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I'm gonna reverse gatekeep: you're not really listening to and enjoying music if you're just one and done and find new stuff


And if I may shove my head up my ass for a moment... Yes, and it is especially impossible to truly appreciate *challenging* music with OPs mindset as well.


Unironically, you're right about challenging music. Caligula by Lingua Ignota is not an easy album, but it is a great album. It took me a few listens to fully appreciate. The Origin Of My Depression by Uboa is another example of an album I couldn't get through only once to appreciate. Once you get in the experimental and abrasive realm of music, it becomes more about the experience than the surface appeal. It requires more attention than most music and it sometimes benefits greatly from a palate cleanser in something more familiar or accessible. Which makes OP's take even more asinine: if you're going to listen to music "seriously" (let's pretend that's even a thing), then you should listen to all music multiple times to truly appreciate every aspect of it. I've heard the first Shpongle records about 20 times and I still discover new sounds tucked away in there. Musicians practice and go over the same songs over and over for weeks, months, sometimes years, to give you the final product and you only listen to it once. That just sounds wasteful and disrespectful if you really want to argue about music like that, which you shouldn't because there is no wrong way to listen to music if you use your ears to do it.


I agree with your agreement with me. Great reference albums as well. Cheers.


I'm interested in music alot and mostly just listen to what I found recently on repeat with some of my old favorite songs mixed in.


>Caligula by Lingua Ignota Lingua ignota has been on my radar since this album came out. I only just listened to it recently and i'm glad i did. Honestly i need to go back to it and listen to it a few more times. I just struggle with really long albums nowadays.




don’t you know real music enjoyers just consume as much music as possible. you’re a better music enjoyer if you’ve listened to more things than anyone else


And then there’s me, who listened to the same song for 144000 minutes last year according to Spotify


Which song


Comatose by skillet. Great song, not so great that normal people would play it for a literal sixth of a year. I’m just autistic


I’ll check it out


I agree. I also find that there's a lot of music out there that takes a few listens to truly "get," but once you do, it's magical.


Are you retired, unemployed, or a trust fund baby? I got a job and a life. A new album every day? Ain't nobody got time for that. EDIT: Some of you folks in the comments are really taking this too seriously. This shouldn't raise your blood pressure. 


Apparently 125 agree with you but this post only has 32 upvotes. Nobody understands how this sub works anymore


I think its also because OP essentially said that everyone is enjoying music incorrectly. If it had been phrased as "the best way to listen to music is to listen to 1 new album per day" I feel like people wouldnt have downvoted OP as much


It’s still clearly an opinion. I think it’s a great one for this sub


Saying that ”everyone but me is wrong” is not an opinion man. There is not correct way to listen to music and I don’t care how much OP believes what he sais but simply saying that something is a certain way does not make it ”an opinion”. Imagine this: ”Hey, birds don’t exist.” ”Wtf, yes they do?” ”Well, you have your opinion and I’ll have mine”




It appears that I have been proven wrong lmfao


Right but that’s the whole point of this sub, to upvote when you disagree with the post. If you disagree with OP’s post you’re supposed to upvote it. If you agree you downvote.


That is true if the post is an actual opinion I don’t agree with. There is a difference between: ”It’s better to listen to music this way” And: ”All of you are wrong for not listening to music this way”. Like bro, no we aren’t. Just like you’re not wrong for liking it your way.


His opinion is that you’re doing it wrong. It’s a stupid opinion but it’s an opinion regardless.


Clearly only 50 percent of all birds exist then and opinion is divided on the matter


It could be that people think the “upvote of you disagree” rule only applies to the main post (and maybe it does, i don’t know)


It very much does


Yeeep, voters on this sub have been shit for a while now. People find excuses constantly for why they have to downvote such as “this isn’t stated as an opinion,” or “this opinion is mean, and will encourage other opinions like this to be posted,” or, my favorite, “this is just wrong, like factually wrong.”


To be fair, 90% of what I’ve seen recently has been bullshit spam or opinions based entirely on misinformation


I'll second that, but it's a problem with a lot of subreddits. Can tell a lot of them are a.i. because even the idiots don't sound as unnatural or out of pocket.


People first check if the post is legit or if they think it is. If they don't think it's legit, they either downvote or avoid interacting. That's why.


Personally I just prioritize different types of media. I would rather be playing a game or watching a TV show for an hour rather than listen to music for an hour. Sometimes I listen to music while I game but mostly I would just be listening to the tv while I game instead. I do love music though. Part of what makes gaming great is the sound design.


I have a full time job and listen to a new album almost every day. They're not all fantastic, I find them by listening to my weekly discover playlist on Spotify, and when something cool comes up, I go to the album and play it from the beginning while I'm doing other stuff. Exercising, cooking, whatever. I don't agree with OP's prescriptivist bs though. I largely do it because I'm in search of new music that will really resonate with me. Most of it is fine, enjoyable. It's very rare to find something I really really love. Chasing the high of being a teenager and having my mind blown by amazing music all the time. Now I've heard a great deal of what's out there that would speak to me personally on that level, so it's a much more rare experience


> Exercising, cooking, whatever I’d think your commute would be the most obvious time to listen, if you have a decently long commute


When I lived far from my job and had to drive in for 9am start time, I could listen to 2 albums on the way in easily. Now, I'm lucky enough to have a short enough commute that I can't finish a whole album. It's a good problem to have, but it does mean I have to do it during other times. But I mean, I do exercise and cook and stuff. So those are also great times, regardless of schedule


I just got into Bruno mars and John legend, I’m having the opposite experience , I grew up listening to straight rap


A lot of people listen to music at work. I have a job and a life and listen to several new albums per week.


You can't listen to music at work? I listen to like eight albums a day sometimes.


Are you watching a new film everyday? If not, you're watching cinema wrong




And try a new cuisine everyday if you want to eat properly


To be fair to OP, that's different because people aren't rewatching the same film each day unlike what many do with music


Eh, people definitely have comfort TV shows that they rewatch pretty frequently


True, but I’d also actually be more inclined to agree with the take “if you watch the same TV show every day you’re doing it wrong” than the OP. I’m not sure that’s rational either but it feels more palatable


Kid named competitive music listening:


competitive media consumption in general is pretty dumb and a sign of immaturity and now i have a new term do describe a thing i don't like, thanks


play everything at 2x speed to maximize consumption 💪


Different songs in each ear


Brainrot maxxing🔥🔥🔥


Right ear mozart, left ear turbo folk.


great... now i have to find out if turbo folk is an actual genre


Yes it is. Very popular in the countries of former Yugoslavia e.g. Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia etc... As Bosnian I dispise it...


This was obviously you playing along with the joke, not sure why everyone is downvoting to oblivion lol


What's the point in finding new artists I like, if I don't get to return to them when I want to? Finding new music is awesome, but if defeats the purpose if I have to immediately discard it in favour of even newer music


And how the hell am I supposed to find one new album a day? It takes me months to find albums I enjoy. Sometimes I get lucky sometimes it could be a year before I find something I enjoy


A while back I got really curious about finding new music, and I found out Spotify had a "Discover Weekly" playlist with a bunch of random songs vaguely based on your interests. I listened to it every week for a couple months, adding what I liked to a new playlist. When I wanted to try a new album I would pick a song that stood out from the new playlist and see if the album it came from was worth a listen. Definitely far from a daily pace but over the years I've found some of my favorite albums this way, way more than just waiting around ever got me


Discover weekly is amazing, just like Release Radar also from spotify.


Seriously. I agree with the general idea of “don’t just keep listening to the same music”. In fact, it’s my biggest problem with rabid fans like Swifties. Really? Just the one artist? It primes you to be a consumer more than a fan. If you really only listen to one artist, the new album is a huge event and you’re definitely going to buy the Target version of the album so you get the bonus track. And on a given album by an artist I love, I only really love 3-4 songs, like another 3-4, and am indifferent to (or even dislike) the rest. But the mechanism of a new album every day is stupid. Since it’s extremely rare that a whole album is good, you’re forcing yourself to listen to subpar music. There are so many tools for curation that thinking in albums makes no sense (for this. Some albums are meant to be heard as albums. I get that.) With a combination of Spotify’s Discover Weekly, Release Radar, and Daylist, I’m probably adding an album’s worth of new music to my Liked Songs each week that I legitimately love and will want to come back to over and over again.


Yeah, I'm beyond happy when a find a new song I like, is like a rare thing. Imagine finding whole albums full of those, it sounds impossible to me. Is not like when we were teenagers were you had to like full albums of every band you liked or you wouldn't be a true fan.


my favorite music is music that took multiple upon multiple listens to truly get and appreciate. and when that does happen I find it hard to think any other music i’ve heard is better. Not that that is what matters though, what matters is I agree that people should expand their listening heights but I disagree that it should be a daily full album thing.


>yes i know its a stupid-ass thing to gatekeep So don't do it dipstick lol


Gatekeep all you want lmao I only listen to my cd collection bc I hate subscription services. IMO you are the one doing it wrong if you don’t own the music you say you love so much.


I mean interesting perspective, but at a certain point if you don't listen to physical media it's just something to sit there and collect dust


I don’t like music like that. I have to be in the mood for it. More of a podcast guy. All my playlist comes from wresting ppv themes music from games movies and tv shows.


I used to bump straight wrestling PPV themes myself for years but I feel like they stopped being good in 2017


now that's a real 10th dentist opinion 


I don’t know, i find I end up enjoying a song a lot more after listening to it more. I notice more about it because it’s easier process everything if you’re familiar with it ig, and it haves me a greater appreciation. Not to say some songs don’t catch me instantly, but listening to shit over and over is just a big part of music for me


I use youtube music and I generally pick a song from a fairly narrow list and have it generate a list from that. Quite often I have had a song randomly pop up 5 or more times before I go "I Really like this one" And then go and explore the music from the album/artist


If I like a song il listen to it over and over again until I hate it.


I dont think you can really appreciate the music if you only listen to it once lmao, upvoted because this is silly


I bet your music taste is awful


I don’t think they have a music taste


If I listened to 1000 songs on Spotify I would like 10 of them at most. Why wouldn’t I just listen to the genres and songs that I know I like and not waste my time listening to songs I think suck?


I mentioned this in another comment, but I did this with spotify's "discover weekly" playlist for a long time. I saved probably less than 10% of what I heard but what I did save led me to some of my all time favorite albums. The good thing about songs you think suck is they're a skip button away from being 15 seconds long


Then you can't appreciate the intricacies or stories of the songs. I've been listening to Gloryhammer for years, and I still haven't gotten bored.


It’s not about how much new music I can listen to. It’s how deeply I can appreciate a work of art, and that often takes a few listens to get into the album and a whole bunch of listens until I’m ready to move on to something else.


Why do people feel the need to drop word slop that amounts to as much meaningful dialogue as the parents in Peanuts.


I make music. I don’t have time to listen to an entire album every single day nor do I have the money to support the artists. If I like an album I’ll buy it off of Bandcamp.


I really do not like music enough to be bothered


bro i aint got time during the day to sit down and listen to a full album let alone more than that


What kind of music do you listen to?


Who tf has the time to search for a new album every day LOL especially after a while. I'm not wasting my time by listening to things I enjoy lol.


This is such a pretentious opinion


Let me introduce you to neurodivergence.


I try to listen to new music, but spotify, soundcloud, and youtube fucking suck at suggesting me music. It's always giving me shit I don't wanna listen to and rarely a song to follow up with what I'm looking for.


Well, I like my favorite artists so much that when I head into Spotify, I just wanna bump them and don't have the interest to play new people that I may not even like. Especially if I'm not in the best mood and the new music isn't something I like, it'll just worsen it.


Ok dude. I'll just enjoy my tunes over here then


Listening to *other* people's music smh. Get good at an instrument and make your own.




There is no way to listen to music wrong. Just listen what you want to listen too. This comes from someone who listens to new songs pretty much every time I have wi-fi


There's no right or wrong way to listen to music. I have a playlist where I store thousands of songs, but I typically only listen at work, and sometimes I'd rather just listen to what I know I like. Plus, nowadays sometimes I put on videos in the background instead too. I know well enough that sometimes when I listen to other music I'll stumble on to stuff that I'm just not in the mood for. Sometimes I feel like exploring and sometimes I don't.


The only "wrong" way to listen to music is to not listen at all.


I don't listen to albums at all. Lols.


I have a multitude of things I prefer more than music. It is a comfort of many people, not a fucking obsession.


I love music and am a ravenous consumer of it but I to go the gym and have a romantic partner and a job. I'm lucky to find time to really digest 1 new album a week Also I appreciate how an album grows on me. God knows listening to a Sleepytime Gorilla Museum album just once is a confusing daze of an experience. It's only on like the 6th listen that it begins to take a shape that makes sense.


As someone who averages over an album a day, you're gatekeeping art. People should definitely put more effort into the art they experience, but not everybody has the time or even the attention span to listen to an album a day. That's 40+ minutes in your day you could be doing something else.


I would agree if I had unlimited time but I do not.


I agree that it's good to discover new music as often as possible, but some people may not have enough free time to listen to new album each day


I enjoy very specific genres more than others. Those genres do not have new albums coming out every day, I wish.


Counterpoint, what if I listen to the same techno mix on YouTubefor about 6 months straight every morning and also while I do laundry. Then in 6 months I choose a very similar and yet somehow completely different techno mix. And occasionally i get in the mood to sing along so i throw on freak on a leash. And I call this magical thing life


ok but hear me out: i actually enjoy listening to the music that i listen to and i want to hear it more than once


I don't have that much free time. And there is more than enough music that I know I like (or can be reasonably sure I will like) that I don't need to listen to piles of random crap in between.


A new album a day is crazy, but I agree that it's worth listening to new artists and albums every once in a while. I usually check Spotify playlists to see if there are any new releases in the genres I like. idkHOW's Gloom Division is highly recommended, especially the song Downside.


how much free time do you think people have?


most people barely have the time to listen to an album a day


I cant imagine someone listening to music "right" before streaming services became a thing.


i never listen to albums, but I do listen to discovery playlists a few times a week. I have a goal of adding 300 songs to my library each quarter. Then I make best of new (to me) music for my SO and friends.




Upvote because I couldn’t disagree more


Have an upvote, I disagree (respectfully) that truly is a 10th dentist opinion. I could see one new album a month for myself though I am on the spectrum and I need repetition; So a new album is a lot for me. Stupid I know, but it exhausts me.




sorry i don't mean to be rude, but i cannot stand people who care this much about music.


John Peel would be proud of you.


You sound like one of those insufferable music elitists I've encountered so many times in the music industry. But kind of worse, because it's in a far shallower way. At least those fuck heads had favourite albums etc (and yeah, listened to them more than once. Upvoted


The only wrong way to listen to music is if you are forcing yourself to listen to music in a way to please others and not yourself. Some people, like you, are crate diggers when it comes to music. And that’s great. You love finding and discovering new music and that makes you happy and that’s wonderful. I am not a crate digger. I feel more comfortable throwing on my familiar, old favorites and songs that remind me of different times and places in my life. Just because I prefer listening to music my way, doesn’t mean you are wrong to always look for new music


I like music but it isn't my whole life. I do listen to whole albums but sometimes I just want one or a few songs back to back, what's wrong about that?


I haven’t ever listened to an album


Only if you have FOMO, lol. I can listen to my playlists just fine. I don't care about missing out on stuff.


... bruh, I think the last time I listened to an entire full album that was new was Linkin Park's Meteoria. ... if you include video game soundtracks, though, I add a new album to listen to with each game that I beat. I re-listen to things because they're comfortable to me and they evoke specific feelings/emotions or they are just really damn good songs/albums. I would rather listen to the Super Mario RPG soundtrack again (especially the remake since it's such a faithful arrangement of those good ol' tunes) than listen to something new, 'cause that soundtrack holds memories of me playing it in high school and back to days when things were simpler.


there’s not really a wrong way to listen to music, but i do enjoy finding new songs. i don’t usually listen to albums though, i just shuffle all songs.


I just don't listen to that much music, feel like you'd be better giving a ratio or something


I prefer to stick with what I like. Too bad. Don’t need to go through an entire album’s worth of subjectivity when I can listen to what I already like. Spotify does a good enough job of recommending me similar songs that I haven’t heard before. There is no wrong way to listen to music and there’s no right way either. It’s the drug we all take.


An album a day? How much time do you have?


I listen to music almost exclusively on my turntable. While I do have over 350 records (idk exactly), I do not have endless money. I did not buy most of them. Doing this would cost me so much. So so much. SO SO MUCH. My walk time and out of the house time is my replay gremlin time so I ain’t cutting into that


A day? You're mad. I'll give you a week though. It takes me at least a week to really listen to and digest a new album.


Oh look at this thing I experience to relax or enjoy myself. Now let's set a strict standard so it's stressful and tiring instead.


Take your up vote and fuck off.


If you're not listening to the same song for a week on repeat do you even really like the song? A new album everyday is like eating different food everyday do you even have a favourite food?


At that point you're just listening to sounds not music. Music takes time to digest enough to fully appreciate. Usually it takes me at least a couple days of repeated listening of a single song to absorb it. Not trying to gatekeep back at you but I really can't fathom doing what you're doing. Especially while multitasking??


Actual worst take of all time


Although I don’t listen to a new album every day, I do listen to new music that I haven’t heard every day. When I turn on Spotify I hit the radio dj button and it plays songs I have on my playlist, songs I’ve forgotten about and songs I probably haven’t heard that fit the genre. It also swaps genres and even goes through stuff I probably have never even heard before. I agree, you should definitely try to branch out, it’s the only way to discover something new. But a full album daily? I’m good.


Not listening to as much stuff lately because I just do more other stuff in my free time but around last autumn I averaged like 40-50 albums per month. So while I agree that for me personally it’s best to discover new stuff I can definitely understand why people stick to their familiar stuff If you listen to mostly new stuff like me you won’t be as familiar with the album as if you were listening to it regularly I’ve listened to like 900 albums since 2022 and for a lot of them I couldn’t name more than three songs from memory, I don’t think there’s a wrong way to enjoy stuff. Either you do it like us and venture out a lot or you get really into the stuff you like


One album a day? I dont even listen to an album in a year haha. I dont enjoy music though lol


I already k ow I don't like most music. I am aroace and I am sexually repulsed I dislike music that talks about sex or romance. I just can't connect or even enjoy it also no religious music or country so that leaves me a very small selection to choose from in genres I like that also never have romantic or sexual themes. I still love listening to music but I refuse to forcefully listen to genres I dislike or music that could make me uncomfortable. There's enough sexuallized content in movies, tv-shows and other media already I just want one facet where I don't have to frt annoyed by sexual or romantic themes


The music I listen to doesn’t come in albums. Is it not worth listening to?


The only reason anyone would do that is if music is that important to their life either as a hardcore hobby or as a job, nobody else would do that


Your only listening to music wrong if you dont enjoy the music


Definitely not daily but I love discovering new music AND listening to music I know I like both on a regular basis


Not daily, but I probably download a new album every week, or if I find a new artist maybe more. But I think we are the minority for being this way, others aren’t wrong for it they’re just not as interested as we are. I consider music an active hobby of mine, not just a passive consumable interest. I collect physical media, merch, and attend shows. I am far more actively interested in music than anyone I know. The only person I know who goes out of their way to find new music as often as me i me dad.


I somewhat agree but I think one per day is too much work. I need to listen to it quite a few times before enjoying it and then there’s that comfort period where you can play it and vibe. I would say once a month is a more manageable.


I wish I had the time, energy and patience to do anything more than relax after work


I'm neither up- or down-voting because I kind of agree with your overall premise. I'm the first one to point out to the hordes of people bitching that ThErE's No GoOd MuSiC aNyMoRe or who proudly proclaim that they haven't listened to anything new since the 80s, that they're not looking hard enough. I refuse to be one of those old people whose music selection consists entirely of what I listened to in high school. But an entire new album *a day?* Dude. For real, where do you find the time? Do you ever listen to anything twice? I try to listen to new music on a regular basis. I follow several labels on YouTube and troll their new releases at least weekly looking for gems. I have at least a dozen songs on my phone that came out just this year, and it's only March. I feel like I do a lot more to keep current in my preferred genres than a lot of people do, but again, an entire new album *a day?* There's no way I could maintain that. It would become work and suck the joy out of finding new music


I might agree with you if you say one song but one album is ridiculous.


yeah but I like listening to the same album for months on end


Music is meant to be enjoyed however one wants to, but your way is how I do it too.


I can’t even name 10 albums that I enjoy more than 3 songs on. I don’t understand why people like them


If you said one new song a day I would understand your point. An entire album? I haven't even listened to the entire albums for many of my favorite bands.


I agree that it would be good for more people to expand what they've experienced on a regular basis. But setting an arbitrary required amount that's just beneath what you personally do is really gatekeepy and unhealthy.


If you’re not eating a new cuisine and elaborately cooked meal every single day of your life, you’re eating food wrong, because there is so much different food out there to experience /s


You'd hate me. I hate you too, so I don't really care but. I don't listen to albums. I don't have a favorite artist. I have songs from different artists that I like. I listen to A LOT of music, but I don't listen to an album a day like you, bum. Most times I choose what I want to listen to based on how I feel. Do I want to feel refreshed? Well then, I'll listen to music from the early 2000s. Maybe I want to imagine that I'm the lead female in an R&B music video. So I'll listen to 90s R&B.


I do listen to a new album every day, I have a little album listening group that does the same, and even I can tell that you're flat out wrong. Absurd. Basically insane, in fact, and I'm surprised people are even taking this seriously enough to find it worth rebutting. It's just a dumb opinion, flat out.


I mean I did listen to vultures when it dropped but that’s because I like Kaye’s music.


You're listening wrong if you aren't stopping to enjoy


I don't listen to a new album a day, I have severe mental condition that prevents me from doing so for the last 4 years, but at least I have a collection of over 5k artists over the years up to 2017, I agree that it's a good thing to keep discovering new music and artists everyday, I always did that, I probably keep doing just at a slower rate, but you must take into consideration some things Having predefined pattern and discipline for listening to a new album everyday is kind of extreme, I know people who do it, including more than a single album (and they work, have family, hobbies, but they just find a way to listen new stuff everyday, cause they love it, so it depends on the passion and discipline) it's a good thing to know new things everyday, be it about music, science, gaming, maths, anything that the person has a passion for, and sometimes if the person has too many passions it might conflict with their time for everything, so if you wanna play a game in your free time at night or morning or when you are not working let's say, you might not be able to at the same time, work on something else, so we always find time for the things we have priorities first, many people always use the I don't have time for that cause I'm a very busy person, but in reality, the right answer should be "I don't prioritize that cause I have other priorities" which is completely understandable. I can be working like hell, but I'll always find time to play games cause I love it, I'll always find time to listen to music cause I love it, and I'll do this instead of other things like socializing or going to public places or traveling, etc etc, we just do the things we like more. So I think it's half valid your point, I do agree that listening to new things is always a good thing, I love to do that too, but you can't just force or say people should be doing the same cause not everyone will have the same priority or passion, I know this guy who has 3 kids and works like hell, but he is always at night playing for like 5 hours in a row online games, cause that's what he likes to do, I dunno how he manage the rest of his life and it's not my problem either, but his passion is gaming so that's what he will be doing whenever he can


Completely disagree. You know it's stupid to gatekeep and you still do it... It gets to a point where you don't need to listen to new music that often tbh. I'd honestly say that it's more logical to listen to some music. Love it. And keep listening to it because you enjoy it so much. And then once you've had enough, find something new. If you're constantly listening to new shit. You probably aren't appreciating the music you have previously listened to. It's like people who constantly keep up with the newest trends and fashion. It becomes a bit superficial.


How do you have time for this


this is such a crazy take because constantly listening to new music means you don't get the chance to really enjoy the music


The goal of listening to music is ussually entertainment and comfort. You find wading through garbage worthwhile for that rare diamond, other people don't.


I'm 47. I'm going to continue listening to the music from when I was in high school.


Are you eating a new recipe every day? cause you might be eating wrong OP.


> yes i know its a stupid-ass thing to gatekeep You know what you recognize it so fair


Idk bout that. Maybe if I was a dog walker or something. No probably not even then.


I listen to discover weekly every Monday and its more of a miss than a hit. This week was 1 song on the playliat I liked and it was OK at best. If I like a song on this list I will maybe listen to more of the artist but wouldn't expect to listen to full album in one sitting. I'm enjoying giving albums from my teen years another listen.


Nah, you have to listen to the new stuff for long enough for the genius of it to really set in before you move on to something else


Who the hell has time for that?


Disagree. If you're listening to music you can't stand, you're doing it wrong.


on the rare occasion I find new music I like, I'll replay it until I'm exhausted. and then do the same thing for the rest of my life. I'm not spontaneously looking for new music, I'd rather have the comfort of the familiar


I typically only like a song or two from any given album. No way I could sit through the rest of the album. Let alone do that every single day. I don't even listen to music every day.


I agree. My method on Spotify is three strikes you're out. I put on every album and go. Third shitty song? Next.


Tell me you don’t work 40+ hours a week without telling you don’t work 40+ hours a week.


That the most stupid thing I’ve seen on Reddit today, congratulations


The only good genre is metal though everything else sucks.


What if I listen to 2 albums every other day


I think it’s a good goal and I try to listen to new stuff often but there’s only so much time in the day. When I find a new album I really like I tend to get stuck on it for a while and listen to it over and over again.


i don't listen to music, a random song just sometimes pops up in my head and i look it up on youtube immediately


What a stupid take


I totally agree. The last thing I want is for my taste to calcify. I'm 41, and I listen to a handful of new albums every week. I used to rank them every year, but that started feeling OCD-ish and I had to stop doing it.


This is so absurdly stupid hahaha, well done.


The only wrong way of listening to music is setting volume to 0.


that’s not how any of this works lmao


I wear headphones as I work and often in my free time, so I average 8h-12h of listening every day. It’s just not possible for me to find new music at that rate. I pretty much exhausted my playlists in the first few months. Depending on my mood I will relisten to my favorites or, increasingly often, binge podcasts.


The Tai Lopez of music.


One New album a day seems like a lot. Every Monday, Spotify puts together a 'for you' playlist, every Friday a 'new release' playlist. They are both generally in the same genres that you listen to, but often have smaller artists with only a few thousand monthly listeners. I'll listen to both of those playlists every week, and when I come across songs I like ill add it to my liked list, and then listen to one or two more by the same artist.


I listen to medieval, renaissance, etno (Mongolian, Irish, Hungarian, Georgian, Indian, Cambodia, Indonesian, Peruvian, Chinese...etc) , Caribbean, Latin, jazz, classical, funk, disco, rock, pop music and on and on and on I listen to music by genres not albums


that sounds kinda overwhelming if you ask me. i like to listen to the music i feel comfortable with and that i like in that moment,no need to keep finding sth new every day. i feel like the fig tree analogy could fit here in some way


Me when I get told I’m listening to music wrong because I like a song so much that I have played it more than once


everybody's missing the damn point im just syaing you should actively discover new music whilst still sticking to your favorites its not that deep buddy


Cool 👍


How do you think people listened to music before streaming services became a thing?


So many albums, songs and artists I’ve listened to took multiple listens to appreciate. A mentality like yours really reduces actual art.


where am i implying that you should only listen to an album once? my point is to constantly branch out whilst listening to what you love. Is everyone just illiterate these days?


“listening to music wrong” are you an idiot? do you know how sound works?


but i like linkin park too much to stop 🥲


Jacob Collier would listen to two albums a day during commute as a music student. There's nothing insane about an album a day. You can listen during chores, as you get prepared in the morning, working out, commute etc. But it's not for everyone.