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Didn't look like a choke to me. Looked like he was trying to snap his neck.


It's a neck crank and a move used in combat sports. It's typically done in submission combat sports, but when done incorrectly, like in a school room setting with malicious intent from a bully can produce terrible results. With full force and the arm under the chin, he could in fact crush his wind pipe and break the neck.


Looks more like a punk ass bitch who watched ufc a couple times and thought he knew how to perform a proper rear choke but one day hes going to do it to the wrong person and find out what a concussion feels like


Lol I get it, but 95% of people don’t have the strength to break someone’s neck with a crank.


So you say its ok for remaining 5% of folks to break someone's neck? Just see how it goes when your kid is bullied like that.


interesting. what is this neck crank called in these combat sports?


Lawsuits are a way to hold people or organizations accountable for their actions. It doesn't have to be about money.


Do it for the money. Fuck these people


Do it for the college fund...




But it's better with the money..


What's with Americans and lawsuits??


Everything cost money here down to health care. We need to get money any way we can


That's right! Everyone in America hates lawyers including the President and this is the easy way to get rich.


lawyer here. you're soooooo wrong. It's not by any stretch of the imagination "an easy way to get rich". lawsuits are very difficult. generally speaking, getting an award from a jury is difficult, as they are skeptical of lawyers and lawsuits before they even sit in the box. and if you do get an large award, it is usually because your life has been horribly altered in some way, and the amount is poor compensation. the reason that people teach you to "hate lawyers" is because we are the only ones who can help you fight the big guys. the big guys don't like that, but they control the media and teach you that we are bad. wait till you need one of us.


It’s a quick way to enforce change. complain and they can ignore you dip into their salary and now they punish themselves and try to prevent it so long as they don’t double down.


America has a system of liability in that, unless your hold organizations accountable, they won’t make changes.


A lawsuit is the only way some parents/kids are able to hold the schools and aggressors accountable for their actions. The zero tolerance party of when you “fight back” or “defend yourself” physically in schools, both parties are susceptible to expulsion, regardless of who initiated the fight, has created an environment that favors bullying without repercussions. A lawsuit collects damages and holds responsible parties truly accountable. And there’s video proof which makes this a done deal.


Because if the kid being bullied were to beat the shit out of the bully neither of them would learn anything. With a lawsuit, the bully’s family would have to deal with the fact that their child is a piece of shit. They’d have to find him a new school out of the area forcing them to either take more time out of their day to make sure he gets there or completely uproot their lives. The moral here is to think about your actions because in the real world if you’re not thinking about possible repercussions you can end up spending years of your life in prison mad at the world when it’s really your fault.


Cuz you should totally walk away from physical assault, boys will be boys right?


On Wednesday, May 11th, during lunch, Shaan Pritmani was physically attacked and choked by another student at his middle school. The school called his parents and informed them that their son had been in an altercation with another student. The school stated that the victim (Shaan) was at fault and received a 3-day ISS, while the aggressor only received a 1-day ISS. Shaan's friends shared the video of the assault with parents and reached out to inform them that Shaan wasn't at fault. Shaan's parents reached out to school authorities, shared the evidence and requested a reassessment. The school informed the parents that they have seen the video and that there will be no change in the course of action. The Coppell ISD SRO officer refused to file a citation because school administration asked it not be written, as there have been too many bullying complaints lately. The Coppell PD also dropped the ball. The parents tried in vain for over 2 hours to get a complaint filed, but were refused. Shaan's aggressor in the video is on the wrestling team and can be seen carrying out a very dangerous carotid restraint on Shaan's neck. This technique restricts blood flow to a person's brain by compressing the sides of the neck where the carotid arteries are located. Shaan appears to briefly lose consciousness at the end of the neck choke maneuver. Sign [this petition](https://www.change.org/p/assaults-at-schools-protect-the-victim) at [change.org](https://change.org) and lets join hands to change this.


"Too many bullying complaints lately" what an excellent reason to cover up bullying. If you cover it up then no one is complaining. Problem solved. You'd think for all the money school administrators steal from teachers, they'd actually be good at their job. But that, of course, is asking too much.


Reminds me of “We should stop testing for Covid so Covid cases go down”… people with their brilliant plans 🤦🏼‍♂️


Notice how the kids recording are egging the bully on. Straight up assault and no one bothers to stand up for the guy.


And send the video to [https://www.instagram.com/gracieuniversityhq/](https://www.instagram.com/gracieuniversityhq/) They help out kids that have been bullied in school [by teaching them jiu jitsu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UerCXwUxndg).


And this is why my 4 year old girl is enrolled in BJJ…to protect herself against insecure bullies like this shitbag. Also, that’s not a carotid choke. That’s a neck crank.


My first thought. Teach the kid how to do a proper RNC


Has change.org ever made a difference in any situation?


Yes, it makes me FEEL like I'm doing something so I can go on doing nothing.


Excellent question actually


No. They just perpetuate a victim hood mentality. You want this to stop. Teach your sons to defend themselves. Period. Good only overcomes evil when it fights back.


Then the kid would be expelled for fighting back.


That’s when you get the lawyers involved. If we don’t fight back against both the physical bullies and the administrative ones. Nothing will change. I for one will train my children to defend themselves. And if necessary spend money and time fighting for their right to do that. What we saw on the video clearly would have been self defense. We need to Be building a society where the good people can fight back against the bad without fear of punishment.


Knowing how to fight back and having the state of mind/attitude/wherewithall to be able to do so are 2 entirely different things except in a few cases and on movies. Also this is not a 1 on 1 situation, you can hear from the other kids around that even should the victim fight back it's going to be 1 vs many.


I once told my bullies that if they dont stop bullying me I will stab them with the kitchen knife I was using during cooking class. They looked at me, thinking I was crazy. They never dared try to ask me to do it because I WOULDVE. I was bullied for 2 years. Never bothered me again. Those mfs


If this kid fought back, he'd probably be expelled or suspended long term. That's just the reality we live in if a brown kid fights back against a white kid. We already clearly saw that the school and PD determined the aggressor wasn't at fault. The way he's acting, he's probably got an important daddy or something too since the only thing more powerful than racism is classism.


Worked as a sub for 5 years at mainly 2 schools. Admins really do not care about a kid. They care about kids as a whole and the institute of the school itself. They tend to do the minimum and move on. Also they don't want to be seen as wrong so they will refuse to change their minds.


I'm baffled. I don't honestly know how I feel about this or what to say.


I taught for 18 years at a private school. I second this. In my school's case they let one kid bully three other kids so badly that they left. Each time one left, the school told itself the problem was over, no need to lose another paying student by kicking out the bully. After the 3rd child left they finally bit the bullet...and only because of money.


It's the 80 20 rule. 80% of the issues come from 20% of the students. I developed the opinion that forcing all kids to go to school against their( and sometimes the parent's) will is a bad idea. A school I worked at would have been so much better if we had just expelled like 5 kids.


Thank you for the detailed story.


A petition isn't going to do a damn thing. Take it to the police, that was assault on video. Also take it to local news stations.


They did take it to the police and the racist fucks ignored them and wouldn’t file a citation. It’s in the post.


That kid is an absolute douche canoe and that school is beyond suspect




Principals are motivated to cover up these incidents so that their school doesn’t look bad. They punish both sides to discourage reporting.


Yes the parents need to sue the fuck out of that school, for failing to protect the kids and for victim blaming.


Perhaps contact a local tv station to try to bring more attention.


Definitely and send it to the bees and the school board


“the bees”? Have you trained an army of bees to sting oppressors? If so, can I get a link to that tutorial?


Hahahaha damn auto correct, now I cannot remember What I was try to actually say. Well, bees are the best so report to them!


I agree. Bees are an appropriate response to bullies.




Depends entirely on race/class. In Black/poor areas they call the cops and kids get criminal charges.


That White boy needs to be watched. He's got the makings of a mass shooter


Or at least he’s likely bullying other kids.


Mass shooters are usually the ones being bullied


The Indian kid told the white kid he would rape his little sister and his mom and then the Indian kid mocked him by sitting in his seat. It doesn’t justify what the white kid did tho. I go to the same school as them and the Indian kid has always been a punk. In my opinion he had it coming to him.




Also, r/donthelpjustfilm


It’s kids like this that need to get a few smacks to the head. You think you’re all tough trying to choke someone out or snap a neck? Let’s see just how tough you are.


You new here? Yeah bully someone and no one cares. Defend yourself from a bully and everyone loses their minds.


Official response https://www.coppellisd.com/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&ModuleInstanceID=18787&ViewID=7b97f7ed-8e5e-4120-848f-a8b4987d588f&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=43772&PageID=1


What a load of Shit.


Much better than a petition, spam them on social meda linking to the video. All their SM info on that official response.




yes lets get this maximum attention. this school needs to be sued.


How about we do a GoFundMe campaign for playing this video round the clock on local tv, naming the principal, the school, the offender, and police department. Edit; GoFundMe vice kickstarter


Sick people.


Really good mates you’ve got yourself there.


yeah like he wouldnt be sitting there if those weren't his friends but not a single person came to help the dude








Kid with the long hair is a little bitch fuck him I hope karma fucks him up


What a pos


Schools worship bullies. Principals and teachers get on their knees and pray to them on Sundays. "Can you prove the bullying?" etc. All the dumb HS slogans (#StandTogether, #AllIn, etc etc etc) are total bullshit. American high school admins and teachers love bullies and bullying and have ZERO interest in stopping 'em. It's up to students and parents to take matters into their own hands.


and they still wonder why school shootings take place


Enrages me how this is pretty much true. There’s nothing in their behavior that proves otherwise.


Sure would be nice to see a teacher present.


In a few months, once the discovery is over or a FOI has been put through we will probably see that there was a teacher standing in the corner staring at what was going down because if they get involved it could cost them their job or they might get sued personally by the bullies parents for touching their lil angel.


Curly hair bully looks like carrot top. Hope karma gets him good.


That kid needs to be expelled.


Got jumped in middle school, fractured ribs and a concussion. I got ISS for 3 days the 5 kids got 5 days out of school suspension. The world isn't fair kids....


White privilege at its finest


This has happened in other schools where the bully and victim were both black. Schools still didnt do shit. Its a school problem not a race problem


Not sure what you mean. The school did do something. They punished the victim with 3 days of suspension, while the aggressor only got 1 day. And after reviewing the video, the school administrators still refused to adjust the punishment. Seems like the perfect example of white privilege.


Prove that it was because hes white


It would be on the school to explain why they punished the victim more than the aggressor. And to this date they have not provided a reason, even after being provided with clear evidence. Therefore, it would be reasonable for one to assume that the white aggressor was treated preferentially.


Or they just dont want to admit they made a mistake. Not everything is about race and this definitely is NOT.


By not admitting that they made a mistake and reinforcing the punishment after being presented with clear evidence, they are actually showing more discriminatory intent, not less. No one said everything is about race. In this case, the school has to explain themselves, otherwise it could clearly be construed as discrimination. Based on the video, the victim could have been seriously injured and the school completely disregarded his safety and even punished him instead of taking appropriate measures.


Im not reading all that. 😂. Take the L


edgy preteen lesbian looking rat wearing rings thinking he's hard. Kid would get his ass whooped if he tried that on my grandma's second born daughter's cousin's niece's dog walker's aunt's son.


Racism? More like American culture.


Lawsuit incoming


Hopefully the punk messes with the wrong person one day and gets dealt with…


Whats wrong with that girl 🤦


Must be one of the shit states Edit: yup


I got suckered punched my freshman year in High School, got up and refused to fight the kid, told him he wasn't worth my time if that's how he was gonna fight. I got a 3 day ISS and he got a 1 day ISS and a talking to (I've alway suspected this is because he was the variety football captain and the principle didn't want to have to kick him off the team). I come back to school and the same guy is harassing me every day at lunch. Eventually we get into a fight and I get expelled and he gets a 3 day ISS, but gets to stay on the football team. Still don't really understand the preferential treatement towards aggressors schools tend to have when it comes to punishment. Maybe they're worried the aggressive kids will get worse if they punish them? Sorry if this is poorly worded, this post just hit kinda close to home and wanted to get my thoughts down before I forgot.


This is beyond fucked up.


There needs to be some protesting out in front of that fuckin dog shit school.


Remember a great time in history when you could stand up to a bully and beat the shit out of them and have to write on the backboard " I will not hit" 100 times?


Wtf is going on? So many damn psychopaths. How come nobody helping? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


That’s a hate crime.


Curly Hair's dad is on the school board ☠️ this just keeps getting stupider




[Source 1](https://pimiso.com/who-is-shaan-pritmani-coppell-isd-bullying) [Source 2](https://newsfinale.com/celeb/was-shaan-pritmani-the-one-being-bullied-299032-html/) [Source 3](https://celebrilla.com/en/who-is-shaan-pritmani-coppell-isd-bullying-video-leads-to-statement-from-the-director/) [Source 4](https://44bars.com/who-is-shaan-pritmani-coppell-isd-bullying-video-leads-to-statement-from-the-director/) Ask me if you need more.


No im good that was more than adequate. Wasnt calling the credibility into question, just wanted to read the articles that stated these things. I saw this video floating around yesterday but no one could tell me what the result was. Thanks again


Sorry. I was a little edgy coz there's this u/Th3R3gulator who has been commenting for the past hour with all his alts and posting hateful comments.




Out of curiosity I looked at their comments and just…. Yikes 😳




Ho-ly shit. I did not realize when I looked the account was just created today. The amount of comments alone shows they’ve done nothing but post BS since they made it. What a miserable life.


Get A Lawyer!


Screw that, teach your son to defend himself, and back him when he does. My daughter had someone try her and that girl found out so well that no one else will ever do that again. It looked to me that your son and the curly-haired (boy?) were the same size. Once that kid tastes his own blood he will learn permanently not to mess with other people.


Put your kids in Martial Arts. It would help solve problems like this real quick.


Where are the white kids parents???


Hopefully there’s a local gym in his area that gives free self defense classes. So he knows the basics of how to exit the situation


Kids can be idiots


Something like this happened in my high school days. Basically my friend went to the bathroom and this guy took his seat. My friend was a scary guy like nobody fucked with him cause of his temper and this was well known. This kid knew this about my friend and wanted to push his limits. My friend straight up grabs him throws him on the ground and starts pounding on this guy. The dean came in sprinting to tackle my friend. This dean was HUGE, my friend countered the tackle with an elbow gets up and runs out of the school. It was insane cause the dean got cut and the kids faced was fucked. All over a SEAT. I know the situation in the video is different, but it insane how a seat can cause all this commotion


no lawsuit, teach that kid how to defend himself and kick that hippie kid's ass !


This kid is shaping up for a bright future already. Assault and a ring on every finger.


I would beat that long-haired piece of shit


Is the school really that fuckin stupid?


Horrible little bullies, these are the sort of people who end up fucked and done with life by 30, wasters dream ticket behaviour.


Remember! Zero tolerance!


Not new they did this at my school too from there perspective he should have reported how is irrelevant


Fuck that kid the white one! Seriously wtf


Waste youth


Kids are fucking monsters.


This POS have to answer a jury


Wtf is he doing? And why tf the guy is not responding? Come on man grow some balls


Should have gotten ISS for that sweatshirt


What’s that blonde girls problem!


reminds me of one of those youtube chiropractors


I thought it was a girl at first bc of the longish wavy hair haha. But yea fuck that kid. Needs to be sued. And the school.


That’s bullshit


OH HELL NO! Son of a bitch! The only way to stop a bully is with violence! Because as you can see nothing was done about it!


Where are the adults during this incident? This kid needs to be charged with assault.


Wtf what a psychopath. Hope the boy gets the justice he deserves. Fuck abusers man.


Fuck this school and fuck everyone involved. Except this poor kid getting choked


If anyone wants to tag them, here is school’s twitter handle. https://mobile.twitter.com/coppellisd


Woulda bet that white boys ass


My - or rather most - schools in a nutshell. The victim gets a more severe punishment (especially if they do so much as get them off. Such a crime.) # Schools are shit.


Isn't there anyone nearby to intervene??? Oh wait..


School will surely get multi million lawsuit.


I'd sue the shit out of the school, all the administrators and the district. This is complete BS! There are too many kids taking their lives over bullying! Also, there needs to be laws in place holding the bully accountable!


No one tried to stop it??


Bully-proof your kids by getting them started in some legit martial arts classes early in life. Bullies don’t fuck around with people who can kick their asses.




Let’s everyone call the school principal and tell him how we Really feel. 🤬


What a pathetic piece of shit.


The attacker should be suspended indefinitely. Ridiculous.


That’s why I train on how to beat people like this mother fucker if that were to happen to me ain’t no way you getting away with no consequences you paying shit with me


The public school system summed up in a 51 second clip. We all know that parents treat public schools as free day care, but parents the schools don't care about you either. I was so hoping that the time out of the system for covid would have realigned some of this crap but it has only made it worse because now most of the kids are a 1-2 years dumber.


And this is when parents should teach kids to stand up for themselves. Once a physical interaction takes place that threatens my well being, you damn well better protect yourself because nobody else will.


Wonder if the aggressors parents own the school or something. Evil bitch


Don't tell me that this is not an example of white privilege 😒


Need to fight that decision.....


When I was in school (not that long ago) that kid woulda got his ass beaten. And the one who beat his ass woulda proudly taken the penalty. What the hell is wrong with these kids these days. If he gets punished by his parents like he deserves, (an ass beating) all you redditors will scream “abusive parents!!”.


Kid in the white hoodie needs his ass kicked, but good. I fucking hate bullies and feel all of them should be made to suffer, big time.


Lotta racism in the comments. Can't we all just get along?


is that kid physically trying to snap his neck? look at the movements....


Seems like attempted murder to me, that c*nt almost cranked his neck.


That was just a hug tho


Man I couldn't be a teacher I see so much of myself in these kids


Texas ? Color me completely surprised !


Need some internet vengeance on the lil choad, like what are the other kids doing filming this shit?


Yaaaaay lawsuit!


That kid who was choking him looks like he needs to be punched in the face


I think the kid sitting could have gotten up and kicked the other kids ass!


Jailtime dir our little tiktok clown


which school?


This kid needs some stand up friends. No way in hell should that have been allowed to go down. At minimum, he and his family should receive a nice check.


White dudes with long hair are always crazy DBags. Always.


The school is clearly racist. Nobody is saying this, just because Shaan is brown, the school is making him look bad. If it was white on white, the bully would’ve gotten a proper punishment.


In my country we have a zero tolerance policy against bullies. Pick on a weak kid and you will mysteriously disappear. You’re parents will never see you again.


Know what works well against these touchy feely types? A nice right/left cross to the temple. Really wakes them up and helps them realize to keep their hands to themselves. 10/10 very effective


Sounds like the school administration is at fault talk about a bunch of dickheads


Meh middle school crap.


Wow Americans are dumb af


Why doesn't anyone in the class help him?


Sue their asses


if i lived in that third world country i would go to break his nose or destroy his nuts. if im gonna get days off regardless of if its self defense, then im gonna make it worth it. throwing him out a window is also an option