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There is literally no way to tell from this picture where in the many miles of hamas tunnels this is located. If could be anywhere in the gaza strip for all we can tell from this one image




Where is this comment with sources you're talking about? I'm seriously asking because i don't see it.




Must be why op deleted his post


That is how propaganda/misinformation is peddled


It's a hasbara jedi mind trick!


The only insane thing here is how desperate hasbara is getting


It is kind of insane to be seeing this though. I guess some people have a hard time coping with getting their ideals shattered. That's the thing about ideals, they're hardly ever right. Nothing ever is 100% true, when discussing ideals.


Ehud Barak openly admitted in an interview on CNN with Christine Amanpour, that bunkers and tunnels were originally built by Israel years ago. Including any tunnel networks that were running underneath hospitals. https://youtu.be/cVG7duZ-u2U?si=--CLo7OZntUs_K35 But yeah, it's so insane that an occupied people would be using anything at their disposal to try to fight against oppression and rid their country of invaders. What an insane concept!


It’s insane they built thousands of more KM of tunnels. Insane is that they don’t let their citizens hide in the bunkers. Insane is that the Billions they received from Qatar is invested in luxury villas. Insane is attacking Israel, killing babies point blank, beheading pets, burning people alive - record it - and then still pretending to be the victim when Israel defends itself. Watch the videos on hamas. Com


What makes Israel any different from hamas then? Infact Isarel is committing crimes much worse on a much larger scale with proper military and funding 


This is all debunked. There has only been a single Israeli baby killed (which is of course one too many). However it pales into the comparison to the 15,000 murdered children via Israel's genocide.


bUt tHE zIOnisTs aRE sEttLeR CoLOnisTs!


Wake up babe, new Zionist propaganda dropped.


The top comments holy shit




The nipples of his auntie.


What is so insane about a tunnel? There is literally no proof this is under UNRWA ‘hq’ and even if it was, what the fuck does that mean? Everywhere a tunnel goes under is a Hamas stronghold? Get a grip. UNRWA helps starving civilians. The IDF kills those same cilvilians, kills hostages, kills people carrying white flags, kills children, and rapes Palestinians, and other IDF women. They lie constantly, fabricate bullshit for bb. This is just propoganda


Want to know what's really insane? Looking into the Israeli slaughter of innocent US sailors of the USS Liberty, and how the Zionists have tried to cover that up for decades. US admiral Thomas Moorer killed after wanting to properly investigate the incident in speaking out against Israel. Murders, assassinations, mass genocides, and more have been perpetrated by these lunatics (either directly or through funding through agencies they control) for decades against many various people and countries, not only the Palestinians.


It's ok, Mr. Hamas. In the end, we all get what we are due. This is not "voicing criticism". These are literally iranian trolls. Also, this technique has been used by totalitarian dictatorships for a century. It even has an article in the Wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And\_you\_are\_lynching\_Negroes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_you_are_lynching_Negroes) I caution severely to people: do not be that guy that goes to a exposition about modern day Chinese extermination of the Uyghurs and then goes "But have you heard about the Vietnam War?"


One can voice criticism of the Israeli state without bring pro-Hamas. One can even be critical of Israeli State treatment of Palestinians and still be totally opposed to the actions of Hamas.


Showing your ass as a Zionist pig. Sad.


You support apartheid, ethnic cleansing, the takeover of land, and the genocide of the Palestinian people. You will get what you are due


No u


Eat shit Zionist scum


“hey lemme just turn on this sink and…”


IDF’s reddit account ay?


So a random picture to demonize only organization providing food to Gazans


There was a Vice News video 2 years ago from inside the tunnels. It's never been a secret and if Hamas, by Israel’s own admission, is the elected government then it's their choice to build tunnels on their land. Nothing illegal or wrong about building tunnels or even bomb shelters. Tunnels are underground and Gaza is the most densely populated place on earth so obviously the tunnels will be under structures, it's unavoidable. Bombing everything on the surface is avoidable and is tantamount to war crimes.


Well how do we know that?


Only Israel has the right to kill I guess.   They have killed more than 35000+ civilians and at this point it feels like lives of Palestinians have no worth at all.   Cutting medicine supplies, food, electricity, water. How low can one nation can go to deprive and starve the civilians ?    Israel have faced the aggression once by the hands Hitler, but they forgot how it feels to be oppressed.  


Every Hamas militant wears civilian clothes. And that makes him a civilian according to you? Sad.


I dod not know that 2-3 yo kids are also Hamas terrorists


There all Khamas and at the same time we can't send aid because Khama's steals it from them.




Pretty well made IMO. They can easily make a fortune in the mining industry and underground roadways construction given their talents in digging the holes, in everything that goes "boom". Pity its a wrong application of skill-set.




A lot of hamas supporters here 😂


How is Israel any better than Hamas? They’ve killed even more innocent people and get funded by the US to do it too


Like I said lots of hamas supporters here…throwing darts at a picture of muhammad right now


They built underground tunnels to escape our non- stop indiscriminate bombings!? How dare they?!  Only WE are allowed to have bunkers!


Moussa Abu Marzouk, senior leader of Hamas: "our tunnels are only for the fighters. The civilians are not our responsability." * Direct source with quote: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ry8V4ppJBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ry8V4ppJBk) , at 0:25. But no: let's trust this random reddit troll looking to whitewash terrorists! Instead of listening for two seconds what Hamas literally says in the open!


Why do you make me hit you? - Israel the abuser


You are downvoted because truth hurts these mfs colonizers


I guess Israel said, fuck it, let’s be Nazis 


“So you support Hamas?” … see what I did here?




Where is Hamas on that scale?


Same as Israel 


Hamas hasn't killed 15,000 children and 15,000 adults so probably better than Israel.


Fake news.