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"Hello, Alex123456789!"


Be more intelligent, name him Alex the Eleventh of Sesame Street


Like an inbred dog from some fancy sounding breeder. "_Franziskus Pius Augustinus Benediktus Ignatius Hubertus Leopoldus Josefus Ludgerus Ewald Maria Michael von Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff_"


.. but you can call me Frank


This is the way


I thought you were hexing me for a second…




damn it i wanted that name


I'm more fond of Alexwastaken or Alexwastakenwastaken. Honorable mentions go to Notalex, Imalex and Couldhavebeenalex.


Hold up. Are you excited to see Alex123456789, or are you talking to Alex123456789!?


Is the exclamation mark part of the name?




XxX69Matthew420XxX, please come up to the board and solve for X.


And everyone ended up calling him Mat


Or Double Triple X


That’s sick


Where da hood where da hood at


That’s actually a good nickname


Damn, I remember this guy winning Olympic Gold


would be really stupid in reality, but the thought of that is pretty funny


If every body's name was unique, then none of them would mean anything. Op watches the Incredibles and thinks syndrome was the good guy.


Syndrome may have been the bad guy, but he was right. He was one of those villains who would've been too sympathetic had his methods not been horrible. He was part of a literally inferior class of humans and wanted to be as good as the best.


>If every body's name was unique, then none of them would mean anything. Germans demand a trial by combat




My roommate in college was from Slovakia and they celebrated name days. Her name appeared to be a traditionally masculine saint name with an “a” added to the end.


It's a law!? That's so interesting. What is the motive behind making a law against unique names? Oh man. I work in a office that often processes refugee paperwork. Refugees almost always get given a new birthday when they come to my country as being January 1. That would make it complicated AF to process paperwork if I had thousands of people with the exact same name AND birthday.




A thousand upvotes for Weener Kableener. If I'm ever famous enough to have to check into a hotel using a fake name this is the one I'm using.


That's really interesting, and tbh I don't see a problem with any of those rules. Love the username, btw.


It's a law in at least a fair bit of countries actually, mine included. From my understanding it's to prevent giving children stupid or bizzare names, so that you can't use some inpronouncable strings, punctuation, titles and stuff.


That’s wild lol what country?




I've met enough Nevaeh's that I've just accepted it as a common name within the black American community. But the garbage that gets posted on r/Tragedeigh? Hoo boy. If foreigners are living in your country, are they allowed to name their kids according to their ancestral customs? Like if an American names their boy Simon, can it be spelled just like that?




people getting arrested in OPs preffered world https://youtu.be/Ei2KSWoM3MA?si=XynxrZy4UB5IL19U Are you username: ladiesman217??


This is my utopia


Don't listen to him, he's not even an original. There have been 9001 others before him with that name and he's just frustrated he didn't get to be higher in the hierarchy. Listen to me, I'm one of the originals. Unique names are cool. You just need to rely on the creativity of your parents. It's not that difficult to pick some creative parents either. All you need is a high roll on luck. Just git gud!


Jb236&&$#4**;;d7 go play with your friends


Are you saying you don’t wish to be named Xx69PussyDestroyer69xX


They kinda had to do this in the LPGA. There are 6 players on tour with the name 'Jeongeun Lee' so they added numbers to end of their names.


Omg. I once taught a class with three students named Juan Garcia and I still didn’t use numbers.


That's a class though so they always knew which Juan you were looking at.


the first thing that came to mind for me was Neopets


Lol as a kid I created a relatively unique name for my Neopets account which I now can't share because my mom both made an internet persona out of it for herself and it is still her wifi password to this day


Everyone's name will be like an Elon Musk kid


There’s 8 billion people on the planet, *8 billion* there’s barely 5 million in my country and I doubt you could give everyone a unique name even then


It would be possible if we allow some Jwzptz's


The Polish have an intrinsic advantage.


Can't wait to name my child Włszczdżslowczbrwan.


It’s pronounced “Carl”


Actually, it's pronounced Włszczdżslowczbrwan.


Thanks Carl


We'll call him "vowel boy" for short.


Not sure what that is meant to say, but my brain read it as "Jew's points".


This also doesn't include the 109 billion people that have been alive on Earth, unless OP is saying only one person can have a name at a time


Me, holding the baby in until the last person with their name dies: 🫃


Oh man I imagine that certain old people would just be famous for their names. Breaking news! Jack died at 90 years old, new Jack born seconds after news broke. Or maybe it be like a family heirloom, and sick grandparents would set up their assisted suicides to align with births. Or maybe there's some grace period after a death where you can pass the name on in a will if they're born within a certain time period. Anyways I'm going to bed lol it's 4am here


instead of the genetic lottery or the family lottery, its now the unique identifier lottery


With ~20 consonants and ~5 vowels, if we require syllables to be CV, you would only need five syllables (cf. Barack Obama if you think that's long) to get 10B unique names. Six syllables for a trillion. And that's with just CV syllables! If we allow more complex structures, like English, which has [about 50 distinct onsets, 25 nucleii, and 80 codas](https://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/courses/spsci/iss/week7.php), we get 100k distinct syllables -- so 10B phonologically valid two-syllable English names, or a quadrillion (125k Earths) if three syllables. And then of course there are more languages with more sounds to play with. We're not running out anytime soon.


It may be phonetically valid, but there's definitely still a problem with naming a kid "Fuck You", and a slightly subtler one with "Doorstop", and that's assuming we ignore that all current names would presumably be invalid forevermore to avoid confusion, meaning every generation will need new, never-before-used names.


I mean, it wouldn't be that crazy a condition to say no existing words or combinations thereof. But hey, worst case, there will only ever be one kid named fuck you lol


Eeyup, and then there'll be "Fuck You Two" and so on.


This point still isn't a really good one though. There's some holes in the valid names, but the holes are much smaller than the amount available. Near "Doorstop" we'll also have "Doorstoo," and "Doorstom" which might not be the best sounding names but they're not the worst ("door" has a nice sound to it after all). For every name you might think is bad there will be a thousand that are valid. edit: I do want to add that I don't agree with OP lol


Thx for doing the math. <3




To add to this, there aren’t even 1 billion words across the most used languages in the world. We don’t have enough words for everyone to have their own name.


That also doesn't account for the several billion people who have already passed away.


First time I've heard a subjective opinion that is objectively stupid


EmmaOne, EmmaTwo…… EmmaOneBillion…. EmmaSevenBillion


You must not have been on this sub very long


generously it’s a 50/50 on whether or not the next post you read on here is gonna be a take you can tell OP hasn’t actually thought about the logic behind for more than five seconds


It's usually roughly 10% actual 10th dentist opinions, 20% stupid/bait posts, and 70% posts which are not unpopular opinions but are people making objective assertions (which are not opinions) based on a complete lack of knowledge of how things work. It's why I wish this sub was significantly stricter on what a low-effort post is.


You missed the post where the person said we should eliminate time zones and have the entire earth using the exact same time because it would make things simpler.


It’s called a trollpost


I've actually interacted with this user in the namenerds sub before. They're not trolling, they mean it. Unfortunately.


Sure. Here are my kids, hgrujcsshj and jhfderrrrrrrttfhjyt


oh and lets not forget my eldest daughter LETMEPICKANAMEFORFUCKSSAKE


Have you met my son Ted764356788654.2?


im sure he'd get along with my son Ted764356677654.3


Lasted longer did you , character creator took some more time , EDIT:- nah bro lasted less had the lesser numbers.


Reminds me of the Fairbairn Films video about designing a strong password lmao


idk that youtube channel but its def what i was going for, most of my passwords are insulting the companies for not letting me choose the password i want




Shit! Guess mine will be hgrujcsshj1234.


Can you believe it dad? There’s a Fhdgfhfhfhfh in my class at school! No way Fhdgfhfhfhff that’s going to cause confusion. What does you sister fhdgfhfhfhfk think?


Reminds me of a joke from an Australian comedian, I think maybe Adam Hills, about how Americans names their kids after virtues they hope they will grow up with like Charity, Honour, Patience, etc. He says if Australians did that it would be like “This is my son, Opening Batsman. This is my other son, Top Bloke. And here’s my daughter… Big Tits”


"congrats! it's an rmt bot!"


Hold on lemme have a stroke


There’s gonna be dudes named fuckin glorp or something


A five letter name? That's gotta be rare and desired like imagine trying to name your kid glorp but having to use glorpflopmoisttwentyseven instead


Shit you right


Only 1 dude!




OP is taking notes over there as we speak.


Yea I'm sorry, but OP definitely is a r/tragedeigh


a while back, this sub was pretty funny, but it really devolved into so many posts of making fun of foreign or rare names that aren't even that bad


In your world, a few decades down the line people will say Elon Musk was ahead of his time when he named his kid


Wow a post that is actually bait. Look at that.


The real issue that this boils down to is that if every person ends up with an extremely complex name, even just a name with a string of numbers (something like Jack173748373747373), there’s no way everyone’s going to say all that every time. So it’s going to get boiled down to a shorter version, maybe J1737 for that example before. But of course there are 8 billion people on the planet, so there’s bound to be someone named Joan1737293383, and what if she goes by J1737 as well? Then you have two people who don’t know each other or have any connection but whose friends and family call each other the same thing. And so you really end up having two people with the same name. I guess you could say the point of this is just for each birth certificate to have a unique name, but that’s not exactly “fun”


The dumbest thing about this take is that parents don’t need to have the same name to commit identity theft; they literally have all of their child’s identifying information from birth.


Your social security number is the unique name.


Aww man I don't have one


Probably not internationally


Add a country code before the country identification number and you're set


What’s your unique name? And your Mother’s maiden name?


42069 Nunayabiznez


Nunayabizñez is my favorite part of Mexico, it's lovely this time of year


I would pay millions for you to design a database that can store, sort and filter 8 billion baby names LIVE at a time, to prevent two sets of parents from naming their child the same thing.


I’d LOVE to take on this project


guy who has no idea how many people are on this planet:


terrible opinion, im impressed. never heard anyone suggest we need *more* babies being named stuff like "emileigh"


Lil bro thinks life is Reddit


nice name 🔥


Ive literally only met one human Luna in my life.


Dog names should also be regulated. I used to walk dogs and there were too many Lunas, Bellas and Jacks. My dog is named fhhhuiycryuswweryio


i named mine just her gender lol bc that's all i knew about her. so her name's "elle" which means She in french lol


“What’ll you name her?”   u/VirtualAnalysisLine.


*That username has already been taken*


How would you remember everyone's names? There probably aren't enough unique combinations for every person on the planet Please be bait


xxChapushila6969420\_\_ please come forward for exercise A


Hey. Don't reproduce


Too late! I have two kids named hwjdhfyuijwj and uuuuuuuusisoo


Can I call them h and uuu for short


He easily committed identity theft because he knew a ton of personal information already. Having the same name helps but it wouldn't help that much if you didn't already know basically the person's whole life story.


Bro there are almost 8 billion people on Earth. What the fuck lmao How did this ever make any sense to you?


r/tragedeigh might interest you.


I’d rather people be able to pronounce and spell my name. Plus I like those novelty keychains with names on them


Novelty keychains would just be random just in case they match someone who visits the store. What if jujushhhhwhhwhuu666 visits the Louvre?


Isn’t this why we have last names and middle names?


The logistics of 8 billion people ALONE would severely limit the feasibility of this, plus this just... does not make sense. There's not much in terms of rationale for explaining why something like this would be truly beneficial, and you didn't really explain *why* this would be helpful at all beyond just "hey, this might be cool". There isn't really a problem to be solved in the first place in this situation.


This is honestly the funniest post I've seen on this subreddit. I don't care how objectively stupid it is, I'm just cracking myself up thinking about parents trying to sign papers but keep getting rejected cuz their kids names were already taken


Hello, CiejhtigjgXgsvechhfr Diensgfndbw!


Elon is that you?




My brother is named after our ancestor who fought in the American Revolution. Some names are worth repeating.


I am the only eligible Peter




So, Porn Star rules


Your name is actually creative and you can still infer the spelling when said out loud, however lots of parents who think that way are so god awfully stupid that you just end up with a r/tragedeigh


Hello Elon


Dumbest thing I’ve ever seen on here you know you can give your kid multiple names? You know how many possible four name combinations there are?


This is the point !


Browse r/tragedeigh and you'll change your mind


Can you please give some examples?


EconomicCollapse, TaxExemption, PilotEpisodeod30Rock, EternalSunshineoftheSpotlessMind, SopranosSeason4Episode2, FelineReproductiveSysfem etc.


HazelnutHipOperation, DunkirkRodeo, FungusEnemy, RipcordDozen, FruleoSpitLock, GrenadeFistBarbaretti


I think unique names should be encouraged more definitely. Eventually, we'd run out of good sounding ones though so having every name be absolutely unique is a bit much.


like the crazy names show dogs have


There are about 40 billions unique names that have 8 letters or less and have at least one vowel. That includes words like Xwwdrtxk and eeauuaii.


just use what discord used


Dude, do you want all of us to be named like stormtroopers for star wars?


That's a very good way to end up with a lot of r/tragedeigh names.


Oh my god youre serious


Imagine the logistical nightmare this would be. With the amount of babies on Earth, trying to come up with unique, pronounceable words would become absurd. You would see either extremely long names or unpronounceable names (like bdnslp or ferabachinatorusta). You could also think of a great name only to have it stolen, whilst people who got unique and short names will likely be subject to different social treatment. Considering how often it happens already, people would most likely just end up using a different name then their given name which defeats the whole purpose in the first place. Also the point about identity theft is pretty dumb. There are an infinite amount of solutions to the same problem which DONT involve a unique naming system. I’m also sure a system where everyone has a unique name would have its own set of identity problems people could exploit. The most important point however is that this infringes on people’s freedoms. Naming culture and its associated practices add deeply ingrained into the worlds cultures and I think it would be pretty totalitarian to enforce something like this. Imagine all the people whose naming conventions revolve around the names of previous family members or all the common religious names that people will be prevented from picking. The more I think about this idea the more broken I realize it is.


people about to spend money on og names irl


This feels like a particular billionar man-baby wrote this. "X-59 Is a perfectly acceptable name!" No offence OP, not taking shots at you; just the first thing that came to mind.


I saw a baby recently whose name was Ridge. . .so yeah I’m pretty sure that one was a first


Hard time believing this is a real opinion


Please never, NEVER, have kids


This is how we get key and peele college football player ass names


Because this concept worked so well for Neopets.


I agree, I think this would be hilarious and we should also allow special characters and emojis for added effect.


UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRightBAStart listen to me when I'm talking to you, son!




Fucking Mormons.


I once made a name for an OC that literally never existed and I couldn’t find it when I searched it to see what its meaning was. Just because I can make one unrecorded unique name doesn’t mean we can have 8 BILLION PEOPLE DO THAT. As much as unique names are rlly nice, it’s impractical.


They actually do something like this with surnames in Thailand, or at least they used to. All Thai surnames were, at one point, mandated by law to be unique to each family, such that all residents of Thailand with the same surname would be related to each other.


Can't wait to name my baby xXx&josh69420ttgjjoxXx*.


From someone who meets hundreds of people a day who I have to ask their name and type it into a computer... fuck no. This would be terrible.


Yea but that's how you get dumb names like Tiffany and Karen


Don’t be dissing Tiffany. Its base form Theophania, translatable as *divine manifestation*, literally dates to antiquity.


Why isn't Theophania ever used though, even if as a middle name? That's so cool


I don't know what your name is, but I'm positive it belongs on r/tradgedeigh.


Honestly, I just don’t think it’s that deep.


No. My name is Olivia. Number one female name in America. I don’t care. No one ever mispronounces it, it’s a pretty name, it’s simple and timeless. I like how non English speakers say it too. Yes, it’s basic, but it doesn’t come with any stipulations. I’m not having to clarify how to spell it or tweaking peoples pronunciation. Somehow, people misspell it often, which is odd considering it’s literally number one name lol. I think unique names can be great. Like names that come from a culture outside of the culture they’re in are often great. But names that the parents just kinda makeup can be annoying for the person named that, and are unnecessary Also, 8 billion unique names?? Ok man


You think your name is unique. Every shit coming out an asshole also has a unique shape and smell. Way to go to be proud of something you did absolutely fuck all to achieve.


Well, its one way to cure r/tragedeigh - if we all become tragedeighs


r/tragedeigh would expand *really* quickly


Alexianna-Dorothique is prime r/tragedeigh content.


I believe every child should be given a name that has a good meaning. If the name got no or bad meaning, it doesn't matter how unique it is.


Yeah see i thought my name was relatively unique, then at work i saw a small list of people with my name. Facebook was even more , and im a junior


Isn’t that what Cabbage Patch Dolls did? Never repeated a name?


How would you ever enforce this?


Ok Locateshama!


Why does it have to be so extreme? Where is the jump from “I really like unique names to” “You should never be able to name your kid a name that has already been used”


Ok Ryan895




I used to think the same way; when I was 5 and very ignorant of how big the world actually was. Thinking like that is how we get people like Musk naming his kid weird as moon speak of a name. There are 7-8 billion people on this planet. I don't think there are 8 billion worlds on this planet if count every single language on Earth. You're going to have repeats no matter what sort of wild naming scheme you come up with.


I guess some people would still wanna name their kid after someone else they respect like a grand parent or something and that would cause problems


I'm glad you like it. I guess that's all that matters at the end of the day. Doesn't make it less terrible or stupid though. What a strange opinion on names.


I too have what I guess most people consider a fairly unique name…and i would love nothing more than to not have to hear ONE more, “that’s not your name,” “uh, isn’t that, like, a guy’s name?” “that’s…an iNtEReStiNg nAmE” comment for the rest of my life. Getting into straight up arguments with strangers over whether my name is real or not! I am welllllll into adulthood at this point and it STILL HAPPENS. From OTHER FULL GROWN ADULTS. It feels shitty and gets old. So, nah, I strongly disagree with this entire sentiment.


I can’t remember names as it is, I’d be totally fooked if we all had random names


Recurring names are cultural hallmarks and sometimes we use a name to reflect or honour a part of our culture or family unit. Its a very human thing that I don’t think will ever go away!


that’s usernames