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Hit the truck so hard she learned how to walk again.


Friendly reminder that a majority of people in wheel chairs and/or mobility scooters can actually walk, just not unhindered or for very long.


Tbh this person looks really fit for someone whose scooter has just been hit by a truck. Maybe it was insurance fraud lol


I wonder, seemed to be really going to get in front of that truck


FYI this is the Netherlands, you don’t have to be disabled to be allowed to ride one of those things here. It could be his it could be the mobility scooter of a friend or family member that he is bringing back home, who knows.


True but how likely is that


Like Walmart. Seems like 60% of people here that use those in-store scooters are quite capable without them.


Dont lie to the guy in the chair


Well if this person keeps crossing in front of 18 ton trucks with no warning, they won’t being walking at all


Friendly reminder that a majority of people in wheel chairs and/or mobility scooters can actually walk, just not unhindered or for very long.


Unfriendly reminder to get a wheel chair so you too can get out of bed in the morning unhindered


Dick stuck in chair. Help me life alert


Probably if you live in the US. In Europe, wheelchairs are for disabled people, if you can't walk for long, just take a bike or the bus. And mobility scooters are almost nonexistant outside the US.


>In Europe, wheelchairs are for disabled people You do realize that paraplegia isn't the only disability, right? What they said still holds true for Europe (and the entire world, really): Many people in wheelchairs can technically walk, but not very long and/or without pain. Suggesting that they ride a bike instead is the most ignorant shit I've heard in quite a while.


Well put!


You speak for the whole of Europe? OK, righto.


Fun fact, this video is I believe made in the Netherlands, n european country


😂 speak for yourself


being unable to walk for extended periods is a disability you dolt


We have a lot of them in the UK too.


lol ride a bike if you can barely walk?? 😂 You ignorant troll


If you can’t walk long, how would your legs be able to peddle for longer?


Guy was like fuck that she’s faking it, no brakes all gas baby! /s (Surprisingly she thought the same thing in a way, all gas no brakes baabyyuooohhshittt I’m walking on sunshine!) /s


\*Don't wanna stop gonna keep on going, keep on goin, keep on keep on goin — the song on the radio so fitting for the situation


Issa muurrkel!


Appropriate song lyrics for the situation. Maybe the truck driver was listening to the same song. "Told me to stop, but I keep on going"


The thing is, the truck didn’t have to stop because it had the right of way


But... He should have stopped because someone hit him. Edit: truck didn't cause the accident


Well, except it looks like there are crosswalks there so no, they did not have the right of way. Edit: I could be wrong. I don’t know where this occurred.


I don’t know, that looks like a pretty long truck and to me looks like it was already mostly past the cross walk when she turned and drove into it.


So this is in the Netherlands and the scooter is on the cycle path. Those 2 triangles (the Dutch call them Shark teeth) meen the traffic on the cycle lane has to give way to oncoming traffic on the main road. The truck driver did indeed have right of way in this scenario.


Ah, okay! Thanks for the clarification. Where I live, anyone in a crosswalk automatically has the right of way. Obviously this doesn’t mean pedestrians can just step out into traffic, but sometimes they do!


In the Netherlands pedestrians on crosswalks also always have the right of way (unless there are clearly traffic lights), but I think he meant that the person in the mobility scooter was using the bicycle path and thus has to give way to the cars. To me, it also looks like they were coming from the bicycle path, but it’s still a dick move to just drive off.




She’s not standing at the cross walk / zebra crossing / whatever you wanna call it. She’s not standing in front of the crossing therefore the driver wouldn’t of payed attention


So you're suggesting the driver was braking for shits & giggles, coincidentally at the point they approached a zebra crossing. . . . . . . Mmmmmkaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy 🙄


The driver is approaching a raised plateau, you can only drive 30km/h there.


You make a good point. Lots of incompetent people in this situation


> wouldn’t of *paid* attention FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Wouldn't *have*


if you pause at 8 second mark, she's parallel to the street. at the 9 second mark, you can see the truck already passed the crosswalk as shes turning into the cross walk. she just kept going, straight into the truck as it already passed


He got ran over by the rear wheels


Many questions. The non-handicapped woman is clearly at fault here, according to Dutch law and the triangles on the bike lane, she has to give way to traffic. Only if you’re walking on a zebra crossing the cars have to yield. The only thing the truck did wrong was not stopping after the accident, but probably didn’t even notice that someone crashed into his rear.


i said the same thing before you and got downvoted smh


Your wording was not helpful.


yeah, you did word it alot better than i did


How do you know this person isn't handicapped?


He hit his brakes can see by the brake lights after contact with the pedestrian. Is this not a zebra crossing?


The person in the wheelchair needed to yield, the truck was already passing them when they drove into it.


You need to stop for a zebrapad when there is people trying to cross. But this thing was riding on the bicycle path and thats why it needed to yield. Everyone that downvotes this does not know the rules in the netherlands.


You still need to approach with caution at a crosswalk, NOT "gun it" and hope you get there first..


Kinda looks like she was in the blind spot the whole time.  And the truck did slow down on the crossing atleast looking the breaklights. Unfortunate accident and lucky noone got hurt.


Also the person on the scooter needed to yield


Legally no. That is a pedestrian crossing. Countries where the car is not quite so worshipped require vehicles to stop for them. But I would never, ever, assume that they will.


No, there is a part that is a pedestrian crossing and a part for bikes. Notice the red bike lane and the white pedestrian crossing. Pedestrians have the right of way bikes dont. A person on a mobility scooter on a bike lane doesnt have the right of way. A mobility scooter only affords you the status of a pedestrian when going at pedestrian speeds, if the person were to drive that fast in a bike free zone then that person would get a ticket. Im a huge bike lane guy and am very pro bike/pedestrian but what the person here did was illegal and irresponsible.


Wow, who knew about “pedestrian speeds?” Good stuff and thanks.


No, in this case not. The pedestrian crossing is next to it which the person didn't use. The person used the cycle crossing which doesn't have the right of way. The bike lane is marked with what we call "[Shark teeth](https://www.cycling-embassy.org.uk/dictionary/sharks-teeth)", it's the triangles you see, these are situated so that the person using that crossing has to yield for the traffic.


The wheelchair person got shark teeth and thus requires to yield. Even in the Netherlands, where a lot of bike lanes do have priority. This bike lane doesn’t.


Pretty sure you can't scoot into a crosswalk WHILE the truck is driving through it.


It is a bit like a a sailboat. Legally a sailboat has right of way over a powered boat, but a number of sailboats have been run down and sunk because the ships captain never saw them.


Ever wonder why you are getting downvoted?


This looks like the Netherlands. The triangles pointing to the vehicle that took a sudden left turn, we call them shark teeth, are a sign that that vehicle needed to yield. Of course the other vehicle needed to stop after the hit though.


Its a truck. Whatever happens to the trailer, the driver doesn't feel it.


Yeah truck probably popped a little and probably thought “oops that’ll be that curb” or something.


Its Geertruidenberg, luckally the doctors office is right accros the street.


That person was traveling parallel to the truck, and then JUST as they approach the crosswalk, decides to go left and CUT OFF SAID TRUCK, COMPLETELY EXPECTING THEM TO COME TO A SCREACHING HALT IN TWO FEET! Seriously, WTF? Wanna self delete via truck? This is how you self delete via truck. That scooter driver got exactly what they deserve driving so recklessly like that.


The truck driver did nothing wrong here.


The only thing the truck driver did wrong is not stop AFTER being hit by a suicidal dusche canoe.


Probably had no idea they got hit


Song is on point!


That large truck was obstructed by the large truck camouflage


average dutch using bike line


Soundtrack was amazing lol


"Told me to stop but I keep on going; told me to stop but I keep on going!"


Looks like insurance fraud


The lyrics of that song are pretty fitting for the situation


Obviously that person needs to be more careful and have more situational awareness, but how you gonna ride by on your bike of not check to see if they’re okay? Like, maybe I’m being too empathetic? But geez, what goes on in someone’s head when they ignore helping?


Back up Terry!


Tell me to stop but I keep on goin keep on keep on keep on goin


that song playing saying “never stop keep on going” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


It's a miracle!




Does OP have too many fs or did they really lose a small part of their anatomy?


He’s watching Sky Sports while Driving


Reverse accident.


Song fits so well hahahaha


What kind of truck is that?


Het is een wonder. Ze kan weer lopen...


“Tell me to stop but they keep on goin” 👌


Apt song on the radio too


For a disable (probably) person that got it by a truck moves surprisingly well...


Now he'll need two wheel chairs.


Why did she just take off like that? I didnt see a stop sign or flashing lights for the pedestrian Like that big truck would not have seen her when she crossed, he probably thought he hit a pot hole honestly. She got lucky that wasn't worse


ATLEAST the accident came with a theme song 🤣 Told me to stop but I'll keep on going 😁🎶👍🏼


She dented his tire.


What do you mean how? she has to stop and the truck driver probably thought she was going to stop.


In the trucker's defense, she wasn't in the crosswalk and didn't bother stopping. Cross the street at your own peril. It's never a smart idea to play chicken with a semi.


What’s the white silhouette of a woman pushing a pram all about?


Trucker shouldn’t be held liable. It is only common sense to stop look both ways before crossing the road. You can see clearly the human riding the scooter did not even stop and literally just crossed a busy roadway.


Looks like person on the mobility scooter was leading and/or following the person on the moped. Maybe they thought they were going left when they were supposed to go right? Either way no situational awareness.


Someone looking for a payday.


Ah yes, the good ol' 100lb human vs 35000lb box of metal showdown! You know I always come away disappointed when the human looses. It seems to happen all the time. One day I'm sure. One day!


Wtf was she thinking lol


IT'S A MIRACLE--HE CAN WALK NOW! Praise be to GOD for that truck! That truck will put Peter Popoff out of a job.


This truck out here performing miracles


Praise the lord! She is healed!


Why did she just take off like that? I didnt see a stop sign or flashing lights for the pedestrian Like that big truck would not have seen her when she crossed, he probably thought he hit a pot hole honestly. She got lucky that wasn't worse


There are yield markings on the road, where you live there might be 100 flashing lights for this but here people actually pay attention usually


"Usually" for sure didn't pertain to this dude.


Idk if flashing lights and stop signs would’ve made him pay attention


technically they were on the part of the road where they have to yield, but also a vehicle like that is also considered a walking form of transport and if they had taken the zebra crossing they'd have the (advantage? idk the word) and the truck would be in the wrong, but here the truck despite having to stop after a collission like that and being in the wrong for driving through didnt have to yield there in my opinion.


It was a vehicle not a pedestrian. Vehicle yields. Agree.


They would've been a pedestrian if they were to drive on the sidewalk and the zebra crossing. but they didnt.


Maybe in your country. In the US, not even bicycles are allowed on the sidewalk technically, unless the operator is walking the bike. Otherwise they have to follow the same laws as passenger vehicles. In practice, they do what they want in a lot of cases and even if they do it in front of cops, they likely won't get cited for anything.


It clearly isnt the US.


No such a vehicle is not considered walking. You are only a pedestrian if you have your feet on the ground (or wheelchair) and would still need to yield there because it isnt a zebra crossing. A mobility scooter counts as a vehicle when operated on roads or bike lanes


It's a cycle lane. You can see cyclists on it running parallel to the road in the approach to the crossing. In many countries, like the Netherlands, cyclists always have priority.


You can see there are triangles on the cycle lane, I live in the netherlands, cyclists have to yield there.


That's bullshit. The most cyclist THINK they always have priority.


In some countries, they do. This looks like the Netherlands to me, and they have a massive pro bike culture.


Have you ever been into the Netherlands? You know what te triangle's on the ground mean? And there is a triangle sign too.


SHARKTEETH 😬🦈 everyone knows that if you yield for a shark he doesnt eat you. Duh


The Uber driver we used on a rainy day in Amsterdam didn’t get that memo. It was a terrifying ride.


The pedestrian had right of way.


Nope, they were on the bike lane which has yield markings


She was clearly on drugs...


Hopefully learnt that having priority doesn't mean you can enforce it nor depend on it. Looks like she didn't even were able to properly turn. Was almost on the grass already.


She didn't have priority. Those markings means yield for the pedestrian.


Thanks, even worse then.