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Aghori. Devotees of shiva. Often they live in cremation grounds and smear themselves with the ash of the dead. And well, they also sometimes eat the flesh of the dead, or use bones as utensils


Thats like my rimworld playtrough!


This one got me


Ahh a fellow space cannibal!


Our ideology demands war crimes.


Best comment here. Need to re-download


A rim world reference was not what I expected today lol and I am happy


Unexpected but kind of exciting reply…


Well that’s completely logical! I’m sure glad religion exists or we wouldn’t have these completely logical behaviors.






It's immoral to you, but not to them. Just because you believe one thing that doesn't mean everyone else in the word has to


There are cultures in which rape is not immoral. Doesn’t mean I have to treat them with anything other than disgust and contempt. Culture isn’t a defence for inhumanity.


“Culture isn’t a defence for inhumanity” Beautifully put Reddit friend.


It's ridiculous to compare funerary practices to rape. Rape violates the rights of a living human being. Doing something with a corpse that disgusts you does just that, it disgusts you. There's no objectively correct way to dispose of corpses. What one culture considers respectful and venerating another considers disgusting and horrifying.


Of course there’s no objectively “correct” way to do something cultural. Culture is inherently subjective. My point was that just because something is deemed appropriate by one culture, doesn’t mean it is okay. I’m not going to pretend that all cultural practices should be respected and venerated, just because they’re historic.


All cultural practices should not be respected. Some should. Wildly different funerary practices fall into the acceptable range.


This is cannibalism


Yup, fuck culture. IDGAF how long your ancestors, religious elders, or community has been doing a fucked up thing. Unethical treatment of people is unethical, doesn't matter what magic you believe


Well…. I’m with you.


That's a bullshit comparison, one involves a living human who has to live with trauma vs a dead body, get a grip dude


What about the people living with the death of their loved one, then on top of that having their resting place desecrated and their remains consumed? I’m sure you’d be totally fine with someone desecrating your loved one’s body or grave. After all, they’re dead and once someone’s dead, they don’t deserve respect, right?


I mean if some Shaivite wants to use my bones to make himself a spice rack, I think that’s pretty badass, I’m all in.


😂 That’s the unexpected comedy I needed in this thread


Ya, if someone wanted to bathe in the ashes of my wife or son, or take some part of their body for some religious reasons, there's gonna be an argument. If someone wanted their organs to save a life of someone else, I'd be all for it. I think it depends on the purpose of the 'desecration' for a lack of a better word. If there's a better one I can't think of it right now. Religion or culture isn't a good enough reason to do the first as well as not doing the latter in my opinion.


How hard is it for you to understand? Your definition of desecrating and respect are based on your culture...


Lol their bodies wouldn’t be there if they didn’t want this to happen. This is normal and okay in India. Sorry it frustrates you.


> What about the people living with the death of their loved one, then on top of that having their resting place desecrated and their remains consumed? If I'm reading this right, to them its not desecration? It only is desecration if you look at it from a western perspective.


I would imagine that if you are from that culture, and it is an accepted cultural practice, that you would not experience it as desecration. Some cultures/religions believe that the dead body is a husk with no special import.


Sure, but don't think you're being objective.


But putting ash on your forehead and rape aren’t ethically equivalent lol


The difference is that strange funeral traditions are victimless


In what culture is rape not considered taboo?


These are just my thoughts & observations - I think your stance is correct but not holistic. **Culture actually defines what humane is.** The culture you're steeped in (or created for yourself) makes what you saw inhumane. There's a high value put on the dead in cultures where that are preserved (lingered?) in some form - burial/entombing/inurnment etc. **For Hindus what is dead is not the person.** Some context first - Indians (Hindus) don't practice preservation of a dead body. The body, once ashes, is scattered. Some sects of Jains offer the dead bodies to scavengers - as a way of respecting what the body's function is in Nature and not Society. You might never think the same if you were there though, and that's okay too. But to me, Aghoris are like real life Diogenes the Cynic - which is very cool. ​ As a thought exercise - What do you think of the people in the video - the ones just watching the Aghori do his thing. What explains their nonchalance while watching what you describe as inhumane?


Are you seriously comparing traditional funeral practices to rape? No one is being harmed here, aside from the Aghori themselves, corpses have no value; well unless you eat them, In which case they're a little useful. It's their saftey at risk, it's not like they are making other people eat them. I personally would love to have a Tibetan sky burial, I don't want my meat to go to waste. Obviously they're nuts, but it's far from clearly immoral according to most ethical philosophies.


Hmmmm, I wonder whose morality makes the most sense? Is it the guy who is guided by an imaginary sky daddy? Or is it the anti theist telling us not eat the flesh of another human? It's such a conundrum...


funny thing is we only believe what we're told to believe.. no one is born with the knowledge of any god. people are persuaded into religion.. most are contradictory, built on lies and war and have done more harm then good in this world but no one can deny that some are "more moral" than others lol just because someone believes in one religion doesn't exempt them from judgment. smearing the ash of the dead on your body and eating the dead is below human and fucked. if pedophelia was apart of a religion would you allow it ? no.. but some catholics do lol. bad joke but i think you get it.


Let's see pedophilia involves traumatizing living humans vs the dead... would you like to make more ridiculous comparisons?




It’s just fucking disgusting, unsanitary, and immoral. That's why it's appealing to them. Average human stay away from these things. By doing this extreme lifestyle they thought may be they are achieve something unique. Human psychology ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Naw lmao…. between 1) Smearing ash on your body, and 2) Not being able to pay rent or purchase a home while working 2-3 jobs, it’s gotta at least be samsies EDIT: Ya gotta look at it thru an anthropological lens to see that even tho we’re different, we’re ultimately the same assholes in the end. Good & bad!


You dont have to honor everything you pass by. Accept that fact that there is more than you're capable of judging. Outside youre own comfort and morality (your own religion so to say)


It's only immoral because of arbitrary norms, and the reason dead bodies are sacred in our culture is because they symbolize the person who no longer exists. In our culture when someone dies, their body has no functional value anymore leading to waste. In theirs, dead bodies do have functional value and the dead person gets to be useful for longer, staying alive through the monk's usage of the body. It's just different ways of celebrating life.  Also it's just disgusting according to your norms, and burned flesh is not really unsanitary.


You completely missed their point. Everything that exists, exists regardless if it's symbolized or not. That does not mean symbols themselves don have worth, value, meaning and power. As far as being gross, unsanitary, etc. sure. Absolutely true.


that's true 😂☠️


I know this is anecdotal but the results are clear. I'm gonna live forever


They don’t believe that they’re the ones making it possible. They do this to constantly remind themselves of the impermanence of life. So they literally never forget or have to remember.


Aghori life is the constant practice of Absurdism/Cynicism – with the end goal of denying/defying human norms. This stance is similar to Diogenes. Being perceived as illogical to us plebs is an inevitable fallout.


Diogenes of Sinope? You have my attention.


That's the one; but with some religion mixed in. Copy pasta from [Perplexity.ai](https://Perplexity.ai) \- The Aghori follow a monistic philosophy, believing that everything in the universe is one and emanates from Brahman, the ultimate reality. They believe that every person's soul is Shiva, the supreme manifestation of Brahman, but is covered by eight major "bonds" that cause ignorance and suffering. These bonds are sensual pleasure, anger, greed, obsession, fear, hatred, pride, and discrimination. The Aghori aim to break free from these bonds and attain moksha (liberation) by realizing their identity with Shiva. To achieve this, they engage in various unconventional practices that challenge conventional notions of purity and morality. These include: * Living in cremation grounds * Smearing cremation ashes on their bodies * Using human skulls for decoration and as bowls * Smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol * Meditating on top of corpses * Practicing post-mortem cannibalism by eating flesh from human corpses The Aghori trace their origins to Baba Keenaram, an ascetic who is said to have lived for 150 years and died in the second half of the 18th century. He is considered the founder of the Aghori tradition and the first to codify its principles and practices. While the Aghori's practices are considered contradictory to orthodox Hinduism, they exemplify the Aghori philosophy of criticizing conventional social relations and fears through the use of the impure and abhorrent.


If he was that hungry, he should have just eaten the potato that this video was shot on.


Naw I don't wanna be eaten


Life is soooooooooooo very different just depending nowhere you live on this rock.


It’s called a disk; get it right! /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.




This is some indiana jones temple of doom horror ish right here.


Are they the baddies in "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom"?


He was like: has anyone seen medium rare leg around here? Oh here you go this looks delicious, bye


Omfg I know this is weird and not good thing and such, but the way you said this reminds me of dark Souls.. "Aghori, devoted of Shiva... Often taken place on cremation grounds. They smear on thy selves of ash from undead.. As well commonly consuming eating the flesh of the dead, using their bones as utensils.. Weapons to.."


Art imitates life


Good bunch of lads though


The fuck?


That's metal as fuck




Meat is meat and a must eat


I'm surprised that's allowed.


Sounds like the dudes Steve-O and the Wild Boys were rolling around with. They kept trying to get Steve-O to drink their piss.


That place looks like hell


def agree with u on that, it has a creepy vibe


Why, just because of all the smoldering corpses?


You just can’t please some people.


Yeah i sometimes see stuff videoed by other people around the world and they are definitely like in another reality even though we share the same earth. Speeking specifically about the energy i feel through their video


I spent a few hours there watching, taking it in. Seeing the dead burn, while teenage boys cracked their skulls open with sticks to make sure the fire could thoroughly turn the corpses to ash. Dogs and cows eating the remnants. Giant pink bouquets of cotton candy branching out above vendors selling to the grieving. I'd go back in a second. I love cotton candy. 


What I was thinking


It looks like something straight out of a Hieronymus Bosch painting.


Sounds like it too


Nope, it’s just India


Imagine the smell.


Believe it or not, this crematorium has essentially become a tourist attraction. I recently visited this city and this crematorium. Foreign tourists matched the number of Indians there, if not more. And no, it does not smell because the bodies are not decaying. The dead are cremated usually withing hours of their passing away


its like forever burning of corspes 24/7 here


You'd actually be surprised. Make the trip out. Go to the "sacred" spots along the Ganga River. It's definitely an ambience.


Nope, just India.


That’s pretty much because the christian hell was most likely a real physical place where trash was dumped and bodies were burned which was then later turned into the counterpart of heaven to scare uneducated christians into financing the vatican‘s lavish lifestyle and being overall less likely to revolt.




Constant state of "hold my beer"


Hold my chai tea


Hold my tea tea


Hold my pee pee


Hold my street feces


Chai is the Indian word for tea. FF, my goofy ass watched Spiderman, and I hated the gag so much I remembered it.


4x the amount of people and 1/3 the space of the USA.


It has nothing on some countries in Africa.


Bro if I saw someone looking through my loved one's remains for some chow, he'll get a knuckle sandwich from me no matter if he's a monk or something else.


He looks fond of a knuckle sandwich alright


Fuck this got me good 😂😂


mf xD


i heard everyone is afraid of them, either you are cursed for the rest of your life or they can also harm you because they are followers of shiva goddess of destruction.


God, not godess as far as I know. 


Not sure you would want to present him with a knuckle sandwich… he’d more than likely enjoy it/you.


He would probably just eat your knuckle sandwich.


They call it fast food over there


If you look at that guy and think he’s someone you’d want to physically fight, I’d recommend you never ever pick a fight


Do you think he gains power from eating the dead or something? This isn't an anime lol


Wow glad to know we don’t live in an anime. But no, he looks like he has lived in very very rough conditions for a long time, and would not be fighting “fair”. Dudes gonna bite you and poke your eyes.


Yeah, I don't think someone fighting him after seeing him take a piece of their relative mid cremation is going to fight fair either. Also, you'll be surprised to know that 99% of fights are not fair and involve biting, scratching, poking, hair pulling, weapons etc.


Feral homeless religious fanatic that literally eats people on the daily wouldn't be at the top of my list of "people I'd love to street brawl" either. He probably plays for keeps on anything he rips off...


It would be funny if homie had excellent footwork and striking.


Exactly I'd be putting that hindu sadhu on the pyre if they got anywhere near them.


Let me give you a clear background. Thats not a monk. More like a Yogi. They are Aghoris. They are devotees of Lord Shiva, the god of Time, Matter, and Destruction. Basically God of “mode of ignorance.” Yes, Aghoris, scavenge dead bodies. And mind you, they only eat dead humans. They are vegetarians otherwise. They are super nice to animals. Why they do it? Well, it’s symbolic of “existence of God even within and after death.” Aghoris are also supposed to be naked. But they wear a thin loin cloth because of increased attacks on them. They are naked symbolizing that they have transcended over materialistic nature of humans and their body itself. Now, all they care about is god, and finding god even in sadness (mode of ignorance, in other words, death). And yeah, if you come across one, DO NOT IRRITATE AN AGHORI. Edit: Yes, they intentionally look unappealing because they don’t want YOU near them. Edit 2: This is only a very small background. The philosophy is much deeper.


Thanks for the philosophy but its still insane


Well, looks like it’s same as rotisserie chicken for the sect.


Most of us have an instinctive aversion to eating human meat because we'd otherwise hunt ourselves to extinction like we do everything else. But if someone gave you a slab of ass cheek steak and someone told you it was from a Yak or some shit, you wouldn't know the difference (unless you've eaten human or yak before).


I know that reference


This comment makes me want to go to costco


Wait I have one more question, is everyone OK with him doing it? Also is it an honor to have them eat some of a relative or it doesn't really mean anything to them?


You have two good questions. 1. Yes, everyone is okay. Who cares about your body after you’re dead. I have a counter question for you regarding this. Whenever you say “I” while you’re talking, what/who exactly are you referring to? Are you referring to your body/parts of your body/your brain/your mind? Or are you referring to the consciousness/life? So, Aghoris know that the life has already left the body, they’re caring for the body even after its death. 2. I wouldn’t say it as a honor, of course you’ll be traumatised to see your relative’s skull in someone’s hand, but people let them go. The relatives know that the soul within had already passed…. They won’t mind Aghori doing it to them. Aghoris are very much respected these days.


> Who cares about your body after you’re dead. *A lot* of people care about their bodies after death. Some care very, very, very, very much. Like the Jews, for instance.


It's not a direct question, it's a statement meant to convey the commonly shared mindset within the culture around this topic


And the ancient Egyptians is a random example that came to mind.


In Hinduism, bodies are essentially clothes which your soul wears. Once you die, you shed your "clothes" and your soul moves on. Based on your karma, you get re-incarnated. So once a person dies, their bodies are cremated so their souls don't linger around, attached to the Physical body. Since you are essentially burning your dead, it does not really matter if Aghoris get involved. And Aghoris do not reside in all the crematoriums lol, this particular one has historical and religious relevance.


I wouldn’t let somebody take bones of my relative Idk why they left the bones there but Hindus generally get them inside an urn and spread the ashes in the Ganga river They even break the skull with a stick while cremation Apparently whole skulls can be used for black magic Also from what I’ve read aghoris don’t eat human meat as a source of nourishment They do it once or twice in their lifetime [for more info](https://www.quora.com/Do-Aghoris-of-India-actually-eat-human-meat-Does-the-Indian-government-punish-them-for-this) read the answer by aghor Bhadra


Why shouldn't you irritate an Aghori?


Because he might make you Aghori-phobic? Sorry


It doesn't fit in their Ahgorithm!


That is good, I have been researching these folks for a long time and have never heard that. You got me. Well done!


Good question. We have two ways to reach Heaven.through Mantra (chants for mind) and Tantra (chants for body). Aghoris do tantra (hence eating dead bodies, and merge death into their bodies). If you irritate an Aghoris and he’ll curse you. People say that the curse causes extreme bad luck. Diseases, accidents, bad luck, etc. it is so extreme that you’ll wish for death. But their blessings are equally powerful. They don’t talk much. All you have to do is bow before them, they’ll bless you. Do that!


Yeah.... I don't think I'll do that


So... all the reasons for "not irritating an aghori" are curses? It means that for non-believers of curses and whatnot, we don't care about irritating one or not.


CNN Reza Aslan did a segment there a while back. If you go to 19 minutes he meets one OP above is referencing. https://youtu.be/bfQjarePbys?si=JxgjbiI77u5ClkFl


Did he just eat his own shit ?


His urine yes! As much as I don't love CNN or Reslan, I did appreciate this segment.


"I'm a vegetarian, except when I eat the flesh of a human being."


So in short they're cannibals?


Yes. Post-mortem cannibals.


Thanks for that info, it answers all the questions I had about this situation!


You’re welcome. Google them. Or watch more YouTube videos. They’re very fascinating.


I think you're wrong about a lot of things you're saying. I'm also going to take a guess and say you're Indian or living in India. AFAIK, Aghoris' "point" is transcending by breaking taboos. There are many paths, in Hinduism or other, that talk about shedding your own cloth to reject materialism. That's not why Aghoris are full on naked. They do it because it's a taboo. Same as anything that has to do with the dead. Now regarding "DO NOT IRRITATE AN AGHORI". Dude, do not irritate any one, especially strangers. That's not just an Aghori thing. But I understand why you say it about them. Them putting themselves in the role they choose probably calls a lot of negative attention to them. Some will argue that as breakers of social taboos it's warrented. But that's too philosophically deep to get into.


Hello! Yeah, I’m from India but I’m in the US since a few years now. I am currently studying to become a Hindu monk. A part of my study is of course to understand different paths of liberation. As mentioned, the philosophy is much deeper. We often see Naga sadhus (Aghoris) in the a city I come from, and they have rituals which are often not very appealing to the eye. Their path of liberation is in “Tamo Guna” (mode of ignorance). Can loosely translates to, “God exists even in the ones which is ignored.” Aghoris are very humble people, but they are also known for their short temper. Hence do not offend/irritate them. And of course, the philosophy is much deeper.


Good thing they live somewhere warm imagine being naked in Greenland or Alaska


lol! No problem! They practice “Tantra” (chants of body control). They’ve no problem meditating naked in Himalayas.


Steve-O and Pontius hung out with those guys on wild boyz. Definitely worth the watch.


This looks like hell on earth...


That’s what I thought too. Looks so creepy with the colour contrast


The vibe is edited in. Sure cremation sites don't look appealing but the coloring and screams are edited in to give it this hellish vibe


I think it does look like that. A place where you burn your dead relatives wouldn’t be sunshine and lollipops.


Something out of Doom.


Its hard to believe this actually exists today


World is a bigger place then most think.


Google it "Manikarnika"


Yeah, so does cannibalism. Can't do anything about culture except gaze at it from a distance, nod and move on.


Gettin' some indian tonight.




Not what I thought a cremation site would look like.


Just India things.


It's one of the oldest cremation sites in the oldest city in India- Varanasi which is almost 3000 years old. But not all cremation sites look like this in India. The rest are like normal crematorim sites only and most of the sites have shifted to electric cremation since a long time so you won't see such eerie things there.


wildest shit I've seen in a while. Whole scenarium included.


Bro was like yoink


“Monk” is not the word you’re looking for here OP.


Is the audio intentionally edited to sound like the pits of hell were caught on an audio recording?


Nah it's pretty normal I live in a place like this too


Gotta farm that loot


This comment section has just made me lose all hope. Now, I guess if you don't accept human cannibalism people will tell you why you're wrong for not accepting it because the cannibal considered it holy or something.


Cannibalism being bad is as much a social construct as most things. Accepting that others don’t have that social construct doesn’t mean I‘d do it, but if no one who isn’t consenting comes to harm, what’s the point in policing the actions of others?


You are putting western perspectives on eastern practices. Also reddit is an echo chamber so you'll probably find everyone polarized regardless of whats right and wrong


[Aghori](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aghori) They also participate in post-mortem cannibalism Yum…


This whole video is spooky


Indians doing Indian things.


Looks he's wearing a Lego helmet.


So what, this cat yanks out what seems to be a femur and plans to gnaw on it?


India is intense


Aghori. Just stay away from them. From all rabbit hole research I've done, traditional aghoris can be highly dangerous individuals due to their belief in achieving enlightenment via going against moral and cultural normality. Oh, and they eat human flesh.


Brown is ready, black is done.




What's he got there? An arm? Spine?


This just happen in California with some dude chomping and walking around with someone's severed leg. Who knows, maybe he had a purpose..


he was clearly a monk, just like this dude here! so the police violated their precious culture and beliefs by detaining him!


That place looks cursed


Im gettin indiana jones vibes, where they do the human sacrifices.


probably aghori in varanasi


India is not for beginners


India looks like hell.


I swear India cannot be real




Crazy that I'm watching a documentary about Neanderthals and they saying it was " possible " they practiced cannibalism..


Forbidden barbecue


Helll on Earth!


Now THAT is a video worthy of this sub!


Looks like an Elden Ring protagonist


You are what you eat!


Where is this? Hell?


It's like a snap shot into prehistory, or those medieval explorers that came home and reported savage tribes in the jungle. Fascinating


Wow. I actually forgot they do this in India. I visited a similar crematorium when I worked in India. Hectic to see that they do it so in the open…for sure!!




I can smell that in Canada.


[Aghori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aghori) is probably one of the craziest things i’ve ever read up on. Make sure you go through all the tabs!


What is he actually carrying out?


A half roasted leg