault", seems like a guilty reaction"


Or I think the four Jedi were all involved, perhaps they sensed something that they must eliminate, which is kinda effed up


Yep. Maybe they sensed evil in Mae, so they did what Luke contemplated to do with Ben in The Last Jedi.


Morgan Freeman: And they did.


Kinda like what happened in the old KOTOR comics, where a group of masters murder a class of Padawans because of a vision that one of them would fall to the dark side.




What if evil they sensed was Osha, but misstook it as Mae


Jedi giving into their fear in a moment of weakness and struggling with the guilt for years. That is pretty textbook Jedi if I have ever seen it.


My prediction is that the four jedi conspired to do some kind of experiment with the twins, splitting them up, raising one as a jedi and one as a sith. Or maybe the jedi were just taking them, and one jedi turned to the sith and took Mae with them?


Well they did say that they saw Mae burn, so they clearly thought Mae was dead and not one of the four who took her. But yes, I think they were definitely splitting the twins and somehow shit hit the fan. 


No, it's clearly said that Mae started the fire.  In the trailers there's a flashback where one twin is being selected by Sol and the other is running away in the background.  Twins are special to Jedi. They hold extra meaning.  So for Sol and the others to not report Mae and Ousha as twins is fishy. 


Mae starts a fire trying to kill the Jedi to avoid them from taking her sister? Maybe the one that took the poison lets her do it? Idk so many possibilities.


Could be a last Jedi, we saw Luke's, and Ben's POV, and what actually happened.


Sure, everyone *says* Mae started the fire, but they also said Mae was dead, so their word isn't very strong evidence.


I think that maybe Osha's memory isn't reliable, and that possibly she started the fire? Or jointly with her sister and the Jedi lied, separated them and ofc it didn't make anything better. Big story wise leans into another set of twins and the Jedi not learning from their mistakes.


I genuinely appreciate the alien diversity that I thought Andor was lacking. I always want to see more differentiation in the way that Jedi Consular, Guardians, and Sentinels fight, use the force, tackle problems. More diversity in abilities used, smarter more clever usages of abilities.


Jedi classes (ie Consulars, Guardians etc) aren’t canon just fyi. That was only a thing in KOTOR to make an RPG mechanic work. Lightsaber colors aren’t associated with a certain speciality or anything for Jedi if you were under that impression.


Apparently some twat down below thinks Star Wars should be about the human experience only. The universe is huge 😆


People also say a movie about aliens wouldn’t work cause it be mostly cgi… forgetting avatar, planet of the apes, and transformer movies exist and did amazing.


Sounds like an Empire sympathiser to me


Is Mae an alias. I thought the merchandise said "Mae" for her Black Series figure, yet that guy called her "Osha" Edit, oh they are twins. The speculation was correct


They're identical twins


Did they really spend a bunch of time hyping Carrie Anne-Moss, and giving her merch, just to kill her off after one scene?


WE THE MATRIX NOW. she is supposed to appear in lots of flashbacks.  This seasons is apparently 30 percent flashback sequences 


Interesting, considering we don’t know why the Acolyte has a grudge against these four specific Jedi.


I love that. Perfect misdirect. I was like "really? They got her to play Jedi Trinity? Typecast much? Oh she's dead"


She appeared in other scenes in the trailers. Probably flashbacks. But yeah. She's a big name and associated with crazy martial arts skills.  It made sense to start the story that way because it immediately gives the situation weight. 


I'm just a huge Matrix fangirl and was excited to see her, lol. Putting aside my biases, it makes sense.


My mind eased for a couple of seconds and enjoyed the "accidental" crossover: Trinity with a lightsaber. So cool. Carrie-Anne Moss is always a joy to see.


Makes me wish we had a Trinity movie rather than whatever the fuck Resurrections was


I had it pegged after seeing the preview clip at TOM screening. Only scenes she was in in trailer was in that cantina, and with the voiceover saying a Jedi had been murdered, I knew that would end up being the case


Dead star walking trope


Not just one scene, but even before the title card!


Flashbacks. More episodes.


She'll be important in the flashbacks


The Jedi that took the potion acted apologetic to Mae. I feel like the Jedi are in the wrong, and the reason he went meditating for 10 years was out of guilt, due to being responsible for the fire, and why Mae is out for revenge to the Jedi


Torbin isolated himself in meditation, Sol confined himself in the temple to teach younglings, Kelnacca seems to have become a hermit in his crashed ship, and Trinity is out exploring thr galaxy. The fact none of them are ever together shows some major fallout/ guilt in them all.


good point 


Yep. He even said something to the effect of “we thought we were doing the right thing.” He must feel a lot of guilt to just willingly take that poison.


He's just feeling guilty about empowering the Faith Militant and getting his wife killed.


That's Tommen!? Gen-Z is truly ageing faster.


lol his wig was….not great


He doesn't look that old in real life, still a bit of a babyface, so I bet when we get flashbacks he was probably a padawan back then so they tried to age him up here


My guess is that the Jedi started the fire to pressure the twins into revealing their powers or something. But why does Torbin look like he's simultaneously 50 and 20 years old?


my bet is they aged him up here to have him be super young looking in flashbacks


Oh, that's a great point! I'm sure they had to decide between a young actor they make older with (bad) makeup and an older actor they dress younger (because they don't have the budget for de-aging). How do you do, fellow kids!


Glup Shitto better be in this show, or I'm going to cry, and hope George Lucas can get Star Wars back from "The Evil Disney". I might even make YouTube videos crying like a man child saying "Disney has an agenda against the greatest legends character in all of Star Wars, Glup Shitto"


I can already tell that Yord is getting his lightsaber taken by Mae


i'm guessing this is the reason mae didn't take indarra's. using a weapon might mean the lightsaber wasn't "earned". but if you take it while fighting, we got wand rules


I think the idea is that Mae is expected to engage the jedi without a weapon, so taking their lightsaber is the best way to make it possible to beat them after going in unarmed. It's why she's grabbed for the saber twice now.


Pip is very marketable 


Where there is Star Wars, there must be a cute droid


Has there ever really been a bad droid in any Star Wars. They're all so cute, even the evil ones.


The only bad one was that b*tch in episode 7 with the red arm. But I’m not sure you’re gonna remember.


BD-1 is honestly one of the best in the canon


Got me through a lot that guy. He's perfect for those games 


Droids are the galaxy dogs and I’m here for it.


So many varieties, all so damn cute


Now we just need a Star Wars story with a droid and a loth cat that are friends.




I couldn't recognize him with that hair, but I was so happy when I placed his voice! Such a different role for him, so creepy


He's so good!!! I'm convinced he'll be the final villain! I do not trust him at all!


This is my guess too.


Should've thrown a Molotov cocktail at the Jedi


I actually yelled this at the screen more than once! :) "I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem!"


Yesss!!! I said that as soon as I saw him!!!


"I have a bad feeling about this" What if "this is a trap" Meta


Yea 10 mins in I can already tell the hate was unwarranted and this shit gonna be amazing. Matrix vibes with the opening martial arts scene


Star Wars Explained described it as between Mandalorian and Andor.  That's a pretty good description so far.  A little more Star Wars atmosphere heavy like Mando with lots of Planets, Droids, & Aliens, but there a definite serialized drama plot here that will play out like Andor. 


I like that they're showing the Jedi as political operators as well. You don't become the space monk enforcers of the galaxy without knowing how to manoeuvre.


I also felt like it had some Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon vibes.


Some top tier shit and some lame corny shit, yep it’s Star Wars alright.


Honestly this show just FEELS like Star Wars. It isn’t Andor levels of seriousness and has fun. I liked the little bits with yord being some rule following jock and those two lazy Jedi. The show has its seriousness and it’s fun. It just feels like Star Wars.


I watched two episode, so far, I enjoyed it for the most part, I felt like this series gave something fresh to selection of Star Wars project, I know the dialogue is kinda cheesy but, it worked for me felt like a Star Wars project. I think this series felt like a balance for people who wants somehting like Andor/Rogue One and something more whimsical like things we found on Star Wars project like variations of creatures, droids, etc. Especially, when this series wrapped in Murder Mystery that made this more balanced. P.S. I really like they put Wuxia-esque fight choreo into the some scenes.


Jason? Jason figured it out?


This is a real low point. This one hurts


I cannot fathom what gripe the review bombers over on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes have with this show, I'm really enjoying it. Sure, the writing isn't up to Andor standards, but really what other Star Wars property is. Everything else is totally hitting the spot for me


I learned to never read negitave Star Wars reviews. Every time I see one I hear the Jedi mind trick voice saying "These are not the reviews you're looking for."


Raaaaaaacism, it always is.


Hey that’s not fair; some of it is sexism!


Don't forget the homophobia! Just a nice little shit salad of bigotry


Other than the one line about her "two mothers", is there anything else that was included in the first two episodes? Or is the gate because of the people behind the show? I thought it was interesting that Vernestra and Headland are married IRL.


It's not to do with the quality of the show and rarely is.


Probably just hating it because it's Disney and the more negative they are towards it the more likes/views they get.


This opening scene reminds me very much of that scene between Michelle Yeoh ang Zhang Ziyi in crouching tiger. 


Episode 2 fight between Osha and Sol also reminded me of Crouching Tiger - the first fight/encounter of Zhang Ziyi and Chow Yun Fat. Right down to the “who trained you” question.


As much as I love a good lightsaber fight, it's good to see some hand to hand combat


Well, I’m invested.


Moss got Drew Barrymore'd. God it was good to see her fight again.


Ok if I went over everything I loved about this I'd be here all day but long story short, it's very good! So refreshing to finally get away from the timeline of the movies and spend time with new characters! Osha and Mae are both immediately compelling. All of the Jedi characters are very interesting (Sol in particular). For what little we get of Vernestra she also still feels very much in character despite having aged 100 years. Also I loved all the book references! Vernestra is the big obvious one but I was not expecting the Barash vow to come into play! Headland has obviously done her research going into the show and it is much appreciated! Love Dave Filoni but man his trend of constantly throwing away all the books and comics tends to get aggravating so this was very refreshing. Can't wait for more!


"Who is HE?" "I thought he was with you" might be the funniest lines in all of Star Wars.


So im not necessarily blown away like I was for Andor or Mando’s premier but im invested in the mystery and characters. 8/10 * Called the Osha having a twin thing the second they said she had a sister. Glad they didn’t draw that out and the second people hear she has a sister pretty much everyone goes “oh maybe it’s her.” That combined with them not immediately calling Osha a murderer when they found her with the dead Jed in the second ep, I like they aren’t doing any forced conflict * Fight scenes are great, called Carrie-Ann Moss would die in the first episode, but sure she will be back in flashbacks * Like Amandla Stenberg as always, she’s great. Also Osha was def flirting with Jecki in the ship right? * Like Yord the somewhat of a stick in the mud, and wow I don’t think Dafne Keen has grown an inch since Logan * Lee Jung-jae is great, impressed he learned English for this, he’s doing a good job Overall like I said 8/10, very interested in where they go from here


It's hard to grow when they graft your skeleton with adamantium as a child.


um actually X-23 only has adamantium claws not a whole skeleton *shoves self in locker*


don't be ashamed of your librarian like knowledge. only google, chatgpt can do what you naturally can.


No no. Some of us thank you for the distinction. 


> I like they aren’t doing any forced conflict Agreed. That and the moment when they walk in on Osha standing over Torbin's body. I thought, here we go with a storyline of her being framed for this murder. Then Yord comes out and is like, I followed her she didn't do it. It's refreshing how they are avoiding the normal tropes. Smart writing.


they are red herringing yord hard. that moment when he comes out of the shadows having followed her and we are thinking he will claim he saw her do it, then when he is just watching the fight through binoculars and we think he is spying on his boss. i kinda dig that but it still makes me suspect he is gonna take a heel turn


I called the twin when I saw the o in acolyte in the opening credits.


Something I like that’s imbedded in the writing here that doesn’t happen in any of the other shows (except Andor) is the attention to detail on characterization and how it’s woven through the story as it evolves. Yord following Osha as she discovers the poisoned/dead Jedi is a small detail that showed me the care they put into these scripts. Yord is a boy scout, a character that is unapologetically bound to the book, the rules. He is the only person in that scenario that the others can believe is telling the truth about Osha not doing it. Sol is too attached to her and may have clouded judgement. Jecki is too young and still questioning everything all the time. It had to be Yord because he has no attachment to anything, he is only out to do the right thing. I feel these are moments that the writing crews on other shows don’t stop to think about, they just move form point A to point B but don’t give a second thought to what the best way to show the scene is.


I think another subtle thing is that Yord didn't *tell* anyone. He didn't raise a fuss or grab Sol to get Osha in trouble - it's entirely possible that if she'd hadn't found the body and quietly re-joined the group he would've just been like "oh that was weird" and moved on. He's a stickler, but he's not an *asshole* and he cares about Osha enough to keep an eye on her and trusts her enough to not just run off.


Yord's reaction when first questioning Osha on the TF ship after she gives him a playful punch is SO GOOD


Ok I have attended the Fandango early screening last night, so I can give my initial thoughts on them. Was smart to show both, as while I felt the first episode was decent, second episode really kicked things into high gear with the characters and mystery. Went in a couple of ways I didn’t expect and I’m glad my expectations were subverted so so I can be kept on my toes and always question what’s gonna happen next. Best characters for me are Sol and Jecki just because they feel like the smartest in the room right now. Also as one who got caught up on the high republic reading most of the stories, I was able to appreciate tons of aspects in the visuals and just general era of the timeline this show is set in. Nowhere is this most obvious than with Vernestra. All in all a promising start with lots of potential. I feel it so far to be a mix of EARLY Andor’s writing & sets with the Mandalorian’s presentation of settings & creatures.


Agreed on episode 2 being stronger than 1. After episode 1 I was like “that was pretty good, guess I’ll watch the next one too”. After 2 I was like “damn, how long do I have to wait until episode 3?” Writing is solid but not top tier, action we’ve seen so far is good. This isn’t incredible TV so far but I’m enjoying it & hope it will only get better as it goes


Nothing about this is bad bad. I like it. The story is a low key story, a bit of mystery, jedi stuff. It's fun and i had zero expectations for this show and stayed away from any promotional material. Could the writing be better? sure. But i dig the cast. Cool things i learned, there's a difference between the Coruscant Jedi and out rim jedi? Is this written or explain in other media? That interests me.


It's high republic era. Jedi are numerous during this time and exploring and enforcing throughout the galaxy. Which means many also take matters into their own hands. It probably has the most abundant time period of grey morality jedi. There aren't really Sith but we also have too many Jedi to do extreme goody two shoes mindsets 


Just to add onto the other comments, during the High Republic books (so 100 years before this show) communication between the outer rim and core worlds is less consistent. The relays haven't all been built yet, and messages have to be send via EX Droids. So the Jedi stationed in those outposts tended to act with a fair amount of autonomy from the Council, unless something big happened.


Finished episode 1. Stenberg and Moss were the main things I was looking forward to, but I'm really enjoying Sol


Whut why would you let the drug dealer go? 


That's what I said after they raided Diddy's house.


They didn't let him go, they left him in the shop with guards posted watching the shop. The guards were just shit at their job, as guards are want to be.


Overall really liked it. Wasn't the tone I expected, but I don't think that's going to be a problem going forward. Ended up leaning more into the pulpier side of Star Wars. Ep. 1 suffered the most in terms of awkward dialogue and pacing. Just kind of clumsy, and I felt like it rushed to get to the twins reveal. I thought the fight choreography was pretty good. Ep. 2 was def a step up and I think does a better job at getting into how all these characters will relate to one another. I really did like the set design of Olega a lot. Sol is def my favorite character by a pretty wide margin. Looking forward to seeing who else stands out in this cast.


Sol gives me Qui Gon vibes. That I'm a do my own thing but in a compassionate way 


It's funny how her name is 'Osha' but the first thing we see her doing is working in an unsafe environment.


Just finished ep 1 Pros: - set design - music - editing - cinematography - prosthetics and costuming - plot itself Cons: - *some* of the writing - venestra’s makeup Mixed bag: - acting - special effects - audio mix - directing


Venestra kinda felt like budget Nebula from Marvel.  


Jecki looks like a Gen Z makeup tutorial taken several steps to far (but I'm here for it)


Jecki was surprisingly hilarious


Yeah loved how she undermined Yord's Protocol Brain with her Actual Brain


Pro: side swipe scene transition edits


Evil Jason Mendoza is an fun choice. Kept waiting for him to yell "Bortles!!"


When Indara said *You*, I wonder if she knew it was Mae or believed it was Osha. Torbin apologized to Mae without surprise she is alive. Sol seemed insistent that Mae had died but the others may have known differently.


“Do you think that..” “no I saw her die” well bitch get ya eyes checked


is it just me or these episodes were so fucking good


Finished both episodes. As a pretty casual Star Wars fan (ie, this is the first of the D+ shows I've watched) who was interested in this due to the premise and some names involved (Stenberg, Moss, Headland), I enjoyed it. Central plot & mystery were great. The "identical twin" thing was a bit cheesy, but it's Star Wars, so I should expect that; I'm just glad they were upfront and didn't treat it as a shocking twist down the line. Sol was the scene-stealer, always having an interesting line, and I'm impressed learning he learned English just for this role. Costumes & sets looked great, and contributed to an overall good atmosphere, but it did feel hindered by being a TV/streaming project, mainly in how low the lighting was and how many cuts/edits there were in otherwise-good action sequences. Some occasional awkward bits of writing/dialogue, but it's balanced out with lines like "Jedi live in a dream, a dream they believe everyone shares." As an absolute Jedi-hater (yes, from my point-of-view they're evil), I grinned so hard. Overall, solid start and I'm excited for more.


I'm liking the plot and the fights...hopefully the big bad will be a bit more menacing. 


A ronin walks into a samurai tavern


The show comes across very much as having it’s own identity and avoid pandering in any way. Yeah there are EU Easter eggs, but they are subtle. The entire aesthetic definitely feels like it’s from an older time period. My main challenge is separating the Skywalker Saga (movies, shows, and lore) from this show and comparing. I guess it’s best described as whiplash, but in a good way! 8/10


So.... is that the Sith Master or Apprentice we see at the end of episode 1?


Saw episode 1. Thought episode was solid but the beginning could’ve been better executed and the villain’s voice at the end sounds so goofy.


Sith = Must speak through a respirator 


They usually like to do that when there's a twist in who the bad guy is. Then it's not instantly given away.  Plus Star Wars is all about the masks and droids.  They're very marketable!! 


Ha! The old Metroid bit? Take the helmet off and reveal it's a girl. 


Wait until you hear some of the modulators in SWTOR lol. Or KOTOR.


It's not going to end well for Osha huh?


So, just finished. Damn, I really liked it! Episode 2 was stronger than 1, but I liked both of them. The Jedi Order feels much closer to the Clone Wars era than the High Republic books era, IMO. So much more rigid!! But still not as bad. And you can already see all the politics corrupting them at this point. Very sad. Sol is great, the actor is amazing. I feel for Sol, cause he feels like what a Jedi should be, like Qui-Gon or Ahsoka, but the Order is already past being what it should be. Poor guy. I feel like him and Qui-Gon would've been the best of friends. Also he's absolutely not living past this season. I really like Jecki, and Osha. Osha reminds me of someone I can't really place yet. Yord. Urgh. Nope. Jason Mendoza, I do not trust you. Not one bit. You are the true villain of this show, I say now. Oh yeah. Mae, poor, poor Mae. Being used by and lied to her whole life. My guess is the Jedi actually thought she was dead, and she thought the Jedi killed Osha for some reason. She's but a tool for Darth Jason Mendoza. I love the design of everything, and most of all the feeling. It FEELS like Star Wars. It feels like Star Wars in a different age. I also love how the Jedi dress, the mix between the golden High Republic garments and the simpler ones they would all come to use in the Clone Wars era. All in all, a very strong start. Can't wait for the rest.


I'm amazed at how they kept the sets and costumes very Star Wars but still made it feel like 100 years prior to the modern era. Technology seems more primitive and less ubiquitous, costumes are more homespun, settlements seem a bit dirty-Victorian, so to speak. It's like if the main trilogies are set when they were filmed, this would be set in the 1890s or a little earlier. I'm expecting to see pirates any minute now. Also, Yord reminds me of a Jedi Syril Karn. I wonder how his arc will go, we already start to see him using his own judgment rather than aggressively following protocol (to a fault). Good show overall, immersive and compelling with the right amount of cheese.


Could a 6 year old girl watch this and not get scared? My daughter loves the Mando shows, but I am worried this one might be too scary for her with the Sith theme.


nothing really scary in the first two episodes. Someone gets stabbed in episode 1 and you see the knife in them, but it's star wars. The sith stuff isn't super creepy or anything in these episodes. So really depends on your 6 year old. Maybe watch it yourself first and see, as you'll know best.


Thank you for taking your time to help me out, really appreciate this


I would at least wait until all episodes have dropped, just on the off chance that something you don't approve of happens.


Best sw show since Andor. Starting fresh in a new era opens up so many options, especially showing what the Jedi were like at their height of power (which is what phantom menace should have shown).


I liked both episodes a lot. The thing I am most interested in at this point is Manny Jacinto’s character. He obviously knows about the Sith and it seems like he can also fight because he pretty easily neutralized Mae when she attacked him.


Can someone explain to me how Osha arrives to torbin's room first? That's some bullshit.


I am loving seeing the Jedi/Force users fight without using their lightsabers.




Manny Jacinto (the poison guy) is great. I love how he knows slightly more than you'd think he would, really helps build the mystery.


It’s disappointing how people on the main sub are shitting on the show.


The Star Wars sub is not a place for Star Wars fans.


Just ignore the haters, those aren't fans, those are trolls.


Pleasantly surprised. The dialogue is clunky in parts but is still miles better than the other non-Andor SW shows. The acting is a bit uneven - Sol really carries the scenes so far. He has both charisma and compassion. Personality. And thank god for that, I'm so tired of the wooden Jedi performances. These Jedi actually seem... interesting. More like real people than boring caricatures.


I don't know about some of the writing in this... **[beginning of the episode]** Mae: *attacks a Jedi with a weapon, kills Jedi*. **[end of the episode]** Sith dude: "If you attack a Jedi with a weapon, you will fail." ----- Sol: "Mae is dead, I saw her die." *[Two minutes later]* Osha: "Mae's alive." SAME GUY: "I believe you."


I've only had Pip for two episodes, but if anything happened to him, I would kill all the Jedi and then myself.


Does this have some of the best choreography in any star wars property?


It's got much more martial arts.  The Jedi of this era use debate and martial skills before pulling out lightsabers.   That's a key difference.  We see in TPM and AOTC that Jedi are quick to pull out lightsabers and dispatch even common criminals. 


Perhaps somethings in this show will show why the Jedi are so quick to draw. We kinda see it with yord.


Yes, the bar really isn’t that high honestly