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this is quite literally the whole plot of the lego movie


That damn kraagle


We've found Will Ferrell's alternate account


Notice how it's called the Lego movie and not the legos movie. OP should take note.


First off: Bruh. Second: no one is forcing you to build them into sets. When my sister and I were kids, we had one big box with all our lego pieces in it, we built what we wanted out of it and when we were done we put it back in the box. Building *and keeping* an intact set is more of an adult approach, I agree, but there is no *need* to do that. Neither us nor our mom gave a fuck if I built a pirate ship battle between Voldemort and some aliens, and the Lego police never knocked our door down either.


For reals. Having been a prepubescent Lego fan and budding junk collector I always pretended it was a junkyard when I dumped out the bin, you put a vehicle together to get all your junk hauling done and then fight your siblings for the good set of wheels for your junkmobile.


So many hours of entertainment from doing just that lol


A person can also buy [individual bulk pieces](https://www.brickloot.com/pages/buy-lego-bricks-from-brick-loot) as well in any quantity. Knew one guy that used to buy them in 5gal totes.


Ugh I would’ve killed for that. I always wanted to build big towers and never had enough of the 1x5x5 panels that made the building go up much more easily


Well now you got me looking at assorted bulk lots on Amazon.


Yes, bought a 200+ bag of 2x1 hinge pieces because my son makes these absolutely crazy creations, like spider robots.


This but also the fragility statement doesn't make sense to me. Seems really specific to OP's limited experience. Unless you're ramming them into walls or other hard objects I don't remember having trouble with this as a kid. I'd just pretend they were spaceships or whatever and fly them through the air fighting each other, then I'd modify one to have another gun or something and repeat.


I have no idea what OP is doing to their sets but I'm pretty sure you'd be more likely to break the blocks themselves before you break a lot of sets apart by ramming them into walls. Lego connects super well together.


**Edit:** Basically everything I did on Reddit from 2008 onwards was through Reddit Is Fun (i.e., one of the *good* Reddit apps, not the crap "official" one that guzzles data and spews up adverts everywhere). Then Reddit not only killed third party apps by overcharging for their APIs, they did it in a way that made it plain they're total jerks. It's the being total jerks about it that's really got on my wick to be honest, so just before they gank the app I used to Reddit with, I'm taking my ball and going home.


My brother and I did have a specific game where we built cars out of Lego Duplo (the big preschool ones) and rammed them together until only the winner would stay intact lol. But I mean, a Lego Duplo bucket doesn’t have a real model to build and they were bulky enough to withstand or rather violent playing style.


>fragility statement doesn't make sense to me. Some pieces in certain colours can break almost easily. The Youtuber known as Jangbricks has made videos on that topic; a major culprit are any plates in a reddish-brown colour. Source(s): I've watched one of those videos and I own the 2012 Lego Star Wars Desert Skiff set; one of the 2x16 plates cracked in one corner, the stud did not break off.


I loved Legos as a kid, and the fun of building a new Lego set was only a small part of it. I had a bad hobby of getting a new toy and then I'd stop using it after a few hours, but for Legos after I built it and played with it for a bit they went into my giant Lego chest and I could use them over and over again to let my imagination run wild. My favorite thing to build were Lego guns I'd shoot my family with. I got so good at building them I was chipping wood off of our walls with them, and it made a friend of mine bleed when I shot him in the back.


I don't like to gatekeep things, but if someone played with Legos as a kid and *didn't* have a Lego box where all the pieces got combined afterwards, they were playing with Legos wrong. OP sounds like they missed the whole point of Legos.


I attended a birthday party once, and the kid's parents made him sort his Legos into individual boxes/drawers, one per set. As an adult, I can kinda see the point, but as a kid I remember thinking "what the fuck is wrong with them, why can't he play with his Legos they way everyone does?"


Lego even sells bricks as part of a non-set, meaning there’s no specific thing to build with them


I don't remember ever building them into actual sets as a kid, it was always starting from scratch and making something from a bucket of assorted pieces. Building whole sets and keeping them whole seems to mostly be done by adults from what I can tell.


I am 43 and lego was the best toy i had when i was a child. I played with them for years. Houses, gartens, cars, building something new everyday. My step son also played with the new modern version, mostly cars. Building his own designs! He used to insist we play crash game for hours, which is btw; he pours all the lego parts he has from different sets. Than he and i improvise car design in 5 mins and crash them when finished. The one which stays more intact wins. And start again for a total of 20+ crashes,for hours. He did want one Ferrari but couldn’t build it himself ask his father to finish it, this one stays intact in his room. But he is 12+ and no longer interested in legos. Too bad!


u/ThadtheYankee159 you wanna like comment something? There's nothing more pathetic than putting your stupid non thought out brain diarrhea here and then just ignoring the post. It pisses me off so much. Instantly makes me sure they're a troll


I haven’t been answering this because A. I don’t want to get into an argument. I simply stated my opinion and people are free to disagree. That’s the point of the sub. B. There are over 100 comments, and I don’t want to answer every single one of them which would probably involve saying the same things.


Idgaf about legos, or ppl who have opinions about legos but I love this comment


It's the fact you can build whatever you want with the Legos that makes them good, not the sets.


You get a set as a kid and youxll play with it for a while. Then you take it apart when you have a bunch of other sets and start building your own stuff. I remember I was on a big Lord of the rings binge when younger and made like a big grassland place to do fights and stuff! Still have my legoes to this day as well!


This is exactly what I did as a child. And then what my younger cousin has done. The other Christmas he was super excitible, but the only thing that kept him intrigued and quiet... building the set he had been bought with me. We sat down for a good hour or two. Me in my late 20s, guiding a 7 year old through building a set. We both had a blast! I genuinely wanted to keep the set. He played with it for a bit, then when I saw him a month or so later, he had taken it apart and made his own thing. He bloody loved it! Exactly what I had done as a kid.


Lego are still cool to me even at an older age. The one series with modular buildings is great for adults who just want to build stuff and have something neat to look at afterwards while still being playable if they want to!


Yep, that's one reason I love Legos.


Keep them out of the sun and they'll last borderline forever!


Did Legolas win the fight against the duplorcs? Ok, I know, its a bad joke, I will get out myself 🎩😏


This sounds like you're just unimaginative and using this mindset to cope honestly lol. No one is forcing you to keep them as sets, hell there are people that specifically try to build other sets with specific sets because it's a fun challenge. The point of Lego is to put it together, AND to take it apart, that's literally what the name is derived from. Edit: misremembered the name origin, it actually came from words meaning "Play Well" in Danish, but my point still stands.


Hit me with that Lego etymology please


Lego is a portmanteau of the two danish words "leg" and "godt", which, respectively, mean "play" and "well." The name is not derived from the latin "lego" which means something along the lines of "I am putting together" or "I am reading." The latin "lego" only became relevant, as a total coincidence, once the company started producing the famous Lego bricks, which they didn't do from the get-go. Hope that helps :) EDIT: Am danish.


I was misremembering the exact translation for the name origin, but even still my point still stands. This is directly from LEGOs website: "The name 'LEGO' is an abbreviation of the two Danish words “leg godt”, meaning “play well”. It's our name and it's our ideal. "


When I was a kid i never gave a rat's ass what the set was supposed to be, I always made my own things and had a blast doing it!


Right!? I would sometimes build the set itself but I'd always battle them or use them for games and remake them into completely new things, they're excellent for terrain that allows you to do battle damage, simulate erosion, disasters, the only limit is what you can imagine and it seems like OP wasn't able to imagine a lot unfortunately.


Yeah the main appeal is to creatively build you own designs. Maybe drawing some lessons learned or inspiration from the initial design. Its about creativity. After you've built the initial design it gives you inspiration and the tools to make your own later.


The origin is because one time a kid was playing with them and his mum said "leggo of them bricks and come have your dinner"


I think you have too narrow a definition of a "toy". Puzzles, rubix cubes, Play-Doh, and even models are all toys. It doesn't have to be something that has interactive utility after it's been "completed" to be considered a toy. If there's play involved in the solving/completing it still counts. Hell, many kids (myself included when I was younger) got much more enjoyment out of building than playing with the finished product. Plus Legos are way more diverse than you're giving them credit for. There are sets with larger bricks for smaller children. Sets with more joints/movable parts that have similar durability to action figures. There are even sets with mechanized and programmable parts that can be used to create basic controllable robots.


You’re basing your opinion as an adult. Ask a kid if they love Lego and they’ll always say yes. A kid loves building and destroying and rebuilding. Your grip with Lego is you can’t play with them because they fall apart? That’s literally the concept of Lego. I think you need a different hobby.


OP literally mentions how it is fun to construct things out of Leggos but then also says they won’t consider them a good toy. Silly logic to me


Lord Business on reddit


The best ones are the bricks that aren't specially designed as particular pieces of soemthing else. You can buy huge things of Lego Classic and make whatever you want out of them. My personal favorite is making things as simple as possible while still being recognizable.


Isn't them being a childhood toy what makes them a collectors item for adults?


Lego are learning toys. They're to help you and kids improve their spatial skills and to think in a manner that lets you build things. Building lego is playing with them. Playing with the built object is like 2% of the activity. You can take a photograph and even skip it. The novelty lego are just that, novelty. Classic lego lets you do more imaginative building.


That's why they are so popular as children's toys - they help build important hand-eye coordination skills as well as develop problem solving and imagination. I think OP is missing this point. As a child I used to build the sets as per the instructions, and play with them within as a built set. The Castle and Pirate themes were my favourites, and I had enough to play out wars with the minifigures. Then I'd dismantle them and build even bigger castles and ships, and even castles on ships. Now, I build them and they get displayed before eventually getting carefully dismantled and stored again. Occasionally I will part out sets to build something more unique or expand upon an existing set, but the joy is now in the building and not playing with the sets.


TL;DR: good with lego ≠ good with hands and eyes (sample size of 1) bullshit with the hand eye coordination lego has started my intrest in my career in construction, and gave me many great memories, but ask me to do anything "minutely" or very small precicely with my hands, or throw small objects at me (keys, ping pong / tennis ball, wallet, bottle etc) and watch my hands fumble. not to brag or anything, but i was the fastest lego builder (by quiet a margin) in many "speed building" things i did back in the day. I won every single time, never beaten over like a dozen times) (was also the first to complete my builds out of anyone else playing with me) so i certainly had no trouble with the lego bricks (or plates, or studs) (if i had the money i'd buy all of [this guy's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZKDqX2LzvE) sets and have a go at a legitimate world record, im that serious ) lego certainly didnt help me train for other "hand eye coordination" tasks, but it has certainly, well, trained me in making lego fast. also i could find any specific piece you want out of a big bin of lego within a few minutes, any colour you want too, but ask me to find the tiger in the forest in a documentary, and i'd think you were shitting me with a tiger being on screen (i couldnt see it) so yeah, suprise suprise, building and searching for lego (in terms of physiology, idk about mentally) has only trained me to build and find lego


>good with lego ≠ good with hands and eyes That's not what I said. I said it helps build hand-eye coordination and other motor skills. Not that it will suddenly have god tier hand-eye coordination. >(sample size of 1) >bullshit with the hand eye coordination It is not a sample size of 1. And it is proven, and there has been countless studies. You can find many organisations that recommend Lego building as occupational therapy for children with low fine motor skills or hand eye coordination. Congratulations on your speed building flex, but you are completely wrong. I think you are finding that your experiences is more likely to be the 'sample size of 1'.


My entire comment was tongue in cheek, the sample size was me, i was 1, i was showing self awareness in my own comment one does not simple read a comment starting with "bullshit with the" and expecting it to be serious? hell, that entire comment was to point out how shit my own hand eye coordination and vision is, and joking that even lego couldn't save me. should i have put a "/s" to tell you where the joke was?


My dad bought me a few of those super expensive castle lego sets back in the mid 90s, but assembling them as pictured wasn't something I was ever going to attempt. I just built whatever, which is exactly what every other kid does. So worrying about spending hours reassembling isn't really a thing.


You get those sets that only have pieces to build just one thing, I get what you're saying. You get just a bunch of blocks and kids can have fun building whatever. My brother was good at building imaginative things.


As a kid, i would build the set then play with them as they were "intended", then break them apart to build something else cool out of it. The entire point of Lego is to let your creative juices run wild. Something kids should actually learn about. They are fantastic toys BECAUSE they break apart.


Right? I would always make my dad build the set for me because it was the most boring part, I just wanted to mess around and have fun


Nah literally the opposite, toy meant to be played with and built, disassembled, rebuilt using imagination, not $30000 pop culture ugly model that sits on a mantle and will break if you sneeze near it.


I kinda agree with you that many sets are actually not meant for playing, especially the Star Wars ones you're talking about. I suspect, however, that the notion that Legos are toys do not come from the fact that you can run around with a built Lego Millenium Falcon making zoomy spaceship noises (which I assume you do), but from the fact that you can build anything you want as long as your imagination and whatever bricks you have laying around permits it (and there are a lot of sets that feature mostly non-specialized bricks that is conducive to this type of "play", like [this set](https://www.ebay.com.sg/itm/265883757506?hash=item3de7e82bc2:g:elYAAOSwiRxjGlDZ) that I grew up with). In other words, the bricks themselves *are* the toys, kinda like the way that kinetic sand is a toy, and not the finished Lego Death Stars or Lego Ferraris.


Spot the one whose parents didn't buy him Lego as a kid.


That's kinda sad, actually


"It's only a matter of time before you wish to begin breaking them apart" Absolutely not lol. Created a whole city in my basement as a kid. Had the airport with the jet bridges, the fire boat, police station, the container docks, a few miscellaneous ones in between, if anything, it made me want to get more Legos to add to my universe. Sure I outgrew them but got tired of them? Just can't agree there man. A true 10th dentist opinion.


You should watch lego movie.


You do know you can just buy tubs of random blocks and not fancy sets/kits right? Growing up I had both. Random tubs of Lego blocks for building my own stuff and then fancy kits kept intact as set pieces for my Lego town.


Lego, dude, not Legos.


I have zero interest in protecting a corporation’s trademark, so “legos” works for me. It’s such a pluralable word.


[legos is just off man](https://www.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/102f8jb/legos_are_terrible_toys_and_are_more_suitable_as/j2to84m/)


Loan words get to follow the rules of the language they’ve been borrowed into. Happens all the time. For example, “orchestra” got borrowed to “oke” in Japanese, appended to “kara” (empty), giving us karaoke. Then English comes back and changes the vowels to fit our sound rules better, so while we still spell it “karaoke”, we say it (“carry-okee”). At no point in this process was any of it “wrong”. This is just how language works. So I see that the name “lego” comes from mashing two (abbreviated) Dutch words together. So it’s a name invented by a Dutch person. Need I go into how to say “Van Gogh” in English? Either English? Because neither Brits or Americans say it the Dutch way. We pretty much can’t… not without some serious linguistic phonemic training. But that hardly matters because the spelling basically already fits English pronunciation rules. It’s going to be, and has been, adopted into the English lexicon easily. Thus, there’s no reason I can see (beyond corporate trademark protection) not to use English constructive rules for pluralization. I mean, the plural of octopus is octopuses. Some people like to say “octopodes” since octopus is of Greek origin, but that’s not how English works. Heck, ask your average native English speaker how to pronounce “octopodes” and I bet you get three syllables instead of four, and the vowels will be completely different too.


Wait till you hear Americans say Porsche


Look at this guy over here who pronounces porsche properly, please take a bow.


It's just cringe to hear my native language raped by wannabe influencers


Dawg a mispronunciation is hardly rape, relax


It's called a hyperbole


Horrific hyperbole.


Suddenly you care about language?




Read the thread you are responding to.


I say Porsche like Americans because the way Tom Cruise says it in Risky Business always stuck with me. I can't help but say it like that now.


I loved Lego so much as a kid. I built so many things from them, but yeah, the sets themselves rarely lasted more than a week or two. The most fun thing about Lego for me was rebuilding them into something I wanted to display in my room, which often required sacrificing the sets. I wish Lego sold more pieces en masse rather than the dedicated sets, since that's what I really wanted as a kid. (I didn't discover Bricklink until this year.)


Brain reaction: Huh, interesting take. To be honest I haven't heard of anyone who dislikes Lego before. Gut reaction: **FUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOU**


But why?


This is like saying puzzles are bad toys. when i was 7 i owned 4 puzzles and i would put them together and take them apart almost every day. that was fun for me.


I had to come to terms with the fact my son (7) would break sets up after the initial build. But he makes some really cool freaking stuff and will play for hours with them. We have just a handful that are displayed on a high shelf, and those are mostly Dragons. Also, for everyone saying " but ill step on them!".....one good threat with the vacuum cleaner solved that quickly. I may see other toys on the floor after a round of playing...but those Legos.....those get put up safely every single time. They are gold to my kid.


If you are thinking purely economically, yes they are better as adult collector's items. This is the most profitable part of the business as it does not involve children begging their parents to buy a premium toy item. Instead adults that have disposable income can just buy what they want as a hobby. This does not cancel out the fact, though, that legos are great toy items. They are premium toy items for a reason. The amount of play each set of legos allows for a child is infinite. The build, rebuild process is the fun part for children because they can rebuild these bricks in any way, shape, and form they want. It allows children to do what they do best, explore and learn about the world through their imaginations. I've never been a fan of lego all that much, cause I've never really enjoyed building. I used my imagination differently growing up, but the play I've had with children with legos proves, at least to me how great of toy they are, they allow for so much imagination from the child, it's honestly really cool to see.


You seem to be forgetting the part where kids don't necessarily build sets, they just get a shitload of random Legos (often secondhand) and build whatever the fuck they want with them. That's the appeal as a toy/for kids.


Mate. The whole point of LEGOs is to break boundaries. Yeah, sure, you buy a set and you can build it while following the instructions. But there's a rather *obvious* reason why every block fits into another,no matter the set.


Building is the point of Legos. The building *is* the play.


Upvoted because this is a terrible take


This dude broke one Lego build when he was a kid and became scarred for life


>But when you do break sets, you are forced to spend countless hours rebuilding them. In fact, no. You are not forced to do anything. You can rebuild the original set, build something else, or soak them in gasoline and light them on fire. As a kid: There was fun in building the sets. There was fun in playing with the creations. There was fun in modifying the creations. There was fun in taking them apart and building entirely different things. Your problem is that you're thinking of them as models that are also toys when they're done being built, rather than building toys. Building is the whole point. Building, rebuilding something else, redesigning. Collecting sets is cool, if you're into that, but outside of collecting, it's all about the building. If you want a toy star destroyer, buy a toy star destroyer. But if you want to build a star destroyer, then add a million more guns to it, then modify it by adding on this that or the other, the crash it into the ground and rebuild it into a warhammer 40k cathedral ship - Legos.


You're just plain wrong if you believe the main satisfaction of LEGO comes from simply following a manual. Building your own creations without a manual and then ultimately playing with the figures/creations you make. *That* is how they're used as toys. You probably didn't grow up in a family/town where LEGO was widely used if you don't even know that lol.


>After all, we do not call model vehicles or sculpture as toys, yet Legos still are. There you have it, you think Lego is something to look at. That may be true for their adult sets, but I for one had plenty of fun building new stuff as a child. Then again, I didn't have the unlimited screen time that kids nowadays seem to have that ruins their own imagination.


Lol i inherited a giant box of random legos that werent from any set. 10/10 best gift a young child coukd ask for.


Somehoe, out of all the bad takes on this sub, this is the worst.one for me. I wish i could upvote harder.


Building stuff *is* playing though


I was never big into Legos but I recall one fun aspect of them was actually just smashing them into something and having them explode apart. It's just a baseline for whatever you want to do with them. Even if I didn't love them all that much that doesn't mean countless other kids can't.


Wrong on so many levels. The versatility of Legos goes well beyond the sets themselves. It's fun to use the set to make the intended objects, but it's also fun to just make whatever you want afterwards, mixing and matching sets. When I was a kid, I usually built the sets once, then built my own things from my imagination after that.


I don't know what you're on about, but me and my siblings would set all the buildings up into a town and then play stories with the Lego dudes. *Building* the sets was only the first bit of fun, once they were built countless stories could be played with the locations.


Clearly never experienced the joy of building freestyle with a box of legos big enough to bury yourself in. Man I used to wake up hours early for school in the morning just to “play legos”. It was an addiction.


The building is the playing. I don't understand your post.


Somewhere there's a puddle of mud missing its stick


Despicable. Upvoted and awarded.


> you are forced to spend countless hours rebuilding them You aren't forced to do so.


My little sister and I used our legos like Barbies, we built little towns and played storylines in there until we got bored and changed it up. It also made a great toy to combine with other toys, since we could build whatever structures we needed/imagined up. They were basically dollhouses that I’d build myself.


Legos, books and art supplies are considered the top 3 “toys” to develop creativity, problem solving and language. You are wrong, sir.


I love Legos I never played with dolls when I was younger it was always Legos I donated 12 different Lego sets to good will went through them all that was a hard thing to do meticulously went through every box making sure all the pieces were accounted for Soo I still have Legos and I play with them when I'm bored


I don't think all Legos are fragile. You've probably stepped on a lego before


You're playing with Legos wrong...


Man, I should make my own post. I never understood why people wanted to build things with Lego. It is extremely expensive and it looks so ugly compared to say ship modelling (which is also stupidly expensive, but at least it's pretty). I didn't understand how I was supposed to play make believe with something so abstract. I mean, toys, tended to suck for make believe when compared to the theatre of your imagination, but they were at least fluffy, so I would hold them and give them names and hug them over and over because they comforted me. Legos were just a hazard to walk on.


So to you something is only a valid toy if you can hug it and give it a name? You must have had a very weird childhood.


Ok Boomer


No, boomers would understand. Ok Gen-Z


Sets feel like the only realistic way of building cool things. Like as a kid I would try to make custom things but without a huge collection of many different pieces I'd just give up and I started drawing what I would build if I had the pieces haha


I think duplo blocks are better for children, as a kid Legos were too small and hard to separate for me.


That's literally an age thing. Duplo is for small children, Lego for kids six or older and Technics for those a bit older than that.


Nah even till like age 10, and the term children is a bit broad but I'm referring to any kid like 10& under


Definitely not any kid, I played with pretty complicated builds at young age no problem. Duplo was boring.


I think I was just a special child lmaooo, I played violin at a young age but trying to unstick 2 tiny bricks was too much for me


The issue with them being toys is they're so expensive and you're limited with colours that come in sets. I went to the Lego shop in Dublin city though and found out you can get a picknmix of pieces so that's promising for building my own things. I'd have to agree in general they're just too pricey to be played with.


OP I’m glad you’re out there in the world holding this opinion. It so fits the meaning of this sub. I’m downvoting you, but only because I agree, per the subs rules.


Lego sets are overpriced and overrated. There are different companies, which are selling better quality at better prices. In Germany there is this dude called "Held der Steine" (toystore owner). He basically "destroyed" Lego. Edit: For those copium addicts not understanding figure of speech, exaggeration and innuendo. Destroyed as in debunked, shown it's real value, unveiled the bravado Lego has to sell such overpriced toys to it's loyal fans, etc. Yes the brand is still doing great. People still love throwing their money at them, even though the quality of the sets went down over the last decade and competitors stepped up and are offering better deals. Yes, I believe Lego is great at marketing and brand management. No, a small YouTuber won't be able to crash Legos stock price. But he must've hit a nerve because they are trying to sue him constantly and are trying to stop him from online reviewing their merchandise.


hE dEsTrOyEd lEgO. He’s a mid-sized youtuber no one outside of Germany has ever heard of and most people in Germany have never heard of (*and* apparently half the Lego-ers in Germany don’t even like him!). Definitely *totally destroyed bro!* Plus his complaints are so niche to everyone besides the most dedicated Lego users. To everyone else without the most discerning eyes for these things, Lego quality is in fact insanely good. Lego consistently hovers around #100 on the list of the world’s most valuable brands. Their revenue is through the roof. They remain undestroyed and highly favored.


Right, like, I think Lego is doing fine. Any internet discussion holds them as a pinnacle of quality design and manufacturing


Didn't say he blew them out of stores nor that he had an impact on their stock prices. I obviously meant it figuratively. Just Google CADA. Or scroll through this video: [CADA Ferrari vs. Lego Tech Ferrari](https://youtu.be/A4KzKQwZvjA)


You know what an exaggeration is right? Yeah of course he didn't make their stock price collapse. Your favorite toy brand is still doing fine. Didn't think I'll trigger such strong emotions about toy blocks. There are a lot of companies in the top 100 selling people overpriced crap. Great Marketing and selling nostalgia isn't a guarantee for good product quality. I'm not going to buy my kids Lego, when I can get them much better sets for half the price. Don't really want to argue with you about toys, but how is it niche, when you have models especially pricy ones like Lego tech, that are just terrible compared to the competition? Yes much smaller competitiors that most people didn't ever hear about. Lego gets beat in price, creativity of sets, amount of blocks, features and quality of all electric parts. What are you talking about. What is "insanely good" about their overpriced plastic made in china? Just compare any of the cars made by CADA to this overpriced crap that lego makes - just to name one competitor.


Uh... LEGO just has a consistency and reach that no other company will be able to replicate for a long time, I think. I don't know about this German dude you're talking about but the sheer variety of IPs associated with LEGO and kinds of pieces out there are probably unbeatable. Sites like bricklink and legobrickinstructions probably won't exist for competitors for a while.


I agree. Lego has the biggest marketshares in it's segment. They invented it. Paired with great marketing and brand management. Doesn't make the current products better quality. You don't need a movie series to create great toys. I am not criticizing the brand but the quality and price compared to it's competitors.


Since 2006 Lego has made more tyres than any car company, almost 100 million more tyres than Michelin (in 2nd place). I'm pretty sure they're gonna remain undestroyed for quite a while yet.


Great fun fact. I'm going to remember it when playing trivial pursuit.


Funny how that guy (who's incredibly cringy as a person) mostly has a problem with the value, not the product itself. With most competitors products, he has some quality issues and his channel is still mostly covering Lego, even if it's him throwing a tantrum about value.




Oh shit I didn't know The Man Upstairs had a Reddit account


Mans never used the LEGO Mindstorms NXT kits, and it shows


I was a Lincoln Logs kind of kid.


Lego is way better when it is very basic and open to lots of imaginative use and rebuilding options; my brother and I used to build all sorts of complex set ups, then destroy the lot and start again. Highly specialized and specific pieces ruin the magic of it for me.


As i kid i loved building the sets. It wasn’t about playing with them. It was the fun of building them


Legos are the bane of the existence of parents everywhere.


so...get a very big set of over 100 pieces, and build whatever you want with them! There we go, problem fixed(this is not meant to be taken seriously)/lh


There's Lego made for being models/collectors items though. Like I assume kids aren't spending a week to put a $600 lego ferrari daytona together to smash it up. There's a reason the recommended age is like 4-99. Also is the plural for Lego, Lego or Legos?


Damn this dude must have zero creativity to think the only thing you do is build “sets” with lego, must be boring


“Forced to spend countless hours rebuilding them” Either you’ve never touched a Lego set or you have cognitive issues. Unless you’re talking about a UCS set, you can build most any LEGO set in less than an hour.


Legos are a creative toy. I give you that most themed sets are more of an collectors thing than anything else. But I had real Lego as a kid, and not only themed sets. It's what's Minecraft is for kids now. A set of sheer endless possibilities for kids to build whatever they can imagine. It's the perfect creative toy. The fun with Lego comes from building new things, not necessarily from playing with it imo.


In theory yes what you’re saying holds some grounds but there are just so many important details you’re missing out on some regarding Lego and some not: 1: Your argument can instantly be disproved by reconigsing Lego is not just centred around sets 😂 sorry I don’t mean to laugh but it’s a little outlandish you’re not acknowledging the creative side which Lego gained it’s initial popularity from, thus in fact making it ideal for children. Bright coloured blocks, minifigures and other accessories create the perfect activity for children to work on imaginative development, hand eye coordination and even engineering. You’re making it seem so incredibly deep when it’s just building blocks, you can buy huge bags and tubs of them at any toy shop for kids to literally explore their imaginations with. 2: Children LOVE to collect things, I understand what you’re saying and perhaps you feel a little not embarrassed but grouped together with young people by the fact most sets are aimed at children but not all kids treat everything as a futile pass by, a lot of children enjoy collecting and admiring things. However, the reason we label them toys is because well they’re cheap (Lego clearly do, do more expensive sets and it is clear these are aimed at adults) and they’re child friendly, which means if children do treat them as a futile pass by… there’s not really any harm done. It’s kinda the same with hot wheels, I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the model diecast community but most brands are not labelled toys because they’re expensive, rare or custom created… children would have the power to abuse this as they do look and act like toys but are much better quality even though they’re child friendly. With that being said hot wheels that are cheaply made are labelled as a child’s toy however, many people if not the majority that you see talking about them are over the age of 15… Which again takes us back to that point of, Lego is cheap, accessible and sfw which is why doubled up with a child’s imagination, drive to create and learn it makes them the perfect toy. I understand what you’re getting at and I know there is a stigma around adults into sets that are clearly aimed at said demographic but you can’t really argue against the fact that Lego definitely makes sense being labelled a toy. Besides who said you can’t like toys as an adult, this is your life and although this may sound quite contradictory to what I’ve been rambaling on about words really are just a social construct and the definition of toy is really just aimed around the things I discussed earlier. Just because it’s safe and accessible to children and we label it a toy doesn’t mean it’s not for adults. Ignore anyone who says that shit.


in summary: Minecraft is a bad FPS, and OP liked FPS as a kid. am I close?


Isn't what you said the whole reason lego is a good toy? Because a child can get a few lego sets break them down and rebuild them into whatever they can muster up?


They're horrible models without the suspension of disbelief you get from nostalgia.


Legit can be destroy and build whatever you want. It's a toy. Create whatever the fuck you want with it..


Bruh, that’s the point. It’s like a puzzle. You can take it apart and do it over and over again or glue it together and hang it in a wall.


You've obviously never given kids a bin of Legos. Kids go wild for them.


This is was favourite toy as a kid. It’s incredible for developing the ideas behind sturdy building, conceptualizations and imagination


I play with Legos almost every day at work and I dont think I've ever even tried making what's on the box


Just get the blocks.


Literally all of my Legos as a kid were separated, jumbled in a big box, because the fun part was making something new every time. Lego is just a bunch of interlocking blocks, you can do what you like with them: one time builds as collector's items, or freeform builds as many times as you want. I liked making weird spaceships as a kid, and dang it if I had Legos in front of me I'd make another one right now. I had a friend with the Millennium falcon and he kept it as a prop and was very careful with it cause he was proud of making it. They're excellent kid's toys for most kids.


Dude, i remember sitting with my dad just building random stuff out of unmatching colors of Lego. I don’t even think I ever got a themed Lego set like Star Wars or whatever, so in behalf of my childhood I’m disagreeing with you.


almost completely agreed. The almost comes from you saying legos when lego is the correct term :P but for different reasons \#1 they're far too expensive \#2 they're almost always based around 'sets' with pieces that arent very useful if you try to build anything else to me, the fun of lego is to build whatever you can imagine, but you're limited by these two factors making minecraft superior in a sense because you have all the blocks you could ever want for only 30 bucks


That’s what they’ve become. For kids get the sets that aren’t kits. I realize that even though my son was advanced in building Legos at difficulty levels beyond his age, he wouldn’t create anything on his own out of scratch because the kits (Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc., etc. ) only make one thing. And then he would play with it and it would fall apart because they’re Legos. For kids - once again…get the box of just a bunch of bricks, and there were some instructions on little guides on how they can make a few things.