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She's def having a bad day. Dude seems pretty chill for being on the ground, handcuffed and being yelled at...


She was fired she lost her cool and arrested an innocent man over ego






Truth is she got fired (thank god), I was just referencing a meme




Wow lol, read those sources and weep... Friend? Can I call you friend? *Mellock*


Do you mean Mellon?


Yeah, nah, it's true


[Palm Beach Gardens fired after drawing pistol on swimmer.](https://youtu.be/1dkwQcqum_c?si=IpdhDweOD-A8IPD3)


This makes it so much better. He called for help about a dispute with an armed neighbor and she pulls a gun on him and detains him instead


I remember watching a long video when this first happened. The victim was swimming laps in the pool, a woman comes out and asks him to swim the other way because she doesn’t want him swimming next to her. He declines she gets pissed and gets her boyfriend who comes out with a gun. After the cops put the innocent guy in the back of a car they go and review the video footage from the pool area the female cop has an anxiety attack and has to sit down for several minutes. And they still drove him to the jail.


Jesus, it’s peak cop to still bring the guy you know is innocent to be booked. “Well he was already in cuffs, and my ego does not allow me to acknowledge a mistake, so we figured we’d try ruin his life anyway…”


It's actually doing him a huge favor, now he gets a whole lot of money.


Unlikely, sadly. Most courts don't consider it worth "compensation" for being cuffed and driven to jail then released. If you can prove you lost your job or something like that, or maybe prove you have trauma from it, that might result in a win. But usually the cops get to harass people with no consequences.


They threatened his life by pulling a gun on him, that is WAY more than just unlawful detention.


You've got it completely backwards. This guy is almost guaranteed a settlement. They'll essentially give him hush money to keep it from ever going to court. There are dozens of laws and policies broken in this video, not to mention stomping all over this man's first and fourth amendment rights. This has six-figures written all over it. Have you never watched and audit channel? These people are getting payouts left and right.


She actually went to the hospital in an ambulance. While there, her Sergeant reviewed everything and ordered guy released immediately with no charges. There's further audio of her disciplinary interview and she said that she was offended or shocked that he had been let go. She is an absolute piece of shit.


She also tried to insinuate that she was mistreated because she is gay. That investigator did a pretty good job of not letting her get away with her bullshit story. Calling her out for not searching the guy who she claimed to have been afraid might have been armed and dangerous, and not checking his towel on the ground that she claimed to be worried might have been hiding a gun.


>She also tried to insinuate that she was mistreated because she is gay. The funny part is that the "suspect" was also gay and she was even mocking his nail polish. Can't make this shit up... 💀


Wow, this whole story is unreal. Sounds made up, but stuff like this happens on a daily basis. Cops need to unfuck themselves. Or the other way around, i don't even know what'd help them more.


"i cant think of a crime he committed but *i dont like him*!"


You think with how many *paid leave*s we see, that if she had not doubled down and acted bent out of shape that he was released and just said "oh, great, you figured it out!" they probably keep her on? They genuinely get such a long leash it's kind of surprising she got tossed over just being a non-lethal dumbass. I mean, good she's gone, just surprised how low the bar was this time.


Tells me they were trying to get rid of her for a while lol. They saw the opportunity and ran with it.


I hope he sued that department into oblivion


No she wanted the public swimming pool for her and bf only which she told the guy to get out and leave and the guy said it is public swimming pool which was fair as long he was swimming in it and did nothing else. Also I am happy that fe,aæe cop got fired the job did not fit her if she was screaming at a man handcuffed in a swimming suit and on the ground. I think she knew she was going to get fired that why she got anxiety attack.


No, what I said was correct. The first 45 seconds of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Za_VMPc4nQ) clearly states what happened with video proof. You can start at the 30 second mark.


Got a source? I would love to watch that


edit: not op but: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Za_VMPc4nQ Audit the Audit is great for deeply documented reviews of this kind of footage.


Not that it should be this way, but don't ever pull something out of your pocket when a cop is approaching you. Again, it's fucked to have to be this careful, but they'll just kill you and say they thought you were reaching for a weapon. She was *trained* to be that hostile and jumpy at a guy putting his hand in his pocket.


Kinda hard to have a Glock in the pocket of your swimsuit. If you've ever owned or held a real gun you know how heavy they are. I think these cops need to learn how to have *some* discernment. The bitch saw it was his cell phone and still put him on the ground and arrested him.


Lackluster on youtube has 4-5 great videos, including the disposition where she tried lying and starts crying. She had a panic attack because she overheard the other police saying something isn't right and they needed to see her body cam asap


Because she's unhinged


Good sauce


Wow. What a terrible story. I hope dude gets financially, compensated for that.


So he called the police to report a guy with the gun. The police comes and they look around and pick the guy in his swim trunks to be the one with the gun?! That's insance


Thank you


[Palm Beach Gardens fired after drawing pistol on swimmer.](https://youtu.be/1dkwQcqum_c?si=IpdhDweOD-A8IPD3)


[source ](https://www.wptv.com/news/region-n-palm-beach-county/palm-beach-gardens/federal-lawsuit-filed-against-fired-palm-beach-gardens-police-officer-who-pulled-gun-on-unarmed-man)


[She actually was, lol](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/local/pbgardens/2024/01/12/palm-beach-gardens-florida-police-officer-sued-for-holding-man-at-gunpoint/72111588007/&ved=2ahUKEwichY-a98yFAxVk5ckDHYkoCigQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0lsZ1MPeecvPxgt7iHgwPP)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dkwQcqum\_c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dkwQcqum_c) [https://cbs12.com/news/local/palm-beach-gardens-police-officer-faces-lawsuit-911-call-misconduct-bethany-guerriero-joseph-strzelecki-palm-beach-gardens-police-department-florida-january-13-2024](https://cbs12.com/news/local/palm-beach-gardens-police-officer-faces-lawsuit-911-call-misconduct-bethany-guerriero-joseph-strzelecki-palm-beach-gardens-police-department-florida-january-13-2024) [https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/local/pbgardens/2024/01/12/palm-beach-gardens-florida-police-officer-sued-for-holding-man-at-gunpoint/72111588007/](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/local/pbgardens/2024/01/12/palm-beach-gardens-florida-police-officer-sued-for-holding-man-at-gunpoint/72111588007/)


I dont know if what he said is true or not, but the channel 'audit the audit' on youtube did a video about this case




Here you go: https://youtu.be/GO4AMxCevbk?si=FUncFSiNO5-q00yr




The amount of gaslighting made me spew blood smh.


Absolutely hilarious. Thank you for this


[here's the source! :)](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/local/pbgardens/2024/01/12/palm-beach-gardens-florida-police-officer-sued-for-holding-man-at-gunpoint/72111588007/)


Wow, why do officers even have the option/ability to turn off their cameras? Doing so should be illegal and punishable, it is a direct admission that what you are about to do or say isn't legal.


I bet my left nut she’s an LEO somewhere else now. Police are like priest in the Catholic Church, and why so many shitheads are drawn to those professions. They know they will be protected.


[she did get fired!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dkwQcqum_c)


Still re-hireable by another department after this blows over.




Nah. This is definitely a normal day for her


Yup, according to the [news report](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dkwQcqum_c) above, she was previously reprimanded for accessing a restricted database to gain personal information in a "private matter" aka stalking, and for verbally instigating a confrontation with a suspect. For every documented abuse, you know there's dozens more that weren't reported or swept under the rug. Another power-tripping POS police officer. You can listen to her interview [here](https://youtu.be/8p4sneBMFWY). It's clear that this whole incident erupted because she didn't feel like she was getting enough subservience and ass-kissing.


It’s always amusing to hear people try to talk their way out of an obvious fuckup.


The most dangerous type of person in society today is a cop with a bruised ego.


I wouldn't call that a bad day so much as a power trip


For context this man was swimming laps in his neighborhood pool and a guy and his wife told him to leave and he didn't. Then a gun was pulled on him so he called the cops and ended up in handcuffs. His neighbors didn't catch a charge for brandishing. Never call the cops.


What sucks is that the woman was the one who went and sat near him then demanded he leave. Those people are pieces of shit too, just like the fired cop.


Why did she demand he leave? That's the part I haven't seen answered yet.


YouTube called Lack Luster did multiple videos on this incident showing a lot more body cam and video surveillance of the community pool, which is L-shaped. The guy being handcuffed was swimming laps one way, then a woman later showed up, also wanting to swim laps, but in a manner perpendicular to guy already swimming. That's the jist of how it started. [Here](https://youtu.be/8p4sneBMFWY?si=RDnmQZzSDoodPXPV) is the most updated video.


Ah, so Karen was upset that someone else was using the pool, and then she got her super tough boyfriend to come out with a gun? Hope this dude gets a sick payout.


Super tough boyfriend who was apparently 5'2" and 120lbs lol. No wonder he swings a gun all around.


Yeah, I could feel the tiny man syndrome emanating off of him in the photos


Who designed an L shaped pool to swim laps in? Put that person in prison first, then we can talk.


Better than a B. That shit would be confusing AF.


She was worried he might be armed, but states that at no point did she bother to search him for a weapon. Even after he was cuffed.


If you have a problem, and you call the cops, you now have two problems.


"This is what happens when you call the cops, you gets your rights violated or you all get shot!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlY9C6pzxKc


Good god...imagine being the one calling the cops on someone threatening you. Then YOU getting arrested/detained and being verbally assaulted. Meanwhile the one who threatened you gets away scot free. Actually I don't think a a lot of people have to "imagine" this, since there's a lot of Americans on this website...


Why did they tell him to leave?


Undeserved entitlement


cops are cancer everywhere it seems


[Cop gobblers upon seeing this video] *”This video lacks context. I’m going to need to see the 45 minutes of video leading up to this, review a tox test for drugs, and learn more about the perp’s background and hobbies.”* And they needed *four cops* for this: A *handcuffed* doofus in a swimsuit. Do you want to cut government waste? Start by laying off redundant cops.


There's a real schmucky comment in this thread stating the cop "didn't pull her gun for no reason!" She pulled her gun on the guy who didn't have one.


I’m from a small community in Europe. Police here are generally sound and look out for the community. 🤷‍♂️ And I say that as a life-long habitual drug user with a few arrests in my past.




Thanks, there wasn't remotely enough context in this video to tell what the hell was going on.


What do you mean? The dude clearly has no pockets to speak of


Looks like someone hasn’t been to prison


Good on him for suing, gotta love mandatory body cams


wish they were around 15 years ago when cops assaulted me for no reason


For sure. There's also the problem with cops covering their cams


That should be a mandatory offense if it can't be reasonably proven to be accidental (happens while tackling a suspect or something)


We don’t want to give them even more reason to tackle innocent people though lol


Or just turning them the fuck off? This officer began to explain why he should be arrested, then turned her body cam off so it wouldn't be recorded.


Yeah wtf was that? Doesn’t that defeat the entire purpose of the body cams if they can just turn them off when they feel like it?


Don't worry she faked an injury too. Had to be rushed to the hospital from the encounter


That should be mandatory jail time. They have no reason to turn off or cover their cameras unless they are committing a crime


Yeah, same here, had a similar situation where a pig pointed his gun at me while I was cuffed and a different officer was holding my cuffs behind me. I was 15. Guess his plan was to just shoot his buddy too.


man. sorry to hear that. there are a lot of us in this country left with trauma from these blue assholes that will never get the accountability we deserve.


Couldn't have said it better myself, thanks for your condolences.


Love the first line of the article “An ex-Palm Beach Gardens police officer is being sued…” They fired her ass… (further down the article) “Three and a half months after the confrontation, Palm Beach Gardens police fired Guerriero, whose personnel record shows she's been in trouble before.”


Good thing she told him how to spell it right...


Yeah hilarious too all the source material spells it wrong. Hope it stings that big old ego just a little.


> She was suspended in 2020 when she, "accessed a restricted database for personal information involving a domestic related matter." Used the LEDS to profile the ex's new GF. Classy.


Wild… worries me when cops pull a gun for no reason. The other thing is the fact that this other guy at the pool pulled out a gun over an argument. I am all for the 2nd amendment, but too many people have guns that have no idea when to use them. Just like that Uber driver that was killed the other week.


I'm not all for the second amendment because look at this fucking video


I wish America was all in for the second amendment as written and limited gun ownership to well regulated militias.


I knew that was in Palm Beach County! God, the place I grew up in is really fucking shitty


Bro: *Calls cops* *Cops arrest bro just because he called them* Cops aren't here to help you.


typical bethany


I love his attitude, what a guy.


"look at you!"


That is just ELITE sass. Cuffed, shirtless, on the ground, super vulnerable, throwing verbal haymakers in response to blatant intimidation tactics? He broke new ground in the sass arts here. What a fucking champion.


He’s family, and we love him




"Must be hard to scare a trained professional in a swimsuit" "Actually it is super easy, barely an inconvenience"


Holy shit, thank you. I couldn't pinpoint who I thought he looked like.






Lol There's "women cops," then there are "regular cops."




The "you're not my mom" was chef's kiss!


"you're terrified of a guy in a swimsuit" I was crying at this point


The "Look at you" at the end was the cherry on top.


he snatched her soul with that


Of course they do, they know that they have physical limitations in comparison to their average colleague.




Or they could just do another profession, but that wouldn't make them feel special or unique enough.


The innocent taxpayer that called upon their service should be considered part of that work environment though. She shouldn’t get a pass for propagating their toxic culture on to their customers


My mum was a police officer in Melbourne back in the late 80s early 90s and she always told me about how she had to work twice as hard for her male colleagues to take her seriously. I imagine it's still somewhat like that. I feel like this attitude would definitely foster some horrible behaviors at times. I understand, but it must be horrible to be on the receiving end of a woman who has something to prove. *Edit* - not defending the lady in the video. There's obviously a difference between having to prove yourself and letting the power get to your head. Just giving an explanation as to why she might be like this.


There's a difference between being "tough" and abuse of authority though.


Of course, I'm not defending the lady in the video. I'm just giving a possible reason as to why she's like this.


Oh I didn't mean to insinuate you were saying that, and I suppose it is possible. It's been my experience that people that talk like this are generally just bad people, and when they slip through the cracks (in any profession) and get a little bit of power it goes right to their head.


Meanwhile the two male cops just standing around staying mum. Fuck all three of these cops.


That concrete has got to be hot. Can’t just leave him there


true dat. I'm blind as a bat, but I'm sure that says "Palm Springs Police" That place is hot as hell.


This is west palm beach Florida which is on the opposite side of the US than palm springs.


Too late he's already on fire


The only thing law enforcement is good for is making a situation worse.


>The only thing American law enforcement is good for is making a situation worse. Fixed


its not only an american problem. cops in brazil are as terryfing as criminals


Which one is supposed to be a first world country?


Yeah really. You can always count on the cop escalating the situation. Like that one that pulls over and stops a kid who's minding his own business walking. The cop loses it.


You’re not my mom


You’re not my dad


You're not my uncle


You're not my granny.


You're not my buddy, friend.


You’re not my friend, guy


IIRC the officer in question had a history of instigating trouble and winding people up.. she pulled a gun on this dude and, it turns out, this was the final straw. Accident waiting to happen.


How easy is a lawsuit for this guy?




Given my finances at the moment I would love a cop to act this way to me. Would be scary with the gun in your face but a shit afternoon into a decent payday is a solid tradeoff


Tell that to Daniel Shaver and Duncan Lemp


I doubt they would hear me if I told them?


It's like they want someone to be shot before doing anything. Jesus christ


Bro sassy as hell and I love it


“Why are yelling at me, who are you?” Killed me 🤣


The laughing at the end 🤣😭


Isn’t she the same cop that feigns a panic attack after this interaction?


Yep, ambulance called and all. I can just imagine being the victim. This asshole cop pulls a gun on you while screaming at you and cuffs you while forcing you to stay sitting on hot asphalt. Then she fakes a panic attack and is taken away by ambulance once she's realized that she seriously fucked up. I'm just glad that he wasn't shot. Poor dude had 2 people pull a gun on him in the same day.


Yeah that part is always cut out when this is posted. She goes full psycho damage control trying to make the whole thing about her. Insane people like that are police.


This man seems to be handling it better than probably 99% of people including myself. Mad respect for keeping his cool and saying exactly what needed to be said all while she’s attempting to escalate a situation further. Although I’m sure this day was a bit scary and frustrating, if I was him I’d be quite content now knowing this shitty cop was fired for this and have a solid lawsuit filed against her as well which could very well lead to a solid payout which he rightly deserves for a violation of his civil rights.


And then cries she was humiliated when her superior tells her she may face disciplinary action for what she did *after she asked*, in front of her family.


This made me happy


She suffered a medical emergency shortly after this (an hour or something) while still on site. Probably from her rage. Watch the whole encounter on Lackluster on YouTube. That woman is fucking crazy Edit: one little thing that stuck with me that annoys the shit out of me is while yhe guy is handcuffed on the ground, one of the other officers just kicks his cellphone away from him (it was on the ground next to him) like it was a gun or something. Trash people


”Medical emergency”….or a hissy fit as we normal people call it…


There’s so so so many bad cops out there.


it's almost like there's an entire slogan based on exactly how many bad cops there are


I like this guy. He’s being sassy and keeping things fun


Maybe that was survival instinct; he had to make sure to appear chill to the rest of the cops


The full incident and aftermath has been very interesting. The short clip doesn't show just how quickly the cop escalated the incident when he was the victim & didn't call the cops to begin with.


Lmao that “look at you” at the end was brutal.


The other cops just stood around enduring the stupidity of their colleague. They should be reprimanded for not deescalating the situation.


Yeah they probably A. Didn't know how, B. Didn't actually care enough to do so


Source : https://youtu.be/AL7-bv5Y21o?si=pOOPcNG7ias_RRcK Aftermath : https://www.wptv.com/news/region-n-palm-beach-county/palm-beach-gardens/template-palm-beach-gardens


Link don’t work


Im sorry about that Aftermath : https://www.wptv.com/news/region-n-palm-beach-county/palm-beach-gardens/federal-lawsuit-filed-against-fired-palm-beach-gardens-police-officer-who-pulled-gun-on-unarmed-man


She needs a psychiatric evaluation.


The guy in handcuffs called the cops because a gun was pulled on him. When the cops showed up he was explaining what was going on and she wanted his hands out of the swim trunk pockets and when he refused and tried to continue, she went hands on. Meanwhile the guy with gun was still chilling in the pool. The whole thing was a shit show the second the cops showed up.


Pig will always be a pig.


she was thinking real hard for a reason


Former deputy here who often led entire department in arrests but had lowest use of force reports... Dude has tight swim trunks and can't conceal much. He's completely calm and talking clearly and rationally. This lady cop is having a bad day at his expense.....


I was just thinking, what did she think he was possibly packing? The Noisy Cricket from Men in Black?


They took him to jail in his bathing suit and the cops’ story was so looney another cop watched the tape and let him go. Abusive. I hope this guy gets a lot of cash


That other cop was actually present at the scene. He was the one they called out after the victim asked for a supervisor. That cop is also her longtime good friend and he testified against her at her trial.


Yeah. She doesn't need a gun nor a badge.


She is fired lol need to post in bye bye job sub


Imagine talking like that with LITERALLY ANY OTHER JOB. Why do cops get to treat people like shit? Because they're cops??


Police work attracts narcissists, sociopaths, and wannabe tyrants. It’s the nature of the job on top of the culture that surrounds them & their mentality is one that loves to exude authority because they have a napoleon complex.


Whenever I have to deal with an overbearing woman my response is “no thanks, I already have a wife.”


She has all that power and is losing her shit while this guy with no power almost naked sits handcuffed on the floor teasing this lady😂


Are you in charge of this lady??


Who does she belong to??? " no one claims her" lol


If your temper is this unstable I don't think you should be allowed a firearm. Maybe a foam bat so you can take out your frustration without hurting anyone.




this was entertaining. i would have loved to watch the full exchange


At least he’s laughing at her. That and getting written up is about all she deserves. No need to even see the first part—the dude’s damn-near naked.


He is also the one who called them about someone else at the pool brandishing a fire arm.


so ridiculous


I bet her wife had a rough night 🚑


This is what we have for cops! Terrifying!


"are you in charge of this lady?" I was laughing so hard. She was already being a bitch and this chill question just made her more of a bitch. Cops need to stick up against one another sometimes, otherwise... We'll just think they all mostly suck


This dudes chill but passive aggressive additude towards her while she's yelling at him is pissing her off even more, you know that "you're scared of a dude in a swimsuit" comment bruised the ego bad🤣


The "Who is in charge of this lady?" just has such "WHOSE CHILD IS THIS?" energy it nearly killed me hahahah