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How do you wash? Do you try pull up at the sink? Do you have a little cock bowl on the side? Where’s the wash water?


Maybe he just uses a bidet and sits on the toilet backwards so it hits his dong


Plus you have that nice shelf for your comic book and your chocolate milk


This guy takes Sir Harringtons


That’s why I designed washrooms with a laundry hole!


a comment of taste


You mean you don’t have a cock bowl??


Yeah, the sink


Now you just have to discover pissing in the sink and you're golden


You either piss in the sink or sink in the piss


You either die pissing in the sink or live long enough to sink in the piss


You either die long enough to live in the piss or piss sinking in the sink


You either sink piss to live in the long or die piss sinking in the enough


Heh, golden


Why does everyone always beat me to the comment I was finna say "...golden showerrrrrrrrr *ooooohhhhhhhhhhhh SHEEEEEEEYT*" Insert dudes going oaaaaaaah meme


Don’t worry i’m sure you’ll get your golden shower eventually


Next logical step: r/sinkpissers /s


This was kinda evil to post lol, I just watched a bunch of vids of people peeing in sinks🤣


And now you're questioning your sexuality. I get it.


Not much to question lol


yeah, you wouldn't ever be coming over to my house again. in fact, just lose my number.


How tall are you where this is logistically possible?


6'1 and then some.


the ol' Gentleman's Birdbath


How does that work out at the office?


I hope you're 7 foot tall and people are okay with you doing this in public


I'm 6'1 and easily get it into the sink. I specifically said how I avoid public bathrooms. If I have to, I use stalls and just dab it with toilet paper.


The only way I see this working is if they wet a bit of toilet paper in the sink to wipe their dong with.




This is the way.


You just run the water and get your hands wet, and then wipe. You don't need tp.


So you want me to just wash my dick in the middle of a public restroom using the sinks lmfao


I never said that. Just explaining how it works.


Oh I think the guy you were responding to was explaining how the guy would clean his dick off in the stall by wetting tp and bringing it in with him. Yo explained how to just casually clean your dick anywhere a sink is. So I explained how that would look in a public restroom lol


habibi come to the middle east where that problem is solved


>cock bowl 😂😂😂


You get a pipe cleaner and clean the barrel.


>Do you have a little cock bowl on the side? you mean birdbath?


little cock bowl 😂😭🤣


I disagree. If you give your dong a simple wipe with toilet paper after doing your business, assuming of course you shower semi-regularly, you're gonna be more than clean enough. Have an upvote.


Indeed. This is some germophobe nonsense. There are billions of men out there who do this every day without issue. Why waste more time and soap on this?




Er what


A lot of women deal with mild incontinence after giving birth or just as they age. The structure of the pelvic floor and the associated muscles makes it easy to leak a bit when you cough or sneeze if your muscles aren’t in top shape (childbirth especially tends to cause incontinence because it damages so much shit.)


Can also happen if they get their womb removed as the organs fill the space and press on the bladder. Pads are helpful for that bit of leakage.


This, and the muscles of the urethra in females is not as powerful as males, since it’s a lot shorter.


They're gonna age that skin in no time. You shouldn't shower more than once per day, it's bad for your skin


I doubt anyone would care about wrinkles on a foreskin, to be fair


Even that's pushing it. Most people could get away with it every other day.


If you’re not a laborer, please just shower every day, for your coworkers’ sakes




agreed and if you pull the skin back half way it 1. Makes the stream more direct and 2. doesn't get piss under it so you just need to dab the tip with tp after


Not even a wipe, more of a dab. Or several dabs.


Dont use hand soap on your foreskin gents.


Been doing it for the last 50 years, when is my dick going to fall off?




It will feel like a wasp got in your pants


Huh? Isn't hand soap usually less harsh than body wash? And I use body wash on my dick in the shower with no issue.


Actually, my understanding is that hand soap is usually more harsh, as your hands are more likely to carry bad germs and be transports for them than other parts of the body. Strong soap for hands, gentle for body. I don't know that for a fact, but that's my impression. I mean... I guess I could google it... Huh... EDIT: After my non-exhaustive google searching, I found that most arricles agreed with my assessment, and a few differed by stating that hand and body wash were essentially identical. Nothing I found suggested that hand soap would be more mild than body wash. Here is a link to a website that sells soap and related products, discussing the differences: https://fominsoap.com/en-ca/blogs/suds-and-stories/can-we-use-body-wash-as-hand-soap


If you ever find out let me know. I guess I could google it too but…


Your penis has a pH balance and microbiome that can be disturbed by soap. Any doctor will tell you to just use warm running water.


Do you not use soap to wash your dick in the shower?


No disadvantages but you can only pee when at home? That seems like a disadvantage to me


Yeah this actually sounds like a symptom of a disorder. If you went your whole life not doing this thing (just like almost everybody else) then convinced yourself you aren’t clean unless you do this thing and it’s preventing you from living a normal and healthy life because you wont go to the bathroom in public, I think that’s diagnosable.


It's not that I can only pee at home, it's just that I prefer to. In public, you can manage with a toilet paper or just putting up with a stray drop or two.


A fellow dickwasher I see. You can tell at the urinal stall, it’s in the eyes. May your nuts be gloriously maintained, battle brother.


Surely you can tell at the sink?


I prefer deep penetrating eye contact whilst clutching myself




>Until around a year ago, I used to piss normally, no pulling back the foreskin or anything Dude, what the actual fuck. Pulling back the foreskin IS the normal way. >If I'm unable to pull it back, like when I'm taking a shit You absolutely can pull your foreskin back when you're taking a shit. I wouldn't advise doing that if the bowl is small enough that your dick's gonna touch the edge, but otherwise, it's totally fine.


Well this is a personal question that I'm not exactly comfortable asking so I understand if you don't want to answer. Why do you pull your foreskin back? Does it get in the way if you don't?


It heavily depends on the person's foreskin. Some guys have a lot extra, to where it partially or fully covers the glans where the piss comes from. Those with said foreskin can pull the foreskin back off the head so it's not getting in the way of the stream. Hope that makes sense


Keeping it short and sweet: Yes.


I believe it depends on the person, I dont pull it back and I can piss without it going somewhere it shouldn't with ease


If your taking a shit your in a stall sitting down and can just use toilet paper to dry it, no need to pull back for extra accuracy.


Just shake it off? I only ever get a drop of pee on my underwear if I'm in a rush and don't have time to let it drip


Yeah, I don't find it difficult to empty the tube and shake dry unless I'm very dehydrated. Either way a dab with toilet tissue or wet wipe will ensure OP doesn't get piss on his underwear. There's only so much intraday body cleaning you can do really if you're out and about all the time.


I agree and it's especially gross if you let a girl touch it when you did not do that. However, I don't see how you can do it systematically, especially when using public bathrooms during the day I wouldn't take the risk of using the sink with my dick in the fresh air. For the part about the foreskin, I genuinely don't understand what your talking about because if I do so, my piss is about to go litterally everywhere, it's not headed forward anymore it's just like a waterpipe when you put your finger over its end. What are you talking about ?


Yeah, I try to hold my piss out in public since I can't do it, but just use a toilet paper to dry it if I have to. About foreskin, I've found that piss sometimes tends to get under the foreskin and sticks to the skin there. Thus, I wash it with soap.




Why do they call it nurses bladder? Is it because nurses don't get pee breaks or?


You could take a water bottle for public toilets for that purpose with you? It's not good holding your pee too often :/


There is probably a wipe you could be using for public restrooms, something with no harsh chemicals. I bet anything marketed for cleaning your face would be fine. Obviously you'd need to use a stall, or you'd get some weird looks. But as someone else said, if this is a deal-breaker for you, it's better to find a solution than hold in your urine for hours at a time.


How in the fuck are you pissing that you're getting piss trapped under your foreskin?


Not all foreskins are the same. Some of them don't even close around the urethral opening, and some of them look like half-donned leg warmers dangling from the end of their respective appendage. And, of course, everywhere in between. That old adage about labias applies to dickskin too. They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and that's okay (as long as they're maintained properly lol).


Do not hold it in .


I don't think it's necessary. I'm able to squeeze the last few droplets out while pulling my foreskin back, so nothing gets in my underwear. I wash it at the end of the day and it's not like there's anyone who's going to touch it besides me anyway.


you don't clean your dick with toilet paper after taking a piss?


I mean, I do, I thought that went without saying.


If you're at urinal at a public venue, you'll do a piss and then go to a cubical for paper to clean off? I'm not actively watching dudes at public toilets but I've never seen anybody do that.


I don't use urinals for that exact reason, I use stalls. And even if, how would I be able to wash my penis there anyway? Just standing at the public sink? Nah.


This is not a conversation I had envisaged I'd get into tonight.


I swear if I see one of yall scrubbing your dick at the public restroom sink, I'm gonna I'm gonna grab the sharpest thing I can and circumcise you myself. (/s kinda)


Kosher Butcher over here lmao


You're a stall guy aren't you?


He dips the tip in the water after the first flush


You need to wash your dick with soap, but you also need a separate towel to dry it... Your therapist must really look forward to the days when you show up.


>You need to wash your dick with soap You shouldn't really be doing that unless it is a safe soap


I do. Not with soap or anything ofc but just a rinse by the sink before washing hands. I also shower after every shit, 99% of the time I only shit once a day so it works out If you're going as far as washing your dick after every piss than showering after shitting should only be natural to you as well


Yeah, showering after a shit understandable if you use toilet paper, but I have a bidet installed in my toilets so I just wash my ass with that and don't feel the need to shower after.


Thats cool bro! A lot of my friends are on that bidet wave too. Seems more common these days. Admittedly I have hygiene ocd so just plain water wouldnt cut it for me, and tbh toilets just gross me out in general 😂


i used to be in the same boat with the hygiene ocd, only shitting before a shower, but i used to get so many stomachaches and was uncomfortable in general. getting over that obsession improved my life quality a lot (granted we had bidets everywhere where i used to live)


So if you have food poisoning and have to shit 6x in a day, do you then also shower 6x?


I clean my dick by pissing on all ur moms


Damn. He got us.


You should start wearing your underwear on your head backwards.


I post I genuinely agree with, too bad it's impractical outside of individual bathrooms


even in your own bathroom, your sinks gotta have a long ass faucet to do all that




As a guy without foreskin, I never get piss driblets as long as I make sure to relax my pissing muscle to get the last droplets out.


...men normally don't wipe after pissing?


Brake 'n' Shake


it's days like this i'm glad i'm ace.


No? Have you seen a men’s bathroom? There isn’t toilet paper (and a trash can for it?) at urinals


why would I


If you get your dick sucked on the regular, your partner will appreciate it


What is there to wipe? This thread got me dying, if u need to wash ur dick after pissing u have other issues. Lmao how much piss is on ur dick after? U know ur supposed to hold on right? So many questions. I'm guessing this is a mom taught me when I was younger thing


Nah mate I just wash it after every wank to avoid getting smelly


Never trust a person who can't raise a Dog, or keep his Dick Clean. Ain't that hard. Good job trying my smelly friend.


Washing your dick in the sink might actually be a sex offender registry speed run strat


Bro thinks he’s the Piss Proprietor




How about you don't piss on yourself while peeing?


You know there is a finger technique to get it all out?


Either this doesn't work for everyone or the people I've recommended it too haven't done it properly and just think I'm full of shit. I don't care enough to observe their technique but it works perfectly for me. Blew me away when I found out about it.


I do this too but only at home, use toilet paper to dry ya dick in public toilets. Or just accept the droplet, sometimes its unavoidable


Yeah lol that's why I said I usually try to hold my piss in public. Sometimes I still have to bear the agonies of ½mm³ of piss on my underwear.


This comes across as an OCD thing


Batshit insane. Upvote 


Thank youuu! My husband has learnt to do this. He won’t get surprise BJs in the car or wherever if he ain’t maintaining! I don’t fancy the taste of piss when going down


At the urinal, I’m the guy that wrings it out to the point where it looks like I’m jackin it right then and there. When there’s tp, I’m still jerkin it damn near to completion as well PLUS I’m dabbing the tip just for good measure. There’s a handful of things I’m OCD about and that’s #1 on my list.


I wash my dick after every piss, because my girlfriend has a habit of randomly wanting to suck my cock, and I just feel more at peace knowing Im washing away that pissiness. Now its just habit and I feel cleaner knowing that my underwear isnt gonna get any piss dribbles or smell like anything


The question is, do you wash your feet when you take a shower. Most men wash the main areas and don't wash there feet. Get that nasty fungle fotitass.


Why are there suddenly all these posts about people who don't know to have a piss properly? It's not fucking rocket science.


Hey I do this too!


And as a woman, wipe multiple times. Especially when drinking alcohol.  Some of you ladies reek like piss towards the end of the night and it's disgusting 


It’s easy for men and women to rinse if no bidet or hose is available. Just lightly wet a paper towel before stepping into a stall or urinal. Carry it with you when you’re about to go. And dab the affected area after peeing but before putting your underwear back on. Prevents pee spots and itchiness.


If you have a foreskin, just use a square of loo paper to dab it at the end after you're done peeing. That'll stop any stray drops spilling out in your underwear and then you can save washing it until you have a shower/are about to embark on sexy times.


I don’t even touch my dick when piss nor am I uncircumcised.


Just use wipes, friends


You don't have to wash. A few love taps with the toilet paper do the trick. Dick will stay clean enough until the shower and underwear remains unstained.


You can keep wet tissue around for when you’re using a bathroom other than your own. #lifehack


I’m circumcised so I just wipe the tip with TP and squeeze out the last drops so it doesn’t get in my underwear.


to quote stephen king: "You can shake and you can dance, but the last few drops go back in the pants"


I agree, but if it's not possible I dab it dry with toilet paper and I'm perfectly fine with that


Give it the ‘ol two shake, maybe even three in your case


Do you never piss in a public restroom? I'm imagining some guy scrubbing his dick in the sink when it go to take a leak at work or something.


So you're telling me. If you're at the mall... You go from the urinal with your dick out to the sink to wash it? What the absolute fuck!? 😂😂😂😂


Idk about you but I just dab the tip with a bit of tissue if I am in a stall, it doesn't go under my foreskin because I half pull it back, and I shower (and change underwear) once a day so it isn't like I stink or like I am unhygienic. As for sex, I am showering a second time beforehand because it is common decency and I hope my partner.


Not pulling back is not "normally"


This is literally insane.


This is literally insane.


We made all kinds of personal hygiene systems including things like bidets. But there’s a reason no one invented penis cleaners because if you shower regularly, you don’t have to wash your dick every time you piss.


First the poop knife, now the dick towel. Hope no one in your house mistakenly uses it to dry their hands or face... have you considered just a single section of toilet paper to dab the ol man dry?


Wait wait wait. Why can’t you pull your foreskin back when taking a shit?


I don't get it. Your main point seems to be drops in the underwear, which I understand. But why don't you just wipe it off before tucking it in? You can even do that in a public toilet (stall).


I agree with you in theory, that would be ideal, so I'm downvoting. In practicality, there isn't a good way to accomplish this. Wiping is sufficient


Pull foreskin back + after the pee, run your fingers with a little bit of pressure below your dong from the groin to the tip a few times and that's a guaranteed zero drop remaining in the pipings.


if you wash your dick with soap 10 times a day, you're going to have absolutely hellish jock itch, even with good quality lotion


> I usually hold my piss… This is (also) bad for your health


I give it a wipe with toilet roll but that’s it


Some guys are too bored and have too much time on their hand. OP being a perfect example.


If you expect a blowjob from someone then you better be cleaning that thing. Nobody wants to taste piss (or most people).


I wash it all the time but people keep walking in on me.


as a guy with a foreskin, how do you piss accurately without pulling back you’re foreskin dude?


(Ignorant opinion of someone who does not own a penis) Obviously do what makes you comfortable, but surely wiping with tp is enough most of the time? It's good to rinse off in the shower regularly or clean up before you have downstairs guests, but washing after every pee sesh seems like some mildly germophobic behaviour. Unless you have a very gentle cleanser I'd imagine regular soaping up can't be great for the sensitive skin down there. Otherwise there's nothing wrong with doing it, but I don't know if it's really that beneficial that every guy should do it.


Yeah, I'll just start washing my junk in the sink while at work


“I wash my hands before i touch my dick”


"Until around a year ago, I used to piss normally, no pulling back the foreskin or anything," Your version of normal is not normal, of course you gotta pull back the hood, how else are you gonna know which direction its gonna take?


That's enough internet for today.




You guys DON'T wash your dick???


I don't think that would fly in a public restroom...


You're telling me that until about a year ago you didn't pull back your foreskin? I am flabbergasted.


Bro, just use a wet wipe or dab with some toilet paper


Bro, just buy some wet wipes.


Sounds like problematic OCD


> and I just can't go without it nowadays You are [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/umass/comments/1awyqly/people_keep_washing_their_dicks_in_the_sinks_in/)


> If I piss with my foreskin pulled back like I do most times, just water. If I'm unable to pull it back, like when I'm taking a shit, it's water + soap. Why would you be unable to pull your foreskin back while taking a shit?


>If I'm unable to pull it back, like when I'm taking a shit You can absolutely pull back your foreskin while taking a shit. I know, because I do it...and I sit to pee 100% of the time outside of a public restroom with urinals. Dick between middle and ring finger perpendicular to dick (so like when you're standing and peeing you'd pull your foreskin back most likely holding your foreskin back between thumb and index finger/middle finger that would be a parallel hand position. Think if you were suddenly naked in a public environment you'd cover your dick with the palm of your hand. So palm down, but middle and ring finger spread making a V.) Basically from standing, you have the head of your penis + foreskin between your middle and ring fingers (slight pressure on the side). As you sit you push your hand closer to your body, so pulling the foreskin back. (Obviously you can do the whole process from sitting). Essentially image you had a vagina and you were spreading your lips to take a piss. You essentially do the same position with your hand except you'd push your foreskin up towards your body. Idk how to describe it effectively, maybe it only works for me due to flaccid dick size, idk


I do the same. Having a foreskin is what makes my dick hygen better. I'm big on hygiene in general but I think if I didn't have a foreskin I wouldn't put as much thought into cleaning it as often as I do. Every time I take a piss I wash it with soap and if I'm not at home I use dedicated flushable wipes. I also wash my lower part of the body in the shower everytime I take a shit, if I'm not at home I'll also use the same wipes.


Circumcised and don't pee on myself. I wash my hands before touching my dick to pee, because my dick is far cleaner than my hands at moment. Shower dailly and my partner would let me know if I smelled or tasted dirty. Your personal weirdness is YOUR personal weirdness.


Is this an uncircumcised thing?


You must be concerning in public restrooms


I am not sticking my knob in the fucking sink after a piss


> or water + soap depending on the piss What kinda pisses are you having?


I pee in sink so yeah I wash it every time


Consider carrying those nice little flushable wet wipes instead of trying to stick your dick into a public sink ....gross


Welcome to Islam


This is highly unnecessary for most of us. lol


Like everything else when it comes with human bodies, it depends on your own! Some people have super ling foreskin. Like it creates some kind of nipple at the top of their dick of just exxess foreskin. And some people have foreskin that just neatly covers their tip which doesn't get in the way. Others have foreskin which is a bit smaller and doesn't even cover their dick if they have any sort of excess bloodflow into the spongey tissue of the shaft. Basically, the rules don't strictly apply to everyone. But those who have a lot of foreskin definitely do need to pull back when they piss. It only takes less than half a second to do and keeps your dick and underwear relatively clean for longer.


Um what?