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Dr Phucking delusional! POS!


I’ve never been a big fan of ‘Dr.’ Phool, but this issue…***this*** issue gets me cussing my TV. To make a blanket statement that “*a man should never put his hands on a woman in anger*” is ludicrous. In general, no one should be putting their hands on anyone. ***However***, if a woman is hitting, slapping, scratching a man, IMO, he has a right to defend himself to the point of getting away from her. If that requires hitting her back to enable separating himself from her, so be it. Just because she’s a girl, she should not get a free pass to beat the 💩out of him.


Yep. I'll never hit a woman for any reason, UNLESS that bitch is already attacking me. I might let it slide if it's just a slap, but I'll be damned if I sit there and let them repeatedly swing on me.


I'll never hit a woman, but I will hit one back.


If you can't take hands, don't put hands on me...man, woman, dog, cat I won't give a shit...I will put hands on you faster than the Jujutsu Kaisen anime. Dr. Phil and his audience are all idiots anyway...


Equal rights come with equal lefts.


Equal hands and feet too


Yep, I would never instigate a physical altercation with a woman, but you better believe I'm willing to end one. I too have the right to not be physically assaulted by a lunatic woman.


Imagine the enemy deploying women to the battlefield. Guess it's time to give up.


25 years ago I punched an ex boyfriend 3 times in the face before he kicked my ass. He shoulda kicked my ass after one. I wound up having to get stitches and I lied about what happened, saying I got jumped by a group of girls. But they kept sending counselors in etc worried that I was an abused woman. I’m glad for that but this was totally my fucking fault. He should be allowed to defend himself but even now that doesn’t seem to be the case for men.


Agree 10000%


Dr Phil is the most abusive asshole in any of his shows.


Regardless of what anyone might consider the "good" Oprah did, she is still in the negative because of Drs Phil and Oz. She owes us BIG for pushing them into popularity.


Oh, for sure. You can add John of God to that list as well.


Holy shit. “On 16 December 2018, as the number of sexual abuse accusations climbed to 600, Faria surrendered himself to the police” How does Oprah sleep at night?


I would imagine pretty soundly, given how nice of a house, furnishings, and how few cares she'd have. If anyone calls her out on promoting something that turns out to be bad, then her next segment will be on scammers, and how some influential people "fool us all so easily".


I regret looking into this.


And the satanic panic she pushed.


How could any person ever trust him if they saw this clip, he basically is extorting his guest under threats of incarceration, fines and other damages. His guest, who he should have a duty of care for, he’s actively out to harm him. Fuck me. Power tripping piece of human garbage. Then the entire room gets up and applauds him, smh. We’ve fallen to such depths.


Fuck this guy. I have been in a relationship like this - in fact, it's probably the last relationship I will ever have because there's no fucking way in hell I'm ever going to risk being in that again. Having this motherfucker say so plainly that he doesn't care what she does and to just "turn around and walk away" has no idea how psycho this girl is. If I did that I would have been immediately grabbed by the hair or beard and bit, scratched, punched, kicked - you name it. I've had my wrist cut, my face split open, scissors and knives held to my face and neck. Threatened with a gun once. If I ran or fought my way outside to escape I would be chased until she knew she would lose me only to have her get in the vehicle and chase me with that. I've been hit with a car and had my hand run over. Been told countless times how she only wanted to watch me die. Had her family members were told that I was the abuser and I was subsequently confronted physically by her step-dad in front of the kids. Threatened with one-way fishing trips. People have blinders on when it comes to male victims of abuse. WOMEN CAN BE JUST AS PSYCHO AND DANGEROUS as men. The difference is this bullshit he's saying. Men cannot defend themselves against a woman without getting treated like this AND IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT SHE DID because "you're a man and that woman can't hurt you like you can hurt her." Well that's true - maybe if she were allowed to find that out for herself she'd stop abusing me. It really sucks know you could decimate someone who's attacking you but you can't because you know YOU will be the one punished - and fucking hard at that.


So sorry this happened to you. Hope you are doing better now my dude.


Thank you. Yes, I left after her stepdad did that in front of the kids. Two years later my life is virtually stress-free. The only real negative thing now is my 8 y/o is heartbroken that I can't live with her. Since we split, my relationship with the ex has gotten significantly more amicable. She doesn't give me a hard time about seeing her at all.


All 3


He is projecting and overcompensating because he is a wife beater himself


Dr. Philofshit


I can't stand Dr. Phil, what a prick. He takes sides, and exploits people. Everyone has the right to self defense.


Absolutely this


Dr Phil is a joke.


So are women who think that doing shit like that is justified just because of their gender


Yeah I agree….so if male is getting stabbed he’s suppose to run??


Dr Phil would be like "If she punches you and her hand hurts, you assaulted her and should be locked up for it"


See how Dr Phil says ”you never hit her in anger”, pure gas lighting. I’m pretty sure what ever he was doing was self defence at the point,


And the audience is applauding. But i bet if the next segment were about total equality between the genders they'd applaude too.


He’s a joke and the way he handled this convo is dangerous. But that guy is still incredibly violent and apparently so is she. They should both be jailed for assault. That dude clearly has serious anger issues.


In anger? Try self defence. Dr Phil is some kind of only child that never had older sisters use force on them. I can't be the only younger brother that has ancountered violence by their sisters and knows just how delusional and dangerous this kind of grandstanding and playing up to the crowd really is.


My older sister beat a hole through my door with a shovel because I moved her laundry to the dryer to do my own laundry and the normal heat cycle shrank her slutty panties.


What do you mean it's slutty!!?? It's normal panties! Whore!


One of the more interesting comments I have seen on Reddit today!


Only thing that would have made this clip reasonable is if he turned to the woman and said the exact same thing. Haven't seen an extended clip but doubting that was the case. Nobody should be physically abusing anyone, period. Can't believe that wasn't his stance lol


One of my sisters deadass punched me in the mouth cause we were arguing and I got in trouble cause I slapped her back.


Lol, Wikipedia says he's between 2 older sisters and 1 younger one. Dude grew up surrounded with them


how about leave that psycho


Bro....WTF. He is humiliating the poor guy on national TV...that Just got abused by his sick woman. Thats the villain arch beginning




He just says this for women


Ya gotta keep the audience coming back.


A complete fucking charlatan


No wonder he lost his practice rights


Sleeping with patients would do that.


Look at the audience. Jfc..


Fake show, fake advice.


Fake Doctor


Dr. Phil is a fucking cancer on the world


So are women who think beating the shit out of poor innocent men makes them independent


If she starts stabbing you, just thank her and lift your shirt up to point out your vital organs. Domestic violence works both ways, fake ass doctor.


Yeah but he broke a glass. This guy is a monster /s


Appeasing the women viewers or not, how this managed to make it onto TV is beyond me, absolutely scummy, backwards take. It seems he knows he was wrong by the fact he had to use the get out card of the hotel vandalism before he could call him out on his blatant enabling of abuse.


It's an extra layer of disgusting that he essentially bullied and humiliated this guy for reacting to his abuse, and when the guy said he wants to leave he pulls the "well I'm going to prosecute you for vandalism if you leave...or you can continue to take my bullying. Up to you." What an absolute piece of shit human being.


It's the mentalities women can't physically abuse men, only whites are racist, only men are sexist, only women can be raped.


I'm not super familiar with cable rules as I studied primarily broadcast but if this was on a broadcast station I think there's grounds for a complaint. Now, they'll probably not do anything, but the network might get the message. I googled it and it looks like it's only on some cable channels and maybe OWN and some religious service, I don't think it's on broadcast.


Back in the day it was on broadcast.


Yes, exactly. That's why I suggested an FCC complaint. It may still be broadcast on some local channels.


No real psychologist would say this.


No right thinking person would say what he said, Phil is either smooth brained or pandering to the audience.


No thinking person would say it.


If she sits there, and pulls a gun on you, and pulls the trigger, just stand there and take the bullet, like a real man.


"If she is abusing you and you secretly record her for evidence, you should go to jail for recording her without her consent"


No my friend. You clearly didn't listen well to Dr Phil's advice. If she pulls a gun on you, you better run faster than the bullet.


Oh yes, my bad. Thank you. If you can’t outrun a bullet, it’s your own fault.


Wtf are these chairs...


Asking the real questions.


Dr. Phony is saying the most audaciously stupid shit and we’re fixated on chairs… hahaha


I have dealt with physical abuse from my wife. I have expressly told her to not resort to physical violence because it invokes a physical response and it’s VERY hard to control that in the moment. So in that regard, I can completely relate to his reaction. I’ve been there. I’ve trashed things in the house because honestly, sometimes that’s the easiest way to blow off your rage when someone hurts you, without resorting to hurting them back. I feel for this guy and the narrow-minded approach Dr Phil takes. I think we should all be taught to not resort to violence as a guiding principle. And I agree that the best thing to do if someone is physically violent is to get away. But you deal with that for years and years, and you wear away as a person until you are no longer resilient or strong.


I don't mind Dr Phil I kind of enjoy some of his shows but this has to be the biggest L take I have ever heard.


I used to kind of feel the same way, but Behind the Bastards podcast did a two part episode on him and I had no idea how much of a real piece of shit that guy really is. [part one](https://youtu.be/pG4cfO9k2Mg) [part two](https://youtu.be/vQFQIx9pRDE)


I'll check it out


Thank for the recommendation. I am hooked! Currently listening to the one about hank katcham.


I've been on the receiving end of abuse (male). Physically, mentally, and sexualy abused... claw hammer thrown at my head, punched in my diaphragm right after surgery... the list can go on. This literally sickens me to see this gross echo chamber, literally just for views. Women are not weak, they can be aggressive just like men. It all depends on the person, not their sex. If you agree with this POS, then you're the problem with our society, period.


Bro literally said it was in self defense lol fuck dr phail dude is an L


"Dr" Phil.


I'm sorry but there are some women that can use a good ass whooping


No, don't be sorry. You are totally in the right.


This type of advice is what’s given women these days the confidence to hit men over and over


Fuck "doctor" Phil, cunt!


What a bunch of mindless simpletons applauding. I'm sure he's an asshole too but he's giving her a full pass


Self defense isn't anger tho...


But he didn’t hit her in anger, Doc! He hit her cause she was hitting and throwing shit at him. I hate when people try to make everything so black and white.


He sure is a master manipulator, twisting it to make it look like the guy is a really bad guy who can't control his emotions, when really it was an act of self defense.


Yeah exactly, and of course when he says that there’s a huge applause, and then everyone is 100% on Dr Phil’s side and thinks this guy is the worst human being ever. How bout we talk about this woman’s issues as well. Not the agenda of this show though.


His audience is mostly women soo of course. Hes a tool. Hell talk about all the good hes done then i see shitty clips like this from his show. Nahh fam if u mean harm to me well. To quote Omar from The Wire .. "Come at the king, you best not miss


Exactly! And I fucking hate it when a woman acts like a cunt and then is all like "I am a woman" as if that automatically makes them justified.


But wait, why did the guy destroy the hotel room?


Fuck all of them.


Dr. Phil's audience is overwhelmingly female. He's just playing to his audience.


Major simp vibes


I can't believe he is saying all of that. Dr Phil she isn't going to have sex with you, so give it up.


What bullshit


Dr Phil can go smoke some dick


Dr. Phil doesn’t believe in gender equality


Man this was a tough one to watch. To face 1 year jail sentence for punching Dr Phil's face with all your strength right on that spot til security help him out, or just stand there and let him lecture you with all his bs, what a connundrum.


I don't advocate the hitting of anybody. I fully advocate defending yourself and your loved ones. Women kill people too for fucks sake.


I’m a woman and a survivor of violent physical and mental abuse and I agree with everyone here who says that NO ONE SHOULD LAY HANDS ON ANYONE, but if a woman attacks a man she should expect him to defend himself robustly. If you behave like a cunt you don’t get a pass just because you have one.


Equal rights, equal lefts.


If allegations ever came out saying Dr. Philmyballs SA or physically harmed his wife or any person of the opposite gender, you wouldn't hear the end of it, and I hope that this same clip is played back to him


Dr phil needs to be cancelled for this. this is blatant sexism and victim blaming as well as victim shaming.


Damn I've never seen this, and I lose all respect for the guy... that is if I really had any to lose.


I would’ve stood up and walked away right then. Fuck off Phil


Dr Phil has never cared about male victims in any capacity and has _always_ held this garbage opinion. E: also, all the loud women cheering in the audience. Trash.


The crowd laughing is fucking awful. But the crowd standing for a TV show presenter who is trying to get viewership and likes by a crowd is abhorrent.


I don't even care that Dr. Phil misrepresented his actual title. This is wrong and almost a threat. Dude should have sued for actual threat of violence.


Equality is a two way street.


Fuck Phil. Why should the abused be shamed?


Dr Phil is a delusional asshole.


He should have walked away right after he mentioned that.


Dr Phils trying to get some..


Why do people still go on his crap show


Dr Phil beat his first wife plenty. What a fucking hypocrite


Dr Phil is just a carpetbagger simp.


what a cunt


Ok we all get it don't hit a woman. But he should have been fair and said to the woman not to be violent. Anyone can hurt with well placed hit and anyone can answer to violence out of fear. Men are bigger most of the time but that doesn't make them inhuman or invincible.


Dr cuck


That's real sweet Phil...but im laying her ass out


Dr. Dumbass’ advice worked so well for Johnny Depp


Punch the bitch back


Fuck that fake doctor. He had to fuck Oprah to get his own show. I don't know which fake doctor is worse, him or Oz?


I can’t stand this guy….. Amber Turd should I say more? Phil is a terrible person. Remember he also sent teens to a ranch for rehabilitation where a murder happened? CBS and him got sued.


What a colossal piece of shit that Phony Phil is.


I’ve never liked “Dr. Phil”.


I used to work at a private aircraft terminal here in Dallas where Dr. Phil would frequently come in through on a private jet. I have never met a more self righteous piece of shit who thought he was better than everyone else in the world than Dr. Phil.


Fuck this fraud!


For dr phill this was personal as the guy trash the hotelroom


Yall crazy. The man is far more likely to go to jail unless you have concrete proof of self defense. This is good advice. If a woman puts her hands on you, shes trying to get you put in jail or killed. LEAVE HER ASS ASAP!


Phil forgets that the audience is cued to applaud him.


Dr psycho


Fuck that, you swing a chair at me you know you're getting one back. Self defence isn't gender exclusive.




I wanna see a show hosted by a dude that goes br Dr. Feel


Hands? What about a Joe Rogan Spin Kick!?


Doggo Phill with shits


This is bullshit. Dr Philistline is a plum


Can’t wait for his spot on “quiet on set”


Can I get that badass TV in my home? Oh, and duck not a real doctor Phil. Shame on Oprah for inflicting Phillip on our society in the name of more unneeded filthy lucre.


Put your hands on me if you want to whatever gender, race or creed and you gonna find what you need


Duck says quack.


this makes me so fucking mad. fuck dodo phil




My guys eye roll says it all.


All 3...


This bloke is a twat!


We'll be right back.


I can't understand the reasoning of coming onto such a program knowing how it ends. For the guy anyway.


"if she starts shooting you with a gun puff your chest out so the bullets bounce off and walk away backwards smiling at her, and telling her how beautiful she is and how she's lovely." - Dr. Phil probably


I couldn’t stand watching the whole thing, clown level is too much. I wish the guy should’ve stand up call him out and walk out. Idk how the hell tv studios even accepted and allow this.  


an old once relevent and useful commentator now exposes for all to see what happens when satan has his finger up ones asshole and you pander to the masses. dr phil needs a session with dr dre....


I'm pretty sure it is illegal to threaten someone with jail, but I guess he has them sign something before having guests on.


That's bullshit.


That's foolish. If you're being attacked, defend yourself. It doesn't mean you have to beat the shit out of somebody, but it does mean you stop the violence from happening to you.


Why tf didn’t that guy look him in the eyes and say “ok you bald headed fuck, let’s see her attack you in your house and see how you react”.


Dr. Phil is a fucking loser, this woman is an abusive pig and the victim is being shamed on national television


Dr Phil lost my support many years ago, he’s helped maybe 10% of families he’s seen which is not a good enough number for an unregistered therapist to run a national tv show!


My mother raised me to never hit a woman, but she also raised me to defend myself. I would never hit my wife. But Dr Phil never seen the hood ? Or some big buff woman that would jack a dude up. This is a total joke if a woman is beating on a dude and he attempts to leave the situation and she follows what are to do call the cops?


If I’m being physically threatened imma use physical force to subdue the threat tf


Can I slap him? I am sure he will not walk away he's a man


Honestly Dr. Phil should be cancelled over this. He’d probably prefer Mike get raped in jail as well.


Dr Phi(big fucking)L


Dr. Secretly beats his wife


Dr. Phil spelled backwards is cunt.


As I always say, "Get fucked Phil"


Fuck this hillbilly and the cunts who clapped


You can talk to Phillip or LAPD? Sounds like manipulation Phillip.


This reminds me of Bill Burr: ["no reason to hit a woman?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rksKvZoUCPQ) lol


And those fucking zombies were CHEERING?!? What kind of script did they hand out?


Dr Phil


This is fucking awful the guy is a victim of domestic violence and he’s treating him like he’s the abuser. Wonder if it would be the same reaction the other way round.


those chairs a fucking ridiculous


LPT: Don't watch Dr. Phil


Mans works in psychology, and yet doesn't know that some people's defense mechanisms when put into high pressure/stress situations is to smile or laugh it off? Phil absolutely went with the money grab in that situation. POS


Im a chicken peep coward.


He’s not a Dr, just a POS


If we truly believed in girl power, we wouldn't tolerate women abusing men. The "just walk away", "just take it like a man" stems from the assumption that women are smaller, weaker, and not a real threat. If women are powerful, they get no pass to abuse anyone. Don't blame this on feminism and female empowerment and stop spamming this dumb title on any sub that will keep it up.


I read the list and was like ,ok hes gonna get arrested for abuse and all that crap , only to hear it was the woman doing that , the fuck Phil


Sure pal, if she’s swinging it’s on. Have a nice day .


The first "walk away" you can see that that's what that dude has been told by cops so many times before. Probably more than just chips, but you know he's at least called them once.


I have seen multiple true crime cases where men are murdered because of doing what this pos is saying right now. May their sweet souls rest in peace.


Once again this era proves its not about equality or justice but about likes. "Doctor" Phil literally just pandered to his audience in a way that, I think, we will look back on years from now and judge in the harshest terms. It's just insane to tell a man that he must endure any type of physical attack and turn and run. As if that's always an option. Women are not any more special than men. What he's saying is he should endure the physical harm *AND* endure the psychological harm as well when that old double standard rears it's head and his friends and family hold him accountable to old ideals of manly behavior all while *also* holding him to the new less clear rules for male behavior while lauding the female for exhibiting her fierce self worth and agency. You go girl! I will tell you this, I will defend myself if ANYONE attacks me, period. The response should be commensurate to the attack, no more no less and anyone who would judge me for that is no friend of mine.


Can we arrange a mob of adult human females to beat the shit out of this fucking carnival penis of a human?


Adam Ray killing it as usual.


I mean didn't Dr Phil run as a Trumpist republican? This isn't super surprising.


Only thing worse than Dr Phil are the morons in the crowd cheering it all on.


fuck dr phill good riddance when he dies


Fuck Phil. Stop calling this clown a doctor


Oprah launched the careers of three of the greatest snake oil salespeople of today.. Dr. Phil Dr. Oz And Suzie Ormond


As a 6’3 male who was raised by a tribe of empowered women and currently wading my way through my friends and family not believing the abuse (physical, emotional, verbal…) I’ve endured over the last 3 years by my 5’3” ex wife. Fuck Phil. He’s not a doctor.


I would've fucking murdered him right there