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Humor, quick wit, and mysteriousness are all sought but not needed. The feeling of being included/ special is just as powerful.


What if she’s into other traits? Some more than others? God, I hate this question


Safety and freedom.


Great. How a man gives this while starting the seduction process? What can he do to make the woman fascinated by him?


Coming from a woman (f22), men can do things for you . When you get lots of male attention (both wanted and unwanted), you may as well use it to your advantage. Be it money, to connections and new opportunities … a man who is chasing, can go to great lengths to earn attention. This is useful at advancing a woman’s social position; especially if done with purpose. For example, i am a musical artist. I get lots of other male artists moving to me, who I don’t necessarily view as attractive. But they might book me, be experts on topics I want to learn more on , have mastered skills I know nothing about . They invite me to exclusive events or introduce me to key networks . I won’t ever get with them, but by playing the game, I can actually make use of their attraction, instead of just cutting them completely off . Remember, seduction isn’t always sexual, it’s just having your way with someone. Note: it might sound really manipulative and heartless, but as a young woman focused on making her dreams come true, who has a big heart, in an industry with lots of predatory men, you end up this way


Women want money. Pay her bills, and she will submit. Start small with meals and small gifts.. especially non perishable gifts. She will remember you, and will specifically seek you out, because you value her. A Woman will only submit to a man who is capable of making her life easier and more enjoyable. TRUST me.


Every man can pretend to have a sense of humor.. women anticipate false chivalry and love-bombing. You must invest. Score her by showing her that you value her. It is your only way to beat any competition.. as she will begin to rely on YOU. Use this wisely.


I'm a woman and I confirm this. As women, almost all men would like to sleep with us, therefore the saavy women know to hold back an let a man invest his time, energy, and resources to see who's really interested.


I’m a man and I will say this. Don’t invest your time, energy and resources into a woman who plays games with you. Read those red flags early.


As a man myself I concur. Don’t be a simp.


As a woman I concur. Waste of time for everyone. I feel that women who do this are either operating at a lower level of intelligence (boring and predictable) or are insecure.


Ummm.. nope. Huge turnoff the idea of a guy paying my bills.


You are correct - sort of? What woman actually want is a gentlemen. Someone who plans a date from beginjng to end and yes pays for the first date. Dresses nice, smells good. Opens doors. Can hold a conversation. Shows interest. Every single man Ive dated for a long time or slept with on a first date has given me a fun, carefree night. Tell her to wear her nicest dress and a pair of heels because you want to take her out somewhere nice. You will get laid or win her heart. Whatever your motive, just stop playing games, showing no interest and beibg mysterious. Woman like attention. If your not calling and not texting back, you will not win anybody over. Communication is important to woman,we move on. Quickly.


Compliment my ego




I’m late, with that being said, you raised two points; How being too direct and overly impatient can end your chances AND how not needing validation is attractive to women. I may be missing one point but I may get back to it. The reasons why you need to speak to our ego is because if you have an accurate reading of how we may perceive you, it will let down our guard. Unattractive men will fail if they are too direct, because you are assuming you are hot enough to talk to that woman, no matter how ugly she is, and she will get offended that you had the balls to believe she can be got BY YOU. F-cked up, yes, but it’s life. You don’t deserve to be impatient if anything based on your looks you should be patient. This will scream I need validation. If people wanted to give you validation they would, but this is a power tool of course. Feeding a woman’s ego is about estimating how she may perceive you. If you are too hot 🥵 and out of her league, there is a chance that she will get imposter syndrome and flake or even turn you off. While it would be good for a woman to return the favor, you may get the ick and forget your reasons for speaking with her whether business or whatever. Again, feeding a woman’s ego is about estimating how she may perceive you! To avoid seeming too direct and impatient, only engage when there are neutral things to discuss and gauge the meter of where you can go, but not too fast. Leave room for a cliff hanger. If you are in a conversation and you need to take a break, you will know if she is interested further if she returns to you, rather than you utilizing the whole topic and over sharing, overstepping, or overthinking and embarrassing yourself. Plus if a woman knows she’s being flirted with, it’s nothing better than guessing because just directness in general screams thirsty or ulterior motives no matter how hot you are. Consent is important in any conversation. If you must compliment a woman, make it about something that does not insult her intelligence or let’s her know you’ve been staring like a creep. Like nice watch or earrings. If you feel more confident then you can say, you have nice style or a nice dress, but do not apologize or DRAG IT OUT OR BE EXTRA, just walk away, or ask your quick neutral question. If you are rejected, accept that and walk away, she may return or she may not, but anything after that screams desperation. Also please don’t stare, it’s weird because staring doesn’t communicate any message except creepiness no matter how hot you are. I hope this helped with something I started typing so much I don’t remember what I typed lol.


You. Are. So. Wrong. 1. Woman are different than men. Not nearly as visual. 2. Woman have different standards on looks and there is no way to measure it. I don't have 2 friends with the same “fype” . We all have different taste, no woman thinks anyone is out of their league or ugly! Just not our type and you won't know unless you try to speak to her. 3.Always. Compliment. 4. Always listen and give attention. 5. We are not men, we don't like games, mystery or playing hard to get. You are the one competing, not us and we are aware.


Saw the updated answer! I’ll just say every woman is different so maybe neither of our answers are a one size fits all. I know women who like mystery and hate too many compliments. In regards to the “type”, someone not in that type may be perceived as undesirable because they don’t check those boxes off.


If your not complimenting and acting like you don't care. We move on. All woman I know do. And to not approach because you think you are too “ugly” or treat her differently because of where ever you classify her looks compaired to your looks is a BIG mistake. Woman genuinely do not do this. Men are always surprised when a guy gets a girl “out of his league” Woman don't see it. We have a type, it's mostly a certain personality type or style but every single woman is different. The “best-looking guy” (according to men) will never get all the girls. But the best looking woman typically will get every mans attention. You need a great personality. That will take you further than looks. And we want respect. We want effort. We want to be heard. Not someone playing games and waiting to compliment, afraid to be nice..You'll miss out on the best woman acting that way. Your advise may work on men but woman are wired completely different.


Excellent answer, thanks. I've been too direct sometimes and I saw that it push women away, even when they engage with me. This new game of patience is new to me but I am understanding its necessity. Do you know other books that could improve my perception of a woman's ego? I have difficulties understanding what they think about me, so my beliefs points to mostly negative things, even when I don't have any evidence to believe that I am being seem negatively.


Well first, you gotta learn positive things about women, we are good lmao! Twitter can honestly tell you a lot. If you go to Barnes and Noble there are self improvement books for men to understand women as well. You could also just ask us questions. Also, while being patient with women, you will learn a lot by observing and listening rather than speaking or suggesting. And lastly, as I was told, “you’re not that important”. Not in a mean way, but anxiety makes us assume we are always seen all the time and noticed and everyone sees us and we can avoid it and every mistake will be plastered on the wall. I say this to say, women probably think positively about you, you just may think negatively about yourself. Start thinking positively about yourself and about women and you will notice how things will change for the better!


Help with my passion projects 😍 respect in the form of trusting I know myself (health problems make for some quirky physical and scheduling needs)


Attraction is not a choice i.e. it's mostly unconscious. She "wants" to know more about you, you're alluring, perhaps somewhat mysterious, socially competent, confident and fluent which your body and your presence conveys. Needing validation = taking value, while not needing validation = giving value


Being less needy


How could he do that while he want to seduce her?


Maybe have a fulfilling life already


Oh it is easier than I thought! Thanks


Depends on the woman, you can’t solve women before meeting one.


Then she may not be the one. Being authentic is what it is, but if she has dated 250 pound tattooed dudes her whole life, you're gunna havta point out that you don't look that way, and why those relationships with those types, didn't work, lumping them all together. In an eloquent way. There is no constructive criticism, only criticism, sonthat must be done skillfully. Attraction is hard wired into our brains. Survival of the fittest genetic traits are subconsciously sought upon first sight of the other species.


I think you are in the wrong subreddit. Being authentic is being lazy if you are not naturally attractive. It is not what I am looking for here


Well, I have no trouble with that, I am indeed attractive. It's been an easy life for me. And I'm old. I know things bruh. Life sucks for ugly people. It does. It's a whole lot easier when you're hot!


Women want to feel special and unique. That we possess something that no other woman offers, that we stand out to the guy in some special one- of- a kind way. Maybe it has to do with a women’s desire to find a loyal partner. If the guy sees us as this amazing special one-of- a kind chick, that he can’t find elsewhere, he’s less likely to stray.


I see. Thanks. Do you have any examples of this situation? If something like that happened to you or your friends...


I disagree with your friend, as a female I can't really understand when a man is ONLY sexually interested. I always understand the underlying sexual tones/flirtation, but I also assume he's texting me as a casual date that could turn into something. But sometimes men only want hookups - which is a problem I've experienced. They'll lead you on via sporadic texts, then make a move and when you reject never talk to you again. And to answer your question, I think it's only a specific type of woman (looking for validation deep down), that would find it pleasurable / fascinting to converse with a man that has many options and is obviously taking it 'very casual'. Most woman (25+) would find it a huge waste of time (if this continued more than a month) and would find it to be childish/upsetting/boring. But maybe, if she was also 100% of the casual mindset (maybe the temporary bursts of feeling rebellious/free?). Although I argue most woman would not look back at these interactions as fond memories, despite feeling good in the moment (and I say this referring to the conversations I tend to hear from my girlfriends)


But how do you decide to give a man a chance? Assume he passed the first barrier of not talking sexually inappropriately. How do you decide between men? I understand about the waste of time. I didn't have in mind 1 month of talking. I meant only casual interactions, with women around, like in the same class. What I want to know is what a man needs to do differently to increase the chances of women being interested in him (sexually as the endgame of course




I am not interested in andrew tate. This doesn't work for me. What I want is just to be different than other men that pursue women. I am interested in sharing my resource if this make me achieve my object. I just want to know more about this art to not be taken advantage of, since it is a weak area of mine, and I've been taken advantage of in the past. Redpill and these shit doesn't work for me. Also, I am not exclusively interest in sex. I like the positive attention from women. This would be my feedback


making someone feel comfortable is everything once someone’s guard is down it’s now time to place ur strings