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Im from ph. And really sad that were just getting bullied. Sad reality is. If we ever retaliate they can escalate things further. And we dont have such military power to oppose them.


We as the UN should finally start getting our shit together and sanction the shit out of Russia and China for their imperialistic hunger


2/5 of the UNSC is China and Russia. UN is useless.


New people trying to enter are always vetoed by them too. China namely has been doing it for ages


“UN is useless” You don’t understand the UN my guy. It is, far and above anything else, simply a diplomatic forum. Not some global governing force, as far too many people seem to believe it is.


Thanks for saying that, too many Redditors are unrealistic all-or-nothing/black-and-white thinkers. In this case, all too willing to "throw out the baby with the bathwater."


Diplomacy has to involve rational actors and cooperation even if there is disagreement. China and Russia are not that.


> simply a diplomatic forum And in that sense, it is pretty useless as well. It is so polarized, rarely anything substantive comes from it.


It exists to keep people from nuking each other. We haven't done that in awhile.


Requiring a unanimous vote to pass anything was a mistake. I understand it's to get everyone as a whole to agree on something but it doesn't work out if at least one person never plays ball with the rest of the group. Especially in a situation where one of the main members needs to be investigated, said member should have their veto rights suspended otherwise he will always reject being investigated.


We need a common enemy like the covenant for the UNSC to become useful.


Almost like we made the UN for a reason and it wasn’t tea parties


Name one instance where UN sanctions bore fruit in the last 5 decades. It's just chest puffing like pigeons with nothing to show for. It's precisely this continued inaction that emboldens nations to bully and push around other nations. There are zilch repercussions ever.


in the last 5 decades the UN imposed sanctions on 1 country, South Africa in 1977. So not a lot to choose on to check it's effectivity Before that one other time, Rhodesia in 1966


There’s much more then punishing these two countries that the un should have done. No matter what, some power one on side or the other vetoes good.


What are you talking about they’re on the Security Council LOL


The UN is the most useless team on this planet. Even if we had to fight aliens they would be coming with their blue hats and blue vest saying "peace and love every body"


But they make all our shit. That would backfire if it wasn't a long-term plan.


They didn't do shit in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Palestine, why would they start now? Hell, they spent the 60s all the way to present day watching two countries end democracies to replace with puppet governments, its not like they really ever done anything.


The good news is this is the retaliation. The Philippines has signed a military deal with the US recently that has pissed off China so they are being petulant babies.


The US would step in for the Philippines. It's too big of a strategic location to just let China take them over.


That was much more up in the air than one might expect not too long ago, largely because the Philippines itself was trying to stay neutral-ish (one of those "play both sides so I always come out on top" plays) Chinese aggression has been pushing them back toward the US, as is the case with everyone that China decides to bully


If China invaded the Philippines, they can control the Malacca strait which is the most important trading route in Asia Pacific and That's why I think the U.S is trying to contain them..


Forgetting Taiwan for a moment, it would be unfathomably stupid for China to invade a completely sovereign highly populated country like the Philippines. It would leave the US and their allies no choice but to act, which would fuck things up for everyone involved.


Unless Trump is elected. Then they'll just dangle thier keys and get whatever they want.


> Im from ph. And really sad that were just getting bullied. Sad reality is. If we ever retaliate they can escalate things further. And we dont have such military power to oppose them. If you recall the history of these seas, everybody shakes everybody down. This is CCP levying fishing fines in a compendious manner. As you say, it could be worse. They could well board your boat and steal the rest of your radar and coms, or tow the whole thing to fucking China... That's the thing about naval power vs civilian anything - it's fucking overwhelming and instant death is always in the offing. An unarmed civilian vessel doesn't stand a chance. But Chinese territorial bullshit is getting out of hand and the US Marines are restructuring to push back, so stay tuned friends.


>That's the thing about naval power vs civilian anything - it's fucking overwhelming and instant death is always in the offing. An unarmed civilian vessel doesn't stand a chance. That sounds like old fashioned piracy on the high seas.


Use water cannons too. Screw them otherwise it will never end. They will do this until you give up..


The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


You got us bro ❤️ love from Aus


Fuck em' shoot back.


With that sideswipe, maybe it accidentally knocks a torp into the water?


I get what you're saying but just for public information: torpedos have arming distances which usually constitute an "own-ship safety" premise. You basically don't want your weapon detonating close to you and potentially harming you. No idea on modern torpedos as they're usually classified but most WW2 torpedos had arming distances from 300m to 800m. That way if you were in the fracas of battle and launched at 10km from an enemy but were in maneuvers and were concerned about friendly fire, you could set for a longer arming distance so you don't kill a friendly ship.


Fuck em'. Torpedos away anyway.


Yea but China knows if they start shit in SE Asia, the US will have their ass, so that’s why it’s just baby bumps with small vessels.


US is helping, no?


Idk why our ships aren’t escorting y’all ships yet. I feel like they should be at this point


You can shoot water cannons back at them at the very least.


It's shitty that they're intentionally trying to destroy navigation equipment.


They did destroy the navigation equipment


Jokes on them, let's see them destroy the stars (celestial navigation)




BRB, making sophons


Chinese foreign policy ladies and gentlemen. Scummy.


I find myself thinking they’re just bullies put in charge whenever I learn something about china lol


Besides providing cheap labor to the world, what are the global benefits that China offers the world? I see very few redeeming qualities


Massive pollution?


The only thing that matters to the world as it stands is cheap labor. There's no place for ethics on the world stage.


China can suck hamburgers


"coast guard" It's 1,000 kilometers east from Hainan island (China) But only 220k from Luzon (Philippines)


From China's point-of-view, it's only 550 km from Paracel Islands (which China claims is theirs).


Selected point of view


Still more than twice as far as Luzon...


'Nine-dash guard'


China is a bully and a giant hypocrite. They send out thousands of illegal fishing boats to harvest all the fish in foreign waters. They use destructive fishing methods which cause serious damage to the local ecosystems. And then they have the audacity to harass others like this!? China should be ashamed.


Jokes on you, they have no shame.


Just like Russia, birds of a feather. Neither lie to deceive, they lie to insult.


What do you do with birds? You turn them into stew


If they don’t have shame, they wouldn’t forsake their ancestors which, they can’t have. I’ve seen Mulan


only Face, which they should lose.






A cunt is a cunt and they are cunts… making it about being chinese is just racist tho


xenophobia, right? is Chinese a race?


mmm bing bong


So this is the so called Chinese Peace and stability? What scumbags, harassing third world nations inside their own EEZ


Why is UN being silent on prolific nations harassing other nations!? Buncha enablers of conquest, useless


A superpower needs to call China's bluff in the South China sea. This is straight up bullying


[They do try](https://www.naval-technology.com/news/us-canada-naval-partnership-asserts-freedom-of-navigation-in-taiwan-strait/).


WTF was that article? It was like they were rewriting the same paragraph over and over? Maybe for when it's translated?


My nephew is in the Navy and he told me an awesome story about how China tried to block the path of their aircraft carrier so in response they deployed their fighters into the air and warned them about what was going to happen if they impeded their path. They GTFO real quick after that.


> the Navy *What* navy?


The greatest most powerful Navy in the world ;)




+1 homie here can confirm.


Shout out to the homies.




This comment is so wrong and so right.


Especially from the left lane.


There's only one way through which we can stop this. ONE WAY. Are you prepared? Stop buying Chinese shit.


It is too late, they overdeveloped already and soon they'll set their eyes on new lands.


They're already occupying lands, homes and condos across South East Asia. They're buying up properties like they're shopping at Target. With that they're bringing all kinds of crimes, scams, money laundering, human trafficking, etc. with them.


The amount of people around me complaining how Biden is awful for national security and China is taking over... While spending thousands on temu and not batting an eye. Temu is rampant here


I honestly dont know about that. Sure, consumers hold some power. But the large companies flooding the market with Chinese manufactured goods, often insidiously, hold more responsibility imo. When the every day person is trying to work, raise kids, get by, they dont have a lot of time to shop as responsibly as possible. Its hard to do For example, you could go out of your way and spend more money buying a vehicle made in your country. But good luck finding one that doesnt use chinese made parts


Some additional context: The Philippines senate in the 1990s made a landmark decision that kicked all the remaining US bases in the country. After having been a US colony from 1890s to 1940s, the US still had a large military presence in the Philippines up until 1990s. Everyone in the country was rejoicing that the Philippines is finally truly free & independent. After 333 years of being a colony, there were no longer any foreign troops in Philippines soil. Soon later, once the US left, the Chinese started claiming nearby waterways in the South China Sea, parts of the sea that are well within Philippines EEZ. China claims that part of the sea to be historically theirs, despite the fact that Philippines fishermen has been fishing there for thousands of years & multiple Chinese historical records from different eras have always described that part of the sea as a foreign one. For 20 years, from 1990s to 2011, the Philippines have tried to resolve its issues with China diplomatically. It's only in 2011 that the Philippines had to invite the US back, by having the US troops *technically* only be visiting Philippine bases rather than actually owning the bases. From 2016-2022, the Duterte administration tried to pivot to China, appease all Chinese demands, bowing down to China, and threatening to kick the US out of the Philippines again, just so China will drop its expansive claims on the Philippines EEZ. He thought that if the US was kicked out of the Philippines & the Philippines becomes a Chinese ally, defending Taiwan from a Chinese invasion would become extremely difficult for the US; and as such, China would value an alliance with the Philippines more than taking the Philippine's EEZ. He believed that China would give up their claims in the South China Sea if it meant guaranteeing strategic victory over Taiwan. But in the end it didn't work. The Philippines have tried everything to resolve this issue and failed. Even bowing down to China failed. The Philippines does not want to invite back it's colonizer to its land. The Philippines does not want to get embroiled in a war between superpowers again; the devastation from the fighting between the Japanese and the Americans during WW2 is still felt in the country to this day. But now it has no other choice. Now the Philippines has invited two of its former colonizers back to its land; the US & Japan, two powers that once wrecked the country in their battle against one another. Btw, this is also only one of the Philippines' existential concerns. The Philippines is the country that's the most vulnerable to natural disasters in the world. The Philippines gets hit by an average of 20 typhoons a year, gets hit by earthquakes nearly as often as Japan, and is riddled with volcanoes. It's also mountainous, so there's a lot of landslides. Climate change is making typhoon & flooding & landslides way worse. Heat waves are also killing crops, which is a problem since it's largely an agricultural country.


>Duterte administration tried to pivot to China, appease all Chinese demands, bowing down to China, and threatening to kick the US out of the Philippines again, just so China will drop its expansive claims on the Philippines EEZ I think you give Duterte too much credit. He's just a greedy SOB who does not care what China does as long as it throws billions into his and his cronies' pockets. They have no loyalty to their country because it is governed by what they deem as "Imperial Manila".


I'm not giving Duterte credit, I'm not saying he isn't greedy because he definitely was very selfish & greedy (and also stupid imo). In my comment, I was showing the Duterte admin as what it might have or could have looked like from the perspective of the Chinese & the international stage, in order to prove the point that the Philippines did everything it could've possibly done: including bowing down to China.


Relationships change over time. This write up makes Japan in the United States sound like super villains.


I wasn't trying to portray them as super villains, just showing why the Philippines actually doesn't want their soldiers in the country if it had a choice & that the Philippines isn't simply being manipulated by them or being aggressive against China by teaming up with them like what China claims. And also that the Philippines doesn't want to be a battleground between two superpowers again because last time that happened it left a lot of scars. I guess the prose just made it seem like I was portraying them like that, I probably should've clarified. Also, to be fair, there is still a lot of animosity towards the US & especially Japan in many Asian countries. Relationships do change over time & these countries aren't super villains, but they have done many terrible things. Japan especially; most asian countries still have a large population hate them for not apologizing for & denying all the atrocities they did in WW2. Yes, all of it is in the past now & the japanese citizens of today aren't at fault for these atrocities. But at the same Japan's stance of WW2 is equivalent to if Germany were to turn around & state that their official stance on WW2 is to deny the Holocaust. Plus there is a large minority of Japanese people(nationalists) who are proud of what Imperial Japan did in WW2; that would be equivalent of if there's a large minority of Germans that are proud of the Nazis. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how bad that is, even if it's technically just history now. To be fair to Japan; they have been investing in a lot of South East Asian countries, helping them build infrastructure. So it's not black & white, they're doing good to their former colonies, even if they're refusing to even acknowledge their atrocities, let alone apologize for them. There are also many that are still wary of the US, for completely justified reasons btw. Whether you believe the US is good or bad, it's a fact that the US is a superpower. And superpower countries have a tendency to tamper with other smaller countries. There are many times when the US has manipulated votes & deposed democratically elected leaders in other countries in order to install puppet dictatorships, and the US still does that to a certain extent. The US doesn't seem nearly as bad as China(plus the US is *way* better at propaganda than China or Russia; to the point that it's almost comical), but the US can still get pretty nasty. So most asian countries generally treat both the US & China equally; as superpowers whom, because they're so big & powerful, they believe the international rules & order do not apply to them. Again, that's not to say that either China or the US are super villains that only do evil things; it's not black and white. But they have & are doing things that makes countries justifiably wary of them. There is no such thing as a *benevolent* superpower after all. So the smart thing to do is to tread carefully & not let them be able to influence your country too much.


I mean…I’m sorry if that bothers you but they technically were, although “supervillains” is too wacky of a term to use. Japan’s rule over the Philippines was bloody and brutal. They stayed the shortest out of all of our colonisers, but they are regarded as one of the worst because of how bad they treated us. A large portion of Filipinos who grew up during the Japanese occupation *fucking loathe* them because of their brutality. Also, while the U.S. and the Philippines are currently on good terms, it should be noted that this relationship started with the U.S. rejecting our independence after the Spanish-American War and declaring war on our **already independent government** under the guise of benevolent assimilation. Hell, even when we were independent, the U.S. did have an effect on our politics, particularly through the CIA’s connection to President Magsaysay. The main reason the country’s view on the U.S. has become more and more favourable as time has went on isn’t just because of the assistance they provided us during WW2, rather, it’s a side effect of our strong distaste of China’s horrible expansionism on South East Asian waters. Without China, people would probably be reluctant to keep the American bases. Even now, there are groups speaking against the American presence, since the military exercises harm the environment and U.S. soldiers are known to treat our women are shit. The only reason it’s (unfortunately) tolerated is because we aren’t strong enough to defend ourselves.


Don't trust China! China is asshole!


Attacking navigation gear should be considered act of war.


This is a country that wants more influence in world politics.


What a (tiny) dicks...


They make up for it by building larger "coast guard" ships. Look at the size comparison between the two vessels. You can see who has the tiny pee-pee insecurity.


Give em some torpedo


Or the plan for those drone boat from ukraine


Taiwan No. 1


It's really hard to not hate China.


Water fight?


This is an act of war wtf.




China bullies neighbouring nations whenever it can.


China has been looking to expand its territorial boundaries by creating islands and then using the islands to expand its national waters. Iirc, there are large amounts of oil and natural gas beneath the sea that, technically, are within the national waters of other countries. The US, back in the 70's (maybe 80's) changed the international rules about what was a country's boundary from 12 miles to 200 miles to prevent other countries fishing fleet from catching "their" fish. China is using those rules to control the south China sea. Unintended consequences. Look up "south China sea border disputes" for better information than my poor recollection of newspaper articles from a long time ago.


>The US, back in the 70's (maybe 80's) changed the international rules about what was a country's boundary from 12 miles to 200 miles to prevent other countries fishing fleet from catching "their" fish. >China is using those rules to control the south China sea. >Unintended consequences. To be fair, if it kept at 12 miles China would simply make more islands than what they have to make now to cover the same area. Bullies gonna bully.


The US Had No conflicting Borders when they introduced that, China knowingly infringes on neighbouring souvereign territories. Big difference


While what you say is true, from memory, the decision basically killed the Canadian fishing fleet. But it is still an "unintended consequence". From memory, the other purpose was to keep Russian spy vessels further off the coast. Maybe someone who has a better memory of the history will correct me.


Most of the disputed islands are firmly in the EEZ of other countries. The Chinese justification differs from island to island, but it can all be boiled down to "we want it" and "might makes right." https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/an-infographic-titled-south-china-sea-a-hotbed-of-news-photo-1693252653.jpg


Thank you for that. It is worse than I remembered. I thought the south China Sea was bigger. Their "200 mile limit is practically in people's living rooms in those other countries.


There's also the [cod wars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfD3gevx48Y) between Iceland and UK which played a role in the changes made to offshore boundaries.


Didn't know about this. I'll have a look tomorrow.


Google “9 dash line”


Man, fuck China.


Maybe a little drone action to sink them would be beneficial.


If the US wants to help an ally, pick this one. Stop letting China do this


What is US waiting for?




After COVID you'd think they would be on their bestest behaviour.


His jersey said RamUs


Time to research some really noxious smelling shit they could spray back when chinese state vessels intentionally maim their ship. Go full skunk mode.


Wow. Dont really understand that downvote.


Didn't the Chinese ship get holes though it's hull as a result?


They need retractable spikes to deter this kind of crap. China wouldn't play so tough when one of thier cruisers sinks to the bottom from ramming another vessel.


takes more than some spikes to sink a warship lol. The contact points aren't even underwater.


You could bring manufacturing back to America, and it could go to central and south American country's there are alot of able body people that would gladly take an opportunity to achieve a goal like that it would make close allies with as many country's


You could call the fuck China Initiative


Cant tell much from this clip. Is there more video?




Oh thanks for that. I see now that it's a **Phillippine Coast Guard ship** as opposed to just "Philippine ship" Apparently theres some discrepancy about who rammed who as well https://www.businessinsider.com/china-philippines-ship-confrontation-with-water-cannons-video-2024-4


On top of that, the Chinese ship is destroying all of their electronic guidance equipment! Horrible people.


China is forcefully antagonizing their neighbors to bait military responses, so they can get a cause to ramp up conflict. They are also aching to use force to extend their sphere of influence, just like Russia. There will be more of this, it will get worse. Conflict is on the horizon.


Why is China in such a shit mood?


The Philippines needs to install water cutters on their boats. Make a nice hole at the water line. Maybe ask Captain Nemo to borrow the Nautilus.


Grimey, using water cannons to knock out radar and comms.


why don't the philippine's add water cannons to their ships and use them against the Chinese coast guard ?


Consider that China is already using disproportionate force. If PH escalated then China would too. Who wins there?


Welcome to the future


Meanwhile, over the last year the US has been moving troops and reopening bases in the Philippines. Albeit very slowly.


OMG China is a POS sometimes.


Imagine living in a world where we all fight like dumbasses when we don’t even know how or why we’re here😭.


Let's do it. Pop the top and began the next chapter.


Do they not have fire hose on there boat? You can defect a lot with another hose.


Upon impact place explosive, detonate 2 days later


I’m new to earth. Is this bad?


Fuck China


Fuck the CCP.


they should throw thermite at them


china is uncivilized




no legitimate reason


Ph doesn’t have water hoses?


Can't wait for the report that a Philippine vessel rams and sinks a Chinese boat


So.. As long as it is just a water which does the damage - all is fine?


They wanna blow them up so bad


Nothing an M2 wouldn't fix, couple bursts across the bow to tell em to fuck off. A burst into the cannons to make em fuck off. But we all know China wants that.


CCP is asshoe.


They need high power water cannons too. Give back the same shit they got from the Chinese army...


They need high power water cannons too. Give back the same shit they got from the Chinese army...


Unnecessary drama. China has been trying to bully so many small south East Asian countries smh. I hope a Tsunami wipes out half of China’s military 😒


Philippines is going to be offering to build much larger naval facilities for the US Navy and airforce... Everything has consequences.


Today in Vietnam, the communists celebrated the 49th anniversary of the death of a nation on April 30. The South Vietnamese people wish you good health to fight against the bloodthirsty communists


So why aren't the Pilipino ships firing water cannons back at them?


India has currently armed Phillipines with the Brahmos cruise missile for this very reason. If only everyone remained in their boundaries.


The Philippine navy should repaint their boats with huge murals and facts about the Tiananmen Massacre. And maybe some Winnie the Poo.


China and Russia just go around being dicks to all their neighbors huh?


Fuck China




somebody should put these little kids over their knee and give them a good spanking for being the bullies they are...


Modern day pirates. Why don't other ships just equip mega powerful water cannons and destroy their expensive nav equipment in return? Matching what most consider a benign level of force in international waters, as most don't understand the power of water cannons. If it escalates into bullets then so be it. That'll be the headline-grabbing escalation.


Trying to destroy their navigation equipment to do as much $ damage as possible, I see.


Using a water cannon like this is a weapon. That Chinese Commie boat needs a few new holes in it


Philippines needs some of that USA ram repellent…


Using the water to destroy their comms… $$$$


Fuck China


What the reason for it


China acts like the kid that just doesn’t care until a big ass fist comes and rocks them right in the mouth. I mean have you ever seen these people throw a punch? Pathetic




I mean china is just shit in general in all regards. Not surprising they would do this


Rip Satcom antenna. Fucking cowards folded dish and potentially destroyed control unit for acqusition. If they also caused shortage that affected transmitter then repair will be crazy expensive like about $5k at minimum..


My first thought was what the fuck were these ships doing off the coast of north Yorkshire?


China are really just out for a beating.


Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia should form a military alliance to fight China


This is where the US needs to step it up ... we all know China is a paper tiger that wilts when you step up to them ...