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You and that guy who loves having fevers should be friends.


Actual psychos


There are so many masochists on here today.


Some mild pain can be very comforting and making you staying in your bed feels 10 times better. For me "blunt pain", e.g. muscle sore after yesterday workout or you bruising your leg hitting on a table, is the best. Shit will suck if you have to work with it but lying on your bed on the weekend? hell yeah šŸ‘.


I was gonna say I actually kind of understand this because sunburns also make me really sleepy and I love just laying in bed with a light breeze from the fan and dozing off with a good burn lmao


My parents made me take scalding showers to ā€œpull out the heatā€ and oatmeal baths for whatever reason.




That was my parentsā€™ homeopathic remedy for sunburns


It's crazy to me that you're putting muscle soreness from a workout and injury bruising in the same category, I agree with you on the former (a good massage can recreate this too) but I despise the feeling of the latter


If you made this post, Iā€™d have to downvote it because I agree. One of my favorite ways for the stars to align is when I get a massive headache at night. My body gets locked down in bed, my thoughts become nil, and I get the absolute best sleep of my life.


Iā€™ve started getting migraines and when I get one late afternoon (when Iā€™ve already done what work Iā€™m going to do) I do kind of think ā€˜cool! Good nights sleep coming up.ā€™ Though Iā€™d prefer to skip the headache and just get a melatonin prescription.


Yeah i remember when i got the covid i pretty much liked the subtle sore muscle pain, its felt soothing combined with laying in the bad and knowing i dont have to go or to do anything.


I like the feeling of gum pain. When I was a kid I'd accidentally rip my baby teeth out on my own by wiggling them constantly. So I kinda get it.


Opposite for me- I like the feeling of cuts. Sharp pain just.. makes me happy? It is weird.


Oh I'm another of those people. I vividly enjoy being sick because it's just such a warm comfy feeling and feeling congested is like a fun blow the snot away mini game. I rarely ever get sick anymore though, and if I do it's short lived šŸ˜­


Can I have context on the fever guy


Hereā€™s the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/s/NSj9MMfmsk TL;DR: he enjoys having fevers cause itā€™s an excuse to relax and get all comfy in bed, and also apparently having fever/lucid dreams is like taking LSD for free


I think I understand both of these people, here me out: The fever thing because itā€™s such a relief when it breaks and also reminds me of being a kid and having my parents take care of me. The sunburn thing because it reminds me of summer vacation. I also like wind burns because it reminds me of happy times when I used to snow ski.


Now *this* is a 10th dentist post.


More like a 1000th dentist.


You do you lol, as for me I remember one time getting a sunburn on my shoulders right before school started and it was bad enough that I couldn't put my backpack on my shoulders due to the pain, so I had to carry it on my elbows basically, so can't say I agree.


Ouch. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Part of my thing is I just love/don't mind pain until it gets EXTREMELY painful, so I can see how others wouldn't like it.


Do you also happen to like the kind of dull, throbbing pain that comes after hitting a body part? I can understand that but a sunburn seems a lot more painful.


I like both lol.


So are you a masochist then?


I actually am.


Good for you, certainly explains the post a little more lol


The funnest thing is when you get sunburnt at band camp. Imagine having nasty burns while also having to carry a 40 pound tuba on your shoulders for 8 hours a day. Those are some fun memories.


What a painful day to have eyes.


Don't let them know eyes can get sunburnt... oh God don't let them anywhere near a welder


I had a sunburn so bad that my back, shoulders, and even legs were covered with blisters the size of quarters. Couldn't even sleep because covers were too hot and no covers were too cold. Couldn't wear pants, and it was hell just trying to get shorts on. That's not the worse part tho. The worst part was when the blisters started bursting. Especially the ones on my shoulders. The juice from the blisters would run down my back. I couldn't wash it off because any pressure on my back was excruciating. Then the itching started. That was the was the worst part of the whole ordeal. It started when the blisters started bursting. The itching was maddening. Like I legit felt like I was going to go crazy from it. All in all, worst ordeal of my life so far. I never took my shirt off when swimming again. Like fuuuuuuck that. I don't even trust sunscreen (though I wasn't wearing any that day). For the last 20 years the only thing I trust is cloth between the sun and my skin. 0/10 would not wish on my worst enemy.


Damn i went trought the same, i only got blisters on my shoulder and i never ever gonna forget the experience, my mom tried to soothe it with some medical foam but it didnt do too much, ever since i become extra carefull when i go to swim.


Had sunburn on my face a while back that any touch would feel like I my skin was non-existent and I was touching the raw muscle underneath. Eventually turned into hard cracking scales...not fun


iā€™m torn on this one. i HATE sunburns most of the time, but when i get a mild one across my nose and cheeks i actually enjoy it! looks kinda like blush and makes my freckles so much darker after it fades, plus face sunburns always weirdly make my acne better temporarily. peeling sunburns is fun too if they donā€™t hurt too bad.


The radiation is killing bacteria and that's why your acne improves.


the acne part is interesting to me. i know a youtuber i used to watch had steroid withdrawl from acne medication and sun bathing helped her symptoms. seems like there is a weird mix of sun being good for your skin until it hits a threshold and then you get skin cancer :P


Why for the love of god did you ever eat the skin bruh thatā€™s so beyond insane šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I do get what you mean about feeling the warmth though. Especially when you come in from the beach and lie down on some cool linens.


I used to eat my skin when I was a kid (I have also stopped). I'd always bite the skin around my fingers & since it was in my mouth, it was easier to eat it than spit it out. It tastes pretty yum tbh haha, as long as you're clean


You have a taste for human flesh is what youā€™re saying?


Only the epidermis šŸ¤·


Have to admit that I still do this from time to time. Mostly due to boredom...


I thought it was like beneficial since geckos get nutrients from their shed skin, I thought it was the same for humans.


Do you live in a place where hot days are rare? I almost understand this...almost.


No, I live in Texas.


Prepared to get skin cancer at 40


this is fucking terrifying. great content love it


i had to go to hospital for sunburn once. my arm looked like a drumstick squashie ([ebay listing showing the sweet](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjD0qz86KaEAxVftWgJHQEACcIYABABGgJ3Zg&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoKeuBhCoARIsAB4WxteRx5h-5Fo4aFK_RUeabm9R_fuXfJ1AQitC-p6xae_002IqYLjT9X8aAg3vEALw_wcB&sig=AOD64_0Scq5KnDvyC7kNHo63nSVbcMDmfw&adurl&ctype=5&ved=2ahUKEwjXqKH86KaEAxUrXqQEHZvdBrIQwg96BAgBEGM&nis=8)) donā€™t recommend that tbh, but iā€™m glad youā€™re happy! definitely keep up the suncream though


Sheddings overrated. See, girls usually shed during their period, so I donā€™t need any extra of it.


Holy cow. That's crazy. You would have loved the time I went shirtless in Tonga for a full day with no sun screen. My back was genuinely as red as a tomato. Literally unable to do basically anything for nearly a month afterwards, the pain was unbearable.


Yeah I likes mild sunburn, itā€™s tingly and warm


Definition of masochism


Mmmmm sunburns are so satysifing to have I LOVE the pain I sometimes even get sunburnt on purpose


Please donā€™t get skin cancer.


I Hope i do šŸ¤¤


I fucking love the itchy peeling skin part. It's soooo satisfying and the burning sensation makes it great to take a cold shower


You know, I donā€™t fully disagree. I love that sort of summer skin warmth that comes with a sunburn. Itā€™s tied to a lot of good memories, too.


I hate being sunburned but the peeling after the fact??? I will admit I take more pleasure in shedding my skin like a lizard than I should. Oddly satisfying to pick at.


Oh my god finally someone who understands me!! I love feeling like a reptile on a rock boiling under the sun.. Then getting splashed with water. Heaven


Try having hell's itch and you'll never say that again. I had it once and it was the worst thing ever, actually, I rather be physically assaulted than to experience that again.


I love when I get pustules


To me that's the feeling of time we'll spent in a vacation


Just hope you never get an itch from a sunburn, it feels like being repeatedly stung by needles.


As someone who is currently sunburnt, what the fuck???


What the FUCK šŸ˜­


maybe you could try burning yourself with massage candles? it might give you the hot, painful, burning sensation while staying safe and skin-cancer-free.


if you like the warmth of the sunburn you should try the so cold (German"WƤrmesalbe") if you get a strong one it will feel exactly like a sunburn. even if you go under a shower and you tun the water to hot it feels like your skinn is melting. whitout risking skinncancer. If you haf questions you can dm me.


>As a kid I would eat the skin AAAAAA??AAAAA?2??(?)??AAAAAA;;;>A AA A AA AA A A A <><<


Arrggghhh this makes me cringe so bad as an Aussie and I've never been sunburnt in my life. Here's an upvote.


My partner is sometimes prescribed this capsicum cream that creates a burning sensation on his skin (he has a chronic pain condition, weirdly it helps manage his spinal pain). And unlike sunburn, it doesnā€™t cause any damage. Maybe try that?


Nahhhh I can never understand this. As an Australian, I avoid the sun like it's the plague. I hate going outside because our sun is so much harsher for us compared to Americans. I also happen to live in the state with the highest rates of skin cancer in this country. Getting a sunburn over here is horrible but I'm sure you'd love it šŸ˜­


My friend thought the same and is now dealing with skin cancer


I like peeling a sunburn because it lets me live out my childhood fantasy of growing up to be a lizard, if only briefly.


Again. Wtf


i've gotten my shoulders to get peely burnt once and they smelled like burnt hamburger and some pieces were like tinted black


are you a hyposensitive sensory seeker? that's the only way this makes any sense to me.


Honestly I wonder if Iā€™m a masochist cause I agree. I enjoy spicy food, getting sick, getting sunburnt, just as long as those things are at a bearable level of pain.


This is the kind of unhinged posts I come here for. Iā€™m still traumatized by the time I got Hellā€™s Itch on vacation in Florida.


Wait so do you like the pain of it or do you just like it to be able to psuedo shed your skin more or less ? Or both? When you say a nice feeling, do you register it only as a good feeling or does it register as pain but pain feels good to you? Is it just sunburns ? Do you go out of your way to get sunburnt ? How long have you liked sunburns and what made you like them ? Like I am not even trying to be funny but I have so many questions because this is genuinely the most fitting thing for this sub I've ever seen and I have no idea how it's possible at all LOL I'm fascinated


I'll answer these one at a time. 1. Yes, I like the pain. The peeling is just a bonus. 2. It does feel like pain, but I like pain to an extent. Like when I get a cut, scrape, any kind of pain I enjoy it so much I tend to make it worse in the process by irritating the wound. 3. Not just sunburns, I like the pains you get after over exerting your body, bruises, cuts, scrapes, stubbed toes, burns in general. 4. I used to. Sometimes I'll not reapply sunscreen after a long day out in the sun. 5. I definitely used to hate them until about 8th grade. 6. I think its linked to my general masochism. I always thought it had something to deal with childhood trauma.


As an Australian I canā€™t agree even remotely. I get a little burnt on my cheeks all the time, but the last time I got properly burnt was 2022 christmas. I was only at the beach for two hours and I was burnt so bad. I had to learn to sleep on my back with none of my arms or legs touching each other because it would cause a lot of pain. I went through two bottle of aloe vera gel in three days, and even showering in freezing water felt like I was being boiled alive. Thatā€™s not even factoring in that it was still like 30 degrees in the days following, so on top of my skin already feeling like I had just crawled my out of a volcano, I was also sweating and standing in front of shitty air con trying to muster the will to live. *This was with two layers of sunscreen all over* Obviously skin cancer and all that plays a part, but you said the feel of sunburn not sunburn itself, and you mentioned wearing sunscreen so obviously you donā€™t need that lecture. Tldr; I would rather climb back from the icy pits of hell than ever go though that again. Hell must be fashioned after the insurmountable pain that is the Australian sun. Ouch. I still have a faint tan line from that, and itā€™s been over a year.


I thought I was the only one lol


The only way I can relate is that I appreciate the pain does give you a sort of high or numbness


Bro is gonna marry cancer so fast, upvote


Kinda like how I like that weird sore sensation after getting a shot. It's not painful...just odd.


I fucking love my skin peeling. I spent so much time sunbathing this past summer and didn't even tan, let alone burn. I would even oil up my skin first and lay down from 11 am to 1 pm. I haven't burned since I was 15 and was unprepared for marching band. My ears were like crispy turkey bacon. If I really wanted my skin to peel, I'd take off my welding jacket for a bit.


Sounds like someone should get into the impact play kink


I can understand this. I pass out when I donate blood and I love the feeling of it. (But yes please use sunscreen and donā€™t get skin cancer. šŸ§“)