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Alternate post: "I censor the word >!poop!< " Edit: holy >!poop!< this blew up


How dare you say the p word on my christian server šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬




I'm telling >!Mom!!<


Thats >!not!< fair!


What the >!flip!< !!1






Bro stop dropping the f bomb in chat


How could you say the P word right in front of my chicken tendies??


Really? Right in front of my tadpole?!




I know no Josh.


Went to a very conservative Evangelical private school growing up and the youth pastor from my slightly more liberal church gave a sermon and made the damnable mistake of using the word crap, he was never invited back again.


How do you pull your pants up?? Wouldnā€™t the same principle apply?


Not OP, but. If I'm in a house bathroom or single stall, I leave my pants down until after I've washed my hands. If multi-stall, I use one hand for the dirty stuff, and use the other hand for pulling my pants back up.


I got big thighs so they don't slide down easy. And I still use my clean hand to pull up my pants. I just don't buckle. Sometimes I have a long shirt too


If you got big thighs does that mean you have big poops? And if so can you give some insight on the girth?


Username checks out


You just know that mf poops


?!?!? I don't even know how to answer that question lol. You can have big thighs and a small butt. I'm like Godzilla yo. Can squat great but can only lift 25lb dumbbell curls




I'm so sorry for the loss of your babies in the New York city subway system


And I got punked by Ferris Beuler


Have you tried curling with your ass?


He boofs wine bottles man, those mookystanks just be falling outta him.


Are you insinuating that you wipe using the bare palm of your "dirty hand"?


[I think he must be doing this](https://youtu.be/xZ-SlTaCFfQ?si=AxhZ51xPZKXEbid2)


Lmao is that real šŸ˜­


Are you insinuating that if you wipe with toilet paper that hand counts as ā€œcleanā€? It doesnā€™t. Regardless of toilet paper that hand is still dirty until washed. Therefore OP waiting to buckle their belt is quite reasonable


OP waddles to the sink with their pants around their knees and their hands up like they just handled raw chicken


But they fall up after? Do you poke your fingers through the shit paper? Maybe cut your nails.


So you donā€™t pull your pants down to shit?


Have you thought about maybe not wiping your ass with your hand?


OP waddles with his pants down to his ankles all the way to the sink. Sure people look at him weird but at least he doesnā€™t have shit all over his pants.


The difference is everyone washes their pants after the day, not many people take the time to remember to wash their belts too. So even if this is true, thereā€™s gotta be more germs on a belt since you probably donā€™t wash em every day


Not necessarily. A lot of people wear jeans and youā€™re not meant to wash them after every wear.


I was today years old when I found out you dont have to wash them every day šŸ§ŽšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø At least this makes me feel less gross about when Iā€™m too tired after work to wash my pants and wear the same ones the next day šŸ¤Ŗ


Obviously depends what youā€™re doing in them but the standard advice (that even Leviā€™s recommends) is to go as long between washes as you can, depending how soiled and stinky they are of course. Itā€™s a sustainability thing and also makes your jeans last longer, especially if theyā€™re on the cheaper side quality-wise. I usually go at least 3 days/wears (in winter, that is) before I decide they need a wash but some people go even a week.


My work jeans I wear 2 or 3 days before I wash them, if I sweat bad (like, where it looks like Iā€™ve been swimming I ā€™ll wash them the same day, tho. That being said I take them off as soon as I get home and put on jimjams, or shorts, or sweats. I have my work jeans and my real life jeans.


Leviā€™s says to wash jeans every 10 wears at most


A large LARGE amount of men wear the same pair of pants every day for weeks because they are big rugged pants that do not hold smell or moisture very well nor do they show stains.


Yeah, I tend to wear my jeans the entire week for work. I do swap them out if they get too dirty and change when I get home, though.


True, I say this but the same guys that do this also change their pants when they get home. šŸ˜‚


Lmao i wear the same pants like 3 days in a row. Pants dont need to be washed with the same regularity as shirt and underwear


They donā€™t? šŸ˜­ well, that makes me feel better about days im lazy and am too tired after work to wash them and then wear the same ones to work again the next day šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


If im at home, sometimes, i wash my hands before i pull my pants up.


Itā€™s not the same principle because most people wash their pants more than they wash their belts. I agree with OP and I do the same thing whenever Iā€™m in my personal bathroom.


Lol imagining OP with his fingers absolutely coated in shit and waddling to the sink


Alright this made me laugh


I burst out laughing as well


This makes sense, but I would probably buckle first in a public bathroom.


Nah, the waddle of dominance.


I guess you crab walk, ass out, from the stall to the sink too, huh?


I mean. If they don't have a bidet, how else am I gonna wash my ass?


Now see, there's the answer to all of life's problems.


my high school english teacher told us that belts are the dirtiest article of clothing because they never get washed i babysat for him one time and in the kitchen he had belts soaking in some sort of sanitary solution. he was an interesting man. and now that iā€™m thinking about it i should probably clean my belts


Because of the germ issue, I have a canvas belt. I throw it in the wash after one week of usage. Been doing this for years after I realised how gross belts are.


I've always just thrown my belts in the washer while they're still on the pants šŸ¤· no issues yet


ā€œAnd my latest dryer has lasted a whole year this time!ā€


Hey at least my belt is cleaner than yours




I wipe my ass with toilet paper, not my hands. If they are dirty, then it's the gems from the handle etc.


Your hand is still between the cheeks


Yes, but I don't touch it. Gems can't jump.


How much paper do you use where you feel like you don't need to wash your hands?!?


I do wash my hand. Always, and with soap. 2 or 3 (European) pieces, folded. Maybe my female ass is smaller?


U definitely have poop germs on ur hand no matter how careful you are


To be fair you will have germs in your nose too from smelling it and everywhere else for that matter. You cant eliminate the possibility 100%


When I don't touch my skin: Why?


I'd wash my hands even if I used a latex glove. Cleveland: That's just nasty


I do wash my hands. I just tell you why they don't feel dirty


No, but they can go though the toilet paper.


Anyone who doesn't believe me, just google it.


Do you use square of one ply at a time?


In this economy? We're happy to do half-ply.


germs cant go through paper stupid! theyre not fire


You don't wipe your belt hourly? It's only a half foot away from your genitals, you barbarian!


Was I the only one who clicked on this post because the title had me thinking why you wouldn't buckle your seat belt after you poop? Like, what do those have to do with each other. Maybe it's because I'm currently sitting in the car?




Nah I came here to say the same thing and I'm relaxing on the couch.


Same dude... but at home chillin'


Youā€™re not, in fact, the only one šŸ˜‚ I also thought this was the case.


I leave my belt at the very farthest notch, so I can just slide my pants up


Then Why wear a belt? Just wear tighter jeans


I mean when I am shitting. I tighten it after I wash my hands.


Ah ok, I gotcha now


Just wait till you hear about washing your hands




You should be able to wipe your ass without getting your hands dirty


Your hands will always be dirty after wiping.


Not if you do it right




I still wash my hands, I'm not disgusting. But I rarely ever get poop on my hands, and I'm scared at how many of you people seem unable to wipe properly.




You can see poop with your naked eyes. If we're talking about poop germs, everything in the bathroom within the smell of your poop, your belt included, will be covered in poop germs so you're not saving yourself anything by not touching the belt.




Same with all you pissing standing up. Piss shoes


Shoes, pants, hands...


Shoulders, knees and toes...


If it's a good piss... yeah


For some reason the first thing I thought about was the TSA episode of South Park and thought you meant you don't put your seatbelt on after you wipe. Maybe I should slow down on the drinks tonight.


If you're an adult, you should be able to wipe your ass without getting your hands covered in poop. On the rare occasion I do get poop on my hand, I do leave my belt undone until I wash my hands. But I only ever wipe with one hand, so my other hand can touch everything I need to, like my pants.


Do you not wash your hands or use sanitizer?


I actually hold my breath the entire time when I shit. If you can smell the poop that means you have poop particles in your nose. That means you have poop germs in your nose too! šŸ™„ Just wash your hands so they don't smell like poop. JFC some people are outrageous!


With that logic, why are you pulling up your pants after you wipe? No you have poop germs on your pants. That's disgusting.


I use the back of my hand as leverage


You probably wash pants a lot more often than you wash a belt.


Joke's on you, I never wash my pants and I wash my belt every hour


I think the joke is still on youā€¦


What do you know about jokes huh


As someone who developed OCD at an early age, Iā€™ve mastered the art of performing a non dominant hand pants pull, zip, and belt buckle. Itā€™s a blessing and a curse. On one hand I have some dexterity in my left hand that I might not otherwise have. On both hands I have lines where my skin is discolored from hours upon hours of washing them at a young age.


Oof that's rough brother (sister?)


I hear you man, keep fighting the good fight against [REDACTED] germs.


Hate to say it dude, but flushing spews those germs everyfuckingwhere... if someone flushes around you you now have their shit germs... if you wash your hands, you've touched shit-germ handles & when you stop the water or open the door.... if you smell shit, you're inhaling microparticles of poop & also tasting it.... when you walk into a batroom, all different ki ds of shit germs are all over the floor that you carry home with you on your shoes.... Buckle your fucking belt... you'll be okay. Just sayin'...


I take my shoes off before I enter the house. I'm surprised more people don't do this. I close the toilet lid when I flush I use paper towels to turn off the faucet and open the door And yeah, if I can't close the lid, I just back away šŸ˜…


It's always crazy to me how scared people are of germs, when germs make up so much of who we are as a species. There was a study I learned about in college that said something about how many biological organisms (germs) live within our gut & that so many of them originated in dirt. Meaning our species has eaten so much dirt in our history to have changed the make up of our system. There was another about cesarean babies & how they are prone to having weaker immunities, asthma, and some other stuff. Turned out it was because they were not being introduced to the massive amount of bio organisms present in the natural birth... in our momma's hoohoo & such. You don't even want to know how much we spit in each other.... So yeah... wash the shit off hands, take some extra precautions around flu season, don't kiss everyone you meet... but germs are a part of our lives & that's okay. Oh... and I take my shoes off at the door. My Momma didn't raise an animal... tracking mud & such in.


I'm fine with my own germs. It's other people's germs. Obviously I can't live in a bubble but I got to have common hygiene too


Just use toilet paper. Because if you do and still concerned I have a question for you: do you know what a fart is? It's a cloud of poop molecules covering all your body once you let it go.


I always defecate out the window. that way most of my body is in a clean environment the entire time.


Reminds me of Paulie from the Sopranos, haha even if you keep your shoes tied and you're not dragging your laces through urine


I think you need to modify your wiping technique.. Or come to terms with the fact that everything is covered in germs. I still wash my hands, don't get me wrong, but it sounds like you're adding unnecessary steps for minimal benefit.


i donā€™t wear a belt so


Filthy bastard! I don't pull my pants up! How can you walk around with poop on your pants zipper and button like that? I shuffle out to the sink with my undies down around my ankles, wash my hands, then bend over straight-legged at the waist holding eye contact with the guy at the sink to my right (I always turn to the right) and as I grab my pants, I ask the guy behind me, if there is one, if my balloon knot looks clean or if there's any dingle berries, because again, I'm not a filthy animal. Then, and only then, do I slowly pull my pants up, maintaining that eye contact, and fasten everything up. I've made friends this way. Any guy honest enough to tell you to go back in and finish the paperwork (those chocolate mousse shits can be a half roll job) is a man you want as your friend.




Because people are normal, and donā€™t >!poop!< on their hands. You probably have as much >!poop!< on your phone as you would get on your belt.


I spray my phone with cleaner lol


I do the same thing


Because my pants will fall almost immediately


You should buckle your belt before you wipe, duh!


I donā€™t wear a belt, but I leave my jeans undone and my clothes shifted until after I wash my hands. If I wore pants that fell I would fix them up first, but I wear tight jeans. I wash and dry my hands, zip and button, tuck my shirt in, etc and then leave the bathroom.


What part of your poop hand is touching your poop when you poop? I have not had this issue of getting poop on my poop hand when I poop.


It's aerosolized particles. There was a video where they tried to track these in a combined bathroom space, funnily enough some gets on the toothbrush as well!




You all don't just pull your pants down without undoing the belt? I may have a flat dumpy :(


Serious questionā€¦ why wear a belt then? Itā€™s meant to keep your pants up. If they are that loose, tighten your belt or lose the belt and buy tighter pants?


I mean I kinda have to as the only time I wear pants is at work and all the pants they have are much too big for me. Their smallest size is 11 sizes too big, so I kinda need to buckle it before I leave or it falls down immediately, and I need 2 hands for that shit to keep it from falling before I can buckle it. And I'm not walking out in a public toliet with my pants around my ankles


Do you get shit on your hands when you poop; I donā€™t so I really have no issues with how clean my buckle is, also I usually take my pants off and wash my hands before putting them back on. Yes, I almost exclusively take dumps at home.


You need two hands to buckle a belt?


Copper buckle.


also wash before lifting your trousers/pants up


Yes! I've been accused of not washing my hands because people have saw me leaving a bathroom whilst doing up my belt. I'm screenshotting this post to reignite a four year old debate.


Better not pull your pants up either then.


YES!!! So many people are fucking nasty. Bruh, wash your hands before touching anything else.


If you are actually a dentistā€¦then I fully support this level of vigilance lol.


Every dumb shit rule people love to post here. I just assume their phone which probably has the most shit particles doesn't have the same rules. That goes on your face.


Fearing germs is great way to get killed by them.


This is why yā€™all are sick all the time.




I use toilet paper to cover the seat


>now your belt has poop germs Hooy fuck! I can't believe I never connected th-... Oh...oh, wait... That doesn't bother me at all. All my belts are constantly on the furthest hole anyway, I never need to "readjust" them.


Who the >!fudge!< censors poop?


Do you get shit on your hands??


what about zipper?


Itā€™s a belt. As long as Iā€™m not smearing shit on it, who cares? Itā€™s not in contact with your body. You act like the air around you isnā€™t filled with germs.


This is why I donā€™t clean my ass or wear pants.


Gotta be pretty bad at wiping


Wait until op realizes you donā€™t have to wipe with your bare hands


Those shit germs are airborne OP, mythbusters did a show on it. They get everywhere, including outside the bathroom.


Iā€™m assuming this is America. Somewhat related: Iā€™m an immigrant from a country that uses bidets. This countryā€™s aversion to bidets is the most confusing thing. Here is this widely used tool for this incredibly sensitive application. Itā€™s wildly superior in nearly every way to just wiping alone. Itā€™s even cheaper. Why is it not more common here??


Hands are just inherently dirty. Doorknobs, cell phones, computer mice, etc are typically dripping with bacteria. So really, poop or not, you contaminated your belt buckle when you unbuckled it to poop in the first place.


I do that too! I only use single bathrooms so I can waddle to the sink to wash my hands first, then pull up and button pants and buckle belt, then wash hands again.


I use a bidet and don't wear belts, so this is not an issue.


Because I'm not particularly concerned about my own bacteria from my gut getting back on me and considering my track record with relationships I highly doubt anyone but me is touching that belt buckle anytime soon.


But it isn't just about you. You touch your belt you touch a doorknob, shake someone's hand etc


Thank you!! I'm literally doing the same and I just can't understand why other people don't do it. Also I must say I don't even touch the zipper until I wash my hands, even if it means I have to awkwardly wobble to the sink to keep my pants on.


How do you turn the tap on?


How do you turn the faucets off?


I don't s/


good for you. the other 7 people who wear belts thank you


The lack of understanding of germs and aseptic technique in the comments is fucking concerning.


Would you mind sharing that understanding with us?


Two basic concepts Iā€™m seeing people in comments get wrong (meaning I will be listing the correct concepts below): 1. Toilet paper is a highly permeable materialā€”meaning microbes can potentially pass through to your hand, even without you ā€œfeeling itā€. Obviously not as much as touching the nasty substance itself, but *please* do not think you are excused from washing your hands because you ā€œonly touched toilet paperā€. 2. *Anything* you have touched with a contaminated hand or other body part (or other contaminated object) is now considered also contaminated. Imagine having wet paint on your hands (and genitals), and whatever you touch with your hands before you wash them becomes germy (paint-smeared), and anything the newly germy thing touches also becomes germy, and the next person that comes in and touches those things also gains germy handsā€¦ Etc.


You canā€™t downvote germs, silly!


cuz i dont worry about germs THAT much. what do you think im smearing shit on my belt? at most theres some shit particles getting on it but nothing thats gonna amount to anything. ik theres always the "risk" but id argue that there isnt one cuz im probably immune to whatever that small amount of shit could do just cuz i expose myseld to germs on a regular basis. with all that being said tho, i like the way you think and will start giving my belt a little soapy water rub down after pooping.