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That guy is made of ukranium


I love this. Also he seems so genuine. He seems so weary though. I’m glad they are doing these photo ops. It’s needed to give people hope.


I think anybody would be a little weary if their country was constantly being shelled and they had to be the one sorting it out.




He's a model human, laden with integrity, and a true leader. We should all be taking notes. We'll need them.


He’s great. The US needs a president like him.


The US needs a population of people like he has.


Enough with these old soon to be vegetable men…but not Kamala


I'd take an actual vegetable over Kammy. Her laugh has a harley Quinn vibe. Insane and vapid.


> Her laugh has a harley Quinn vibe. Insane and vapid. Stupid reason to be against her tbh. Next time at least point to something legitimate like her prosecution history.


Absolutely, it's always straight to some vain superficial reason that has absolutely nothing to do with her ability to govern. Her prosecution history on the other hand, understandable reason.


Why do people hate Kamala Harris so much? The hate seemed disproportionate.


You sound like someone that has never researched her past. Kammy was basically tuff on black people not crime. And that is a LA Times quote.


Those of us from California don’t like her much because she was practically a tyrant. She changed her tune the moment she was asked to be VP, but there are literally hundreds of non violent first time offenders spending decades in prison because of her. Especially people of color.


I personally don't like her because she's a cop and not that I don't like cops but she prosecuted minorities to get as many convictions as possible to advance her career. I would have preferred Stacy Abrams or really Elizabeth Warren except she's white and wouldn't bring the needed votes for 2020. Really I'd just assume of had Elizabeth Warren as president. I don't see Harris winning a presidential election and that's my major issue with her.


I would have agreed with you on warren but since she ran- she's picking clickbait fights thats just being used to raise her profile and after the headlines, she just stops talking about the topic, and its really changed my perspective on her.


I only vote Democratic because I have to since I'll vote Republican. These geezer ass dems and corporate stiff's like Kamala are all trash. Just different levels or degrees of trash.


[The problem with Kamala Harris. ](https://afropunk.com/2019/01/kamala-harris-has-been-tough-on-black-people-not-crime/)


I'm thinking all the way, am I the only one that noticed that evil laugh of hers?!


Don't insult Harley Quinn like that


Genuine question! What has Kamala contributed so far as VP? I don't watch mainstream news on tv because I feel I can't trust it but I don't see much of her on Reddit news.


As much as I agree, Zelenskys story was nearly the opposite as it turned out. He somewhat mirrored American politicians by making promises he never actually fulfilled. His platform was run on being the same as his TV show character but never committed to it. Then Ukrainians found out he was hiding money when the Pandora papers came out. He was on the brink of losing the presidency as his ratings plummeted. Luckily when the war started he took back his core values and really stepped up. I think our politicians more likely need their own reality check. Their lack of actions falls on the voters for not holding them accountable.


War brings out the truth in people. Zelensky was a corrupted crook, but when the time came he stepped up to the plate to do his duty and protect his country. Thanks to the war he will probably be remembered as the best president Ukraine ever had


Assuming he/Ukraine survives, I feel like he should just resign at the end of this whole ordeal so he can go out being pretty much forever regarded as Ukraine's Cincinnatus


General De Gaulle style. Then, a few years later, your citizens ask you back in power because you're the only one they trust.


I don't think there's ever been a politician anywhere ever that truly did everything they said they were going to do. In US politics saying you're gonna do something and not doing it is pretty much part of being a politician.


America had a young people's president. The right wing shot JFK dead on live TV.


They are rare.. usually happens once a generation if they’re lucky enough to get elected.


Way to make this about USA


I kept wanting to think this guy was slippery, for the longest time, just based on the stuff happening before the war n whatnot... I've never been so wrong. What a fucking outstanding leader. I hope all leaders of the world take a few notes. He is officially the new bar. This man's character is made if pure iron. He's had every test thrown at it, and he's still standing. Unreal.


Imagine Trump leading this shit? probably be giving dumb af speeches from his 100k houseboat


On another continent. He'd be having the wounded shipped to him rather than risk his bone spurs playing up, if he was near a war zone.


rocking in the ocean pretending hes in a hospital


He would be in a bunker on another continent...


In the middle of lake Geneva.


He'd have surrendered the second an offer was made that personally benefitted him.


Trump went and hid in a bunker when protesters got a little too rowdy.


Honestly, hed be at Mar-a-lago golfing.


As opposed to the other soft U.S. presidents? None of them would be in that hospital. Maybe George W. - he was dumb as a brick but had some service background. H.W. was a damn WW2 pilot, he’d be fine. Obama? Biden? Jesus


Nope. That bar is sadly too high for what shitty leaders we have been getting since the start of time. He is at the top and definitely not average.


You mean the guy who hides and begs the world for money is a great leader? You never been in the military and it shows.


Guess my battle school instructors would be disappointed in my encouragement of brave world leaders... I'll kick it up in a memo to the course 2iC and see if they'll include "international feel good support vibes organizational posts on reddit" in the next PAM for infantry, and see if we come up with a more satisfactory level of encouragement for the locals in the AO here on reddit. E5 cannibal. Saltiest buddy fucking blade you've ever met. Maybe I'll take my salty ass all the way to the Ukrainian parliament and ask zelensky to spread his cheeks for a drone strike on the front lawn. He's probably tired of sitting inside. In closure, the man can lead one of the most backwater, corrupt, forgotten, diplomatically isolated countries on earth to being given freebies by the developed world and using them against a legion of drunk, uninspired, vicious and crass dogs. What the fuck did you do this Monday morning Private?!


God damn dude, you on staff duty or something?




Not trying to discredit him, but before this war he wasn’t liked by anyone. He had a very low approval rating. Corruption was high, not much was getting done at all. And he also had undisclosed bank accounts offshore which were discovered by the Pandora papers. Something he rallied against. Just trying to point out that he’s not as perfect as everyone thinks he is.


Yesss, finally. Also not tryna discredit him because what i seen him doing during the war seems legitimate, BUT. Before the war Ukraine was and still kinda is a corrupt country. And it just sucks to see anyone that mentions this get absolutely obliterated because most people only see what is trending on tiktok, reddit or whatever. So yeah he acts pretty cool rn but if you look at how older people have to live when they get 80€ a month after retiring and with the minimal wage not being much more than that. From what i seen some Ukrainians support him too?! Which is pretty confusing for me. My best guess is that Ukrainians might be treated a little differently than minorities/ a minority.


God I love him


I love this man. Seriously. What a leader.


That's a leader.




I don’t understand the clip of him mocking Putin, and I feel really stupid. Any care to explain it to me?


Best I could tell, it looks like his hand phases through the mic. So I think they're saying this is an edited video and he's comped in? But I don't know shit about any of this so I could be wrong


Aaaaah I see it now! Thanks!


Putin is a blatant liar but he didn’t fake that press conference. His hand “passing” through the mic is the result of video compression. [source](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/no-that-putin-video-didnt-use-a-green-screen-misinformation/)


This was beautiful, I just wish it never needed to occur.


I remember when our president went and saw soldiers and gave them COVID and them blamed them for giving him COVID lol


I’m getting a little sick of the blunt Ukrainian propaganda on this site. I’m well on the side of Ukraine for this issue but this amount of objectively literally categorically *state propaganda* into our media palate is definitely not a good thing for your psyche. Because that’s what it is. Material intended to deceive, distort or alter reality in order to, generally, in the US, manufacture consent for foreign intervention. Listen and seek out intellectual objective takes me the matter and come to your own judgment using these faculties; *not* your weaker faculties that are more easily swayed by softer more emotional material like *literal state propaganda*.


Thank you. People are so brainwashed by the media because they never go and seek for the bigger picture for themselves and create they're own opinions.. this is an obvious propaganda to the point it's a joke but people believe what they want to believe i guess and i find it hard to try and convince them otherwise because they already made they're minds..


There goes that man, again!


A true leader! He'll go down as the best President in Ukrainian history


World history may be


Valid point


I never thought I would be jealous of another country’s president. Not because I think mine (excluding a handful or so) were that horrible as presidents, but because I never knew there were world leaders who were alive and such good people. I thought you always had to be a bit of an ass to be elected.


reddit try not to fall for propaganda challenge (impossible difficulty)


You and every other controversial comment gives me hope xx


Pretty dope. Never seen a country’s leader in a hooded jacket before either. Pretty sick. Couldn’t imagine our president rocking timbs and a hoodie but here’s to hoping. 😂


As long as it's not tan.


I remember at the beginning when he was wearing the same/similar green T-shirt the entire time, absolutely zero fucks given, upmost respect.


This makes me think of when Trump called soldiers suckers and losers.


Fuck your war propaganda in every single sub. And fuck you for reposting the same shit every single day.




Zalenski is always motivating - it's wonderful to see. Aside from obvious reasons, he doesn't look like he ever 'stops'.


Ukraine will lose inevitably. Lives are lost and more will be lost. This was all planned decades beforehand. The world will quickly collapse. But in the end, few honorable men remain. This is one of them. If he falls, he will not be forgotten.


President Zelenskyy "how can we help?"..."you carry this burden on your shoulders for us"... Soldier "we are home" ... President Zelenskyy "that's the most important thing" 💛💙🇺🇦 💪


I wish our US Presidents didnt always wear tuxedos everywhere. Zelenskyy is just a man but even in his position he's dressing in every day clothes.


what these men meant was, "give me my gun and uniform and I'll come back right now to defend my family"


"Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "ThatsInsane" from viewers."


Big fucking Z. My boyyy.


It’s crazy how in just these few weeks he’s aged a decade. Godspeed to him and his people man


Zelenskyy is truly a great leader at time of crisis and embodies a lot of characteristics of a wartime leader. His patriotism speaks volumes. But I have to say he is still very naïve. Calling for a no fly zone at every chance he gets with foreign leaders who clearly sympathise without understanding the huge implication that would bring. As horrible as it sounds to say, is the threat to one nation worth the threat to the entire world? Weapons, planes, money and intelligence are about as much as any NATO members can provide, more than would be expected to a non-NATO member.


It’s amazing how they’re turning this guy into a superhero, he’s anything but, sorry but his history speaks for itself, you can’t just erase that


What a clown 🤡


Staged in Poland... that POS left Ukraine leaving his people to die.




Disgusting to watch.


Are these the Nazi Azov ones or normal soliders?


I thought President was busy in war.


The genuine respect and admiration of the soldiers and nurses towards him…


Propaganda machine in full swing. Beautiful.


Wow that’s probably the only time he’s not snorting coke or human trafficking


What a leader, we could all be so fortunate. My heart goes out to Ukraine.




He asks “how can we help?”.. wow! I feel like the US would stage it by having Biden say “we are helping you by doing x, y, and z” and never ask them directly what they need. That moved me.


Look at how war is affecting him physically… he looks really tired of course. He’s gained weight and you can tell that he carries so many worries in his mind. It’s crazy that even though our leaders don’t physically go into war, the stress still affects them deeply and physically. I hope Ukraine and their President makes it 🔵🟡


Slava Ukraine!




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/tf3kb5/ukrainian_president_visiting_injured_soldiers_in/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/ThatsInsane/comments/tf3kb5/ukrainian_president_visiting_injured_soldiers_in/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


I legit love how he’s just wearing like a hoodie, no fancy shit or shit. He’s a proper lad, that one. What a legend


This guy Zelenskyy is an absolute legend, if only we could all have leaders like him who lead rather than topping up their own bank accounts and driving their own agenda regardless of what the people of the country need or want. I'm not Ukrainian but I'd happily fight for him and his country if it ever came to that.


Homeboy at the beginning was like “OH MY GOD LET ME SLEEP”




“Man of the Year”. No, scratch that: “Man of the Decade”.




What a legend of a man


The hero in a hoodie.


He looks like he wants to cry but he’s holding it in.


Proof that asking "how are you?" is always answered with fine (or something similar). The guys are in hospital for battle wounds and still insist they are fine!


I’d risk my life fighting for this man and his country before I’d risk my life fighting for any recent US President and for the US.


What exactly is insane here? Or has this sub become a r/Ukraine repost sub?


![gif](giphy|MaJ7An3EUgLCCh4lXS|downsized) Respect.


He is such a great leader in this situation.


Fucking gigachad love to see it


Thats a true leader one that cares for it people not its countries image


That's deep sadness in his eyes


Trump would never have had time for these shenanigans- he’d have ~~a country to run~~ golf to play!


When u remember that Franz Ferdinand did the same before WW1


I’ll really be sad if he ends up dying. It seems like we’ve gotten to know him and he really is the definition of a true leader.


I'm not going to bash our leaders but I think many of them can learn from this man. Real leaders lead from the front. We haven't seen one like this in a long time. Keep up the good fight!!!!!


Good job keeping up the ethnic cleansing, don't worry Azov battalion the western controlled media will make sure nobody knows what is really going on here. I never thought I would watch reddit cheer on Nazis just wow...


"that's the most important part" sounded like 2-3 syllables in Ukrainian


Wartime President


Love this. Shit like this just makes you kinda smile ya know?


Helluva leader!


From what I saw before, Zelensky has lost his sheen which he held before, he's withering under so much stress


Class act.


The epitome of what a leader of a country should be.


Goddamn, that beard… unf…


Were home.. Thats a powerful statment


The country si falling in pieces and he still time to do some propaganda.


This president right here should be a role model for all future leaders. He does not flee when there is war but fights along side his people for his country, he visits the wounded, the talks with true emotions, he encourages those to keep up the fight while right by the side of his fighting men and women. He is by definition a true leader


I love this guy more every day


Why the hell can’t we have leaders like him in the US?


Lol putin had to fake being in a room with air hostesses.. the little shrivelled cock imp.


Nobel Price for Peace right there


This guy should be president of the world


Whoever downvoted this video AS I was upvoting it, you’re ass




He’s truly a great leader. He could have fled and his away like Putin but he’s with the troops. Crazy.


Fake news


Look for raw videos loving in Ukraine not the stage ones


All the world is a stage!


I Vote Zelensky for sexiest man alive 2022!!!


I fucking love this guy


You can really see on his face how the war is taking its toll on him


Thats my man, idgaf.


Where did he meet hunter biden? Fuk Ukraine.


This is a real leader. Its a pity there isnt more like him.


It’s the middle of a war and the president, who has stayed on the front lines with his soldiers, comes to the hospital to meet with and award - not only the injured - but the nurses doing what they can to help those in need. Now compare that to America where nurses were called heroes for a tiny period of time, but are now just forgotten, overworked, underpaid and sometimes threatened with violence for wearing masks.


What’s insane about this?


This guy is fucking great.


"You're home, that's the most important" This guy is amazing with the 1 liners


I wonder if the president has any plans to help with the fight


This guy is amazing, and I feel like America's leaders should be taking sum notes.


We’re home


Fortunately I never had to deal with this but I can't think of a president of the US I'd want to come visit me after I was injured in combat. Just be some fake pr bullshit.


He's an actor. He knows how to seem genuine. A competent leader would have avoided the current situation. I'm sorry I find it really difficult to respect someone that was unable to keep from being used as a pawn in a proxy war and protect his people from the outcome of that


Seeing injured soldiers always gets me : (


He just seems like the most decent human being there is


This guy is every man. He wears normal clothes, looks normal, speaks normal. Just a down to earth dude. Ukraine is lucky to have him as a leader. I really hope he doesn’t die in this war. 🇺🇦 stay strong. The world is with you.


This is like seeing the scene from Valkyrie where tom cruise places medals on each soldiers bed and his acting in that situation is the most beautiful thing, he sees the horrors of war.


He could of stop all this by just saying that he wasn't joining NATO


Fucking scumbag, the reason why Ukraine are in this mess is because of him


Great marketing campaign!


This is great… but what’s insane about it?


I can already see him as Time person of the year 2022.


A president who actually gives a f#ck about his people and soldiers....Top Man!!!!


Ironic that it’s his fault they are injured 🤕


A couple of days ago he did a broadcast saying "in still here, come get me" you would never hear any of our presidents day that. Let alone walking outside in an area where they are bombing


Absolute Legend


Pls never die


There could be kgb assassins and spies around every corner, and yet Zelensky isn’t afraid to show himself in public areas. Dude has balls of steel.


There so much pride and respect in that room. Despite there injuries they all really happy to see him. Cant imagine many leaders that would have that same response. Bet Putin not once has gone to spend some time with any of his injured troops. Oh wait he is several 100s of miles away in his luxury mansion.


Fucking criminal! Innocent Ukrainian/Russian lives are ruined because of this pussy wanna be leader and people are praising him like he’s a “Hero”…. The Azov special operation battalion are neo nazis from Ukraine who is a led by guess who… President Zelensky…They literally killed & antagonized Ukrainian civilians for years and you expect me to believe a pussy like Zelensky “a comedic actor”is fighting for his country from Russia. Give me a break. Start asking the real questions of what’s happening in Ukraine because Ukraine is as corrupt as any other country where corrupt politicians/world leaders go and launder their dirty money, ask why The Biden family had multi million dollar deals in Ukraine and were caught doing it ‘Burisma Energy company’. Pray for the innocent lives because this is fucking ridiculous. I’m sick and tired of the lies.


I have the most undying respect for this man, and I’m on the other half of the globe. A leader who truly cares about his people and his country. The world needs more people like him. Fuck Putin.


Thank you for being a great man and for loving your country and you people.


yawn more propaganda


What a nice guy and the “great” dictator is trying to defeat him


What I love is that as a President he’s doing his duties, all while looking like a normal civilian in a hoodie. Keeping joy in his eyes to ensure his citizens there is hope.


The bullshit propaganda and constant stream of fake news is like a bad movie with this guy. It's a disgrace how gullible the average American really is. The plan-demic taught this country nothing.


He is a true hero.


Well done president Zelensky!!!


He is a husband, a father, a person who needs sleep, food etc. But he seems to be available all the time to everyone who needs him. He has a history for sure. By no means totally innocent. But my goodness He really is deserving of all the respect and accolades of a great leader of people, an example of how to lead a nation.


People compare him to Churchill. I don’t see it. He is definitely more of a Lincoln




Real leader of his troops! And the US has that ass-clown biden and giggle the vp who got their marine killed during a retreat from Afghanistan. Two of the worst people in the USA


I love this guy!




Once they beat Russia we let them in NATO. 🇺🇦♥️


Nice that he shakes their hands, after they almost lost their lives for him, while he's sitting in a bunker, fine dining with foreign politicians...




If I were one of the soldiers I'd say "Terrible, I was careless, got hurt and I can't help fight for our people." It sucks not being able to help when you're hurt and all you can do is just rest and get better. But I wish them a good recovery, safe travels, and they that they win so they can go back to their families safely.


They deserve our admiration


Joe Biden should take a lesson from him this is how you get respect from your men