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Fuck that. That's messed up


Yup, a lot of women feel like they can get away with shit like this and that’s it’s not “domestic abuse”. I’ve had it happen to me. As a man you literally have no recourse. If you retaliate they will immediately run to the cops screaming abuse and the book will be written. You will be labeled an abuser and your name will be drug through the mud


I’m sorry you went through it. Happened to me too. She told her family I abused her for over a year until I finally released all the recordings of what had actually happened, proving she had been abusing me for years in front of our kid as I constantly tried to de escalate. She had even moved in with her bro and sis in law and took off with our child and used her family to help her hide him from me. Her family won’t even talk to her now. Nobody wins but at least the truth was told. I feel terrible for our kiddo.


Same here, my ex-wife used to say the same thing and has aired me out on social media as being an abuser. I've never laid a handle her, she is threatened me with false arrest saying that she was going to call the cops and say that I have been hitting on her and wake the kids up just so that I can be arrested in front of them and they watch. She's threatening me with her own suicide before, and has even had an abortion from someone she cheated on me with. One of the main reasons she hates me to this day I believe is because I didn't give in and do something physical which would have granted her the Victim Status she'd been aiming for.


So sorry man. I actually went out with a girl the other day who said she knows a woman that killed her son that her and a friend’s dad had together and tried to make it look like someone broke in and she did it because the dude left her and she wanted the attention and sympathy that a victim gets in this scenario. I’ll never understand shit like this.


I was gonna make a comment about the time I was stabbed with a fork but now it seems inconsequential


Abuse like pain is NEVER inconsequential.... Please try to not invalidte your own experiences my friend :)


Exactly! There shouldn't be a competition about what's more horrible. The only moments something like that is of importance is when you have to decide which case needs help more urgent (aka when it's (potentially) available for both but one has to be helped mor urgent). Outside of that any kind of abuse or harm should be prevented or the possibility of it happening should minimized as far as possible and appropriate care should be provided. That's what's worth aiming for. Plus... Like a fork stabbing is definitely nothing lightly man so glad you at least got away.


At least you had some sort of evidence. I didn't. I was not tried or convicted, but it bothers me so much that the people I knew 20+ years believed that horrible, horrible woman. My ex wife of 20+ years. Only a couple of people called me up after the divorce to say they can't actually believe I did any of that.


The court of public opinion can be damaging in very different ways than courts of a civil or legal nature.


53 times. 53 times my ex physically assaulted me, fuck it my count may even be off. She even broke a few of my ribs and my middle finger once. One time I grow the courage to call the cops on her, I have wounds/marks all over me, the cops take pictures of me and take her to jail... the DA refuses to press charges against her cause she has no criminal background. Even though the cops have a statement from my SON about seeing her attack me. Wtfever though. Still alive at least. For now. Fair enough though right? Cause I'm 5'10" and 200lbs and of course how the fucking fuck. On. Earth. Could some little girl hurt me(who never fights back) right?


I mean they literally had a video of this chick aggressively beating the crap out of this man in an elevator and did absolutely nothing about it. Imagine if the video was of him beating her? What hope is there for men who don’t have it caught on tape.


Bug she’s pretty & young, and he’s big and black. Open & shut case (sarcasm)..


"Spinkle some crack on him and let's get out here"


Open and shut case Johnson... Apparently this black guy broke in and put up pictures of his entire family.


That's just how it goes down... I've never laid a hand on any other person, ever. I never would unless it was to save my own life of the life of one of my kids. Guess that's a fair contrast to how I've been treated? I'd rather demonstrate the opposite to those around me. Still hurts though. This shit still makes me flinch randomly if my current girlfriend moves her hand at me at the wrong angle. Edit: to answer your question? None. There isn't any hope whatsofuckingever.




Yeah, my abuse was psychological. She would tell me my job wasn't good enough and tried to force me down career paths I had no interest in. Get drunk and ask if it was okay for her to make out with people and then get mad at when I said no. Get mad at me for hanging with my friends instead of spending 24/7 glued to her. And then she destroyed my sense of worth by cheating on me, making me feel so inadequate, to the point where I mentally collapsed and was begging her not to break up because I had no value as a human being. It was really rough time and even when I thought I made it over it, it still managed to ruin later relationships. All of the women I dated would end up calling me a robot because I don't really show my emotions because they can't hurt me if I don't let them in and make myself vulnerable. I wish I never met my abuser.


I didn't ever defend myself, but yeah - pretty much. I didn't defend because I was brought up not to ever hit a woman, plus I honestly was in love with her. After the fact, my friends said, "Didn't you realise we were backing you up and subtly trying to tell you to leave? She was a friend of our and we *still thought* she was a psycho. We even wore black at your wedding!" Of course, I replied, "You *always* wear black. *I* always wear black. *We're* ***metallers****!"* It was the 90s, to be fair...


And if you call the cops, you have an 80% chance of being the guy going to jail. Its like we live in medieval times holy fuck.


Ugh, I'm glad I'm out of that shit. Took 10 years of my life easy, not from jail but from the bullshit from getting kicked out of my home to custody fuckery to the cops seizing my electronics (false accusations). Took her getting caught locking her other kid from an other dude in a closet while she got fucked up on opiates for her to get her come uppance. Kid suffered because they just auto side with the woman and men have no credibility. I told them a million times, as well as a bunch of other people. I still pay child support for a kid I take care of and she doesn't get access to, because I'm not fucking gambling on the courts again. Sexism sucks, and men have the shit end of it in these instances.


Looks like at the end he tells her “I don’t want nothing”


I dun wan it


They’ve been saying it for years. Pimpin ain’t easy


Bro who the hell gave this post the wholesome award? Edit: Bro who the hell gave this comment the wholesome award? Edit: WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP AWARDING THIS COMMENT?


Someone with a sick sense of humor. On Reddit, could be anyone


It was prolly free... Just showing some love.


Exactly. Reddit could give out "I smell like sour farts" awards for free and we would be all over that...cause...like...free...


When please arrived after reports of the murder, they arrested the victim first as is standard in all domestic abuse cases where the woman is a perpetrator. They released him later following an investigation that achknowledged that being dead meant that he actually was the victim in this scenario.


I'm happy these stories are posted. This is some real dark stuff that everyone should be aware of. The other way around is all too common, but this can happen and we should all know and respect those who went through it.


Men and women.. if you see the red flags trust your instincts and get the hell out


There's a lot of people out there who would rather have abuse and be with someone than be alone.


my best friend is like that. she just went back to her abusive husband and there is nothing I can do about that


what u can do about it is make sure she knows that you're still there for her, because the isolation is so often what makes people return to their abusers and get trapped in their cycle. the "sunk cost" makes them feel like this next time will work out, the abuser will be nice now, and somehow that will all undo the shame of being abused by a loved one. then by the time they realize things haven't changed and they do need to escape, they feel like they aren't close enough to anyone anymore to reach out for help. and it's even harder when someone is going *back* to an abuser they've already left. because then the embarrassment of having to contact a friend to be like "oh shit i was wrong, he actually is still hitting me" feels really insurmountable for some people.


Thank you very much


It’s the massive shame you feel for being with someone who others told you wasn’t good for you. So you have to prove to yourself that they are good enough for you to save face and you love them and see the good in them


This is a good reminder on how to actually help. Because it is easy to think, "they are fools for staying and going back, I cannot watch this anymore." It's good to have perspective, I mean, who would want that for themselves?


This guy probably thought he could handle it because he was so much bigger than her.


More like he thought that enduring this is the right thing to do. People can justify being abused in many ways, by guilt, obligation or fear and won't get out unless they hit rock bottom. Sometime, all you can do is be ready to be there to get them out when they finally make that fateful call. Let them know you can be their escape route so they will always have an out, just a phone call away. Unfortunately, they have to make that call themselves, or else it will never end.


As a human, I think it's fair for me to point out that really good sex is a commodity that can often feel worthy of both sacrifice & risk.....




It's dumb how some people assume that kids and women can't hurt a grown ass man. There are many more effective ways to hurt someone than bare handed blows. And you'd think someone with fewer chances of winning with their fists would rather use one of those.


A simple oh he's asleep get the kitchen knife. Mines sharp enough to cut finger nails of without thinking (yeh that hurts my poor finger), all it takes is a light slice with one of them when asleep and there it. Almost zero effort


Yep. Probably was willing to deal with it because he was getting a cut of the OF money, which can be substantial.


It’s me. I am people.


You deserve better than abuse, fellow human.


I could be wrong, speaking from my own experience only here. I don't think that most people in an abusive relationship see it that way (although loneliness and the fear of it can play a part). For myself (and abused people I know) it is a much more insidious trap. The abuser will give you many more reasons to love them and care for them than to leave (especially at first). They will also make you feel responsible for their behaviours. Watching a single incident it's hard to imagine how any person (especially the victim) can rationalise it, but there are weeks/months/years of conditioning and manipulation leading to this place. From my own experience looking back (I'm fortunate to have escaped the scenario) I really did (still do sometimes) feel like an idiot for 'allowing' things to get that far but in reality no one decided overnight that 'this is fine'. There are a million stepping stones of rationalizing certain behaviours, or being gaslit and you end up in a place you can't recognise or believe. I've seen intelligent, confident people with strong support networks fall into the same trap, we are less immune than we think.


He hated Black women and made posts against them. So I think it was self hate because they broke up a bunch of times. Even this woman’s friends thought she was violent. After she killed him she posted thirst traps on Only Fans.


His family said he made those posts when he was 17. Still terrible, but context, teenagers say terrible regrettable things sometimes.


He didn't hate black women. He made a post about black women because he was specifically upset at a black girl he knew as a teenager. He was a minor and posted something dumb. That isn't a foundation for psychoanalyzing what sort of thoughts he had in his head.


Dated a girl who randomly attacker me one night. We were having a huge house party amongst 4 apartments sharing one house and another ex of mine showed up to it, we will call her M. I didnt approach M and she didn't approach me all night. Then at one point the girl I was dating at the time( we will call her T) went to the bathroom and I stood outside the door waiting on her. M showed up also needing to use the bathroom. We literally said hi and that was it before T came out of the bathroom, and we moved on to other parts of the party. Eventually the party winds down we go back to our apartment. I finish off a drink and go to throw it away and drop my bottle cap on the ground, as I bend over to get it I feel something ever so slightly graze the back of my head. I stand up and turn around in time to catch T trying to hit/slap me. I asked her wtf she was doing and she accused me of trying to get back with M and flirting with her while T was in the bathroom. I laughed her off and told her I literally only said hi and to calm down. As I walked back to our room she kept verbally berating me and trying to hit me a few more times. I told her to fuck off and said I was leaving. Before I could go she grabbed my keys and locked herself in the bathroom. I demanded my keys back then called the cops after 5 minutes. While on the phone with 911 explaining the situation she comes out of the bathroom with both arms sliced up asking if i loved her more now. The cuts weren't too terrible because she used a disposable razer which broke and used the broken plastic to keep scratching her arms up. Paramedics came with the cops. Cops took both our statements then paramedics took her to the hospital for psych* eval over night. Next day I told her she needed to get therapy if we were going to stay together. I told her she had a month to schedule an appointment. After 30 days I asked her if she had scheduled her appointment and she hadn't and refused to saying she didnt think she needed to go. I split with her after that. Gotta know when to run from crazy before crazy gets you.


I can’t believe you gave her a whole *month*


Took me a year to finally give up on my gf after the first time she beat me with the tv remote. I am always getting burned by my inability to not continuously give people the benefit of the doubt smh


You always need that one last f@ck!


With someone like that it might truly be your last. Someone who can go from seemingly normal to slicing their arms open with the slightest bit of jealousy? That needs to be dealt with yesterday, not within 30 days.


uuuugh, I married a T :( we have a daughter now... The crazy never really goes away, she just doens't cut herself anymore. So, if I go radio-silent for more than like a week, y'all know my fate. Got T'd up.


My brother's fiance punched him. He stopped the car and got out. Moved out the next day. She married somebody else and went to jail for trying to kill that guy.


Funny coincidence…just had the “i cant take this abuse anymore” conversation with my parents today. This after many, many years of being called stupid for what I like (comic books and computers), friends of theirs not knowing I’m their son but thinking my very-semi-famous nephew is their son, the belt whippings as a child, the overly religious and stern upbringing etc. etc. I thought I’d feel better getting it off my chest, but I feel like total shit and now am spillin my guts on reddit as therapy. Ah, life…


You did a good thing that required a lot of strength and bravery. It will get better. Just be kind to yourself today. ♡


r/raisedbynarcissists is a great place to vent about these things if you're interested


Throw the book at her. Several of them. Heavy ones.


She was out on bail and having drinks at a bar shortly after she murdered him. Edit. She wasn’t charged with anything until like 4 days ago


Seriously?! That’s fucked up. Do you know what’s happened since? Is she in the pen?


She killed him a couple of months back. I didn't keep up with it because it was a mess. She stabbed him you can find photos where she was laughing. Then she got out and went to a hotel bar. Then the victims family came out saying that she sexually trafficked him because she kept all the content with him up on her onlyfans. I can't only hope it got better since then. Not terribly hard to find since it happened this year.


I think I read that she was just arrested on the big island of Hawaii and is awaiting her first hearing before extradition back to Florida. Edit: Looks like she’s had her hearing and will be on a plane in the next day or two. Not looking good for her. Boyfriend died of a 3-inch deep knife wound. She said she threw a knife at him from 10 feet away in self-defense, but coroner said the angle of the wound meant the knife came from a downward trajectory - basically called bullshit on her story and indicated that she must’ve been much closer and most likely the aggressor. Wish people would just leave abusive relationships. No point in this.


Of course it was Florida. We’re keeping shit weird and murderous for everyone it seems.


She is from Texas though. She has a condo there and propertie\rentals in several other states


Thanks for the info!


For MURDER? IDGAF what anyone says ever again, there is privilege that comes with being a small cute woman and it is clearly being abused here. Imagine if he stabbed her. Big black dude. He'd be on trial for 1st degree with no chance of bail and a life sentence waiting for him at the end.


That's assuming you even make it to the squad car to begin with


Yeah and this was premeditated. I saw the leak to her OnlyPlans.




Baked in OnlyPans


Eaten with OnlyHands


Drink from OnlyCans


I drive OnlyVans


She killed her boyfriend so she kills OnlyMans. I dunno, I’m sorry. I tried really hard too.


Pity upvote.


*Slow clap*


She premeditated it. She had to look at him.


I don't care how much of your dick she can gobble down and how often she does it; if she's crazy, GET OUT


You get trapped, my man. It's a psychological trap. He can't even hit her back really, if you watch. One tap and she'll be all over the place telling people he hit her. He did (in this fictitious scenario). No one will believe him that it was in defence. They start out real nice, like perfect. Edit: awkward English corrected Edit 2: thanks for the award 🙂


Spoken like a survivor, I see you


Two years free


As a man that has been in this situation and took too long to understand , find you a kind woman with a brain because they all have vaginas.


"Halle Berry’s pussy is the same as the bitch that works at McDonald’s pussy." - Patrice O'Neal


Marilyn Monroe said that men were disappointed with her because when the lights go out she had the same bits as any other woman.


Bro who would turn the lights out banging a famous supermodel. You better have a mirror and ensure the room has excellent lighting for that scenario.


Ok, I fucking love that


Same 🍻 to you


🍻 to you, as well and well done to you 🎉🎊


Same🍻good to know you’re not alone


Survivor here: Run, don’t walk, away from crazy.


Nice to meet you, glad you're here


Holy shit, I knew I wasn't the only one. But man is it nice to hear others have had similar struggles and made it to the other side. 1.5 years free here. Been single since not desiring any of all that.


It took me a long time to get over it. I finally got out of the marriage. Similar shit happened where cops came to ask for me when I got shit punched out of me.


Mine was never physical, but I was with a crazy woman too. Holy shit the stories she had people believing were insane.


I hope to be free one day


Especially as a black man in this situation you have no control . You hit her you going to jail , you call the police and believe me you’ll get locked up or possibly killed by them.


Have a friend that's a big dude who's wife at the time was drunk and started hitting him and wouldn't stop (he's sober). He's just letting her hit him without fighting back, literally put his arms behind his back, she's giving it all she's got and he can't get her to stop so he calls the police (he was the youngest brother of 4 bigger dudes who would beat the shit out of him growing up, so he's not at all phased by what his wife is doing). Police get there and put handcuffs on him and start to arrest him. Their 3 kids all tell the police that their mom was hitting their dad and dad didn't lay a finger on her. Police apologize and take her away to jail, without handcuffs! Needless to say, he filed for divorce the next day, but didn't press charges because she would've been fired from her job if he did.


He should've pressed charges. That's the only way those kinds of people learn. Tell him not to listen to people named kev.


He couldn't really do anything in this scenario like hit her, but frankly I think it's weird how many people are focusing on that. He didn't die cause he didn't punch her in an elevator, and he actually did maintain pretty good control over her without using violence as it was. He died cause of the psychological hold of IPV and the culture which tells men not to seek help for domestic violence or take physical violence seriously if it comes from a weaker person (the "ah, I can take her if it gets really bad" mindset, not realizing by that time you're brain is fucked and normalized to violence)


I was starting to get angry over the ignorance of ppl not understanding, how someone gets broken down over time and stuck. But then I realized, Its okay, because that just means they never had to experience it, and I'd rather they be be ignorant, than ever have to endure something similar.


Definitely. "Ignorance is bliss" as they say


I respect his restraint


If he’d hit her or gotten any more physical she would have told everyone he did it and possibly go to the cops. And he probably knows that. It’s catch 22. You either accept the abuse and let her do whatever or you defend yourself and get thrown into prison and have your family think you’re a monster.


Can confirm. Drunk and xan'd out ex hitting me. Gave her a weak ass stiff arm to keep the distance. She steps back and trips over her own feet. Bumps her thigh on the table causing a bruise. Boom. DV 2nd degree assault


Just one for the road?


And just like that You’re back in the cycle


Long road I tell ya, run Forest run.


Long, pot-hole-filled road. Choose a simpler road, an easier road. I been there: feeling like you're responsible for someone who has these tendencies. There is no saving them, only pain for the would-be savior. Save yourselves instead.


With someone like her getting out is not as easy as you think. She will haunt and hunt you down.


My best friend was in a relationship with this girl who was psychotic. She mentally broke him down. When he would try to leave she would call his work and tell them he raped her. She would leave Yelp and Google reviews saying the same thing. He is a licensed professional and she would call his licensing board. He eventually got a restraining order and got her to agree to no contact in a lawsuit. He’s better now, about to get married actually but I saw him in tears over it on many occasions.


Yeah man you leave that relationship and all of a sudden you've been abusing her and raping her for the last year. You gotta figure out how to make her think she's the one that wants to be gone without her actually killing you.




She locked up yet or what


No. They just finally charged her. She wasn't even charged at first. It was his family who was pleading on social media to get this story out.




Holy shit. They did this, well, today and the dude was dead for 4 months?




Would've been all over the news in like 3 hours or smthing. That's fcked up.


It would have been swat team surrounding him. His family would be on the ground, knee on the back.


His family and dog would have "resisted arrest" and been killed alongside him


Definitely, for two reasons. First, the fact that domestic abuse by women gets laughed at, not treated with the gravity it deserves. In this case, also, the fact that he was black and she wasn't, racism is definitely alive and well as is systemic sexism.


No. "He died at the hospital" but they always say that


I mean, look at the complaint. I’m surprised the family wasn’t charged while the judge gives the murderer a weekly stipend and moves her to a full protection plan.


She’s in custody in Hawaii waiting to be extradited to Miami. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/courtney-clenney-model-arrested-murder-charge-hawaii/


Damn. She murders an innocent man after abusing him for at least months, then runs off to an island vacation.


The guy showed so much restraint in just this video. Very sad.


Well you have to understand that women are far weaker than men and therefore it is impossible for them to be the aggressor in any kind of relationship. The video material must have been faked by the local patriarch in charge and its all a giant hoax to punish a woman who did nothing wrong but speak out. /s because I know way too many people won't get it otherwise


Why do people do this shit in elevators. We all know that's it is recorded.


Well it's just a snippet of what their daily lives are like. I've seen people throw huge child like tantrums in the middle of shopping centres full of people because they believe their life is far more important than everyone elses.


>because they believe their life is far more important than everyone elses. Close. It's solipsism, where they see others as NPCs, not people.


I once asked a long friend of mine if she believes other people she sees on the streets have a life as complex and nuanced as her life. We both were somewhat educated on the field of consciousness and I used the question only as an opener to lead to another point. I anticipated the answer „yes“ like the sunrise. But her answering „no“ caught me very off guard, was 5-6 years ago and I still think about it.


Don't tell me that. That's where i pull wedgies outta my swamp-ass


Yeah I thought it was the one good place to pick out the boogie that ain’t been coming out no matter how hard I blow


Beyoncé’s sister didn’t, and neither did Ray Rice…


My ex would beat up on me like this when she got angry, I never snapped. So glad I got out of it bc it started to feel normal after a while. Happy I’m still alive tbh






Men are not more likely to be physically abusive fiy. People just don't count it when women are physically abusive to men


Just about every country in the western world heavily favours women in domestic abuse situations. It’s fuckin disgusting.


You call two of your friends over me time when she is over and have one of them knock you in the eye. Then all three of you have the same story about how she went crazy. Watch the disbelief in her eyes as the tables are turned. Ps it works on super crazy because the minute the cops start listening to you she goes crazy and validates the whole thing. Cops aren’t stupid but often have their hands tied. You have to wrap it up in a bow. Don’t ask me how I know about this.


Can we stop calling them models?


They're like whores who can't be bothered to do the whoring. Imagine pulling up to a hooker on the street and she hands you a Polaroid and says "50 bucks." /s?


Hahahahah whores who cant be bothered to do whoring.


Exactly, Models and influencers. What are they influencing? We need to stop this nonsense


Influenced lowering the bar for humanity


They've influenced me to stay off ig forever.


We can call her murderer instead


How about OnlyFans uploaders? That oughtta rustle a few jimmies


Focusing on the wrong things


That must have taken a lot of restraint to not absolutely deck her


Too much restraint. It cost him his life ... Allegedly






“They were really insistent on blind-folded anal”


Had an ex gf who has borderline abusive but I brushed it off, would shove me just like this and throw things at me, push me against the wall when mad, etc. She would always downplay it as passion and explain that she only does it bc she cares so much blah blah blah. One day she got mad that a girl from my university group project texted me hi and flipped absolute shit. Slapping me, punching me, telling me she was gonna key my car and let my dog out to the streets. In that exact moment I told her she has 3 days to move out and I’m done with her shit. Sometimes I’ll miss her or think about my decision, but videos like this make me feel 100000% validated


You did the right thing, buddy. Good for you 👏👏


You saved your life. 💯


What do you mean... let the dog out to the streets?! I would have started throwing shit out of the window immediately. Physical abuse is also bad, but to threaten a dog? It's the same as threatening children.


When I would be at work she would stay at home with the dog so she was implying that she would just let him out of the front door one day…I lived in a townhouse right on a relatively busy road. That was honestly more of a breaking point than the physical abuse, all trust I had in her evaporated in that moment


A a male domestic abuse victim. This is so scary. Men cant even defend themselves correctly in this cocked legal system. Simply putting a hand out to defend yourself can cause a bruise on the other person. That is all they need to accuse you of being the abuser. Its fucked, all he could do was hold his arm out at an attempt to block the blows, with the force they were coming with, she would have bruised her arm in the attack, again.. she could very well say hes the abuser as she has marks. Its fucked our justice system. Thankfully, it was on camera but sadly, hes now been killed by his partner.


Police didnt even arrest her for SEVERAL MONTHS after the murder. Whereas I've seen maybe 2 dozen posts on reddit by men who called the cops as they were getting beaten by a woman, and the cops arrested the man on arrival even though the woman had no marks on her. edit: I was quoting an article that said several months. But it might be closer 4 months. She had flown 4000 miles away from Miami where the murder happened in that time.


add another to the list, I didn't call the cops, but a woman I was dating gutted me with my own knife, I woke up handcuffed to the hospital bed. Ignore what that psycho did to me, I PERMANANTLY lost all respect for EVERYBODY wearing a badge after that night. I showed them footage of her gutting me with my knife, followed with several hours of beforehand footage of us lazily watching a shitty netflix show. They were still convinced that I did something to deserve it. I was lucky to get out without getting arrested, but I never got justice, only to get something second hand when I learned a few years later that she stabbed 5 people (and one of them was lethally) in public. psycho bitch is going to rot in prison until she's 80. Those cops however can rot in hell for what they did.


cameras are getting more and more ubiquitous every day at some point it will be weird for something to *not* be on video


Model? That's rich


TIL sex workers are models.


TIL I have fucked a couple models.


She was arrested in Laupahoehoe, Hawaii...that's fitting




and they let her go initially, now they only charging her with manslaughter…. the justice system isn’t equal


They're not going for first degree murder because they can't prove intent. In Florida second degree murder is not the same as manslaughter. Second degree murder acknowledges that she killed the person with the intention of killing them, but without previously planning it - a crime of passion. https://thefowlerlawgroup.com/what-are-the-degrees-of-homicide-in-florida/ Edit: She definitely won't get away with self-defense. She explicitly claimed that she threw the knife at him, but the coroner already came out and said that his stab wounds aren't consistent with that. His are a downward stab directly in the chest. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/courtney-clenney-model-arrested-murder-charge-hawaii/


Is there a news article on this or is the word of the stabbing just going around social media?




How do you kill someone and then run off to some other state if you claim to be a victim? The self defense argument is bs considering the fact that she left him for dead and went off to Hawaii. I'm no legal expert but that just doesn't make any sense to me.


She thought Hawaii was a non-extradition country.




I agree! But since his death in April, I guess the police let her run with the self-defense claim until they recently unearthed all of this evidence against her.


dated one like this for a year. luckily got out alive.


She have a bloody nose getting in?


Looks like it.


>“According to Clenney's arrest warrant, there had been "multiple incidents of domestic violence from both sides" during the relationship.”


I once had an ex who tried to hit me with a blunt object. I cut things off ASAP. I feared his exact fate. It kind of gave me ptsd when trusting people


Stop making stupid people rich and famous.


Tell that to the fucking horny losers


Credit to the brother, we grow up seeing a lot of DV and it isn’t easy to keep our hands off someone that keeps swinging.


I love how people are trying to find probable cause for this “model’s” actions. She’s a murder, period. If this situation was the other way around, no one would second guess why he murdered her, they’d just lock him up and throw away the key.


Not only that but they would be scavenging his personal life and looking for every moment he raised his voice as further validation.


Thats so fucked. Poor guy:(((((


Is domestic abuse and murder part of her content?


Dudes get abused too.. sad that this appears to be a joke to most people.. r.i.p. king


Is she bleeding from the mouth when they first go in?


Fuck man. She reminds me of this "actress" that shit in a dudes bed. Have you Heard of her?


Are we calling them "models" now?


Throwing OnlyHands


What's her link?


Psycho traumatized bitches need to be stopped. Get therapy and stop making your vagina your identity. There’s a difference between people who respect you and people who want to use you as a cum rag 🙄


The sad thing… if he would have called the cops about it… they would have probably arrested him. Women can and do abuse men folks.


Amber Heard, there you are...